unit uOrders; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, uConst, rConsults, rOrders, ORFn, Dialogs, ORCtrls, stdCtrls, strUtils, fODBase, fODMedOIFA, VA508AccessibilityRouter; type EOrderDlgFail = class(Exception); //FQOAltOI = record //OI: integer; //end; { Ordering Environment } function AuthorizedUser: Boolean; function AuthorizedToVerify: Boolean; function EncounterPresent: Boolean; function EncounterPresentEDO: Boolean; function LockedForOrdering: Boolean; function IsValidActionOnComplexOrder(AnOrderID, AnAction: string; AListBox: TListBox; var CheckedList: TStringList; var ErrMsg: string; var ParentOrderID: string): boolean; //PSI-COMPLEX procedure UnlockIfAble; function OrderCanBeLocked(OrderID: string): Boolean; procedure UnlockOrderIfAble(OrderID: string); procedure AddSelectedToChanges(AList: TList); procedure ResetDialogProperties(const AnID: string; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; var ResolvedDialog: TOrderDialogResolved); function IsInvalidActionWarning(const AnOrderText,AnOrderID: String): boolean; procedure InitialOrderVariables; { Write Orders } function ActivateAction(const AnID: string; AnOwner: TComponent; ARefNum: Integer): Boolean; function ActivateOrderDialog(const AnID: string; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; AnOwner: TComponent; ARefNum: Integer; ANeedVerify: boolean = True): Boolean; function RetrieveOrderText(AnOrderID: string): string; function ActivateOrderHTML(const AnID: string; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; AnOwner: TComponent; ARefNum: Integer): Boolean; function ActivateOrderMenu(const AnID: string; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; AnOwner: TComponent; ARefNum: Integer): Boolean; function ActivateOrderSet(const AnID: string; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; AnOwner: TComponent; ARefNum: Integer): Boolean; function ActivateOrderList(AList: TStringList; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; AnOwner: TComponent; ARefNum: Integer; const KeyVarStr, ACaption: string): Boolean; function ActiveOrdering: Boolean; function CloseOrdering: Boolean; function ReadyForNewOrder(AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent): Boolean; function ReadyForNewOrder1(AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent): Boolean; function ChangeOrdersEvt(AnOrderID: string; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent): boolean; function CopyOrders(AList: TStringList; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; var DoesEventOccur: boolean; ANeedVerify: boolean = True): boolean; function TransferOrders(AList: TStringList; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; var DoesEventOccur: boolean; ANeedVerify: boolean = True): boolean; procedure SetConfirmEventDelay; procedure ChangeOrders(AList: TStringList; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent); procedure DestroyingOrderAction; procedure DestroyingOrderDialog; procedure DestroyingOrderHTML; procedure DestroyingOrderMenu; procedure DestroyingOrderSet; function OrderIsLocked(const AnOrderID, AnAction: string): Boolean; procedure PopLastMenu; procedure QuickOrderSave; procedure QuickOrderListEdit; function RefNumFor(AnOwner: TComponent): Integer; procedure PrintOrdersOnSignReleaseMult(OrderList, ClinicLst, WardLst: TStringList; Nature: Char; EncLoc, WardLoc: integer; EncLocName, WardLocName: string); procedure PrintOrdersOnSignRelease(OrderList: TStringList; Nature: Char; PrintLoc : Integer =0; PrintName: string = ''); procedure SetFontSize( FontSize: integer); procedure NextMove(var NMRec: TNextMoveRec; LastIndex: Integer; NewIndex: Integer); //function GetQOAltOI: integer; { Inpatient medication for Outpatient} function IsIMODialog(DlgID: integer): boolean; function AllowActionOnIMO(AnEvtTyp: char): boolean; function IMOActionValidation(AnId: string; var IsIMOOD: boolean; var x: string; AnEventType: char): boolean; function IMOTimeFrame: TFMDateTime; var uAutoAc: Boolean; InptDisp : Integer; OutptDisp: Integer; MedsDisp : Integer; ClinDisp : Integer; //IMO NurDisp : Integer; IVDisp : Integer; CsltDisp : Integer; ProcDisp : Integer; ImgDisp : Integer; DietDisp : Integer; NonVADisp: Integer; MedsInDlgIen : Integer; MedsOutDlgIen : Integer; MedsNVADlgIen : Integer; MedsInDlgFormId : Integer; MedsOutDlgFormId : Integer; MedsNVADlgFormID : Integer; MedsIVDlgIen: Integer; MedsIVDlgFormID: Integer; NSSchedule: boolean; OriginalMedsOutHeight: Integer; OriginalMedsInHeight: Integer; OriginalNonVAMedsHeight: Integer; PassDrugTstCall: boolean; implementation uses fODDiet, fODMisc, fODGen, fODMedIn, fODMedOut, fODText, fODConsult, fODProc, fODRad, fODLab, fodBBank, fODMeds, fODMedIV, fODVitals, fODAuto, (*fODAllgy,*) fOMNavA, rCore, uCore, fFrame, fEncnt, fEffectDate, fOMVerify, fOrderSaveQuick, fOMSet, rMisc, uODBase, rODMeds, fLkUpLocation, fOrdersPrint, fOMAction, fARTAllgy, fOMHTML, fOrders, rODBase, fODChild, fMeds, rMeds, rPCE, frptBox, fODMedNVA, fODChangeUnreleasedRenew, rODAllergy, UBAGlobals, fClinicWardMeds, uTemplateFields, VAUtils; var uPatientLocked: Boolean; uKeepLock: Boolean; uOrderAction: TfrmOMAction; uOrderDialog: TfrmODBase; uOrderHTML: TfrmOMHTML; uOrderMenu: TfrmOMNavA; uOrderSet: TfrmOMSet; uLastConfirm: string; uOrderSetTime: TFMDateTime; uNewMedDialog: Integer; //QOALTOI: FQOAltOI; const TX_PROV_LOC = 'A provider and location must be selected before entering orders.'; TC_PROV_LOC = 'Incomplete Information'; TX_PROV_KEY = 'The provider selected for this encounter must' + CRLF + 'hold the PROVIDER key to enter orders.'; TC_PROV_KEY = 'PROVIDER Key Required'; TX_NOKEY = 'You do not have the keys required to take this action.'; TC_NOKEY = 'Insufficient Authority'; TX_BADKEYS = 'You have mutually exclusive order entry keys (ORES, ORELSE, or OREMAS).' + CRLF + 'This must be resolved before you can take actions on orders.'; TC_BADKEYS = 'Multiple Keys'; TC_NO_LOCK = 'Unable to Lock'; TC_DISABLED = 'Item Disabled'; TX_DELAY = 'Now writing orders for '; TX_DELAY1 = CRLF + CRLF + '(To write orders for current release rather than delayed release,' + CRLF + 'close the next window and select Active Orders from the View Orders pane.)'; TC_DELAY = 'Ordering Information'; TX_STOP_SET = 'Do you want to stop entering the current set of orders?'; TC_STOP_SET = 'Interupt order set'; TC_DLG_REJECT = 'Unable to Order'; TX_NOFORM = 'This selection does not have an associated windows form.'; TC_NOFORM = 'Missing Form ID'; TX_DLG_ERR = 'Error in activating order dialog.'; TC_DLG_ERR = 'Dialog Error'; TX_NO_SAVE_QO = 'An ordering dialog must be active to use this action.'; TC_NO_SAVE_QO = 'Save as Quick Order'; TX_NO_EDIT_QO = 'An ordering dialog must be active to use this action.'; TC_NO_EDIT_QO = 'Edit Common List'; TX_NO_QUICK = 'This ordering dialog does not support quick orders.'; TC_NO_QUICK = 'Save/Edit Quick Orders'; TX_CANT_SAVE_QO = 'This order contains TIU objects, which may result in patient-specific' + CRLF + 'information being included in the order. For this reason, it may not' + CRLF + 'be saved as a personal quick order for later reuse.'; TX_NO_COPY = CRLF + CRLF + '- cannot be copied.' + CRLF + CRLF + 'Reason: '; TC_NO_COPY = 'Unable to Copy Order'; TX_NO_CHANGE = CRLF + CRLF + '- cannot be changed.' + CRLF + CRLF + 'Reason: '; TC_NO_CHANGE = 'Unable to Change Order'; TC_NO_XFER = 'Unable to Transfer Order'; TC_NOLOCK = 'Unable to Lock Order'; TX_ONHOLD = 'The following order has been put on-hold, do you still want to continue?'; TX_COMPLEX = 'You can not take this action on a complex medication.' + #13 + 'You must enter a new order.'; STEP_FORWARD = 1; STEP_BACK = -1; TX_NOINPT = ': You cannot place inpatient medication orders from a clinic location for selected patient.'; TX_IMO_WARNING1 = 'You are '; TX_IMO_WARNING2 = ' Clinic Orders. The New orders will be saved as Clinic Orders and MAY NOT be available in BCMA'; function CreateOrderDialog(Sender: TComponent; FormID: integer; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; ODEvtID: integer = 0): TfrmODBase; { creates an order dialog based on the FormID and returns a pointer to it } type TDialogClass = class of TfrmODBase; var DialogClass: TDialogClass; begin Result := nil; // allows the FormCreate to check event under which dialog is created if AnEvent.EventType in ['A','D','T','M','O'] then begin SetOrderEventTypeOnCreate(AnEvent.EventType); SetOrderEventIDOnCreate(AnEvent.EventIFN); end else begin SetOrderEventTypeOnCreate(#0); SetOrderEventIDOnCreate(0); end; SetOrderFormIDOnCreate(FormID); // check to see if we should use the new med dialogs if uNewMedDialog = 0 then begin if UseNewMedDialogs then uNewMedDialog := 1 else uNewMedDialog := -1; end; if (uNewMedDialog > 0) and ((FormID = OD_MEDOUTPT) or (FormID = OD_MEDINPT)) then FormID := OD_MEDS; // create the form for a given ordering dialog case FormID of OD_MEDIV: DialogClass := TfrmODMedIV; OD_MEDINPT: DialogClass := TfrmODMedIn; OD_MEDS: DialogClass := TfrmODMeds; OD_MEDOUTPT: DialogClass := TfrmODMedOut; OD_MEDNONVA: DialogClass := TfrmODMedNVA; OD_MISC: DialogClass := TfrmODMisc; OD_GENERIC: begin if ODEvtID>0 then SetOrderEventIDOnCreate(ODEvtID); DialogClass := TfrmODGen; end; OD_IMAGING: DialogClass := TfrmODRad; OD_DIET: DialogClass := TfrmODDiet; OD_LAB: DialogClass := TfrmODLab; OD_BB: DialogClass := TfrmODBBank; OD_CONSULT: DialogClass := TfrmODCslt; OD_PROCEDURE: DialogClass := TfrmODProc; OD_TEXTONLY: DialogClass := TfrmODText; OD_VITALS: DialogClass := TfrmODVitals; //OD_ALLERGY: DialogClass := TfrmODAllergy; OD_AUTOACK: DialogClass := TfrmODAuto; else Exit; end; if Sender = nil then Sender := Application; Result := DialogClass.Create(Sender); if Result <> nil then Result.CallOnExit := DestroyingOrderDialog; SetOrderEventTypeOnCreate(#0); SetOrderEventIDOnCreate(0); SetOrderFormIDOnCreate(0); end; function AuthorizedUser: Boolean; begin Result := True; if User.NoOrdering then Result := False; if User.OrderRole = OR_BADKEYS then begin InfoBox(TX_BADKEYS, TC_BADKEYS, MB_OK); Result := False; end; end; function AuthorizedToVerify: Boolean; begin Result := True; if not User.EnableVerify then Result := False; if User.OrderRole = OR_BADKEYS then begin InfoBox(TX_BADKEYS, TC_BADKEYS, MB_OK); Result := False; end; end; function EncounterPresent: Boolean; { make sure a location and provider are selected, returns false if not } begin Result := True; if (Encounter.Provider > 0) and not PersonHasKey(Encounter.Provider, 'PROVIDER') then InfoBox(TX_PROV_KEY, TC_PROV_KEY, MB_OK); if (Encounter.Provider = 0) or (Encounter.Location = 0) or ((Encounter.Provider > 0) and (not PersonHasKey(Encounter.Provider, 'PROVIDER'))) then begin // don't prompt provider if current user has ORES and is the provider if (User.OrderRole = OR_PHYSICIAN) and (Encounter.Provider = User.DUZ) and (User.IsProvider) then UpdateEncounter(NPF_SUPPRESS) else UpdateEncounter(NPF_PROVIDER); frmFrame.DisplayEncounterText; end; if (Encounter.Provider = 0) or (Encounter.Location = 0) then begin if not frmFrame.CCOWDrivedChange then //jdccow InfoBox(TX_PROV_LOC, TC_PROV_LOC, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); {!!!} Result := False; end; if (Encounter.Provider > 0) and not PersonHasKey(Encounter.Provider, 'PROVIDER') then begin if not frmFrame.CCOWDrivedChange then //jdccow InfoBox(TX_PROV_KEY, TC_PROV_KEY, MB_OK); Result := False; end; end; function EncounterPresentEDO: Boolean; begin Result := True; if (Encounter.Provider > 0) and not PersonHasKey(Encounter.Provider, 'PROVIDER') then InfoBox(TX_PROV_KEY, TC_PROV_KEY, MB_OK); if (Encounter.Provider = 0) or ((Encounter.Provider > 0) and (not PersonHasKey(Encounter.Provider, 'PROVIDER'))) then begin UpdateEncounter(NPF_PROVIDER, 0, 0, True); frmFrame.DisplayEncounterText; end; if (Encounter.Provider = 0) then begin InfoBox(TX_PROV_LOC, TC_PROV_LOC, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); {!!!} Result := False; end; if (Encounter.Provider > 0) and not PersonHasKey(Encounter.Provider, 'PROVIDER') then begin InfoBox(TX_PROV_KEY, TC_PROV_KEY, MB_OK); Result := False; end; end; function LockedForOrdering: Boolean; var ErrMsg: string; begin if uPatientLocked then Result := True else begin LockPatient(ErrMsg); if ErrMsg = '' then begin Result := True; uPatientLocked := True; frmFrame.stsArea.Panels.Items[4].Text := 'LOCK'; end else begin Result := False; InfoBox(ErrMsg, TC_NO_LOCK, MB_OK); end; end; end; procedure UnlockIfAble; begin if (Changes.Orders.Count = 0) and not uKeepLock then begin UnlockPatient; uPatientLocked := False; frmFrame.stsArea.Panels.Items[4].Text := ''; end; end; function OrderCanBeLocked(OrderID: string): Boolean; var ErrMsg: string; begin LockOrder(OrderID, ErrMsg); if ErrMsg = '' then begin Result := True; frmFrame.stsArea.Panels.Items[4].Text := 'LOCK'; end else begin Result := False; InfoBox(ErrMsg, TC_NO_LOCK, MB_OK); end; end; procedure UnlockOrderIfAble(OrderID: string); begin UnlockOrder(OrderID); frmFrame.stsArea.Panels.Items[4].Text := ''; end; procedure AddSelectedToChanges(AList: TList); { update Changes with orders that were created by taking actions } var i, CanSign: Integer; AnOrder: TOrder; begin if (Encounter.Provider = User.DUZ) and User.CanSignOrders then CanSign := CH_SIGN_YES else CanSign := CH_SIGN_NA; with AList do for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin AnOrder := TOrder(Items[i]); with AnOrder do Changes.Add(CH_ORD, ID, Text, '', CanSign); if (Length(AnOrder.ActionOn) > 0) and not Changes.ExistForOrder(Piece(AnOrder.ActionOn, ';', 1)) then UnlockOrder(AnOrder.ActionOn); end; end; procedure ResetDialogProperties(const AnID: string; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; var ResolvedDialog: TOrderDialogResolved); begin if StrToIntDef(AnID,0)>0 then Exit; if XfInToOutNow then begin ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup := OutptDisp; ResolvedDialog.DialogIEN := MedsOutDlgIen; ResolvedDialog.FormID := MedsOutDlgFormID; ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel := 0; Exit; end; //if ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup in [MedsDisp, OutptDisp, InptDisp, NonVADisp, ClinDisp] then if (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = InptDisp) or (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = OutptDisp) or (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = MedsDisp) or (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = NonVADisp) or (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = ClinDisp) then begin if (AnEvent.EventType <> 'D') and (AnEvent.EventIFN > 0) then begin if (AnEvent.EventType = 'T') and IsPassEvt(AnEvent.PtEventIFN,'T') then begin ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup := OutptDisp; ResolvedDialog.DialogIEN := MedsOutDlgIen; ResolvedDialog.FormID := MedsOutDlgFormID; ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel := 0; end else begin //AGP changes to handle IMO INV Dialog opening the unit dose dialog. if (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = ClinDisp) and (Resolveddialog.DialogIEN = MedsIVDlgIEN) and (ResolvedDialog.FormID = MedsIVDlgFormId) then begin ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup := IVDisp; ResolvedDialog.DialogIEN := MedsIVDlgIen; ResolvedDialog.FormID := MedsIVDlgFormId; end else begin ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup := InptDisp; ResolvedDialog.DialogIEN := MedsInDlgIen; ResolvedDialog.FormID := MedsInDlgFormId; end; if Length(ResolvedDialog.ShowText)>0 then ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel := 2; end; end else if (AnEvent.EventType = 'D') and (AnEvent.EventIFN > 0) then begin ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup := OutptDisp; ResolvedDialog.DialogIEN := MedsOutDlgIen; ResolvedDialog.FormID := MedsOutDlgFormID; ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel := 0; end; if XferOutToInOnMeds then begin ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup := InptDisp; ResolvedDialog.DialogIEN := MedsInDlgIen; ResolvedDialog.FormID := MedsInDlgFormId; ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel := 0; end; end; if ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = IVDisp then begin if Length(ResolvedDialog.ShowText)>0 then ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel := 2; end; if (CharAt(AnID,1) = 'C') and (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup in [CsltDisp, ProcDisp]) then ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel := 0; // CSV - force dialog, to validate ICD code being copied into new order {RV} end; function IsInvalidActionWarning(const AnOrderText,AnOrderID: String): boolean; var AnErrLst, tmpList: TStringList; begin Result := False; AnErrlst := TStringList.Create; IsLatestAction(AnOrderID,AnErrLst); if AnErrLst.Count > 0 then begin tmpList := TStringList.Create; PiecesToList(AnsiReplaceStr(AnOrderText,'#D#A','^'),'^',tmpList); tmpList.Add(' '); tmpList.Add('Cannot be released to service(s) because of the following happened action(s):'); tmpList.Add(' '); FastAddStrings(TStrings(AnErrLst), tmpList); ReportBox(tmpList,'Cannot be released to service(s)',False); tmpList.Free; AnErrLst.Free; Result := True; end; end; procedure InitialOrderVariables; begin InptDisp := DisplayGroupByName('UD RX'); OutptDisp := DisplayGroupByName('O RX'); MedsDisp := DisplayGroupByName('RX'); IVDisp := DisplayGroupByName('IV RX'); ClinDisp := DisplayGroupByName('C RX'); NurDisp := DisplayGroupByName('NURS'); CsltDisp := DisplayGroupByName('CSLT'); ProcDisp := DisplayGroupByName('PROC'); ImgDisp := DisplayGroupByName('XRAY'); DietDisp := DisplayGroupByName('DO'); NonVADisp := DisplayGroupByName('NV RX'); MedsInDlgIen := DlgIENForName('PSJ OR PAT OE'); MedsOutDlgIen := DlgIENForName('PSO OERR'); MedsNVADlgIen := DlgIENForName('PSH OERR'); MedsIVDlgIen := DlgIENForName('PSJI OR PAT FLUID OE'); MedsInDlgFormId := FormIDForDialog(MedsInDlgIen); MedsOutDlgFormId := FormIDForDialog(MedsOutDlgIen); MedsNVADlgFormID := FormIDForDialog(MedsNVADlgIen); MedsIVDlgFormID := FormIDForDialog(MedsIVDlgIen); end; function CanCloseDialog(dialog : TfrmODBase) : Boolean; begin if uOrderDialog.FillerID = 'GMRC' then result := fODConsult.CanFreeConsultDialog(dialog) or fODProc.CanFreeProcDialog(dialog); end; function IsValidActionOnComplexOrder(AnOrderID, AnAction: string; AListBox: TListBox; var CheckedList: TStringList; var ErrMsg: string; var ParentOrderID: string): boolean; //PSI-COMPLEX const COMPLEX_SIGN = 'You have requested to sign a medication order which was entered as part of a complex order.' + 'The following are the orders associated with the same complex order.'; COMPLEX_SIGN1 = ' Do you want to sign all of these orders?'; COMPLEX_DC = 'You have requested to discontinue a medication order which was entered as part of a complex order.' + ' The following are all of the associated orders.'; COMPLEX_DC1 =' Do you want to dicscontinue all of them?'; COMPLEX_HD = 'You have requested to hold a medication order which was entered as part of a complex order.' + ' The following are all of the associated orders.'; COMPLEX_HD1 = ' Do you want to hold all of them?'; COMPLEX_UNHD = 'You have requested to release the hold of a medication order which was entered as part of a complex order.' + ' The following are all of the associated orders.'; COMPLEX_UNHD1 = ' Do you want to release all of them?'; COMPLEX_RENEW = 'You can not take the renew action on a complex medication which has the following associated orders.'; COMPLEX_RENEW1 = ' You must enter a new order.'; COMPLEX_VERIFY ='You have requested to verify a medication order which was entered as part of a complex order.' + ' The following are all of the associated orders.'; COMPLEX_VERIFY1 =' Do you want to verify all of them?'; COMPLEX_OTHER = 'You can not take this action on a complex medication which has the following associated orders.' + ' You must enter a new order.'; COMPLEX_CANRENEW1 = 'The selected order for renew: '; COMPLEX_CANRENEW2 = ' is a part of a complex order.'; COMPLEX_CANRENEW3 = 'The following whole complex order will be renewed.'; var CurrentActID, POrderTxt, AChildOrderTxt, CplxOrderMsg: string; ChildList,ChildIdxList,ChildTxtList, CategoryList: TStringList; ShowCancelButton: boolean; procedure RetrieveOrderTextPSI(AOrderList: TStringList; var AODTextList, AnIdxList: TStringList; TheAction: string; AParentID: string = ''); var ix,jx: integer; tempid: string; begin for ix := 0 to AOrderList.count - 1 do begin if AListBox.Name = 'lstOrders' then with AListBox do begin for jx := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do if TOrder(Items.Objects[jx]).ID = AOrderList[ix] then begin TOrder(Items.Objects[jx]).ParentID := AParentID; if CategoryList.IndexOf(TheAction)>-1 then Selected[jx] := True; AODTextList.Add(TOrder(Items.Objects[jx]).ID + '^' + TOrder(Items.Objects[jx]).Text); if AnIdxList.IndexOf(IntToStr(jx)) > -1 then continue; AnIdxList.Add(IntToStr(jx)); end; end else if (AListBox.Name = 'lstMedsOut' ) or (AListBox.Name = 'lstMedsIn') or (AListBox.Name = 'lstMedsNonVA') then with AListBox do begin for jx := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin tempid := TMedListRec(AListBox.Items.Objects[jx]).OrderID; if tempid = AOrderList[ix] then begin if CategoryList.IndexOf(TheAction)>-1 then Selected[jx] := True; AODTextList.Add(tempid + '^' + Items[jx]); AnIdxList.Add(IntToStr(jx)); end; end; end; end; end; procedure DeselectChild(AnIdxList: TStringList); var dix: integer; begin for dix := 0 to AnIdxList.Count - 1 do begin try if StrToInt(AnIdxList[dix]) < AListBox.Items.Count then AListBox.Selected[StrToInt(AnIdxList[dix])] := False; except // do nothing end; end; end; function MakeMessage(ErrMsg1,ErrMsg2,ErrMsg3: string): string; begin if Length(ErrMsg1)>0 then Result := ErrMsg1 + ErrMsg2 else Result := ErrMsg2 + ErrMsg3; end; begin Result := True; if AnAction = OA_COPY then Exit; CurrentActID := Piece(AnOrderID,';',2); CplxOrderMsg := ''; CategoryList := TStringList.Create; CategoryList.Add('DC'); CategoryList.Add('HD'); CategoryList.Add('RL'); CategoryList.Add('VR'); CategoryList.Add('ES'); ShowCancelButton := False; if Length(ErrMsg)>0 then ErrMsg := ErrMsg + #13#13; ValidateComplexOrderAct(AnOrderID,CplxOrderMsg); if Pos('COMPLEX-PSI',CplxOrderMsg)>0 then begin ParentOrderID := Piece(CplxOrderMsg,'^',2); if CheckedList.IndexOf(ParentOrderID) >= 0 then begin ErrMsg := ''; Exit; end; if CheckedList.Count = 0 then CheckedList.Add(ParentOrderID) else begin if CheckedList.IndexOf(ParentOrderID) < 0 then CheckedList.Add(ParentOrderID); end; ChildList := TStringList.Create; GetChildrenOfComplexOrder(ParentOrderID,CurrentActID,ChildList); ChildtxtList := TStringList.Create; ChildIdxList := TStringList.Create; RetrieveOrderTextPSI(ChildList,ChildtxtList,ChildIdxList,AnAction,ParentOrderID); if ChildtxtList.Count > 0 then begin if (AnAction = 'RN') or (AnAction = 'EV') then begin if not IsValidSchedule(ParentOrderID) then begin POrderTxt := RetrieveOrderText(ParentOrderID); if CharAt(POrderTxt,1)='+' then POrderTxt := Copy(POrderTxt,2,Length(POrderTxt)); if Pos('First Dose NOW',POrderTxt)>1 then Delete(POrderTxt, Pos('First Dose NOW',POrderTxt), Length('First Dose Now')); InfoBox('Invalid schedule!' + #13#13 + 'The selected order is a part of a complex order:' + #13 + POrderTxt + #13#13 + ' It contains an invalid schedule.', 'Warning', MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); DeselectChild(ChildIdxList); Result := False; ErrMsg := ''; ChildtxtList.Free; ChildList.Clear; ChildList.Free; CategoryList.Clear; Exit; end; end; if AnAction = OA_DC then begin if not ActionOnComplexOrder(ChildtxtList,MakeMessage(ErrMsg,COMPLEX_DC,COMPLEX_DC1),True) then begin DeselectChild(ChildIdxList); Result := False; end; end else if AnAction = OA_SIGN then begin if not ActionOnComplexOrder(ChildtxtList,MakeMessage(ErrMsg,COMPLEX_SIGN,COMPLEX_SIGN1),True) then begin DeselectChild(ChildIdxList); Result := False; end; end else if AnAction = OA_HOLD then begin if Length(ErrMsg) < 1 then ShowCancelButton := True; if not ActionOnComplexOrder(ChildtxtList,MakeMessage(ErrMsg,COMPLEX_HD,COMPLEX_HD1),ShowCancelButton) then begin DeselectChild(ChildIdxList); Result := False; end; end else if AnAction = OA_UNHOLD then begin if Length(ErrMsg) < 1 then ShowCancelButton := True; if not ActionOnComplexOrder(ChildtxtList,MakeMessage(ErrMsg,COMPLEX_UNHD,COMPLEX_UNHD1),ShowCancelButton) then begin DeselectChild(ChildIdxList); Result := False; end; end else if AnAction = OA_VERIFY then begin if Length(ErrMsg) < 1 then ShowCancelButton := True; if not ActionOnComplexOrder(ChildtxtList,MakeMessage(ErrMsg,COMPLEX_VERIFY,COMPLEX_VERIFY1),ShowCancelButton) then begin DeselectChild(ChildIdxList); Result := False; end; end else if AnAction = OA_RENEW then begin if not IsRenewableComplexOrder(ParentOrderID) then begin if not ActionOnComplexOrder(ChildtxtList,MakeMessage(ErrMsg,COMPLEX_RENEW,COMPLEX_RENEW1),False) then begin DeselectChild(ChildIdxList); Result := False; end; end else begin POrderTxt := RetrieveOrderText(ParentOrderID); if CharAt(POrderTxt,1)='+' then POrderTxt := Copy(POrderTxt,2,Length(POrderTxt)); if Pos('First Dose NOW',POrderTxt)>1 then Delete(POrderTxt, Pos('First Dose NOW',POrderTxt), Length('First Dose Now')); AChildOrderTxt := RetrieveOrderText(AnOrderID); if InfoBox(COMPLEX_CANRENEW1 + #13 + AChildOrderTxt + COMPLEX_CANRENEW2 + #13#13 + COMPLEX_CANRENEW3 + #13 + POrderTxt, 'Warning', MB_OKCANCEL or MB_ICONWARNING) = IDOK then begin if AListBox.Name = 'lstOrders' then frmOrders.ParentComplexOrderID := ParentOrderID; if (AListBox.Name = 'lstMedsOut' ) or (AListBox.Name = 'lstMedsIn') then frmMeds.ParentComplexOrderID := ParentOrderID; end; DeselectChild(ChildIdxList); end; end; end; ErrMsg := ''; ChildtxtList.Free; ChildList.Clear; ChildList.Free; end; CategoryList.Clear; end; { Write New Orders } function ActivateAction(const AnID: string; AnOwner: TComponent; ARefNum: Integer): Boolean; // AnID: DlgIEN {;FormID;DGroup} type TDialogClass = class of TfrmOMAction; var DialogClass: TDialogClass; AFormID: Integer; begin Result := False; AFormID := FormIDForDialog(StrToIntDef(Piece(AnID, ';', 1), 0)); if AFormID > 0 then begin case AFormID of OM_ALLERGY: if ARTPatchInstalled then begin // DialogClass := TfrmARTAllergy; EnterEditAllergy(0, TRUE, FALSE, AnOwner, ARefNum); Result := True; // uOrderMenu.Close; Exit; end else begin Result := False; Exit; end; OM_HTML: DialogClass := TfrmOMHTML; 999999: DialogClass := TfrmOMAction; // for testing!!! else Exit; end; if AnOwner = nil then AnOwner := Application; uOrderAction := DialogClass.Create(AnOwner); if (uOrderAction <> nil) (*and (not uOrderAction.AbortAction) *)then begin uOrderAction.CallOnExit := DestroyingOrderAction; uOrderAction.RefNum := ARefNum; uOrderAction.OrderDialog := StrToIntDef(Piece(AnID, ';', 1), 0); Result := True; if (not uOrderAction.AbortAction) then uOrderAction.ShowModal; end; end else begin //Show508Message('Order Dialogs of type "Action" are available in List Manager only.'); Result := False; end; end; function ActivateOrderDialog(const AnID: string; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; AnOwner: TComponent; ARefNum: Integer; ANeedVerify: boolean = True): Boolean; const TX_NO_DEA = 'Provider must have a DEA# or VA# to change this order'; TC_NO_DEA = 'DEA# Required'; TC_IMO_ERROR = 'Inpatient medication order on outpatient authorization required'; TX_EVTDEL_DIET_CONFLICT = 'Have you done either of the above?'; TC_EVTDEL_DIET_CONFLICT = 'Possible delayed order conflict'; TX_INACTIVE_SVC = 'This consult service is currently inactive and not receiving requests.' + CRLF + 'Please contact your Clinical Coordinator/IRM staff to fix this order.'; TX_INACTIVE_SVC_CAP = 'Inactive Service'; TX_NO_SVC = 'The order or quick order you have selected does not specify a consult service.' + CRLF + 'Please contact your Clinical Coordinator/IRM staff to fix this order.'; TC_NO_SVC = 'No service specified'; var ResolvedDialog: TOrderDialogResolved; x, EditedOrder, chkCopay, OrderID, PkgInfo,OrderPtEvtID,OrderEvtID,NssErr, tempUnit, tempSupply, tempDrug, tempSch: string; temp,tempDur,tempQuantity, tempRefills: string; i, ODItem, tempOI, ALTOI: integer; DrugCheck, IsInpatient, IsAnIMOOrder, DrugTestDlgType: boolean; IsPsoSupply,IsDischargeOrPass,IsPharmacyOrder,IsConsultOrder,ForIMO, IsNewOrder: boolean; tmpResp: TResponse; CxMsg: string; AButton: TButton; SvcIEN: string; //CsltFrmID: integer; begin IsPsoSupply := False; Result := False; IsDischargeOrPass := False; IsAnIMOOrder := False; ForIMO := False; IsNewOrder := True; PassDrugTstCall := False; DrugCheck := false; DrugTestDlgType := false; //QOAltOI.OI := 0; Application.ProcessMessages; // double check environment before continuing with order if uOrderDialog <> nil then uOrderDialog.Close; // then x := uOrderDialog.Name else x := ''; //if ShowMsgOn(uOrderDialog <> nil, TX_DLG_ERR + CRLF + x, TC_DLG_ERR) then Exit; if CharAt(AnID, 1) = 'X' then begin IsNewOrder := False; // if PassDrugTest(StrtoINT(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID)-3)), 'E')=false then Exit; ValidateOrderAction(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID)), OA_CHANGE, x); if ( Length(x)<1 ) and not (AnEvent.EventIFN > 0) then ValidateComplexOrderAct(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID)),x); if (Pos('COMPLEX-PSI',x)>0) then x := TX_COMPLEX; if Length(x) > 0 then x := RetrieveOrderText(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID))) + #13#10 + x; if ShowMsgOn(Length(x) > 0, x, TC_NO_CHANGE) then Exit; DrugCheck := true; end; if CharAt(AnID, 1) = 'C' then begin IsNewOrder := False; //if PassDrugTest(StrtoINT(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID)-3)), 'E')=false then Exit; ValidateOrderAction(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID)), OA_COPY, x); if Length(x) > 0 then x := RetrieveOrderText(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID))) + #13#10 + x; if ShowMsgOn(Length(x) > 0, x, TC_NO_COPY) then Exit; DrugCheck := true; end; if CharAt(AnID, 1) = 'T' then begin IsNewOrder := False; if (XfInToOutNow = true) and (PassDrugTest(StrtoINT(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID)-3)), 'E', false)=false) then Exit; if (XfInToOutNow = false) then begin if (XferOuttoInOnMeds = True) and (PassDrugTest(StrtoINT(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID)-3)), 'E', true)=false) then Exit; if (XferOuttoInOnMeds = False) and (PassDrugTest(StrtoINT(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID)-3)), 'E', False)=false) then Exit; end; ValidateOrderAction(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID)), OA_TRANSFER, x); if Length(x) > 0 then x := RetrieveOrderText(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID))) + #13#10 + x; if ShowMsgOn(Length(x) > 0, x, TC_NO_XFER) then Exit; end; if not IMOActionValidation(AnID, IsAnIMOOrder, x, AnEvent.EventType) then begin ShowMsgOn(Length(x) > 0, x, TC_IMO_ERROR); Exit; end; if ( (StrToIntDef(AnId,0)>0) and (AnEvent.EventIFN <= 0) ) then ForIMO := IsIMODialog(StrToInt(AnId)) else if ( (IsAnIMOOrder) and (AnEvent.EventIFN <= 0) ) then ForIMO := True; OrderPtEvtID := GetOrderPtEvtID(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID))); OrderEvtID := Piece(EventInfo(OrderPtEvtID),'^',2); //CQ 18660 Orders for events should be modal. Orders for non-event should not be modal if AnEvent.EventIFN > 0 then frmOrders.NeedShowModal := true else frmOrders.NeedShowModal := false; // evaluate order dialog, build response list & see what form should be presented FillChar(ResolvedDialog, SizeOf(ResolvedDialog), #0); ResolvedDialog.InputID := AnID; BuildResponses(ResolvedDialog, GetKeyVars, AnEvent, ForIMO); if (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = InPtDisp) or (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = ClinDisp) then DrugTestDlgType := true; if (DrugCheck = true) and (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = OutPtDisp) and (PassDrugTest(StrtoINT(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID)-3)), 'E', false)=false) then Exit; if (DrugCheck = true) and (DrugTestDlgType = true) and (PassDrugTest(StrtoINT(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID)-3)), 'E', true)=false) then Exit; if (IsNewOrder = True) and (ResolvedDialog.DialogType = 'Q') and ((ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = OutptDisp) or (DrugTestDlgType = true)) then begin if (PassDrugTest(ResolvedDialog.DialogIEN, 'Q', DrugTestDlgType)=false) then Exit else PassDrugTstCall := True; end; if (ForIMO and ( (ResolvedDialog.DialogIEN = MedsInDlgIen) or (ResolvedDialog.DialogIEN = MedsIVDlgIen)) ) then ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup := ClinDisp; ResetDialogProperties(AnID, AnEvent, ResolvedDialog); {* AGP CHANGE 26.20 Remove restriction to allowed for ordering of inpatient medication for an inpatient from an outpatient location //jd imo change if (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = InptDisp) and (Patient.Inpatient) and (AnEvent.EventIFN < 1) then begin if IsClinicLoc(Encounter.Location) then begin MessageDlg(TX_NOINPT, mtWarning, [mbOK], 0); Exit; end; end; //jd imo change end *} if (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = InptDisp) or (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = OutptDisp) or (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = MedsDisp) or (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = IVDisp) or (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = NonVADisp) or (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = ClinDisp) then IsPharmacyOrder := True else IsPharmacyOrder := False; (* IsPharmacyOrder := ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup in [InptDisp, OutptDisp, MedsDisp,IVDisp, NonVADisp, ClinDisp];*) //v25.27 range check error - RV IsConsultOrder := ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup in [CsltDisp,ProcDisp]; if (uAutoAC) and (not (ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel in [QL_REJECT,QL_CANCEL])) and (not IsPharmacyOrder) and (not IsConsultOrder) then ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel := QL_AUTO; if (ResolvedDialog.DialogType = 'Q') and (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = InptDisp) then begin NssErr := IsValidQOSch(ResolvedDialog.InputID); if (Length(NssErr) > 1) then begin if (NssErr <> 'OTHER') and (NssErr <> 'schedule is not defined.') then ShowMsg('The order contains invalid non-standard schedule.'); NSSchedule := True; ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel := 0; end; end; if ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = InptDisp then //nss begin if (CharAt(AnID, 1) = 'C') or (CharAt(AnID, 1) = 'T') or (CharAt(AnID, 1) = 'X') then begin if not IsValidSchedule(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID))) then begin ShowMsg('The order contains invalid non-standard schedule.'); NSSchedule := True; end; end; if NSSchedule then ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel := 0; end; (* if (ResolvedDialog.DialogType = 'Q') and ((ResolvedDialog.FormID = OD_MEDINPT) or (ResolvedDialog.FormID = OD_MEDOUTPT)) then begin temp := ''; tempOI := GetQOOrderableItem(ResolvedDialog.InputID); if tempOI >0 then begin ALTOI := tempOI; CheckFormularyOI(AltOI,temp,True); if ALTOI <> tempOI then begin ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel := 0; QOAltOI.OI := ALTOI; end; end; end; *) // ((ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = InptDisp) or (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = OutptDisp) or (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = MedsDisp)) then // ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel := 0; with ResolvedDialog do if (QuickLevel = QL_VERIFY) and (HasTemplateField(ShowText)) then QuickLevel := QL_DIALOG; // Check for potential conflicting auto-accept delayed-release diet orders (CQ #10946 - v27.36 - RV) with ResolvedDialog do if (QuickLevel = QL_AUTO) and (DisplayGroup = DietDisp) and (AnEvent.EventType <> 'C') then begin AButton := TButton.Create(Application); try CheckForAutoDCDietOrders(AnEvent.EventIFN, DisplayGroup, '', CxMsg, AButton); if CxMsg <> '' then begin if InfoBox(CxMsg + CRLF + CRLF + TX_EVTDEL_DIET_CONFLICT, TC_EVTDEL_DIET_CONFLICT, MB_ICONWARNING or MB_YESNO) = ID_NO then QuickLevel := QL_DIALOG; end; finally AButton.Free; end; end; with ResolvedDialog do begin if QuickLevel = QL_REJECT then InfoBox(ShowText, TC_DLG_REJECT, MB_OK); if (QuickLevel = QL_VERIFY) and (IsPharmacyOrder or ANeedVerify) then ShowVerifyText(QuickLevel, ShowText, DisplayGroup=InptDisp); if QuickLevel = QL_AUTO then begin //CsltFrmID := FormID; FormID := OD_AUTOACK; end; if (QuickLevel = QL_REJECT) or (QuickLevel = QL_CANCEL) then Exit; PushKeyVars(ResolvedDialog.QOKeyVars); end; if ShowMsgOn(not (ResolvedDialog.FormID > 0), TX_NOFORM, TC_NOFORM) then Exit; with ResolvedDialog do if DialogType = 'X' then begin EditedOrder := Copy(Piece(ResponseID, '-', 1), 2, Length(ResponseID)); end else EditedOrder := ''; if XfInToOutNow then begin //if Transfer an order to outpatient and release immediately // then changing the Eventtype to 'C' instead of 'D' IsDischargeOrPass := True; AnEvent.EventType := 'C'; AnEvent.Effective := 0; end; uOrderDialog := CreateOrderDialog(AnOwner, ResolvedDialog.FormID, AnEvent, StrToIntDef(OrderEvtID,0)); uOrderDialog.IsSupply := IsPsoSupply; {For copy, change, transfer actions on an None-IMO order, the new order should not be treated as IMO order although the IMO criteria could be met. } //if (uOrderDialog.IsIMO) and (CharAt(AnID, 1) in ['X','C','T']) then if not uOrderDialog.IsIMO then uOrderDialog.IsIMO := ForIMO; if (ResolvedDialog.DialogType = 'Q') and (ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup in [MedsDisp, OutptDisp, InptDisp]) then begin if DoesOIPIInSigForQO(StrToInt(ResolvedDialog.InputID))=1 then uOrderDialog.IncludeOIPI := True else uOrderDialog.IncludeOIPI := False; end; if (uOrderDialog <> nil) and not uOrderDialog.Closing then with uOrderDialog do begin SetKeyVariables(GetKeyVars); if IsDischargeOrPass then EvtForPassDischarge := 'D' else EvtForPassDischarge := #0; Responses.SetEventDelay(AnEvent); Responses.LogTime := uOrderSetTime; DisplayGroup := ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup; // used to pass ORTO DialogIEN := ResolvedDialog.DialogIEN; // used to pass ORIT RefNum := ARefNum; case ResolvedDialog.DialogType of 'C': SetupDialog(ORDER_COPY, ResolvedDialog.ResponseID); 'D': SetupDialog(ORDER_NEW, ''); 'X': begin SetupDialog(ORDER_EDIT, ResolvedDialog.ResponseID); OrderID := Copy(ResolvedDialog.ResponseID,2,Length(ResolvedDialog.ResponseID)); IsInpatient := OrderForInpatient; ODItem := StrToIntDef(Responses.IValueFor('ORDERABLE', 1), 0); PkgInfo := ''; if Length(OrderID)>0 then PkgInfo := GetPackageByOrderID(OrderID); if Pos('PS',PkgInfo)=1 then begin if DEACheckFailed(ODItem, IsInPatient) and (uOrderDialog.FillerID <> 'PSH') then begin InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA + #13 + Responses.OrderText, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK); if (ResolvedDialog.DialogType = 'X') and not Changes.ExistForOrder(EditedOrder) then UnlockOrder(EditedOrder); uOrderDialog.Close; Exit; end; end; end; 'Q': begin if IsPSOSupplyDlg(ResolvedDialog.DialogIEN,1) then uOrderDialog.IsSupply := True; SetupDialog(ORDER_QUICK, ResolvedDialog.ResponseID); {if ((ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = CsltDisp) and (ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel = QL_AUTO)) then TfrmODCslt.SetupDialog(ORDER_QUICK, ResolvedDialog.ResponseID);} end; end; if Assigned(uOrderDialog) then with uOrderDialog do if AbortOrder and CanCloseDialog(uOrderDialog) then begin Close; if Assigned(uOrderDialog) then uOrderDialog.Destroy; Exit; end; if CharAt(AnID, 1) = 'T' then begin if ARefNum = -2 then Responses.TransferOrder := ''; if ARefNum = -1 then Responses.TransferOrder := AnID; end; if CharAt(AnID,1) = 'C' then //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// begin chkCopay := Copy(AnID,2,length(AnID)); //STRIP prepended C, T, or X from first position in order ID. SetDefaultCoPay(chkCopay); end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////' if IsConsultOrder and (CharAt(AnID,1) = 'C') then begin tmpResp := uOrderDialog.Responses.FindResponseByName('CODE', 1); if (tmpResp <> nil) then begin if IsActiveICDCode(tmpResp.EValue) then ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel := QL_AUTO else ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel := QL_DIALOG; end else ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel := QL_AUTO end; if ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel <> QL_AUTO then begin if CharAt(AnID, 1) in ['C','T','X'] then begin Position := poScreenCenter; FormStyle := fsNormal; ShowModal; Result := uOrderDialog.AcceptOK; end else begin SetBounds(frmFrame.Left + 112, frmFrame.Top + frmFrame.Height - Height, Width, Height); SetFormPosition(uOrderDialog); FormStyle := fsStayOnTop; if frmOrders.NeedShowModal then begin ShowModal; Result := uOrderDialog.AcceptOK; uOrderDialog.Destroy; end else begin Show; Result := True; end; end; end else begin if uOrderDialog.DisplayGroup = OutptDisp then begin tempUnit := ''; tempSupply := ''; tempDrug := ''; tempSch := ''; tempDur := ''; tmpResp := uOrderDialog.Responses.FindResponseByName('SUPPLY', 1); if tmpResp = nil then tempSupply := '0' else tempSupply := tmpResp.EValue; tmpResp := uOrderDialog.Responses.FindResponseByName('QTY', 1); if tmpResp = nil then tempQuantity := '0' else tempQuantity := tmpResp.EValue; tmpResp := uOrderDialog.Responses.FindResponseByName('REFILLS', 1); if tmpResp = nil then tempRefills := '0' else tempRefills := tmpResp.EValue; tmpResp := uOrderDialog.Responses.FindResponseByName('ORDERABLE', 1); tempOI := StrToIntDef(tmpResp.IValue,0); i := uORderDialog.Responses.NextInstance('DOSE',0); while i > 0 do begin x := Piece(uOrderDialog.Responses.IValueFor('DOSE',i), '&', 3); tempUnit := tempUnit + X + U; x := uOrderDialog.Responses.IValueFor('SCHEDULE',i); tempSch := tempSch + x + U; x := uOrderDialog.Responses.IValueFor('DRUG', i); tempDrug := Piece(x, U, 1); i := Responses.NextInstance('DOSE', i); x := UORderDialog.Responses.IValueFor('DAYS', i); tempDur := tempDur + x + '~'; x := uOrderDialog.Responses.IValueFor('CONJ', i); tempDur := tempDur + x + U; end; if ValidateDrugAutoAccept(tempDrug, tempUnit, tempSch, tempDur, tempOI, StrtoInt(tempSupply), StrtoInt(tempQuantity), StrtoInt(tempRefills)) = false then Exit; end; if ((ResolvedDialog.DisplayGroup = CsltDisp) and (ResolvedDialog.QuickLevel = QL_AUTO)) then begin with Responses do begin Changing := True; tmpResp := TResponse(FindResponseByName('ORDERABLE',1)); if tmpResp <> nil then SvcIEN := GetServiceIEN(tmpResp.IValue) else begin InfoBox(TX_NO_SVC, TC_NO_SVC, MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK); //AbortOrder := True; //Close; Exit; end; if SvcIEN = '-1' then begin InfoBox(TX_INACTIVE_SVC, TX_INACTIVE_SVC_CAP, MB_OK); //AbortOrder := True; //Close; Exit; end; end; end; cmdAcceptClick(Application); // auto-accept order Result := uOrderDialog.AcceptOK; if (result = true) and (ScreenReaderActive) then GetScreenReader.Speak('Auto Accept Quick Order '+ Responses.DialogDisplayName + ' placed.'); //BAPHII 1.3.2 //Show508Message('DEBUG: About to copy BA CI''s to copied order from Order: '+AnID+'#13'+' in uOrders.ActivateOrderDialog()'); //End BAPHII 1.3.2 if Assigned(uOrderDialog) then uOrderDialog.Destroy; end; end else begin uOrderDialog.Release; Result := False; //Application.ProcessMessages; // to allow dialog to finish closing //Exit; // so result is not returned true end; if NSSchedule then NSSchedule := False; if (ResolvedDialog.DialogType = 'X') and not Changes.ExistForOrder(EditedOrder) then UnlockOrder(EditedOrder); //QOAltOI.OI := 0; end; function RetrieveOrderText(AnOrderID: string): string; var OrdList: TList; theOrder: TOrder; // i: integer; begin // if Assigned(OrdList) then // begin // for i := 0 to pred(OrdList.Count) do // TObject(OrdList[i]).Free; // UBAGlobals.tempDxList := nil; // end; OrdList := TList.Create; theOrder := TOrder.Create; theOrder.ID := AnOrderID; OrdList.Add(theOrder); RetrieveOrderFields(OrdList, 0, 0); Result := TOrder(OrdList.Items[0]).Text; if Assigned(OrdList) then OrdList.Free; //CQ:7554 end; function ActivateOrderHTML(const AnID: string; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; AnOwner: TComponent; ARefNum: Integer): Boolean; var DialogIEN: Integer; x: string; ASetList: TStringList; begin Result := False; DialogIEN := StrToIntDef(AnID, 0); x := OrderDisabledMessage(DialogIEN); if ShowMsgOn(Length(x) > 0, x, TC_DISABLED) then Exit; if uOrderHTML = nil then begin uOrderHTML := TfrmOMHTML.Create(AnOwner); with uOrderHTML do begin SetBounds(frmFrame.Left + 112, frmFrame.Top + frmFrame.Height - Height, Width, Height); SetFormPosition(uOrderHTML); FormStyle := fsStayOnTop; SetEventDelay(AnEvent); end; end; uOrderHTML.Dialog := DialogIEN; uOrderHTML.RefNum := ARefNum; uOrderHTML.OwnedBy := AnOwner; uOrderHTML.ShowModal; ASetList := TStringList.Create; FastAssign(uOrderHTML.SetList, ASetList); uOrderHTML.Release; if ASetList.Count = 0 then Exit; Result := ActivateOrderList(ASetList, AnEvent, AnOwner, ARefNum, '', ''); end; function ActivateOrderMenu(const AnID: string; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; AnOwner: TComponent; ARefNum: Integer): Boolean; var MenuIEN: Integer; x: string; begin Result := False; MenuIEN := StrToIntDef(AnID, 0); x := OrderDisabledMessage(MenuIEN); if ShowMsgOn(Length(x) > 0, x, TC_DISABLED) then Exit; if uOrderMenu = nil then begin uOrderMenu := TfrmOMNavA.Create(AnOwner); with uOrderMenu do begin SetBounds(frmFrame.Left + 112, frmFrame.Top + frmFrame.Height - Height, Width, Height); SetFormPosition(uOrderMenu); FormStyle := fsStayOnTop; SetEventDelay(AnEvent); end; end; uOrderMenu.SetNewMenu(MenuIEN, AnOwner, ARefNum); if not uOrderMenu.Showing then uOrderMenu.Show else uOrderMenu.BringToFront; Result := True; end; function ActivateOrderSet(const AnID: string; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; AnOwner: TComponent; ARefNum: Integer): Boolean; var x, ACaption, KeyVarStr: string; SetList: TStringList; EvtDefaultDlg, PtEvtID: string; function TakeoutDuplicateDlg(var AdlgList: TStringList; ANeedle: string): boolean; var i: integer; begin Result := False; for i := 0 to AdlgList.Count - 1 do begin if Piece(AdlgList[i],'^',1)=ANeedle then begin ADlgList.Delete(i); Result := True; Break; end; end; end; begin Result := False; x := OrderDisabledMessage(StrToIntDef(AnID, 0)); if ShowMsgOn(Length(x) > 0, x, TC_DISABLED) then Exit; SetList := TStringList.Create; try if uOrderSetTime = 0 then uOrderSetTime := FMNow; LoadOrderSet(SetList, StrToIntDef(AnID, 0), KeyVarStr, ACaption); if (AnEvent.EventIFN>0) and isExistedEvent(Patient.DFN, IntToStr(AnEvent.EventIFN), PtEvtID) then begin EvtDefaultDlg := GetEventDefaultDlg(AnEvent.EventIFN); while TakeoutDuplicateDlg(SetList,EvtDefaultDlg) do TakeoutDuplicateDlg(SetList,EvtDefaultDlg); end; Result := ActivateOrderList(SetList, AnEvent, AnOwner, ARefNum, KeyVarStr, ACaption); finally SetList.Free; end; end; function ActivateOrderList(AList: TStringList; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; AnOwner: TComponent; ARefNum: Integer; const KeyVarStr, ACaption: string): Boolean; var InitialCall: Boolean; i: integer; str: string; begin InitialCall := False; if ScreenReaderActive then begin for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do begin if Piece(Alist.Strings[i],U,2) = 'Q' then str := str + CRLF + 'Quick Order ' + Piece(Alist.Strings[i],U,3) else if Piece(Alist.Strings[i],U,2) = 'S' then str := str + CRLF + 'Order Set ' + Piece(Alist.Strings[i],U,3) else if Piece(Alist.Strings[i],U,2) = 'M' then str := str + CRLF + 'Order Menu ' + Piece(Alist.Strings[i],U,3) else if Piece(Alist.Strings[i],U,2) = 'A' then str := str + CRLF + 'Order Action ' + Piece(Alist.Strings[i],U,3) else str := str + CRLF + 'Order Dialog ' + Piece(Alist.Strings[i],U,3); end; if infoBox('This order set contains the following items:'+ CRLF + str + CRLF+ CRLF + 'Select the OK button to start this order set.' + 'To stop the order set while it is in process, press �Alt +F6� to navigate to the order set dialog, and select the Stop Order Set Button.', 'Starting Order Set' ,MB_OKCANCEL) = IDCANCEL then begin Result := False; exit; end; end; if uOrderSet = nil then begin uOrderSet := TfrmOMSet.Create(AnOwner); uOrderSet.SetEventDelay(AnEvent); uOrderSet.RefNum := ARefNum; InitialCall := True; end; if InitialCall then with uOrderSet do begin if Length(ACaption) > 0 then Caption := ACaption; SetBounds(frmFrame.Left, frmFrame.Top + frmFrame.Height - Height, Width, Height); SetFormPosition(uOrderSet); Show; end; uOrderSet.InsertList(AList, AnOwner, ARefNum, KeyVarStr, AnEvent.EventType); Application.ProcessMessages; Result := uOrderSet <> nil; end; function ActiveOrdering: Boolean; begin if (uOrderDialog = nil) and (uOrderMenu = nil) and (uOrderSet = nil) and (uOrderAction = nil) and (uOrderHTML = nil) then Result := False else Result := True; end; function CloseOrdering: Boolean; begin Result := False; { if an order set is being processed, see if want to interupt } if uOrderSet <> nil then begin uOrderSet.Close; Application.ProcessMessages; if uOrderSet <> nil then Exit; end; { if another ordering dialog is showing, make sure it is closed first } if uOrderDialog <> nil then begin uOrderDialog.Close; Application.ProcessMessages; // allow close to finish if uOrderDialog <> nil then Exit; end; if uOrderHTML <> nil then begin uOrderHTML.Close; Application.ProcessMessages; // allow browser to close Assert(uOrderHTML = nil); end; { close any open ordering menu } if uOrderMenu <> nil then begin uOrderMenu.Close; Application.ProcessMessages; // allow menu to close Assert(uOrderMenu = nil); end; if uOrderAction <> nil then begin uOrderAction.Close; Application.ProcessMessages; if uOrderAction <> nil then Exit; end; Result := True; end; function ReadyForNewOrder(AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent): Boolean; var x,tmpPtEvt: string; begin Result := False; { make sure a location and provider are selected before ordering } if not AuthorizedUser then Exit; //Added to force users without the Provider or ORES key to select an a provider when adding new orders to existing delay orders if (not Patient.Inpatient) and (AnEvent.EventIFN > 0 ) then begin if (User.OrderRole = OR_PHYSICIAN) and (Encounter.Provider = User.DUZ) and (User.IsProvider) then x := '' else if not EncounterPresentEDO then Exit; x := ''; end else begin if not EncounterPresent then Exit; end; { then try to lock the patient (provider & encounter checked first to not leave lock) } if not LockedForOrdering then Exit; { make sure any current ordering process has completed, but don't drop patient lock } uKeepLock := True; if not CloseOrdering then Exit; uKeepLock := False; { get the delay event for this order (if applicable) } if AnEvent.EventType in ['A','D','T','M','O'] then begin if (AnEvent.EventName = '') and (AnEvent.EventType <> 'D') then Exit; x := AnEvent.EventType + IntToStr(AnEvent.Specialty); if (uLastConfirm <> x ) and (not XfInToOutNow) then begin uLastConfirm := x; case AnEvent.EventType of 'A','M','O','T': x := AnEvent.EventName; 'D': x := 'Discharge'; end; if isExistedEvent(Patient.DFN,IntToStr(AnEvent.EventIFN),tmpPtEvt) then if PtEvtEmpty(tmpPtEvt)then InfoBox(TX_DELAY + x + TX_DELAY1, TC_DELAY, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); end; end else uLastConfirm := ''; Result := True; end; function ReadyForNewOrder1(AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent): Boolean; var x: string; begin Result := False; { make sure a location and provider are selected before ordering } if not AuthorizedUser then Exit; if (not Patient.Inpatient) and (AnEvent.EventIFN > 0 ) then x := '' else begin if not EncounterPresent then Exit; end; { then try to lock the patient (provider & encounter checked first to not leave lock) } if not LockedForOrdering then Exit; { make sure any current ordering process has completed, but don't drop patient lock } uKeepLock := True; if not CloseOrdering then Exit; uKeepLock := False; { get the delay event for this order (if applicable) } if AnEvent.EventType in ['A','D','T','M','O'] then begin x := AnEvent.EventType + IntToStr(AnEvent.Specialty); if (uLastConfirm <> x ) and (not XfInToOutNow) then begin uLastConfirm := x; case AnEvent.EventType of 'A','M','T','O': x := AnEvent.EventName; 'D': x := AnEvent.EventName; //'D': x := 'Discharge'; end; end; end else uLastConfirm := ''; Result := True; end; procedure SetConfirmEventDelay; begin uLastConfirm := ''; end; procedure ChangeOrders(AList: TStringList; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent); var i,txtOrder: Integer; FieldsForEditRenewOrder: TOrderRenewFields; param1, param2 : string; OrSts: integer; AnOrder: TOrder; begin if uOrderDialog <> nil then begin uOrderDialog.Close; Application.ProcessMessages; // allow close to finish end; if not ActiveOrdering then // allow change while entering new if not ReadyForNewOrder(AnEvent) then Exit; for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do begin //if it's for unreleased renewed orders, then go to fODChangeUnreleasedRenew and continue txtOrder := 0; FieldsForEditRenewOrder := TOrderRenewFields.Create; LoadRenewFields(FieldsForEditRenewOrder, AList[i]); if FieldsForEditRenewOrder.BaseType = OD_TEXTONLY then txtOrder := 1; if CanEditSuchRenewedOrder(AList[i], txtOrder) then begin param1 := '0'; if txtOrder = 0 then begin param1 := IntToStr(FieldsForEditRenewOrder.Refills); param2 := FieldsForEditRenewOrder.Pickup; end else if txtOrder = 1 then begin param1 := FieldsForEditRenewOrder.StartTime; param2 := FieldsForEditRenewOrder.StopTime; end; UBAGlobals.SourceOrderID := AList[i]; //hds6265 added ExecuteChangeRenewedOrder(AList[i], param1, param2, txtOrder); AnOrder := TOrder.Create; SaveChangesOnRenewOrder(AnOrder, AList[i], param1, param2, txtOrder); AnOrder.ActionOn := AnOrder.ID + '=RN'; SendMessage(Application.MainForm.Handle, UM_NEWORDER, ORDER_ACT, Integer(AnOrder)); Application.ProcessMessages; Continue; end else FieldsForEditRenewOrder.Free; OrSts := GetOrderStatus(AList[i]); if ( AnsiCompareText(NameOfStatus(OrSts),'active') = 0 ) and (AnEvent.PtEventIFN > 0) then EventDefaultOD := 1; ActivateOrderDialog('X' + AList[i], AnEvent, Application, -1); // X + ORIFN for change if EventDefaultOD = 1 then EventDefaultOD := 0; Application.ProcessMessages; // give uOrderDialog a chance to go back to nil if BILLING_AWARE then //hds6265 begin //hds6265 UBAGlobals.SourceOrderID := AList[i]; //hds6265 UBAGlobals.CopyTreatmentFactorsDxsToCopiedOrder(UBAGlobals.SourceOrderID,UBAGLobals.TargetOrderID); //hds6265 end; end; UnlockIfAble; end; function ChangeOrdersEvt(AnOrderID: string; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent): boolean; begin Result := False; if uOrderDialog <> nil then begin uOrderDialog.Close; Application.ProcessMessages; end; if not ActiveOrdering then if not ReadyForNewOrder(AnEvent) then Exit; Result := ActivateOrderDialog('X' + AnOrderID, AnEvent, Application, -1); Application.ProcessMessages; UnlockIfAble; end; function CopyOrders(AList: TStringList; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; var DoesEventOccur: boolean; ANeedVerify: boolean = True): boolean; var i: Integer; xx: string; IsIMOOD,ForIVAlso: boolean; begin Result := False; if not ReadyForNewOrder(AnEvent) then Exit; // no copy while entering new for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do begin if (not DoesEventOccur) and (AnEvent.PtEventIFN>0) and IsCompletedPtEvt(AnEvent.PtEventIFN) then begin DoesEventOccur := True; AnEvent.EventType := #0; AnEvent.TheParent := TParentEvent.Create; AnEvent.EventIFN := 0; AnEvent.EventName := ''; AnEvent.PtEventIFN := 0; end; if CheckOrderGroup(AList[i])=1 then IsUDGroup := True else IsUDGroup := False; if (AnEvent.EventIFN>0) and isOnholdMedOrder(AList[i]) then begin xx := RetrieveOrderText(AList[i]); if InfoBox(TX_ONHOLD+#13#13+xx, 'Warning', MB_YESNO or MB_ICONWARNING) = IDNO then Continue; end; DEASig := GetDrugSchedule(AList[i]); ForIVAlso := ForIVandUD(AList[i]); IsIMOOD := IsIMOOrder(AList[i]); if (IsUDGroup) and (ImmdCopyAct) and (not Patient.Inpatient) and (AnEvent.EventType = 'C') and (not IsIMOOD) and (not ForIVAlso) then XfInToOutNow := True; OrderSource := 'C'; if ActivateOrderDialog('C' + AList[i], AnEvent, Application, -1, ANeedVerify) then Result := True; Application.ProcessMessages; // give uOrderDialog a chance to go back to nil OrderSource := ''; if (not DoesEventOccur) and (AnEvent.PtEventIFN>0) and IsCompletedPtEvt(AnEvent.PtEventIFN) then DoesEventOccur := True; if IsUDGroup then IsUDGroup := False; if XfInToOutNOw then XfInToOutNow := False; if BILLING_AWARE then begin UBAGlobals.SourceOrderID := AList[i]; //BAPHII 1.3.2 UBAGlobals.CopyTreatmentFactorsDxsToCopiedOrder(UBAGlobals.SourceOrderID,UBAGLobals.TargetOrderID); end; end; //for UnlockIfAble; end; function TransferOrders(AList: TStringList; AnEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; var DoesEventOccur: boolean; ANeedVerify: boolean = True): boolean; var i, CountOfTfOrders: Integer; xx: string; //DoesEventOccur: boolean; //OccuredEvtID: integer; //OccuredEvtName: string; begin //DoesEventOccur := False; //OccuredEvtID := 0; Result := False; if not ReadyForNewOrder(AnEvent) then Exit; // no xfer while entering new CountOfTfOrders := AList.Count; for i := 0 to CountOfTfOrders - 1 do begin if (not DoesEventOccur) and (AnEvent.PtEventIFN>0) and IsCompletedPtEvt(AnEvent.PtEventIFN) then begin DoesEventOccur := True; //OccuredEvtID := AnEvent.PtEventIFN; //OccuredEvtName := AnEvent.EventName; AnEvent.EventType := #0; AnEvent.TheParent := TParentEvent.Create; AnEvent.EventIFN := 0; AnEvent.EventName := ''; AnEvent.PtEventIFN := 0; end; if i = CountOfTfOrders - 1 then begin if (AnEvent.EventIFN>0) and isOnholdMedOrder(AList[i]) then begin xx := RetrieveOrderText(AList[i]); if InfoBox(TX_ONHOLD+#13#13+xx, 'Warning', MB_YESNO or MB_ICONWARNING) = IDNO then Continue; end; OrderSource := 'X'; if ActivateOrderDialog('T' + AList[i], AnEvent, Application, -2, ANeedVerify) then Result := True; end else begin if (AnEvent.EventIFN>0) and isOnholdMedOrder(AList[i]) then begin xx := RetrieveOrderText(AList[i]); if InfoBox(TX_ONHOLD+#13#13+xx, 'Warning', MB_YESNO or MB_ICONWARNING) = IDNO then Continue; end; OrderSource := 'X'; if ActivateOrderDialog('T' + AList[i], AnEvent, Application, -1, ANeedVerify) then Result := True; end; Application.ProcessMessages; // give uOrderDialog a chance to go back to nil OrderSource := ''; if (not DoesEventOccur) and (AnEvent.PtEventIFN>0) and IsCompletedPtEvt(AnEvent.PtEventIFN) then DoesEventOccur := True; UBAGlobals.SourceOrderID := AList[i]; UBAGlobals.CopyTreatmentFactorsDxsToCopiedOrder(UBAGlobals.SourceOrderID, UBAGLobals.TargetOrderID); end; UnlockIfAble; end; procedure DestroyingOrderAction; begin uOrderAction := nil; if not ActiveOrdering then begin ClearOrderRecall; UnlockIfAble; end; end; procedure DestroyingOrderDialog; begin uOrderDialog := nil; if not ActiveOrdering then begin ClearOrderRecall; UnlockIfAble; end; end; procedure DestroyingOrderHTML; begin uOrderHTML := nil; if not ActiveOrdering then begin ClearOrderRecall; UnlockIfAble; end; end; procedure DestroyingOrderMenu; begin uOrderMenu := nil; if not ActiveOrdering then begin ClearOrderRecall; UnlockIfAble; end; end; procedure DestroyingOrderSet; begin uOrderSet := nil; uOrderSetTime := 0; if not ActiveOrdering then begin ClearOrderRecall; UnlockIfAble; end; end; function OrderIsLocked(const AnOrderID, AnAction: string): Boolean; var ErrorMsg: string; begin Result := True; if (AnAction = OA_COPY) then Exit; if ((AnAction = OA_HOLD) or (AnAction = OA_UNHOLD) or (AnAction = OA_RENEW) or (AnAction = OA_DC) or (AnAction = OA_CHANGE)) and Changes.ExistForOrder(AnOrderID) then Exit; LockOrder(AnOrderID, ErrorMsg); if Length(ErrorMsg) > 0 then begin Result := False; InfoBox(ErrorMsg + CRLF + CRLF + TextForOrder(AnOrderID), TC_NOLOCK, MB_OK); end; end; procedure PopLastMenu; { always called from fOMSet } begin if uOrderMenu <> nil then uOrderMenu.cmdDoneClick(uOrderSet); end; procedure QuickOrderSave; begin // would be better to prompt for dialog if uOrderDialog = nil then begin InfoBox(TX_NO_SAVE_QO, TC_NO_SAVE_QO, MB_OK); Exit; end; with uOrderDialog do begin if not AllowQuickOrder then begin InfoBox(TX_NO_QUICK, TC_NO_QUICK, MB_OK); Exit; end; if Responses.OrderContainsObjects then begin InfoBox(TX_CANT_SAVE_QO, TC_NO_QUICK, MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK); Exit; end; SaveAsQuickOrder(Responses); end; end; procedure QuickOrderListEdit; begin // would be better to prompt for dialog if uOrderDialog = nil then begin InfoBox(TX_NO_EDIT_QO, TC_NO_EDIT_QO, MB_OK); Exit; end; with uOrderDialog do begin if not AllowQuickOrder then begin InfoBox(TX_NO_QUICK, TC_NO_QUICK, MB_OK); Exit; end; EditCommonList(DisplayGroup); end; end; function RefNumFor(AnOwner: TComponent): Integer; begin if (uOrderDialog <> nil) and (uOrderDialog.Owner = AnOwner) then Result := uOrderDialog.RefNum else if (uOrderMenu <> nil) and (uOrderMenu.Owner = AnOwner) then Result := uOrderMenu.RefNum else if (uOrderHTML <> nil) and (uOrderHTML.Owner = AnOwner) then Result := uOrderHTML.RefNum else if (uOrderSet <> nil) and (uOrderSet.Owner = AnOwner) then Result := uOrderSet.RefNum else Result := -1; end; procedure PrintOrdersOnSignReleaseMult(OrderList, ClinicLst, WardLst: TStringList; Nature: Char; EncLoc, WardLoc: integer; EncLocName, WardLocName: string); var i,j: integer; tempOrder: string; tempOrderList: TStringList; begin tempOrderList := TStringList.Create; if (ClinicLst <> nil) and (ClinicLst.Count > 0) then begin for i := 0 to ClinicLst.Count - 1 do begin tempOrder := ClinicLst.Strings[i]; for j := 0 to OrderList.Count - 1 do if Piece(OrderList.Strings[j], U,1) = tempOrder then tempOrderList.Add(OrderList.Strings[j]); end; if tempOrderList.Count > 0 then PrintOrdersOnSignRelease(tempOrderList, Nature, EncLoc, EncLocName); end; if (WardLst <> nil) and (WardLst.Count > 0) then begin if tempOrderList.Count > 0 then begin tempOrderList.Free; tempOrderList := TStringList.Create; end; for i := 0 to WardLst.Count - 1 do begin tempOrder := WardLst.Strings[i]; for j := 0 to OrderList.Count - 1 do if Piece(OrderList.Strings[j], U,1) = tempOrder then tempOrderList.Add(OrderList.Strings[j]); end; if tempOrderList.Count > 0 then PrintOrdersOnSignRelease(tempOrderList, Nature, WardLoc, WardLocName); end; tempOrderList.Free; end; procedure PrintOrdersOnSignRelease(OrderList: TStringList; Nature: Char; PrintLoc : Integer =0; PrintName: string = ''); const TX_NEW_LOC1 = 'The patient''s location has changed to '; TX_NEW_LOC2 = '.' + CRLF + 'Should the orders be printed using the new location?'; TC_NEW_LOC = 'New Patient Location'; TX_SIGN_LOC = 'No location was selected. Orders could not be printed!'; TC_REQ_LOC = 'Orders Not Printed'; TX_LOC_PRINT = 'The selected location will be used to determine where orders are printed.'; var ALocation: Integer; AName, ASvc, DeviceInfo: string; PrintIt: Boolean; begin if PrintLoc = 0 then begin CurrentLocationForPatient(Patient.DFN, ALocation, AName, ASvc); if (ALocation > 0) and (ALocation <> Encounter.Location) then begin if InfoBox(TX_NEW_LOC1 + AName + TX_NEW_LOC2, TC_NEW_LOC, MB_YESNO) = IDYES then Encounter.Location := ALocation; end; end; //else //Encounter.Location := PrintLoc; if (PrintLoc = 0) and (Encounter.Location > 0) then PrintLoc := Encounter.Location; if PrintLoc = 0 then PrintLoc := CommonLocationForOrders(OrderList); if PrintLoc = 0 then // location required for DEVINFO begin LookupLocation(ALocation, AName, LOC_ALL, TX_LOC_PRINT); if ALocation > 0 then begin PrintLoc := ALocation; Encounter.Location := ALocation; end; end; if printLoc = 0 then frmFrame.DisplayEncounterText; if PrintLoc <> 0 then begin SetupOrdersPrint(OrderList, DeviceInfo, Nature, False, PrintIt, PrintName, PrintLoc); if PrintIt then PrintOrdersOnReview(OrderList, DeviceInfo, PrintLoc) else PrintServiceCopies(OrderList, PrintLoc); end else InfoBox(TX_SIGN_LOC, TC_REQ_LOC, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); end; procedure SetFontSize( FontSize: integer); begin if uOrderDialog <> nil then uOrderDialog.SetFontSize( FontSize); if uOrderMenu <> nil then uOrderMenu.ResizeFont; end; procedure NextMove(var NMRec: TNextMoveRec; LastIndex: Integer; NewIndex: Integer); begin if LastIndex = 0 then LastIndex := NewIndex; if (LastIndex - NewIndex) <= 0 then NMRec.NextStep := STEP_FORWARD else NMRec.NextStep := STEP_BACK; NMRec.LastIndex := NewIndex; end; (*function GetQOAltOI: integer; begin Result := QOAltOI.OI; end; *) function IsIMODialog(DlgID: integer): boolean; //IMO var IsInptDlg, IsIMOLocation: boolean; Td: TFMDateTime; begin result := False; IsInptDlg := False; //CQ #15188 - allow IMO functionality 23 hours after encounter date/time - TDP //Td := FMToday; Td := IMOTimeFrame; if ( (DlgID = MedsInDlgIen) or (DlgID = MedsIVDlgIen) or (IsInptQO(dlgId)) or (IsIVQO(dlgId))) then IsInptDlg := TRUE; IsIMOLocation := IsValidIMOLoc(Encounter.Location,Patient.DFN); if (IsInptDlg or IsInptQO(DlgID)) and (not Patient.Inpatient) and IsIMOLocation and (Encounter.DateTime > Td) then result := True; end; function AllowActionOnIMO(AnEvtTyp: char): boolean; var Td: TFMDateTime; begin Result := False; if (Patient.Inpatient) then begin Td := FMToday; if IsValidIMOLoc(Encounter.Location,Patient.DFN) and (Encounter.DateTime > Td) then Result := True; end else begin //CQ #15188 - allow IMO functionality 23 hours after encounter date/time - TDP //Td := FMToday; Td := IMOTimeFrame; if IsValidIMOLoc(Encounter.Location,Patient.DFN) and (Encounter.DateTime > Td) then Result := True else if AnEvtTyp in ['A','T'] then Result := True; end; end; function IMOActionValidation(AnId: string; var IsIMOOD: boolean; var x: string; AnEventType: char): boolean; var actName: string; begin // jd imo change Result := True; if CharAt(AnID, 1) in ['X','C'] then // transfer IMO order doesn't need check begin IsIMOOD := IsIMOOrder(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID))); If IsIMOOD then begin if (not AllowActionOnIMO(AnEventType)) then begin if CharAt(AnID,1) = 'X' then actName := 'change'; if CharAt(AnID,1) = 'C' then actName := 'copy'; x := 'You cannot ' + actName + ' the clinical medication order.'; x := RetrieveOrderText(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID))) + #13#13#10 + x; UnlockOrder(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID))); result := False; end else begin if patient.Inpatient then begin if CharAt(AnID,1) = 'X' then actName := 'changing'; if CharAt(AnID,1) = 'C' then actName := 'copying'; if MessageDlg(TX_IMO_WARNING1 + actName + TX_IMO_WARNING2 + #13#13#10 + x, mtWarning,[mbOK,mbCancel],0) = mrCancel then begin UnlockOrder(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID))); result := False; end; end; end; end; end; if Piece(AnId,'^',1)='RENEW' then begin IsIMOOD := IsIMOOrder(Piece(AnID,'^',2)); If IsIMOOD then begin if (not AllowActionOnIMO(AnEventType)) then begin x := 'You cannot renew the clinical medication order.'; x := RetrieveOrderText(Piece(AnID,'^',2)) + #13#13#10 + x; UnlockOrder(Piece(AnID,'^',2)); result := False; end else begin if Patient.Inpatient then begin if MessageDlg(TX_IMO_WARNING1 + 'renewing' + TX_IMO_WARNING2, mtWarning,[mbOK,mbCancel],0) = mrCancel then begin UnlockOrder(Copy(AnID, 2, Length(AnID))); result := False; end; end; end; end; end; end; //CQ #15188 - New function to allow IMO functionality 23 hours after encounter date/time - TDP function IMOTimeFrame: TFMDateTime; begin Result := DateTimeToFMDateTime(FMDateTimeToDateTime(FMNow) - (23/24)); end; initialization uPatientLocked := False; uKeepLock := False; uLastConfirm := ''; uOrderSetTime := 0; uNewMedDialog := 0; uOrderAction := nil; uOrderDialog := nil; uOrderHTML := nil; uOrderMenu := nil; uOrderSet := nil; NSSchedule := False; OriginalMedsOutHeight := 0; OriginalMedsInHeight := 0; OriginalNonVAMedsHeight := 0; end.