[456] | 1 | inherited frmOCSession: TfrmOCSession
[829] | 2 | Left = 366
| 3 | Top = 222
[456] | 4 | BorderIcons = []
| 5 | Caption = 'Order Checks'
[829] | 6 | ClientWidth = 494
[456] | 7 | Position = poScreenCenter
| 8 | ShowHint = True
| 9 | OnClose = FormClose
| 10 | OnShow = FormShow
[829] | 11 | ExplicitWidth = 502
| 12 | ExplicitHeight = 240
[456] | 13 | PixelsPerInch = 96
| 14 | TextHeight = 13
[829] | 15 | object lstChecks: TCaptionListBox [0]
[456] | 16 | Left = 0
| 17 | Top = 0
[829] | 18 | Width = 494
| 19 | Height = 162
[456] | 20 | Style = lbOwnerDrawVariable
| 21 | Align = alClient
| 22 | ItemHeight = 13
| 23 | MultiSelect = True
| 24 | ParentShowHint = False
| 25 | ShowHint = True
| 26 | TabOrder = 1
| 27 | OnDrawItem = lstChecksDrawItem
| 28 | OnMeasureItem = lstChecksMeasureItem
| 29 | HintOnItem = True
| 30 | end
[829] | 31 | object pnlBottom: TPanel [1]
[456] | 32 | Left = 0
[829] | 33 | Top = 162
| 34 | Width = 494
[456] | 35 | Height = 111
| 36 | Align = alBottom
| 37 | BevelOuter = bvNone
| 38 | TabOrder = 0
| 39 | DesignSize = (
[829] | 40 | 494
[456] | 41 | 111)
| 42 | object lblJustify: TLabel
[829] | 43 | Left = 9
[456] | 44 | Top = 34
| 45 | Width = 248
| 46 | Height = 13
| 47 | Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
| 48 | Caption = 'Enter justification for overriding critical order checks -'
| 49 | end
| 50 | object txtJustify: TCaptionEdit
| 51 | Left = 8
| 52 | Top = 50
[829] | 53 | Width = 478
[456] | 54 | Height = 21
| 55 | Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
| 56 | MaxLength = 80
| 57 | TabOrder = 0
| 58 | OnKeyDown = txtJustifyKeyDown
| 59 | Caption = 'Enter justification for overriding critical order checks -'
| 60 | end
| 61 | object cmdCancelOrder: TButton
| 62 | Left = 356
| 63 | Top = 5
[829] | 64 | Width = 131
[456] | 65 | Height = 21
| 66 | Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
| 67 | Caption = 'Cancel Selected Order(s)'
[829] | 68 | TabOrder = 3
[456] | 69 | OnClick = cmdCancelOrderClick
| 70 | end
| 71 | object cmdContinue: TButton
[829] | 72 | Left = 157
[456] | 73 | Top = 82
[829] | 74 | Width = 70
[456] | 75 | Height = 21
| 76 | Caption = 'Continue'
[829] | 77 | TabOrder = 4
[456] | 78 | OnClick = cmdContinueClick
| 79 | end
[829] | 80 | object btnReturn: TButton
| 81 | Left = 241
| 82 | Top = 82
| 83 | Width = 97
| 84 | Height = 21
| 85 | Cancel = True
| 86 | Caption = 'Return to Orders'
| 87 | TabOrder = 5
| 88 | OnClick = btnReturnClick
| 89 | end
| 90 | object memNote: TMemo
| 91 | Left = 8
| 92 | Top = 4
| 93 | Width = 329
| 94 | Height = 29
| 95 | BorderStyle = bsNone
| 96 | Color = clBtnFace
| 97 | Lines.Strings = (
| 98 | 'NOTE: The override justification is for tracking purposes and '
| 99 | 'does not change or place new order(s).')
| 100 | ReadOnly = True
| 101 | TabOrder = 1
| 102 | OnEnter = memNoteEnter
| 103 | end
[456] | 104 | end
[829] | 105 | inherited amgrMain: TVA508AccessibilityManager
| 106 | Data = (
| 107 | (
| 108 | 'Component = lstChecks'
| 109 | 'Status = stsDefault')
| 110 | (
| 111 | 'Component = pnlBottom'
| 112 | 'Status = stsDefault')
| 113 | (
| 114 | 'Component = txtJustify'
| 115 | 'Status = stsDefault')
| 116 | (
| 117 | 'Component = cmdCancelOrder'
| 118 | 'Status = stsDefault')
| 119 | (
| 120 | 'Component = cmdContinue'
| 121 | 'Status = stsDefault')
| 122 | (
| 123 | 'Component = btnReturn'
| 124 | 'Status = stsDefault')
| 125 | (
| 126 | 'Component = memNote'
| 127 | 'Status = stsDefault')
| 128 | (
| 129 | 'Component = frmOCSession'
| 130 | 'Status = stsDefault'))
| 131 | end
[456] | 132 | end