1 | unit ORCtrlsDsgn; // Oct 26, 1997 @ 10:00am
2 |
3 | // To Do: eliminate topindex itemtip on mousedown (seen when choosing clinic pts)
4 |
5 | interface // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 |
7 | uses Classes, DesignIntf, DesignEditors, TypInfo, ORCtrls, SysUtils;
8 |
9 | type
10 | TORImageIndexesPropertyEditor = class(TPropertyEditor)
11 | public
12 | procedure Modified;
13 | function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
14 | procedure GetProperties(Proc: TGetPropProc); override;
15 | function GetValue: string; override;
16 | procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
17 | end;
18 |
19 | TORImageIndexesElementPropertyEditor = class(TNestedProperty)
20 | private
21 | FElement: Integer;
22 | FParent: TPropertyEditor;
23 | protected
24 | constructor Create(Parent: TPropertyEditor; AElement: Integer); reintroduce;
25 | function ParentImgIdx(Idx: integer): TORCBImageIndexes;
26 | public
27 | function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
28 | function GetName: string; override;
29 | function GetValue: string; override;
30 | procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
31 | end;
32 |
33 | procedure Register;
34 |
35 | implementation
36 |
37 | { TORImageIndexesPropertyEditor }
38 |
39 | type
40 | TExposedORCheckBox = class(TORCheckBox)
41 | public
42 | property CustomImages;
43 | end;
44 |
45 | procedure TORImageIndexesPropertyEditor.Modified;
46 | begin
47 | inherited Modified;
48 | end;
49 |
50 | function TORImageIndexesPropertyEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
51 | begin
52 | Result := [paMultiSelect, paSubProperties, paRevertable];
53 | end;
54 |
55 | procedure TORImageIndexesPropertyEditor.GetProperties(Proc: TGetPropProc);
56 | var
57 | i: Integer;
58 |
59 | begin
60 | for i := 0 to 5 do
61 | Proc(TORImageIndexesElementPropertyEditor.Create(Self, i));
62 | end;
63 |
64 | function TORImageIndexesPropertyEditor.GetValue: string;
65 | begin
66 | Result := GetStrValue;
67 | end;
68 |
69 | procedure TORImageIndexesPropertyEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
70 | begin
71 | SetStrValue(Value);
72 | end;
73 |
74 | { TORImageIndexesElementPropertyEditor }
75 |
76 | constructor TORImageIndexesElementPropertyEditor.Create(Parent: TPropertyEditor; AElement: Integer);
77 | begin
78 | inherited Create(Parent);
79 | FElement := AElement;
80 | FParent := Parent;
81 | end;
82 |
83 | function TORImageIndexesElementPropertyEditor.ParentImgIdx(Idx: integer): TORCBImageIndexes;
84 | begin
85 | if(FParent.GetComponent(Idx) is TORCheckBox) then
86 | Result := TExposedORCheckBox(FParent.GetComponent(Idx)).CustomImages
87 | else
88 | { if(FParent.GetComponent(Idx) is TORListView) then
89 | Result := (FParent.GetComponent(Idx) as TORGEListView).FCustomImages
90 | else}
91 | Result := nil;
92 | end;
93 |
94 | function TORImageIndexesElementPropertyEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
95 | begin
96 | Result := [paMultiSelect, paRevertable];
97 | end;
98 |
99 | function TORImageIndexesElementPropertyEditor.GetName: string;
100 | begin
101 | case FElement of
102 | 0: Result := 'CheckedEnabledIndex';
103 | 1: Result := 'GrayedEnabledIndex';
104 | 2: Result := 'UncheckedEnabledIndex';
105 | 3: Result := 'CheckedDisabledIndex';
106 | 4: Result := 'GrayedDisabledIndex';
107 | 5: Result := 'UncheckedDisabledIndex';
108 | end;
109 | end;
110 |
111 | function TORImageIndexesElementPropertyEditor.GetValue: string;
112 | var
113 | i :integer;
114 |
115 | begin
116 | for i := 0 to PropCount-1 do
117 | begin
118 | with ParentImgIdx(i) do
119 | case FElement of
120 | 0: Result := IntToStr(CheckedEnabledIndex);
121 | 1: Result := IntToStr(GrayedEnabledIndex);
122 | 2: Result := IntToStr(UncheckedEnabledIndex);
123 | 3: Result := IntToStr(CheckedDisabledIndex);
124 | 4: Result := IntToStr(GrayedDisabledIndex);
125 | 5: Result := IntToStr(UncheckedDisabledIndex);
126 | end;
127 | end;
128 | end;
129 |
130 | procedure TORImageIndexesElementPropertyEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
131 | var
132 | v, i: integer;
133 |
134 | begin
135 | v := StrToIntDef(Value,-1);
136 | for i := 0 to PropCount-1 do
137 | begin
138 | with ParentImgIdx(i) do
139 | case FElement of
140 | 0: CheckedEnabledIndex := v;
141 | 1: GrayedEnabledIndex := v;
142 | 2: UncheckedEnabledIndex := v;
143 | 3: CheckedDisabledIndex := v;
144 | 4: GrayedDisabledIndex := v;
145 | 5: UncheckedDisabledIndex := v;
146 | end;
147 | end;
148 | (FParent as TORImageIndexesPropertyEditor).Modified;
149 | end;
150 |
151 | procedure Register;
152 | { used by Delphi to put components on the Palette }
153 | begin
154 | RegisterComponents('CPRS',
155 | [TORListBox, TORComboBox, TORAutoPanel, TOROffsetLabel, TORAlignEdit,
156 | TORAlignButton, TORAlignSpeedButton, TORTreeView, TORCheckBox, TORListView,
157 | TKeyClickPanel, TKeyClickRadioGroup, TCaptionListBox, TCaptionCheckListBox,
158 | TCaptionMemo, TCaptionEdit, TCaptionTreeView, TCaptionComboBox,
159 | TCaptionListView, TCaptionStringGrid, TCaptionRichEdit{, TORAlignBitBtn, TORCalendar}]);
160 | RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo(string), TORCheckBox, 'ImageIndexes',
161 | TORImageIndexesPropertyEditor);
162 | end;
163 |
164 | end.
165 |