unit fPrintLocation; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, StrUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, fAutoSz, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ORCtrls,ORFn, rCore, uCore, oRNet, Math, fOrders, ORClasses, rOrders, fMeds, rMeds, CheckLst, Grids, fFrame, fClinicWardMeds, VA508AccessibilityManager; type TfrmPrintLocation = class(TfrmAutoSz) pnlTop: TPanel; pnlBottom: TORAutoPanel; orderGrid: TStringGrid; pnlOrder: TPanel; btnOK: TButton; lblText: TLabel; btnClinic: TButton; btnWard: TButton; lblEncounter: TLabel; cbolocation: TORComboBox; ORpnlBottom: TORAutoPanel; orpnlTopBottom: TORAutoPanel; cboEncLoc: TComboBox; procedure pnlFieldsResize(Sender: TObject); procedure orderGridMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure OrderGridDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); procedure orderGridKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure btnClinicClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnWardClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cbolocationChange(Sender: TObject); procedure cbolocationExit(Sender: TObject); procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } CLoc,WLoc: string; CIEN,WIEN: integer; function ValFor(FieldID, ARow: Integer): string; procedure ShowEditor(ACol, ARow: Integer; AChar: Char); procedure ProcessClinicOrders(WardList, ClinicList: TStringList; WardIEN, ClinicIEN: integer; ContainsIMO: boolean); procedure rpcChangeOrderLocation(pOrderList:TStringList; ContainsIMO: boolean); function ClinicText(ALoc: integer): string; public { Public declarations } CloseOK: boolean; DisplayOrders: boolean; procedure PrintLocation(OrderLst: TStringList; pEncounterLoc: integer; pEncounterLocName, pEncounterLocText: string; pEncounterDT: TFMDateTime; pEncounterVC: Char; var ClinicLst, WardLst: TStringList; var wardIEN: integer; var wardLocation: string; ContainsIMOOrders: boolean; displayEncSwitch: boolean = false); procedure SwitchEncounterLoction(pEncounterLoc: integer; pEncounterLocName, pEncounterLocText: string; pEncounterDT: TFMDateTime; pEncounterVC: Char); function rpcIsPatientOnWard(Patient: string): string; end; var frmPrintLocation: TfrmPrintLocation; ClinicIEN, WardIen: integer; ASvc, ClinicLocation, WardLocation: string; ClinicArr: TStringList; WardArr: TStringList; implementation {$R *.dfm} //uses //fFrame; Const COL_ORDERINFO = 0; COL_ORDERTEXT = 1; COL_LOCATION = 2; TAB = #9; LOCATION_CHANGE_1 = 'The patient is admitted to ward'; LOCATION_CHANGE_2 = 'You have the chart open to a clinic location of'; LOCATION_CHANGE_2W = 'You have the chart open with the patient still on ward'; LOCATION_CHANGE_3 = 'What Location are these orders associated with?'; LOCATION_CHANGE_4 = 'The patient has now been admitted to ward: '; { TfrmPrintLocation } procedure TfrmPrintLocation.btnClinicClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin inherited; for i := 1 to self.orderGrid.RowCount do begin self.orderGrid.Cells[COL_LOCATION,i] := frmPrintLocation.CLoc; end; end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.btnOKClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; Action: TCloseAction; begin if ClinicArr = nil then ClinicArr := TStringList.Create; if WardArr = nil then wardArr := TStringList.Create; if (frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.Enabled = true) and (frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.ItemIndex = -1) then begin infoBox('A location must be selected to continue processing patient data', 'Warning', MB_OK); exit; end; if frmPrintLocation.DisplayOrders = true then begin for i := 1 to self.orderGrid.RowCount-1 do begin if ValFor(COL_LOCATION, i) = '' then begin infoBox('Every order must have a location define.','Location error', MB_OK); exit; end; if ValFor(COL_LOCATION, i) = frmPrintLocation.CLoc then ClinicArr.Add(ValFor(COL_ORDERINFO, i)) else if ValFor(COL_LOCATION, i) = frmPrintLocation.WLoc then WardArr.Add(ValFor(COL_ORDERINFO, i)); end; end; CloseOK := True; Action := caFree; frmPrintLocation.FormClose(frmPrintLocation, Action); if Action = caFree then frmPrintLocation.Close; end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.btnWardClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin inherited; for i := 1 to self.orderGrid.RowCount do begin self.orderGrid.Cells[COL_LOCATION,i] := frmPrintLocation.WLoc; end; end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.cbolocationChange(Sender: TObject); begin self.orderGrid.Cells[COL_LOCATION, self.orderGrid.Row] := self.cbolocation.Text; end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.cbolocationExit(Sender: TObject); begin cboLocation.Hide; end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); var i :Integer; //Action1: TCloseAction; begin inherited; if not CloseOK then begin if ClinicArr = nil then ClinicArr := TStringList.Create; if WardArr = nil then wardArr := TStringList.Create; if (frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.Enabled = true) and (frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.ItemIndex = -1) then begin infoBox('A location must be selected to continue processing patient data', 'Warning', MB_OK); Action := caNone; exit; end; for i := 1 to self.orderGrid.RowCount-1 do begin if ValFor(COL_LOCATION, i) = '' then begin infoBox('Every order must have a location define.','Location error', MB_OK); Action := caNone; exit; end; if ValFor(COL_LOCATION, i) = frmPrintLocation.CLoc then ClinicArr.Add(ValFor(COL_ORDERINFO, i)) else if ValFor(COL_LOCATION, i) = frmPrintLocation.WLoc then WardArr.Add(ValFor(COL_ORDERINFO, i)); end; CloseOK := True; end; Action := caFree; end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; frmPrintLocation := nil; end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; pnlFieldsResize(Sender) end; function TfrmPrintLocation.ClinicText(ALoc: integer): string; begin if SCallV('ORIMO ISCLOC', [ALoc]) = '1' then Result := LOCATION_CHANGE_2 else Result := LOCATION_CHANGE_2W end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.OrderGridDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); begin inherited; OrderGrid.Canvas.TextRect(Rect, Rect.Left+2, Rect.Top+2, Piece(OrderGrid.Cells[ACol, ARow], TAB, 1)); end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.orderGridKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin inherited; if Key in [#32..#127] then ShowEditor(OrderGrid.Col, OrderGrid.Row, Key); end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.orderGridMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var ACol, ARow: Integer; begin inherited; OrderGrid.MouseToCell(X, Y, ACol, ARow); if (ARow < 0) or (ACol < 0) then Exit; if ACol > COL_ORDERINFO then ShowEditor(ACol, ARow, #0) else begin OrderGrid.Col := COL_ORDERTEXT; OrderGrid.Row := ARow; end; //if OrderGrid.Col <> COL_ORDERTEXT then //DropLastSequence; end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.pnlFieldsResize(Sender: TObject); Const REL_ORDER = 0.85; REL_LOCATION = 0.15; var i, center, diff, ht, RowCountShowing: Integer; ColControl: TWinControl; begin inherited; if frmPrintLocation = nil then exit; with frmPrintLocation do begin if (frmPrintLocation.WLoc = '') and (frmPrintLocation.CLoc = '') then exit; lblText.Caption := LOCATION_CHANGE_1 + ': ' + frmPrintLocation.WLoc + CRLF; if frmPrintLocation.DisplayOrders = false then begin if frmPrintlocation.CLoc = '' then begin lblText.Caption := LOCATION_CHANGE_4 + frmPrintLocation.WLoc + CRLF; cboEncLoc.Enabled := false; lblEncounter.Enabled := false; end else lblText.Caption := lblText.Caption + ClinicText(frmPrintLocation.CIEN) + ': ' + frmPrintLocation.CLoc + CRLF; btnClinic.Visible := false; btnWard.Visible := false; pnlTop.Height := lbltext.Top + lbltext.Height * 2; pnlbottom.Top := pnltop.Top + pnltop.Height + 3; ordergrid.Height := 1; pnlBottom.Height := 1; lblEncounter.Top := pnlBottom.Top + pnlBottom.Height; cboEncLoc.Top := lblEncounter.Top; cboEncLoc.Left := lblEncounter.Left + lblEncounter.Width + 4; orpnlBottom.Top := cboEncLoc.Top + cboEncLoc.Height +10; end else begin lblText.Caption := lblText.Caption + ClinicText(frmPrintLocation.CIEN) + ': ' + frmPrintLocation.CLoc + CRLF + CRLF; lblText.Caption := lblText.Caption + LOCATION_CHANGE_3; //lblText.Caption := lblText.Caption + CRLF + 'One clinic location allowed; ' + frmPrintLocation.CLoc + ' will be used'; btnClinic.Caption := 'All ' + frmPrintLocation.CLoc; btnWard.Caption := 'All ' + frmPrintLocation.WLoc; btnClinic.Width := TextWidthByFont(btnClinic.Handle, btnClinic.Caption); btnWard.Width := TextWidthByFont(btnWard.Handle, btnWard.Caption); center := frmPrintLocation.Width div 2; btnClinic.Left := center - (btnClinic.Width + 3); btnWard.Left := center + 3; end; if pnlTop.Width > width then begin pnltop.Width := width - 8; orpnlTopBottom.Width := pnltop.Width; end; if orpnlTopBottom.Width > pnltop.Width then orpnlTopBottom.Width := pnltop.Width; if pnlBottom.Width > width then begin pnlBottom.Width := width - 8; ordergrid.Width := pnlBottom.Width - 2; end; if orderGrid.Width > pnlBottom.Width then orderGrid.Width := pnlBottom.Width - 2; if frmPrintLocation.DisplayOrders = true then begin i := OrderGrid.Width - 12; i := i - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); orderGrid.ColWidths[0] := 0; orderGrid.ColWidths[1] := Round(REL_ORDER * i); orderGrid.ColWidths[2] := Round(REL_LOCATION * i); orderGrid.Cells[1,0] := 'Order'; orderGrid.Cells[2,0] := 'Location'; cboEncLoc.Left := lblEncounter.Left + lblEncounter.Width + 4; ht := pnlBottom.Top - orderGrid.Top - 6; ht := ht div (orderGrid.DefaultRowHeight+1); ht := ht * (orderGrid.DefaultRowHeight+1); Inc(ht, 3); OrderGrid.Height := ht; ColControl := nil; Case OrderGrid.Col of COL_ORDERTEXT:ColCOntrol := pnlOrder; COL_LOCATION:ColControl := cboLocation; End; if assigned(ColControl) and ColControl.Showing then begin RowCountShowing := (Height - 25) div (orderGrid.defaultRowHeight+1); if (OrderGrid.Row <= RowCountShowing) then ShowEditor(OrderGrid.Col, orderGrid.Row, #0) else ColControl.Hide; end; end; diff := frmPrintLocation.btnOK.top; //diff := (frmPrintLocation.ORpnlBottom.Top + frmPrintlocation.btnOK.Top) - frmPrintLocation.ORpnlBottom.Top; frmPrintLocation.ORpnlBottom.Height := frmPrintLocation.btnOK.Top + frmPrintLocation.btnOK.Height + diff; frmprintLocation.Height := frmprintLocation.orpnlBottom.Top + frmprintLocation.orpnlBottom.Height + 25; end; end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.PrintLocation(OrderLst: TStringList; pEncounterLoc:integer; pEncounterLocName, pEncounterLocText: string; pEncounterDT: TFMDateTime; pEncounterVC: Char; var ClinicLst, WardLst: TStringList; var wardIEN: integer; var wardLocation: string; ContainsIMOOrders: boolean; displayEncSwitch: boolean = false); var OrderInfo, OrderText: string; cidx, i, widx: integer; begin frmPrintLocation := TfrmPrintLocation.Create(Application); try frmPrintLocation.DisplayOrders := true; frmPrintLocation.CloseOK := false; ClinicArr := TStringList.Create; WardArr := TStringList.Create; frmPrintlocation.orderGrid.RowCount := OrderLst.Count + 1; CurrentLocationForPatient(Patient.DFN, WardIEN, WardLocation, ASvc); frmPrintLocation.lblEncounter.Enabled := displayEncSwitch; frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.Enabled := displayEncSwitch; frmPrintLocation.Cloc := pEncounterLocName; frmPrintLocation.WLoc := WardLocation; frmPrintLocation.CIEN := pEncounterLoc; frmPrintLocation.WIEN := wardIEN; ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(frmPrintLocation); frmPrintLocation.orderGrid.DefaultRowHeight := frmPrintLocation.cbolocation.Height; for i := 0 to OrderLst.Count - 1 do begin OrderInfo := Piece(OrderLst.Strings[i],':',1); OrderText := AnsiReplaceText(Piece(OrderLst.Strings[i],':',2),CRLF,''); frmPrintLocation.orderGrid.Cells[COL_ORDERINFO,i+1] := OrderInfo; frmPrintLocation.orderGrid.Cells[COL_ORDERTEXT,i+1] := OrderText; end; frmPrintLocation.cbolocation.Items.Add(frmPrintLocation.CLoc); frmPrintLocation.cbolocation.Items.Add(frmPrintLocation.WLoc); if frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.Enabled = True then begin frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.Items.Add(frmPrintLocation.CLoc); frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.Items.Add(frmPrintLocation.WLoc); end; frmPrintLocation.ShowModal; if assigned(ClinicArr) then ClinicLst.AddStrings(ClinicArr); if assigned(WardArr) then WardLst.AddStrings(WardArr); ProcessClinicOrders(WardLst, ClinicLst, WardIEN, pEncounterLoc, ContainsIMOOrders); cidx := frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.Items.IndexOf(frmPrintLocation.CLoc); widx := frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.Items.IndexOf(frmPrintLocation.WLoc); if frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.ItemIndex = cidx then begin uCore.Encounter.EncounterSwitch(pEncounterLoc, pEncounterLocName, pEncounterLocText, pEncounterDT, pEncounterVC); fframe.frmFrame.DisplayEncounterText; fframe.frmFrame.OrderPrintForm := True; end else if frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.ItemIndex = widx then begin uCore.Encounter.EncounterSwitch(WardIEN, WardLocation, WardLocation, Patient.AdmitTime, 'H'); fFrame.frmFrame.DisplayEncounterText; end; finally frmPrintLocation.Destroy; end; end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.ProcessClinicOrders(WardList, ClinicList: TStringList; WardIEN, ClinicIEN: integer; ContainsIMO: boolean); var i: integer; OrderArr: TStringList; begin OrderArr := TStringList.Create; for i := 0 to WardList.Count -1 do begin OrderArr.Add(WardList.Strings[i] + U + InttoStr(WardIen)); end; for i := 0 to ClinicList.Count -1 do begin OrderArr.Add(ClinicList.Strings[i] + U + InttoStr(ClinicIen)); end; rpcChangeOrderLocation(OrderArr, ContainsIMO); WardArr.Free; end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.rpcChangeOrderLocation(pOrderList:TStringList; ContainsIMO: boolean); var IMO: string; begin // OrderIEN^Location^ISIMO -- used to alter location if ward is selected. if ContainsIMO = True then IMO := '1' else IMO := '0'; CallV('ORWDX CHANGE',[pOrderList, Patient.DFN, IMO]); end; function TfrmPrintLocation.rpcIsPatientOnWard(Patient: string): string; begin //Ward Loction Name^Ward Location IEN result := sCallV('ORWDX1 PATWARD',[Patient]); end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.ShowEditor(ACol, ARow: Integer; AChar: Char); var tmpText: string; procedure PlaceControl(AControl: TWinControl); var ARect: TRect; begin with AControl do begin ARect := OrderGrid.CellRect(ACol, ARow); SetBounds(ARect.Left + OrderGrid.Left + 1, ARect.Top + OrderGrid.Top + 1, ARect.Right - ARect.Left + 1, ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top + 1); Tag := ARow; BringToFront; Show; SetFocus; end; end; procedure SynchCombo(ACombo: TORComboBox; const ItemText, EditText: string); var i: Integer; begin ACombo.ItemIndex := -1; for i := 0 to Pred(ACombo.Items.Count) do if ACombo.Items[i] = ItemText then ACombo.ItemIndex := i; if ACombo.ItemIndex < 0 then ACombo.Text := EditText; end; begin inherited; if ARow = 0 then Exit; Case ACol of COL_LOCATION: begin TmpText := ValFor(COL_Location, ARow); SynchCombo(cboLocation, tmpText, tmpText); PlaceControl(cboLocation); end; end; end; procedure TfrmPrintLocation.SwitchEncounterLoction(pEncounterLoc: integer; pEncounterLocName, pEncounterLocText: string; pEncounterDT: TFMDateTime; pEncounterVC: Char); var cidx, widx, WardIEN: integer; Asvc, WardLocation: string; begin frmPrintLocation := TfrmPrintLocation.Create(Application); try frmPrintLocation.DisplayOrders := false; frmPrintLocation.CloseOK := false; CurrentLocationForPatient(Patient.DFN, WardIEN, WardLocation, ASvc); frmPrintLocation.lblEncounter.Enabled := True; frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.Enabled := True; frmPrintLocation.Cloc := pEncounterLocName; frmPrintLocation.WLoc := WardLocation; frmPrintLocation.CIEN := pEncounterLoc; frmPrintLocation.WIEN := wardIEN; ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(frmPrintLocation); frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.Items.Add(frmPrintLocation.CLoc); frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.Items.Add(frmPrintLocation.WLoc); frmPrintLocation.Caption := 'Refresh Encounter Location Form'; frmPrintLocation.ShowModal; cidx := frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.Items.IndexOf(frmPrintLocation.CLoc); widx := frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.Items.IndexOf(frmPrintLocation.WLoc); if frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.Enabled = FALSE then frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.ItemIndex := widx; if frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.ItemIndex = cidx then begin Encounter.Location := pEncounterLoc; Encounter.LocationName := pEncounterLocName; Encounter.LocationText := pEncounterLocText; fframe.frmFrame.DisplayEncounterText; end else if frmPrintLocation.cboEncLoc.ItemIndex = widx then begin uCore.Encounter.EncounterSwitch(WardIEN, WardLocation, '', Patient.AdmitTime, 'H'); fFrame.frmFrame.DisplayEncounterText; end; finally frmPrintLocation.Destroy; end; end; function TfrmPrintLocation.ValFor(FieldID, ARow: Integer): string; begin Result := ''; if (ARow < 1) or (ARow >= OrderGrid.RowCount) then Exit; with OrderGrid do case FieldID of COL_ORDERINFO : Result := Piece(Cells[COL_ORDERINFO, ARow], TAB, 1); COL_ORDERTEXT : Result := Piece(Cells[COL_ORDERTEXT, ARow], TAB, 1); COL_LOCATION : Result := Piece(Cells[COL_LOCATION, ARow], TAB, 1); end; end; end.