| 1 | unit fProbs;
| 2 | {$O-}
| 3 | interface
| 4 |
| 5 | uses
| 6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
| 7 | fHSplit, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Menus, ORCtrls, Buttons, uProbs,
| 8 | Grids, Vawrgrid, ORfn, uCore, fProbEdt, uConst, ComCtrls,
| 9 | VA508AccessibilityManager, fBase508Form;
| 10 |
| 11 | type
| 12 | TfrmProblems = class(TfrmHSplit)
| 13 | mnuProbs: TMainMenu;
| 14 | mnuView: TMenuItem;
| 15 | mnuViewChart: TMenuItem;
| 16 | mnuChartCover: TMenuItem;
| 17 | mnuChartProbs: TMenuItem;
| 18 | mnuChartMeds: TMenuItem;
| 19 | mnuChartOrders: TMenuItem;
| 20 | mnuChartNotes: TMenuItem;
| 21 | mnuChartCslts: TMenuItem;
| 22 | mnuChartDCSumm: TMenuItem;
| 23 | mnuChartLabs: TMenuItem;
| 24 | mnuChartReports: TMenuItem;
| 25 | mnuAct: TMenuItem;
| 26 | mnuActNew: TMenuItem;
| 27 | Z3: TMenuItem;
| 28 | mnuActChange: TMenuItem;
| 29 | mnuActInactivate: TMenuItem;
| 30 | mnuActRemove: TMenuItem;
| 31 | mnuActVerify: TMenuItem;
| 32 | Z4: TMenuItem;
| 33 | mnuActAnnotate: TMenuItem;
| 34 | Z1: TMenuItem;
| 35 | mnuViewActive: TMenuItem;
| 36 | mnuViewBoth: TMenuItem;
| 37 | popProb: TPopupMenu;
| 38 | popChange: TMenuItem;
| 39 | popInactivate: TMenuItem;
| 40 | popRestore: TMenuItem;
| 41 | popRemove: TMenuItem;
| 42 | popVerify: TMenuItem;
| 43 | N36: TMenuItem;
| 44 | popAnnotate: TMenuItem;
| 45 | N37: TMenuItem;
| 46 | pnlProbList: TORAutoPanel;
| 47 | pnlProbCats: TPanel;
| 48 | lblProbCats: TLabel;
| 49 | lstCatPick: TORListBox;
| 50 | pnlProbEnt: TPanel;
| 51 | pnlProbDlg: TPanel;
| 52 | wgProbData: TCaptionListBox;
| 53 | mnuViewInactive: TMenuItem;
| 54 | mnuViewRemoved: TMenuItem;
| 55 | N1: TMenuItem;
| 56 | mnuActRestore: TMenuItem;
| 57 | mnuViewFilters: TMenuItem;
| 58 | N2: TMenuItem;
| 59 | lblProbList: TOROffsetLabel;
| 60 | pnlView: TPanel;
| 61 | N3: TMenuItem;
| 62 | popViewDetails: TMenuItem;
| 63 | lstView: TORListBox;
| 64 | lblView: TOROffsetLabel;
| 65 | N4: TMenuItem;
| 66 | mnuActDetails: TMenuItem;
| 67 | bbNewProb: TORAlignButton;
| 68 | lblProbEnt: TLabel;
| 69 | mnuViewSave: TMenuItem;
| 70 | mnuViewRestoreDefault: TMenuItem;
| 71 | mnuViewComments: TMenuItem;
| 72 | sptProbPanel: TSplitter;
| 73 | pnlButtons: TPanel;
| 74 | bbOtherProb: TORAlignButton;
| 75 | bbCancel: TORAlignButton;
| 76 | pnlProbs: TPanel;
| 77 | lblProblems: TLabel;
| 78 | lstProbPick: TORListBox;
| 79 | edProbEnt: TCaptionEdit;
| 80 | mnuChartSurgery: TMenuItem;
| 81 | HeaderControl: THeaderControl;
| 82 | mnuViewInformation: TMenuItem;
| 83 | mnuViewDemo: TMenuItem;
| 84 | mnuViewVisits: TMenuItem;
| 85 | mnuViewPrimaryCare: TMenuItem;
| 86 | mnuViewMyHealtheVet: TMenuItem;
| 87 | mnuInsurance: TMenuItem;
| 88 | mnuViewFlags: TMenuItem;
| 89 | mnuViewReminders: TMenuItem;
| 90 | mnuViewRemoteData: TMenuItem;
| 91 | mnuViewPostings: TMenuItem;
| 92 | mnuOptimizeFields: TMenuItem;
| 93 | procedure mnuChartTabClick(Sender: TObject);
| 94 | procedure lstProbPickClick(Sender: TObject);
| 95 | procedure lstProbPickDblClick(Sender: TObject);
| 96 | procedure lstCatPickClick(Sender: TObject);
| 97 | procedure lstProbActsClick(Sender: TObject);
| 98 | procedure pnlRightResize(Sender:TObject);
| 99 | procedure pnlProbEntResize(Sender: TObject);
| 100 | procedure wgProbDataClick(Sender: TObject);
| 101 | procedure wgProbDataDblClick(Sender: TObject);
| 102 | procedure edProbEntKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
| 103 | procedure bbOtherProbClick(Sender: TObject);
| 104 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
| 105 | procedure bbCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
| 106 | procedure lstViewClick(Sender: TObject);
| 107 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
| 108 | procedure mnuViewSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
| 109 | procedure mnuViewRestoreDefaultClick(Sender: TObject);
| 110 | procedure mnuViewCommentsClick(Sender: TObject);
| 111 | procedure wgProbDataMeasureItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer;
| 112 | var Height: Integer);
| 113 | procedure wgProbDataDrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer;
| 114 | Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);
| 115 | procedure HeaderControlSectionResize(HeaderControl: THeaderControl;
| 116 | Section: THeaderSection);
| 117 | procedure lstViewExit(Sender: TObject);
| 118 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
| 119 | procedure FormHide(Sender: TObject);
| 120 | procedure pnlRightExit(Sender: TObject);
| 121 | procedure bbNewProbExit(Sender: TObject);
| 122 | procedure FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
| 123 | Y: Integer);
| 124 | procedure ViewInfo(Sender: TObject);
| 125 | procedure mnuViewInformationClick(Sender: TObject);
| 126 | procedure mnuOptimizeFieldsClick(Sender: TObject);
| 127 | procedure HeaderControlSectionClick(HeaderControl: THeaderControl;
| 128 | Section: THeaderSection);
| 129 | procedure HeaderControlMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
| 130 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
| 131 | procedure HeaderControlMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
| 132 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
| 133 | function getTotalSectionsWidth : integer;
| 134 | procedure setSectionWidths;
| 135 | procedure sptHorzMoved(Sender: TObject);
| 136 | private
| 137 | FContextString: string;
| 138 | FFilterString: string;
| 139 | FAllProblems: TStringList; //Unfiltered list of problems
| 140 | FProblemsVisible: TStringList; //Parallels FAllProblems. "Y" for visible
| 141 | FItemData: TStringList; //Parallels Grid. String representation of integer indexes into FAllProblems
| 142 | // FProblemsVisible[FItemData[i]] = 'Y'
| 143 | FWarningShown: boolean;
| 144 | FOldFramePnlPatientExit: TNotifyEvent;
| 145 | FMousing: TDateTime;
| 146 | FSilent: boolean;
| 147 | procedure frmFramePnlPatientExit(Sender: TObject);
| 148 | procedure UMCloseProblem(var Message:TMessage); message UM_CLOSEPROBLEM; {pdr}
| 149 | procedure ApplyViewFilters;
| 150 | // procedure UMPLFilter(var Message:TMessage); message UM_PLFILTER; {pdr}
| 151 | procedure UMPLLexicon(var Message:TMessage); message UM_PLLEX; {pdr}
| 152 | procedure GetRowCount;
| 153 | procedure RefreshList;
| 154 | procedure SetGridPieces(Pieces: string);
| 155 | procedure ShowPnlView();
| 156 | function PlainText( MString: string): string;
| 157 | function MString( index: integer): string;
| 158 | public
| 159 | function AllowContextChange(var WhyNot: string): Boolean; override;
| 160 | procedure LoadProblems;
| 161 | procedure LoadUserCats(AList:Tstringlist);
| 162 | procedure LoadUserProbs(AList:TstringList);
| 163 | procedure AddProblem;
| 164 | procedure EditProblem(const why:char);
| 165 | procedure LoadPatientParams(AList:TstringList);
| 166 | procedure LoadUserParams(Alist:TstringList);
| 167 | procedure UpdateProblem(const why:char;Line: string;AllProblemsIndex:integer);
| 168 | procedure RestoreProblem;
| 169 | procedure LoadPatientProblems(AList:TstringList;const status:char;init:boolean);
| 170 | procedure ClearPtData; override;
| 171 | procedure DisplayPage; override;
| 172 | procedure NoRowSelected;
| 173 | procedure RowSelected;
| 174 | procedure ClearGrid;
| 175 | procedure RequestPrint; override;
| 176 | procedure SetFontSize( NewFontSize: integer); override;
| 177 | function HighlightDuplicate( NewProb: string; const Msg: string;
| 178 | DlgType: TMsgDlgType; Action: string): boolean;
| 179 | property Silent: Boolean read FSilent write FSilent;
| 180 | end;
| 181 |
| 182 | function EncounterPresent: Boolean;
| 183 |
| 184 | const
| 185 | TX_PROV_LOC = 'A provider and location must be selected before' + #13#10 +
| 186 | 'entering or making any change to a problem.';
| 187 | TC_PROV_LOC = 'Incomplete Information';
| 188 | TX_INVALID_PATIENT = 'Problem list is unavailable: Patient DFN is undefined.';
| 189 | TC_NO_PATIENT = 'No patient is selected';
| 190 | TX_INACTIVE_CODE_V = 'references an inactive ICD code, and must be updated' + #13#10 +
| 191 | 'using the ''Change'' option before it can be verified.';
| 192 | TC_INACTIVE_CODE = 'Inactive Code';
| 193 | TX_INACTIVE_CODE = 'This problem references an inactive ICD code,' + #13#10 +
| 194 | 'and must be updated using the ''Change'' option.';
| 195 | TX_ADD_REMOVED = 'Cannot add to the "Removed Problem List"';
| 196 | TC_ADD_REMOVED = 'Unable to add';
| 197 |
| 198 | RPT_PROBLIST = 21;
| 199 | CT_PROBLEMS = 2;
| 200 |
| 201 | // GridColWidths[i] = 0 for columns that are always hidden
| 202 | // GridColWidths[i] = -1 for one (and only one) adjustable column
| 203 | GridColWidths: Array[0..15] of integer =(0, 5, -1, 9, 9, 0, 12, 12, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
| 204 |
| 205 | type
| 206 | arOrigSecWidths = array[0..15] of integer;
| 207 |
| 208 | var
| 209 | frmProblems: TfrmProblems;
| 210 | dlgProbs:TfrmdlgProb;
| 211 | gFontHeight: Integer;
| 212 | gFontWidth: Integer;
| 213 | gFixedWidth: Integer;
| 214 | origWidths: arOrigSecWidths;
| 215 |
| 216 | implementation
| 217 |
| 218 | uses fFrame, fProbFlt, fProbLex, rProbs, rcover, fCover, fRptBox,
| 219 | fProbCmt, fEncnt, fReportsPrint, fReports, rPCE, DateUtils, VA2006Utils,
| 220 | VA508AccessibilityRouter;
| 221 |
| 222 | {$R *.DFM}
| 223 |
| 224 | function TfrmProblems.AllowContextChange(var WhyNot: string): Boolean;
| 225 | begin
| 226 | Result := inherited AllowContextChange(WhyNot); // sets result = true
| 227 | //if dlgProbs <> nil then Result := dlgProbs.OkToQuit;
| 228 | //if dlgProbs <> nil then dlgProbs.bbQuitClick(Self);
| 229 | //need to check here and set to false if quit was cancelled or true if accepted
| 230 |
| 231 | if dlgProbs <> nil then
| 232 | case BOOLCHAR[frmFrame.CCOWContextChanging] of
| 233 | '1': begin
| 234 | WhyNot := 'Changes to current problem will be discarded.';
| 235 | Result := False;
| 236 | end;
| 237 | '0': begin
| 238 | if WhyNot = 'COMMIT' then
| 239 | begin
| 240 | FSilent := True;
| 241 | dlgProbs.Silent := True;
| 242 | dlgProbs.bbQuitClick(Self);
| 243 | end
| 244 | else
| 245 | begin
| 246 | dlgProbs.bbQuitClick(Self);
| 247 | Result := dlgProbs.CanQuit;
| 248 | end;
| 249 | end;
| 250 | end;
| 251 |
| 252 | end;
| 253 |
| 254 | procedure TfrmProblems.ClearPtData;
| 255 | begin
| 256 | inherited ClearPtData;
| 257 | ClearGrid;
| 258 | lblProbList.Caption := '';
| 259 | wgProbData.Caption := lblProbList.Caption;
| 260 | FWarningShown := False;
| 261 | end;
| 262 |
| 263 | procedure TfrmProblems.DisplayPage;
| 264 | begin
| 265 | inherited DisplayPage;
| 266 | frmFrame.ShowHideChartTabMenus(mnuViewChart);
| 267 | frmFrame.mnuFilePrint.Tag := CT_PROBLEMS;
| 268 | frmFrame.mnuFilePrint.Enabled := True;
| 269 | frmFrame.mnuFilePrintSetup.Enabled := True;
| 270 | if InitPatient then
| 271 | begin
| 272 | FWarningShown := False;
| 273 | if PLUser <> nil then
| 274 | begin
| 275 | PLUser.Destroy;
| 276 | PLUser := nil;
| 277 | end;
| 278 | //ClearPtData;
| 279 | ShowPnlView;
| 280 | pnlButtons.SendToBack;
| 281 | pnlButtons.Hide;
| 282 | LoadProblems ;
| 283 | end;
| 284 | end;
| 285 |
| 286 | procedure TfrmProblems.mnuChartTabClick(Sender: TObject);
| 287 | begin
| 288 | inherited;
| 289 | frmFrame.mnuChartTabClick(Sender);
| 290 | end;
| 291 |
| 292 | {------------------------ pdr - Problem list gadget event methods ------------}
| 293 | procedure TfrmProblems.lstCatPickClick(Sender: TObject);
| 294 | var
| 295 | AList:TStringList;
| 296 | begin
| 297 | AList:=TStringList.create;
| 298 | try
| 299 | LoadUserProbs(AList);
| 300 | finally
| 301 | AList.free;
| 302 | end;
| 303 | end;
| 304 |
| 305 | procedure TfrmProblems.lstProbActsClick(Sender: TObject);
| 306 | var
| 307 | act, i, j: integer;
| 308 | Alist: TstringList;
| 309 | cmt, ProblemIFN, ut, x, line, comments: string ;
| 310 | ProbRec: TProbRec ;
| 311 | ContextString, FilterString: string;
| 312 | FilterChanged: boolean;
| 313 | AllProblemsIndex: integer;
| 314 | begin
| 315 | if PLPt = nil then
| 316 | begin
| 318 | Exit;
| 319 | end;
| 320 | act := TComponent(Sender).tag ;
| 321 | if act = 0 then exit;
| 322 | // make sure a visit (time & location) is available before creating the problem
| 323 | case act of
| 324 | 100: {add new problem}
| 325 | begin
| 326 | if PlUser.usViewAct = 'R' then
| 327 | begin
| 329 | exit;
| 330 | end;
| 331 | if not EncounterPresent then exit;
| 332 | PLProblem := '';
| 333 | AList := TStringList.Create;
| 334 | pProviderID := Encounter.Provider;
| 335 | pProviderName := Encounter.ProviderName ;
| 336 | try
| 337 | if pnlView.Visible then
| 338 | begin
| 339 | pnlView.SendToBack;
| 340 | pnlProbCats.Show;
| 341 | pnlProbCats.BringToFront;
| 342 | pnlButtons.Visible := True;
| 343 | if PLUser.usUseLexicon then
| 344 | begin
| 345 | lblProbCats.Visible := True;
| 346 | lstCatPick.Visible := True;
| 347 | lblProblems.Visible := True;
| 348 | lstProbPick.Visible := True;
| 349 | lstCatPick.Clear ;
| 350 | LoadUserCats(AList);
| 351 | bbOtherProb.Visible := True;
| 352 | pnlProbList.Visible := True;
| 353 | lstCatPick.TabStop := True;
| 354 | lstProbPick.TabStop := True;
| 355 | lstView.TabStop := False;
| 356 | bbNewProb.TabStop := False;
| 357 | pnlProbList.BringToFront ;
| 358 | pnlProbCats.ClientHeight := (pnlProbList.ClientHeight - pnlButtons.ClientHeight) div 2;
| 359 | pnlProbEnt.Visible := False;
| 360 | pnlProbEnt.SendToBack;
| 361 | if (lstCatPick.Items.Count = 1) then
| 362 | if Piece(lstCatPick.Items[0], U, 1) = '-1' then
| 363 | bbOtherProbClick(Self);
| 364 | end
| 365 | else
| 366 | begin
| 367 | bbOtherProb.Visible := False;
| 368 | edProbEnt.Visible := True;
| 369 | lblProbEnt.Visible := True;
| 370 | pnlProbEnt.Visible := True;
| 371 | pnlProbEnt.BringToFront;
| 372 | pnlProbList.Visible := False;
| 373 | lstCatPick.TabStop := False;
| 374 | lstProbPick.TabStop := False;
| 375 | lstView.TabStop := True;
| 376 | bbNewProb.TabStop := True;
| 377 | pnlProbList.SendToBack ;
| 378 | edProbEnt.text := '';
| 379 | if pnlProbEnt.Visible then edProbEnt.SetFocus;
| 380 | end;
| 381 | end
| 382 | else
| 383 | begin
| 384 | if (lstProbPick.itemindex < 0) and (edProbEnt.text = '') then
| 385 | InfoBox('Select a Problem to add from lists' + #13#10 + ' on left or enter a new one ',
| 386 | 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION)
| 387 | else
| 388 | begin
| 389 | AddProblem;
| 390 | lstProbPick.itemindex := -1;
| 391 | end;
| 392 | end ;
| 393 | finally
| 394 | AList.Free;
| 395 | end;
| 396 | end;
| 397 | 200: {Inactivate}
| 398 | begin
| 399 | if PlUser.usViewAct = 'R' then
| 400 | begin
| 401 | InfoBox('Cannot inactivate a problem on the "Removed Problem List"',
| 402 | 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION);
| 403 | exit;
| 404 | end;
| 405 | if (wgProbData.ItemIndex < 0) or (Piece(MString(wgProbData.itemindex), U, 3) = '') then
| 406 | InfoBox('Select a patient problem from the grid on right',
| 407 | 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION)
| 408 | else
| 409 | begin
| 410 | if not EncounterPresent then exit;
| 411 | pProviderID := Encounter.Provider;
| 412 | pProviderName := Encounter.ProviderName ;
| 413 | AllProblemsIndex := 0;
| 414 | repeat
| 415 | begin
| 416 | if wgProbData.Selected[AllProblemsIndex] then
| 417 | begin
| 418 | Line := FAllProblems[AllProblemsIndex];
| 419 | if CharAt(Piece(Line, U, 2), 1) = 'A' then
| 420 | UpdateProblem('I',Line,AllProblemsIndex)
| 421 | else
| 422 | InfoBox('Problem "' + Trim(UpperCase(Piece(Piece(Line, U, 3), #13, 1))) + '" is already inactive.',
| 423 | 'Problem not updated', MB_ICONINFORMATION or MB_OK);
| 424 | end;
| 425 | inc(AllProblemsIndex);
| 426 | end;
| 427 | until AllProblemsIndex >= wgProbData.Count;
| 428 | RefreshList;
| 429 | end;
| 430 | if (PlUser.usViewAct='A') then
| 431 | begin
| 432 | AList := TStringList.Create ;
| 433 | LoadPatientProblems(Alist,'A',False) ;
| 434 | NoRowSelected ;
| 435 | end;
| 436 | RefreshList;
| 437 | end;
| 438 | 250: {Verify}
| 439 | begin
| 440 | if not PLuser.usVerifyTranscribed then exit ;
| 441 | if PlUser.usViewAct = 'R' then
| 442 | begin
| 443 | InfoBox('Cannot verify a problem on the "Removed Problem List"',
| 444 | 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION);
| 445 | exit;
| 446 | end;
| 447 | if (wgProbData.ItemIndex < 0) or (Piece(MString(wgProbData.ItemIndex), U, 3) = '') then
| 448 | InfoBox('Select a patient problem from the grid on right',
| 449 | 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION)
| 450 | else
| 451 | begin
| 452 | if not EncounterPresent then exit;
| 453 | pProviderID := Encounter.Provider;
| 454 | pProviderName := Encounter.ProviderName ;
| 455 | AllProblemsIndex := 0;
| 456 | repeat
| 457 | begin
| 458 | if wgProbData.Selected[AllProblemsIndex] then
| 459 | begin
| 460 | Line := FAllProblems[AllProblemsIndex];
| 461 | if Pos('#',Piece(Line, U, 2)) > 0 then
| 462 | InfoBox('Problem "' + Trim(UpperCase(Piece(Piece(Line, U, 3), #13, 1))) + '" ' + #13#10 +
| 464 | else if Pos('(u)',Piece(Line, U, 2)) = 0 then
| 465 | InfoBox('Problem "' + Trim(UpperCase(Piece(Piece(Line, U, 3), #13, 1))) + '" is already verified.',
| 466 | 'Problem not updated', MB_ICONINFORMATION or MB_OK)
| 467 | else
| 468 | UpdateProblem('V',Line,AllProblemsIndex);
| 469 | end;
| 470 | inc(AllProblemsIndex);
| 471 | end;
| 472 | until AllProblemsIndex >= wgProbData.Count;
| 473 | RefreshList;
| 474 | mnuActVerify.Enabled := False;
| 475 | popVerify.Enabled := False;
| 476 | end;
| 477 | end;
| 478 | 300: {detail}
| 479 | with wgProbData do
| 480 | begin
| 481 | if ItemIndex < 0 then
| 482 | InfoBox('Select a problem from the grid for Detail Display',
| 483 | 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION)
| 484 | else if StrToIntDef(Piece(MString(ItemIndex), U, 1),0)>0 then
| 485 | ReportBox(DetailProblem(StrToInt(Piece(MString(ItemIndex), U, 1))),
| 486 | Piece(Piece(MString(ItemIndex), U, 3), #13, 1), True);
| 487 | end;
| 488 | 400: {edit}
| 489 | begin
| 490 | if PlUser.usViewAct = 'R' then
| 491 | begin
| 492 | InfoBox('Cannot select a problem to edit from the "Removed Problem List"',
| 493 | 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION);
| 494 | exit;
| 495 | end;
| 496 | if wgProbData.ItemIndex < 0 then
| 497 | InfoBox('Select a problem from the grid to Edit', 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION)
| 498 | else
| 499 | begin
| 500 | if not EncounterPresent then exit;
| 501 | pProviderID := Encounter.Provider;
| 502 | pProviderName := Encounter.ProviderName ;
| 503 | EditProblem('E');
| 504 | end
| 505 | end;
| 506 | 500: {Remove}
| 507 | begin
| 508 | if not PlUser.usPrimeUser then exit ;
| 509 | if PlUser.usViewAct = 'R' then
| 510 | begin
| 511 | InfoBox('Cannot remove from the "Removed Problem List"' +#13#10 + 'Use "Restore Problem"',
| 512 | 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION);
| 513 | exit;
| 514 | end;
| 515 | if wgProbData.ItemIndex < 0 then
| 516 | InfoBox('Select a problem from the grid to remove', 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION)
| 517 | else
| 518 | begin
| 519 | if not EncounterPresent then exit;
| 520 | pProviderID := Encounter.Provider;
| 521 | pProviderName := Encounter.ProviderName ;
| 522 | EditProblem('R');
| 523 | end;
| 524 | end;
| 525 | 550: {Restore}
| 526 | begin
| 527 | if not PlUser.usPrimeUser then exit ;
| 528 | if PlUser.usViewAct <> 'R' then
| 529 | begin
| 530 | InfoBox('View the Removed Problems Display, and select a record to restore.',
| 531 | 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION);
| 532 | exit;
| 533 | end;
| 534 | if wgProbData.ItemIndex < 0 then
| 535 | InfoBox('Select a problem to restore from the grid on right', 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION)
| 536 | else
| 537 | begin
| 538 | if not EncounterPresent then exit;
| 539 | pProviderID := Encounter.Provider;
| 540 | pProviderName := Encounter.ProviderName ;
| 541 | RestoreProblem;
| 542 | end;
| 543 | end;
| 544 | 600: {Add Comment}
| 545 | begin
| 546 | if PlUser.usViewAct = 'R' then
| 547 | begin
| 548 | InfoBox('Cannot add a comment to a removed problem', 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION);
| 549 | exit;
| 550 | end;
| 551 | if wgProbData.ItemIndex < 0 then
| 552 | InfoBox('Select a problem to annotate from the grid on right', 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION)
| 553 | else
| 554 | begin
| 555 | if not EncounterPresent then exit;
| 556 | pProviderID := Encounter.Provider;
| 557 | pProviderName := Encounter.ProviderName ;
| 558 | AList := TStringList.Create;
| 559 | ProblemIFN := Piece(MString(wgProbData.ItemIndex), U, 1);
| 560 | FastAssign(EditLoad(ProblemIFN, pProviderID, PLPt.ptVAMC), AList) ;
| 561 | if Alist.count = 0 then
| 562 | begin
| 563 | InfoBox('No Data on Host for problem ' + ProblemIFN, 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION);
| 564 | close;
| 565 | exit;
| 566 | end;
| 567 | ProbRec:=TProbRec.Create(Alist); {create a problem object}
| 568 | try
| 569 | ProbRec.PIFN := ProblemIFN;
| 570 | if not IsActiveICDCode(ProbRec.Diagnosis.extern) then
| 571 | begin
| 573 | exit;
| 574 | end ;
| 575 | if ProbRec.CmtIsXHTML then
| 576 | begin
| 577 | InfoBox(ProbRec.CmtNoEditReason, 'Unable to add new comment', MB_ICONWARNING or MB_OK);
| 578 | exit;
| 579 | end ;
| 580 | cmt := NewComment ;
| 581 | if (StrToInt(Piece(cmt, U, 1)) > 0) and (Piece(cmt, U, 3) <> '') then
| 582 | begin
| 583 | ProbRec.AddNewComment(Piece(cmt, U, 3));
| 584 | ut := '';
| 585 | If PLUser.usPrimeUser then ut := '1';
| 586 | FastAssign(EditSave(ProblemIFN,pProviderID,PLPt.ptVAMC,ut,ProbRec.FilerObject), AList) ;
| 587 | LoadPatientProblems(AList,PlUser.usViewAct[1],true);
| 588 | end ;
| 589 | finally
| 590 | Alist.Free ;
| 591 | ProbRec.Free ;
| 592 | end ;
| 593 | end ;
| 594 | end;
| 595 | 700: {Active only}
| 596 | begin
| 597 | Alist := TstringList.create;
| 598 | try
| 599 | PlUser.usViewAct := 'A';
| 600 | LoadPatientProblems(Alist,'A',false);
| 601 | SetPiece(FContextString, ';', 3, 'A');
| 602 | GetRowCount;
| 603 | finally
| 604 | Alist.free;
| 605 | end;
| 606 | end;
| 607 | 800: {inactive Only}
| 608 | begin
| 609 | Alist := TstringList.create;
| 610 | try
| 611 | PlUser.usViewAct := 'I';
| 612 | LoadPatientProblems(Alist,'I',false);
| 613 | SetPiece(FContextString, ';', 3, 'I');
| 614 | GetRowCount;
| 615 | finally
| 616 | Alist.free;
| 617 | end;
| 618 | end;
| 619 | 900: {all problems display}
| 620 | begin
| 621 | Alist := TstringList.create;
| 622 | try
| 623 | PlUser.usViewAct := 'B';
| 624 | LoadPatientProblems(Alist,'B',false);
| 625 | SetPiece(FContextString, ';', 3, 'B');
| 626 | GetRowCount;
| 627 | finally
| 628 | Alist.free;
| 629 | end;
| 630 | end;
| 631 | 950: {Removed Problems Display}
| 632 | begin
| 633 | Alist := TstringList.create;
| 634 | try
| 635 | PlUser.usViewAct := 'R';
| 636 | LoadPatientProblems(Alist,'R',false);
| 637 | SetPiece(FContextString, ';', 3, 'R');
| 638 | GetRowCount;
| 639 | finally
| 640 | Alist.free;
| 641 | end;
| 642 | end;
| 643 | 975: {Select viewing filters}
| 644 | begin
| 645 | lstView.ItemIndex := -1;
| 646 | ContextString := '^;;' + PLUser.usViewAct[1] + ';' + PLUser.usViewComments;
| 647 | GetViewFilters(Font.Size, PLFilters, ContextString, FilterString, FilterChanged);
| 648 | if not FilterChanged then exit;
| 649 | FContextString := ContextString;
| 650 | FFilterString := FilterString;
| 651 | if (Piece(ContextString, ';', 3) <> PLUser.usViewAct[1]) then
| 652 | begin
| 653 | AList := TStringList.Create;
| 654 | try
| 655 | PLUser.usViewAct := Piece(ContextString, ';', 3);
| 656 | LoadPatientProblems(Alist, PLUser.usViewAct[1], False);
| 657 | finally
| 658 | AList.Free;
| 659 | end;
| 660 | end;
| 661 | if (Piece(ContextString, ';', 4) <> PLUser.usViewComments) then with FAllProblems do
| 662 | begin
| 663 | for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
| 664 | begin
| 665 | if Objects[i] = nil then continue;
| 666 | x := Piece(Piece(Strings[i], U, 3), #13, 1);
| 667 | if Piece(ContextString, ';', 4) = '1' then
| 668 | begin
| 669 | comments := '';
| 670 | for j := 0 to TStringList(Objects[i]).Count - 1 do
| 671 | comments := comments + ' ' + TStringList(Objects[i]).Strings[j] + #13#10;
| 672 | //comments := comments + ' CMT: ' + TStringList(Items.Objects[i]).Strings[j] + #13#10;
| 673 | line := Strings[i];
| 674 | SetPiece(line, U, 3, x + #13#10 + comments);
| 675 | Strings[i] := line;
| 676 | mnuViewComments.Checked := True;
| 677 | end
| 678 | else
| 679 | begin
| 680 | line := Strings[i];
| 681 | SetPiece(line, U, 3, x);
| 682 | Strings[i] := line;
| 683 | mnuViewComments.Checked := False;
| 684 | end;
| 685 | end;
| 686 | RefreshList;
| 687 | PLUser.usViewComments := Piece(ContextString, ';', 4);
| 688 | end;
| 689 | pnlRightResize(Self);
| 690 | end ;
| 691 | end;
| 692 | end;
| 693 |
| 694 | procedure TfrmProblems.lstProbPickClick(Sender: TObject);
| 695 | begin
| 696 | if PlUser.usViewAct = 'R' then exit;
| 697 | pProviderID := Encounter.Provider ;
| 698 | AddProblem;
| 699 | TListBox(sender).itemindex := -1;
| 700 | end;
| 701 |
| 702 | procedure TfrmProblems.pnlProbEntResize(Sender: TObject);
| 703 | (*var
| 704 | i:integer;*)
| 705 | begin
| 706 | (* for i := 0 to pred(twincontrol(sender).controlcount) do
| 707 | begin
| 708 | twincontrol(sender).controls[i].width := twincontrol(sender).width - 4;
| 709 | twincontrol(sender).controls[i].left := 2;
| 710 | end;*)
| 711 | end;
| 712 |
| 713 | procedure TfrmProblems.wgProbDataClick(Sender: TObject);
| 714 | var
| 715 | S: string;
| 716 | begin
| 717 | pnlRight.font.color := self.font.color;
| 718 | S := MString(wgProbData.ItemIndex);
| 719 | pnlRight.caption := Piece(Piece(S, U , 3), #13, 1);
| 720 | if (Piece(S, U, 1) = '') or
| 721 | (Pos('No data available', Piece(S, U, 2)) > 0) or
| 722 | (Pos('No problems found.', Piece(S, U, 2)) > 0)
| 723 | then NoRowSelected else RowSelected ;
| 724 | end;
| 725 |
| 726 | procedure TfrmProblems.wgProbDataDblClick(Sender: TObject);
| 727 | begin
| 728 | lstProbActsClick(mnuActDetails);
| 729 | end;
| 730 |
| 731 | procedure TfrmProblems.lstProbPickDblClick(Sender: TObject);
| 732 | begin
| 733 | if PlUser.usViewAct = 'R' then exit;
| 734 | pProviderID := Encounter.Provider ;
| 735 | AddProblem;
| 736 | TListBox(sender).itemindex := -1;
| 737 | end;
| 738 |
| 739 | procedure TfrmProblems.edProbEntKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
| 740 | begin
| 741 | if key=#13 then lstProbPickDblClick(sender);
| 742 | end;
| 743 |
| 744 | procedure TfrmProblems.bbOtherProbClick(Sender: TObject);
| 745 | var
| 746 | frmPLLex: TfrmPLLex;
| 747 | begin
| 748 | if not PLUser.usUseLexicon then exit; {don't allow lookup}
| 749 | frmPLLex := TFrmPLLex.create(Application);
| 750 | try
| 751 | frmPLLex.showmodal;
| 752 | finally
| 753 | frmPLLex.Free;
| 754 | end;
| 755 | end;
| 756 |
| 757 | procedure TfrmProblems.UMCloseProblem(var Message:TMessage);
| 758 | begin
| 759 | pnlView.BringToFront ;
| 760 | ShowPnlView;
| 761 | bbCancel.Enabled := True ;
| 762 | bbOtherProb.enabled := true; {restore lexicon access}
| 763 | pnlButtons.Visible := False;
| 764 | pnlButtons.SendToBack;
| 765 | pnlProbEnt.Visible := (not PLUser.usUseLexicon) ;
| 766 | if PLuser.usViewAct = 'A' then
| 767 | pnlRight.caption := ACTIVE_LIST_CAP
| 768 | else if PLuser.usViewAct = 'I' then
| 769 | pnlRight.caption := INACTIVE_LIST_CAP
| 770 | else if PLuser.usViewAct = 'B' then
| 771 | pnlRight.caption := BOTH_LIST_CAP
| 772 | else if PLuser.usViewAct = 'R' then
| 773 | pnlRight.caption := REMOVED_LIST_CAP
| 774 | else
| 775 | begin
| 776 | PlUser.usViewAct := 'A';
| 777 | pnlRight.caption := ACTIVE_LIST_CAP;
| 778 | end;
| 779 | if dlgProbs <> nil then dlgProbs:=nil;
| 780 | end;
| 781 |
| 782 | //procedure TfrmProblems.UMPLFilter(var Message:TMessage);
| 783 | procedure TfrmProblems.ApplyViewFilters;
| 784 | var
| 785 | i: integer;
| 786 | wantnulls: boolean;
| 787 | begin
| 788 | {the following escape is necessitated by change in default row height which
| 789 | corrupts display of hidden rows in wgProbData. Since the default rowheight
| 790 | is changed with each change in screen size, this gets called once before
| 791 | PLFilters is created}
| 792 | if PLFilters = nil then exit; {not initialized}
| 793 | {show all rows}
| 794 | wantnulls := (PLFilters.ProviderList.indexof('-1') > -1);
| 795 | for i := 0 to pred(FProblemsVisible.count) do FProblemsVisible[i] := 'Y';
| 796 |
| 797 | {filter for provider}
| 798 | if PLFilters.ProviderList.Count > 0 then
| 799 | if PLFilters.ProviderList[0] <> '0' then { 0 signifies all }
| 800 | for i := 0 to pred(FAllProblems.count) do
| 801 | if Piece(FAllProblems[i], U, 1) <> '' then {don't want to disappear empty rows}
| 802 | if (PLFilters.ProviderList.indexof(Piece(FAllProblems[i], U, 10)) < 0) or
| 803 | ((Piece(FAllProblems[i], U, 10) = '') and (not wantnulls)) then
| 804 | FProblemsVisible[i] := 'N';
| 805 |
| 806 | if PLUser.usCurrentView = PL_UF_VIEW then exit; {Bail out - no filtering by Loc}
| 807 |
| 808 | {conditionally filter for clinic(s) - may be multiple selected}
| 809 | if PLUser.usCurrentView = PL_OP_VIEW then
| 810 | begin
| 811 | wantnulls := (PLFilters.ClinicList.indexof('-1') > -1);
| 812 | if PLFilters.ClinicList.Count = 0 then exit;
| 813 | if PLFilters.ClinicList[0] <> '0' then { 0 signifies all }
| 814 | for i := 0 to pred(FAllProblems.count) do
| 815 | if (Piece(FAllProblems[i], U, 1) <> '') and {don't want to disappear empty rows}
| 816 | (FProblemsVisible[i] = 'Y') then {don't want if already filtered}
| 817 | begin
| 818 | if (Piece(FAllProblems[i], U ,11) <> '') and {clinic not on user list}
| 819 | (PLFilters.ClinicList.indexof(Piece(FAllProblems[i], U, 11)) < 0) then
| 820 | FProblemsVisible[i] := 'N'
| 821 | else if ((Piece(FAllProblems[i], U, 11) = '') and (not wantnulls)) then {no clinic recorded}
| 822 | FProblemsVisible[i] := 'N';
| 823 | end;
| 824 | end
| 825 | else
| 826 | {conditionally filter for service - may be multiple selected}
| 827 | begin
| 828 | wantnulls := (PLFilters.ServiceList.indexof('-1') > -1);
| 829 | if PLFilters.ServiceList.Count = 0 then exit;
| 830 | if PLFilters.ServiceList[0] <> '0' then { 0 signifies all }
| 831 | for i := 0 to pred(FAllProblems.count) do
| 832 | if (Piece(FAllProblems[i], U, 1) <> '') and {don't want to disappear empty rows}
| 833 | (FProblemsVisible[i] = 'Y') then {don't want if already filtered}
| 834 | begin
| 835 | if (Piece(FAllProblems[i], U, 12) <> '') and {Service not on user list}
| 836 | (PLFilters.ServiceList.indexof(Piece(FAllProblems[i], U, 12)) < 0) then
| 837 | FProblemsVisible[i] := 'N'
| 838 | else if (Piece(FAllProblems[i], U, 12) = '') and (not wantnulls) then {no Service recorded}
| 839 | FProblemsVisible[i] := 'N';
| 840 | end;
| 841 | end;
| 842 | end;
| 843 |
| 844 | procedure TfrmProblems.GetRowCount;
| 845 | var
| 846 | ShownProbs, TotalProbs: integer;
| 847 | begin
| 848 | if (wgProbData.Items.Count > 0) and (Piece(wgProbData.Items[0], U, 1) <> '') then
| 849 | ShownProbs := wgProbData.Items.Count
| 850 | else
| 851 | ShownProbs := 0;
| 852 |
| 853 | if (FAllProblems.Count > 0) and (Piece(FAllProblems[0], U, 1) <> '') then
| 854 | TotalProbs := FAllProblems.Count
| 855 | else
| 856 | TotalProbs := 0;
| 857 |
| 858 | case PLUser.usViewAct[1] of
| 859 | 'A': lblProbList.Caption := ACTIVE_LIST_CAP ;
| 860 | 'I': lblProbList.Caption := INACTIVE_LIST_CAP ;
| 861 | 'B': lblProbList.Caption := BOTH_LIST_CAP ;
| 862 | 'R': lblProbList.Caption := REMOVED_LIST_CAP ;
| 863 | end;
| 864 | lblProbList.Caption := lblProbList.Caption + ' (' + IntToStr(ShownProbs) + ' of ' + IntToStr(TotalProbs) + ')';
| 865 | wgProbData.Caption := lblProbList.Caption;
| 866 | end;
| 867 |
| 868 |
| 869 | procedure TfrmProblems.UMPLLexicon(var Message:TMessage);
| 870 | begin
| 871 | if PLProblem = '' then exit; {shouldn't happen but...}
| 872 | if dlgProbs = nil then AddProblem;
| 873 | end;
| 874 |
| 875 | procedure TfrmProblems.SetGridPieces( Pieces: string);
| 876 | var
| 877 | i, AdjustCol, cxUsed: Integer;
| 878 | PieceSet: set of 0..High(GridColWidths);
| 879 | x: string;
| 880 | begin
| 881 | PieceSet := [];
| 882 | x := Pieces;
| 883 | while x <> '' do begin
| 884 | PieceSet := PieceSet + [StrToIntDef(Piece(x, ',', 1), 1)-1];
| 885 | if Pos(',', x) = 0 then
| 886 | break;
| 887 | x := Copy(x, Pos(',',x)+1, Length(x));
| 888 | end;
| 889 | AdjustCol := 0;
| 890 | cxUsed := 0;
| 891 | for i := 0 to High(GridColWidths) do
| 892 | if i in PieceSet then
| 893 | begin
| 894 | if GridColWidths[i] > -1 then
| 895 | begin
| 896 | if GridColWidths[i] > 0 then
| 897 | begin
| 898 | HeaderControl.Sections[i].MaxWidth := 10000;
| 899 | HeaderControl.Sections[i].Width := ForChars(GridColWidths[i], gFontWidth);
| 900 | cxUsed := cxUsed + HeaderControl.Sections[i].Width;
| 901 | end
| 902 | else
| 903 | begin
| 904 | HeaderControl.Sections[i].Width := 0;
| 905 | HeaderControl.Sections[i].MaxWidth := 0;
| 906 | end;
| 907 | end
| 908 | else
| 909 | AdjustCol := i;
| 910 | end
| 911 | else
| 912 | begin
| 913 | HeaderControl.Sections[i].Width := 0;
| 914 | HeaderControl.Sections[i].MaxWidth := 0;
| 915 | end;
| 916 | HeaderControl.Sections[AdjustCol].AutoSize := True;
| 917 | HeaderControl.Sections[AdjustCol].Width := HeaderControl.Width - cxUsed;
| 918 | //mnuOptimizeFieldsClick(self); //******** test making compression, proportional, or no spacing on resize
| 919 | end;
| 920 |
| 921 | procedure TfrmProblems.pnlRightResize(Sender: TObject);
| 922 | begin
| 923 | if PLUser = nil then exit;
| 924 | if PLUser.usCurrentView = PL_IP_VIEW then
| 925 | SetGridPieces('2,3,4,5,8,9')
| 926 | else if PLUser.usCurrentView = PL_OP_VIEW then
| 927 | SetGridPieces('2,3,4,5,7');
| 928 | {have to do this to recover hidden rows}
| 929 | ApplyViewFilters;
| 930 | RefreshList;
| 931 | GetRowCount;
| 932 | //PostMessage(frmProblems.Handle, UM_PLFILTER,0,0);
| 933 | end;
| 934 |
| 935 | procedure TfrmProblems.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
| 936 | begin
| 937 | inherited;
| 938 | FixHeaderControlDelphi2006Bug(HeaderControl);
| 939 | FAllProblems := TStringList.Create;
| 940 | FProblemsVisible := TStringList.Create;
| 941 | FItemData := TStringList.Create;
| 942 | PageID := CT_PROBLEMS;
| 943 | GetFontInfo(Canvas.Handle, gFontWidth, gFontHeight);
| 944 | end;
| 945 |
| 946 | procedure TfrmProblems.LoadUserParams(Alist:TstringList);
| 947 | var
| 948 | i: integer;
| 949 | begin
| 950 | FastAssign(InitUser(User.DUZ), AList) ;
| 951 | //FastAssign(InitUser(Encounter.Provider), AList) ;
| 952 | PLUser := TPLUserParams.create(Alist);
| 953 | FContextString := PLUser.usDefaultContext;
| 954 | FFilterString := PLUser.usDefaultView + '/';
| 955 | if PLFilters <> nil then
| 956 | begin
| 957 | if PLUser.usDefaultView = 'C' then with PLFilters.ClinicList do
| 958 | for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
| 959 | if Piece(Strings[i], U, 1) <> '-1' then
| 960 | FFilterString := FFilterString + Piece(Strings[i], U, 1) + '/';
| 961 | if PLUser.usDefaultView = 'S' then with PLFilters.ServiceList do
| 962 | for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
| 963 | if Piece(Strings[i], U, 1) <> '-1' then
| 964 | FFilterString := FFilterString + Piece(Strings[i], U, 1) + '/';
| 965 | end;
| 966 | mnuViewComments.Checked := (PLUser.usViewComments = '1');
| 967 | if PLUser.usTesting then
| 968 | InfoBox('WARNING - Test User Parameters in Effect', 'Warning', MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING);
| 969 | pnlRightResize(Self);
| 970 | end;
| 971 |
| 972 | procedure TfrmProblems.LoadPatientParams(AList:TstringList);
| 973 | begin
| 974 | FastAssign(InitPt(Patient.DFN), AList) ;
| 975 | PLPt := TPLPt.create(Alist);
| 976 | end;
| 977 |
| 978 | procedure TfrmProblems.ClearGrid;
| 979 | var
| 980 | i:integer;
| 981 | begin
| 982 | with FAllProblems do for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
| 983 | if Objects[i] <> nil then
| 984 | begin
| 985 | TStringList(Objects[i]).Free;
| 986 | Objects[i] := nil;
| 987 | end;
| 988 | wgprobdata.Clear;
| 989 | FAllProblems.Clear;
| 990 | FProblemsVisible.Clear;
| 991 | end;
| 992 |
| 993 |
| 994 | procedure TfrmProblems.LoadPatientProblems(AList:TStringList; const Status:char; init:boolean);
| 995 | var {init should only be true when initializing a list for a new patient}
| 996 | x, line, ver, prio, comments: string;
| 997 | i, j, inact: Integer;
| 998 | st: char;
| 999 | CmtList: TStringList;
| 1000 | //SCCond, tmpSCstr: string;
| 1001 |
| 1002 | procedure ReverseList(Alist:TstringList);
| 1003 | var
| 1004 | i,j:integer;
| 1005 | begin
| 1006 | i:=0;
| 1007 | j:=pred(Alist.count);
| 1008 | while i<j do
| 1009 | begin
| 1010 | alist.exchange(i,j);
| 1011 | inc(i);
| 1012 | dec(j);
| 1013 | end;
| 1014 | end;
| 1015 |
| 1016 | begin {Body}
| 1017 | CmtList := TStringList.Create;
| 1018 | if PLFilters=nil then {create view filter lists}
| 1019 | PLFilters:=TPLFilters.create;
| 1020 | try
| 1021 | ClearGrid;
| 1022 | inact := 0;
| 1023 | if PLPt = nil then
| 1024 | begin
| 1026 | AList.Clear;
| 1027 | AList.Add('No data available');
| 1028 | end
| 1029 | else
| 1030 | begin
| 1031 | st:=status;
| 1032 | if st= '' then st := 'A'; {default to active list}
| 1033 | FastAssign(ProblemList(Patient.DFN,St), AList) ;
| 1034 | end;
| 1035 | if Status = 'R' then
| 1036 | SetGridPieces('3,4,5,7,8,9')
| 1037 | else
| 1038 | SetGridPieces('2,3,4,5,7,8,9');
| 1039 | if Alist.count > 1 then Alist.delete(0); {get rid of first element - it is a list count}
| 1040 | SortByPiece(AList, u, 6); { Sort by FM date/time }
| 1041 | SetListFMDateTime('MMM dd yyyy',AList, u, 6); { Change FM date to MM/DD/YY }
| 1042 | SetListFMDateTime('MMM dd yyyy',AList, u, 5); { Change FM date to MM/DD/YY }
| 1043 | if PLUser.usReverseChronDisplay then {reverse chron order if required}
| 1044 | ReverseList(Alist);
| 1045 | {populate the grid}
| 1046 | if ((Alist.Count = 1) and (pos('No data available', Alist[0]) > 0))then
| 1047 | begin
| 1048 | FAllProblems.Add('^^No problems found.');
| 1049 | FProblemsVisible.Add('Y');
| 1050 | RefreshList;
| 1051 | Alist.Clear ;
| 1052 | NoRowSelected;
| 1053 | exit ;
| 1054 | end ;
| 1055 | for i := 0 to pred(Alist.count) do
| 1056 | begin
| 1057 | FAllProblems.Add('');
| 1058 | FProblemsVisible.Add('Y');
| 1059 | comments := '';
| 1060 | CmtList.Clear;
| 1061 | x := AList[i];
| 1062 | if (Piece(x, U, 18) = '#') and (CharAt(UpperCase(Status), 1) in ['A', 'B', 'I', 'R']) then
| 1063 | begin
| 1064 | ver := '#'; // inactive ICD code flag takes precedence over unverified flag
| 1065 | if (Piece(x, U, 2) = 'A') then inact := inact + 1;
| 1066 | end
| 1067 | else if (PlUSer.usVerifyTranscribed) and
| 1068 | (Piece(x, U, 9) = 'T') then
| 1069 | ver := '(u)'
| 1070 | else
| 1071 | ver := ' ';
| 1072 | if Piece(x, U, 14) = 'A' then prio := ' * ' else prio := ' ' ;
| 1073 | Line := '';
| 1074 | SetPiece(Line, U, 2, Piece(x, U, 2) + prio + ver);
| 1075 | if Piece(x, U, 15) = '1' then //problem has comments
| 1076 | begin
| 1077 | FastAssign(GetProblemComments(Piece(x, U, 1)), CmtList);
| 1078 | if FAllProblems.Objects[i] = nil then FAllProblems.Objects[i]:= TStringList.Create;
| 1079 | FastAssign(CmtList, TStringList(FAllProblems.Objects[i]));
| 1080 | end;
| 1081 |
| 1082 | SetPiece(Line, U, 3, Piece(x, U, 3));
| 1083 | if PLUser.usViewComments = '1' then
| 1084 | begin
| 1085 | for j := 0 to CmtList.Count-1 do
| 1086 | comments := comments + ' ' + CmtList.Strings[j] + #13#10;
| 1087 | SetPiece(Line, U, 3, Piece(Line, U, 3) + #13#10 + comments);
| 1088 | end;
| 1089 | SetPiece(Line, U, 4, Trim(Piece(x, U, 5))); {onset date}
| 1090 | SetPiece(Line, U, 5, Trim(Piece(x, U, 6))); {last updated}
| 1091 | SetPiece(Line, U, 7, MixedCase(Piece(Piece(x, U, 10), ';', 2))); {location name}
| 1092 | SetPiece(Line, U, 8, MixedCase(Piece(Piece(x, U, 12), ';', 2))); {provider name}
| 1093 | SetPiece(Line, U, 9, MixedCase(Piece(Piece(x, U, 13), ';', 2))); {service name}
| 1094 | {hidden cells}
| 1095 | SetPiece(Line, U, 1, Piece(x, U, 1)); {problem IEN}
| 1096 | SetPiece(Line, U, 6, Piece(x, U, 7)); {service connected status}
| 1097 | SetPiece(Line, U, 11, Piece(Piece(x, U, 10), ';', 1)); {location IEN}
| 1098 | SetPiece(Line, U, 13, Piece(x, U, 11)); {loc type}
| 1099 | SetPiece(Line, U, 10, Piece(Piece(x, U, 12), ';', 1)); {responsible provider IEN}
| 1100 | SetPiece(Line, U, 12, Piece(Piece(x, U, 13), ';', 1)); {service IEN}
| 1101 | SetPiece(Line, U, 14, Piece(x, U, 4)); {code}
| 1102 | SetPiece(Line, U, 15, Piece(x, U, 17)); {Service-connected conditions}
| 1103 | SetPiece(Line, U, 16, Piece(x, U, 18)); {# = inactive ICD code stored with problem}
| 1104 | FAllProblems[i] := Line;
| 1105 | end;
| 1106 | Alist.clear;
| 1107 | if not init then
| 1108 | SetViewFilters(Alist)
| 1109 | else
| 1110 | InitViewFilters(Alist);
| 1111 | ApplyViewFilters;
| 1112 | RefreshList;
| 1113 | lstProbPick.ItemIndex := -1;
| 1114 | if (ProbRec <> nil) and (ProbRec.PIFN <> '') then
| 1115 | begin
| 1116 | for i := 0 to wgProbData.Items.count-1 do
| 1117 | if (Piece(MString(i), U, 1) = ProbRec.PIFN) then
| 1118 | wgProbData.ItemIndex := i ;
| 1119 | wgProbDataClick(Self);
| 1120 | end
| 1121 | else
| 1122 | wgProbData.ItemIndex := -1;
| 1123 | if (wgProbData.Items.Count > 0) and (wgProbData.ItemIndex > -1) then
| 1124 | RowSelected
| 1125 | else
| 1126 | NoRowSelected;
| 1127 | pnlRightResize(Self);
| 1128 | if (not FWarningShown) and (inact > 0) and (CharAt(UpperCase(Status), 1) in ['A', 'B']) then
| 1129 | begin
| 1130 | InfoBox('There are ' + IntToStr(inact) + ' active problem(s) flagged with a "#" as having' + #13#10 +
| 1131 | 'inactive ICD codes as of today''s date. Please correct these' + #13#10 +
| 1132 | 'problems using the "Change" option.', 'Inactive ICD Codes Found', MB_ICONWARNING or MB_OK);
| 1133 | FWarningShown := True;
| 1134 | end;
| 1135 | finally
| 1136 | CmtList.Free;
| 1137 | end;
| 1138 | end;
| 1139 |
| 1140 | procedure TfrmProblems.LoadUserCats(AList:TStringList);
| 1141 | begin
| 1142 | if not PLUser.usUseLexicon then exit; {Bail out if not to use lexicon}
| 1143 | Alist.clear;
| 1144 | FastAssign(UserProblemCategories(Encounter.Provider,Encounter.Location), AList) ;
| 1145 | if Alist.count = 0 then
| 1146 | begin
| 1147 | lstCatPick.Items.Add('-1^None defined - use OTHER') ;
| 1148 | lstProbPick.Visible := False ;
| 1149 | lblProblems.Visible := False ;
| 1150 | exit ;
| 1151 | end ;
| 1152 | FastAssign(AList, lstCatPick.Items);
| 1153 | lstCatPick.itemindex := 0;
| 1154 | lstCatPickClick(frmProblems);
| 1155 | end;
| 1156 |
| 1157 | procedure TfrmProblems.LoadUserProbs(AList:TStringList);
| 1158 | var
| 1159 | catien: string;
| 1160 | begin
| 1161 | if not PLUser.usUseLexicon then exit; {Bail out if not to use lexicon}
| 1162 | if lstCatPick.itemindex < 0 then exit; {bail out}
| 1163 | Alist.clear;
| 1164 | catien := IntToStr(lstCatPick.itemIEN);
| 1165 | FastAssign(UserProblemList(catien), AList) ;
| 1166 | {File 125.12, Each line contains: PROBLEM^DISPLAY TEXT^CODE^CODE IFN }
| 1167 | {code ifn is derived}
| 1168 | FastAssign(Alist, lstProbPick.Items);
| 1169 | end;
| 1170 |
| 1171 | procedure TfrmProblems.LoadProblems;
| 1172 | var
| 1173 | AList: TStringList;
| 1174 | i: integer;
| 1175 | begin
| 1176 | pProviderID := 0;
| 1177 | AList := TStringList.Create;
| 1178 | try
| 1179 | lstView.ItemIndex := -1;
| 1180 | StatusText('Retrieving problem list...') ;
| 1181 | if (PLUser = nil) or InitPatient then LoadUserParams(Alist);
| 1182 | Alist.clear;
| 1183 | if Patient.DFN <> '' then LoadPatientParams(Alist);
| 1184 | Alist.clear;
| 1185 | LoadPatientProblems(AList,PlUser.usViewAct[1],true); {initialize patient list}
| 1186 | lstView.ItemIndex := -1;
| 1187 | AList.clear;
| 1188 | lstCatPick.Clear ;
| 1189 | LoadUserCats(AList);
| 1191 | if (not PLUser.usPrimeUser) then
| 1192 | begin {activities available to GMPLUSER only}
| 1193 | mnuActRestore.enabled := False;
| 1194 | mnuActRemove.enabled:=false;
| 1195 | mnuViewRemoved.Enabled := False;
| 1196 | popRemove.enabled:=false;
| 1197 | popRestore.enabled := False;
| 1198 | i := lstView.Items.IndexOf('Removed');
| 1199 | if i > -1 then lstView.Items.Delete(i);
| 1200 | mnuActVerify.enabled:=false;
| 1201 | popVerify.enabled:=false;
| 1202 | end;
| 1203 | if (not PLUser.usVerifyTranscribed) then
| 1204 | begin
| 1205 | mnuActVerify.enabled:=false;
| 1206 | popVerify.enabled:=false;
| 1207 | end;
| 1208 | finally
| 1209 | AList.Free;
| 1210 | StatusText('') ;
| 1211 | end;
| 1212 | end;
| 1213 |
| 1214 | function TfrmProblems.HighlightDuplicate( NewProb: string; const Msg: string;
| 1215 | DlgType: TMsgDlgType; Action: string): boolean;
| 1216 | var
| 1217 | dup: string;
| 1218 | cmplist: TstringList;
| 1219 | cmpp, i: integer;
| 1220 | collapserow: boolean;
| 1221 | begin
| 1222 | Result := False;
| 1223 | if Piece(newprob, U, 1) = '' then
| 1224 | dup := CheckForDuplicateProblem('1', Piece(newprob, U, 2))
| 1225 | else
| 1226 | dup := CheckForDuplicateProblem(Piece(newprob,U,1), Piece(newprob, U, 2));
| 1227 |
| 1228 | if (Piece(dup, U, 1) <> '0') then
| 1229 | // if adding, check all existing problems for duplicates
| 1230 | // if changing, exclude curent problem from duplicate check
| 1231 | if (Action = 'ADD') or ((Action = 'CHANGE') and (Piece(dup, U, 1) <> ProbRec.PIFN)) then
| 1232 | begin
| 1233 | if (Piece(dup, U, 2) <> PLUser.usViewAct) and (PLUser.usViewAct <> 'B') then
| 1234 | begin
| 1235 | lstView.SelectByID(Piece(dup, U, 2));
| 1236 | lstViewClick(Self);
| 1237 | end;
| 1238 | cmplist:=Tstringlist.create;
| 1239 | try {find and highlight duplicate problem - match problem text minus trailing '*'}
| 1240 | for i := 0 to FAllProblems.Count - 1 do
| 1241 | cmpList.Add(TrimRight(Piece(Piece(Piece(FAllProblems[i], U, 3), #13, 1), '*', 1)));
| 1242 | cmpp:=cmpList.indexof(TrimRight(Piece(Piece(newprob, U, 2), '*', 1)));
| 1243 | finally
| 1244 | cmplist.free;
| 1245 | end;
| 1246 | if cmpp > -1 then
| 1247 | begin
| 1248 | collapserow:= (FProblemsVisible[cmpp] <> 'Y');
| 1249 | if CollapseRow then
| 1250 | wgProbData.Items.Insert(0, FAllProblems[cmpp]);
| 1251 | //translate from FAllProblems index to wgProbData index
| 1252 | for i := 0 to wgProbData.Items.Count - 1 do
| 1253 | begin
| 1254 | if StrToInt(FItemData[i]) = cmpp then with wgProbData do
| 1255 | begin
| 1256 | TopIndex := i;
| 1257 | ItemIndex := i;
| 1258 | Selected[i] := True;
| 1259 | break;
| 1260 | end;
| 1261 | end;
| 1262 | case DlgType of
| 1263 | mtInformation:
| 1264 | InfoBox(Msg, 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION);
| 1265 | mtConfirmation:
| 1266 | Result := InfoBox(Msg, 'Confirmation', MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION) <> IDYES;
| 1267 | end;
| 1268 | if collapserow then wgProbData.Items.Delete(0);
| 1269 | end;
| 1270 | end;
| 1271 | end;
| 1272 |
| 1273 | procedure TfrmProblems.AddProblem;
| 1274 | const
| 1275 | TX799 = '799.9';
| 1276 | var
| 1277 | newprob: string;
| 1278 | begin
| 1279 | if (PLPt.ptDead<>'') then {Check for dead patient}
| 1280 | if InfoBox('This Patient has been deceased since ' + PLPt.ptDead + #13#10 +
| 1281 | ' Proceed with problem addition?', 'Confirmation', MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION) = IDNO then
| 1282 | exit; {bail out - if don't want to add to dead}
| 1283 | {problems are in the form of: ien^.01^icd^icdifn , although only the .01 is required}
| 1284 | if PLProblem <> '' then
| 1285 | begin
| 1286 | newProb:=PLProblem;
| 1287 | PLProblem:='';
| 1288 | end
| 1289 | else if edProbEnt.text<>'' then
| 1290 | begin
| 1291 | newprob:= u + edProbEnt.text + u + TX799 + u; {free text problem entry from editbox}
| 1292 | edProbEnt.Visible := False;
| 1293 | lblProbEnt.Visible := False;
| 1294 | edProbEnt.Text := '';
| 1295 | end
| 1296 | else if lstProbPick.itemindex > -1 then {problem selected from user list}
| 1297 | {Each line contains: PROBLEM^DISPLAY TEXT^CODE^CODE IFN }
| 1298 | newprob:=lstProbPick.Items[lstProbPick.itemindex];
| 1299 | if NewProb='' then exit; {should never happen}
| 1300 | bbCancel.Enabled := False ;
| 1301 | bbOtherProb.enabled:=false; {don't let them invoke lexicon till add completed}
| 1302 |
| 1303 | // ============= new duplicate checking code ===================
| 1304 | if HighlightDuplicate(NewProb, 'This problem is a duplicate of the highlighted problem'
| 1305 | + #13#10 + ' Proceed?', mtConfirmation, 'ADD') then
| 1306 | begin
| 1307 | bbCancel.Enabled := True ;
| 1308 | bbOtherProb.enabled:=true; {don't let them invoke lexicon till add completed}
| 1309 | exit; {bail out - if don't want dups}
| 1310 | end ;
| 1311 | //============================== End new code =========================
| 1312 | if ProbRec = nil then
| 1313 | begin
| 1314 | pnlRight.Caption := lblProbList.caption ;
| 1315 | lblProbList.caption:='Add Problem';
| 1316 | wgProbData.Caption := lblProbList.Caption;
| 1317 | pnlProbDlg.Visible := True;
| 1318 | pnlProbDlg.BringToFront ;
| 1319 | dlgProbs:=TFrmDlgProb.create(pnlProbDlg);
| 1320 | dlgProbs.HorzScrollBar.Range := dlgProbs.ClientWidth;
| 1321 | dlgProbs.VertScrollBar.Range := dlgProbs.ClientHeight;
| 1322 | dlgProbs.parent:=pnlProbDlg;
| 1323 | dlgProbs.Align := alClient ;
| 1324 | dlgProbs.Reason:='A';
| 1325 | dlgProbs.SubjProb:=newprob;
| 1326 | dlgProbs.show;
| 1327 | PostMessage(dlgProbs.Handle, UM_TAKEFOCUS, 0, 0);
| 1328 | end
| 1329 | else
| 1330 | InfoBox('Current Add/Edit/Display activity must be completed' + #13#10 +
| 1331 | 'before another record may be added',
| 1332 | 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION);
| 1333 | end;
| 1334 |
| 1335 | procedure TfrmProblems.EditProblem(const why: char);
| 1336 | var
| 1337 | prob: string;
| 1338 | reas: string;
| 1339 | begin
| 1340 | prob := Piece(MString(wgProbData.ItemIndex), U, 1);
| 1341 | if (prob <> '') and (ProbRec = nil) then
| 1342 | begin
| 1343 | StatusText('Retrieving selected problem...') ;
| 1344 | bbCancel.Enabled := False ;
| 1345 | bbOtherProb.enabled := false; {don't let them invoke lexicon till edit completed}
| 1346 | case why of
| 1347 | 'E','e','C','c' : reas := 'Edit Problem';
| 1348 | 'D','d' : reas := 'Display Problem';
| 1349 | 'R','r' : reas := 'Remove Problem';
| 1350 | end;
| 1351 | pnlRight.Caption := lblProbList.caption ;
| 1352 | lblProbList.caption := reas;
| 1353 | wgProbData.Caption := lblProbList.Caption;
| 1354 | pnlProbDlg.Visible := True;
| 1355 | pnlProbDlg.BringToFront ;
| 1356 | dlgProbs := TFrmDlgProb.create(pnlProbDlg);
| 1357 | dlgProbs.HorzScrollBar.Range := dlgProbs.ClientWidth;
| 1358 | dlgProbs.VertScrollBar.Range := dlgProbs.ClientHeight;
| 1359 | dlgProbs.parent := pnlProbDlg;
| 1360 | dlgProbs.Align := alClient ;
| 1361 | dlgProbs.Reason := why;
| 1362 | with wgProbData do dlgProbs.subjProb:=prob + u + Piece(Piece(MString(itemindex), U, 3), #13, 1) + u + Piece(MString(itemindex), U, 14);
| 1363 | StatusText('') ;
| 1364 | dlgProbs.Show;
| 1365 | PostMessage(dlgProbs.Handle, UM_TAKEFOCUS, 0, 0);
| 1366 | end
| 1367 | else
| 1368 | begin
| 1369 | case why of
| 1370 | 'E','e','C','c' : reas := 'Edited';
| 1371 | 'D','d' : reas := 'Displayed';
| 1372 | 'R','r' : reas := 'Removed';
| 1373 | end;
| 1374 | InfoBox('Current Add/Edit/Display activity must be completed' + #13#10 +
| 1375 | 'before another record may be ' + reas,
| 1376 | 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION);
| 1377 | end;
| 1378 | end;
| 1379 |
| 1380 | procedure TfrmProblems.UpdateProblem(const why:char; Line: string; AllProblemsIndex: integer);
| 1381 | var
| 1382 | Alist: TstringList;
| 1383 | ProblemIFN: string;
| 1384 | sv: string;
| 1385 | i: integer;
| 1386 |
| 1387 | begin
| 1388 | alist := TstringList.create;
| 1389 | try
| 1390 | problemIFN := Piece(Line, U, 1);
| 1391 | {get the basic info - could shortcut, but try this for now}
| 1392 | FastAssign(EditLoad(ProblemIFN, pProviderID, PLPt.ptVAMC), AList) ;
| 1393 | probRec := TProbrec.create(Alist);
| 1394 | probRec.PIFN := problemIFN;
| 1395 | ProbRec.RespProvider.DHCPtoKeyVal(inttostr(Encounter.Provider) + u + Encounter.ProviderName); {REV - V13}
| 1396 | Alist.clear;
| 1397 | case why of
| 1398 | 'I': begin
| 1399 | ProbRec.status := 'I';
| 1400 | {assume resolution date now with this option. user should do full edit otherwise}
| 1401 | ProbRec.DateResStr := 'T';
| 1402 | Probrec.DateModStr := 'T';
| 1403 | FastAssign(ProblemUpdate(ProbRec.AltFilerObject), AList) ;
| 1404 | end;
| 1405 | 'V': begin
| 1406 | if not IsActiveICDCode(ProbRec.Diagnosis.extern) then
| 1407 | begin
| 1409 | exit;
| 1410 | end;
| 1411 | Probrec.condition := 'P';
| 1412 | Probrec.DateModStr := 'T';
| 1413 | FastAssign(ProblemVerify(ProbRec.PIFN), AList) ;
| 1414 | end;
| 1415 | end;
| 1416 |
| 1417 | if Alist.count<1 then {show error message}
| 1418 | InfoBox('Unable to update record ', 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION)
| 1419 | else if Alist[0]<'1' then
| 1420 | InfoBox('Unable to update record: ' + #13#10 + ' ' + Alist[1] + ' (' + Probrec.PIFN + ')',
| 1421 | 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION)
| 1422 | {show inactivated problem}
| 1423 | else if (why='I') then
| 1424 | begin
| 1425 | if (PlUser.usViewAct='A') then
| 1426 | FProblemsVisible[AllProblemsIndex] := 'N'
| 1427 | else
| 1428 | begin
| 1429 | SetPiece(line, U, 2, 'I');
| 1430 | FAllProblems[AllProblemsIndex] := line;
| 1431 | end;
| 1432 | end
| 1433 | else if (why='V') then {show verified problem}
| 1434 | begin
| 1435 | sv := Piece(Line, U, 2);
| 1436 | SetPiece(line, U, 2, Copy(sv,1,4)); //remove (u)
| 1437 | FAllProblems[AllProblemsIndex] := line;
| 1438 | end;
| 1439 | finally
| 1440 | with frmCover do
| 1441 | for i := ComponentCount - 1 downto 0 do
| 1442 | begin
| 1443 | if Components[i] is TORListBox then
| 1444 | begin
| 1445 | case Components[i].Tag of
| 1446 | 10: ListActiveProblems((Components[i] as TORListBox).Items);
| 1447 | end;
| 1448 | end;
| 1449 | end;
| 1450 | alist.free;
| 1451 | ProbRec.free;
| 1452 | ProbRec := nil;
| 1453 | end;
| 1454 | end;
| 1455 |
| 1456 | procedure TfrmProblems.RestoreProblem;
| 1457 | const
| 1458 | TC_RESTORE_EDIT = 'Unable to restore';
| 1459 | TX_RESTORE_EDIT = 'This problem references an inactive ICD code,' + #13#10 +
| 1460 | 'and must be updated using the ''Change'' option' + #13#10 +
| 1461 | 'before it can be restored.' + #13#10 + #13#10 +
| 1462 | 'Would you like to edit this problem?';
| 1463 | var
| 1464 | Alist:TstringList;
| 1465 | i: integer;
| 1466 | AProbRec: TProbRec;
| 1467 | ProblemIFN: string;
| 1468 | begin
| 1469 | Alist := TStringList.create;
| 1470 | ProblemIFN := Piece(MString(wgProbData.ItemIndex), U, 1);
| 1471 | FastAssign(EditLoad(ProblemIFN, pProviderID, PLPt.ptVAMC), AList) ;
| 1472 | AProbRec:=TProbRec.Create(Alist); {create a problem object}
| 1473 | try
| 1474 | if not IsActiveICDCode(AProbRec.Diagnosis.extern) then
| 1475 | begin
| 1477 | begin
| 1478 | AProbRec.Status := 'A';
| 1479 | EditProblem('C');
| 1480 | end
| 1481 | else
| 1482 | Exit;
| 1483 | end
| 1484 | else
| 1485 | begin
| 1486 | FastAssign(ProblemReplace(ProblemIFN), Alist) ;
| 1487 | if Alist[0] <> '1' then
| 1488 | InfoBox('Unable to restore the problem record: ' + #13#10 + ' (' + AProbrec.PIFN + ')',
| 1489 | 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION)
| 1490 | else
| 1491 | LoadPatientProblems(AList, 'R', False);
| 1492 | GetRowCount;
| 1493 | end;
| 1494 | finally
| 1495 | with frmCover do
| 1496 | for i := ComponentCount - 1 downto 0 do
| 1497 | begin
| 1498 | if Components[i] is TORListBox then
| 1499 | begin
| 1500 | case Components[i].Tag of
| 1501 | 10: ListActiveProblems((Components[i] as TORListBox).Items);
| 1502 | end;
| 1503 | end;
| 1504 | end;
| 1505 | AList.free;
| 1506 | AProbRec.Free;
| 1507 | end;
| 1508 | end;
| 1509 |
| 1510 | procedure TfrmProblems.NoRowSelected;
| 1511 | begin
| 1512 | mnuActDetails.enabled := false;
| 1513 | mnuActChange.enabled := false;
| 1514 | mnuActVerify.enabled := false;
| 1515 | mnuActInactivate.enabled := false;
| 1516 | mnuActRestore.enabled := false;
| 1517 | mnuActRemove.enabled := false;
| 1518 | mnuActAnnotate.enabled := false;
| 1519 | popChange.enabled := false;
| 1520 | popVerify.enabled := false;
| 1521 | popInactivate.enabled := false;
| 1522 | popRestore.enabled := false;
| 1523 | popRemove.enabled := false;
| 1524 | popAnnotate.enabled := false;
| 1525 | popViewDetails.enabled := False;
| 1526 | end ;
| 1527 |
| 1528 | procedure TfrmProblems.RowSelected;
| 1529 | var
| 1530 | AnyUnver, AnyAct: integer;
| 1531 | i: integer;
| 1532 | begin
| 1533 | if wgProbData.SelCount > 1 then
| 1534 | begin
| 1535 | mnuActDetails.enabled := false;
| 1536 | mnuActChange.enabled := false;
| 1537 | mnuActRestore.enabled := false;
| 1538 | mnuActRemove.enabled := false;
| 1539 | mnuActAnnotate.enabled := false;
| 1540 | popChange.enabled := false;
| 1541 | popRestore.enabled := false;
| 1542 | popRemove.enabled := false;
| 1543 | popAnnotate.enabled := false;
| 1544 | popViewDetails.enabled := false;
| 1545 | AnyUnver := 0;
| 1546 | AnyAct := 0;
| 1547 | for i := 0 to wgProbData.Count - 1 do
| 1548 | begin
| 1549 | if wgProbData.Selected[i] and (Copy(Piece(MString(i), U, 2),5,3)='(u)') then
| 1550 | AnyUnver := AnyUnVer + 1;
| 1551 | if wgProbData.Selected[i] and (Copy(Piece(MString(i), U, 2),1,1) = 'A') then
| 1552 | AnyAct := AnyAct + 1;
| 1553 | end;
| 1554 | mnuActVerify.enabled := PLUser.usVerifyTranscribed and
| 1555 | PLUser.usPrimeUser and (AnyUnver > 0);
| 1556 | popVerify.enabled := PLUser.usVerifyTranscribed and
| 1557 | PLUser.usPrimeUser and (AnyUnver > 0);
| 1558 | mnuActInactivate.enabled := (AnyAct > 0);
| 1559 | popInactivate.enabled := (AnyAct > 0);
| 1560 | end
| 1561 | else
| 1562 | begin
| 1563 | mnuActDetails.enabled := true;
| 1564 | mnuActChange.enabled := true;
| 1565 | mnuActRestore.enabled := PLUser.usPrimeUser;
| 1566 | mnuActRemove.enabled := PLUser.usPrimeUser;
| 1567 | mnuActAnnotate.enabled := true;
| 1568 | popChange.enabled := true;
| 1569 | popRestore.enabled := PLUser.usPrimeUser;
| 1570 | popRemove.enabled := PLUser.usPrimeUser;
| 1571 | popAnnotate.enabled := true;
| 1572 | popViewDetails.enabled := true ;
| 1573 | mnuActVerify.enabled := PLUser.usVerifyTranscribed and
| 1574 | PLUser.usPrimeUser and
| 1575 | (Copy(Piece(MString(wgProbData.ItemIndex), U, 2),5,3)='(u)') ;
| 1576 | popVerify.enabled := PLUser.usVerifyTranscribed and
| 1577 | PLUser.usPrimeUser and
| 1578 | (Copy(Piece(MString(wgProbData.ItemIndex), U, 2),5,3)='(u)') ;
| 1579 | mnuActInactivate.enabled := Copy(Piece(MString(wgProbData.ItemIndex), U, 2),1,1) = 'A' ;
| 1580 | popInactivate.enabled := Copy(Piece(MString(wgProbData.ItemIndex), U, 2),1,1) = 'A' ;
| 1581 | end;
| 1582 |
| 1583 | //Disable menu actions for REMOVED problems list display
| 1584 | if PLUser.usViewAct = 'R' then
| 1585 | begin
| 1586 | mnuActAnnotate.Enabled := False;
| 1587 | mnuActChange.Enabled := False;
| 1588 | mnuActInactivate.Enabled := False;
| 1589 | mnuActRemove.Enabled := False;
| 1590 | mnuActVerify.Enabled := False;
| 1591 | popAnnotate.Enabled := False;
| 1592 | popChange.Enabled := False;
| 1593 | popInactivate.Enabled := False;
| 1594 | popRemove.Enabled := False;
| 1595 | popVerify.Enabled := False;
| 1596 | end;
| 1597 | end ;
| 1598 |
| 1599 | procedure TfrmProblems.bbCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1600 | begin
| 1601 | inherited;
| 1602 | //Hide Panels
| 1603 | pnlButtons.Hide;
| 1604 | pnlButtons.SendToBack;
| 1605 | pnlProbCats.Hide;
| 1606 | pnlProbCats.SendToBack;
| 1607 |
| 1608 | //Show pnlView & Add Back to tab Order
| 1609 | ShowPnlView;
| 1610 | end;
| 1611 |
| 1612 | procedure TfrmProblems.lstViewClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1613 | begin
| 1614 | inherited;
| 1615 | case lstView.ItemIndex of
| 1616 | 0: tag := 700 ; {Active}
| 1617 | 1: tag := 800 ; {Inactive}
| 1618 | 2: tag := 900 ; {Both}
| 1619 | 3: tag := 950 ; {Removed}
| 1620 | { 4: tag := 975 ; {Filters...}
| 1621 | end ;
| 1622 | lstProbActsClick(Self) ;
| 1623 | mnuOptimizeFieldsClick(self);
| 1624 | end;
| 1625 |
| 1626 | function EncounterPresent: Boolean;
| 1627 | { make sure a location and provider are selected, returns false if not }
| 1628 | begin
| 1629 | Result := True;
| 1630 | if (Encounter.Provider = 0) or (Encounter.Location = 0) then
| 1631 | begin
| 1632 | UpdateEncounter(NPF_ALL); {*KCM*}
| 1633 | frmFrame.DisplayEncounterText;
| 1634 | end;
| 1635 | if (Encounter.Provider = 0) or (Encounter.Location = 0) then
| 1636 | begin
| 1637 | if not frmFrame.CCOWDrivedChange then
| 1638 | InfoBox(TX_PROV_LOC, TC_PROV_LOC, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); {!!!}
| 1639 | Result := False;
| 1640 | end;
| 1641 | end;
| 1642 |
| 1643 | procedure TfrmProblems.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
| 1644 | begin
| 1645 | ClearGrid;
| 1646 | FItemData.Free;
| 1647 | FAllProblems.Free;
| 1648 | FProblemsVisible.Free;
| 1649 | inherited;
| 1650 | end;
| 1651 |
| 1652 | procedure TfrmProblems.mnuViewSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1653 | begin
| 1654 | inherited;
| 1655 | if PLPt = nil then
| 1656 | begin
| 1658 | Exit;
| 1659 | end;
| 1660 | if InfoBox('Replace current defaults?','Confirmation', MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION) = IDYES then
| 1661 | begin
| 1662 | with PLUser do
| 1663 | begin
| 1664 | usDefaultContext := FContextString;
| 1665 | usDefaultView := Piece(FFilterString, '/', 1);
| 1666 | end;
| 1667 | SaveViewPreferences(FFilterString + U + FContextString);
| 1668 | end;
| 1669 | end;
| 1670 |
| 1671 | procedure TfrmProblems.mnuViewRestoreDefaultClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1672 | begin
| 1673 | inherited;
| 1674 | if PLPt = nil then
| 1675 | begin
| 1677 | Exit;
| 1678 | end;
| 1679 | if PLFilters <> nil then
| 1680 | begin
| 1681 | PLFilters.Destroy;
| 1682 | PLFilters := nil;
| 1683 | end;
| 1684 | if PLUser <> nil then
| 1685 | begin
| 1686 | PLUser.Destroy;
| 1687 | PLUser := nil;
| 1688 | end;
| 1689 | ShowPnlView;
| 1690 | LoadProblems ;
| 1691 | end;
| 1692 |
| 1693 | procedure TfrmProblems.mnuViewCommentsClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1694 | var
| 1695 | x, line, comments: string;
| 1696 | i, j: integer;
| 1697 | begin
| 1698 | inherited;
| 1699 | if PLPt = nil then
| 1700 | begin
| 1702 | Exit;
| 1703 | end;
| 1704 | mnuViewComments.Checked := not mnuViewComments.Checked;
| 1705 | SetPiece(FContextString, ';', 4, BOOLCHAR[mnuViewComments.Checked]);
| 1706 | PLUser.usViewComments := BOOLCHAR[mnuViewComments.Checked];
| 1707 | with FAllProblems do
| 1708 | begin
| 1709 | for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
| 1710 | begin
| 1711 | if Objects[i] = nil then continue;
| 1712 | x := Piece(Piece(Strings[i], U, 3), #13, 1);
| 1713 | if PLUser.usViewComments = '1' then
| 1714 | begin
| 1715 | comments := '';
| 1716 | for j := 0 to TStringList(Objects[i]).Count - 1 do
| 1717 | comments := comments + ' ' + TStringList(Objects[i]).Strings[j] + #13#10;
| 1718 | //comments := comments + ' CMT: ' + TStringList(Items.Objects[i]).Strings[j] + #13#10;
| 1719 | Line := Strings[i];
| 1720 | SetPiece(Line, U, 3, x + #13#10 + comments);
| 1721 | Strings[i] := Line;
| 1722 | end
| 1723 | else
| 1724 | begin
| 1725 | Line := Strings[i];
| 1726 | SetPiece(Line, U, 3, x);
| 1727 | Strings[i] := Line;
| 1728 | end;
| 1729 | end;
| 1730 | end;
| 1731 | RefreshList;
| 1732 | end;
| 1733 |
| 1734 | procedure TfrmProblems.RequestPrint;
| 1735 | begin
| 1736 | inherited;
| 1737 | if PLPt = nil then
| 1738 | begin
| 1740 | Exit;
| 1741 | end;
| 1742 | uReportType := '';
| 1743 | PrintReports(IntToStr(RPT_PROBLIST), 'Problem List')
| 1744 | end;
| 1745 |
| 1746 | procedure TfrmProblems.SetFontSize( NewFontSize: integer);
| 1747 | var
| 1748 | OldParent: TWinControl;
| 1749 | begin
| 1750 | OldParent := nil;
| 1751 | if Assigned(dlgProbs) then begin
| 1752 | OldParent := dlgProbs.Parent;
| 1753 | dlgProbs.Parent := nil;
| 1754 | end;
| 1755 | try
| 1756 | {These labels are hidden in an ORAutoPanel, so have to be sized manually}
| 1757 | lblProbCats.Height := ResizeHeight( Font, MainFont, lblProbCats.Height);
| 1758 | lblProblems.Height := ResizeHeight( Font, MainFont, lblProblems.Height);
| 1759 | inherited SetFontSize( NewFontSize);
| 1760 | finally
| 1761 | if Assigned(dlgProbs) then
| 1762 | dlgProbs.Parent := OldParent;
| 1763 | end;
| 1764 | if Assigned(dlgProbs) then
| 1765 | dlgProbs.SetFontSize( MainFontSize);
| 1766 | mnuOptimizeFieldsClick(self);
| 1767 | end;
| 1768 |
| 1769 | procedure TfrmProblems.RefreshList;
| 1770 | var
| 1771 | i: integer;
| 1772 | begin
| 1773 | RedrawSuspend(wgProbData.Handle);
| 1774 | wgProbData.Clear;
| 1775 | FItemData.Clear;
| 1776 | for i := 0 to FAllProblems.Count-1 do
| 1777 | if FProblemsVisible[i] = 'Y' then begin
| 1778 | FItemData.Add(IntToStr(i));
| 1779 | if Piece(FAllProblems[i], U, 1) <> '' then
| 1780 | wgProbData.Items.Add(PlainText(FAllProblems[i]))
| 1781 | else
| 1782 | wgProbData.Items.Add(FAllProblems[i]);
| 1783 | end;
| 1784 | wgProbData.Invalidate;
| 1785 | RedrawActivate(wgProbData.Handle);
| 1786 | end;
| 1787 |
| 1788 | procedure TfrmProblems.wgProbDataMeasureItem(Control: TWinControl;
| 1789 | Index: Integer; var Height: Integer);
| 1790 | var
| 1791 | ARect: TRect;
| 1792 | x: string;
| 1793 | NewHeight: Integer;
| 1794 | begin
| 1795 | inherited;
| 1796 | NewHeight := Height;
| 1797 | with wgProbData do if Index < Items.Count then
| 1798 | begin
| 1799 | ARect := ItemRect(Index);
| 1800 | ARect.Left := HeaderControl.Sections[0].Width + HeaderControl.Sections[1].Width + 2;
| 1801 | ARect.Right := ARect.Left + HeaderControl.Sections[2].Width - 6;
| 1802 | x := Piece(MString(Index), U, 3);
| 1803 | NewHeight := WrappedTextHeightByFont( Canvas, Font, x, ARect);
| 1804 | if NewHeight > 255 then NewHeight := 255; // windows appears to only look at 8 bits *KCM*
| 1805 | if NewHeight < 13 then NewHeight := 13; // show at least one line *KCM*
| 1806 | end; {if Index}
| 1807 | Height := NewHeight;
| 1808 | end;
| 1809 |
| 1810 | procedure TfrmProblems.wgProbDataDrawItem(Control: TWinControl;
| 1811 | Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);
| 1812 | var
| 1813 | i: integer;
| 1814 | begin
| 1815 | inherited;
| 1816 | with wgProbData do if Index < Items.Count then
| 1817 | begin
| 1818 | ListGridDrawLines(wgProbData, HeaderControl, Index, State);
| 1819 | for i := 0 to HeaderControl.Sections.Count -1 do
| 1820 | ListGridDrawCell(wgProbData, HeaderControl, Index, i, Piece(MString(Index),U,i+1), i = 2);
| 1821 | end; {if Index}
| 1822 | end;
| 1823 |
| 1824 | function TfrmProblems.PlainText(MString: string): string;
| 1825 | var
| 1826 | i: integer;
| 1827 | begin
| 1828 | result := '';
| 1829 | with HeaderControl do
| 1830 | for i := 0 to Sections.Count -1 do
| 1831 | if Sections[i].MaxWidth > 0 then
| 1832 | if Trim(Piece(MString, U, i+1)) <> '' then
| 1833 | result := result + Sections[i].Text + ': ' + Piece(MString, U, i+1) + CRLF;
| 1834 | end;
| 1835 |
| 1836 | function TfrmProblems.MString(index: integer): string;
| 1837 | begin
| 1838 | if index = -1 then
| 1839 | result := ''
| 1840 | else
| 1841 | result := FAllProblems[StrToInt(FItemData[index])];
| 1842 | end;
| 1843 |
| 1844 | procedure TfrmProblems.HeaderControlSectionResize(
| 1845 | HeaderControl: THeaderControl; Section: THeaderSection);
| 1846 | begin
| 1847 | inherited;
| 1848 | wgProbData.Invalidate;
| 1849 | {FEvtColWidth := HeaderControl.Sections[0].Width; //code from fOrders
| 1850 | RedrawSuspend(Self.Handle);
| 1851 | //RedrawOrderList;
| 1852 | RedrawActivate(Self.Handle);
| 1853 | wgProbData.Invalidate;
| 1854 | pnlRight.Refresh;
| 1855 | pnlLeft.Refresh; }
| 1856 | end;
| 1857 |
| 1858 | {Tab Order tricks. Need to change
| 1859 | lstView
| 1860 |
| 1861 | bbNewProb
| 1862 | bbOtherProb
| 1863 | bbCancel
| 1864 |
| 1865 | pnlProbDlg
| 1866 | wgProbData
| 1867 |
| 1868 | to
| 1869 | lstView
| 1870 |
| 1871 | pnlProbDlg
| 1872 | wgProbData
| 1873 |
| 1874 | bbNewProb
| 1875 | bbOtherProb
| 1876 | bbCancel
| 1877 | }
| 1878 |
| 1879 | procedure TFrmProblems.lstViewExit(Sender: TObject);
| 1880 | begin
| 1881 | inherited;
| 1882 | if IncSecond(FMousing,1) < Now then
| 1883 | begin
| 1884 | if (Screen.ActiveControl = bbNewProb) or
| 1885 | (Screen.ActiveControl = bbOtherProb) or
| 1886 | (Screen.ActiveControl = bbCancel) then
| 1887 | FindNextControl( bbCancel, True, True, False).SetFocus;
| 1888 | end;
| 1889 | FMousing := 0;
| 1890 | end;
| 1891 |
| 1892 | procedure TFrmProblems.pnlRightExit(Sender: TObject);
| 1893 | begin
| 1894 | inherited;
| 1895 | if IncSecond(FMousing,1) < Now then
| 1896 | begin
| 1897 | if (Screen.ActiveControl = frmFrame.pnlPatient) then
| 1898 | begin
| 1899 | if lstView.Visible then
| 1900 | FindNextControl( lstView, True, True, False).SetFocus
| 1901 | else
| 1902 | FindNextControl( edProbEnt, True, True, False).SetFocus
| 1903 | end
| 1904 | else
| 1905 | if (Screen.ActiveControl = bbNewProb) or
| 1906 | (Screen.ActiveControl = bbOtherProb) or
| 1907 | (Screen.ActiveControl = bbCancel) then
| 1908 | begin
| 1909 | if bbNewProb.Visible then
| 1910 | FindNextControl( bbNewProb, False, True, False).SetFocus
| 1911 | else
| 1912 | FindNextControl( bbOtherProb, False, True, False).SetFocus;
| 1913 | end;
| 1914 | end;
| 1915 | FMousing := 0;
| 1916 | end;
| 1917 |
| 1918 | procedure TFrmProblems.bbNewProbExit(Sender: TObject);
| 1919 | begin
| 1920 | inherited;
| 1921 | if IncSecond(FMousing,1) < Now then
| 1922 | begin
| 1923 | if (Screen.ActiveControl = pnlProbDlg) or
| 1924 | (Screen.ActiveControl = wgProbData) then
| 1925 | frmFrame.pnlPatient.SetFocus
| 1926 | else
| 1927 | if (Screen.ActiveControl = lstView) or
| 1928 | (Screen.ActiveControl = lstCatPick) then
| 1929 | FindNextControl( frmFrame.pnlPatient, False, True, False).SetFocus;
| 1930 | end;
| 1931 | FMousing := 0;
| 1932 | end;
| 1933 |
| 1934 | procedure TFrmProblems.frmFramePnlPatientExit(Sender: TObject);
| 1935 | begin
| 1936 | FOldFramePnlPatientExit(Sender);
| 1937 | inherited;
| 1938 | if IncSecond(FMousing,1) < Now then
| 1939 | begin
| 1940 | if (Screen.ActiveControl = pnlProbDlg) or
| 1941 | (Screen.ActiveControl = wgProbData) then
| 1942 | FindNextControl( pnlProbDlg, False, True, False).SetFocus;
| 1943 | end;
| 1944 | FMousing := 0;
| 1945 | end;
| 1946 |
| 1947 | procedure TFrmProblems.FormHide(Sender: TObject);
| 1948 | begin
| 1949 | inherited;
| 1950 | frmFrame.pnlPatient.OnExit := FOldFramePnlPatientExit;
| 1951 | end;
| 1952 |
| 1953 | procedure TFrmProblems.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
| 1954 | begin
| 1955 | inherited;
| 1956 | FOldFramePnlPatientExit := frmFrame.pnlPatient.OnExit;
| 1957 | frmFrame.pnlPatient.OnExit := frmFramePnlPatientExit;
| 1958 | end;
| 1959 |
| 1960 | procedure TfrmProblems.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
| 1961 | X, Y: Integer);
| 1962 | begin
| 1963 | inherited;
| 1964 | FMousing := Now;
| 1965 | end;
| 1966 |
| 1967 | procedure TfrmProblems.ShowPnlView;
| 1968 | begin
| 1969 | pnlView.BringToFront;
| 1970 | pnlView.Show;
| 1971 | lstView.TabStop := true;
| 1972 | bbNewProb.TabStop := true;
| 1973 | end;
| 1974 |
| 1975 | procedure TfrmProblems.ViewInfo(Sender: TObject);
| 1976 | begin
| 1977 | inherited;
| 1978 | frmFrame.ViewInfo(Sender);
| 1979 | end;
| 1980 |
| 1981 | procedure TfrmProblems.mnuViewInformationClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1982 | begin
| 1983 | inherited;
| 1984 | mnuViewDemo.Enabled := frmFrame.pnlPatient.Enabled;
| 1985 | mnuViewVisits.Enabled := frmFrame.pnlVisit.Enabled;
| 1986 | mnuViewPrimaryCare.Enabled := frmFrame.pnlPrimaryCare.Enabled;
| 1987 | mnuViewMyHealtheVet.Enabled := not (Copy(frmFrame.laMHV.Hint, 1, 2) = 'No');
| 1988 | mnuInsurance.Enabled := not (Copy(frmFrame.laVAA2.Hint, 1, 2) = 'No');
| 1989 | mnuViewFlags.Enabled := frmFrame.lblFlag.Enabled;
| 1990 | mnuViewRemoteData.Enabled := frmFrame.lblCirn.Enabled;
| 1991 | mnuViewReminders.Enabled := frmFrame.pnlReminders.Enabled;
| 1992 | mnuViewPostings.Enabled := frmFrame.pnlPostings.Enabled;
| 1993 | end;
| 1994 |
| 1995 | procedure TfrmProblems.mnuOptimizeFieldsClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1996 | var
| 1997 | totalSectionsWidth, unitvalue: integer;
| 1998 | begin
| 1999 | totalSectionsWidth := pnlRight.Width - 3;
| 2000 | if totalSectionsWidth < 16 then exit;
| 2001 | unitvalue := round(totalSectionsWidth / 16);
| 2002 | with HeaderControl do
| 2003 | begin
| 2004 | if Sections[1].Width > 0 then Sections[1].Width := unitvalue;
| 2005 | Sections[2].Width := pnlRight.Width - (unitvalue * 11) - 5;
| 2006 | Sections[3].Width := unitvalue * 2;
| 2007 | Sections[4].Width := unitvalue * 2;
| 2008 | if Sections[6].Width > 0 then Sections[6].Width := unitvalue;
| 2009 | if Sections[7].Width > 0 then Sections[7].Width := unitvalue * 2;
| 2010 | if Sections[8].Width > 0 then Sections[8].Width := unitvalue * 2;
| 2011 | if Sections[15].Width > 0 then Sections[15].Width := unitvalue;
| 2012 | end;
| 2013 | HeaderControlSectionResize(HeaderControl, HeaderControl.Sections[0]);
| 2014 | HeaderControl.Repaint;
| 2015 | end;
| 2016 |
| 2017 | procedure TfrmProblems.HeaderControlSectionClick(
| 2018 | HeaderControl: THeaderControl; Section: THeaderSection);
| 2019 | begin
| 2020 | inherited;
| 2021 | //if Section = HeaderControl.Sections[1] then
| 2022 | mnuOptimizeFieldsClick(self);
| 2023 | end;
| 2024 |
| 2025 | procedure TfrmProblems.HeaderControlMouseUp(Sender: TObject;
| 2026 | Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
| 2027 | var
| 2028 | i: integer;
| 2029 | totalSectionsWidth, originalwidth: integer;
| 2030 | begin
| 2031 | inherited;
| 2032 | totalSectionsWidth := getTotalSectionsWidth;
| 2033 | if totalSectionsWidth > wgProbData.Width - 5 then
| 2034 | begin
| 2035 | originalwidth := 0;
| 2036 | for i := 0 to HeaderControl.Sections.Count - 1 do
| 2037 | originalwidth := originalwidth + origWidths[i];
| 2038 | if originalwidth < totalSectionsWidth then
| 2039 | begin
| 2040 | for i := 0 to HeaderControl.Sections.Count - 1 do
| 2041 | HeaderControl.Sections[i].Width := origWidths[i];
| 2042 | wgProbData.Invalidate;
| 2043 | end;
| 2044 | end;
| 2045 | end;
| 2046 |
| 2047 | function TfrmProblems.getTotalSectionsWidth : integer;
| 2048 | var
| 2049 | i: integer;
| 2050 | begin
| 2051 | Result := 0;
| 2052 | for i := 0 to HeaderControl.Sections.Count - 1 do
| 2053 | Result := Result + HeaderControl.Sections[i].Width;
| 2054 | end;
| 2055 |
| 2056 | procedure TfrmProblems.HeaderControlMouseDown(Sender: TObject;
| 2057 | Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
| 2058 | begin
| 2059 | inherited;
| 2060 | setSectionWidths;
| 2061 | end;
| 2062 |
| 2063 | procedure TfrmProblems.setSectionWidths;
| 2064 | var
| 2065 | i: integer;
| 2066 | begin
| 2067 | for i := 0 to 15 do
| 2068 | origWidths[i] := HeaderControl.Sections[i].Width;
| 2069 | end;
| 2070 |
| 2071 | procedure TfrmProblems.sptHorzMoved(Sender: TObject);
| 2072 | begin
| 2073 | inherited;
| 2074 | mnuOptimizeFieldsClick(self);
| 2075 | end;
| 2076 |
| 2077 | initialization
| 2078 | SpecifyFormIsNotADialog(TfrmProblems);
| 2079 |
| 2080 | end.
| 2081 |
| 2082 |