unit fODValidateAction; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ORFn, uCore, StdCtrls, CheckLst, ComCtrls,ExtCtrls,uConst, ORCtrls; type TfrmInvalidActionList = class(TForm) pnlTop: TPanel; lstActDeniedOrders: TCaptionListBox; Label1: TLabel; hdrAction: THeaderControl; pnlBottom: TPanel; Label2: TLabel; lstValidOrders: TCaptionListBox; Panel1: TPanel; btnOK: TButton; procedure lstActDeniedOrdersDrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; TheRect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); procedure lstActDeniedOrdersMeasureItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; var AHeight: Integer); procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure hdrActionSectionResize(HeaderControl: THeaderControl; Section: THeaderSection); procedure lstValidOrdersMeasureItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; var AHeight: Integer); procedure lstValidOrdersDrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; TheRect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } TheInvaList: TStringList; procedure RedrawActiveList; public { Public declarations } end; procedure DisplayOrdersForAction(TheInvalidList: TStringList; TheValidList: TStringList; TheAction: String); implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure DisplayOrdersForAction(TheInvalidList: TStringList; TheValidList: TStringList; TheAction: String); var frmInvalidActionList: TfrmInvalidActionList; i: integer; begin frmInvalidActionList := TfrmInvalidActionList.Create(Application); frmInvalidActionList.TheInvaList :=TheInvalidList; if TheAction = OA_CHGEVT then begin frmInvalidActionList.Caption := 'Change Release Event'; frmInvalidActionList.Label1.Caption := 'You can not change the release event for the following orders.'; frmInvalidActionList.Label2.Caption := 'You can change the release event for the following orders.'; end; if TheAction = OA_EDREL then begin frmInvalidActionList.Caption := 'Release Order(s) To Service'; frmInvalidActionList.Label1.Caption := 'You can not release the following orders to service.'; frmInvalidActionList.Label2.Caption := 'You can release the following orders to service.'; end; for i := 0 to TheInvalidList.Count - 1 do begin frmInvalidActionList.lstActDeniedOrders.Items.Add(Piece(TheInvalidList[i], U, 1) + ' ' + Piece(TheInvalidList[i], U, 2)); end; for i := 0 to TheValidList.Count - 1 do begin frmInvalidActionList.lstValidOrders.Items.Add(TheValidList[i]); end; if TheValidList.Count = 0 then begin frmInvalidActionList.lstValidOrders.Visible := False; frmInvalidActionList.pnlBottom.Visible := False; frmInvalidActionList.Height := frmInvalidActionList.Height - frmInvalidActionList.pnlBottom.Height; end; Beep; frmInvalidActionList.ShowModal; frmInvalidActionList.TheInvaList.Free; end; procedure TfrmInvalidActionList.lstActDeniedOrdersDrawItem( Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; TheRect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); var x,x1,x2: string; ARect: TRect; i,RightSide: integer; SaveColor: TColor; begin inherited; with lstActDeniedOrders do begin ARect := TheRect; Canvas.FillRect(ARect); Canvas.Pen.Color := clSilver; Canvas.MoveTo(ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom - 1); Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom - 1); RightSide := -2; for i := 0 to 1 do begin RightSide := RightSide + hdrAction.Sections[i].Width; Canvas.MoveTo(RightSide, ARect.Bottom - 1); Canvas.LineTo(RightSide, ARect.Top); end; if Index < Items.Count then begin x1 := FilteredString(Piece(TheInvaList[index],'^',1)); x2 := Piece(TheInvaList[index],'^',2); for i := 0 to 1 do begin if i > 0 then ARect.Left := ARect.Right + 2 else ARect.Left := 2; ARect.Right := ARect.Left + hdrAction.Sections[i].Width - 6; SaveColor := Canvas.Brush.Color; if i = 0 then x := x1; if i = 1 then x := x2; DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(x), Length(x), ARect, DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK); Canvas.Brush.Color := SaveColor; ARect.Right := ARect.Right + 4; end; end; end; end; procedure TfrmInvalidActionList.lstActDeniedOrdersMeasureItem( Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; var AHeight: Integer); var x1,x2: string; ARect: TRect; TextHeight, ReasonHeight, NewHeight: Integer; begin inherited; AHeight := MainFontHeight + 2; NewHeight := AHeight; with lstActDeniedOrders do if Index < Items.Count then begin x1 := FilteredString(Piece(TheInvaList[index],'^',1)); x2 := Piece(TheInvaList[index],'^',2); ARect := ItemRect(Index); ARect.Right := hdrAction.Sections[0].Width - 6; ARect.Left := 0; ARect.Top := 0; ARect.Bottom := 0; TextHeight := DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(x1), Length(x1), ARect, DT_CALCRECT or DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK) + 2; ARect := ItemRect(Index); ARect.Right := hdrAction.Sections[1].Width - 6; ARect.Left := 0; ARect.Top := 0; ARect.Bottom := 0; ReasonHeight := DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(x2), Length(x2), ARect, DT_CALCRECT or DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK) + 2; NewHeight := HigherOf(TextHeight, ReasonHeight); if NewHeight > 255 then NewHeight := 255; if NewHeight < 13 then NewHeight := 13; end; AHeight := NewHeight; end; procedure TfrmInvalidActionList.btnOKClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TfrmInvalidActionList.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin TheInvaList := TStringList.Create; end; procedure TfrmInvalidActionList.hdrActionSectionResize( HeaderControl: THeaderControl; Section: THeaderSection); begin inherited; RedrawSuspend(Self.Handle); RedrawActiveList; RedrawActivate(Self.Handle); lstActDeniedOrders.Invalidate; end; procedure TfrmInvalidActionList.RedrawActiveList; var i, SaveTop: Integer; begin with lstActDeniedOrders do begin RedrawSuspend(Handle); SaveTop := TopIndex; Clear; for i := 0 to TheInvaList.Count - 1 do Items.Add(Piece(TheInvaList[i], U, 1) + ' ' + Piece(TheInvaList[i], U, 2)); TopIndex := SaveTop; RedrawActivate(Handle); end; end; procedure TfrmInvalidActionList.lstValidOrdersMeasureItem( Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; var AHeight: Integer); var x: string; ARect: TRect; NewHeight: Integer; begin inherited; AHeight := MainFontHeight + 2; NewHeight := AHeight; with lstValidOrders do if Index < Items.Count then begin x := FilteredString(lstValidOrders.Items[index]); ARect := ItemRect(Index); ARect.Right := hdrAction.Sections[0].Width - 6; ARect.Left := 0; ARect.Top := 0; ARect.Bottom := 0; NewHeight := DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(x), Length(x), ARect, DT_CALCRECT or DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK) + 2; if NewHeight > 255 then NewHeight := 255; if NewHeight < 13 then NewHeight := 13; end; AHeight := NewHeight; end; procedure TfrmInvalidActionList.lstValidOrdersDrawItem( Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; TheRect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); var x: string; ARect: TRect; SaveColor: TColor; begin inherited; with lstValidOrders do begin ARect := TheRect; Canvas.FillRect(ARect); Canvas.Pen.Color := clSilver; SaveColor := Canvas.Brush.Color; Canvas.MoveTo(ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom - 1); Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom - 1); if Index < Items.Count then begin x := FilteredString(lstValidOrders.Items[index]); DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(x), Length(x), ARect, DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK); Canvas.Brush.Color := SaveColor; ARect.Right := ARect.Right + 4; end; end; end; procedure TfrmInvalidActionList.FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin if pnlBottom.Visible then pnlTop.Height := (Height div 5 ) * 2 end; end.