unit uProbs; interface uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Controls, Classes, StdCtrls, ORfn, ORCtrls, Dialogs, Forms, Grids, graphics, ORNet, uConst, Vawrgrid; const fComStart=4; v:char = #254; PL_OP_VIEW:char = 'C'; PL_IP_VIEW:char = 'S'; PL_UF_VIEW:char = 'U'; PL_CLINIC:char ='C'; PL_WARD:char='W'; ACTIVE_LIST_CAP='Active Problems'; INACTIVE_LIST_CAP='Inactive Problems'; BOTH_LIST_CAP= 'Active and Inactive Problems'; REMOVED_LIST_CAP='Removed Problems'; type {Key/value -internal/external pairs} TKeyVal=class(TObject) Id:string; name:string; {may want to use instead of id sometime} intern:string; extern:string; internOrig:string; externOrig:string; function GetDHCPField:string; public procedure DHCPtoKeyVal(DHCPFld:String); property DHCPField:string read GetDHCPField; end; TComment=class(TObject) IFN:string; Facility:string; Narrative:string; Status:String; DateAdd:string; AuthorID:string; AuthorName:String; StatusFlag:string; {used for processing adds/deletes} function GetExtDateAdd:string; function GetAge:boolean; constructor Create(dhcpcom:string); destructor Destroy; override; function TComtoDHCPCom:string; property ExtDateAdd:string read GetExtDateAdd; property IsNew:boolean read GetAge; end; {patient qualifiers} TPLPt=class(TObject) PtVAMC:string; PtDead:string; PtBid:string; PtServiceConnected:boolean; PtAgentOrange:boolean; PtRadiation:boolean; PtEnvironmental:boolean; PtHNC:boolean; PtMST:boolean; PtSHAD:boolean; constructor Create(Alist:TStringList); function GetGMPDFN(dfn:string;name:String):string; function Today:string; end; { User params} TPLUserParams=class(TObject) usPrimeUser:Boolean; {GMPLUSER true if clinical entry, false if clerical} usDefaultView:String; usCurrentView:String; {what view does user currently have? (OP,IP,Preferred,Unfilterred)} usVerifyTranscribed:Boolean; {authority to verify transcribed problems} usPromptforCopy:boolean; usUseLexicon:boolean; {user will be using Lexicon} usReverseChronDisplay:Boolean; usViewAct:String; {viewing A)ctive, I)nactive, B)oth, R)emoved problems} usViewProv:String; {prov (ptr #200) of displayed list or 0 for all} usService:String; {user's service/section} {I can't see where either of the ViewClin or ViewServ vals are setup in the M application. They are documented in the PL V2.0 tech manual though} usViewServ:string; {should be a list of ptr to file 49, format ptr/ptr/...} usViewClin:string; {should be a list of ptr to file 44, format ptr/ptr/...} usViewComments: string; usDefaultContext: string; usTesting:boolean; {used for test purposes only} usClinList:TstringList; usServList:TstringList; constructor Create(alist:TstringList); destructor Destroy; override; end; {filter lists} TPLFilters = class(TObject) ProviderList:TstringList; ClinicList:TstringList; ServiceList:TStringList; constructor create; destructor Destroy; override; end; {problem record} TProbRec = class(TObject) private fNewrec:Tstringlist; fOrigRec:TStringList; fPIFN:String; fDiagnosis:Tkeyval; {.01} fModDate:TKeyVal; {.03} fNarrative:TKeyVal; {.05} fEntDate:TKeyVal; { .08} fStatus:TKeyVal; {.12} fOnsetDate:TKeyVal; {.13} fProblem:TKeyVal; {1.01} fCondition:TKeyVal; {1.02} fEntBy:TKeyVal; {1.03} fRecBy:TKeyVal; {1.04} fRespProv:TKeyVal; {1.05} fService:TKeyVal; {1.06} fResolveDate:TKeyVal; {1.07} fClinic:TKeyVal; {1.08} fRecordDate:TKeyVal; {1.09} fServCon:TKeyVal; {1.1} fAOExposure:TKeyVal; {1.11} fRadExposure:TKeyVal; {1.12} fGulfExposure:TKeyVal; {1.13} fPriority:TKeyVal; {1.14} fHNC:TKeyVal; {1.15} fMST:TKeyVal; {1.16} fCV:TKeyVal; {1.17} // this is not used value is always NULL fSHAD:TKeyVal; {1.18} fFieldList:TstringList; {list of fields by name and class (TKeyVal or TComment)} fFilerObj:TstringList; fCmtIsXHTML: boolean; fCmtNoEditReason: string; Procedure LoadField(Fldrec:TKeyVal;Id:String;name:string); Procedure CreateFields; procedure LoadComments; procedure SetDate(datefld:TKeyVal;dt:TDateTime); function GetModDate:TDateTime; procedure SetModDate(value:TDateTime); function GetEntDate:TDateTime; procedure SetEntDate(value:TDateTime); procedure SetOnsetDate(value:TDateTime); function GetOnsetDate:TDateTime; Function GetSCProblem:Boolean; Procedure SetSCProblem(value:Boolean); Function GetAOProblem:Boolean; Procedure SetAOProblem(value:Boolean); Function GetRADProblem:Boolean; Procedure SetRADProblem(value:Boolean); Function GetENVProblem:Boolean; Procedure SetENVProblem(value:Boolean); Function GetHNCProblem:Boolean; Procedure SetHNCProblem(value:Boolean); Function GetMSTProblem:Boolean; Procedure SetMSTProblem(value:Boolean); Function GetSHADProblem:Boolean; Procedure SetSHADProblem(value:Boolean); function GetStatus:String; procedure SetStatus(value:String); function GetPriority:String; procedure SetPriority(value:String); function GetRESDate:TDateTime; procedure SetRESDate(value:TDateTime); function GetRECDate:TDateTime; procedure SetRECDate(value:TDateTime); procedure SetNarrative(value:TKeyVal); function GetTDateTime(dt:string):TDateTime; function GetFilerObject:TstringList; function GetAltFilerObject:TstringList; function GetCommentCount:integer; Procedure EraseComments(clist:TList); function GetModDatstr:string; procedure SetModDatStr(value:string); function GetEntDatstr:string; procedure SetEntDatStr(value:string); function GetOnsetDatstr:string; procedure SetOnsetDatStr(value:string); function GetResDatstr:string; procedure SetResDatStr(value:string); function GetRecDatstr:string; procedure SetRecDatStr(value:string); procedure SetDateString(df:TKeyVal;value:string); function GetCondition:string; procedure SetCondition(value:String); public fComments:TList; {comments} procedure AddNewComment(Txt:string); function FieldChanged(fldName:string):Boolean; constructor Create(AList:TstringList); destructor Destroy;override; property RawNewRec:TstringList read fNewRec; property RawOrigRec:TStringList read fOrigRec; property DateModified:TDateTime read GetModDate write SetModDate; property DateModStr:string read GetModDatStr write SetModDatStr; property DateEntered:TDateTime read GetEntDate write SetEntDate; property DateEntStr:string read GetEntDatStr write SetEntDatStr; property DateOnset:TDateTime read GetOnsetDate write SetOnsetDate; property DateOnsetStr:string read GetOnsetDatStr write SetOnsetDatStr; property SCProblem:Boolean read GetSCProblem write SetSCProblem; property AOProblem:Boolean read GetAOProblem write SetAOProblem; property RADProblem:Boolean read GetRadProblem write SetRADProblem; property ENVProblem:Boolean read GetENVProblem write SetENVProblem; property HNCProblem:Boolean read GetHNCProblem write SetHNCProblem; property MSTProblem:Boolean read GetMSTProblem write SetMSTProblem; property SHADProlem:Boolean read GetSHADProblem write SetSHADProblem; property Status:String read GetStatus write SetStatus; property Narrative:TKeyVal read fNarrative write SetNarrative; property Diagnosis:TKeyVal read fDiagnosis write fDiagnosis; property Problem:TKeyVal read fProblem write fProblem; property RespProvider:TKeyVal read fRespProv write fRespProv; property EnteredBy:TKeyVal read fEntBy write fEntBy; property RecordedBy:TKeyVal read fRecBy write fRecBy; property Service:TKeyVal read fService write fService; property Clinic:TKeyVal read fClinic write fClinic; property DateResolved:TDateTime read GetResDate write SetResdate; property DateResStr:string read GetResDatStr write SetResDatStr; property DateRecorded:TDateTime read GetRecDate write SetRecdate; property DateRecStr:string read GetRecDatStr write SetRecDatStr; property Priority:string read GetPriority write SetPriority; property Comments:TList read fComments write fComments; property Condition:string read GetCondition write SetCondition; property CommentCount:integer read GetCommentCount; property FilerObject:TstringList read GetFilerObject; property AltFilerObject:TstringList read GetAltFilerObject; property PIFN:string read fPIFN write fPIFN; property CmtIsXHTML: boolean read fCmtIsXHTML; property CmtNoEditReason: string read fCmtNoEditReason; end; var ProbRec :TProbRec; PLPt :TPLPt; PLUser :TPLUserParams; pProviderID :int64; {this is provider reviewing record, not resp provider} pProviderName :string; {ditto} PLFilters :TPLFilters; PLProblem :string; {this is problem selected from lexicon lookup form} procedure GetListforIP(Alist:TstringList; AGrid: TCaptionListBox); procedure GetListforOP(Alist:TstringList; AGrid: TCaptionListBox); procedure LoadFilterList(Alist:TstringList;DestList:TstringList); procedure ShowFilterStatus(s: string); procedure InitViewFilters(Alist:TstringList); procedure SetViewFilters(Alist:TStringList); Function DateStringOK(ds:string):string; Function StripSpace(str:string):string; function ByProvider:String; function ForChars(Num, FontWidth: Integer): Integer; procedure GetFontInfo(AHandle: THandle; var FontWidth, FontHeight: Integer); function ShortDateStrToDate(shortdate: string): string ; //function NewComment: string ; //function EditComment(OldValue: string): string ; function FixQuotes(Instring: string): string; implementation uses rCore, uCore;//, fProbCmt; const Months: array[1..12] of string[3] = ('JAN','FEB','MAR','APR','MAY','JUN','JUL','AUG','SEP','OCT','NOV','DEC'); {------------------- TKeyVal Class -----------------} function TKeyVal.GetDHCPField:string; begin result := intern + u + extern; end; procedure TKeyVal.DHCPtoKeyVal(DHCPFld:String); begin intern := Piece(DHCPFld,u,1); extern := Piece(DHCPFLd,u,2); end; {------------------- TComment Class ----------------} constructor TComment.Create(dhcpcom:string); begin {create and instantiate a Tcomment object} IFN:=Piece(dhcpcom,u,1); Facility:=Piece(dhcpcom,u,2); Narrative:=Piece(dhcpcom,u,3); Status:=Piece(dhcpcom,u,4); DateAdd:=Piece(dhcpcom,u,5); AuthorID:=Piece(dhcpcom,u,6); AuthorName:=Piece(dhcpcom,u,7); StatusFlag:=''; end; destructor TComment.Destroy; begin inherited destroy; end; function TComment.TComtoDHCPCom:string; begin Narrative := FixQuotes(Narrative); if uppercase(IFN)='NEW' then {new note} result := Narrative else {potential edit of existing note} result := IFN + u + Facility + u + Narrative + u + Status + u + DateAdd + u + AuthorID; {leave off author name} end; function TComment.GetExtDateAdd:String; begin result := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd yyyy',StrToFloat(DateAdd)) ; end; function TComment.Getage:boolean; begin result := uppercase(IFN)='NEW'; end; {-------------------------- TPLPt Class ----------------------} constructor TPLPt.Create(Alist:TStringList); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do case i of 0: PtVAMC := copy(Alist[i],1,999); 1: PtDead := AList[i]; 2: PtServiceConnected := (AList[i] = '1'); 3: PtAgentOrange := (AList[i] = '1'); 4: PtRadiation := (AList[i] = '1'); 5: PtEnvironmental := (AList[i] = '1'); 6: PtBID := Alist[i]; 7: PtHNC := (AList[i] = '1'); 8: PtMST := (AList[i] = '1'); //9:CombatVet Not tracked in Problem list 10: PtSHAD := (AList[i] = '1'); end; end; function TPLPt.GetGMPDFN(dfn:string;name:string):string; begin result := dfn + u + name + u + PtBID + u + PtDead end; function TPLPt.Today:string; {returns string in DHCP^mmm dd yyyy format} begin result := Piece(FloatToStr(FMToday),'.',1) + u + FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd yyyy',FMToday) ; end; {-------------------- TUserParams -------------------------------} constructor TPLUserParams.create(alist:TstringList); var p:string; i:integer; begin usPrimeUser := false; usDefaultView := ''; usVerifyTranscribed := True; // SHOULD DEFAULT BE FALSE??? usPromptforCopy := false; usUseLexicon := false; usReverseChronDisplay := true; usViewAct := 'A'; usViewProv := '0^All'; usService := ''; usViewcomments := '0'; usClinList := TstringList.create; usServList := TstringList.create; if alist.count=0 then exit; {BAIL OUT IF LIST EMPTY} //usPrimeUser := False; {for testing} usPrimeUser := (alist[0]='1'); usDefaultView := alist[1]; if usDefaultView = '' then begin if Patient.Inpatient then usDefaultView := PL_IP_VIEW else usDefaultView := PL_OP_VIEW; end; usVerifyTranscribed := (alist[2]='1'); usPromptforCopy := (alist[3]='1'); //usUseLexicon := False; {for testing} usUseLexicon := (alist[4]='1'); usReverseChronDisplay := (alist[5]='1'); usViewAct := alist[6]; usViewProv := alist[7]; usService := alist[8]; usViewServ := alist[9]; usViewClin := alist[10]; usTesting := (alist[11]<>''); usViewComments := AList[12]; usCurrentView := usDefaultView; usDefaultContext := ';;' + usViewAct + ';' + usViewComments + ';' + Piece(usViewProv, U, 1); if usViewClin <> '' then begin i := 1; repeat begin p := Piece(usViewClin,'/',i); inc(i); if p <> '' then usClinList.add(p); end; until p = ''; end; if usViewServ <> '' then begin i := 1; repeat begin p := Piece(usViewServ,'/',i); inc(i); if p <> '' then usServList.add(p); end; until p = ''; end; end; destructor TPLUserParams.Destroy; begin usClinList.free; usServList.free; inherited destroy; end; {-------------------- TPLFilters -------------------} constructor TPLFilters.Create; begin ProviderList := TstringList.create; ClinicList := TstringList.create; ServiceList := TStringList.create; end; destructor TPLFilters.destroy; begin ProviderList.free; ClinicList.Free; ServiceList.Free; inherited destroy; end; {------------------ TProbRec -----------------------} constructor TProbRec.create(AList:TstringList); var i: integer; begin fFieldList := TstringList.create; fFilerObj := TStringList.Create; fNewRec := TstringList.create; for i := 0 to Pred(Alist.count) do if copy(Alist[i],1,3) = 'NEW' then fNewRec.add(Alist[i]); fOrigRec := TStringList.Create; for i := 0 to pred(Alist.count) do if copy(Alist[i],1,3) = 'ORG' then fOrigRec.add(Alist[i]); CreateFields; {names selected to agree with subscripts of argument array to callable entrypoints in ^GMPUTL where possible.} LoadField(fDiagnosis,'.01','DIAGNOSIS'); LoadField(fModDate,'.03','MODIFIED'); LoadField(fNarrative,'.05','NARRATIVE'); LoadField(fEntDate,'.08','ENTERED'); LoadField(fStatus,'.12','STATUS'); LoadField(fOnsetDate,'.13','ONSET'); LoadField(fProblem,'1.01','LEXICON'); LoadField(fCondition,'1.02','CONDITION'); LoadField(fEntBy,'1.03','ENTERER'); LoadField(fRecBy,'1.04','RECORDER'); LoadField(fRespProv,'1.05','PROVIDER'); LoadField(fService,'1.06','SERVICE'); LoadField(fResolveDate,'1.07','RESOLVED'); LoadField(fClinic,'1.08','LOCATION'); LoadField(fRecordDate,'1.09','RECORDED'); LoadField(fServCon,'1.1','SC'); LoadField(fAOExposure,'1.11','AO'); LoadField(fRadExposure,'1.12','IR'); LoadField(fGulfExposure,'1.13','EC'); LoadField(fPriority,'1.14','PRIORITY'); LoadField(fHNC,'1.15','HNC'); LoadField(fMST,'1.16','MST'); LoadField(fCV,'1.17','CV'); // not used at this time LoadField(fSHAD,'1.18','SHD'); LoadComments; end; destructor TProbRec.destroy; begin fOrigRec.free; fNewrec.free; fDiagnosis.free; fModDate.free; fNarrative.free; fEntDate.free; fStatus.free; fOnsetDate.free; fProblem.free; fCondition.free; fRespProv.free; fEntBy.free; fRecBy.Free; fService.free; fResolveDate.free; fClinic.free; fRecordDate.free; fServCon.free; fAOExposure.free; fRadExposure.free; fGulfExposure.free; fPriority.free; fHNC.free; fMST.free; fSHAD.Free; fCV.Free; fFieldList.free; fFilerObj.free; EraseComments(fComments); fComments.free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TProbRec.EraseComments(clist:TList); var i:integer; begin if clist.count>0 then begin for i:=0 to pred(clist.count) do TComment(clist[i]).free; end; end; procedure TProbRec.CreateFields; begin fDiagnosis:=TKeyVal.create; fModDate:=TKeyVal.create; fNarrative:=TKeyVal.create; fEntDate:=TKeyVal.create; fStatus:=TKeyVal.create; fOnsetDate:=TKeyVal.create; fProblem:=TKeyVal.create; fCondition:=TKeyVal.create; fEntBy:=TKeyVal.create; fRecBy:=TKeyVal.create; fRespProv:=TKeyVal.create; fService:=TKeyVal.create; fResolveDate:=TKeyVal.create; fClinic:=TKeyVal.create; fRecordDate:=TKeyVal.create; fServCon:=TKeyVal.create; fAOExposure:=TKeyVal.create; fRadExposure:=TKeyVal.create; fGulfExposure:=TKeyVal.create; fPriority:=TKeyVal.create; fHNC:=TKeyVal.create; fMST:=TKeyVal.create; fCV := TKeyVal.create; fSHAD:=TKeyVal.Create; fComments:=TList.create; end; procedure TProbRec.LoadField(Fldrec:TKeyVal;Id:String;name:string); var i:integer; fldval:string; function GetOrigVal(id:string):string; var i:integer; begin i := 0; Result := '^'; if fOrigRec.count = 0 then exit; while (i < fOrigRec.Count) and (Piece(fOrigRec[i],v,2)<>id) do inc(i); if i = fOrigRec.Count then exit; if Piece(fOrigRec[i],v,2) = id then Result := Piece(fOrigRec[i],v,3) end; begin i := -1; repeat inc(i); until (Piece(fNewRec[i],v,2) = id) or (i = Pred(fNewRec.count)); if Piece(fNewrec[i],v,2) = id then fldVal := Piece(fNewrec[i],v,3) else fldVal := '^'; fldRec.id := id; fldrec.name := name; fldRec.intern := Piece(fldVal,'^',1); fldRec.extern := Piece(fldval,'^',2); {get the original values for later comparison} fldVal := GetOrigVal(id); fldRec.internOrig := Piece(fldVal,'^',1); fldRec.internOrig := Piece(fldVal,'^',2); {add this field to list} fFieldList.addobject(id,fldrec); end; procedure TProbrec.LoadComments; var i,j:integer; cv, noedit:string; co:TComment; first:boolean; begin j := 1; {first comment must be 1 or greater} first := true; for i := 0 to Pred(fNewRec.count) do begin if Piece(Piece(fNewRec[i],v,2),',',1) = '10' then begin if first then {the first line is just a counter} begin first := false; // 'NEW�10,0�-1^These notes are now in XHTML format and must be modified via CPRS-R.' noedit := Piece(fNewRec[i], v, 3); if Piece(noedit, U, 1) = '-1' then begin fCmtIsXHTML := TRUE; fCmtNoEditReason := Piece(noedit, U, 2); end else begin fCmtIsXHTML := FALSE; fCmtNoEditReason := ''; end; end else begin cv := Piece(fNewRec[i],v,3); co := TComment.Create(cv); fComments.add(co); {put object in list} fFieldList.addObject('10,' + inttostr(j),co); inc(j); end; end; end; end; function TProbRec.GetCommentCount:integer; begin result := fComments.count; end; procedure TProbRec.AddNewComment(Txt:string); var cor:TComment; begin cor := TComment.create('NEW^^' + txt + '^A^' + FloatToStr(FMToday) + '^' + IntToStr(User.DUZ)); fComments.add(cor); fFieldList.addObject('10,"NEW",' + inttostr(fComments.count),cor); end; function TProbrec.GetModDate:TDateTime; var dt:string; begin dt := fModDate.extern; result := GetTDateTime(dt); end; procedure TProbrec.SetModDate(value:TDateTime); begin SetDate(fModDate,value); end; function TProbRec.GetModDatstr:string; begin result := fModdate.extern; end; procedure TProbRec.SetModDatStr(value:String); begin SetDateString(fModDate,value); end; procedure TProbRec.SetDateString(df:TKeyVal;value:string); var {c:char; days:longint;} fmresult: double ; begin {try } if (value = '') then begin df.Intern := ''; df.Extern := ''; end else begin fmresult := StrToFMDateTime(value) ; if fmresult = -1 then begin df.intern := '0'; df.extern := ''; end else begin df.intern := Piece(FloatToStr(fmresult),'.',1); df.extern := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd yyyy',fmresult); end ; end; end; function TProbrec.GetEntDate:TDateTime; var dt:string; begin dt := fEntDate.extern; result := GetTDateTime(dt); end; procedure TProbrec.SetEntDate(value:TDateTime); begin SetDate(fEntDate,value); end; function TProbRec.GetEntDatstr:string; begin result:=fEntdate.extern; end; procedure TProbRec.SetEntDatStr(value:String); begin SetDateString(fEntDate,value); end; function TProbrec.GetOnsetDate:TDateTime; var dt:string; begin dt := fOnsetDate.extern; result := GetTDateTime(dt); end; procedure TProbrec.SetOnsetDate(value:TDateTime); begin SetDate(fOnsetDate,value); end; function TProbRec.GetOnsetDatstr:string; begin result := fOnsetdate.extern; end; procedure TProbRec.SetOnsetDatStr(value:String); begin SetDateString(fOnsetDate,value); end; procedure TProbrec.SetDate(datefld:TKeyVal;dt:TDateTime); begin datefld.extern := DatetoStr(dt); datefld.intern := FloatToStr(DateTimetoFMDateTime(dt)); end; function TProbrec.GetSCProblem:Boolean; begin result := (fServCon.Intern='1'); end; function TProbRec.GetCondition:string; begin result := fCondition.Intern; end; procedure TProbRec.SetCondition(value:string); begin if (uppercase(value[1])='T') or (value='1') then begin fCondition.intern := 'T'; fCondition.extern := 'Transcribed'; end else if (uppercase(value[1]) = 'P') or (value = '0') then begin fCondition.intern := 'P'; fCondition.extern := 'Permanent'; end else if uppercase(value[1]) = 'H' then begin fCondition.intern := 'H'; fCondition.extern := 'Hidden'; end; end; procedure TProbRec.SetSCProblem(value:Boolean); begin if value = true then begin fServCon.intern := '1'; fServCon.Extern := 'YES'; end else begin fServCon.intern := '0'; fServCon.Extern := 'NO'; end; end; function TProbrec.GetAOProblem:Boolean; begin result := (fAOExposure.Intern='1'); end; procedure TProbRec.SetAOProblem(value:Boolean); begin if value = true then begin fAOExposure.intern := '1'; fAOExposure.extern := 'Yes'; end else begin fAOExposure.intern := '0'; fAOExposure.extern := 'No'; end; end; function TProbrec.GetRADProblem:Boolean; begin result := (fRADExposure.Intern = '1'); end; procedure TProbRec.SetRADProblem(value:Boolean); begin if value = true then begin fRADExposure.intern := '1'; fRADExposure.extern := 'Yes'; end else begin fRADExposure.intern := '0'; fRADExposure.extern := 'No'; end; end; function TProbrec.GetENVProblem:Boolean; begin result := (fGulfExposure.Intern = '1'); end; procedure TProbRec.SetENVProblem(value:Boolean); begin if value = true then begin fGulfExposure.intern := '1'; fGulfExposure.extern := 'Yes'; end else begin fGulfExposure.intern := '0'; fGulfExposure.extern := 'No'; end; end; function TProbrec.GetHNCProblem:Boolean; begin result := (fHNC.Intern = '1'); end; procedure TProbRec.SetHNCProblem(value:Boolean); begin if value = true then begin fHNC.intern := '1'; fHNC.extern := 'Yes'; end else begin fHNC.intern := '0'; fHNC.extern := 'No'; end; end; function TProbrec.GetMSTProblem:Boolean; begin result := (fMST.Intern = '1'); end; procedure TProbRec.SetMSTProblem(value:Boolean); begin if value = true then begin fMST.intern := '1'; fMST.extern := 'Yes'; end else begin fMST.intern := '0'; fMST.extern := 'No'; end; end; function TProbrec.GetSHADProblem:boolean; begin result := (fSHAD.intern ='1'); end; procedure TProbRec.SetSHADProblem(value:boolean); begin if value = true then begin fSHAD.intern := '1'; fSHAD.extern := 'Yes'; end else begin fSHAD.intern := '0'; fSHAD.extern := 'No'; end; end; function TProbRec.GetStatus:String; begin result := Uppercase(fStatus.intern); end; procedure TProbRec.SetStatus(value:String); begin if (UpperCase(Value) = 'ACTIVE') or (Uppercase(value) = 'A') then begin fStatus.intern := 'A'; fStatus.extern := 'ACTIVE'; end else begin fStatus.intern := 'I'; fStatus.extern := 'INACTIVE'; end; end; function TProbRec.GetPriority:String; begin result := Uppercase(fPriority.intern); end; procedure TProbRec.SetPriority(value:String); begin if (UpperCase(Value) = 'ACUTE') or (Uppercase(value) = 'A') then begin fPriority.intern := 'A'; fPriority.extern := 'ACUTE'; end else begin fPriority.intern := 'C'; fPriority.extern := 'CHRONIC'; end; end; function TProbrec.GetResDate:TDateTime; var dt:string; begin dt := fResolveDate.extern; result := GetTDateTime(dt); end; procedure TProbrec.SetResDate(value:TDateTime); begin SetDate(fResolveDate,value); end; function TProbRec.GetResDatstr:string; begin result := fResolvedate.extern; end; procedure TProbRec.SetResDatStr(value:String); begin SetDateString(fResolveDate,value); end; function TProbrec.GetRecDate:TDateTime; var dt:string; begin dt := fRecordDate.extern; result := GetTDateTime(dt); end; procedure TProbrec.SetRecDate(value:TDateTime); begin SetDate(fRecordDate,value); end; function TProbRec.GetRecDatstr:string; begin result := fRecordDate.extern; end; procedure TProbRec.SetRecDatStr(value:String); begin SetDateString(fRecordDate,value); end; procedure TProbRec.SetNarrative(value:TKeyVal); begin if (value.intern = '') or (value.extern = '') then begin InfoBox('Both internal and external values required', 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); exit; end; fNarrative.intern := value.intern; fNarrative.extern := value.extern; end; function TProbRec.GetTDateTime(dt:string):TDateTime; begin try if dt = '' then result := 0 else result := StrtoDate(dt); except on exception do result := 0; end; end; {--------------------------------- Filer Objects -------------------------} function TProbRec.GetFilerObject:TstringList; {return array for filing in dhcp} var i:integer; fldID,fldVal: string; begin fFilerObj.clear; for i := 0 to pred(fFieldList.count) do begin fldID := fFieldList[i]; if pos(',',fldID)>0 then {is a comment field} fldVal := TComment(fFieldList.objects[i]).TComtoDHCPCom else {is a regular field} begin if fldID = '1.02' then {have to make exception for CONDITION field} fldVal := TKeyVal(fFieldList.objects[i]).intern else fldVal := FixQuotes(TKeyVal(fFieldList.objects[i]).DHCPField); end; fFilerObj.add('GMPFLD(' + fldID + ')="' + fldVal + '"'); end; fFilerObj.add('GMPFLD(10,0)="' + inttostr(fComments.count) + '"'); {now get original fields} for i := 0 to pred(fOrigRec.count) do begin fldVal := fOrigRec[i]; fldID := Piece(fldVal,v,2); fldVal := FixQuotes(Piece(fldVal,v,3)); fFilerObj.add('GMPORIG(' + fldID + ')="' + fldVal + '"'); end; result := fFilerObj; end; function TProbRec.GetAltFilerObject:TstringList; {return array for filing in dhcp via UPDATE^GMPLUTL} {NOTES: - leave narrative out, looks like inclusion causes new entry - Date recorded (1.09) is non-editable, causes error if present} var i: integer; fldID,fldVal: string; begin fFilerObj.Clear; for i := 0 to pred(fFieldList.count) do begin fldID := fFieldList[i]; if pos(u + fldID + u, '^.01^.12^.13^1.01^1.05^1.07^1.08^1.1^1.11^1.12^1.13^1.15^1.16^1.18') > 0 then {is a field eligible for update} begin fldVal := TKeyVal(fFieldList.objects[i]).intern; fFilerObj.add('ORARRAY("' + TkeyVal(fFieldList.objects[i]).Name + '")="' + fldVal + '"'); end; end; fFilerObj.add('ORARRAY("PROBLEM")="' + fPIFN + '"'); result := fFilerObj; end; function TProbRec.FieldChanged(fldName:string):boolean; var i: integer; begin i := -1; repeat inc(i); until (TKeyVal(fFieldList.objects[i]).name = fldName) or (i=Pred(fFieldList.count)); if (TKeyVal(fFieldList.objects[i]).name = fldName) and (TKeyVal(fFieldList.objects[i]).intern = TKeyVal(fFieldList.objects[i]).internOrig) then Result := false else Result := true; end; {----------------------------------- Check Date -------------------------------} function DateStringOK(ds: string): string; var fmresult: double ; begin ds := StripSpace(ds); result := ds; if ds = '' then exit; if Copy(ds,1,1) = ',' then ds := Copy(ds, 2, 99) ; fmresult := StrToFMDateTime(ds) ; if fmresult = -1 then result := 'ERROR' else result := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd yyyy',fmresult) ; end; function StripSpace(str: string): string; var i,j: integer; begin i := 1; j := length(str); while str[i] = #32 do inc(i); while str[j] = #32 do dec(j); result := copy(str, i, j-i+1); end; {-------------------- procedures used in View Filters ----------------------} procedure GetListforIP(Alist:TstringList; AGrid: TCaptionListBox); var i:integer; sv:string; anon:boolean; begin anon:=false; with AGrid do for i := 0 to pred(items.count) do begin //pt := cells[12,i]; {location type is ward, or no clinic and service is non nil} {if (pt = PL_WARD) or ((cells[10,i] = '') and (cells[11,i] <> '')) then begin } sv := Piece( items[i], U, 12); if sv <> '' then begin if Alist.indexof(sv) < 0 then Alist.add(sv); end else if (sv = '') and (not anon) then begin Alist.add('-1^'); anon := true; end; //end; end; end; Procedure GetListforOP(Alist:TstringList; AGrid: TCaptionListBox); var {get list of extant clinics from patient's problem list} i: integer; clin: string; anon: boolean; begin anon := false; with AGrid do for i := 0 to pred(items.count) do {begin pt := cells[12,i]; if pt <> PL_WARD then} begin clin := Piece( items[i], U, 11); if ((clin = '') or (clin = '0')) and (not anon) then begin AList.add('-1^'); {add a holder for "no clinic"} anon := true; end else if (clin<>'') and (Alist.indexof(clin)<0) then Alist.add(clin); end; //end; end; procedure LoadFilterList(Alist: TstringList; DestList: TstringList); var i:integer; begin for i := 0 to pred(Alist.count) do DestList.add(Piece(Alist[i],u,1)); end; procedure ShowFilterStatus(s: string); var lin:string; begin if s = PL_OP_VIEW then lin := 'View clinics' else if s = PL_IP_VIEW then lin := 'View services' else lin := 'View all problems'; Application.ProcessMessages; end; function ByProvider: string; begin result := ''; if PLFilters.ProviderList.count > 0 then if PLFilters.ProviderList[0] <> '0' then result := 'by Provider'; end; procedure SetViewFilters(Alist:TStringList); begin if PLFilters.ProviderList.count = 0 then PLFilters.ProviderList.add('0'); {default to all provides if none selected} if PLUser.usCurrentView = PL_OP_VIEW then begin if PLFilters.ClinicList.count = 0 then begin //GetListforOP(Alist); LoadFilterList(Alist,PLFilters.ClinicList); end; //PostMessage(frmProblems.Handle, UM_PLFILTER,0,0); end else if PLUser.usCurrentView = PL_IP_VIEW then begin if PLFilters.ServiceList.count=0 then begin //GetListforIP(Alist); LoadFilterList(Alist,PLFilters.ServiceList); end; //PostMessage(frmProblems.Handle, UM_PLFILTER,0,0); end else {if no default view specified, assumed to be unfiltered} PlUser.usCurrentView := PL_UF_VIEW; ShowFilterStatus(PlUser.usCurrentView); end; procedure InitViewFilters(Alist: TstringList); var i:integer; begin if PLUser.usCurrentView = '' then PLUser.usCurrentView := PL_UF_VIEW; if (PLUser.usViewProv = '') or (Piece(PLUser.usViewProv, U, 1) = '0') then begin PLFilters.ProviderList.clear; PLFilters.Providerlist.add('0'); end else {conserve user preferred provider} PLFilters.ProviderList.Add(Piece(PLUser.usViewProv, U, 1)); if PLUser.usCurrentView = PL_UF_VIEW then begin {no filter on patient type, so do routine filter on provider and bail} SetViewFilters(Alist); //exit; end; if (PLUser.usCurrentView = PL_OP_VIEW) and (PLUser.usViewClin = '') then begin {no user preferred list of clinics, so get standard list and bail} SetViewFilters(Alist); //exit; end; if (PLUser.usCurrentView = PL_IP_VIEW) and (PLUser.usViewServ = '') then begin {no user preferred list of services, so get standard list and bail} SetViewFilters(Alist); //exit; end; if (PLUser.usCurrentView = PL_OP_VIEW) and (PLUser.usClinList.Count > 0) then begin {conserve user preferred clinic list} for i := 0 to pred(PLUser.usClinList.Count) do PLFilters.ClinicList.add(PLUser.usClinList[i]); end; if PLUser.usCurrentView = PL_IP_VIEW then begin {conserve user preferred service list} for i := 0 to pred(PLUser.usServList.Count) do PLFilters.ServiceList.add(PLUser.usServList[i]); end; // ShowFilterStatus(PlUser.usCurrentView); // PostMessage(frmProblems.Handle, UM_PLFILTER,0,0); end; function ForChars(Num, FontWidth: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Num * FontWidth; end; procedure GetFontInfo(AHandle: THandle; var FontWidth, FontHeight: Integer); { pass in a FONT HANDLE & return character width & height } var DC: HDC; SaveFont: HFont; FontMetrics: TTextMetric; size: TSize ; begin DC := GetDC(0); SaveFont := SelectObject(DC, AHandle); GetTextExtentPoint32(DC, UpperCaseLetters + LowerCaseLetters, 52, size); FontWidth := size.cx div 52; GetTextMetrics(DC, FontMetrics); FontHeight := FontMetrics.tmHeight; SelectObject(DC, SaveFont); ReleaseDC(0, DC); end; function ShortDateStrToDate(shortdate: string): string ; {Converts date in format 'mmm dd,yy' or 'mmm dd,yyyy' to standard 'mm/dd/yy'} var month,day,year: string ; i: integer ; begin result := 'ERROR' ; if ((Pos(' ',shortdate) <> 4) or (Pos(',',shortdate) <> 7)) then exit ; {no spaces or comma} for i := 1 to 12 do if Months[i] = UpperCase(Copy(shortdate,1,3)) then month := IntToStr(i); if month = '' then exit ; {invalid month name} day := IntToStr(StrToInt(Copy(shortdate,5,2))) ; year := IntToStr(StrToInt(Copy(shortdate,8,99))) ; result := month+'/'+day+'/'+year ; end ; (*function NewComment: string ; var frmProbCmt: TfrmProbCmt ; begin frmProbCmt := TfrmProbCmt.Create(Application) ; try frmProbCmt.Execute; result := frmProbCmt.CmtResult ; finally frmProbCmt.Free ; end ; end ; function EditComment(OldValue: string): string ; var frmProbCmt: TfrmProbCmt ; begin frmProbCmt := TfrmProbCmt.Create(Application) ; try frmProbCmt.edComment.Text := Piece(OldValue, U, 2); frmProbCmt.Execute; result := frmProbCmt.CmtResult ; finally frmProbCmt.Free ; end ; end ;*) function FixQuotes(InString: string): string; var i: integer; OutString: string; begin OutString := ''; for i := 1 to Length(InString) do if CharAt(InString, i) = '"' then OutString := OutString + '""' else OutString := OutString + CharAt(InString, i); Result := OutString; end; end.