source: cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/fEncnt.dfm@ 1701

Last change on this file since 1701 was 1679, checked in by healthsevak, 9 years ago

Updating the working copy to CPRS version 28

File size: 9.4 KB
[830]1inherited frmEncounter: TfrmEncounter
[456]2 Left = 481
3 Top = 242
4 Anchors = [akTop]
5 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
6 Caption = 'Provider & Location for Current Activities'
[830]7 ClientHeight = 423
8 ClientWidth = 462
[456]9 Constraints.MinWidth = 470
10 OldCreateOrder = True
11 Position = poScreenCenter
12 Scaled = False
13 OnClose = FormClose
14 OnCreate = FormCreate
15 OnDestroy = FormDestroy
16 OnResize = FormResize
17 OnShow = FormShow
[830]18 ExplicitWidth = 470
[1679]19 ExplicitHeight = 457
[456]20 DesignSize = (
21 462
[830]22 423)
[456]23 PixelsPerInch = 96
24 TextHeight = 13
[830]25 object lblInstruct: TLabel [0]
[456]26 Left = 6
27 Top = 6
28 Width = 253
29 Height = 31
30 AutoSize = False
31 Caption =
32 'Select the appointment or visit that should be associated with t' +
33 'he note or orders .'
34 Visible = False
35 WordWrap = True
36 end
[830]37 object lblLocation: TLabel [1]
[456]38 Tag = 9
39 Left = 6
40 Top = 140
41 Width = 93
42 Height = 13
43 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
44 Caption = 'Encounter Location'
45 Constraints.MinHeight = 12
46 end
[830]47 object lblProvider: TLabel [2]
[456]48 Left = 6
49 Top = 6
50 Width = 91
51 Height = 13
52 Caption = 'Encounter Provider'
53 end
[830]54 object cboPtProvider: TORComboBox [3]
[456]55 Left = 6
56 Top = 20
57 Width = 331
58 Height = 117
59 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
60 Style = orcsSimple
61 AutoSelect = True
62 Caption = 'Encounter Provider'
63 Color = clWindow
64 DropDownCount = 8
65 ItemHeight = 13
66 ItemTipColor = clWindow
67 ItemTipEnable = True
68 ListItemsOnly = True
69 LongList = True
70 LookupPiece = 2
71 MaxLength = 0
72 Pieces = '2,3'
73 Sorted = False
74 SynonymChars = '<>'
75 TabOrder = 0
76 OnDblClick = cmdOKClick
77 OnNeedData = cboPtProviderNeedData
78 CharsNeedMatch = 1
79 end
[830]80 object cmdDateRange: TButton [4]
[456]81 Tag = 9
82 Left = 266
83 Top = 153
84 Width = 84
85 Height = 25
86 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
87 Caption = 'Date Range...'
88 Constraints.MinHeight = 21
89 Constraints.MinWidth = 21
90 TabOrder = 2
91 OnClick = cmdDateRangeClick
92 end
[830]93 object txtLocation: TCaptionEdit [5]
[456]94 Tag = 9
95 Left = 6
96 Top = 154
97 Width = 258
98 Height = 21
99 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
100 AutoSize = False
101 Color = clBtnFace
102 Constraints.MinHeight = 21
103 ReadOnly = True
104 TabOrder = 1
105 Text = '< Select a location from the tabs below.... >'
106 Caption = 'Encounter Location'
107 end
[830]108 object cmdCancel: TButton [6]
[456]109 Left = 341
110 Top = 45
111 Width = 84
112 Height = 23
113 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
114 Cancel = True
115 Caption = 'Cancel'
116 Constraints.MinHeight = 21
117 Constraints.MinWidth = 21
118 TabOrder = 4
119 OnClick = cmdCancelClick
120 end
[830]121 object cmdOK: TButton [7]
[456]122 Left = 340
123 Top = 20
124 Width = 84
125 Height = 23
126 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
127 Caption = 'OK'
128 Constraints.MinHeight = 21
129 Constraints.MinWidth = 21
130 Default = True
131 TabOrder = 3
132 OnClick = cmdOKClick
133 end
[830]134 object Panel1: TPanel [8]
[456]135 Left = 0
136 Top = 179
137 Width = 460
138 Height = 243
139 Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
140 TabOrder = 6
141 DesignSize = (
142 460
143 243)
144 object pgeVisit: TPageControl
145 Tag = 9
146 Left = 4
147 Top = 5
148 Width = 452
149 Height = 232
150 ActivePage = tabNewVisit
151 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
152 Constraints.MinHeight = 150
153 RaggedRight = True
154 TabOrder = 0
155 OnChange = pgeVisitChange
[830]156 OnMouseDown = pgeVisitMouseDown
[456]157 object tabClinic: TTabSheet
158 Caption = 'Clinic Appointments'
159 object lstClinic: TORListBox
160 Left = 0
161 Top = 20
162 Width = 444
163 Height = 184
164 Align = alClient
165 Constraints.MinHeight = 21
166 ItemHeight = 13
167 ParentShowHint = False
168 ScrollWidth = 353
169 ShowHint = True
170 TabOrder = 0
171 OnDblClick = cmdOKClick
172 Caption = 'Clinic Appointments / Visits (T-30 thru T+1)'
173 ItemTipColor = clWindow
174 LongList = False
175 Pieces = '3,2,4'
176 TabPositions = '30,50'
177 OnChange = lstClinicChange
178 end
179 object Panel2: TPanel
180 Left = 0
181 Top = 0
182 Width = 444
183 Height = 20
184 Align = alTop
185 TabOrder = 2
186 object lblDateRange: TLabel
187 Left = 138
188 Top = 4
189 Width = 71
190 Height = 13
191 Caption = '(T-30 thru T+1)'
192 end
193 object lblClinic: TLabel
194 Left = 4
195 Top = 4
196 Width = 127
197 Height = 13
198 Caption = 'Clinic Appointments / Visits'
199 end
200 end
201 end
202 object tabAdmit: TTabSheet
203 Caption = 'Hospital Admissions'
204 object lstAdmit: TORListBox
205 Left = 0
206 Top = 17
207 Width = 444
208 Height = 187
209 Align = alClient
210 ItemHeight = 13
211 ParentShowHint = False
212 ShowHint = True
213 TabOrder = 0
214 OnDblClick = cmdOKClick
215 Caption = 'Hospital Admissions'
216 ItemTipColor = clWindow
217 LongList = False
218 Pieces = '3,5,4'
219 TabPositions = '20'
220 OnChange = lstAdmitChange
221 end
222 object Panel3: TPanel
223 Left = 0
224 Top = 0
225 Width = 444
226 Height = 17
227 Align = alTop
228 TabOrder = 2
229 object lblAdmit: TLabel
230 Left = 4
231 Top = 1
232 Width = 93
233 Height = 13
234 Caption = 'Hospital Admissions'
235 end
236 end
237 end
238 object tabNewVisit: TTabSheet
239 Caption = 'New Visit'
240 object lblVisitDate: TLabel
241 Left = 220
242 Top = 4
243 Width = 85
244 Height = 13
245 Caption = 'Date/Time of Visit'
246 end
247 object lblNewVisit: TLabel
248 Left = 4
249 Top = 4
250 Width = 63
251 Height = 13
252 Caption = 'Visit Location'
253 end
254 object calVisitDate: TORDateBox
255 Left = 220
256 Top = 18
257 Width = 140
258 Height = 21
259 TabOrder = 1
260 Text = 'NOW'
261 OnChange = calVisitDateChange
262 OnExit = calVisitDateExit
263 DateOnly = False
264 RequireTime = True
265 end
266 object ckbHistorical: TORCheckBox
267 Left = 220
268 Top = 50
269 Width = 140
270 Height = 81
271 Caption =
272 'Historical Visit: a visit that occurred at some time in the past' +
273 ' or at some other location (possibly non-VA) but is not used for' +
274 ' workload credit.'
275 ParentShowHint = False
276 ShowHint = True
277 TabOrder = 2
278 WordWrap = True
279 OnClick = ckbHistoricalClick
280 AutoSize = True
281 end
282 object cboNewVisit: TORComboBox
283 Left = 4
284 Top = 18
285 Width = 208
286 Height = 117
287 Style = orcsSimple
288 AutoSelect = True
289 Caption = 'Visit Location'
290 Color = clWindow
291 DropDownCount = 8
292 ItemHeight = 13
293 ItemTipColor = clWindow
294 ItemTipEnable = True
295 ListItemsOnly = True
296 LongList = True
297 LookupPiece = 0
298 MaxLength = 0
299 Pieces = '2'
300 Sorted = False
301 SynonymChars = '<>'
302 TabOrder = 0
303 OnChange = cboNewVisitChange
304 OnDblClick = cmdOKClick
305 OnNeedData = cboNewVisitNeedData
306 CharsNeedMatch = 1
307 end
308 end
309 end
310 end
[830]311 inherited amgrMain: TVA508AccessibilityManager
312 Data = (
313 (
314 'Component = cboPtProvider'
315 'Status = stsDefault')
316 (
317 'Component = cmdDateRange'
318 'Status = stsDefault')
319 (
320 'Component = txtLocation'
321 'Status = stsDefault')
322 (
323 'Component = cmdCancel'
324 'Status = stsDefault')
325 (
326 'Component = cmdOK'
327 'Status = stsDefault')
328 (
329 'Component = Panel1'
330 'Status = stsDefault')
331 (
332 'Component = pgeVisit'
333 'Status = stsDefault')
334 (
335 'Component = tabClinic'
336 'Status = stsDefault')
337 (
338 'Component = lstClinic'
339 'Status = stsDefault')
340 (
341 'Component = Panel2'
342 'Status = stsDefault')
343 (
344 'Component = tabAdmit'
345 'Status = stsDefault')
346 (
347 'Component = lstAdmit'
348 'Status = stsDefault')
349 (
350 'Component = Panel3'
351 'Status = stsDefault')
352 (
353 'Component = tabNewVisit'
354 'Status = stsDefault')
355 (
356 'Component = calVisitDate'
[1679]357 'Text = Date/Time of Visit'
358 'Status = stsOK')
[830]359 (
360 'Component = ckbHistorical'
361 'Status = stsDefault')
362 (
363 'Component = cboNewVisit'
364 'Status = stsDefault')
365 (
366 'Component = frmEncounter'
367 'Status = stsDefault'))
368 end
[456]369 object dlgDateRange: TORDateRangeDlg
370 DateOnly = True
371 Instruction = 'Show appointments / visits in the date range:'
372 LabelStart = 'From'
373 LabelStop = 'Through'
374 RequireTime = False
375 Format = 'mmm d,yyyy'
376 Left = 264
377 Top = 4
378 end
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