source: cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/fPtSel.dfm@ 1519

Last change on this file since 1519 was 830, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 14 years ago

Upgrading to version 27

File size: 8.0 KB
[830]1inherited frmPtSel: TfrmPtSel
[456]2 Top = 131
3 BorderIcons = []
4 Caption = 'Patient Selection'
[830]5 ClientHeight = 555
6 ClientWidth = 785
[456]7 OldCreateOrder = True
8 OnClose = FormClose
[830]9 OnCreate = FormCreate
[456]10 OnDestroy = FormDestroy
[830]11 OnResize = FormResize
[456]12 OnShow = FormShow
[830]13 ExplicitTop = 131
14 ExplicitWidth = 793
15 ExplicitHeight = 589
[456]16 PixelsPerInch = 96
17 TextHeight = 13
[830]18 object sptVert: TSplitter [0]
[456]19 Left = 0
20 Top = 290
21 Width = 785
22 Height = 4
23 Cursor = crVSplit
24 Align = alTop
25 end
[830]26 object pnlDivide: TORAutoPanel [1]
[456]27 Left = 0
28 Top = 294
29 Width = 785
30 Height = 17
31 Align = alTop
32 BevelOuter = bvNone
33 BevelWidth = 2
34 TabOrder = 0
35 Visible = False
36 object lblNotifications: TLabel
37 Left = 4
38 Top = 4
39 Width = 58
40 Height = 13
41 Caption = 'Notifications'
42 end
43 object ggeInfo: TGauge
44 Left = 212
45 Top = 1
46 Width = 100
47 Height = 15
[830]48 BackColor = clHighlightText
[456]49 Color = clBtnFace
[830]50 ForeColor = clHighlight
[456]51 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
52 Font.Color = clCaptionText
53 Font.Height = -11
54 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
55 Font.Style = []
56 ParentColor = False
57 ParentFont = False
58 Progress = 0
59 Visible = False
60 end
61 end
[830]62 object pnlPtSel: TORAutoPanel [2]
[456]63 Left = 0
64 Top = 0
65 Width = 785
66 Height = 290
67 Align = alTop
68 BevelWidth = 2
69 TabOrder = 3
70 OnResize = pnlPtSelResize
71 object lblPatient: TLabel
[830]72 Left = 216
73 Top = 4
[456]74 Width = 33
75 Height = 13
76 Caption = 'Patient'
77 ShowAccelChar = False
78 end
79 object cboPatient: TORComboBox
[830]80 Left = 216
81 Top = 33
[456]82 Width = 272
[830]83 Height = 251
[456]84 Hint = 'Enter name,Full SSN ,Last 4 (x1234),'#39'HRN'#39',DOB, or Phone#'
85 Style = orcsSimple
86 AutoSelect = True
87 Caption = 'Patient'
88 Color = clWindow
89 DropDownCount = 8
90 ItemHeight = 13
91 ItemTipColor = clWindow
92 ItemTipEnable = True
93 ListItemsOnly = False
94 LongList = True
95 LookupPiece = 2
96 MaxLength = 0
97 ParentShowHint = False
98 Pieces = '2,3'
99 ShowHint = True
100 Sorted = False
101 SynonymChars = '<>'
102 TabPositions = '20,25,30,60'
103 TabOrder = 1
104 OnChange = cboPatientChange
105 OnDblClick = cboPatientDblClick
106 OnEnter = cboPatientEnter
107 OnExit = cboPatientExit
108 OnKeyDown = cboPatientKeyDown
109 OnKeyPause = cboPatientKeyPause
110 OnMouseClick = cboPatientMouseClick
111 OnNeedData = cboPatientNeedData
112 CharsNeedMatch = 1
[830]113 UniqueAutoComplete = True
[456]114 end
115 object cmdOK: TButton
116 Left = 698
[830]117 Top = 3
[456]118 Width = 78
[830]119 Height = 21
[456]120 Caption = 'OK'
121 TabOrder = 2
122 OnClick = cmdOKClick
123 end
124 object cmdCancel: TButton
125 Left = 698
[830]126 Top = 24
[456]127 Width = 78
[830]128 Height = 21
[456]129 Cancel = True
130 Caption = 'Cancel'
131 TabOrder = 3
132 OnClick = cmdCancelClick
133 end
134 object cmdSaveList: TButton
[830]135 Left = 494
[456]136 Top = 265
137 Width = 175
[830]138 Height = 21
[456]139 Caption = 'Save Patient List Settings'
140 TabOrder = 0
141 OnClick = cmdSaveListClick
142 end
143 object RadioGroup1: TRadioGroup
[830]144 Left = 512
[456]145 Top = 192
[830]146 Width = 265
[456]147 Height = 65
148 Caption = 'Specific "In-Depth" Lookup by '
149 ItemIndex = 0
150 Items.Strings = (
151 '&None of the below'
154 TabOrder = 4
155 OnClick = onclick1
156 end
157 end
[830]158 object pnlNotifications: TORAutoPanel [3]
[456]159 Left = 0
160 Top = 520
161 Width = 785
162 Height = 35
163 Align = alBottom
164 BevelOuter = bvNone
165 TabOrder = 2
166 Visible = False
167 object cmdProcessInfo: TButton
168 Left = 11
169 Top = 10
170 Width = 95
171 Height = 21
172 Caption = 'Process Info'
173 TabOrder = 0
174 OnClick = cmdProcessInfoClick
175 end
176 object cmdProcessAll: TButton
177 Left = 120
178 Top = 10
179 Width = 95
180 Height = 21
181 Caption = 'Process All'
182 TabOrder = 1
183 OnClick = cmdProcessAllClick
184 end
185 object cmdProcess: TButton
186 Left = 229
187 Top = 10
188 Width = 95
189 Height = 21
190 Caption = 'Process'
191 Enabled = False
192 TabOrder = 2
193 OnClick = cmdProcessClick
194 end
195 object cmdForward: TButton
196 Left = 335
197 Top = 10
198 Width = 95
199 Height = 21
200 Caption = 'Forward'
201 Enabled = False
[830]202 TabOrder = 3
[456]203 OnClick = cmdForwardClick
204 end
205 object cmdRemove: TButton
[830]206 Left = 577
[456]207 Top = 10
208 Width = 95
209 Height = 21
210 Caption = 'Remove'
211 Enabled = False
[830]212 TabOrder = 5
[456]213 OnClick = cmdRemoveClick
214 end
[830]215 object cmdComments: TButton
216 Left = 441
217 Top = 10
218 Width = 95
219 Height = 21
220 Caption = 'Show Comments'
221 Enabled = False
222 TabOrder = 4
223 OnClick = cmdCommentsClick
224 end
[456]225 end
[830]226 object lstvAlerts: TCaptionListView [4]
[456]227 Left = 0
228 Top = 311
229 Width = 785
230 Height = 209
231 Align = alClient
232 Columns = <
233 item
234 Caption = 'Info'
235 Width = 30
236 end
237 item
238 Caption = 'Patient'
239 Tag = 1
240 Width = 120
241 end
242 item
243 Caption = 'Location'
244 Tag = 2
245 Width = 60
246 end
247 item
248 Caption = 'Urgency'
249 Tag = 3
250 Width = 67
251 end
252 item
253 Caption = 'Alert Date/Time'
254 Tag = 4
255 Width = 110
256 end
257 item
258 Caption = 'Message'
259 Tag = 5
260 Width = 280
261 end
262 item
263 Caption = 'Forwarded By/When'
264 Tag = 6
265 Width = 180
266 end>
[830]267 HideSelection = False
[456]268 HoverTime = 0
269 IconOptions.WrapText = False
270 MultiSelect = True
271 ReadOnly = True
272 RowSelect = True
273 ParentShowHint = False
274 PopupMenu = popNotifications
275 ShowWorkAreas = True
276 ShowHint = True
277 TabOrder = 1
278 ViewStyle = vsReport
279 OnColumnClick = lstvAlertsColumnClick
280 OnCompare = lstvAlertsCompare
281 OnDblClick = lstvAlertsDblClick
282 OnInfoTip = lstvAlertsInfoTip
283 OnKeyDown = lstvAlertsKeyDown
284 OnSelectItem = lstvAlertsSelectItem
285 Caption = 'Notifications'
286 end
[830]287 inherited amgrMain: TVA508AccessibilityManager
288 Data = (
289 (
290 'Component = pnlDivide'
291 'Status = stsDefault')
292 (
293 'Component = pnlPtSel'
294 'Status = stsDefault')
295 (
296 'Component = cboPatient'
297 'Status = stsDefault')
298 (
299 'Component = cmdOK'
300 'Status = stsDefault')
301 (
302 'Component = cmdCancel'
303 'Status = stsDefault')
304 (
305 'Component = cmdSaveList'
306 'Status = stsDefault')
307 (
308 'Component = pnlNotifications'
309 'Status = stsDefault')
310 (
311 'Component = cmdProcessInfo'
312 'Status = stsDefault')
313 (
314 'Component = cmdProcessAll'
315 'Status = stsDefault')
316 (
317 'Component = cmdProcess'
318 'Status = stsDefault')
319 (
320 'Component = cmdForward'
321 'Status = stsDefault')
322 (
323 'Component = cmdRemove'
324 'Status = stsDefault')
325 (
326 'Component = lstvAlerts'
327 'Status = stsDefault')
328 (
329 'Component = frmPtSel'
330 'Status = stsDefault')
331 (
332 'Component = cmdComments'
333 'Status = stsDefault'))
334 end
[456]335 object popNotifications: TPopupMenu
336 Left = 508
337 Top = 323
338 object mnuProcess: TMenuItem
339 Caption = 'Process'
340 OnClick = cmdProcessClick
341 end
342 object mnuForward: TMenuItem
343 Caption = 'Forward'
344 OnClick = cmdForwardClick
345 end
346 object N1: TMenuItem
347 Caption = '-'
348 end
349 object mnuRemove: TMenuItem
350 Caption = 'Remove'
351 OnClick = cmdRemoveClick
352 end
353 end
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