source: cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Orders/fODMedIV.pas@ 1716

Last change on this file since 1716 was 1679, checked in by healthsevak, 9 years ago

Updating the working copy to CPRS version 28

File size: 83.6 KB
[456]1unit fODMedIV;
6 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
[829]7 fODBase, Grids, StdCtrls, ORCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons, Menus, IdGlobal, strUtils,
8 VA508AccessibilityManager, VAUtils, fIVRoutes;
11 TfrmODMedIV = class(TfrmODBase)
12 lblInfusionRate: TLabel;
13 txtRate: TCaptionEdit;
14 lblComponent: TLabel;
15 lblAmount: TLabel;
16 grdSelected: TCaptionStringGrid;
17 cmdRemove: TButton;
18 lblComments: TLabel;
19 memComments: TCaptionMemo;
20 txtSelected: TCaptionEdit;
21 cboSelected: TCaptionComboBox;
22 pnlXDuration: TPanel;
23 txtXDuration: TCaptionEdit;
24 lblLimit: TLabel;
25 pnlCombo: TPanel;
26 cboAdditive: TORComboBox;
27 tabFluid: TTabControl;
28 cboSolution: TORComboBox;
29 lblPriority: TLabel;
30 cboPriority: TORComboBox;
[829]31 Label1: TLabel;
32 cboRoute: TORComboBox;
33 cboSchedule: TORComboBox;
34 lblRoute: TLabel;
35 lblSchedule: TLabel;
36 cboType: TComboBox;
37 lblType: TLabel;
38 chkPRN: TCheckBox;
39 txtNSS: TLabel;
40 chkDoseNow: TCheckBox;
41 cboInfusionTime: TComboBox;
42 cboDuration: TComboBox;
43 lblAdminTime: TVA508StaticText;
44 lblFirstDose: TVA508StaticText;
45 txtAllIVRoutes: TLabel;
46 lblTypeHelp: TLabel;
[1679]47 cboAddFreq: TCaptionComboBox;
48 lblAddFreq: TLabel;
49 lblPrevAddFreq: TLabel;
50 lbl508Required: TVA508StaticText;
51 VA508CompOrderSig: TVA508ComponentAccessibility;
52 VA508CompRoute: TVA508ComponentAccessibility;
53 VA508CompType: TVA508ComponentAccessibility;
54 VA508CompSchedule: TVA508ComponentAccessibility;
55 VA508CompGrdSelected: TVA508ComponentAccessibility;
[456]56 procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
57 procedure tabFluidChange(Sender: TObject);
[829]58 procedure cboAdditiveNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string; Direction,
[456]59 InsertAt: Integer);
60 procedure cboSolutionNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string; Direction,
61 InsertAt: Integer);
62 procedure cboAdditiveMouseClick(Sender: TObject);
63 procedure cboAdditiveExit(Sender: TObject);
64 procedure cboSolutionMouseClick(Sender: TObject);
65 procedure cboSolutionExit(Sender: TObject);
66 procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
67 procedure cmdRemoveClick(Sender: TObject);
68 procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
69 procedure txtSelectedExit(Sender: TObject);
70 procedure ControlChange(Sender: TObject);
71 procedure txtSelectedChange(Sender: TObject);
72 procedure grdSelectedDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect;
73 State: TGridDrawState);
74 procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
75 Shift: TShiftState);
76 procedure grdSelectedKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
77 procedure grdSelectedMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
78 Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
79 procedure txtXDurationChange(Sender: TObject);
80 procedure pnlXDurationEnter(Sender: TObject);
81 procedure txtXDurationExit(Sender: TObject);
[829]82 procedure cboScheduleChange(Sender: TObject);
83 procedure cboTypeChange(Sender: TObject);
84 procedure cboRouteChange(Sender: TObject);
85 procedure txtRateChange(Sender: TObject);
86 procedure cboPriorityChange(Sender: TObject);
87 procedure cboPriorityExit(Sender: TObject);
88 procedure cboRouteExit(Sender: TObject);
89 procedure txtNSSClick(Sender: TObject);
90 procedure cboScheduleClick(Sender: TObject);
91 procedure chkPRNClick(Sender: TObject);
92 procedure chkDoseNowClick(Sender: TObject);
93 procedure loadExpectFirstDose;
94 procedure SetSchedule(const x: string);
95 procedure cboScheduleExit(Sender: TObject);
96 procedure cboInfusionTimeChange(Sender: TObject);
97 procedure cboDurationChange(Sender: TObject);
98 procedure cboDurationEnter(Sender: TObject);
99 procedure cboInfusionTimeEnter(Sender: TObject);
100 procedure txtAllIVRoutesClick(Sender: TObject);
101 procedure cboRouteClick(Sender: TObject);
102 procedure lblTypeHelpClick(Sender: TObject);
[1679]103 procedure cboSelectedCloseUp(Sender: TObject);
104 procedure cboRouteKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
105 procedure cboScheduleKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
106 Shift: TShiftState);
107 procedure cboPriorityKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
108 Shift: TShiftState);
109 procedure cboAddFreqKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
110 Shift: TShiftState);
111 procedure cboAddFreqCloseUp(Sender: TObject);
112 procedure FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
113 procedure txtSelectedKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
114 Shift: TShiftState);
115 procedure cboSelectedKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
116 Shift: TShiftState);
117 procedure cboTypeKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
118 Shift: TShiftState);
119 procedure cboRouteKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
120 Shift: TShiftState);
121 procedure cboScheduleKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
122 Shift: TShiftState);
123 procedure VA508CompOrderSigStateQuery(Sender: TObject; var Text: string);
124 procedure VA508CompRouteInstructionsQuery(Sender: TObject;
125 var Text: string);
126 procedure VA508CompTypeInstructionsQuery(Sender: TObject; var Text: string);
127 procedure VA508CompScheduleInstructionsQuery(Sender: TObject;
128 var Text: string);
129 procedure VA508CompGrdSelectedCaptionQuery(Sender: TObject;
130 var Text: string);
[456]131 private
132 FInpatient: Boolean;
[829]133 FNSSAdminTime: string;
134 FNSSScheduleType: string;
135 OSolIEN: integer;
136 OAddIEN: integer;
137 OSchedule: string;
138 oAdmin: string;
139 OrderIEN: string;
140 FAdminTimeText: string;
141 JAWSON: boolean;
142 FOriginalDurationType: integer;
143 FOriginalInfusionType: integer;
[1679]144 FIVTypeDefined: boolean;
145 //FInitialOrderID: boolean;
[456]146 procedure SetValuesFromResponses;
147 procedure DoSetFontSize( FontSize: integer);
148 procedure ClickOnGridCell;
149 procedure SetLimitationControl(aValue: string);
[829]150 function CreateOtherSchedule: string;
151 function CreateOtherRoute: string;
152 procedure UpdateRoute;
153 procedure DisplayDoseNow(Status: boolean);
154 procedure UpdateDuration(SchType: string);
155 procedure ClearAllFields;
[1679]156 function UpdateAddFreq(OI: integer): string;
157 function IsAltCtrl_L_Pressed(Shift : TShiftState; Key : Word) : Boolean;
158 procedure SetCtrlAlt_L_LabelAccessText(var Text: string; theLabel : TLabel);
[456]159 public
[1679]160 OrdAction: integer;
[456]161 procedure InitDialog; override;
162 procedure SetupDialog(OrderAction: Integer; const ID: string); override;
163 procedure Validate(var AnErrMsg: string); override;
164 procedure SetFontSize( FontSize: integer); override;
[829]165 function ValidateInfusionRate(Rate: string): string;
166 function IVTypeHelpText: string;
167 property NSSAdminTime: string read FNSSAdminTime write FNSSAdminTime;
168 property NSSScheduleType: string read FNSSScheduleType write FNSSScheduleType;
[456]169 end;
172 frmODMedIV: TfrmODMedIV;
176{$R *.DFM}
[829]178uses ORFn, uConst, rODMeds, rODBase, fFrame, uCore, fOtherSchedule, rCore;
181 TX_NO_DEA = 'Provider must have a DEA# or VA# to order this medication';
182 TC_NO_DEA = 'DEA# Required';
185 TIVComponent = class
186 private
187 IEN: Integer;
188 Name: string;
189 Fluid: Char;
190 Amount: Integer;
191 Units: string;
192 Volumes: string;
[1679]193 AddFreq: string;
[456]194 end;
197 TC_RESTRICT = 'Ordering Restrictions';
198 TX_NO_BASE = 'A solution must be selected.';
199 TX_NO_AMOUNT = 'A valid strength or volume must be entered for ';
200 TX_NO_UNITS = 'Units must be entered for ';
201 TX_NO_RATE = 'An infusion rate must be entered.';
[829]202 //TX_BAD_RATE = 'The infusion rate must be: # ml/hr or text@labels per day';
203 TX_BAD_RATE = 'Infusion rate can only be up to 4 digits long or' + CRLF + 'Infusion rate must be # ml/hr or text@labels per day';
204 TX_NO_INFUSION_TIME = 'An Infusion length must be entered or the Unit of Time for the Infuse Over Time field needs to be cleared out.';
205 TX_NO_SCHEDULE = 'A schedule is required for an intermittent order.';
206 TX_BAD_SCHEDULE = 'Unable to resolve non-standard schedule.';
207 TX_NO_INFUSION_UNIT = 'Invalid Unit of Time, select either "Minutes" or "Hours" for the Infusion Length';
208 TX_BAD_ROUTE = 'Route cannot be free-text';
209 TX_LEADING_NUMERIC = 'this additive must start with a leading numeric value';
[1679]210 TX_BAD_BAG = 'A valid additive frequency must be entered for ';
211 Tx_BAG_NO_COMMENTS ='"See Comments" entered for additive ';
212 TX_BAG_NO_COMMENTS1 = ' no comments defined for this order.';
215 { TIVComponent methods }
217procedure TIVComponent.Clear;
219 IEN := 0;
220 Name := '';
221 Fluid := #0;
222 Amount := 0;
223 Units := '';
224 Volumes := '';
228{ Form methods }
230procedure TfrmODMedIV.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
232 Restriction: string;
234 frmFrame.pnlVisit.Enabled := false;
[829]235 //AutoSizeDisabled := true;
[456]236 inherited;
237 AllowQuickOrder := True;
238 CheckAuthForMeds(Restriction);
239 if Length(Restriction) > 0 then
240 begin
241 InfoBox(Restriction, TC_RESTRICT, MB_OK);
242 Close;
243 Exit;
244 end;
[1679]245 OrdAction := -1;
[456]246 DoSetFontSize(MainFontSize);
247 FillerID := 'PSIV'; // does 'on Display' order check **KCM**
248 StatusText('Loading Dialog Definition');
249 Responses.Dialog := 'PSJI OR PAT FLUID OE'; // loads formatting info
250 StatusText('Loading Default Values');
251 CtrlInits.LoadDefaults(ODForIVFluids); // ODForIVFluids returns TStrings with defaults
252 InitDialog;
255procedure TfrmODMedIV.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
257 i: Integer;
259 with grdSelected do for i := 0 to RowCount - 1 do TIVComponent(Objects[0, i]).Free;
260 inherited;
261 frmFrame.pnlVisit.Enabled := True;
264procedure TfrmODMedIV.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
266bottom: integer;
[1679]267isNewOrder: boolean;
269 inherited;
[1679]270 if OrdAction in [ORDER_COPY, ORDER_EDIT] then isNewOrder := false
271 else isNewOrder := True;
[456]272 with grdSelected do
273 begin
274 ColWidths[1] := Canvas.TextWidth(' 10000 ') + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
275 ColWidths[2] := Canvas.TextWidth('meq.') + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
277 ColWidths[3] := Canvas.TextWidth(lblAddFreq.Caption + ' ') + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
278 if IsNewOrder = false then
279 begin
280 ColWidths[4] := Canvas.TextWidth(lblPrevAddFreq.Caption) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
281 ColWidths[0] := ClientWidth - ColWidths[1] - ColWidths[2] - ColWidths[3] - ColWidths[4] - 5;
282 end
283 else
284 begin
285 ColWidths[4] := 0;
286 ColWidths[0] := ClientWidth - ColWidths[1] - ColWidths[2] - ColWidths[3] - ColWidths[4] - 25;
287 end;
[456]288 end;
289 lblAmount.Left := grdSelected.Left + grdSelected.ColWidths[0];
[1679]290 lblAddFreq.Left := grdSelected.Left + grdSelected.ColWidths[0] + grdSelected.ColWidths[1] + grdSelected.ColWidths[2];
291 if isNewOrder = false then
292 begin
293 lblPrevAddFreq.Visible := True;
294 lblPrevAddFreq.Left := grdSelected.Left + grdSelected.ColWidths[0] + grdSelected.ColWidths[1] + grdSelected.ColWidths[2] + grdSelected.ColWidths[3];
295 end
296 else lblPrevAddFreq.Visible := False;
[829]297 self.cboType.SelLength := 0;
298 self.cboInfusionTime.SelLength := 0;
299 self.cboDuration.SelLength := 0;
300 bottom := self.cboPriority.Top + self.cboPriority.Height;
301 if self.chkDoseNow.Top < bottom then self.chkDoseNow.Top := bottom + 5;
302 self.txtRate.Height := self.cboInfusionTime.Height;
303 self.txtXDuration.Height := self.cboDuration.Height;
304 self.lblAdminTime.Height := TextHeightByFont(self.lblAdminTime.Font.Handle, 'A');
305 self.lblFirstDose.Height := TextHeightByFont(self.lblFirstDose.Font.Handle, 'A');
306 self.lblAdminTime.Width := TextWidthByFont(self.lblAdminTime.Font.Handle, self.lblAdminTime.Caption + ' ');
307 self.lblFirstDose.Width := TextWidthByFont(self.lblFirstDose.Font.Handle, self.lblFirstDose.Caption + ' ');
308 self.lblAdminTime.Top := self.chkDoseNow.Top + self.chkDoseNow.Height + 2;
309 self.lblFirstDose.Top := self.lblAdminTime.Top + self.lblAdminTime.Height + 2;
[1679]310 self.lbl508Required.Top := self.lblFirstDose.Top + self.lblFirstDose.Height + 5;
311 if self.Label1.Top < (self.lbl508Required.Top + self.lbl508Required.Height) then
[829]312 begin
[1679]313 self.Label1.Top := self.lbl508Required.Top + self.lbl508Required.Height + 5;
[829]314 self.memOrder.Top := self.Label1.Top + self.Label1.Height;
315 end;
318{ TfrmODBase overrides }
320procedure TfrmODMedIV.InitDialog;
322 NOSELECTION: TGridRect = (Left: -1; Top: -1; Right: -1; Bottom: -1);
324 i: Integer;
326 inherited;
327 //grdSelected.Selection := NOSELECTION;
[829]328 //FRouteConflict := False;
329 //lblTypeHelp.Hint := IVTypeHelpText;
[1679]330 ClearAllFields;
331 //FIVTypeDefined := false;
[829]332 lblType.Hint := IVTypeHelpText;
333 cboType.Hint := IVTYpeHelpText;
[456]334 with grdSelected do for i := 0 to RowCount - 1 do
335 begin
336 TIVComponent(Objects[0, i]).Free;
337 Rows[i].Clear;
338 end;
339 grdSelected.RowCount := 1;
340 //txtRate.Text := ' ml/hr'; {*kcm*}
341 with CtrlInits do
342 begin
343 SetControl(cboSolution, 'ShortList');
344 cboSolution.InsertSeparator;
345 SetControl(cboPriority, 'Priorities');
[829]346 cboType.Items.Add('Continuous');
347 cboType.Items.Add('Intermittent');
348 cboType.ItemIndex := -1;
349 cboType.SelLength := 0;
350 //SetControl(cboRoute, 'Route');
351 if (cboRoute.ItemIndex = -1) and (cboRoute.Text <> '') then cboRoute.Text := '';
352 //SetControl(cboSchedule, 'Schedules');
353 LoadSchedules(cboSchedule.Items, patient.Inpatient);
354 //if (Patient.Inpatient) and (cboSchedule.Items.IndexOfName('Other')<0) then
355 if cboSchedule.Items.IndexOf('Other') = -1 then cboSchedule.Items.Add('OTHER');
356 cboSchedule.Enabled := False;
357 lblschedule.Enabled := False;
358 if cboInfusionTime.Items.Count = 0 then
359 begin
360 cboInfusionTime.Items.add('Minutes');
361 cboInfusionTime.Items.Add('Hours');
362 end;
363 cboInfusionTime.Enabled := false;
364 updateDuration('');
365 if cboDuration.Items.Count = 0 then
366 begin
367 cboDuration.Items.Add('L');
368 cboDuration.Items.Add('ml');
369 cboDuration.Items.Add('days');
370 cboDuration.Items.Add('hours');
371 end;
372 cboDuration.ItemIndex := -1;
373 cboDuration.Text := '';
374 if self.txtXDuration.Text <> '' then self.txtXDuration.Text := '';
375 txtNSS.Visible := false;
376 if (chkDoseNow.Visible = true) and (chkDoseNow.Checked = true) then chkDoseNow.Checked := false;
377 chkDoseNow.Visible := false;
378 chkPRN.Enabled := false;
380 if cboAddFreq.Items.Count = 0 then
381 begin
382 cboAddFreq.Items.Add('1 Bag/Day');
383 cboAddFreq.Items.Add('All Bags');
384 cboAddFreq.Items.Add('See Comments');
385 end;
[456]386 end;
387 tabFluid.TabIndex := 0;
388 tabFluidChange(Self); // this makes cboSolution visible
389 cboSolution.InitLongList('');
390 cboAdditive.InitLongList('');
[829]391 JAWSON := true;
392 if ScreenReaderActive = false then
393 begin
394 lblAdminTime.TabStop := false;
395 lblFirstDose.TabStop := false;
396 memOrder.TabStop := false;
397 JAWSON := false;
398 end;
[456]399 ActiveControl := cboSolution; //SetFocusedControl(cboSolution);
400 StatusText('');
[829]401 OSolIEN := 0;
402 OAddIEN := 0;
403 OSchedule := '';
404 oAdmin := '';
405 self.txtAllIVRoutes.Visible := false;
[1679]406 memorder.text := '';
407 memOrder.Lines.Clear;
[829]410function TfrmODMedIV.IVTypeHelpText: string;
412 result := 'Continuous Type:' + CRLF + ' IV’s that run at a specified “Rate” ( __ml/hr, __mcg/kg/min, etc)' +
413 CRLF + CRLF + 'Intermittent Type:' + CRLF +
414 ' IV’s administered at scheduled intervals (Q4H, QDay) or One-Time only, ' +
415 CRLF + ' “over a specified time period” (e.g. “Infuse over 30 min.”).' + CRLF + CRLF +
416 'Examples:' + CRLF + 'Continuous = Infusion/drip' + CRLF + 'Intermittent = IVP/IVPB';
[1679]419procedure TfrmODMedIV.SetCtrlAlt_L_LabelAccessText(var Text: string; theLabel : TLabel);
421 if theLabel.Visible then
422 Text := 'Press Ctrl + Alt + L to access ' + theLabel.Caption;
[829]425procedure TfrmODMedIV.lblTypeHelpClick(Sender: TObject);
427str: string;
429 inherited;
430 str := IVTypeHelpText;
431 infoBox(str, 'Informational Help Text', MB_OK);
435procedure TfrmODMedIV.loadExpectFirstDose;
437i: integer;
438AnIVComponent: TIVComponent;
439fAddIEN, fSolIEN, Interval, idx: integer;
440AdminTime: TFMDateTime;
441Admin, Duration, ShowText, SchTxt, SchType, IVType: string;
442doseNow, calFirstDose: boolean;
444 idx := self.cboSchedule.ItemIndex;
445 IVType := self.cboType.Items.Strings[self.cboType.itemindex];
446 if idx = -1 then
447 begin
448 if IVType = 'Continuous' then
449 begin
450 self.lblFirstDose.Caption := '';
451 self.lblFirstDose.Visible := false;
452 end;
453 exit;
454 end;
455 doseNow := true;
456 SchType := Piece(self.cboSchedule.Items.Strings[idx],U,3);
457 if self.EvtID > 0 then doseNow := false;
458 if (IVType = 'Continuous') or ((idx > -1) and ((SchType = 'P') or (SchType = 'O') or (SchType = 'OC')) or
459 (self.chkPRN.Checked = True)) then
460 begin
461 self.lblFirstDose.Caption := '';
462 self.lblAdminTime.Caption := '';
463 self.lblFirstDose.Visible := false;
464 self.lblAdminTime.Visible := false;
465 self.lblAdminTime.TabStop := false;
466 self.lblFirstDose.TabStop := false;
467 if (self.cboType.Text = 'Continuous') or (Piece(self.cboSchedule.Items.Strings[idx],U,3) = 'O') then doseNow := false;
468 if chkDoseNow.Checked = true then lblFirstDose.Visible := false;
469 if idx > -1 then oSchedule := Piece(self.cboSchedule.Items.Strings[idx],U,1);
470 if (self.chkPRN.Checked = True) and (idx > -1) and (LeftStr(Piece(self.cboSchedule.Items.Strings[idx],U,1),3)<> 'PRN') then
471 OSchedule := Piece(self.cboSchedule.Items.Strings[idx],U,1) + ' PRN';
472 DisplayDoseNow(doseNow);
473 exit;
474 // end;
475 end
476 else if SchType <> 'O' then
477 begin
478 self.lblAdminTime.Visible := true;
479 if FAdminTimeText <> '' then self.lblAdminTime.Caption := 'Admin. Time: ' + FAdminTimeText
480 else if Piece(self.cboSchedule.Items[idx],U,4) <> '' then
481 self.lblAdminTime.Caption := 'Admin. Time: ' + Piece(self.cboSchedule.Items[idx],U,4)
482 else self.lblAdminTime.Caption := 'Admin. Time: Not Defined';
483 end;
484 DisplayDoseNow(doseNow);
485 if chkDoseNow.Checked = true then
486 begin
487 lblFirstDose.Visible := false;
488 Exit;
489 end;
490 self.lblFirstDose.Visible := True;
491 fSolIEN := 0;
492 fAddIEN := 0;
493 for i := 0 to self.grdSelected.RowCount - 1 do
494 begin
495 AniVComponent := TIVComponent(self.grdSelected.Objects[0, i]);
496 if AnIVComponent = nil then Continue;
497 if (AnIVComponent.Fluid = 'B') and (fSolIEN = 0) then fSolIEN := AnIVComponent.IEN;
498 if (AnIVComponent.Fluid = 'A') and (fAddIEN = 0) then fAddIEN := AnIVComponent.IEN;
499 if (fSolIEN > 0) and (fAddIEN > 0) then break;
500 end;
501 SchTxt := self.cboSchedule.Text;
502 Admin := '';
503 if (self.lblAdminTime.visible = True) and (self.lblAdminTime.Caption <> '') then
504 begin
505 Admin := Copy(self.lblAdminTime.Caption, 14, (Length(self.lblAdminTime.Caption)-1));
506 if not (Admin[1] in ['0'..'9']) then Admin := '';
507 end;
508 if (fSolIEN = oSolIEN) and (fAddIEN = oAddIEN) and (OSchedule = SchTxt) and (oAdmin = Admin) then CalFirstDose := false
509 else
510 begin
511 CalFirstDose := True;
512 oSolIEN := fSolIEN;
513 oAddIEN := fAddIEN;
514 oSchedule := SchTxt;
515 oAdmin := Admin;
516 end;
517 if CalFirstDose = True then
518 begin
519 if fAddIEN > 0 then LoadAdminInfo(';' + schTxt, fAddIEN, ShowText, AdminTime, Duration, Admin)
520 else LoadAdminInfo(';' + schTxt, fSolIEN, ShowText, AdminTime, Duration, Admin);
521 if AdminTime > 0 then
522 begin
523 ShowText := 'Expected First Dose: ';
524 Interval := Trunc(FMDateTimeToDateTime(AdminTime) - FMDateTimeToDateTime(FMToday));
525 case Interval of
526 0: ShowText := ShowText + 'TODAY ' + FormatFMDateTime('(mmm dd, yy) at hh:nn', AdminTime);
527 1: ShowText := ShowText + 'TOMORROW ' + FormatFMDateTime('(mmm dd, yy) at hh:nn', AdminTime);
528 else ShowText := ShowText + FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd, yy at hh:nn', AdminTime);
529 end;
530 end;
531 self.lblFirstDose.Caption := ShowText;
532 end;
533 if (self.lblFirstDose.Visible = true) and (self.lblFirstDose.Caption <> '') and (JAWSON = true) then self.lblFirstDose.TabStop := true
534 else self.lblFirstDose.TabStop := false;
535 if (self.lblAdminTime.Visible = true) and (self.lblAdminTime.Caption <> '') and (JAWSON = true) then self.lblAdminTime.TabStop := true
536 else self.lblAdminTime.TabStop := false;
[1679]539procedure TfrmODMedIV.VA508CompRouteInstructionsQuery(
540 Sender: TObject; var Text: string);
542 inherited;
543 SetCtrlAlt_L_LabelAccessText(Text, txtAllIVRoutes);
546procedure TfrmODMedIV.VA508CompScheduleInstructionsQuery(Sender: TObject;
547 var Text: string);
549 inherited;
550 SetCtrlAlt_L_LabelAccessText(Text, txtNSS);
553procedure TfrmODMedIV.VA508CompTypeInstructionsQuery(Sender: TObject;
554 var Text: string);
556 inherited;
557 SetCtrlAlt_L_LabelAccessText(Text, lblTypeHelp);
560procedure TfrmODMedIV.VA508CompGrdSelectedCaptionQuery(Sender: TObject;
561 var Text: string);
563 inherited;
564 if grdSelected.Col = 0 then
565 Text := lblComponent.Caption
566 else if grdSelected.Col = 1 then
567 Text := lblAmount.Caption
568 else if grdSelected.Col = 2 then
569 Text := lblAmount.Caption + ', Unit'
570 else if grdSelected.Col = 3 then
571 Text := lblAddFreq.Caption
572 else if grdSelected.Col = 4 then
573 Text := lblPrevAddFreq.Caption;
576procedure TfrmODMedIV.VA508CompOrderSigStateQuery(Sender: TObject;
577 var Text: string);
579 inherited;
580 Text := memOrder.Text;
[456]583procedure TfrmODMedIV.Validate(var AnErrMsg: string);
[829]585 DispWarning, ItemOK, Result: Boolean;
[1679]586 LDec,RDec,x, tempStr, iunit, infError, Bag: string;
[829]587 digits, i, j, Len, temp, Value: Integer;
589 procedure SetError(const x: string);
590 begin
591 if Length(AnErrMsg) > 0 then AnErrMsg := AnErrMsg + CRLF;
592 AnErrMsg := AnErrMsg + x;
593 end;
596 inherited;
597 with grdSelected do
598 begin
599 ItemOK := False;
600 for i := 0 to RowCount - 1 do
[829]601 if (Objects[0,i] <> nil) and (TIVComponent(Objects[0, i]).Fluid = 'B') then ItemOK := True;
602 if (not ItemOK) and ((self.cboType.ItemIndex = -1) or (MixedCase(self.cboType.Items.Strings[self.cboType.ItemIndex]) = 'Continuous')) then
603 SetError(TX_NO_BASE);
[456]604 for i := 0 to RowCount - 1 do
605 begin
606 if (Objects[0, i] <> nil) and ((Length(Cells[1, i]) = 0) or (StrToFloat(Cells[1,i])=0))
607 then SetError(TX_NO_AMOUNT + Cells[0, i]);
608 if (Objects[0, i] <> nil) and (Length(Cells[2, i]) = 0)
609 then SetError(TX_NO_UNITS + Cells[0, i]);
[829]610 if (Objects[0,i] <> nil) and (TIVComponent(Objects[0, i]).Fluid = 'A') then
611 begin
612 temp := Pos('.', Cells[1, i]);
613 if temp > 0 then
614 begin
615 tempStr := Cells[1, i];
616 if temp = 1 then
617 begin
618 SetError(cells[0, i] + TX_LEADING_NUMERIC);
619 Exit;
620 end;
621 for j := 1 to temp -1 do if not (tempStr[j] in ['0'..'9']) then
622 begin
623 SetError(cells[0, i] + TX_LEADING_NUMERIC);
624 Exit;
625 end;
626 end;
628 if MixedCase(self.cboType.Items.Strings[self.cboType.ItemIndex]) = 'Continuous' then
629 begin
630 Bag := (Cells[3, i]);
631 if Length(Bag) = 0 then
632 begin
633 SetError(TX_BAD_BAG + cells[0, i]);
634 end
635 else if cboAddFreq.Items.IndexOf(Bag) = -1 then
636 begin
637 SetError(TX_BAD_BAG + cells[0, i]);
638 end
639 else if (MixedCase(Bag) = 'See Comments') and ((self.memComments.Text = '') or (self.memComments.Text = CRLF)) then
640 begin
641 SetError(Tx_BAG_NO_COMMENTS + cells[0,i] + Tx_BAG_NO_COMMENTS1);
642 end;
644 end;
[829]645 end;
646 end;
647 end;
648 if Pos(U, self.memComments.Text) > 0 then SetError('Comments cannot contain a "^".');
649 if cboSchedule.ItemIndex > -1 then updateDuration(Piece(cboSchedule.Items.Strings[cboSchedule.itemIndex], U, 3));
650 if self.cboPriority.Text = '' then SetError('Priority is required');
651 if (cboRoute.ItemIndex = -1) and (cboRoute.Text <> '') then SetError(TX_BAD_ROUTE);
652 if (cboRoute.ItemIndex > -1) and (cboRoute.ItemIndex = cboRoute.Items.IndexOf('OTHER')) then
653 SetError('A valid route must be selected');
654 if self.cboRoute.Text = '' then SetError('Route is required');
655 if (self.txtXDuration.Text <> '') and (self.cboduration.Items.IndexOf(SELF.cboDuration.Text) = -1) then
656 SetError('A valid duration type is required');
657 if (self.txtXDuration.Text = '') and (self.cboduration.Items.IndexOf(SELF.cboDuration.Text) > -1) then
658 SetError('Cannot have a duration type without a duration value');
660 if self.cboType.ItemIndex = -1 then
661 begin
662 SetError('IV Type is required');
663 Exit;
[456]664 end;
[829]665 if MixedCase(self.cboType.Items.Strings[self.cboType.ItemIndex]) = 'Continuous' then
666 begin
667 if Length(txtRate.Text) = 0 then SetError(TX_NO_RATE) else
668 begin
669 x := Trim(txtRate.Text);
670 if pos('@', X) > 0 then
671 begin
672 LDec := Piece(x, '@', 1);
673 RDec := Piece(x, '@', 2);
674 if (Length(RDec) = 0) or (Length(RDec) > 2) then x := '';
675 end
676 else if Pos('.',X)>0 then
677 begin
678 LDec := Piece(x, '.', 1);
679 RDec := Piece(x, '.', 2);
680 if Length(LDec) = 0 then SetError('Infusion Rate required a leading numeric value');
681 if Length(RDec) > 1 then SetError('Infusion Rate cannot exceed one decimal place');
682 end
683 else if LeftStr(txtRate.Text, 1) = '0' then
684 SetError('Infusion Rate cannot start with a zero.');
685 if ( Pos('@',x)=0) then
686 begin
687 if (Length(x) > 4) then
688 begin
689 seterror(TX_BAD_RATE);
690 exit;
691 end;
692 for i := 1 to Length(x) do
693 begin
694 if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9']) and (x[i] <> '.') then
695 begin
696 SetError(TX_BAD_RATE);
697 exit;
698 end;
699 end;
700 end;
701 if (pos('ml/hr', X) = 0) and (Length(x) > 0) and (pos('@', X) = 0) then X := X + ' ml/hr';
702 if Length(x) = 0 then SetError(TX_BAD_RATE) else Responses.Update('RATE', 1, x, x);
703 end;
704 if cboduration.text = 'doses' then SetError('Continuous Orders cannot have "doses" as a duration type');
705 end
706 else if MixedCase(self.cboType.Items.Strings[self.cboType.ItemIndex]) = 'Intermittent' then
707 begin
708 if (cboInfusionTime.ItemIndex = -1) and (txtRate.Text <> '') then SetError(TX_NO_INFUSION_UNIT);
709 if (txtRate.Text = '') and (cboInfusionTime.ItemIndex > -1) then SetError(TX_NO_INFUSION_TIME);
710 if (txtRate.Text <> '') then
711 begin
712 infError := '';
713 InfError := ValidateInfusionRate(txtRate.Text);
714 if infError <> '' then SetError(InfError);
715 Len := Length(txtRate.Text);
716 iunit := MixedCase(self.cboInfusionTime.Items.Strings[cboInfusionTime.ItemIndex]);
717 if (iunit = 'Minutes') and (Len > 4) then setError('Infuse Over Time cannot exceed 4 spaces for ' + iunit)
718 else if (iunit = 'Hours') and (Len > 2) then setError('Infuse Over Time cannot exceed 2 spaces for ' + iunit);
719 end;
[1679]720 if (cboSchedule.ItemIndex = -1) and (cboSchedule.Text = '') and (chkPRN.Checked = false) then SetError(TX_NO_SCHEDULE);
721 if (cboSchedule.ItemIndex > -1) and (cboSchedule.Text = '') then
722 begin
723 cboSchedule.ItemIndex := -1;
724 SetError(TX_NO_SCHEDULE)
725 end;
[829]726 if (cboSchedule.ItemIndex = -1) and (cboSchedule.Text <> '') then SetError(TX_BAD_SCHEDULE);
727 end;
728 if txtXDuration.Text = '' then
729 begin
[1679]730 if AnErrMsg = '' then exit;
731 //if AnErrMsg = '' then self.FInitialOrderID := True;
732 //exit;
[829]733 end;
734 Len := Length(txtXDuration.Text);
735 if LeftStr(txtXDuration.Text,1) <> '.' then
736 begin
737 DispWarning := false;
738 Digits := 2;
739 if cboDuration.text = 'ml' then digits := 4;
740 if ((cboDuration.text = 'days') or (cboDuration.text = 'hours')) and (Len > digits) then
741 DispWarning := true
742 else if (cboduration.text = 'ml') and (Len > digits) then DispWarning := true
743 else if (cboduration.text = 'L') and (Len > digits) and (Pos('.',txtXDuration.Text) = 0) then DispWarning := True;
744 if DispWarning = true then SetError('Duration for ' + cboduration.text + ' cannot be greater than ' + InttoStr(digits) + ' digits.');
745 end;
746 if (Pos('.', txtXDuration.Text)>0) then
[456]747 begin
[829]748 SetError('Invalid Duration, please enter a whole numbers for a duration.');
749 end
750 else if LeftStr(txtXDuration.text, 1) = '0' then
751 SetError('Duration cannot start with a zero.');
752 if (cboduration.text = 'doses') then
753 begin
754 if TryStrToInt(txtXDuration.Text, Value) = false then
755 SetError('Duration with a unit of "doses" must be a whole number between 0 and 2000000')
756 else if (Value < 0) or (Value > 2000000) then
757 SetError('Duration with a unit of "doses" must be greater then 0 and less then 2000000');
758 end;
[1679]759 //if AnErrMsg = '' then self.FInitialOrderID := True;
[829]763function TFrmODMedIV.ValidateInfusionRate(Rate: string): string;
765Temp: Boolean;
766i: integer;
768 Temp := False;
769 if Pos('.',Rate) >0 then
770 begin
771 Result := 'Infuse Over Time can only be a whole number';
772 exit;
773 end
774 else if LeftStr(Rate, 1) = '0' then Result := 'Infuse Over Time cannot start with a zero.';
775 for i := 1 to Length(Rate) do if not (Rate[i] in ['0'..'9']) then Temp := True;
776 if Temp = True then Result := 'The Infusion time can only be a whole number';
[456]779procedure TfrmODMedIV.SetValuesFromResponses;
[1679]781 x, addRoute, tempSch, AdminTime, TempOrder, tmpSch, tempIRoute, tempRoute, PreAddFreq: string;
782 AnInstance, i, idx, j: Integer;
783 AResponse, AddFreqResp: TResponse;
[456]784 AnIVComponent: TIVComponent;
[829]785 AllIVRoute: TStringList;
786 PQO: boolean;
788 Changing := True;
[1679]789 //self.FInitialOrderID := false;
[456]790 with Responses do
791 begin
[1679]792 SetControl(cboType, 'TYPE', 1);
793 if cboType.ItemIndex > -1 then FIVTypeDefined := True;
[456]794 FInpatient := OrderForInpatient;
795 AnInstance := NextInstance('ORDERABLE', 0);
796 while AnInstance > 0 do
797 begin
798 AResponse := FindResponseByName('ORDERABLE', AnInstance);
799 if AResponse <> nil then
800 begin
801 x := AmountsForIVFluid(StrToIntDef(AResponse.IValue, 0), 'B');
802 AnIVComponent := TIVComponent.Create;
803 AnIVComponent.IEN := StrToIntDef(AResponse.IValue, 0);
804 if not FInpatient then
805 begin
806 if DEACheckFailedForIVOnOutPatient(AnIVComponent.IEN,'S') then
807 begin
808 InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK);
809 cboAdditive.Text := '';
[829]810 AbortOrder := True;
[456]811 Exit;
812 end;
813 end else
814 begin
815 if DEACheckFailed(AnIVComponent.IEN, FInpatient) then
816 begin
817 InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK);
818 cboAdditive.Text := '';
[829]819 AbortOrder := True;
[456]820 Exit;
821 end;
822 end;
823 AnIVComponent.Name := AResponse.EValue;
824 AnIVComponent.Fluid := 'B';
825 AnIVComponent.Amount := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 2), 0);
826 AnIVComponent.Units := Piece(x, U, 1);
827 AnIVComponent.Volumes := Copy(x, Pos(U, x) + 1, Length(x));
828 with grdSelected do
829 begin
830 if Objects[0, RowCount - 1] <> nil then RowCount := RowCount + 1;
831 Objects[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent;
832 Cells[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Name;
833 if AnIVComponent.Amount <> 0 then
834 Cells[1, RowCount - 1] := IntToStr(AnIVComponent.Amount);
835 Cells[2, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Units;
[1679]836 Cells[3, RowCount - 1] := 'N/A';
[456]837 end;
838 end;
839 AResponse := FindResponseByName('VOLUME', AnInstance);
840 if AResponse <> nil then with grdSelected do Cells[1, RowCount - 1] := AResponse.EValue;
841 AnInstance := NextInstance('ORDERABLE', AnInstance);
842 end; {while AnInstance - ORDERABLE}
843 AnInstance := NextInstance('ADDITIVE', 0);
844 while AnInstance > 0 do
845 begin
846 AResponse := FindResponseByName('ADDITIVE', AnInstance);
847 if AResponse <> nil then
848 begin
849 x := AmountsForIVFluid(StrToIntDef(AResponse.IValue, 0), 'A');
850 AnIVComponent := TIVComponent.Create;
851 AnIVComponent.IEN := StrToIntDef(AResponse.IValue, 0);
852 if not FInpatient then
853 begin
854 if DEACheckFailedForIVOnOutPatient(AnIVComponent.IEN,'A') then
855 begin
856 InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK);
857 cboAdditive.Text := '';
[829]858 AbortOrder := True;
[456]859 Exit;
860 end;
861 end else
862 begin
863 if DEACheckFailed(AnIVComponent.IEN, FInpatient) then
864 begin
865 InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK);
866 cboAdditive.Text := '';
[829]867 AbortOrder := true;
[456]868 Exit;
869 end;
870 end;
871 AnIVComponent.Name := AResponse.EValue;
872 AnIVComponent.Fluid := 'A';
873 AnIVComponent.Amount := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 2), 0);
874 AnIVComponent.Units := Piece(x, U, 1);
875 AnIVComponent.Volumes := Copy(x, Pos(U, x) + 1, Length(x));
877 AnIVComponent.AddFreq := '';
878 PreAddFreq := '';
879 AddFreqResp := FindResponseByName('ADDFREQ', AnInstance);
880 if AddFreqResp <> nil then
881 begin
882 if cboAddFreq.Items.IndexOf(AddFreqResp.IValue) = -1 then
883 begin
884 AnIvComponent.AddFreq := '';
885 end
886 else AnIvComponent.AddFreq := AddFreqResp.IValue;
887 PreAddFreq := AddFreqResp.IValue;
888 end;
[456]889 with grdSelected do
890 begin
891 if Objects[0, RowCount - 1] <> nil then RowCount := RowCount + 1;
892 Objects[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent;
893 Cells[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Name;
894 if AnIVComponent.Amount <> 0 then
895 Cells[1, RowCount - 1] := IntToStr(AnIVComponent.Amount);
896 Cells[2, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Units;
[1679]897 Cells[3, RowCount -1] := AnIVComponent.AddFreq;
898 if OrdAction in [ORDER_COPY, ORDER_EDIT] then Cells[4, RowCount -1] := PreAddFreq;
[456]899 end;
900 end;
901 AResponse := FindResponseByName('STRENGTH', AnInstance);
902 if AResponse <> nil then with grdSelected do Cells[1, RowCount - 1] := AResponse.EValue;
903 AResponse := FindResponseByName('UNITS', AnInstance);
904 if AResponse <> nil then with grdSelected do Cells[2, RowCount - 1] := AResponse.EValue;
905 AnInstance := NextInstance('ADDITIVE', AnInstance);
906 end; {while AnInstance - ADDITIVE}
[829]907 SetControl(cboType, 'TYPE', 1);
908 if self.grdSelected.RowCount > 0 then self.txtAllIVRoutes.Visible := True;
909 updateRoute;
910 AResponse := FindResponseByName('ROUTE', 1);
911 if AResponse <> nil then
912 begin
913 tempRoute := AResponse.EValue;
914 if tempRoute <> '' then
915 begin
916 idx := self.cboRoute.Items.IndexOf(tempRoute);
917 if idx > -1 then self.cboRoute.ItemIndex := idx
918 else begin
919 tempIRoute := AResponse.IValue;
920 if tempIRoute <> '' then
921 begin
922 AllIVRoute := TStringList.Create;
923 LoadAllIVRoutes(AllIVRoute);
924 idx := -1;
925 for i := 0 to AllIVRoute.Count - 1 do
926 begin
927 if Piece(AllIVRoute.Strings[i], U, 1) = tempIRoute then
928 begin
929 idx := i;
930 break;
931 end;
932 end;
933 if idx > -1 then
934 begin
935 self.cboRoute.Items.Add(AllIVRoute.Strings[idx]);
936 idx := self.cboRoute.Items.IndexOf(tempRoute);
937 if idx > -1 then self.cboRoute.ItemIndex := idx;
938 end;
939 AllIVRoute.Free;
940 //if Pos(U, tempIRoute) = 0 then tempIRoute := tempIRoute + U + tempRoute;
941 //self.cboRoute.Items.Add(tempIRoute);
942 //idx := self.cboRoute.Items.IndexOf(tempRoute);
943 //if idx > -1 then self.cboRoute.ItemIndex := idx;
944 end;
945 end;
946 end;
947 end;
948 //SetControl(cboRoute, 'ROUTE', 1);
949 if (cboRoute.ItemIndex = -1) and (cboRoute.Text <> '') then cboRoute.Text := '';
950 if self.cboType.Text = 'Intermittent' then
951 begin
952 lblInfusionRate.Caption := 'Infuse Over Time (Optional)';
953 lblSchedule.Enabled := True;
954 cboschedule.Enabled := True;
955 //if popDuration.Items.IndexOf(popDoses) = -1 then popDuration.Items.Add(popDoses);
956 if cboDuration.Items.IndexOf('doses') = -1 then cboDuration.Items.Add('doses');
957 txtNss.Visible := true;
958 chkDoseNow.Visible := true;
959 chkPRN.Enabled := True;
960 tempSch := '';
961 AdminTime := '';
962 AResponse := FindResponseByName('SCHEDULE', 1);
963 if AResponse <> nil then tempSch := AResponse.EValue;
964 lblAdminTime.Visible := True;
965 lblAdminTime.Hint := AdminTimeHelpText;
966 lblAdminTime.ShowHint := True;
967 //AResponse := Responses.FindResponseByName('ADMIN', 1);
968 //if AResponse <> nil then AdminTime := AResponse.EValue;
969 //if Action = Order_Copy then FOriginalAdminTime := AdminTime;
970 SetSchedule(tempSch);
971 //if (cboSchedule.ItemIndex > -1) then lblAdminTime.Caption := 'Admin. Time: ' + Piece(cboSchedule.Items.strings[cboSchedule.itemindex],U,5);
972 //if (cboSchedule.ItemIndex > -1) and (Piece(lblAdminTime.Caption, ':' ,2) = ' ') then lblAdminTime.Caption := 'Admin. Time: ' + AdminTime;
[1679]973 if (OrdAction in [ORDER_COPY, ORDER_EDIT]) then
[829]974 begin
975 TempOrder := Piece(OrderIEN,';',1);
976 TempOrder := Copy(tempOrder, 2, Length(tempOrder));
977 if DifferentOrderLocations(tempOrder, Patient.Location) = false then
978 begin
979 AResponse := Responses.FindResponseByName('ADMIN', 1);
980 if AResponse <> nil then AdminTime := AResponse.EValue;
981 //lblAdminTime.Caption := 'Admin. Time: ' + AdminTime;
[1679]982 if (cboSchedule.ItemIndex > -1) and (AdminTime <> '') then
[829]983 begin
984 tmpSch := cboSchedule.Items.Strings[cboSchedule.itemindex];
985 setPiece(tmpSch,U,4,AdminTime);
986 cboSchedule.Items.Strings[cboSchedule.ItemIndex] := tmpSch;
987 end;
988 end;
989 end;
990 //if Piece(lblAdminTime.Caption, ':' ,2) = ' ' then lblAdminTime.Caption := 'Admin. Time: Not Defined';
991 SetControl(txtRate, 'RATE', 1);
992 cboInfusionTime.Enabled := true;
993 PQO := false;
994 if Pos('INFUSE OVER',UpperCase(txtRate.Text)) > 0 then
995 begin
996 txtRate.Text := Copy(txtRate.Text,Length('Infuse over ')+1,Length(txtRate.text));
997 PQO := True;
998 end;
999 if Pos('MINUTE',UpperCase(txtRate.Text))>0 then
1000 begin
1001 cboInfusionTime.Text := 'Minutes';
1002 cboInfusionTime.itemindex := 0;
1003 //txtRate.Text := Copy(txtRate.Text,Length('Infuse over ')+1,Length(txtRate.text));
1004 txtRate.Text := Copy(txtRate.Text, 1, Length(txtRate.Text) - 8);
1005 end
1006 else if Pos('HOUR',UpperCase(txtRate.Text))>0 then
1007 begin
1008 cboInfusionTime.Text := 'Hours';
1009 cboInfusionTime.ItemIndex := 1;
1010 //txtRate.Text := Copy(txtRate.Text,Length('Infuse over ')+1,Length(txtRate.text));
1011 txtRate.Text := Copy(txtRate.Text, 1, Length(txtRate.Text) - 6);
1012 end
1013 else if (txtRate.Text <> '') and (PQO = false) and (ValidateInfusionRate(txtRate.Text) ='') then
1014 begin
1015 cboInfusionTime.Text := 'Minutes';
1016 cboInfusionTime.itemindex := 0;
1017 end;
[1679]1018 For j := 0 to grdSelected.RowCount -1 do
1019 grdSelected.Cells[3,j] := 'N/A';
[829]1020 end
1021 else
1022 begin
1023 lblSchedule.Enabled := false;
1024 cboSchedule.ItemIndex := -1;
1025 cboSchedule.Enabled := false;
1026 if chkDoseNow.Visible = true then chkDoseNow.Checked := false;
1027 chkDoseNow.Visible := false;
1028 txtNSS.Visible := false;
1029 cboInfusionTime.ItemIndex := -1;
1030 cboInfusionTime.Text := '';
1031 cboInfusionTime.Enabled := false;
1032 chkPRN.Checked := false;
1033 chkPRN.Enabled := false;
1034 txtRate.Text := '';
1035 cboDuration.ItemIndex := -1;
1036 cboDuration.Text := '';
1037 txtXDuration.Text := '';
1038 SetControl(txtRate, 'RATE', 1);
1039 if LowerCase(Copy(ReverseStr(txtRate.Text), 1, 6)) = 'rh/lm ' {*kcm*}
1040 then txtRate.Text := Copy(txtRate.Text, 1, Length(txtRate.Text) - 6);
1041 end;
[456]1042 SetControl(cboPriority, 'URGENCY', 1);
1043 SetControl(memComments, 'COMMENT', 1);
1045 AnInstance := NextInstance('DAYS', 0);
1046 if AnInstance > 0 then
1047 begin
1048 AResponse := FindResponseByName('DAYS', AnInstance);
1049 if AResponse <> nil then
1050 SetLimitationControl(AResponse.EValue);
1051 end;
1052 end; {if...with Responses}
1053 Changing := False;
[829]1054 if self.cboSchedule.ItemIndex > -1 then updateDuration(Piece(cboSchedule.Items.Strings[cboSchedule.itemindex],U,3));
1055 loadExpectFirstDose;
[456]1056 ControlChange(Self);
1059procedure TfrmODMedIV.SetupDialog(OrderAction: Integer; const ID: string);
1061 inherited;
[1679]1062 OrdAction := OrderAction;
[829]1063 OrderIEN := id;
[1679]1064 //self.FInitialOrderID := True;
[829]1065 if self.EvtID > 0 then FAdminTimeText := 'To Be Determined';
[1679]1066 if isIMO = true then self.Caption := 'Clinic ' + self.Caption;
[829]1067 if (isIMO) or ((patient.Inpatient = true) and (encounter.Location <> patient.Location)) and (FAdminTimeText = '') then
1068 FAdminTimeText := 'Not defined for Clinic Locations';
1069 if OrderAction in [ORDER_COPY, ORDER_EDIT, ORDER_QUICK] then
1070 begin
1071 SetValuesFromResponses;
1072 end;
1075{ tabFluid events }
1077procedure TfrmODMedIV.tabFluidChange(Sender: TObject);
1079 inherited;
1080 case TabFluid.TabIndex of
1081 0: begin
1082 cboSolution.Visible := True;
1083 cboAdditive.Visible := False;
1084 end;
1085 1: begin
1086 cboAdditive.Visible := True;
1087 cboSolution.Visible := False;
1088 end;
1089 end;
1090 if cboSolution.Visible then
1091 ActiveControl := cboSolution;
1092 if cboAdditive.Visible then
1093 ActiveControl := cboAdditive;
1096{ cboSolution events }
1098procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboSolutionNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string;
1099 Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
[1679]1101 cboSolution.ForDataUse(SubSetOfOrderItems(StartFrom, Direction, 'S.IVB RX'));
[829]1104procedure TfrmODMedIV.cbotypeChange(Sender: TObject);
1106i: integer;
1108 inherited;
1109 //if (self.cbotype.Text = 'Intermittent') or (self.cboType.itemIndex = 1) then
1110 if (self.cboType.itemIndex = 1) then
1111 begin
1112 cboSchedule.ItemIndex := -1;
1113 lblAdminTime.Caption := '';
1114 lblAdminTime.Visible := false;
1115 lblschedule.Enabled := True;
1116 cboSchedule.Enabled := True;
1117 txtNSS.Visible := true;
1118 chkDoseNow.Checked := false;
1119 chkDoseNow.Visible := true;
1120 chkPRN.Checked := false;
1121 chkPRN.Enabled := True;
1122 lblInfusionRate.Caption := 'Infuse Over Time (Optional)';
1123 cboInfusionTime.Enabled := true;
[1679]1124 if cboDuration.items.IndexOf('doses') = -1 then cboDuration.Items.Add('doses');
1126 lblAddFreq.Caption := 'Additive Frequency';
1127 for i := 0 to grdselected.RowCount - 1 do
1128 begin
1129 if (TIVComponent(grdselected.Objects[0, i]) <> nil) and (TIVComponent(grdselected.Objects[0, i]).Fluid = 'A') then
1130 begin
1131 grdSelected.Cells[3, i] := 'N/A';
1132 end;
1133 end;
[829]1134 end
1135 //else if (self.cbotype.Text = 'Continuous') or (self.cboType.itemIndex = 0) then
1136 else
1137 begin
1138 lblschedule.Enabled := False;
1139 cboSchedule.ItemIndex := -1;
1140 cboSchedule.Enabled := False;
1141 txtNSS.Visible := false;
1142 chkPRN.Checked := false;
1143 chkPRN.Enabled := false;
1144 if chkDoseNow.Visible = true then chkDoseNow.Checked := false;
1145 chkDoseNow.Visible := false;
1146 lblInfusionRate.Caption := 'Infusion Rate (ml/hr)*';
1147 cboInfusionTime.ItemIndex := -1;
1148 cboInfusionTime.Text := '';
1149 cboInfusionTime.Enabled := false;
1150 lblAdminTime.Visible := false;
1151 updateDuration('');
1152 cboduration.Items.Delete(cboDuration.Items.IndexOf('doses'));
[1679]1153 lblAddFreq.Caption := 'Additive Frequency*';
1154 if FIVTypeDefined = True then
1155 begin
1156 for i := 0 to grdselected.RowCount - 1 do
1157 begin
1158 if (TIVComponent(grdselected.Objects[0, i]) <> nil) and (TIVComponent(grdselected.Objects[0, i]).Fluid = 'A') then
1159 begin
1160 grdSelected.Cells[3, i] := '';
1161 end;
1162 end;
1163 end;
[829]1164 end;
[1679]1165 FIVTypeDefined := True;
[829]1166 self.txtRate.Text := '';
1167 ControlChange(Sender);
[1679]1170procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboTypeKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
1171 Shift: TShiftState);
1173 inherited;
1174 if IsAltCtrl_L_Pressed(Shift, Key) then
1175 lblTypeHelpClick(lblTypeHelp);
1178function TfrmODMedIV.IsAltCtrl_L_Pressed(Shift : TShiftState; Key : Word) : Boolean;
1180 Result := (ssCtrl in Shift) and (ssAlt in Shift) and (Key = Ord('L'));
[829]1183procedure TfrmODMedIV.chkDoseNowClick(Sender: TObject);
1185 T = '"';
1186 T1 = 'By checking the "Give additional dose now" box, you have actually entered two orders for the same medication.';
1187 T2 = #13#13'The first order''s administrative schedule is "';
1188 T3 = #13'The second order''s administrative schedule is "';
[1679]1189 T4 = #13#13'Do you want to continue?';
1190 T5 = '" and a priority of "';
[829]1191 T1A = 'By checking the "Give additional dose now" box, you have actually entered a new order with the schedule "NOW"';
1192 T2A = ' in addition to the one you are placing for the same medication.';
1194 medNm: string;
1195 theSch: string;
[1679]1196 ordPriority: string;
[829]1197 //SchID: integer;
1199 inherited;
1200 if (chkDoseNow.Checked) then
1201 begin
1202 medNm := 'Test';
1203 //SchID := cboSchedule.ItemIndex;
1204 theSch := cboSchedule.Text;
[1679]1205 ordPriority := cboPriority.SelText;
[829]1206 if length(theSch)>0 then
1207 begin
1208 //if (InfoBox(T1+medNm+T+T2+theSch+T+T3+'NOW"'+T4, 'Warning', MB_OKCANCEL or MB_ICONWARNING) = IDCANCEL)then
[1679]1209 //if (InfoBox(T1+T2+theSch+T+T3+'NOW"'+T4, 'Warning', MB_OKCANCEL or MB_ICONWARNING) = IDCANCEL)then
1210 if (InfoBox(T1+T2+'NOW'+T5+ordPriority+T+T3+theSch+T5+ordPriority+T+T4, 'Warning', MB_OKCANCEL or MB_ICONWARNING) = IDCANCEL)then
[829]1211 begin
1212 chkDoseNow.Checked := False;
1213 Exit;
1214 end;
1215 end else
1216 begin
1217 //if InfoBox(T1A+T2A+medNm+T+T4, 'Warning', MB_OKCANCEL or MB_ICONWARNING) = IDCANCEL then
1218 if InfoBox(T1A+T2A+T4, 'Warning', MB_OKCANCEL or MB_ICONWARNING) = IDCANCEL then
1219 begin
1220 chkDoseNow.Checked := False;
1221 Exit;
1222 end;
1223 end;
1224 end;
1225 ControlChange(self);
1228procedure TfrmODMedIV.chkPRNClick(Sender: TObject);
1230 inherited;
1231 ControlChange(Self);
[456]1234procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboSolutionMouseClick(Sender: TObject);
1236 AnIVComponent: TIVComponent;
[829]1237 x,routeIEN: string;
1238 i: integer;
1240 inherited;
1241 if CharAt(cboSolution.ItemID, 1) = 'Q' then // setup quick order
1242 begin
[829]1243 //Clear pre-existing values
1244 for i := 0 to self.grdSelected.RowCount do
1245 begin
1246 if self.grdSelected.Objects[0,i] <> nil then
1247 begin
1248 TIVComponent(self.grdSelected.Objects[0,i]).Free;
1249 self.grdSelected.Rows[i].Clear;
1250 end
1251 else self.grdSelected.Rows[i].clear;
1252 end;
1253 self.grdSelected.RowCount := 0;
1254 ControlChange(Sender);
[456]1255 Responses.QuickOrder := ExtractInteger(cboSolution.ItemID);
1256 SetValuesFromResponses;
1257 cboSolution.ItemIndex := -1;
1258 Exit;
1259 end;
1260 if cboSolution.ItemIEN <= 0 then Exit; // process selection of solution
1261 FInpatient := OrderForInpatient;
1262 if not FInpatient then
1263 begin
1264 if DEACheckFailedForIVOnOutPatient(cboSolution.ItemIEN,'S') then
1265 begin
1266 InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK);
1267 cboSolution.Text := '';
1268 Exit;
1269 end;
1270 end else
1271 begin
1272 if DEACheckFailed(cboSolution.ItemIEN, FInpatient) then
1273 begin
1274 InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK);
1275 cboSolution.Text := '';
1276 Exit;
1277 end;
1278 end;
[829]1279 RouteIEN := Piece(cboSolution.Items.Strings[cboSolution.itemindex],U,4);
[456]1280 x := AmountsForIVFluid(cboSolution.ItemIEN, 'B');
1281 AnIVComponent := TIVComponent.Create;
1282 AnIVComponent.IEN := cboSolution.ItemIEN;
1283 AnIVComponent.Name := Piece(cboSolution.Items[cboSolution.ItemIndex], U, 3);
1284 AnIVComponent.Fluid := 'B';
1285 AnIVComponent.Amount := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 2), 0);
1286 AnIVComponent.Units := Piece(x, U, 1);
1287 AnIVComponent.Volumes := Copy(x, Pos(U, x) + 1, Length(x));
1288 cboSolution.ItemIndex := -1;
1289 with grdSelected do
1290 begin
1291 if Objects[0, RowCount - 1] <> nil then RowCount := RowCount + 1;
1292 Objects[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent;
1293 Cells[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Name;
1294 Cells[1, RowCount - 1] := IntToStr(AnIVComponent.Amount);
1295 Cells[2, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Units;
[1679]1296 Cells[3, RowCount - 1] := 'N/A';
[456]1297 Row := RowCount - 1;
1298 if Length(Piece(AnIVComponent.Volumes, U, 2)) > 0 then Col := 1 else Col := 0;
[1679]1299 (* if RowCount = 1 then // switch to additives after 1st IV
[456]1300 begin
1301 tabFluid.TabIndex := 1;
1302 tabFluidChange(Self);
[1679]1303 end; *)
[456]1304 end;
1305 Application.ProcessMessages; //CQ: 10157
[1679]1306 updateRoute;
[456]1307 ClickOnGridCell;
[1679]1308 //updateRoute;
[456]1309 ControlChange(Sender);
[829]1310 //updateRoute(routeIEN);
1313procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboSolutionExit(Sender: TObject);
1315 inherited;
[829]1316 if EnterIsPressed then //CQ: 15097
1317 if (cboSolution.ItemIEN > 0) or
1318 ((cboSolution.ItemIEN = 0) and (CharAt(cboSolution.ItemID, 1) = 'Q')) then
1319 cboSolutionMouseClick(Self);
1322{ cboAdditive events }
1324procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboAdditiveNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string;
1325 Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
[1679]1327 cboAdditive.ForDataUse(SubSetOfOrderItems(StartFrom, Direction, 'S.IVA RX'));
1330procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboAddFreqCloseUp(Sender: TObject);
[456]1332 inherited;
[1679]1333 with cboAddFreq do
1334 begin
1335 if tag < 0 then exit;
1336 grdSelected.Cells[Tag div 256, Tag mod 256] := MixedCase(items.Strings[itemindex]);
1337 Tag := -1;
1338 Hide;
1339 ControlChange(Sender);
1340 TControl(self.grdSelected).Enabled := True;
1341 ActiveControl := self.grdSelected;
1342 end;
1343 grdSelected.Refresh;
[1679]1346procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboAddFreqKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
1347 Shift: TShiftState);
1349 inherited;
1350 if (Key = VK_RETURN) or (Key = VK_Tab) then
1351 begin
1352 cboAddFreqCloseUp(cboAddFreq);
1353 Key := 0;
1354 end;
[829]1357procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboDurationChange(Sender: TObject);
1359 inherited;
1360 if (FOriginalDurationType > -1) and (FOriginalDurationType <> cboDuration.ItemIndex) then
1361 begin
1362 self.txtXDuration.Text := '';
1363 FOriginalDurationType := cboDuration.ItemIndex;
1364 end;
1365 if (FOriginalDurationType = -1) and (cboDuration.ItemIndex > -1) then FOriginalDurationType := cboDuration.ItemIndex;
1366 controlchange(sender);
1369procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboDurationEnter(Sender: TObject);
1371 inherited;
1372 FOriginalDurationType := cboDuration.ItemIndex;
1376procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboInfusionTimeChange(Sender: TObject);
1378 inherited;
1379 if (FOriginalInfusionType > -1) and (FOriginalInfusionType <> cboInfusionTime.ItemIndex) then
1380 begin
1381 self.txtRate.Text := '';
1382 FOriginalInfusionType := cboInfusionTime.ItemIndex;
1383 end;
1384 if (FOriginalInfusionType = -1) and (cboInfusionTime.ItemIndex > -1) then FOriginalInfusionType := cboInfusionTime.ItemIndex;
1385 ControlChange(Sender);
1388procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboInfusionTimeEnter(Sender: TObject);
1390 inherited;
1391 FOriginalInfusionType := self.cboInfusionTime.ItemIndex;
1394procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboPriorityChange(Sender: TObject);
1396 inherited;
1397 ControlChange(sender);
1400procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboPriorityExit(Sender: TObject);
1402 inherited;
1403 if cboPriority.Text = '' then
1404 begin
1405 infoBox('Priority must have a value assigned to it', 'Warning', MB_OK);
1406 cboPriority.SetFocus;
1407 end;
[1679]1410procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboPriorityKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
1411 Shift: TShiftState);
1413 inherited;
1414 if (Key = VK_BACK) and (cboPriority.Text = '') then cboPriority.ItemIndex := -1;
[829]1417procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboRouteChange(Sender: TObject);
1419 inherited;
1420 if cboRoute.ItemIndex = cboRoute.Items.IndexOf('OTHER') then cboRouteClick(cboRoute);
1421 ControlChange(sender);
1424procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboRouteClick(Sender: TObject);
1426otherRoute, temp: string;
1427idx, oidx: integer;
1429 inherited;
1430 oidx := cboRoute.Items.IndexOf('OTHER');
1431 if oidx = -1 then exit;
1433 if cboRoute.ItemIndex = oidx then
1434 begin
1435 otherRoute := CreateOtherRoute;
1436 if length(otherRoute) > 1 then
1437 begin
1438 idx := cboRoute.Items.IndexOf(Piece(OtherRoute, U, 2));
1439 if idx > -1 then
1440 begin
1441 temp := cboRoute.Items.Strings[idx];
1442 //setPiece(temp,U,5,'1');
1443 cboRoute.Items.Strings[idx] := temp;
1444 end
1445 else
1446 begin
1447 cboRoute.Items.Add(otherRoute);
1448 idx := cboRoute.Items.IndexOf(Piece(OtherRoute, U, 2));
1449 end;
1450 cboRoute.ItemIndex := idx;
1451 end
1452 else
1453 begin
1454 cboRoute.ItemIndex := -1;
1455 cboRoute.SetFocus;
1456 end;
1457 end;
1460procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboRouteExit(Sender: TObject);
1462 inherited;
1463(* if (cboRoute.Text <> '') and (cboRoute.ItemIndex = -1) then
1464 begin
1465 infoBox(TX_BAD_ROUTE,'Warning',MB_OK);
1466 cboRoute.SetFocus;
1467 end; *)
[1679]1470procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboRouteKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
1471 Shift: TShiftState);
1473 inherited;
1474 if IsAltCtrl_L_Pressed(Shift, Key) then
1475 txtAllIVRoutesClick(txtAllIVRoutes);
1478procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboRouteKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
1479 Shift: TShiftState);
1481 inherited;
1482 if (Key = VK_BACK) and (cboRoute.Text = '') then cboRoute.ItemIndex := -1;
[456]1485procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboAdditiveMouseClick(Sender: TObject);
1487 AnIVComponent: TIVComponent;
[829]1488 x, routeIEN: string;
1490 inherited;
1491 if cboAdditive.ItemIEN <= 0 then Exit;
1492 FInpatient := OrderForInpatient;
1493 if not FInpatient then
1494 begin
1495 if DEACheckFailedForIVOnOutPatient(cboAdditive.ItemIEN,'A') then
1496 begin
1497 InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK);
1498 cboAdditive.Text := '';
1499 Exit;
1500 end;
1501 end else
1502 begin
1503 if DEACheckFailed(cboAdditive.ItemIEN, FInpatient) then
1504 begin
1505 InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK);
1506 cboAdditive.Text := '';
1507 Exit;
1508 end;
1509 end;
[829]1510 routeIEN := Piece(cboAdditive.Items.Strings[cboAdditive.itemindex],U,4);
[456]1511 x := AmountsForIVFluid(cboAdditive.ItemIEN, 'A');
1512 AnIVComponent := TIVComponent.Create;
1513 AnIVComponent.IEN := cboAdditive.ItemIEN;
1514 AnIVComponent.Name := Piece(cboAdditive.Items[cboAdditive.ItemIndex], U, 3);
1515 AnIVComponent.Fluid := 'A';
1516 AnIVComponent.Amount := 0;
1517 AnIVComponent.Units := Piece(x, U, 1);
1518 AnIVComponent.Volumes := '';
1519 cboAdditive.ItemIndex := -1;
1520 with grdSelected do
1521 begin
1522 if Objects[0, RowCount - 1] <> nil then RowCount := RowCount + 1;
1523 Objects[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent;
1524 Cells[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Name;
1525 Cells[2, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Units;
[1679]1526 Cells[3, RowCount -1] := UpdateAddFreq(AnIVComponent.IEN);
[456]1527 Row := RowCount - 1;
1528 Col := 1;
1529 end;
1530 Application.ProcessMessages; //CQ: 10157
1531 ClickOnGridCell;
[829]1532 updateRoute;
[456]1533 ControlChange(Sender);
[829]1534 //UpdateRoute(RouteIEN);
1537procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboAdditiveExit(Sender: TObject);
1539 inherited;
[829]1540 if (cboAdditive.ItemIEN > 0) and (EnterIsPressed) then
1541 cboAdditiveMouseClick(Self);
1544{ grdSelected events }
[829]1546procedure TfrmODMedIV.ClearAllFields;
1548 self.cboType.ItemIndex := -1;
1549 self.cboType.Text := '';
1550 self.memComments.Text := '';
1551 self.txtRate.Text := '';
1552 self.txtXDuration.text := '';
1553 self.cboDuration.ItemIndex := -1;
1554 self.cboDuration.Text := '';
1555 self.txtAllIVRoutes.Visible := false;
[1679]1556 //self.FInitialOrderID := True;
[829]1557 cbotypeChange(self.cboType);
1558 if self.cboroute.Items.Count > 0 then self.cboRoute.Clear;
[1679]1559 FIVTypeDefined := false;
[456]1562procedure TfrmODMedIV.ClickOnGridCell;
1564 AnIVComponent: TIVComponent;
1566 procedure PlaceControl(AControl: TWinControl);
1567 var
1568 ARect: TRect;
1569 begin
1570 with AControl do
1571 begin
1572 ARect := grdSelected.CellRect(grdSelected.Col, grdSelected.Row);
1573 SetBounds(ARect.Left + grdSelected.Left + 1, ARect.Top + grdSelected.Top + 1,
1574 ARect.Right - ARect.Left + 1, ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top + 1);
1575 BringToFront;
1576 Show;
1577 SetFocus;
1578 if AControl is TComboBox then //CQ: 10157
[1679]1579 begin
1580 TComboBox(AControl).DroppedDown := True;
1581 TControl(self.grdSelected).Enabled := false;
1582 end;
[456]1583 end;
1584 end;
1587 AnIVComponent := TIVComponent(grdSelected.Objects[0, grdSelected.Row]);
[1679]1588 if (AnIVComponent = nil) or (grdSelected.Col = 0) then
1589 begin
1590 if (AnIVComponent <> nil) and (grdSelected.Col = 0) then grdSelected.Refresh;
1591 Exit;
1592 end;
[456]1593 // allow selection if more the 1 unit to choose from
1594 if (grdSelected.Col = 2) and (Length(Piece(AnIVComponent.Units, U, 2)) > 0) then
1595 begin
1596 PiecesToList(AnIVComponent.Units, U, cboSelected.Items);
1597 cboSelected.ItemIndex := cboSelected.Items.IndexOf(grdSelected.Cells[grdSelected.Col, grdSelected.Row]);
1598 cboSelected.Tag := (grdSelected.Col * 256) + grdSelected.Row;
1599 PlaceControl(cboSelected);
1600 end;
1601 // allow selection if more than 1 volume to choose from
1602 if (grdSelected.Col = 1) and (Length(Piece(AnIVComponent.Volumes, U, 2)) > 0) then
1603 begin
1604 PiecesToList(AnIVComponent.Volumes, U, cboSelected.Items);
1605 cboSelected.ItemIndex := cboSelected.Items.IndexOf(grdSelected.Cells[grdSelected.Col, grdSelected.Row]);
1606 cboSelected.Tag := (grdSelected.Col * 256) + grdSelected.Row;
1607 PlaceControl(cboSelected);
1608 end;
1609 // display text box to enter strength if the entry is an additive
1610 if (grdSelected.Col = 1) and (AnIVComponent.Fluid = 'A') then
1611 begin
1612 txtSelected.Text := grdSelected.Cells[grdSelected.Col, grdSelected.Row];
1613 txtSelected.Tag := (grdSelected.Col * 256) + grdSelected.Row;
1614 PlaceControl(txtSelected);
1615 end;
1617 if (Self.cboType.ItemIndex < 1) and (grdSelected.Col = 3) and (AnIVComponent.Fluid = 'A') then
1618 begin
1619 cboAddFreq.ItemIndex := cboAddFreq.Items.IndexOf(grdSelected.Cells[grdSelected.Col, grdSelected.Row]);
1620 cboAddFreq.Tag := (grdSelected.Col * 256) + grdSelected.Row;
1621 PlaceControl(cboAddFreq);
1622 end;
1625procedure TfrmODMedIV.txtSelectedChange(Sender: TObject); // text editor for grid
1627 inherited;
1628 with txtSelected do
1629 begin
1630 if Tag < 0 then Exit;
1631 grdSelected.Cells[Tag div 256, Tag mod 256] := Text;
1632 end;
1633 ControlChange(Sender);
1636procedure TfrmODMedIV.txtSelectedExit(Sender: TObject);
1638 inherited;
1639 with txtSelected do
1640 begin
1641 grdSelected.Cells[Tag div 256, Tag mod 256] := Text;
1642 Tag := -1;
1643 Hide;
1644 end;
[1679]1645 grdSelected.Refresh;
1650procedure TfrmODMedIV.txtSelectedKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
1651 Shift: TShiftState);
1653 inherited;
1654 if (Key = VK_RETURN) or (Key = VK_Tab) then
1655 begin
1656 ActiveControl := grdSelected;
1657 Key := 0;
1658 end;
[829]1661procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboScheduleChange(Sender: TObject);
1663othSch: string;
1664idx: integer;
1666 inherited;
1667 if self.txtXDuration.Enabled = true then
1668 begin
1669 self.txtXDuration.Text := '';
1670 self.cboDuration.ItemIndex := -1;
1671 end;
[1679]1672 if self.cboSchedule.ItemIndex > -1 then
1673 begin
1674 if cboSchedule.ItemIndex = cboSchedule.Items.IndexOf('Other') then
1675 begin
1676 othSch := CreateOtherSchedule;
1677 if length(trim(othSch)) > 1 then
1678 begin
1679 cboSchedule.Items.Add(othSch + U + U + NSSScheduleType + U + NSSAdminTime);
1680 idx := cboSchedule.Items.IndexOf(Piece(OthSch, U, 1));
1681 cboSchedule.ItemIndex := idx;
1682 end
1683 else cboSchedule.itemindex := -1;
1684 end;
1685 if cboSchedule.itemIndex > -1 then updateDuration(Piece(cboSchedule.Items.Strings[cboSchedule.itemindex],U,3));
1686 end;
[829]1687 ControlChange(sender);
1690procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboScheduleClick(Sender: TObject);
1692 othSch: string;
[1679]1693 idx: integer;
1695 inherited;
1696 if cboSchedule.ItemIndex = cboSchedule.Items.IndexOf('Other') then
1697 begin
1698 othSch := CreateOtherSchedule;
1699 if length(trim(othSch)) > 1 then
1700 begin
1701 cboSchedule.Items.Add(othSch + U + U + NSSScheduleType + U + NSSAdminTime);
[1679]1702 idx := cboSchedule.Items.IndexOf(Piece(OthSch, U, 1));
[829]1703 cboSchedule.ItemIndex := idx;
1704 end;
1705 end
1706 else
1707 begin
1708 NSSAdminTime := '';
1709 NSSScheduleType := '';
1710 end;
1713procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboScheduleExit(Sender: TObject);
1715 inherited;
1716 if (cboSchedule.ItemIndex = -1) and (cboSchedule.Text <> '') then
1717 begin
1718 infoBox('Please select a valid schedule from the list.'+ CRLF + CRLF +
1719 'If you would like to create a Day-of-Week schedule please select ''OTHER'' from the list.',
1720 'Incorrect Schedule.', MB_OK);
1721 cboSchedule.Text := '';
1722 cboSchedule.SetFocus;
1723 end;
[1679]1724 if (cboSchedule.ItemIndex > -1) and (cboSchedule.Text = '') then cboSchedule.ItemIndex := -1;
[1679]1727procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboScheduleKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
1728 Shift: TShiftState);
1730 inherited;
[1679]1731 if IsAltCtrl_L_Pressed(Shift, Key) then
1732 txtNSSClick(txtNSS);
[1679]1735procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboScheduleKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
1736 Shift: TShiftState);
1738 inherited;
[1679]1739 if (Key = VK_BACK) and (cboSchedule.Text = '') then cboSchedule.ItemIndex := -1;
1742procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboSelectedCloseUp(Sender: TObject);
1744 inherited;
[456]1745 with cboSelected do
1746 begin
[1679]1747 if tag < 0 then exit;
1748 grdSelected.Cells[Tag div 256, Tag mod 256] := MixedCase(items.Strings[itemindex]);
[456]1749 Tag := -1;
1750 Hide;
[1679]1751 ControlChange(Sender);
1752 TControl(self.grdSelected).Enabled := True;
1753 ActiveControl := self.grdSelected;
[456]1754 end;
[1679]1755 grdSelected.Refresh;
[1679]1758procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboSelectedKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
1759 Shift: TShiftState);
1761 inherited;
1762 if (Key = VK_RETURN) or (Key = VK_Tab) then
1763 begin
1764 cboSelectedCloseUp(cboSelected);
1765 Key := 0;
1766 end;
[456]1769procedure TfrmODMedIV.cmdRemoveClick(Sender: TObject); // remove button for grid
[829]1771 i, stRow, stRowCount: Integer;
1773 inherited;
1774 with grdSelected do
1775 begin
1776 if Row < 0 then Exit;
[829]1777 stRow := Row;
1778 stRowCount := RowCount;
[456]1779 if Objects[0, Row] <> nil then TIVComponent(Objects[0, Row]).Free;
1780 for i := Row to RowCount - 2 do Rows[i] := Rows[i + 1];
1781 Rows[RowCount - 1].Clear;
1782 RowCount := RowCount - 1;
1783 end;
[829]1784 updateRoute;
1785 if (stRowCount = 1) and (stRow = 0) then
1786 begin
1787 //self.cboRoute.ItemIndex := -1;
1788 ClearAllFields;
1789 end;
[456]1790 ControlChange(Sender);
1793{ update Responses & Create Order Text }
1795procedure TfrmODMedIV.ControlChange(Sender: TObject);
[829]1797 i, CurAdd, CurBase, idx: Integer;
1798 adminTime,x,xlimIn,xLimEx,eSch,iSch,iType, tmpdur, tmpSch, tmpRate: string;
[456]1799 AnIVComponent: TIVComponent;
1800 FQOSchedule: TResponse;
1802 function IsNumericRate(const x: string): Boolean;
1803 var
1804 i: Integer;
1805 begin
1806 Result := True;
1807 for i := 1 to Length(x) do if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9','.']) then Result := False;
1808 end;
1811 inherited;
1812 if Changing then Exit;
[829]1813 loadExpectFirstDose;
[456]1814// FQOSchedule := TResponse.Create;
1815 FQOSchedule := Responses.FindResponseByName('SCHEDULE',1);
1816 if FQOSchedule <> nil then
1817 begin
1818 eSch := FQOSchedule.EValue;
1819 iSch := FQOSchedule.IValue;
1820 end;
1821 //if Sender <> Self then Responses.Clear; // Sender=Self when called from SetupDialog
1822 Responses.Clear; // want this to clear even after SetupDialog in case instances don't match
1823 CurAdd := 1; CurBase := 1;
[829]1824 tmpRate := '';
[456]1825 with grdSelected do for i := 0 to RowCount - 1 do
1826 begin
1827 AnIVComponent := TIVComponent(Objects[0, i]);
1828 if AnIVComponent = nil then Continue;
1829 with AnIVComponent do
1830 begin
1831 if Fluid = 'B' then // Solutions
1832 begin
1833 if IEN > 0 then Responses.Update('ORDERABLE', CurBase, IntToStr(IEN), Name);
1834 if Length(Cells[1,i]) > 0 then Responses.Update('VOLUME', CurBase, Cells[1,i], Cells[1,i]);
1835 Inc(CurBase);
1836 end; {if Fluid B}
1837 if Fluid = 'A' then // Additives
1838 begin
1839 if IEN > 0 then Responses.Update('ADDITIVE', CurAdd, IntToStr(IEN), Name);
1840 if Length(Cells[1,i]) > 0 then Responses.Update('STRENGTH', CurAdd, Cells[1,i], Cells[1,i]);
1841 if Length(Cells[2,i]) > 0 then Responses.Update('UNITS', CurAdd, Cells[2,i], Cells[2,i]);
1843 if (Length(Cells[3,i]) > 0) and (Cells[3,i] <> 'N/A') then Responses.Update('ADDFREQ', CurAdd, Cells[3,i], Cells[3,i]);
[456]1844 Inc(CurAdd);
1845 end; {if Fluid A}
1846 end; {with AnIVComponent}
1847 end; {with grdSelected}
1848 x := txtRate.Text;
1849 xlimIn := '';
1850 xlimEx := '';
1851 if length(txtXDuration.Text) > 0 then
1852 begin
[829]1853 tmpDur := LowerCase(cboDuration.Text);
1854 if (tmpDur = 'l') or (tmpDur = 'ml') then
[456]1855 begin
[829]1856 xlimEx := 'with total volume ' + txtXDuration.Text + self.cboDuration.items.strings[self.cboDuration.itemindex];
1857 xlimIn := 'with total volume ' + txtXDuration.Text + self.cboDuration.items.strings[self.cboDuration.itemindex];
[456]1858 end
[829]1859 else if (tmpDur = 'days') or (tmpDur = 'hours') then
[456]1860 begin
[829]1861 xlimEx := 'for ' + txtXDuration.Text + ' ' + self.cboDuration.items.strings[self.cboDuration.itemindex];
1862 xlimIn := 'for ' + txtXDuration.Text + ' ' + self.cboDuration.items.strings[self.cboDuration.itemindex];
1863 end
1864 else if tmpDur = 'doses' then
1865 begin
1866 xlimEx := 'for a total of ' + txtXDuration.Text + ' ' + self.cboDuration.items.strings[self.cboDuration.itemindex];
1867 xlimIn := 'for a total of ' + txtXDuration.Text + ' ' + self.cboDuration.items.strings[self.cboDuration.itemindex];
1868 end
1869 else begin
[456]1870 xlimIn := '';
1871 xlimEx := '';
1872 end;
1873 end;
[1679]1874 if (cboType.ItemIndex > -1) and (cboType.Items.Strings[cboType.ItemIndex] = 'Intermittent') then iType := 'I'
1875 else if (cboType.ItemIndex > -1) and (cboType.Items.Strings[cboType.ItemIndex] = 'Continuous') then iType := 'C'
1876 else iType := '';
[829]1877 Responses.Update('TYPE',1,iType,cboType.Text);
1878 Responses.Update('ROUTE',1,cboRoute.ItemID,cboRoute.Text);
1879 tmpSch := UpperCase(Trim(cboSchedule.Text));
1880 if chkPRN.Checked then tmpSch := tmpSch + ' PRN';
1881 if UpperCase(Copy(tmpSch, Length(tmpSch) - 6, Length(tmpSch))) = 'PRN PRN'
1882 then tmpSch := Copy(tmpSch, 1, Length(tmpSch) - 4);
1883 Responses.Update('SCHEDULE',1,tmpSch,tmpSch);
1884 (*adminTime := Piece(lblAdminTime.Caption,':',2);
1885 adminTime := Copy(adminTime,1,Length(adminTime));
1886 if (Action in [ORDER_COPY, ORDER_EDIT]) and ((FAdminTimeDelay <> '') or (FAdminTimeClinic <> '')) and
1887 (cboSchedule.ItemIndex = FOriginalScheduleIndex) then Responses.Update('ADMIN',1,FOriginalAdminTime,FOriginalAdminTime)
1888 else Responses.Update('ADMIN',1,adminTime,adminTime);*)
1889 idx := self.cboSchedule.ItemIndex;
1890 if idx > -1 then
1891 begin
1892 adminTime := Piece(lblAdminTime.Caption,':',2);
1893 adminTime := Copy(adminTime,2,Length(adminTime));
1894 if FAdminTimeText <> '' then AdminTime := '';
1895 if AdminTime = 'Not Defined' then AdminTime := '';
1896 Responses.Update('ADMIN',1,adminTime,adminTime);
1897 end;
1898 if IsNumericRate(x) then
1899 begin
1900 if cboInfusionTime.Enabled = true then
1901 begin
1902 idx := cboInfusionTime.Items.IndexOf(cboInfusionTime.Text);
1903 if idx > -1 then x := x + ' ' + cboInfusionTime.Items.Strings[idx];
1904 tmpRate := 'Infuse Over ' + x;
1905 end
1906 else
1907 if pos('ml/hr', x)= 0 then x := x + ' ml/hr';
1908 end;
1909 if (Pos('@',x)>0) and (Piece(x,'@',1) = IntToStr(StrToIntDef(Piece(x,'@',1), -1))) and (cboInfusionTime.Enabled = false) then
1910 begin
1911 if Pos('ml/hr', x) = 0 then
1912 x := Piece(x,'@',1) + ' ml/hr@' + Copy(x, Pos('@',x) + 1, Length(x));
1913 end;
1914 with txtRate do if (Length(Text) > 0) then
1915 begin
1916 if tmpRate = '' then Responses.Update('RATE', 1, x, x)
1917 else Responses.Update('RATE', 1, 'INFUSE OVER ' + x, tmpRate);
1918 end;
[456]1919 with cboPriority do if ItemIndex > -1 then Responses.Update('URGENCY', 1, ItemID, Text);
1920 if Length(xlimIn)>0 then Responses.Update('DAYS',1, xlimIn, xlimEx);
1921 with memComments do if GetTextLen > 0 then Responses.Update('COMMENT', 1, TX_WPTYPE, Text);
[829]1922 if (chkDoseNow.Visible = True) and (chkDoseNow.Checked = True) then
1923 Responses.Update('NOW', 1, '1', 'NOW')
1924 else Responses.Update('NOW', 1, '', '');
[456]1925 memOrder.Text := Responses.OrderText;
[829]1926 (* (Length(eSch)>0) or (Length(iSch)>0) then
1927 Responses.Update('SCHEDULE',1,iSch,eSch); *)
[829]1930function TfrmODMedIV.CreateOtherRoute: string;
1932 aRoute: string;
1934 aRoute := '';
1935 Result := '';
1936 if not ShowOtherRoutes(aRoute) then
1937 begin
1938 cboRoute.ItemIndex := -1;
1939 cboRoute.Text := '';
1940 end
1941 else
1942 begin
1943 Result := aRoute;
1944 end;
1947function TfrmODMedIV.CreateOtherSchedule: string;
1949 aSchedule: string;
1951 aSchedule := '';
[1679]1952 cboSchedule.ItemIndex := -1;
1953 cboSchedule.Text := '';
1954 cboSchedule.DroppedDown := false;
1955 if ShowOtherSchedule(aSchedule) then
[829]1956 begin
1957 Result := Piece(aSchedule,U,1);
1958 NSSAdminTime := Piece(aschedule,u,2);
1959 NSSScheduleType := Piece(ASchedule, U, 3);
1960 end;
[456]1963procedure TfrmODMedIV.grdSelectedDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect;
1964 State: TGridDrawState);
1966 inherited;
[1679]1967 //if Sender = ActiveControl then Exit;
1968 //if not (gdSelected in State) then Exit;
[456]1969 with Sender as TStringGrid do
1970 begin
[1679]1971 if State = [gdSelected..gdFocused] then
1972 begin
1973 Canvas.Font.Color := Get508CompliantColor(clWhite);
1974 Canvas.Brush.Color := clHighlight;
1975 //Canvas.Font.Color := clHighlightText;
1976 Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold];
1977 Canvas.MoveTo(Rect.Left,;
1978 end
1979 else
1980 begin
1981 if (ACol = 4) and (ColWidths[4] > 0) then
1982 Canvas.Brush.Color := clInactiveBorder
1983 else Canvas.Brush.Color := clWindow;
1984 Canvas.Font := Font;
1985 end;
1986 Canvas.FillRect(Rect);
1987 //Canvas.Brush.Color := Color;
[456]1989 Canvas.TextRect(Rect, Rect.Left + 2, Rect.Top + 2, Cells[ACol, ARow]);
1990 end;
1993procedure TfrmODMedIV.SetFontSize( FontSize: integer);
1995 inherited SetFontSize( FontSize );
1996 DoSetFontSize( FontSize );
[829]1999procedure TfrmODMedIV.DisplayDoseNow(Status: boolean);
2001 if self.EvtID > 0 then Status := false;
2002 if status = false then
2003 begin
2004 if (self.chkDoseNow.Visible = true) and (self.chkDoseNow.Checked = true) then self.chkDoseNow.Checked := false;
2005 self.chkDoseNow.Visible := false;
2006 end;
2007 if status = true then self.chkDoseNow.Visible := true;
[456]2010procedure TfrmODMedIV.DoSetFontSize( FontSize: integer);
2012 tabFluid.TabHeight := Abs(Font.Height) + 4;
2013 grdSelected.DefaultRowHeight := Abs(Font.Height) + 8;
2016procedure TfrmODMedIV.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
2017 Shift: TShiftState);
2019 inherited;
2020 if (Key = VK_TAB) and (ssCtrl in Shift) then
2021 begin
2022 //Back-tab works the same as forward-tab because there are only two tabs.
2023 tabFluid.TabIndex := (tabFluid.TabIndex + 1) mod tabFluid.Tabs.Count;
2024 Key := 0;
2025 tabFluidChange(tabFluid);
2026 end;
[1679]2029procedure TfrmODMedIV.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
2031 if (Key = #13) and (ActiveControl = grdSelected) then
2032 Key := #0; //Don't let the base class turn it into a forward tab!
2033 inherited;
[456]2036procedure TfrmODMedIV.grdSelectedKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
2038 inherited;
2039 ClickOnGridCell;
2042procedure TfrmODMedIV.grdSelectedMouseDown(Sender: TObject;
2043 Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
2045 inherited;
2046 ClickOnGridCell;
2049procedure TfrmODMedIV.txtXDurationChange(Sender: TObject);
2051 inherited;
2052 if Changing then Exit;
2053 ControlChange(Sender);
[456]2057procedure TfrmODMedIV.pnlXDurationEnter(Sender: TObject);
2059 inherited;
2060 txtXDuration.SetFocus;
2063procedure TfrmODMedIV.SetLimitationControl(aValue: string);
2065 limitUnit,limitValue,tempval: string;
2067 limitUnit := '';
2068 limitValue := '';
2069 tempVal := '';
[829]2070 if pos('dose',AValue)>0 then
2071 begin
2072 limitValue := Piece(aValue,' ',5);
2073 limitUnit := 'doses';
2074 end;
2075 if (( CharAt(aValue,1)= 'f') or ( CharAt(aValue,1)= 'F')) and (pos('dose',aValue)=0) then //days, hours
[456]2076 begin
2077 limitValue := Piece(aValue,' ',2);
2078 limitUnit := Piece(aValue,' ',3);
2079 end;
2080 if (CharAt(aValue,1)= 'w') or (CharAt(aValue,1)= 'W') then //L, ml
2081 begin
2082 tempval := Piece(aValue,' ',4);
2083 limitValue := FloatToStr(ExtractFloat(tempVal));
2084 limitUnit := Copy(tempVal,length(limitValue)+1,Length(tempVal));
2085 end;
2086 if isNumeric(CharAt(aValue,1)) then
2087 begin
[829]2088 if LeftStr(avalue,1) = '0' then AValue := Copy(aValue,2,Length(aValue));
[456]2089 limitValue := FloatToStr(ExtractFloat(aValue));
2090 limitUnit := Copy(aValue,length(limitValue)+1,Length(aValue));
2091 if limitUnit = 'D' then limitUnit := 'days'
2092 else if limitUnit = 'H' then limitUnit := 'hours'
2093 else if limitUnit = 'ML' then limitUnit := 'ml';
2094 end;
2095 if ( Length(limitUnit)> 0) and ( (Length(limitValue) > 0 ) ) then
2096 begin
2097 txtXDuration.Text := limitValue;
2098 if Trim(UpperCase(limitUnit))='CC' then
2099 limitUnit := 'ml';
[829]2100 cboduration.text := limitUnit;
2101 if cboDuration.Text <> '' then cboDuration.ItemIndex := cboDuration.Items.IndexOf(cboDuration.Text)
[456]2102 end;
[829]2106procedure TfrmODMedIV.SetSchedule(const x: string);
2108NonPRNPart,tempSch: string;
2109idx: integer;
2111 cboSchedule.ItemIndex := -1;
2112 chkPRN.Checked := False;
2113 //Check to see if schedule is already define in the schedule list
2114 idx := cboSchedule.Items.IndexOf(X);
2115 if idx > -1 then
2116 begin
2117 cboSchedule.ItemIndex := idx;
2118 exit;
2119 end;
[1679]2120 //if PRN schedule than set the checkbox than exit
2121 if (X = ' PRN') or (X = 'PRN') then
2122 begin
2123 chkPRN.Checked := True;
2124 Exit;
2125 end;
[829]2126 //Check to see if schedule is a Day-of-Week Schedule (MO-WE-FR@BID)
2127 if (Pos('@', x) > 0) then
2128 begin
2129 tempSch := Piece(x, '@', 2);
2130 idx := cboSchedule.Items.IndexOf(tempSch);
2131 if idx > -1 then
2132 begin
2133 //tempSch := U + Piece(x, '@', 1) + '@' + Pieces(cboSchedule.Items.Strings[idx], U, 2, 5);
2134 tempSch := Piece(x, '@', 1) + '@' + cboSchedule.Items.Strings[idx];
2135 cboSchedule.Items.Add(tempSch);
2136 cboSchedule.Text := (Piece(tempSch,U,1));
2137 cboSchedule.ItemIndex := cboSchedule.Items.IndexOf(Piece(tempSch,U,1));
2138 EXIT;
2139 end;
2140 //Check to see if schedule is a Day-of-Week PRN Schedule (MO-WE-FR@BID PRN)
2141 if Pos('PRN', tempSch) > 0 then
2142 begin
2143 NonPRNPart := Trim(Copy(tempSch, 1, Pos('PRN', tempSch) - 1));
2144 idx := cboSchedule.Items.IndexOf(NonPRNPart);
2145 if idx > -1 then
2146 begin
2147 //tempSch := U + Piece(x, '@', 1) + '@' + Pieces(cboSchedule.Items.Strings[idx], U, 2, 5);
2148 tempSch := Piece(x, '@', 1) + '@' + cboSchedule.Items.Strings[idx];
2149 cboSchedule.Text := (Piece(tempSch,U,1));
2150 cboSchedule.ItemIndex := cboSchedule.Items.IndexOf(Piece(tempSch, U, 1));
2151 chkPRN.Checked := True;
2152 EXIT;
2153 end
2154 else
2155 //Add Day-of-Week PRN schedule built off Time Prompt (MO-WE-FR@0800-1000 PRN)
2156 begin
2157 NonPRNPart := Trim(Copy(X, 1, Pos('PRN', X) - 1));
2158 chkPRN.Checked := True;
2159 //cboSchedule.Items.Add(U + NonPRNPart + U + U + U + AdminTime);
2160 //cboSchedule.Items.Add(U + NonPRNPart + U + U + U + Piece(NonPRNPart, '@', 2));
2161 cboSchedule.Items.Add(NonPRNPart + U + U + U + Piece(NonPRNPart, '@', 2));
2162 cboSchedule.Text := NonPRNPart;
2163 cboSchedule.ItemIndex := cboSchedule.Items.IndexOf(NonPRNPart);
2164 EXIT;
2165 end;
2166 end;
2167 //Add Non PRN Day-of-Week Schedule built off Time Prompt (MO-WE-FR@0800-1000)
2168 //cboSchedule.Items.Add(U + x + U + U + U + AdminTime);
2169 //cboSchedule.Items.Add(U + x + U + U + U + tempSch);
2170 cboSchedule.Items.Add(x + U + U + U + tempSch);
2171 cboSchedule.Text := x;
2172 cboSchedule.ItemIndex := cboSchedule.Items.IndexOf(X);
2173 end
2174 else
2175 begin
2176 //Handle standard schedule mark as PRN (Q4H PRN)
2177 if Pos('PRN', X) > 0 then
2178 begin
2179 NonPRNPart := Trim(Copy(X, 1, Pos('PRN', X) - 1));
2180 idx := cboSchedule.Items.IndexOf(NonPRNPart);
2181 if idx > -1 then
2182 begin
2183 cboSchedule.ItemIndex := idx;
2184 tempSch := cboSchedule.Items.Strings[idx];
2185 //setPiece(tempSch,U,5,AdminTime);
2186 cboSchedule.Items.Strings[idx] := tempSch;
2187 chkPRN.Checked := True;
2188 exit;
2189 end;
2190 end;
2191 end;
[456]2195procedure TfrmODMedIV.txtXDurationExit(Sender: TObject);
2197 Code: double;
2199 inherited;
2200 if (txtXDuration.Text <> '0') and (txtXDuration.Text <> '') then
2201 begin
2202 try
2203 code := StrToFloat(txtXDuration.Text);
2204 except
2205 code := 0;
2206 end;
2207 if code < 0.0001 then
2208 begin
[829]2209 ShowMsg('Can not save order.' + #13#10 + 'Reason: Invalid Duration or Total Volume!');
[456]2210 txtXDuration.Text := '';
2211 txtXDuration.SetFocus;
2212 Exit;
2213 end;
2214 end;
2215 try
2216 if (Length(txtXDuration.Text)>0) and (StrToFloat(txtXDuration.Text)<0) then
2217 begin
[829]2218 ShowMsg('Can not save order.' + #13#10 + 'Reason: Invalid Duration or total volume!');
[456]2219 txtXDuration.Text := '';
2220 txtXDuration.SetFocus;
2221 Exit;
2222 end;
2223 except
2224 txtXDuration.Text := '';
2225 end;
2226 ControlChange(Sender);
[1679]2229function TfrmODMedIV.UpdateAddFreq(OI: integer): string;
2231 if (self.cboType.ItemIndex = -1) or (MixedCase(self.cboType.Items.Strings[self.cboType.ItemIndex]) = 'Continuous') then
2232 Result := GetDefaultAddFreq(OI)
2233 else Result := '';
[829]2236procedure TfrmODMedIV.UpdateDuration(SchType: string);
2238if SchType = 'O' then
2239 begin
2240 self.cboDuration.ItemIndex := -1;
2241 self.txtXDuration.Text := '';
2242 self.cboDuration.Enabled := false;
2243 self.txtXDuration.Enabled := false;
2244 self.lblLimit.Enabled := false;
2245 end
2247 begin
2248 self.cboDuration.Enabled := true;
2249 self.txtXDuration.Enabled := true;
2250 self.lblLimit.Enabled := true;
2251 end;
2254procedure TfrmODMedIV.UpdateRoute;
[829]2256AnIVComponent: TIVComponent;
2257i: integer;
2258OrderIds, TempIVRoute: TStringList;
[1679]2259//Default: boolean;
[829]2261 if self.grdSelected.RowCount > 0 then self.txtAllIVRoutes.Visible := True;
2262 TempIVRoute := TStringList.Create;
2263 for I := (self.cboRoute.Items.Count -1) downto 0 do
[456]2264 begin
[829]2265 if Piece(self.cboRoute.Items.Strings[i], U, 5) = '1' then
2266 TempIVRoute.Add(self.cboRoute.Items.Strings[i]);
2267 self.cboRoute.Items.Delete(i);
[456]2268 end;
[829]2269 if self.cboRoute.ItemIndex = -1 then self.cboRoute.Text := '';
2270 OrderIds := TStringList.Create;
2271 for i := 0 to self.grdSelected.RowCount -1 do
[456]2272 begin
[829]2273 AniVComponent := TIVComponent(self.grdSelected.Objects[0, i]);
2274 if AnIVComponent <> nil then orderIds.Add(InttoStr(AniVComponent.IEN));
[456]2275 end;
[829]2276 if OrderIds.Count > 0 then
2277 begin
[1679]2278 //if (self.FInitialOrderID = True) and (self.grdSelected.RowCount = 1) then Default := True
2279 //else Default := False;
2280 LoadDosageFormIVRoutes(self.cboRoute.Items, OrderIds);
2281 //if default = True then
2282 // begin
2283 for I := 0 to cboRoute.items.Count - 1 do
[829]2284 begin
[1679]2285 if Piece(cboRoute.Items.Strings[i], U, 5) = 'D' then
2286 begin
2287 cboRoute.ItemIndex := i;
2288 break;
2289 end;
[829]2290 end;
[1679]2291 // self.FInitialOrderID := false;
2292 //end;
[829]2293 OrderIds.Free;
2294 end;
2295 if TempIVRoute.Count > 0 then
2296 begin
2297 for I := 0 to tempIVRoute.Count - 1 do cboRoute.Items.Add(tempIVRoute.Strings[i]);
2298 TempIVRoute.Free;
2299 end;
2300 cboRoute.Items.Add(U + 'OTHER');
2304procedure TfrmODMedIV.txtAllIVRoutesClick(Sender: TObject);
[1679]2306 i: integer;
2307 msg : String;
2309 inherited;
[1679]2310 msg := 'You can also select "OTHER" from the Route list'
[829]2311 + ' to select a Route from the Expanded Med Route List.'
[1679]2312 + #13#10 + 'Click OK to launch the Expanded Med Route List.';
2313 if ShowMsg(msg, smiInfo, smbOKCancel) = smrOk then
[829]2314 begin
2315 for I := 0 to cboRoute.Items.Count - 1 do if cboRoute.Items.Strings[i] = U + 'OTHER' then break;
2316 cboRoute.ItemIndex := i;
2317 cboRouteClick(self);
2318 cboRouteChange(self.cboRoute);
2319 end;
2322procedure TfrmODMedIV.txtNSSClick(Sender: TObject);
[1679]2324 i: integer;
2325 msg : String;
2327 inherited;
[1679]2328 msg := 'You can also select ' + '"' + 'Other' + '"' + ' from the schedule list'
[829]2329 + ' to create a day-of-week schedule.'
[1679]2330 + #13#10 + 'Click OK to launch schedule builder';
2331 if ShowMsg(msg, smiInfo, smbOKCancel) = smrOK then
[829]2332 begin
2333 //cboSchedule.Items.Add(U + 'OTHER');
2334 for I := 0 to cboSchedule.Items.Count - 1 do if cboSchedule.Items.Strings[i] = 'OTHER' then break;
2335 cboSchedule.ItemIndex := i;
2336 //cboSchedule.SelectByID(U+'OTHER');
2337 cboScheduleClick(Self);
2338 cboScheduleChange(self.cboSchedule);
2339 end;
2342procedure TfrmODMedIV.txtRateChange(Sender: TObject);
2344 inherited;
2345 if Changing then Exit;
2346 ControlChange(Sender);
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