1 | unit rDCSumm;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses SysUtils, Classes, ORNet, ORFn, rCore, uCore, TRPCB, rTIU, uConst, uTIU, uDCSumm;
6 |
7 |
8 | { Discharge Summary Titles }
9 | procedure ResetDCSummTitles;
10 | function DfltDCSummTitle: Integer;
11 | function DfltDCSummTitleName: string;
12 | procedure ListDCSummTitlesShort(Dest: TStrings);
13 | function SubSetOfDCSummTitles(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; IDNoteTitlesOnly: boolean): TStrings;
14 |
15 | { TIU Preferences }
16 | procedure ResetDCSummPreferences;
17 | function ReturnMaxDCSumms: Integer;
18 | function SortDCSummsAscending: Boolean;
19 | function GetCurrentDCSummContext: TTIUContext;
20 | procedure SaveCurrentDCSummContext(AContext: TTIUContext) ;
21 |
22 | { Data Retrieval }
23 | procedure ActOnDCDocument(var AuthSts: TActionRec; IEN: Integer; const ActionName: string);
24 | (*procedure ListDischargeSummaries(Dest: TStrings; Context: Integer; Early, Late: TFMDateTime;
25 | Person: int64; OccLim: Integer; SortAscending: Boolean);*)
26 | procedure ListSummsForTree(Dest: TStrings; Context: Integer; Early, Late: TFMDateTime;
27 | Person: int64; OccLim: Integer; SortAscending: Boolean);
28 | procedure GetDCSummForEdit(var EditRec: TEditDCSummRec; IEN: Integer);
29 | function LoadDCUrgencies: TStrings;
30 | function GetAttending(const DFN: string): string; //*DFN*
31 | function GetDischargeDate(const DFN: string; AdmitDateTime: string): string; //*DFN*
32 | function RequireRelease(ANote, AType: Integer): Boolean;
33 | function RequireMASVerification(ANote, AType: Integer): Boolean;
34 | function AllowMultipleSummsPerAdmission(ANote, AType: Integer): Boolean;
35 |
36 | { Data Storage }
37 | procedure DeleteDCDocument(var DeleteSts: TActionRec; IEN: Integer; const Reason: string);
38 | procedure SignDCDocument(var SignSts: TActionRec; IEN: Integer; const ESCode: string);
39 | procedure PutNewDCSumm(var CreatedDoc: TCreatedDoc; const DCSummRec: TDCSummRec);
40 | procedure PutDCAddendum(var CreatedDoc: TCreatedDoc; const DCSummRec: TDCSummRec; AddendumTo:
41 | Integer);
42 | procedure PutEditedDCSumm(var UpdatedDoc: TCreatedDoc; const DCSummRec: TDCSummRec; NoteIEN:
43 | Integer);
44 | procedure ChangeAttending(IEN: integer; AnAttending: int64);
45 |
46 | const
47 | CLS_DC_SUMM = 244;
49 | FN_NEW_PERSON = 200;
50 | TIU_ST_UNREL = 3;
51 | TIU_ST_UNVER = 4;
52 | TIU_ST_UNSIG = 5;
53 |
54 | implementation
55 |
56 | var
57 | uDCSummTitles: TDCSummTitles;
58 | uDCSummPrefs: TDCSummPrefs;
59 |
60 | { Discharge Summary Titles -------------------------------------------------------------------- }
61 | procedure LoadDCSummTitles;
62 | { private - called one time to set up the uNoteTitles object }
63 | var
64 | x: string;
65 | begin
66 | if uDCSummTitles <> nil then Exit;
68 | RPCBrokerV.Results.Insert(0, '~SHORT LIST'); // insert so can call ExtractItems
69 | uDCSummTitles := TDCSummTitles.Create;
70 | ExtractItems(uDCSummTitles.ShortList, RPCBrokerV.Results, 'SHORT LIST');
71 | x := ExtractDefault(RPCBrokerV.Results, 'SHORT LIST');
72 | uDCSummTitles.DfltTitle := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 1), 0);
73 | uDCSummTitles.DfltTitleName := Piece(x, U, 2);
74 | end;
75 |
76 | procedure ResetDCSummTitles;
77 | begin
78 | if uDCSummTitles <> nil then
79 | begin
80 | uDCSummTitles.Free;
81 | uDCSummTitles := nil;
82 | LoadDCSummTitles;
83 | end;
84 | end;
85 |
86 | function DfltDCSummTitle: Integer;
87 | { returns the IEN of the user defined default Discharge Summary title (if any) }
88 | begin
89 | if uDCSummTitles = nil then LoadDCSummTitles;
90 | Result := uDCSummTitles.DfltTitle;
91 | end;
92 |
93 | function DfltDCSummTitleName: string;
94 | { returns the name of the user defined default Discharge Summary title (if any) }
95 | begin
96 | if uDCSummTitles = nil then LoadDCSummTitles;
97 | Result := uDCSummTitles.DfltTitleName;
98 | end;
99 |
100 | procedure ListDCSummTitlesShort(Dest: TStrings);
101 | { returns the user defined list (short list) of Discharge Summary titles }
102 | begin
103 | if uDCSummTitles = nil then LoadDCSummTitles;
104 | FastAddStrings(uDCSummTitles.ShortList, Dest);
105 | if uDCSummTitles.ShortList.Count > 0 then
106 | begin
107 | Dest.Add('0^________________________________________________________________________');
108 | Dest.Add('0^ ');
109 | end;
110 | end;
111 |
112 | function SubSetOfDCSummTitles(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; IDNoteTitlesOnly: boolean): TStrings;
113 | { returns a pointer to a list of Discharge Summary titles (for use in a long list box) -
114 | The return value is a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE
115 | the next broker call! }
116 | begin
117 | if IDNoteTitlesOnly then
118 | CallV('TIU LONG LIST OF TITLES', [CLS_DC_SUMM, StartFrom, Direction, IDNoteTitlesOnly])
119 | else
120 | CallV('TIU LONG LIST OF TITLES', [CLS_DC_SUMM, StartFrom, Direction]);
121 | //MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
122 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
123 | end;
124 |
125 | { TIU Preferences ------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
126 |
127 | procedure LoadDCSummPrefs;
128 | { private - creates DCSummPrefs object for reference throughout the session }
129 | var
130 | x: string;
131 | begin
132 | uDCSummPrefs := TDCSummPrefs.Create;
133 | with uDCSummPrefs do
134 | begin
135 | x := sCallV('TIU GET PERSONAL PREFERENCES', [User.DUZ]);
136 | DfltLoc := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 2), 0);
137 | DfltLocName := ExternalName(DfltLoc, FN_HOSPITAL_LOCATION);
138 | SortAscending := Piece(x, U, 4) = 'A';
139 | MaxSumms := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 10), 0);
140 | x := GetAttending(Patient.DFN);
141 | DfltCosigner := StrToInt64Def(Piece(x, U, 1), 0);
142 | DfltCosignerName := ExternalName(DfltCosigner, FN_NEW_PERSON);
143 | AskCosigner := User.DUZ <> DfltCosigner;
144 | end;
145 | end;
146 |
147 | procedure ResetDCSummPreferences;
148 | begin
149 | if uDCSummPrefs <> nil then
150 | begin
151 | uDCSummPrefs.Free;
152 | uDCSummPrefs := nil;
153 | LoadDCSummPrefs;
154 | end;
155 | end;
156 |
157 | function ReturnMaxDCSumms: Integer;
158 | begin
159 | if uDCSummPrefs = nil then LoadDCSummPrefs;
160 | Result := uDCSummPrefs.MaxSumms;
161 | if Result = 0 then Result := 100;
162 | end;
163 |
164 | function SortDCSummsAscending: Boolean;
165 | { returns true if Discharge Summarys should be sorted from oldest to newest (chronological) }
166 | begin
167 | if uDCSummPrefs = nil then LoadDCSummPrefs;
168 | Result := uDCSummPrefs.SortAscending;
169 | end;
170 |
171 | { Data Retrieval --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
172 |
173 | procedure ActOnDCDocument(var AuthSts: TActionRec; IEN: Integer; const ActionName: string);
174 | var
175 | x: string;
176 | begin
177 | if not (IEN > 0) then
178 | begin
179 | AuthSts.Success := True;
180 | AuthSts.Reason := '';
181 | Exit;
182 | end;
183 | x := sCallV('TIU AUTHORIZATION', [IEN, ActionName]);
184 | AuthSts.Success := Piece(x, U, 1) = '1';
185 | AuthSts.Reason := Piece(x, U, 2);
186 | end;
187 |
188 | (*procedure ListDischargeSummaries(Dest: TStrings; Context: Integer; Early, Late: TFMDateTime;
189 | Person: int64; OccLim: Integer; SortAscending: Boolean);
190 | { retrieves existing progress notes for a patient according to the parameters passed in
191 | Pieces: IEN^Title^FMDateOfNote^Patient^Author^Location^Status^Visit
192 | Return: IEN^ExDateOfNote^Title, Location, Author }
193 | var
194 | i: Integer;
195 | x: string;
196 | SortSeq: Char;
197 | begin
198 | if SortAscending then SortSeq := 'A' else SortSeq := 'D';
199 | //if OccLim = 0 then OccLim := MaxSummsReturned;
201 | [CLS_DC_SUMM, Context, Patient.DFN, Early, Late, Person, OccLim, SortSeq]);
202 | with RPCBrokerV do
203 | begin
204 | for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do
205 | begin
206 | x := Results[i];
207 | if Copy(Piece(x, U, 9), 1, 4) = ' ' then SetPiece(x, U, 9, 'Dis: ');
208 | x := Piece(x, U, 1) + U + FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 3)))
209 | + U + Piece(x, U, 2) + ', ' + Piece(x, U, 6) + ', ' + Piece(Piece(x, U, 5), ';', 2) +
210 | ' (' + Piece(x,U,7) + '), ' + Piece(x, U, 8) + ', ' + Piece(x, U, 9) +
211 | U + Piece(x, U, 3) + U + Piece(x, U, 11);
212 | Results[i] := x;
213 | end; {for}
214 | FastAssign(RPCBrokerV.Results, Dest);
215 | end; {with}
216 | end;*)
217 |
218 | procedure ListSummsForTree(Dest: TStrings; Context: Integer; Early, Late: TFMDateTime;
219 | Person: int64; OccLim: Integer; SortAscending: Boolean);
220 | { retrieves existing discharge summaries for a patient according to the parameters passed in}
221 | var
222 | SortSeq: Char;
223 | const
224 | SHOW_ADDENDA = True;
225 | begin
226 | if SortAscending then SortSeq := 'A' else SortSeq := 'D';
227 | if Context > 0 then
228 | begin
229 | CallV('TIU DOCUMENTS BY CONTEXT', [CLS_DC_SUMM, Context, Patient.DFN, Early, Late, Person, OccLim, SortSeq, SHOW_ADDENDA]);
230 | FastAssign(RPCBrokerV.Results, Dest);
231 | end;
232 | end;
233 |
234 | procedure GetDCSummForEdit(var EditRec: TEditDCSummRec; IEN: Integer);
235 | { retrieves internal/external values for Discharge Summary fields & loads them into EditRec
236 | Fields: Title:.01, RefDate:1301, Author:1204, Cosigner:1208, Subject:1701, Location:1205 }
237 | var
238 | i, j: Integer;
239 |
240 | function FindDT(const FieldID: string): TFMDateTime;
241 | var
242 | i: Integer;
243 | begin
244 | Result := 0;
245 | with RPCBrokerV do for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do
246 | if Piece(Results[i], U, 1) = FieldID then
247 | begin
248 | Result := MakeFMDateTime(Piece(Results[i], U, 2));
249 | Break;
250 | end;
251 | end;
252 |
253 | function FindExt(const FieldID: string): string;
254 | var
255 | i: Integer;
256 | begin
257 | Result := '';
258 | with RPCBrokerV do for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do
259 | if Piece(Results[i], U, 1) = FieldID then
260 | begin
261 | Result := Piece(Results[i], U, 3);
262 | Break;
263 | end;
264 | end;
265 |
266 | function FindInt(const FieldID: string): Integer;
267 | var
268 | i: Integer;
269 | begin
270 | Result := 0;
271 | with RPCBrokerV do for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do
272 | if Piece(Results[i], U, 1) = FieldID then
273 | begin
274 | Result := StrToIntDef(Piece(Results[i], U, 2), 0);
275 | Break;
276 | end;
277 | end;
278 |
279 | function FindInt64(const FieldID: string): Int64;
280 | var
281 | i: Integer;
282 | begin
283 | Result := 0;
284 | with RPCBrokerV do for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do
285 | if Piece(Results[i], U, 1) = FieldID then
286 | begin
287 | Result := StrToInt64Def(Piece(Results[i], U, 2), 0);
288 | Break;
289 | end;
290 | end;
291 |
292 |
293 | begin
294 | CallV('TIU LOAD RECORD FOR EDIT', [IEN, '.01;.06;.07;.09;1202;1205;1208;1209;1301;1302;1307;1701']);
295 | FillChar(EditRec, SizeOf(EditRec), 0);
296 | with EditRec do
297 | begin
298 | Title := FindInt('.01');
299 | TitleName := FindExt('.01');
300 | AdmitDateTime := FindDT('.07');
301 | DischargeDateTime := FindDT('1301');
302 | UrgencyName := FindExt('.09');
303 | Urgency := Copy(UrgencyName,1,1);
304 | Dictator := FindInt64('1202');
305 | DictatorName := FindExt('1202');
306 | Cosigner := FindInt64('1208');
307 | CosignerName := FindExt('1208');
308 | DictDateTime := FindDT('1307');
309 | Attending := FindInt64('1209');
310 | AttendingName := FindExt('1209');
311 | Transcriptionist := FindInt64('1302');
312 | TranscriptionistName := FindExt('1302');
313 | Location := FindInt('1205');
314 | LocationName := FindExt('1205');
315 | if Title = TYP_ADDENDUM then Addend := FindInt('.06');
316 | with RPCBrokerV do
317 | begin
318 | for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do if Results[i] = '$TXT' then break;
319 | for j := i downto 0 do Results.Delete(j);
320 | // -------------------- v19.1 (RV) LOST NOTES?----------------------------
321 | //Lines := Results; 'Lines' is being overwritten by subsequent Broker calls
322 | if not Assigned(Lines) then Lines := TStringList.Create;
323 | FastAssign(RPCBrokerV.Results, Lines);
324 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
325 | end;
326 | end;
327 | end;
328 |
329 | function LoadDCUrgencies: TStrings;
330 | var
331 | i: integer;
332 | begin
333 | CallV('TIU GET DS URGENCIES',[nil]);
334 | with RPCBrokerV do
335 | for i := 0 to Results.Count-1 do
336 | Results[i] := MixedCase(UpperCase(Results[i]));
337 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
338 | end;
339 |
340 | { Data Updates ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
341 |
342 | procedure DeleteDCDocument(var DeleteSts: TActionRec; IEN: Integer; const Reason: string);
343 | { delete a TIU document given the internal entry number, return reason if unable to delete }
344 | var
345 | x: string;
346 | begin
347 | x := sCallV('TIU DELETE RECORD', [IEN, Reason]);
348 | DeleteSts.Success := Piece(x, U, 1) = '0';
349 | DeleteSts.Reason := Piece(x, U, 2);
350 | end;
351 |
352 | procedure SignDCDocument(var SignSts: TActionRec; IEN: Integer; const ESCode: string);
353 | { update signed status of a TIU document, return reason if signature is not accepted }
354 | var
355 | x: string;
356 | begin
357 | (* with RPCBrokerV do // temp - to insure sign doesn't go interactive
358 | begin
359 | ClearParameters := True;
360 | RemoteProcedure := 'TIU UPDATE RECORD';
361 | Param[0].PType := literal;
362 | Param[0].Value := IntToStr(IEN);
363 | Param[1].PType := list;
364 | with Param[1] do Mult['.11'] := '0'; // **** block removed in v19.1 - {RV} ****
365 | CallBroker;
366 | end; // temp - end*)
367 | x := sCallV('TIU SIGN RECORD', [IEN, ESCode]);
368 | SignSts.Success := Piece(x, U, 1) = '0';
369 | SignSts.Reason := Piece(x, U, 2);
370 | end;
371 |
372 | procedure PutNewDCSumm(var CreatedDoc: TCreatedDoc; const DCSummRec: TDCSummRec);
373 | { create a new discharge summary with the data in DCSummRec and return its internal entry number
374 | load broker directly since there isn't a good way to set up multiple subscript arrays }
375 | (*var
376 | i: Integer;*)
377 | var
378 | ErrMsg: string;
379 | begin
380 | with RPCBrokerV do
381 | begin
382 | ClearParameters := True;
383 | RemoteProcedure := 'TIU CREATE RECORD';
384 | Param[0].PType := literal;
385 | Param[0].Value := Patient.DFN; //*DFN*
386 | Param[1].PType := literal;
387 | Param[1].Value := IntToStr(DCSummRec.Title);
388 | Param[2].PType := literal;
389 | Param[2].Value := '';
390 | Param[3].PType := literal;
391 | Param[3].Value := '';
392 | Param[4].PType := literal;
393 | Param[4].Value := '';
394 | Param[5].PType := list;
395 | with Param[5] do
396 | begin
397 | Mult['.07'] := FloatToStr(DCSummRec.AdmitDateTime);
398 | Mult['.09'] := DCSummRec.Urgency;
399 | Mult['1202'] := IntToStr(DCSummRec.Dictator);
400 | Mult['1205'] := IntToStr(Encounter.Location);
401 | Mult['1301'] := FloatToStr(DCSummRec.DischargeDateTime);
402 | Mult['1307'] := FloatToStr(DCSummRec.DictDateTime);
403 | if DCSummRec.Cosigner > 0 then
404 | begin
405 | Mult['1208'] := IntToStr(DCSummRec.Cosigner);
406 | Mult['1506'] := '1';
407 | end
408 | else
409 | begin
410 | Mult['1208'] := '';
411 | Mult['1506'] := '0';
412 | end ;
413 | Mult['1209'] := IntToStr(DCSummRec.Attending);
414 | Mult['1302'] := IntToStr(DCSummRec.Transcriptionist);
415 | if DCSummRec.IDParent > 0 then Mult['2101'] := IntToStr(DCSummRec.IDParent);
416 | (* if DCSummRec.Lines <> nil then
417 | for i := 0 to DCSummRec.Lines.Count - 1 do
418 | Mult['"TEXT",' + IntToStr(i+1) + ',0'] := FilteredString(DCSummRec.Lines[i]);*)
419 | end;
420 | Param[6].PType := literal;
421 | Param[6].Value := DCSummRec.VisitStr;
422 | Param[7].PType := literal;
423 | Param[7].Value := '1'; // suppress commit logic
424 | CallBroker;
425 | CreatedDoc.IEN := StrToIntDef(Piece(Results[0], U, 1), 0);
426 | CreatedDoc.ErrorText := Piece(Results[0], U, 2);
427 | end;
428 | if ( DCSummRec.Lines <> nil ) and ( CreatedDoc.IEN <> 0 ) then
429 | begin
430 | SetText(ErrMsg, DCSummRec.Lines, CreatedDoc.IEN, 1);
431 | if ErrMsg <> '' then
432 | begin
433 | CreatedDoc.IEN := 0;
434 | CreatedDoc.ErrorText := ErrMsg;
435 | end;
436 | end;
437 | end;
438 |
439 | procedure PutDCAddendum(var CreatedDoc: TCreatedDoc; const DCSummRec: TDCSummRec; AddendumTo:
440 | Integer);
441 | { create a new addendum for note identified in AddendumTo, returns IEN of new document
442 | load broker directly since there isn't a good way to set up multiple subscript arrays }
443 | (*var
444 | i: Integer;*)
445 | var
446 | ErrMsg: string;
447 | begin
448 | with RPCBrokerV do
449 | begin
450 | ClearParameters := True;
451 | RemoteProcedure := 'TIU CREATE ADDENDUM RECORD';
452 | Param[0].PType := literal;
453 | Param[0].Value := IntToStr(AddendumTo);
454 | Param[1].PType := list;
455 | with Param[1] do
456 | begin
457 | Mult['.09'] := DCSummRec.Urgency;
458 | Mult['1202'] := IntToStr(DCSummRec.Dictator);
459 | Mult['1301'] := FloatToStr(DCSummRec.DischargeDateTime);
460 | Mult['1307'] := FloatToStr(DCSummRec.DictDateTime);
461 | if DCSummRec.Cosigner > 0 then
462 | begin
463 | Mult['1208'] := IntToStr(DCSummRec.Cosigner);
464 | Mult['1506'] := '1';
465 | end
466 | else
467 | begin
468 | Mult['1208'] := '';
469 | Mult['1506'] := '0';
470 | end ;
471 | (* if DCSummRec.Lines <> nil then
472 | for i := 0 to DCSummRec.Lines.Count - 1 do
473 | Mult['"TEXT",' + IntToStr(i+1) + ',0'] := FilteredString(DCSummRec.Lines[i]);*)
474 | end;
475 | Param[2].PType := literal;
476 | Param[2].Value := '1'; // suppress commit logic
477 | CallBroker;
478 | CreatedDoc.IEN := StrToIntDef(Piece(Results[0], U, 1), 0);
479 | CreatedDoc.ErrorText := Piece(Results[0], U, 2);
480 | end;
481 | if ( DCSummRec.Lines <> nil ) and ( CreatedDoc.IEN <> 0 ) then
482 | begin
483 | SetText(ErrMsg, DCSummRec.Lines, CreatedDoc.IEN, 1);
484 | if ErrMsg <> '' then
485 | begin
486 | CreatedDoc.IEN := 0;
487 | CreatedDoc.ErrorText := ErrMsg;
488 | end;
489 | end;
490 | end;
491 |
492 | procedure PutEditedDCSumm(var UpdatedDoc: TCreatedDoc; const DCSummRec: TDCSummRec; NoteIEN:
493 | Integer);
494 | { update the fields and content of the note identified in NoteIEN, returns 1 if successful
495 | load broker directly since there isn't a good way to set up mutilple subscript arrays }
496 | (*var
497 | i: Integer;*)
498 | var
499 | ErrMsg: string;
500 | begin
501 | // First, file field data
502 | with RPCBrokerV do
503 | begin
504 | ClearParameters := True;
505 | RemoteProcedure := 'TIU UPDATE RECORD';
506 | Param[0].PType := literal;
507 | Param[0].Value := IntToStr(NoteIEN);
508 | Param[1].PType := list;
509 | with Param[1] do
510 | begin
511 | if DCSummRec.Addend = 0 then
512 | begin
513 | Mult['.01'] := IntToStr(DCSummRec.Title);
514 | //Mult['.11'] := BOOLCHAR[DCSummRec.NeedCPT]; // **** removed in v19.1 {RV} ****
515 | end;
516 | if (DCSummRec.Status in [TIU_ST_UNREL(*, TIU_ST_UNVER*)]) then Mult['.05'] := IntToStr(DCSummRec.Status);
517 | Mult['1202'] := IntToStr(DCSummRec.Dictator);
518 | Mult['1209'] := IntToStr(DCSummRec.Attending);
519 | Mult['1301'] := FloatToStr(DCSummRec.DischargeDateTime);
520 | if DCSummRec.Cosigner > 0 then
521 | begin
522 | Mult['1208'] := IntToStr(DCSummRec.Cosigner);
523 | Mult['1506'] := '1';
524 | end
525 | else
526 | begin
527 | Mult['1208'] := '';
528 | Mult['1506'] := '0';
529 | end ;
530 | (* for i := 0 to DCSummRec.Lines.Count - 1 do
531 | Mult['"TEXT",' + IntToStr(i+1) + ',0'] := FilteredString(DCSummRec.Lines[i]);*)
532 | end;
533 | CallBroker;
534 | UpdatedDoc.IEN := StrToIntDef(Piece(Results[0], U, 1), 0);
535 | UpdatedDoc.ErrorText := Piece(Results[0], U, 2);
536 | end;
537 |
538 | if UpdatedDoc.IEN <= 0 then //v22.12 - RV
539 | //if UpdatedDoc.ErrorText <> '' then //v22.5 - RV
540 | begin
541 | UpdatedDoc.ErrorText := UpdatedDoc.ErrorText + #13#10 + #13#10 + 'Document #: ' + IntToStr(NoteIEN);
542 | exit;
543 | end;
544 |
545 | // next, if no error, file document body
546 | SetText(ErrMsg, DCSummRec.Lines, NoteIEN, 0);
547 | if ErrMsg <> '' then
548 | begin
549 | UpdatedDoc.IEN := 0;
550 | UpdatedDoc.ErrorText := ErrMsg;
551 | end;
552 | end;
553 |
554 | function GetAttending(const DFN: string): string; //*DFN*
555 | begin
557 | Result := Piece(RPCBrokerV.Results[0],';',1);
558 | end;
559 |
560 | function GetDischargeDate(const DFN: string; AdmitDateTime: string): string; //*DFN*
561 | begin
562 | CallV('ORWPT DISCHARGE',[DFN, AdmitDateTime]);
563 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results[0];
564 | end;
565 |
566 | function RequireRelease(ANote, AType: Integer): Boolean;
567 | { returns true if a discharge summary must be released }
568 | begin
569 | if ANote > 0 then
570 | Result := Piece(sCallV('TIU GET DOCUMENT PARAMETERS', [ANote]), U, 2) = '1'
571 | else
572 | Result := Piece(sCallV('TIU GET DOCUMENT PARAMETERS', [0, AType]), U, 2) = '1';
573 | end;
574 |
575 | function RequireMASVerification(ANote, AType: Integer): Boolean;
576 | { returns true if a discharge summary must be verified }
577 | var
578 | AValue: integer;
579 | begin
580 | Result := False;
581 | if ANote > 0 then
582 | AValue := StrToIntDef(Piece(sCallV('TIU GET DOCUMENT PARAMETERS', [ANote]), U, 3), 0)
583 | else
584 | AValue := StrToIntDef(Piece(sCallV('TIU GET DOCUMENT PARAMETERS', [0, AType]), U, 3), 0);
585 | case AValue of
586 | 0: Result := False; // NO
587 | 1: Result := True; // ALWAYS
588 | 2: Result := False; // UPLOAD ONLY
589 | 3: Result := True; // DIRECT ENTRY ONLY
590 | end;
591 | end;
592 |
593 | function AllowMultipleSummsPerAdmission(ANote, AType: Integer): Boolean;
594 | { returns true if a discharge summary must be released }
595 | begin
596 | if ANote > 0 then
597 | Result := Piece(sCallV('TIU GET DOCUMENT PARAMETERS', [ANote]), U, 10) = '1'
598 | else
599 | Result := Piece(sCallV('TIU GET DOCUMENT PARAMETERS', [0, AType]), U, 10) = '1';
600 | end;
601 |
602 | procedure ChangeAttending(IEN: integer; AnAttending: int64);
603 | var
604 | AttendingIsNotCurrentUser: boolean;
605 | begin
606 | AttendingIsNotCurrentUser := (AnAttending <> User.DUZ);
607 | with RPCBrokerV do
608 | begin
609 | ClearParameters := True;
610 | RemoteProcedure := 'TIU UPDATE RECORD';
611 | Param[0].PType := literal;
612 | Param[0].Value := IntToStr(IEN);
613 | Param[1].PType := list;
614 | with Param[1] do
615 | begin
616 | Mult['1209'] := IntToStr(AnAttending);
617 | if AttendingIsNotCurrentUser then
618 | begin
619 | Mult['1208'] := IntToStr(AnAttending);
620 | Mult['1506'] := '1';
621 | end
622 | else
623 | begin
624 | Mult['1208'] := '';
625 | Mult['1506'] := '0';
626 | end ;
627 | end;
628 | CallBroker;
629 | end;
630 | end;
631 |
632 | function GetCurrentDCSummContext: TTIUContext;
633 | var
634 | x: string;
635 | AContext: TTIUContext;
636 | begin
637 | x := sCallV('ORWTIU GET DCSUMM CONTEXT', [User.DUZ]) ;
638 | with AContext do
639 | begin
640 | Changed := True;
641 | BeginDate := Piece(x, ';', 1);
642 | EndDate := Piece(x, ';', 2);
643 | Status := Piece(x, ';', 3);
644 | if (StrToIntDef(Status, 0) < 1) or (StrToIntDef(Status, 0) > 5) then Status := '1';
645 | Author := StrToInt64Def(Piece(x, ';', 4), 0);
646 | MaxDocs := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, ';', 5), 0);
647 | ShowSubject := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, ';', 6), 0) > 0; //TIU PREFERENCE??
648 | SortBy := Piece(x, ';', 7); //TIU PREFERENCE??
649 | ListAscending := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, ';', 8), 0) > 0;
650 | TreeAscending := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, ';', 9), 0) > 0; //TIU PREFERENCE??
651 | GroupBy := Piece(x, ';', 10);
652 | SearchField := Piece(x, ';', 11);
653 | KeyWord := Piece(x, ';', 12);
654 | Filtered := (Keyword <> '');
655 | end;
656 | Result := AContext;
657 | end;
658 |
659 | procedure SaveCurrentDCSummContext(AContext: TTIUContext) ;
660 | var
661 | x: string;
662 | begin
663 | with AContext do
664 | begin
665 | SetPiece(x, ';', 1, BeginDate);
666 | SetPiece(x, ';', 2, EndDate);
667 | SetPiece(x, ';', 3, Status);
668 | if Author > 0 then
669 | SetPiece(x, ';', 4, IntToStr(Author))
670 | else
671 | SetPiece(x, ';', 4, '');
672 | SetPiece(x, ';', 5, IntToStr(MaxDocs));
673 | SetPiece(x, ';', 6, BOOLCHAR[ShowSubject]); //TIU PREFERENCE??
674 | SetPiece(x, ';', 7, SortBy); //TIU PREFERENCE??
675 | SetPiece(x, ';', 8, BOOLCHAR[ListAscending]);
676 | SetPiece(x, ';', 9, BOOLCHAR[TreeAscending]); //TIU PREFERENCE??
677 | SetPiece(x, ';', 10, GroupBy);
678 | SetPiece(x, ';', 11, SearchField);
679 | SetPiece(x, ';', 12, KeyWord);
680 | end;
682 | end;
683 |
684 | initialization
685 | // nothing for now
686 |
687 | finalization
688 | if uDCSummTitles <> nil then uDCSummTitles.Free;
689 | if uDCSummPrefs <> nil then uDCSummPrefs.Free;
690 |
691 | end.