unit ORSystem; {$O-} interface uses SysUtils, Windows, Classes, Forms, Registry, ORFn; const CPRS_ROOT_KEY = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; CPRS_USER_KEY = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; CPRS_SOFTWARE = 'Software\Vista\CPRS'; CPRS_REG_AUTO = 'AutoUpdate'; CPRS_REG_GOLD = 'GoldCopyPath'; CPRS_REG_ONLY = 'LimitUpdate'; CPRS_REG_ASK = 'AskFirst'; CPRS_REG_LAST = 'LastUpdate-'; CPRS_USER_LAST = 'Software\Vista\CPRS\LastUpdate'; CPRS_LAST_DATE = 'Software\Vista\CPRS\DateUpdated'; { values that can be passed to FileVersionValue } FILE_VER_COMPANYNAME = '\StringFileInfo\040904E4\CompanyName'; FILE_VER_FILEDESCRIPTION = '\StringFileInfo\040904E4\FileDescription'; FILE_VER_FILEVERSION = '\StringFileInfo\040904E4\FileVersion'; FILE_VER_INTERNALNAME = '\StringFileInfo\040904E4\InternalName'; FILE_VER_LEGALCOPYRIGHT = '\StringFileInfo\040904E4\LegalCopyright'; FILE_VER_ORIGINALFILENAME = '\StringFileInfo\040904E4\OriginalFilename'; FILE_VER_PRODUCTNAME = '\StringFileInfo\040904E4\ProductName'; FILE_VER_PRODUCTVERSION = '\StringFileInfo\040904E4\ProductVersion'; FILE_VER_COMMENTS = '\StringFileInfo\040904E4\Comments'; function AppOutOfDate(AppName: string): Boolean; function ClientVersion(const AFileName: string): string; function CompareVersion(const A, B: string): Integer; procedure CopyFileDate(const Source, Dest: string); procedure CopyLastWriteTime(const Source, Dest: string); //procedure CopyFileWithDate(const FromFileName, ToFileName: string); procedure Delay(i: Integer); //procedure FileCopy(const FromFileName, ToFileName: string); //procedure FileCopyWithDate(const FromFileName, ToFileName: string); function FileVersionValue(const AFileName, AValueName: string): string; function FullToFilePart(const AFileName: string): string; function FullToPathPart(const AFileName: string): string; function IsWin95Style: Boolean; function ParamIndex(const AName: string): Integer; function ParamSearch(const AName: string): string; function QuotedExeName: string; function RegKeyExists(ARoot: HKEY; const AKey: string): Boolean; function RegReadInt(const AName: string): Integer; function RegReadStr(const AName: string): string; function RegReadBool(const AName: string): Boolean; procedure RegWriteInt(const AName: string; AValue: Integer); procedure RegWriteStr(const AName, AValue: string); procedure RegWriteBool(const AName: string; AValue: Boolean); function UserRegReadDateTime(const AKey, AName: string): TDateTime; procedure UserRegWriteDateTime(const AKey, AName: string; AValue: TDateTime); function UserRegReadInt(const AKey, AName: string): Integer; procedure UserRegWriteInt(const AKey, AName: string; AValue: Integer); procedure RunProgram(const AppName: string); function UpdateSelf: Boolean; implementation const CREATE_KEY = True; // cause key to be created if it's not in the registry function FileLastWrite(const FileName: string): LARGE_INTEGER; var AHandle: THandle; FindData: TWin32FindData; begin Result.QuadPart := 0; AHandle := FindFirstFile(PChar(FileName), FindData); if AHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin Windows.FindClose(AHandle); Result.LowPart := FindData.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime; Result.HighPart := FindData.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime; end; end; function AppOutOfDate(AppName: string): Boolean; const FIVE_SECONDS = 0.000055; FIVE_SECONDS_NT = 50000000; var GoldName, DriveRoot, x: string; DriveType: Integer; LastWriteApp, LastWriteGold: LARGE_INTEGER; begin Result := False; // check command line params for no-update parameter if ParamIndex('NOCOPY') > 0 then Exit; // check time of last update, don't retry if too recently called if Abs(Now - UserRegReadDateTime(CPRS_LAST_DATE, FullToFilePart(AppName))) < FIVE_SECONDS then Exit; // check auto-update registry entry if RegReadBool(CPRS_REG_AUTO) = False then Exit; // check directory - if remote then don't allow update if Pos('\\', AppName) = 1 then Exit; if Pos(':', AppName) > 0 then DriveRoot := Piece(AppName, ':', 1) + ':\' else DriveRoot := '\'; DriveType := GetDriveType(PChar(DriveRoot)); if not ((DriveType = DRIVE_FIXED) or (DriveType = DRIVE_REMOVABLE)) then Exit; // check registry to see if updates limited to particular directory x := RegReadStr(CPRS_REG_ONLY); if (Length(x) > 0) and (CompareText(x, FullToPathPart(AppName)) <> 0) then Exit; // check for different file date in the gold directory GoldName := RegReadStr(CPRS_REG_GOLD); if Length(GoldName) = 0 then Exit; GoldName := GoldName + FullToFilePart(AppName); if FileExists(GoldName) then begin LastWriteApp := FileLastWrite(AppName); LastWriteGold := FileLastWrite(GoldName); // check within 5 seconds to work around diffs in NTFS & FAT timestamps if Abs(LastWriteApp.QuadPart - LastWriteGold.QuadPart) > FIVE_SECONDS_NT then Result := True; //if CompareFileTime(LastWriteApp, LastWriteGold) <> 0 then Result := True; end; end; function ClientVersion(const AFileName: string): string; var ASize, AHandle: DWORD; Buf: string; FileInfoPtr: Pointer; //PVSFixedFileInfo; begin Result := ''; ASize:=GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(AFileName), AHandle); if ASize > 0 then begin SetLength(Buf, ASize); GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(AFileName), AHandle, ASize, Pointer(Buf)); VerQueryValue(Pointer(Buf), '\', FileInfoPtr, ASize); with TVSFixedFileInfo(FileInfoPtr^) do Result := IntToStr(HIWORD(dwFileVersionMS)) + '.' + IntToStr(LOWORD(dwFileVersionMS)) + '.' + IntToStr(HIWORD(dwFileVersionLS)) + '.' + IntToStr(LOWORD(dwFileVersionLS)); end; end; function FileVersionValue(const AFileName, AValueName: string): string; type PValBuf = ^TValBuf; TValBuf = array[0..255] of Char; var VerSize, ValSize, AHandle: DWORD; VerBuf: Pointer; ValBuf: PValBuf; begin Result := ''; VerSize:=GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(AFileName), AHandle); if VerSize > 0 then begin GetMem(VerBuf, VerSize); try GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(AFileName), AHandle, VerSize, VerBuf); VerQueryValue(VerBuf, PChar(AValueName), Pointer(ValBuf), ValSize); SetString(Result, ValBuf^, ValSize); finally FreeMem(VerBuf); end; end; end; function CompareVersion(const A, B: string): Integer; var NumA, NumB: Integer; begin NumA := (StrToInt(Piece(A, '.', 1)) * 16777216) + (StrToInt(Piece(A, '.', 2)) * 65536) + (StrToInt(Piece(A, '.', 3)) * 256) + StrToInt(Piece(A, '.', 4)); NumB := (StrToInt(Piece(B, '.', 1)) * 16777216) + (StrToInt(Piece(B, '.', 2)) * 65536) + (StrToInt(Piece(B, '.', 3)) * 256) + StrToInt(Piece(B, '.', 4)); Result := NumA - NumB; end; procedure CopyFileDate(const Source, Dest: string); { from TI2972 } var SourceHand, DestHand: Integer; begin SourceHand := FileOpen(Source, fmOutput); { open source file } DestHand := FileOpen(Dest, fmInput); { open dest file } FileSetDate(DestHand, FileGetDate(SourceHand)); { get/set date } FileClose(SourceHand); { close source file } FileClose(DestHand); { close dest file } end; procedure CopyLastWriteTime(const Source, Dest: string); var HandleSrc, HandleDest: Integer; LastWriteTime: TFileTime; begin HandleSrc := FileOpen(Source, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); HandleDest := FileOpen(Dest, fmOpenWrite); if (HandleSrc > 0) and (HandleDest > 0) then begin if GetFileTime(THandle(HandleSrc), nil, nil, @LastWriteTime) = TRUE then SetFileTime(THandle(HandleDest), nil, nil, @LastWriteTime); FileClose(HandleSrc); FileClose(HandleDest); end; end; procedure Delay(i: Integer); const AMilliSecond = 0.000000011574; var Start: TDateTime; begin Start := Now; while Now < (Start + (i * AMilliSecond)) do Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure FileCopy(const FromFileName, ToFileName: string); var FromFile, ToFile: file; NumRead, NumWritten: Integer; Buf: array[1..16384] of Char; begin AssignFile(FromFile, FromFileName); // Input file Reset(FromFile, 1); // Record size = 1 AssignFile(ToFile, ToFileName); // Output file Rewrite(ToFile, 1); // Record size = 1 repeat BlockRead(FromFile, Buf, SizeOf(Buf), NumRead); BlockWrite(ToFile, Buf, NumRead, NumWritten); until (NumRead = 0) or (NumWritten <> NumRead); CloseFile(FromFile); CloseFile(ToFile); end; procedure FileCopyWithDate(const FromFileName, ToFileName: string); var FileHandle, ADate: Integer; begin FileCopy(FromFileName, ToFileName); FileHandle := FileOpen(FromFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); ADate := FileGetDate(FileHandle); FileClose(FileHandle); if ADate < 0 then Exit; FileHandle := FileOpen(ToFileName, fmOpenWrite or fmShareDenyNone); if FileHandle > 0 then FileSetDate(FileHandle, ADate); FileClose(FileHandle); end; procedure CopyFileWithDate(const FromFileName, ToFileName: string); var FileHandle, ADate: Integer; begin if CopyFile(PChar(FromFileName), PChar(ToFileName), False) then begin FileHandle := FileOpen(FromFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); ADate := FileGetDate(FileHandle); FileClose(FileHandle); if ADate < 0 then Exit; FileHandle := FileOpen(ToFileName, fmOpenWrite or fmShareDenyNone); if FileHandle > 0 then FileSetDate(FileHandle, ADate); FileClose(FileHandle); end; end; function FullToFilePart(const AFileName: string): string; var DirBuf: string; FilePart: PChar; NameLen: DWORD; begin Result := ''; SetString(DirBuf, nil, 255); NameLen := GetFullPathName(PChar(AFileName), 255, PChar(DirBuf), FilePart); if NameLen > 0 then Result := FilePart; end; function FullToPathPart(const AFileName: string): string; var DirBuf: string; FilePart: PChar; NameLen: Cardinal; begin Result := ''; SetString(DirBuf, nil, 255); NameLen := GetFullPathName(PChar(AFileName), 255, PChar(DirBuf), FilePart); if NameLen > 0 then Result := Copy(DirBuf, 1, NameLen - StrLen(FilePart)); end; function IsWin95Style: Boolean; begin Result := Lo(GetVersion) >= 4; // True = Win95 interface, otherwise old interface end; function ParamIndex(const AName: string): Integer; var i: Integer; x: string; begin Result := 0; for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin x := UpperCase(ParamStr(i)); x := Piece(x, '=', 1); if x = Uppercase(AName) then begin Result := i; Break; end; end; {for i} end; function ParamSearch(const AName: string): string; var i: Integer; x: string; begin Result := ''; for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin x := UpperCase(ParamStr(i)); x := Copy(x, 1, Pos('=', x) - 1); if x = Uppercase(AName) then begin Result := UpperCase(Copy(ParamStr(i), Length(x) + 2, Length(ParamStr(i)))); Break; end; end; {for i} end; function QuotedExeName: string; var i: Integer; begin Result := '"' + ParamStr(0) + '"'; for i := 1 to ParamCount do Result := Result + ' ' + ParamStr(i); end; function RegReadInt(const AName: string): Integer; var Registry: TRegistry; begin Result := 0; Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := CPRS_ROOT_KEY; if Registry.OpenKeyReadOnly(CPRS_SOFTWARE) and Registry.ValueExists(AName) then Result := Registry.ReadInteger(AName); Registry.CloseKey; finally Registry.Free; end; end; function RegReadStr(const AName: string): string; var Registry: TRegistry; begin Result := ''; Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := CPRS_ROOT_KEY; if Registry.OpenKeyReadOnly(CPRS_SOFTWARE) and Registry.ValueExists(AName) then Result := Registry.ReadString(AName); Registry.CloseKey; finally Registry.Free; end; end; function RegReadBool(const AName: string): Boolean; var Registry: TRegistry; begin Result := False; Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := CPRS_ROOT_KEY; if Registry.OpenKeyReadOnly(CPRS_SOFTWARE) and Registry.ValueExists(AName) then Result := Registry.ReadBool(AName); Registry.CloseKey; finally Registry.Free; end; end; procedure RegWriteInt(const AName: string; AValue: Integer); var Registry: TRegistry; begin Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := CPRS_ROOT_KEY; if Registry.OpenKey(CPRS_SOFTWARE, CREATE_KEY) then Registry.WriteInteger(AName, AValue); Registry.CloseKey; finally Registry.Free; end; end; procedure RegWriteStr(const AName, AValue: string); var Registry: TRegistry; begin Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := CPRS_ROOT_KEY; if Registry.OpenKey(CPRS_SOFTWARE, CREATE_KEY) then Registry.WriteString(AName, AValue); Registry.CloseKey; finally Registry.Free; end; end; procedure RegWriteBool(const AName: string; AValue: Boolean); var Registry: TRegistry; begin Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := CPRS_ROOT_KEY; if Registry.OpenKey(CPRS_SOFTWARE, CREATE_KEY) then Registry.WriteBool(AName, AValue); Registry.CloseKey; finally Registry.Free; end; end; function RegKeyExists(ARoot: HKEY; const AKey: string): Boolean; var Registry: TRegistry; begin Result := False; Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := ARoot; //Result := Registry.KeyExists(AKey); {this tries to open key with full access} if Registry.OpenKeyReadOnly(AKey) and (Registry.CurrentKey <> 0) then Result := True; Registry.CloseKey; finally Registry.Free; end; end; function UserRegReadDateTime(const AKey, AName: string): TDateTime; var Registry: TRegistry; begin Result := 0; Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := CPRS_USER_KEY; if Registry.OpenKey(AKey, CREATE_KEY) and Registry.ValueExists(AName) then try Result := Registry.ReadDateTime(AName); except on ERegistryException do Result := 0; end; Registry.CloseKey; finally Registry.Free; end; end; procedure UserRegWriteDateTime(const AKey, AName: string; AValue: TDateTime); var Registry: TRegistry; begin Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := CPRS_USER_KEY; if Registry.OpenKey(AKey, CREATE_KEY) then Registry.WriteDateTime(AName, AValue); Registry.CloseKey; finally Registry.Free; end; end; function UserRegReadInt(const AKey, AName: string): Integer; var Registry: TRegistry; begin Result := 0; Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := CPRS_USER_KEY; if Registry.OpenKey(AKey, CREATE_KEY) and Registry.ValueExists(AName) then Result := Registry.ReadInteger(AName); Registry.CloseKey; finally Registry.Free; end; end; procedure UserRegWriteInt(const AKey, AName: string; AValue: Integer); var Registry: TRegistry; begin Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := CPRS_USER_KEY; if Registry.OpenKey(AKey, CREATE_KEY) then Registry.WriteInteger(AName, AValue); Registry.CloseKey; finally Registry.Free; end; end; procedure RunProgram(const AppName: string); var StartInfo: TStartupInfo; ProcInfo: TProcessInformation; begin FillChar(StartInfo, SizeOf(StartInfo), 0); StartInfo.CB := SizeOf(StartInfo); CreateProcess(nil, PChar(AppName), nil, nil, False, DETACHED_PROCESS or NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, StartInfo, ProcInfo); end; function UpdateSelf: Boolean; var CPRSUpdate: string; begin // auto-update if newer version available Result := False; CPRSUpdate := RegReadStr(CPRS_REG_GOLD) + 'CPRSUpdate.exe'; if not FileExists(CPRSUpdate) then CPRSUpdate := 'CPRSUpdate.exe'; if AppOutOfDate(Application.ExeName) and FileExists(CPRSUpdate) then begin Result := True; RunProgram(CPRSUpdate + ' COPY=' + QuotedExeName); end; end; (* procedure UpdateAppFromGold(const AppName: string); var GoldName: string; begin Delay(1500); // do a rename of AppName in case problem? GoldName := RegReadStr(CPRS_REG_GOLD); if Length(GoldName) = 0 then Exit; if GoldName[Length(GoldName)] <> '\' then GoldName := GoldName + '\'; GoldName := GoldName + ReverseStr(Piece(ReverseStr(AppName), '\', 1)); CopyFileWithDate(GoldName, AppName); end; *) end.