1 | unit uODBase;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, ORFn, uConst;
7 |
8 | { Order Checking }
9 | function AddFillerAppID(const AnID: string): Boolean;
10 | procedure ClearFillerAppList;
11 |
12 | { Ordering Environment }
13 | procedure SetOrderFormIDOnCreate(AFormID: Integer);
14 | function OrderFormIDOnCreate: Integer;
15 | procedure SetOrderEventTypeOnCreate(AType: Char);
16 | function OrderEventTypeOnCreate: Char;
17 | procedure SetOrderEventIDOnCreate(AnEvtID: integer);
18 | function OrderEventIDOnCreate: integer;
19 | procedure SetOrderEventNameOnCreate(AnEvtNm: string);
20 | function OrderEventNameOnCreate: string;
21 | function GetKeyVars: string;
22 | procedure PopKeyVars(NumLevels: Integer = 1);
23 | procedure PushKeyVars(const NewVals: string);
24 | procedure ExpandOrderObjects(var Txt: string; var ContainsObjects: boolean; msg: string = '');
25 | procedure CheckForAutoDCDietOrders(EvtID: integer; DispGrp: integer; CurrentText: string;
26 | var CancelText: string; Sender: TObject);
27 |
28 | implementation
29 |
30 | uses
31 | dShared, Windows, rTemplates, SysUtils, StdCtrls, fOrders, rOrders;
32 |
33 | var
34 | uOrderEventType: Char;
35 | uOrderEventID: Integer;
36 | uOrderEventName: string;
37 | uOrderFormID: Integer;
38 | uFillerAppID: TStringList;
39 | uKeyVarList: TStringList;
40 |
41 | { Order Checking }
42 |
43 | function AddFillerAppID(const AnID: string): Boolean;
44 | begin
45 | Result := False;
46 | if uFillerAppID.IndexOf(AnID) < 0 then
47 | begin
48 | Result := True;
49 | uFillerAppID.Add(AnID);
50 | end;
51 | end;
52 |
53 | procedure ClearFillerAppList;
54 | begin
55 | uFillerAppID.Clear;
56 | end;
57 |
58 | { Ordering Environment }
59 |
60 | procedure SetOrderFormIDOnCreate(AFormID: Integer);
61 | begin
62 | uOrderFormID := AFormID;
63 | end;
64 |
65 | function OrderFormIDOnCreate: Integer;
66 | begin
67 | Result := uOrderFormID;
68 | end;
69 |
70 | procedure SetOrderEventTypeOnCreate(AType: Char);
71 | begin
72 | uOrderEventType := AType;
73 | end;
74 |
75 | function OrderEventTypeOnCreate: Char;
76 | begin
77 | Result := uOrderEventType;
78 | end;
79 |
80 | procedure SetOrderEventIDOnCreate(AnEvtID: Integer);
81 | begin
82 | uOrderEventID := AnEvtID;
83 | end;
84 |
85 | procedure SetOrderEventNameOnCreate(AnEvtNm: string);
86 | begin
87 | uOrderEventName := AnEvtNm;
88 | end;
89 |
90 | function OrderEventNameOnCreate: string;
91 | begin
92 | Result := uOrderEventName;
93 | end;
94 |
95 | function OrderEventIDOnCreate: integer;
96 | begin
97 | Result := uOrderEventID;
98 | end;
99 |
100 | function GetKeyVars: string;
101 | begin
102 | Result := '';
103 | with uKeyVarList do if Count > 0 then Result := Strings[Count - 1];
104 | end;
105 |
106 | procedure PopKeyVars(NumLevels: Integer = 1);
107 | begin
108 | with uKeyVarList do while (NumLevels > 0) and (Count > 0) do
109 | begin
110 | Delete(Count - 1);
111 | Dec(NumLevels);
112 | end;
113 | end;
114 |
115 | procedure PushKeyVars(const NewVals: string);
116 | var
117 | i: Integer;
118 | x: string;
119 | begin
120 | if uKeyVarList.Count > 0 then x := uKeyVarList[uKeyVarList.Count - 1] else x := '';
121 | for i := 1 to MAX_KEYVARS do
122 | if Piece(NewVals, U, i) <> '' then SetPiece(x, U, i, Piece(NewVals, U, i));
123 | uKeyVarList.Add(x);
124 | end;
125 |
126 | procedure ExpandOrderObjects(var Txt: string; var ContainsObjects: boolean; msg: string = '');
127 | var
128 | ObjList: TStringList;
129 | Err: TStringList;
130 | i, j, k, oLen: integer;
131 | obj, ObjTxt: string;
132 | const
133 | CRDelim = #13;
134 | TC_BOILER_ERR = 'Order Boilerplate Object Error';
135 | TX_BOILER_ERR = 'Contact IRM and inform them about this error.' + CRLF +
136 | 'Make sure you give them the name of the quick' + CRLF +
137 | 'order that you are processing.' ;
138 | begin
139 | ObjList := TStringList.Create;
140 | try
141 | Err := nil;
142 | if(not dmodShared.BoilerplateOK(Txt, CRDelim, ObjList, Err)) and (assigned(Err)) then
143 | begin
144 | try
145 | Err.Add(CRLF + TX_BOILER_ERR);
146 | InfoBox(Err.Text, TC_BOILER_ERR, MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR);
147 | finally
148 | Err.Free;
149 | end;
150 | end;
151 | if(ObjList.Count > 0) then
152 | begin
153 | ContainsObjects := True;
154 | GetTemplateText(ObjList);
155 | i := 0;
156 | while (i < ObjList.Count) do
157 | begin
158 | if(pos(ObjMarker, ObjList[i]) = 1) then
159 | begin
160 | obj := copy(ObjList[i], ObjMarkerLen+1, MaxInt);
161 | if(obj = '') then break;
162 | j := i + 1;
163 | while (j < ObjList.Count) and (pos(ObjMarker, ObjList[j]) = 0) do
164 | inc(j);
165 | if((j - i) > 2) then
166 | begin
167 | ObjTxt := '';
168 | for k := i+1 to j-1 do
169 | ObjTxt := ObjTxt + #13 + ObjList[k];
170 | end
171 | else
172 | ObjTxt := ObjList[i+1];
173 | i := j;
174 | obj := '|' + obj + '|';
175 | oLen := length(obj);
176 | repeat
177 | j := pos(obj, Txt);
178 | if(j > 0) then
179 | begin
180 | delete(Txt, j, OLen);
181 | insert(ObjTxt, Txt, j);
182 | end;
183 | until(j = 0);
184 | end
185 | else
186 | inc(i);
187 | end
188 | end;
189 | finally
190 | ObjList.Free;
191 | end;
192 | end;
193 |
194 | // Check for diet orders that will be auto-DCd on release because of start/stop overlaps.
195 | // Moved here for visibility because it also needs to be checked on an auto-accept order.
196 | procedure CheckForAutoDCDietOrders(EvtID: integer; DispGrp: integer; CurrentText: string;
197 | var CancelText: string; Sender: TObject);
198 | const
199 | TX_CX_CUR = 'A new diet order will CANCEL and REPLACE this current diet now unless' + CRLF +
200 | 'you specify a start date for when the new diet should replace the current' + CRLF +
201 | 'diet:' + CRLF + CRLF;
202 | TX_CX_FUT = 'A new diet order with no expiration date will CANCEL and REPLACE these diets:' + CRLF + CRLF;
203 | TX_CX_DELAYED1 = 'There are other delayed diet orders for this release event:';
204 | TX_CX_DELAYED2 = 'This new diet order may cancel and replace those other diets' + CRLF +
205 | 'IMMEDIATELY ON RELEASE, unless you either:' + CRLF + CRLF +
206 |
207 | '1. Specify an expiration date/time for this order that will' + CRLF +
208 | ' be prior to the start date/time of those other orders; or' + CRLF + CRLF +
209 |
210 | '2. Specify a later start date/time for this order for when you' + CRLF +
211 | ' would like it to cancel and replace those other orders.';
212 |
213 | var
214 | i: integer;
215 | AStringList: TStringList;
216 | AList: TList;
217 | x, PtEvtIFN, PtEvtName: string;
218 | //AResponse: TResponse;
219 | begin
220 | if EvtID = 0 then // check current and future released diets
221 | begin
222 | x := CurrentText;
223 | if Piece(x, #13, 1) <> 'Current Diet: ' then
224 | begin
225 | AStringList := TStringList.Create;
226 | try
227 | AStringList.Text := x;
228 | CancelText := TX_CX_CUR + #9 + Piece(AStringList[0], ':', 1) + ':' + CRLF + CRLF
229 | + #9 + Copy(AStringList[0], 16, 99) + CRLF;
230 | if AStringList.Count > 1 then
231 | begin
232 | CancelText := CancelText + CRLF + CRLF +
233 | TX_CX_FUT + #9 + Piece(AStringList[1], ':', 1) + ':' + CRLF + CRLF
234 | + #9 + Copy(AStringList[1], 22, 99) + CRLF;
235 | if AStringList.Count > 2 then
236 | for i := 2 to AStringList.Count - 1 do
237 | CancelText := CancelText + #9 + TrimLeft(AStringList[i]) + CRLF;
238 | end;
239 | finally
240 | AStringList.Free;
241 | end;
242 | end;
243 | end
244 | else if Sender is TButton then // delayed orders code here - on accept only
245 | begin
246 | //AResponse := Responses.FindResponseByName('STOP', 1);
247 | //if (AResponse <> nil) and (AResponse.EValue <> '') then exit;
248 | AList := TList.Create;
249 | try
250 | PtEvtIFN := IntToStr(frmOrders.TheCurrentView.EventDelay.PtEventIFN);
251 | PtEvtName := frmOrders.TheCurrentView.EventDelay.EventName;
252 | LoadOrdersAbbr(AList, frmOrders.TheCurrentView, PtEvtIFN);
253 | for i := AList.Count - 1 downto 0 do
254 | begin
255 | if TOrder(Alist.Items[i]).DGroup <> DispGrp then
256 | begin
257 | TOrder(AList.Items[i]).Free;
258 | AList.Delete(i);
259 | end;
260 | end;
261 | if AList.Count > 0 then
262 | begin
263 | x := '';
264 | RetrieveOrderFields(AList, 0, 0);
265 | CancelText := TX_CX_DELAYED1 + CRLF + CRLF + 'Release event: ' + PtEvtName;
266 | for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do
267 | with TOrder(AList.Items[i]) do
268 | begin
269 | x := x + #9 + Text + CRLF;
270 | (* if StartTime <> '' then
271 | x := #9 + x + 'Start: ' + StartTime + CRLF
272 | else
273 | x := #9 + x + 'Ordered: ' + FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yyyy@hh:nn', OrderTime) + CRLF;*)
274 | end;
275 | CancelText := CancelText + CRLF + CRLF + x;
276 | CancelText := CancelText + CRLF + CRLF + TX_CX_DELAYED2;
277 | end;
278 | finally
279 | with AList do for i := 0 to Count - 1 do TOrder(Items[i]).Free;
280 | AList.Free;
281 | end;
282 | end;
283 | end;
284 |
285 |
286 | initialization
287 | uOrderEventType := #0;
288 | uOrderFormID := 0;
289 | uOrderEventName := '';
290 | uFillerAppID := TStringList.Create;
291 | uKeyVarList := TStringList.Create;
292 |
293 | finalization
294 | uFillerAppID.Free;
295 | uKeyVarList.Free;
296 |
297 | end.