source: cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Orders/fOMNavA.dfm@ 1381

Last change on this file since 1381 was 829, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 14 years ago

Upgrade to version 27

File size: 4.5 KB
1inherited frmOMNavA: TfrmOMNavA
2 Left = 212
3 Top = 354
4 BorderIcons = []
5 Caption = 'Order Menu'
6 ClientHeight = 278
7 ClientWidth = 483
8 OldCreateOrder = True
9 OnActivate = FormActivate
10 OnClose = FormClose
11 OnCreate = FormCreate
12 OnDestroy = FormDestroy
13 OnResize = FormResize
14 ExplicitLeft = 212
15 ExplicitTop = 354
16 ExplicitWidth = 491
17 ExplicitHeight = 312
18 PixelsPerInch = 96
19 TextHeight = 13
20 object pnlTool: TPanel [0]
21 Left = 0
22 Top = 0
23 Width = 483
24 Height = 19
25 Align = alTop
26 BevelOuter = bvLowered
27 Caption = 'Menu or Dialog Name'
28 Color = clHighlight
29 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
30 Font.Color = clHighlightText
31 Font.Height = -11
32 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
33 Font.Style = [fsBold]
34 ParentFont = False
35 TabOrder = 1
36 OnMouseDown = pnlToolMouseDown
37 OnMouseMove = pnlToolMouseMove
38 OnMouseUp = pnlToolMouseUp
39 object cmdDone: TORAlignButton
40 Left = 432
41 Top = 1
42 Width = 50
43 Height = 17
44 Align = alRight
45 Caption = 'Done'
46 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
47 Font.Color = clBtnText
48 Font.Height = -11
49 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
50 Font.Style = []
51 ParentFont = False
52 TabOrder = 0
53 OnClick = cmdDoneClick
54 end
55 object cmdPrev: TBitBtn
56 Left = 0
57 Top = 1
58 Width = 20
59 Height = 17
60 Caption = 'Back'
61 Enabled = False
62 TabOrder = 1
63 OnClick = cmdPrevClick
64 Glyph.Data = {
65 06010000424D06010000000000007600000028000000180000000C0000000100
66 0400000000009000000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000
67 8000008000000080800080000000800080008080000080808000C0C0C0000000
68 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333333377333
69 3333333773333333337C7333333333777333333337CC73333333377373333333
70 7CCC73333333773373333337CCCC7333333773337333337CCCCC733333373333
71 733333CCCCCC7333337333337333333CCCCC73333337333373333333CCCC7333
72 33337333733333333CCC7333333337337333333333CC73333333337373333333
73 333C3333333333373333}
74 Layout = blGlyphTop
75 Margin = 0
76 NumGlyphs = 2
77 Spacing = 80
78 end
79 object cmdNext: TBitBtn
80 Left = 20
81 Top = 1
82 Width = 21
83 Height = 17
84 Caption = 'Forward'
85 Enabled = False
86 TabOrder = 2
87 OnClick = cmdNextClick
88 Glyph.Data = {
89 06010000424D06010000000000007600000028000000180000000C0000000100
90 0400000000009000000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000
91 8000008000000080800080000000800080008080000080808000C0C0C0000000
92 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333733333333
93 333733333333333C73333333333773333333333CC7333333333777333333333C
94 CC733333333737733333333CCCC73333333733773333333CCCCC733333373337
95 7333333CCCCCC333333733337333333CCCCC3333333733373333333CCCC33333
96 333733733333333CCC333333333737333333333CC3333333333773333333333C
97 33333333333733333333}
98 Layout = blGlyphTop
99 Margin = 0
100 NumGlyphs = 2
101 Spacing = 80
102 end
103 end
104 object grdMenu: TCaptionStringGrid [1]
105 Left = 0
106 Top = 19
107 Width = 483
108 Height = 259
109 Align = alClient
110 BorderStyle = bsNone
111 Color = clBtnFace
112 ColCount = 3
113 DefaultColWidth = 160
114 DefaultRowHeight = 15
115 DefaultDrawing = False
116 FixedCols = 0
117 FixedRows = 0
118 Options = [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine]
119 ScrollBars = ssVertical
120 TabOrder = 0
121 OnDrawCell = grdMenuDrawCell
122 OnKeyDown = grdMenuKeyDown
123 OnKeyUp = grdMenuKeyUp
124 OnMouseDown = grdMenuMouseDown
125 OnMouseMove = grdMenuMouseMove
126 OnMouseUp = grdMenuMouseUp
127 Caption = 'Menu or Dialog Name'
128 end
129 inherited amgrMain: TVA508AccessibilityManager
130 Left = 8
131 Top = 40
132 Data = (
133 (
134 'Component = pnlTool'
135 'Status = stsDefault')
136 (
137 'Component = cmdDone'
138 'Status = stsDefault')
139 (
140 'Component = cmdPrev'
141 'Status = stsDefault')
142 (
143 'Component = cmdNext'
144 'Status = stsDefault')
145 (
146 'Component = grdMenu'
147 'Status = stsDefault')
148 (
149 'Component = frmOMNavA'
150 'Status = stsDefault'))
151 end
152 object accEventsGrdMenu: TVA508ComponentAccessibility
153 Component = grdMenu
154 OnCaptionQuery = accEventsGrdMenuCaptionQuery
155 OnValueQuery = accEventsGrdMenuValueQuery
156 Left = 40
157 Top = 40
158 end
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