unit fOptionsSubscribe; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ORFn, fBase508Form, VA508AccessibilityManager; type TfrmOptionsSubscribe = class(TfrmBase508Form) pnlBottom: TPanel; btnOK: TButton; btnCancel: TButton; bvlBottom: TBevel; private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var frmOptionsSubscribe: TfrmOptionsSubscribe; procedure DialogOptionsSubscribe(fontsize: integer; var actiontype: Integer); implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure DialogOptionsSubscribe(fontsize: integer; var actiontype: Integer); // create the form and make it modal, return an action var frmOptionsSubscribe: TfrmOptionsSubscribe; begin frmOptionsSubscribe := TfrmOptionsSubscribe.Create(Application); actiontype := 0; try with frmOptionsSubscribe do begin Font.Size := MainFontSize; ShowModal; actiontype := btnOK.Tag; end; finally frmOptionsSubscribe.Release; end; end; end.