unit fGraphProfiles; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, CheckLst, ORCtrls, ORFn, uGraphs, rCore, uCore, fBase508Form, VA508AccessibilityManager; type TfrmGraphProfiles = class(TfrmBase508Form) btnAdd: TButton; btnAddAll: TButton; btnClear: TButton; btnClose: TButton; btnDelete: TButton; btnRemoveAll: TButton; btnRemoveOne: TButton; btnRename: TButton; btnSave: TButton; btnSavePublic: TButton; bvlBase: TBevel; cboAllItems: TORComboBox; lblApply: TLabel; lblDisplay: TLabel; lblEditInfo: TLabel; lblEditInfo1: TLabel; lblSelectandDefine: TLabel; lblSelection: TLabel; lblSelectionInfo: TLabel; lstActualItems: TORListBox; lstDrugClass: TListBox; lstItemsDisplayed: TORListBox; lstItemsSelection: TORListBox; lstScratch: TListBox; lstTests: TListBox; pnlApply: TPanel; pnlSource: TPanel; pnlTempData: TPanel; radSourceAll: TRadioButton; radSourcePat: TRadioButton; radTop: TRadioButton; radBottom: TRadioButton; radBoth: TRadioButton; radNeither: TRadioButton; lblSave: TLabel; lblClose: TLabel; lblUser: TLabel; pnlAllSources: TPanel; pnlSources: TPanel; lblSource: TLabel; lstSources: TORListBox; pnlOtherSources: TPanel; pnlOtherSourcesUser: TPanel; lblOtherPersons: TLabel; cboUser: TORComboBox; pnlOtherSourcesBottom: TPanel; lstOtherSources: TORListBox; btnViews: TButton; btnDefinitions: TButton; pnlOtherViews: TPanel; lblOtherViews: TLabel; lblSelectOthers: TLabel; splViews: TSplitter; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure btnClearClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnCloseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnDefinitionsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnRemoveAllClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnRemoveOneClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnViewsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboAllItemsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboAllItemsChange(Sender: TObject); procedure cboAllItemsNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure cboUserClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboUserNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure lstItemsDisplayedChange(Sender: TObject); procedure lstItemsDisplayedDblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure lstSourcesChange(Sender: TObject); procedure lstSourcesDblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure lstSourcesEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure lstSourcesExit(Sender: TObject); procedure radSourceAllClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnDeleteClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnRenameClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnSaveClick(Sender: TObject); procedure AddToList(aItem: string; aListBox: TORListBox); procedure ArrangeList(aCheckFile, aCheckItem, aItem: string; aListBox: TORListBox; var addtolist: boolean); procedure AssignHints; procedure AssignProfile(aList: TStrings; aProfile: string; UserNum: integer; allitems: boolean); procedure AssignProfilePre(aList: TStrings; var aProfile: string; UserNum: integer); procedure AssignProfilePost(aList: TStrings; var aProfile, typedata: string); procedure CheckPublic; procedure FillSource(aList: TORListBox); function ProfileExists(aName, aType: string): boolean; procedure btnAddAllClick(Sender: TObject); private FHintPauseTime: integer; FPublicEditor: boolean; procedure CheckToClear; procedure QualifierDelete(line: string); procedure wmNCLButtonDown(var Msg: TWMNCLButtonDown); message WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN; public procedure AllItemsAfter(var filetype, typedata: string); procedure AllItemsBefore(var typedata: string); procedure IDProfile(var profilename, proftype: string); procedure ListBoxSetup(Sender: TObject); procedure ComboBoxSetup(Sender: TObject); procedure Report(aListBox: TORListBox); function GetProfileName(infotitle, info: string; var newprofilename: string): boolean; end; var frmGraphProfiles: TfrmGraphProfiles; procedure DialogOptionsGraphProfiles(var actiontype: boolean); procedure DialogGraphProfiles(var actionOK: boolean; var checkaction: boolean; aGraphSetting: TGraphSetting; var aProfname, aProfilestring, aSection: string; const PatientDFN: string; var aCounter: integer; aSelections: string); implementation {$R *.DFM} uses rGraphs, fGraphData, fGraphOthers, fRptBox, VAUtils; procedure DialogOptionsGraphProfiles(var actiontype: boolean); // create the form and make it modal, return an action var FGraphSetting: TGraphSetting; settings: string; actionOK, checkaction: boolean; counter: integer; aSelections, profile, profilestring, section: string; begin if (GtslData = nil) then begin ShowMsg(TXT_NOGRAPHING); exit; end; settings := GetCurrentSetting; FGraphSetting := GraphSettingsInit(settings); checkaction := false; actionOK := false; profile := '*'; counter := BIG_NUMBER; aSelections :=''; DialogGraphProfiles(actionOK, checkaction, FGraphSetting, profile, profilestring, section, Patient.DFN, counter, aSelections); FGraphSetting.Free; end; procedure DialogGraphProfiles(var actionOK: boolean; var checkaction: boolean; aGraphSetting: TGraphSetting; var aProfname, aProfilestring, aSection: string; const PatientDFN: string; var aCounter: integer; aSelections: string); var i: integer; astring, counter, profile, profileitem, profiletype, profiletext: string; frmGraphProfiles: TfrmGraphProfiles; begin frmGraphProfiles := TfrmGraphProfiles.Create(Application); try with frmGraphProfiles do begin lblSave.Hint := aProfname; lblClose.Hint := PatientDFN; if aCounter = BIG_NUMBER then begin pnlApply.Visible := false; frmGraphProfiles.Caption := 'Define Views'; end else begin pnlApply.Visible := true; frmGraphProfiles.Caption := 'Select Items and Define Views'; end; if length(aSelections) > 0 then begin if GtslViews.Count = 0 then GtslViews.Insert(0, VIEW_CURRENT + '^^' + aSelections) else if Piece(GtslViews[0], '^', 1) <> VIEW_CURRENT then GtslViews.Insert(0, VIEW_CURRENT + '^^' + aSelections) else if GtslViews.Count > 0 then GtslViews[0] := VIEW_CURRENT + '^^' + aSelections; end; ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(frmGraphProfiles); ShowModal; actionOK := (btnClose.Tag = 1); profiletext := ''; aProfname := ''; if actionOK then begin aProfname := lblSave.Hint; if radTop.Checked then aSection := 'top' else if radBottom.Checked then aSection := 'bottom' else if radBoth.Checked then aSection := 'both' else aSection := 'neither'; profile := ''; with lstItemsDisplayed do for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin astring := Items[i]; profiletext := profiletext + Piece(astring, '^', 3) + '^'; profiletype := Piece(astring, '^', 1); if profiletype = '8925' then profileitem := UpperCase(Piece(astring, '^', 3)) else profileitem := Piece(astring, '^', 2); profile := profile + profiletype + '~' + profileitem + '~|'; end; if (GtslViews.Count > 0) and (Piece(GtslViews[0], '^', 1) = VIEW_CURRENT) then counter := inttostr(GtslViews.Count) else counter := inttostr(GtslViews.Count + 1); aProfileString := '^' + profile + '^' + profiletext; GtslViews.Add(aProfileString); aCounter := strtointdef(counter, BIG_NUMBER); with aGraphSetting do begin lstActualItems.Items.Clear; with lstItemsDisplayed do for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin lstActualItems.Items.Add(Piece(Items[i], '<', 1)); //get rid of end; ItemsForDisplay := lstActualItems.Items; end; end; end; finally frmGraphProfiles.Release; end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FPublicEditor := GraphPublicEditor; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin if GtslData = nil then begin radSourceAll.Checked := true; //radSourcePat.Enabled := false; end else if GtslData.Count < 1 then begin radSourceAll.Checked := true; //radSourcePat.Enabled := false; end; cboAllItems.Visible := radSourceAll.Checked; FillSource(lstSources); cboUser.InitLongList(''); FHintPauseTime := Application.HintHidePause; Application.HintHidePause := 9000; // uses a longer hint pause time end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin Application.HintHidePause := FHintPauseTime; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.radSourceAllClick(Sender: TObject); var dfn: string; begin if Sender = radSourceAll then begin lstItemsSelection.Visible := false; cboAllItems.Visible := true; end else begin if radSourcePat.Tag = 0 then begin dfn := lblClose.Hint; FastAssign(rpcGetAllItems(dfn), lstTests.Items); // items for patient FastAssign(rpcGetItems('50.605', dfn), lstDrugClass.Items); radSourcePat.Tag := 1; end; cboAllItems.Visible := false; lstItemsSelection.Visible := true; end; if lstSources.ItemIndex > 0 then begin lstSources.Tag := BIG_NUMBER; lstSourcesChange(lstSources); end else if lstSources.ItemIndex > 0 then begin lstOtherSources.Tag := BIG_NUMBER; lstSourcesChange(lstOtherSources); end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.lstSourcesChange(Sender: TObject); var UserNum: int64; filetype, typedata: string; aListBox, oppositeListBox: TORListBox; viewselected: boolean; begin CheckPublic; aListBox := (Sender as TORListBox); if aListBox = lstSources then begin oppositeListBox := lstOtherSources; UserNum := User.DUZ; end else begin oppositeListBox := lstSources; UserNum := cboUser.ItemID; end; if aListBox.Tag <> BIG_NUMBER then exit; oppositeListBox.ItemIndex := -1; cboAllItems.Items.Clear; cboAllItems.Text := ''; if aListBox.ItemIndex = -1 then exit; typedata := aListBox.Items[aListBox.ItemIndex]; if pos(LLS_FRONT, typedata) > 0 then // begin lstItemsSelection.Clear; cboAllItems.Items.Clear; cboAllItems.Text := ''; exit; end; filetype := Piece(typedata, '^', 1); if (filetype = VIEW_PERSONAL) or (filetype = VIEW_PUBLIC) or (filetype = VIEW_LABS) or (filetype = VIEW_TEMPORARY) or (filetype = VIEW_CURRENT) then begin RadSourceAll.Checked := true; RadSourcePat.Enabled := false; AssignProfile(cboAllItems.Items, typedata, UserNum, false); FastAssign(cboAllItems.Items, lstItemsSelection.Items); viewselected := true; end else begin RadSourcePat.Enabled := true; AllItemsBefore(typedata); AllItemsAfter(filetype, typedata); viewselected := false; end; lstItemsSelection.Visible := viewselected or radSourcePat.Checked; cboAllItems.Visible := not lstItemsSelection.Visible; cboAllItemsChange(cboAllItems); end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.lstSourcesEnter(Sender: TObject); begin (Sender as TORListBox).Tag := BIG_NUMBER; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.lstSourcesExit(Sender: TObject); begin (Sender as TORListBox).Tag := 0; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.lstSourcesDblClick(Sender: TObject); begin if cboAllItems.Visible then begin if cboAllItems.Items.Count < 1 then exit; cboAllItems.ItemIndex := 0; cboAllItemsClick(cboAllItems); end else begin if lstItemsSelection.Items.Count < 1 then exit; //lstItemsSelection.Selected[0] := true; cboAllItemsClick(lstItemsSelection); btnAddAllClick(self); end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.cboUserClick(Sender: TObject); begin FillSource(lstOtherSources); if cboUser.ItemIndex <> -1 then lblOtherViews.Caption := cboUser.DisplayText[cboUser.ItemIndex] + ' Views:' else lblOtherViews.Caption := 'Other Views:' end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.cboUserNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); begin cboUser.ForDataUse(SubSetOfPersons(StartFrom, Direction)); end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.cboAllItemsChange(Sender: TObject); //var //astring: string; begin if (Sender is TORListBox) then btnClear.Enabled := btnSave.Enabled or ((Sender as TORListBox).Items.Count > 0) else if (Sender is TORComboBox) then btnClear.Enabled := btnSave.Enabled or ((Sender as TORComboBox).Items.Count > 0); if lstItemsSelection.Visible then begin btnAddAll.Enabled := lstItemsSelection.Items.Count > 0; btnAdd.Enabled := lstItemsSelection.ItemIndex > -1; //if btnAdd.Enabled then //astring := lstItemsSelection.Items[lstItemsSelection.ItemIndex]; end else begin btnAddAll.Enabled := cboAllItems.Items.Count > 0; btnAdd.Enabled := cboAllItems.ItemIndex > -1; end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.cboAllItemsClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin if Sender is TButton then begin if lstItemsSelection.Visible then begin if Sender = btnAddAll then begin for i := 0 to lstItemsSelection.Items.Count - 1 do begin lstItemsSelection.Selected[i] := true; lstItemsSelection.ItemIndex := i; ListBoxSetup(lstItemsSelection); end; lstItemsSelection.Clear; end else begin lstItemsDisplayed.ItemIndex := 0; ListBoxSetup(lstItemsSelection); end; lstItemsDisplayedChange(self); CheckToClear; exit; end else begin if Sender = btnAdd then begin ComboBoxSetup(cboAllItems); lstItemsDisplayedChange(self); CheckToClear; exit; end; end; end; if (Sender is TORComboBox) then ComboBoxSetup(Sender) else if (Sender is TORListBox) then ListBoxSetup(Sender) else exit; lstItemsDisplayedChange(self); CheckToClear; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.cboAllItemsNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); var filetype: string; begin if lstSources.ItemIndex = -1 then exit; filetype := Piece(lstSources.Items[lstSources.ItemIndex], '^', 1); cboAllItems.ForDataUse(rpcLookupItems(filetype, StartFrom, Direction)); end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.lstItemsDisplayedChange(Sender: TObject); begin btnSave.Enabled := lstItemsDisplayed.Items.Count > 0; btnSavePublic.Enabled := btnSave.Enabled and FPublicEditor; btnRemoveAll.Enabled := btnSave.Enabled; btnAdd.Enabled := (cboAllItems.Visible and (cboAllItems.ItemIndex > -1)) or (lstItemsSelection.Visible and (lstItemsSelection.ItemIndex > -1)); btnRemoveOne.Enabled := btnSave.Enabled and (lstItemsDisplayed.ItemIndex > -1); btnClear.Enabled := btnSave.Enabled or (lstItemsSelection.Items.Count > 0); if btnSave.Enabled and pnlApply.Visible then btnClose.Caption := 'Close and Display' else btnClose.Caption := 'Close'; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.lstItemsDisplayedDblClick(Sender: TObject); var line: string; begin if lstItemsDisplayed.ItemIndex < 0 then exit; line := lstItemsDisplayed.Items[lstItemsDisplayed.ItemIndex]; lstItemsDisplayed.Items.Delete(lstItemsDisplayed.ItemIndex); QualifierDelete(line); lstItemsDisplayedChange(self); end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.btnAddAllClick(Sender: TObject); begin if cboAllItems.Visible then begin if cboAllItems.Items.Count < 1 then exit; cboAllItems.ItemIndex := 0; cboAllItemsClick(cboAllItems); end else begin if lstItemsSelection.Items.Count < 1 then exit; cboAllItemsClick(btnAddAll); end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.btnRemoveOneClick(Sender: TObject); begin lstItemsDisplayedDblClick(self); CheckToClear; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.btnRemoveAllClick(Sender: TObject); begin lstItemsDisplayed.Clear; lstItemsDisplayedChange(self); CheckToClear; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.btnDefinitionsClick(Sender: TObject); var firstpublic, firstpersonal, firstlabs: boolean; i, j: integer; aLine, aProfile, filetype, aString, front, back, piece2: string; aList, templist: TStringList; begin front := Piece(LLS_FRONT, '^', 2); back := Piece(LLS_BACK, '^', 1); templist := TStringList.Create; aList := TStringList.Create; lstScratch.Clear; lstScratch.Sorted := false; firstpublic := true; firstpersonal := true; firstlabs := true; for i := 0 to lstSources.Items.Count - 1 do begin aLine := lstSources.Items[i]; filetype := Piece(aLine, '^', 1); aProfile := Piece(aLine, '^', 2); if (filetype = VIEW_PERSONAL) or (filetype = VIEW_PUBLIC) or (filetype = VIEW_LABS) then begin if (filetype = VIEW_PUBLIC) and firstpublic then begin templist.Add(' '); templist.Add(front + copy('Public Views' + back, 0, 60)); firstpublic := false; end else if (filetype = VIEW_PERSONAL) and firstpersonal then begin templist.Add(' '); templist.Add(front + copy('Personal Views' + back, 0, 60)); firstpersonal := false; end else if (filetype = VIEW_LABS) and firstlabs then begin templist.Add(' '); templist.Add(front + copy('Lab Groups' + back, 0, 60)); firstlabs := false; end; AssignProfile(aList, aLine, User.DUZ, true); templist.Add(aProfile); for j := 0 to aList.Count - 1 do begin aLine := aList[j]; piece2 := Piece(aLine, '^', 2); if strtointdef(copy(piece2, 0, 1), -1) > 0 then begin aString := Piece(aLine, '^', 3); if copy(aString, 0, 1) = '_' then aString := copy(aString, 2, length(aString)); templist.Add(' ' + aString); end else begin end; end; end; end; if cboUser.ItemIndex > -1 then begin firstpersonal := true; firstlabs := true; templist.Add(''); templist.Add(''); templist.Add('Views and Lab Groups for ' + cboUser.Text); for i := 0 to lstOtherSources.Items.Count - 1 do begin aLine := lstOtherSources.Items[i]; filetype := Piece(aLine, '^', 1); aProfile := Piece(aLine, '^', 2); if (filetype = VIEW_PERSONAL) or (filetype = VIEW_LABS) then begin if (filetype = VIEW_PERSONAL) and firstpersonal then begin templist.Add(' '); templist.Add(front + copy('Views' + back, 0, 60)); firstpersonal := false; end else if (filetype = VIEW_LABS) and firstlabs then begin templist.Add(' '); templist.Add(front + copy('Lab Groups' + back, 0, 60)); firstlabs := false; end; AssignProfile(aList, aLine, cboUser.ItemID, true); templist.Add(aProfile); for j := 0 to aList.Count - 1 do begin aLine := aList[j]; piece2 := Piece(aLine, '^', 2); if strtointdef(copy(piece2, 0, 1), -1) > 0 then begin aString := Piece(aLine, '^', 3); if copy(aString, 0, 1) = '_' then aString := copy(aString, 2, length(aString)); templist.Add(' ' + aString); end; end; end; end; end; templist.Insert(0, 'Definitions of Views and Lab Groups'); templist.Insert(1, ''); templist.Insert(2,'Your Personal Views, Public Views, and Lab Groups'); ReportBox(templist, 'Views and Lab Groups', true); templist.Free; aList.Free; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.btnClearClick(Sender: TObject); begin lstItemsDisplayed.Items.Clear; lstItemsSelection.Items.Clear; cboAllItems.Items.Clear; cboAllItems.Text :=''; lstItemsDisplayedChange(self); cboAllItemsChange(self); lstSources.ItemIndex := -1; lstOtherSources.ItemIndex := -1; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.btnDeleteClick(Sender: TObject); var publicview: boolean; info, profilename, profname, proftype: string; begin if lstSources.ItemIndex < 0 then begin ShowMsg('You must select a valid View for deletion.'); exit; end; publicview := false; profilename := ''; info := lstSources.Items[lstSources.ItemIndex]; proftype := Piece(info, '^', 1); profname := Piece(info, '^', 2); if proftype = VIEW_PERSONAL then profilename := profname else if (proftype = VIEW_PUBLIC) and FPublicEditor then begin profilename := profname; publicview := true; end else begin ShowMsg('You must select a valid View for deletion.'); exit; end; if publicview then begin if MessageDlg('This is Public and may be used by others.' + #13 + 'Delete ' + profilename + '?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes then begin rpcDeleteGraphProfile(UpperCase(profilename), '1'); btnClose.Tag := 1; MessageDlg('The public view, ' + profilename + ' has been deleted.', mtInformation, [mbOk], 0); end else exit; end else begin if MessageDlg('Delete ' + profilename + '?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes then begin rpcDeleteGraphProfile(UpperCase(profilename), '0'); btnClose.Tag := 1; MessageDlg('Your personal view, ' + profilename + ' has been deleted.', mtInformation, [mbOk], 0); end else exit; end; btnClearClick(self); lstItemsDisplayed.Items.Clear; lstItemsSelection.Items.Clear; cboAllItems.Items.Clear; cboAllItems.Text :=''; GraphDataOnUser; FormShow(self); lstItemsDisplayedChange(self); btnDelete.Enabled := false; btnRename.Enabled := false; if lstSources.Count > 0 then lstSources.ItemIndex := 0; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.btnRenameClick(Sender: TObject); var profentered, publicview: boolean; i, j: integer; astring, info, infotitle, newprofilename, profile, profileitem, profilename, profiletype, profname, proftype: string; aList: TStrings; begin if lstSources.ItemIndex < 0 then begin ShowMsg('You must select a valid View to rename.'); exit; end; publicview := false; profilename := ''; info := lstSources.Items[lstSources.ItemIndex]; proftype := Piece(info, '^', 1); profname := Piece(info, '^', 2); if proftype = VIEW_PERSONAL then profilename := profname else if (proftype = VIEW_PUBLIC) and FPublicEditor then begin profilename := profname; publicview := true; end else begin ShowMsg('You must select a valid View to rename.'); end; btnRemoveAllClick(self); lstSourcesDblClick(self); if publicview then begin infotitle := 'Rename this Public View'; info := 'This is Public and may be used by others.' + #13 + 'Enter a new name for ' + profilename + '.' end else begin infotitle := 'Rename your Personal View'; info := 'Enter a new name for ' + profilename + '.' end; profentered := GetProfileName(infotitle, info, newprofilename); if not profentered then exit; info := ''; if not ProfileExists(newprofilename, VIEW_PUBLIC) and publicview then info := 'The Public View, ' + profilename + ', will be changed to ' + newprofilename + #13 + 'Is this OK?' else if not ProfileExists(newprofilename, VIEW_PERSONAL) then info := 'Your Personal View, ' + profilename + ', will be changed to ' + newprofilename + #13 + 'Is this OK?'; if length(info) > 0 then if MessageDlg(info, mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) <> mrYes then exit; aList := TStringList.Create; profile := ''; aList.Clear; j := 1; with lstItemsDisplayed do for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin astring := Items[i]; profiletype := Piece(astring, '^', 1); if profiletype = '8925' then profileitem := UpperCase(Piece(astring, '^', 3)) else profileitem := Piece(astring, '^', 2); profile := profile + profiletype + '~' + profileitem + '~|'; j := j + 1; if (j mod 10) = 0 then if length(profile) > 0 then begin aList.Add(UpperCase(profile)); profile := ''; end; end; if length(profile) > 0 then begin aList.Add(UpperCase(profile)); profile := ''; end; if publicview then begin proftype := VIEW_PUBLIC; rpcDeleteGraphProfile(UpperCase(profilename), '1'); rpcSetGraphProfile(newprofilename, '1', aList); btnClose.Tag := 1; end else begin proftype := VIEW_PERSONAL; rpcDeleteGraphProfile(UpperCase(profilename), '0'); rpcSetGraphProfile(newprofilename, '0', aList); btnClose.Tag := 1; end; aList.Free; IDProfile(newprofilename, proftype); end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.btnSaveClick(Sender: TObject); var profentered, puplicedit: boolean; i, j: integer; astring, info, infotitle, profile, profileitem, profilename, profiletype, profname, proftype: string; aList: TStrings; begin puplicedit := Sender = btnSavePublic; if lstItemsDisplayed.Items.Count < 1 then exit; profilename := ''; if lstSources.ItemIndex > -1 then begin info := lstSources.Items[lstSources.ItemIndex]; if pos(LLS_FRONT, info) < 1 then begin proftype := Piece(info, '^', 1); profname := Piece(info, '^', 2); profilename := profname; end; end; if puplicedit then begin infotitle := 'Save this Public View'; info := 'Save this Public View by entering a name for it.' + #13 + 'If you are editing a View, enter the View''s name to overwrite it.'; end else begin infotitle := 'Save your Personal View'; info := 'Save your Personal View by entering a name for it.' + #13 + 'If you are editing a View, enter the View''s name to overwrite it.'; end; profentered := GetProfileName(infotitle, info, profilename); if not profentered then exit; info := ''; if ProfileExists(profilename, VIEW_PUBLIC) and FPublicEditor and puplicedit then info := 'The Public View, ' + profilename + ', will be overwritten.' + #13 + 'Is this OK?' else if ProfileExists(profilename, VIEW_PERSONAL) and (not puplicedit) then info := 'Your Personal View, ' + profilename + ', will be overwritten.' + #13 + 'Is this OK?'; if length(info) > 0 then if MessageDlg(info, mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) <> mrYes then exit; aList := TStringList.Create; profile := ''; aList.Clear; j := 1; with lstItemsDisplayed do for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin astring := Items[i]; profiletype := Piece(astring, '^', 1); if profiletype = '8925' then profileitem := UpperCase(Piece(astring, '^', 3)) else profileitem := Piece(astring, '^', 2); profile := profile + profiletype + '~' + profileitem + '~|'; j := j + 1; if (j mod 10) = 0 then if length(profile) > 0 then begin aList.Add(UpperCase(profile)); profile := ''; end; end; if length(profile) > 0 then begin aList.Add(UpperCase(profile)); profile := ''; end; if puplicedit then begin proftype := VIEW_PUBLIC; rpcSetGraphProfile(profilename, '1', aList); btnClose.Tag := 1; end else begin proftype := VIEW_PERSONAL; rpcSetGraphProfile(profilename, '0', aList); btnClose.Tag := 1; end; aList.Free; IDProfile(profilename, proftype); end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.btnCloseClick(Sender: TObject); begin if lstItemsDisplayed.Items.Count > 0 then btnClose.Tag := 1; Close; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.btnViewsClick(Sender: TObject); begin // not used pnlOtherSources.Visible := not pnlOtherSources.Visible; if pnlOtherSources.Visible then btnViews.Caption := 'Hide other views' else btnViews.Caption := 'Show other views'; DialogGraphOthers(1); end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.CheckPublic; var typedata: string; begin if lstSources.ItemIndex = -1 then begin btnDelete.Enabled := false; btnRename.Enabled := false; exit; end; typedata := lstSources.Items[lstSources.ItemIndex]; btnDelete.Enabled := (Piece(typedata, '^', 1) = VIEW_PERSONAL) or ((Piece(typedata, '^', 1) = VIEW_PUBLIC) and FPublicEditor); btnRename.Enabled := btnDelete.Enabled; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.ListBoxSetup(Sender: TObject); var profileselected: boolean; i: integer; selection, first, profileitem: string; begin with (Sender as TORListBox) do begin if ItemIndex < 0 then exit; selection := Items[ItemIndex]; if length(Piece(selection, '_', 2)) > 0 then selection := Piece(selection, '_', 1) + ' ' + Piece(selection, '_', 2); first := Piece(selection, '^', 1); if first = '' then exit; // line profileselected := strtointdef(Piece(selection, '^', 2), 0) < 0; if profileselected then begin for i := 2 to Items.Count - 1 do begin profileitem := Items[i]; if length(Piece(profileitem, '_', 2)) > 0 then profileitem := Piece(profileitem, '_', 1) + ' ' + Piece(profileitem, '_', 2); //*****???? ^ AddToList(profileitem, lstItemsDisplayed); end; end else AddToList(selection, lstItemsDisplayed); //if ItemIndex = 0 then Clear; //profile or type ItemIndex := -1; end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.ComboBoxSetup(Sender: TObject); var profileselected: boolean; i: integer; selection, first, profileitem, subtype: string; begin with (Sender as TORComboBox) do begin if ItemIndex < 0 then exit; selection := Items[ItemIndex]; subtype := Piece(Items[0], '^', 3); subtype := Piece(subtype, ':', 2); subtype := copy(subtype, 2, length(subtype)); subtype := Piece(subtype, ' ', 1); if UpperCase(copy(selection, 1, 5)) = '63AP;' then selection := copy(selection, 1, 4) + '^A;' + copy(selection, 6, 1) + ';' + Piece(selection, '^', 2) + '^' + subtype + ': ' + Piece(selection, '^', 3) else if UpperCase(copy(selection, 1, 5)) = '63MI;' then selection := copy(selection, 1, 4) + '^M;' + copy(selection, 6, 1) + ';' + Piece(selection, '^', 2) + '^' + subtype + ': ' + Piece(selection, '^', 3); if length(Piece(selection, '_', 2)) > 0 then selection := Piece(selection, '_', 1) + ' ' + Piece(selection, '_', 2); first := Piece(selection, '^', 1); if first = '' then exit; // line profileselected := strtointdef(Piece(selection, '^', 2), 0) < 0; if profileselected then begin for i := 2 to Items.Count - 1 do begin profileitem := Items[i]; if length(Piece(profileitem, '_', 2)) > 0 then profileitem := Piece(profileitem, '_', 1) + ' ' + Piece(profileitem, '_', 2); //*****???? ^ AddToList(profileitem, lstItemsDisplayed); end; end else AddToList(selection, lstItemsDisplayed); if ItemIndex = 0 then Clear; //profile or type ItemIndex := -1; end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.Report(aListBox: TORListBox); var profileselected: boolean; i: integer; selection, first, profileitem, subtype: string; begin with aListBox do begin if ItemIndex < 0 then exit; selection := Items[ItemIndex]; subtype := Piece(Items[0], '^', 3); subtype := Piece(subtype, ':', 2); subtype := copy(subtype, 2, length(subtype)); subtype := Piece(subtype, ' ', 1); if UpperCase(copy(selection, 1, 5)) = '63AP;' then selection := copy(selection, 1, 4) + '^A;' + copy(selection, 6, 1) + ';' + Piece(selection, '^', 2) + '^' + subtype + ': ' + Piece(selection, '^', 3) else if UpperCase(copy(selection, 1, 5)) = '63MI;' then selection := copy(selection, 1, 4) + '^M;' + copy(selection, 6, 1) + ';' + Piece(selection, '^', 2) + '^' + subtype + ': ' + Piece(selection, '^', 3); if length(Piece(selection, '_', 2)) > 0 then selection := Piece(selection, '_', 1) + ' ' + Piece(selection, '_', 2); first := Piece(selection, '^', 1); if first = '' then exit; // line profileselected := strtointdef(Piece(selection, '^', 2), 0) < 0; if profileselected then begin for i := 2 to Items.Count - 1 do begin profileitem := Items[i]; if length(Piece(profileitem, '_', 2)) > 0 then profileitem := Piece(profileitem, '_', 1) + ' ' + Piece(profileitem, '_', 2); //*****???? ^ AddToList(profileitem, lstItemsDisplayed); end; end else AddToList(selection, lstItemsDisplayed); if ItemIndex = 0 then Clear; //profile or type ItemIndex := -1; end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.CheckToClear; begin if (cboAllItems.Visible and (cboAllItems.Items.Count = 0)) or (lstItemsSelection.Visible and (lstItemsSelection.Items.Count = 0)) then begin lstSources.ItemIndex := -1; lstOtherSources.ItemIndex := -1; btnAdd.Enabled := false; btnAddAll.Enabled := false; end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.QualifierDelete(line: string); var i: integer; filenum: string; begin if Piece(line, '^', 1) <> '0' then exit; filenum := Piece(line, '^', 2); if strtointdef(filenum, 0) < 0 then exit; if (filenum = '52') or (filenum = '55') or (filenum = '55NVAE') or (filenum = '55NVA') or (filenum = '53.79') then with lstItemsDisplayed do for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do if (Piece(Items[i], '^', 2) = '50.605') and (Piece(Items[i], '^', 1) = '0') then begin Items.Delete(i); break; end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.AllItemsBefore(var typedata: string); var i: integer; begin with cboAllItems.Items do begin Clear; cboAllItems.InitLongList(''); typedata := '0^' + Piece(typedata, '^', 1) + '^ ' + Piece(typedata, '^', 2) + ' '; Insert(0, typedata); Insert(1, '^' + LLS_LINE); if Piece(typedata, '^', 2) = '63AP' then begin for i := 0 to lstSources.Items.Count - 1 do if copy(lstSources.Items[i], 1, 5) = '63AP;' then begin typedata := lstSources.Items[i]; typedata := '0^' + Piece(typedata, '^', 1) + '^ ' + Piece(typedata, '^', 2) + ' '; Add(typedata); end; end else if Piece(typedata, '^', 2) ='63MI' then begin for i := 0 to lstSources.Items.Count - 1 do if copy(lstSources.Items[i], 1, 5) = '63MI;' then begin typedata := lstSources.Items[i]; typedata := '0^' + Piece(typedata, '^', 1) + '^ ' + Piece(typedata, '^', 2) + ' '; Add(typedata); end; end; end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.AllItemsAfter(var filetype, typedata: string); var i: integer; itemdata, itemname: string; begin with lstItemsSelection.Items do begin Clear; lstItemsSelection.Sorted := true; itemname := Piece(typedata, '^', 3); if copy(itemname, 1, 1) = ' ' then begin itemname := copy(itemname, 2, length(itemname)); // strip preceding space typedata := '0^' + Piece(typedata, '^', 2) + '^ ' + itemname; end else typedata := '0^' + Piece(typedata, '^', 1) + '^ ' + itemname; Insert(0, typedata); Insert(1, '^' + LLS_LINE); if filetype = '63AP' then // finish subitems *********** begin lstItemsSelection.Sorted := false; for i := 0 to lstSources.Items.Count - 1 do if copy(lstSources.Items[i], 1, 5) = '63AP;' then begin typedata := lstSources.Items[i]; typedata := '0^' + Piece(typedata, '^', 1) + '^ ' + Piece(typedata, '^', 2) + ' '; Add(typedata); end; end else if filetype ='63MI' then begin lstItemsSelection.Sorted := false; for i := 0 to lstSources.Items.Count - 1 do if copy(lstSources.Items[i], 1, 5) = '63MI;' then begin typedata := lstSources.Items[i]; typedata := '0^' + Piece(typedata, '^', 1) + '^ ' + Piece(typedata, '^', 2) + ' '; Add(typedata); end; end else if filetype = '50.605' then for i := 0 to lstDrugClass.Items.Count - 1 do begin itemdata := lstDrugClass.Items[i]; if filetype = Piece(itemdata, '^', 1) then Add(itemdata); end else if copy(filetype, 1, 5) = '63AP;' then begin filetype := copy(filetype, 1, 4) + '^A;' + copy(filetype, 6, 1) + ';'; for i := 0 to lstTests.Items.Count - 1 do begin itemdata := lstTests.Items[i]; if filetype = UpperCase(copy(itemdata, 1, 9)) then Add(itemdata); end; end else if copy(filetype, 1, 5) = '63MI;' then begin filetype := copy(filetype, 1, 4) + '^M;' + copy(filetype, 6, 1) + ';'; for i := 0 to lstTests.Items.Count - 1 do begin itemdata := lstTests.Items[i]; if filetype = UpperCase(copy(itemdata, 1, 9)) then Add(itemdata); end; end else if filetype <> '405' then for i := 0 to lstTests.Items.Count - 1 do begin itemdata := lstTests.Items[i]; if filetype = UpperCase(Piece(itemdata, '^', 1)) then Add(itemdata); end; cboAllItemsChange(lstItemsSelection); end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.AddToList(aItem: string; aListBox: TORListBox); var addtolist: boolean; checkfile, checkitem: string; begin aItem := UpperCase(Pieces(aItem, '^', 1, 2)) + '^' + Piece(aItem, '^', 3); checkfile := Piece(aItem, '^', 1); checkitem := Piece(aItem, '^', 2); if checkfile = '0' then begin checkfile := checkitem; // if drug class any - 52,0;55,0 checkitem := '0'; // if drug class item - go thru meds end; ArrangeList(checkfile, checkitem, aItem, aListBox, addtolist); if addtolist then aListBox.Items.Add(aItem); if (checkfile = '50.605') and (checkitem = '0') then begin checkfile := '52'; aItem := '0^52^ Medication,Outpatitent '; ArrangeList(checkfile, checkitem, aItem, aListBox, addtolist); if addtolist then aListBox.Items.Add(aItem); checkfile := '55'; aItem := '0^55^ Medication,Inpatitent '; ArrangeList(checkfile, checkitem, aItem, aListBox, addtolist); if addtolist then aListBox.Items.Add(aItem); checkfile := '53.79'; aItem := '0^53.79^ Medication,BCMA '; ArrangeList(checkfile, checkitem, aItem, aListBox, addtolist); if addtolist then aListBox.Items.Add(aItem); {checkfile := '55NVAE'; // nonvameds as events is not used aItem := '0^55NVAE^ Medication,Non-VA-Event '; ArrangeList(checkfile, checkitem, aItem, aListBox, addtolist); if addtolist then aListBox.Items.Add(aItem);} checkfile := '55NVA'; aItem := '0^55NVA^ Medication,Non-VA '; ArrangeList(checkfile, checkitem, aItem, aListBox, addtolist); if addtolist then aListBox.Items.Add(aItem); end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.ArrangeList(aCheckFile, aCheckItem, aItem: string; aListBox: TORListBox; var addtolist: boolean); var i: integer; listfile, listitem: string; begin addtolist := true; with aListBox do for i := Items.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin listfile := Piece(Items[i], '^', 1); listitem := Piece(Items[i], '^', 2); if listfile = '0' then begin listfile := listitem; listitem := '0'; end; if (aCheckItem = listitem) and (aCheckFile = listfile) then begin addtolist := false; break; end else if (listitem = '0') and (aCheckFile = listfile) then begin addtolist := false; break; end else if listitem = '0' then begin if aCheckFile = Piece(listfile, ';', 1) then if Piece(aCheckItem, ';', 2) = Piece(listfile, ';', 2) then begin addtolist := false; break; end; end else if (aCheckItem = '0') and (aCheckFile = listfile) then Items.Delete(i); end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.AssignProfile(aList: TStrings; aProfile: string; UserNum: integer; allitems: boolean); var i, k: integer; preprofile, typedata, typepart, typeone, typetwo, testname, teststring: string; itempart, itempart1, itempart2, itemnums, itemname, itemtest: string; begin preprofile := aProfile; aList.Clear; if Piece(aProfile, '^', 1) = VIEW_TEMPORARY then begin typedata := Piece(aProfile, '^', 3); for i := 1 to BIG_NUMBER do begin typepart := Piece(typedata, '|', i); if typepart = '' then break; testname := Piece(aProfile, '^', i + 3); typeone := Piece(typepart, '~', 1); typetwo := Piece(typepart, '~', 2); aList.Add(typeone + '^' + typetwo + '^' + testname); end; typedata := '0^' + Piece(aProfile, '^', 1) + '^ ' + Piece(aProfile, '^', 2); aList.Insert(0, typedata); aList.Insert(1, '^' + LLS_LINE); exit; end; if Piece(aProfile, '^', 1) = VIEW_CURRENT then // current selection on list begin typedata := '0^-1^ ' + Piece(aProfile, '^', 2); aProfile := Piece(aProfile, '^', 3); aList.Add(typedata); aList.Add('^' + LLS_LINE); for i := 1 to BIG_NUMBER do begin itempart := Piece(aProfile, '|', i); if itempart = '' then exit; itempart1 := Piece(itempart, '~', 1); itempart2 := Piece(itempart, '~', 2); itemnums := itempart1 + '^' + itempart2; itemname := ''; for k := 0 to GtslItems.Count - 1 do begin itemtest := UpperCase(Pieces(GtslItems[k], '^', 1, 2)); if Piece(itemtest, '^', 1) = '63' then itemtest := Piece(itemtest, '.', 1); // works ok but could also remove spec parens on name if itemtest = itemnums then begin itemname := Piece(GtslItems[k], '^', 4); itemnums := itemnums + '^' + itemname; aList.Add(itemnums); break; end; end; end; typedata := '0^' + Piece(aProfile, '^', 1) + '^ ' + Piece(aProfile, '^', 2); aList.Insert(0, typedata); aList.Insert(1, '^' + LLS_LINE); exit; end; if radSourceAll.Checked or allitems then begin AssignProfilePre(aList, aProfile, UserNum); for i := 0 to aList.Count - 1 do begin teststring := aList[i]; if Piece(teststring, '^', 1) = '0' then aList[i] := '0^' + Piece(teststring, '^', 2) + '^_' + Piece(teststring, '^', 3); end; exit; end; if Piece(aProfile, '^', 1) = VIEW_LABS then begin lstScratch.Items.Clear; FastAssign(GetATestGroup(strtointdef(Piece(Piece(aProfile, '^', 2), ')', 1), -1), UserNum), aList); for i := 0 to aList.Count - 1 do aList[i] := '63^' + aList[i]; end else if Piece(aProfile, '^', 1) = VIEW_PUBLIC then begin FastAssign(GetGraphProfiles(UpperCase(Piece(aProfile, '^', 2)), '1', 0, 0), lstScratch.Items); typedata := '0^-1^ ' + Piece(aProfile, '^', 2); end else begin FastAssign(GetGraphProfiles(UpperCase(Piece(aProfile, '^', 2)), '0', 0, UserNum), lstScratch.Items); typedata := '0^' + Piece(aProfile, '^', 1) + '^ ' + Piece(aProfile, '^', 2); end; if Piece(aProfile, '^', 1) = VIEW_LABS then exit; for i := 0 to lstScratch.Items.Count - 1 do aProfile := aProfile + lstScratch.Items[i]; aProfile := Piece(aProfile, '^', 3); AssignProfilePost(aList, aProfile, typedata); end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.AssignProfilePre(aList: TStrings; var aProfile: string; UserNum: integer); var i: integer; begin if Piece(aProfile, '^', 1) = VIEW_LABS then begin FastAssign(GetATestGroup(strtointdef(Piece(Piece(aProfile, '^', 2), ')', 1), -1), UserNum), aList); for i := 0 to aList.Count - 1 do aList[i] := '63^' + aList[i]; end else if Piece(aProfile, '^', 1) = VIEW_PUBLIC then FastAssign(GetGraphProfiles(UpperCase(Piece(aProfile, '^', 2)), '1', 1, 0), aList) else if Piece(aProfile, '^', 1) = VIEW_PERSONAL then FastAssign(GetGraphProfiles(UpperCase(Piece(aProfile, '^', 2)), '0', 1, UserNum), aList) else FastAssign(GetGraphProfiles(UpperCase(Piece(aProfile, '^', 2)), '0', 1, UserNum), aList); end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.AssignProfilePost(aList: TStrings; var aProfile, typedata: string); var stop: boolean; i, j, k: integer; itempart, itempart1, itempart2, itemnums, itemname, itemtest: string; begin aList.Clear; aList.Add(typedata); aList.Add('^' + LLS_LINE); for i := 1 to BIG_NUMBER do begin itempart := Piece(aProfile, '|', i); if itempart = '' then exit; itempart1 := Piece(itempart, '~', 1); itempart2 := Piece(itempart, '~', 2); itemnums := itempart1 + '^' + itempart2; itemname := ''; if itempart1 = '0' then begin for j := 0 to lstSources.Items.Count - 1 do if itempart2 = Piece(lstSources.Items[j], '^', 1) then begin itemname := Piece(lstSources.Items[j], '^', 2); break; end; typedata := '0^' + itempart2 + '^_' + itemname + ' '; aList.Add(typedata); end else if (itempart1 <> '0') then //DRUG CLASS NOT INCLUDED begin stop := false; for k := 0 to lstTests.Items.Count - 1 do begin itemtest := UpperCase(Pieces(lstTests.Items[k], '^', 1, 2)); if itemtest = itemnums then begin itemname := Piece(lstTests.Items[k], '^', 3); itemnums := itemnums + '^' + itemname; aList.Add(itemnums); stop := true; break; end; end; if not stop then for k := 0 to lstDrugClass.Items.Count - 1 do begin itemtest := UpperCase(Pieces(lstDrugClass.Items[k], '^', 1, 2)); if itemtest = itemnums then begin itemname := Piece(lstDrugClass.Items[k], '^', 3); itemnums := itemnums + '^' + itemname; aList.Add(itemnums); break; end; end; end; end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.FillSource(aList: TORListBox); var i, UserNum: integer; dfntype, firstline, listline: string; begin with aList do begin Clear; firstline := ''; Sorted := true; OnClick := OnChange; // turn off onchange event when loading OnChange := nil; if aList = lstSources then // user begin FastAssign(rpcGetTypes('0', true), Items); //*** use GtslAllTypes ??? for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin listline := Items[i]; dfntype := UpperCase(Piece(listline, '^', 1)); SetPiece(listline, '^', 1, dfntype); Items[i] := listline; end; Sorted := false; Items.Insert(0, LLS_FRONT + copy('Types' + LLS_BACK, 0, 30) + '^0'); UserNum := User.DUZ; if GtslViews.Count > 0 then begin Items.Add(LLS_FRONT + copy('Temporary Views' + LLS_BACK, 0, 30) + '^0'); for i := 0 to GtslViews.Count - 1 do begin listline := GtslViews[i]; if Piece(listline, '^', 1) = VIEW_CURRENT then Items.Add(listline) else Items.Add(VIEW_TEMPORARY + '^' + listline + '^'); end; end; end else // other user begin UserNum := cboUser.ItemIEN; Sorted := false; end; FastAssign(GetGraphProfiles('1', '0', 0, UserNum), lstScratch.Items); lstScratch.Sorted := true; if lstScratch.Items.Count > 0 then begin Items.Add(LLS_FRONT + copy('Personal Views' + LLS_BACK, 0, 30) + '^0'); for i := 0 to lstScratch.Items.Count - 1 do Items.Add(VIEW_PERSONAL + '^' + lstScratch.Items[i] + '^'); end; FastAssign(GetGraphProfiles('1', '1', 0, 0), lstScratch.Items); lstScratch.Sorted := true; if (lstScratch.Items.Count > 0) and (aList = lstSources) then begin Items.Add(LLS_FRONT + copy('Public Views' + LLS_BACK, 0, 30) + '^0'); for i := 0 to lstScratch.Items.Count - 1 do Items.Add(VIEW_PUBLIC + '^' + lstScratch.Items[i] + '^'); end; FastAssign(rpcTestGroups(UserNum), lstScratch.Items); lstScratch.Sorted := true; if lstScratch.Items.Count > 0 then begin Items.Add(LLS_FRONT + copy('Lab Groups' + LLS_BACK, 0, 30) + '^0'); for i := 0 to lstScratch.Items.Count - 1 do Items.Add(VIEW_LABS + '^' + Piece(lstScratch.Items[i], '^', 2) + '^' + Piece(lstScratch.Items[i], '^', 1)); end; OnChange := OnClick; OnClick := nil; end; end; function TfrmGraphProfiles.ProfileExists(aName, aType: string): boolean; var i: integer; info, sourcetype, profilename: string; begin Result := false; aName := UpperCase(aName); for i := lstSources.Items.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin info := lstSources.Items[i]; profilename := Piece(info, '^', 2); sourcetype := Piece(info, '^', 1); if (UpperCase(profilename) = aName) and (aType = sourcetype) then begin Result := true; break; end; end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.AssignHints; var i: integer; begin // text defined in uGraphs for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do with Controls[i] do Controls[i].ShowHint := true; RadSourcePat.Hint := HINT_PAT_SOURCE; RadSourceAll.Hint := HINT_ALL_SOURCE; lblSelectionInfo.Hint := HINT_SELECTION_INFO; lblSource.Hint := HINT_SOURCE; lstSources.Hint := HINT_SOURCE; pnlSources.Hint := HINT_SOURCE; pnlAllSources.Hint := HINT_SOURCE; splViews.Hint := HINT_SOURCE; lblSelectOthers.Hint := HINT_OTHER_SOURCE; lblOtherViews.Hint := HINT_OTHER_SOURCE; lstOtherSources.Hint := HINT_OTHER_SOURCE; pnlOtherSources.Hint := HINT_OTHER_SOURCE; pnlOtherSourcesBottom.Hint := HINT_OTHER_SOURCE; pnlOtherViews.Hint := HINT_OTHER_SOURCE; lblOtherViews.Hint := HINT_OTHER_SOURCE; lblSelectOthers.Hint := HINT_OTHER_SOURCE; lblOtherPersons.Hint := HINT_OTHERS; cboUser.Hint := HINT_OTHERS; pnlOtherSourcesUser.Hint := HINT_OTHERS; btnDefinitions.Hint := HINT_BTN_DEFINITION; lblSelection.Hint := HINT_SELECTION; lstItemsSelection.Hint := HINT_SELECTION; cboAllItems.Hint := HINT_SELECTION; lblDisplay.Hint := HINT_DISPLAY; lstItemsDisplayed.Hint := HINT_DISPLAY; btnAddAll.Hint := HINT_BTN_ADDALL; btnAdd.Hint := HINT_BTN_ADD1; btnRemoveOne.Hint := HINT_BTN_REMOVE1; btnRemoveAll.Hint := HINT_BTN_REMOVEALL; btnClear.Hint := HINT_BTN_CLEAR; btnDelete.Hint := HINT_BTN_DELETE; btnRename.Hint := HINT_BTN_RENAME; btnSave.Hint := HINT_BTN_SAVE; btnSavePublic.Hint := HINT_BTN_SAVE_PUB; pnlApply.Hint := HINT_APPLY; btnClose.Hint := HINT_BTN_CLOSE; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.wmNCLButtonDown(var Msg: TWMNCLButtonDown); begin // clicking the ? button will have controls show hints if Msg.HitTest = HTHELP then begin Msg.Result := 0; // ignore biHelp border icon AssignHints; ShowMsg('Help is now available.' + #13 + 'By pausing over a list or control, hints will appear.'); end else inherited; end; function TfrmGraphProfiles.GetProfileName(infotitle, info: string; var newprofilename: string): boolean; begin Result := InputQuery(infotitle, info, newprofilename); if not Result then exit; if newprofilename = '' then begin Result := false; exit; end; if (length(newprofilename) < 3) or (length(newprofilename) > 30) or (Pos('^', newprofilename) > 0) or (Pos('|', newprofilename) > 0) or (Pos('~', newprofilename) > 0) then begin ShowMsg('Not accepted - names of views must be 3-30 characters.'); Result := false; exit; end; end; procedure TfrmGraphProfiles.IDProfile(var profilename, proftype: string); var i, match: integer; info, aName, aType: string; begin if length(profilename) > 0 then lblSave.Hint := profilename; //btnClearClick(self); lstScratch.Items.Clear; lstSources.Items.Clear; GraphDataOnUser; FormShow(btnSave); match := -1; profilename := UpperCase(profilename); for i := lstSources.Items.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin info := lstSources.Items[i]; aType := Piece(info, '^', 1); aName := Piece(info, '^', 2); if (UpperCase(aName) = profilename) and (aType = proftype) then begin match := i; break; end; end; if match = -1 then exit; lstSources.ItemIndex := match; lstSources.Tag := BIG_NUMBER; lstSourcesChange(lstSources); end; end.