unit rWVEHR; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, ORNet, ORFn, ORClasses; { record types used to return data from the RPC's. Generally, the delimited strings returned by the RPC are mapped into the records defined below. } function GetPatientLongAge(ADFN: string): string; function GetPatientBriefAge(ADFN: string): string; const PERIOD: array[1..7] of string[1] = ('y','m','w','d','h','m','s'); implementation function GetPatientLongAge(ADFN: string): string; begin Result := sCallv('VWTIME LONG AGE', [ADFN]); end; function GetPatientBriefAge(ADFN: string): string; var AgePieces, BriefAge: string; i: integer; begin AgePieces := sCallv('VWTIME BRIEF AGE', [ADFN]); for i := 1 to 7 do if Piece(AgePieces, U, i) <> '' then BriefAge := BriefAge + Piece(AgePieces, U, i) + PERIOD[i] else begin Result := BriefAge; exit; end; end; end.