| 1 | %zewdAPI ; Enterprise Web Developer run-time functions and user APIs
| 2 | ;
| 3 | ; Product: Enterprise Web Developer version 4.0.755
| 4 | ; Build Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 09:53:12
| 5 | ;
| 6 | ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 7 | ; | Enterprise Web Developer for GT.M and m_apache |
| 8 | ; | Copyright (c) 2004-9 M/Gateway Developments Ltd, |
| 9 | ; | Reigate, Surrey UK. |
| 10 | ; | All rights reserved. |
| 11 | ; | |
| 12 | ; | http://www.mgateway.com |
| 13 | ; | Email: rtweed@mgateway.com |
| 14 | ; | |
| 15 | ; | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| 16 | ; | it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as |
| 17 | ; | published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the |
| 18 | ; | License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| 19 | ; | |
| 20 | ; | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| 21 | ; | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| 23 | ; | GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
| 24 | ; | |
| 25 | ; | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License |
| 26 | ; | along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
| 27 | ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 28 | ;
| 29 | QUIT
| 30 | ;
| 31 | ;
| 32 | version() ;
| 33 | QUIT "Enterprise Web Developer (Build "_$$getVersion^%zewdCompiler()_")"
| 34 | ;
| 35 | date() ;
| 36 | QUIT $$getDate^%zewdCompiler()
| 37 | ;
| 38 | compilePage(app,page,mode,technology,outputPath,multilingual,maxLines)
| 39 | d compilePage^%zewdCompiler($g(app),$g(page),$g(mode),$g(technology),$g(outputPath),$g(multilingual),$g(maxLines))
| 40 | QUIT
| 41 | ;
| 42 | compileAll(app,mode,technology,outputPath,multilingual,templatePageName,maxLines)
| 43 | d compileAll^%zewdCompiler($g(app),$g(mode),$g(technology),$g(outputPath),$g(multilingual),$g(templatePageName),$g(maxLines))
| 44 | QUIT
| 45 | ;
| 46 | autoTranslate(app,language,verbose)
| 47 | d autoTranslate^%zewdMgr($g(app),$g(language),$g(verbose))
| 48 | ;
| 49 | startSession(page,requestArray,serverArray,sessionArray,filesArray) ;
| 50 | ;
| 51 | QUIT $$startSession^%zewdPHP(page,.requestArray,.serverArray,.sessionArray,.filesArray)
| 52 | ;
| 53 | closeSession(requestArray) ;
| 54 | ;
| 55 | QUIT $$closeSession^%zewdPHP(.requestArray)
| 56 | ;
| 57 | saveSession(sessionArray) ;
| 58 | ;
| 59 | d saveSession^%zewdPHP(.sessionArray)
| 60 | QUIT
| 61 | ;
| 62 | endOfPage(sessionArray)
| 63 | ;
| 64 | d endOfPage^%zewdPHP(.sessionArray)
| 65 | QUIT
| 66 | ;
| 67 | prePageScript(sessid)
| 68 | QUIT $$prePageScript^%zewdPHP(sessid)
| 69 | ;
| 70 | releaseLock(sessid)
| 71 | d releaseLock^%zewdPHP(sessid)
| 72 | QUIT
| 73 | ;
| 74 | tokeniseURL(url,sessid)
| 75 | QUIT $$tokeniseURL^%zewdCompiler16($g(url),$g(sessid))
| 76 | ;
| 77 | getSessid(token)
| 78 | ;
| 79 | i token="" QUIT ""
| 80 | i $$isTokenExpired(token) QUIT ""
| 81 | QUIT +^%zewdSession("tokens",token)
| 82 | ;
| 83 | initialiseSession(sessid)
| 84 | k ^%zewdSession("session",sessid)
| 85 | QUIT
| 86 | ;
| 87 | deleteSession(sessid)
| 88 | ;
| 89 | d deleteSession^%zewdPHP(sessid)
| 90 | ;
| 91 | QUIT
| 92 | ;
| 93 | setRedirect(toPage,sessid)
| 94 | d setJump(toPage,sessid)
| 95 | QUIT
| 96 | ;
| 97 | setJump(toPage,sessid)
| 98 | ;
| 99 | n token
| 100 | ;
| 101 | d setSessionValue("ewd_nextPage",toPage,sessid)
| 102 | d setSessionValue("ewd_jump",toPage,sessid)
| 103 | QUIT:$e(sessid,1,4)="csp:"
| 104 | s token=$$setNextPageToken(toPage,sessid)
| 105 | d setSessionValue("ewd_pageToken",token,sessid)
| 106 | QUIT
| 107 | ;
| 108 | setNextPageToken(nextPage,sessid)
| 109 | ;
| 110 | n token,length
| 111 | ;
| 112 | s length=$$getSessionValue("ewd_sessid_length",sessid)
| 113 | i length="" s length=30
| 114 | f s token=$$makeTokenString(length) q:'$d(^%zewdSession("nextPageTokens",sessid,token))
| 115 | i $g(^zewd("trace"))=1 d trace^%zewdAPI("setNextPageToken^%zewdAPI: sessid="_sessid_"; token="_token_"; nextPage="_nextPage)
| 116 | s ^%zewdSession("nextPageTokens",sessid,token,$$zcvt(nextPage,"l"))=""
| 117 | QUIT token
| 118 | ;
| 119 | isNextPageTokenValid(token,sessid,page)
| 120 | QUIT $$isNextPageTokenValid^%zewdCompiler13(token,sessid,page)
| 121 | ;
| 122 | isCSP(sessid)
| 123 | QUIT $e(sessid,1,4)="csp:"
| 124 | ;
| 125 | normaliseTextValue(text)
| 126 | s text=$$replaceAll(text,"'","'")
| 127 | QUIT $$zcvt(text,"o","HTML")
| 128 | ;
| 129 | displayOptions(fieldName,listName,escape)
| 130 | ;d displayOptions^%zewdCompiler13($g(fieldName),$g(listName),$g(escape))
| 131 | n codeValue,%d,i,name,nnvp,nvp,pos,textValue,value
| 132 | ;
| 133 | s fieldName=$tr(fieldName,".","_")
| 134 | s listName=$tr(listName,".","_")
| 135 | i 0
| 136 | e d
| 137 | . s escape=+$g(escape)
| 138 | . s pos=""
| 139 | . f s pos=$o(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_list",listName,pos)) q:pos="" d
| 140 | . . k %d,textValue,codeValue,codeValueEsc,textValueEsc
| 141 | . . s %d=^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_list",listName,pos)
| 142 | . . s textValue=$p(%d,$c(1),1)
| 143 | . . ;
| 144 | . . s textValueEsc=textValue
| 145 | . . s textValueEsc=$$replaceAll(textValueEsc,"'","'")
| 146 | . . i escape s textValueEsc=$$zcvt(textValue,"o","HTML")
| 147 | . . ;
| 148 | . . s codeValue=$p(%d,$c(1),2)
| 149 | . . i codeValue="" s codeValue=textValue
| 150 | . . s codeValueEsc=codeValue
| 151 | . . s codeValueEsc=$$replaceAll(codeValueEsc,"'","'")
| 152 | . . i escape s codeValueEsc=$$zcvt(codeValue,"o","HTML")
| 153 | . . w "<option value='"_codeValueEsc_"'"
| 154 | . . i $e(fieldName,1)'="$" d
| 155 | . . . n fn
| 156 | . . . s fn=$tr(fieldName,"_",".")
| 157 | . . . i $$getSessionValue(fn,sessid)=codeValue w " selected='selected'" q
| 158 | . . . i $d(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_selected",fieldName,codeValue)) w " selected='selected'" q
| 159 | . . i $e(fieldName,1)="$" d
| 160 | . . . n fieldValue
| 161 | . . . s fieldValue=$e(fieldName,2,$l(fieldName))
| 162 | . . . s fieldValue=$g(@fieldValue)
| 163 | . . . i fieldValue=codeValue w " selected='selected'"
| 164 | . . s nnvp=$l(%d,$c(1))
| 165 | . . f i=3:1:nnvp d
| 166 | . . . s nvp=$p(%d,$c(1),i)
| 167 | . . . i nvp="" q
| 168 | . . . s name=$p(nvp,$c(3),1)
| 169 | . . . s value=$p(nvp,$c(3),2)
| 170 | . . . w " "_name_"='"_value_"'"
| 171 | . . w ">"_textValueEsc_"</option>"_$c(13,10)
| 172 | QUIT
| 173 | ;
| 174 | displayTextArea(fieldName)
| 175 | d displayTextArea^%zewdCompiler13($g(fieldName))
| 176 | QUIT
| 177 | ;
| 178 | mCSPReq2(fields)
| 179 | ;
| 180 | n i,noOfFields,field,type
| 181 | s noOfFields=$l(fields,"`")
| 182 | f i=1:1:noOfFields d
| 183 | . s field=$p(fields,"`",i)
| 184 | . q:field=""
| 185 | . s type=$p(field,"|",2)
| 186 | . S field=$P(field,"|",1)
| 187 | . d mergeCSPRequestToSession(field,type)
| 188 | d mergeCSPRequestToSession("ewd_pressed","hidden")
| 189 | QUIT
| 190 | ;
| 191 | mCSPReq(fieldName,type)
| 192 | d mergeCSPRequestToSession(fieldName,type)
| 193 | QUIT
| 194 | ;
| 195 | mergeCSPRequestToSession(fieldName,type)
| 196 | d mergeCSPRequestToSession^%zewdCompiler16($g(fieldName),$g(type))
| 197 | QUIT
| 198 | ;
| 199 | ; note - textarea data storage can be queried using SQL with the following construct
| 200 | ;
| 201 | ; listAttributeFL {type=%Library.String ; sqllisttype=subnode}
| 202 | ;
| 203 | displayText(textID,reviewMode,sessid)
| 204 | QUIT $$displayText^%zewdCompiler13($g(textID),$g(reviewMode),$g(sessid))
| 205 | ;
| 206 | systemMessage(text,type,sessid,appName,langCode)
| 207 | n textid,fragments,outputText,error,technology,translationMode,typex
| 208 | ;
| 209 | ;d trace^%zewdAPI("systemMessage : text="_text_" ; type="_type_" ; sessid="_sessid)
| 210 | i $g(text)="" QUIT ""
| 211 | ; manual API or where sessid not known
| 212 | i $g(sessid)="" QUIT $$systemMessage^%zewdCompiler5(text,$g(type),$g(appName),$g(langCode))
| 213 | s translationMode=+$$getSessionValue^%zewdAPI("ewd_translationMode",sessid)
| 214 | ;d trace^%zewdAPI("ewd_translationMode="_translationMode)
| 215 | i 'translationMode QUIT text
| 216 | s appName=$$getSessionValue^%zewdAPI("ewd_appName",sessid)
| 217 | ;d trace^%zewdAPI("appName="_appName)
| 218 | s typex=type ; avoid Cache bug !
| 219 | i $$getPhraseIndex^%zewdCompiler5(text)="" QUIT ""
| 220 | i '$$isTextPreviouslyFound^%zewdCompiler5(text,appName,"","",.textid,,,type) d
| 221 | . s textid=$$addTextToIndex^%zewdCompiler5(text,appName,"","",.fragments,.outputText,typex)
| 222 | s error=$$displayText(textid,0,sessid)
| 223 | QUIT error
| 224 | ;
| 225 | errorMessage(text,sessid)
| 226 | QUIT $$systemMessage(text,"error",sessid)
| 227 | ;
| 228 | ; ============================================================================
| 229 | ; User API Methods
| 230 | ; ============================================================================
| 231 | ;
| 232 | isCSPPage(docOID)
| 233 | ;
| 234 | n docName
| 235 | ;
| 236 | s docName=$$getDocumentName^%zewdDOM(docOID)
| 237 | QUIT $$bypassMode^%zewdCompiler(docName)
| 238 | ;
| 239 | getSessionValue(name,sessid)
| 240 | ;
| 241 | n %zt,return,value
| 242 | ;
| 243 | s name=$$stripSpaces(name)
| 244 | s %zt=$zt
| 245 | i $g(name)="" QUIT ""
| 246 | i $g(sessid)="" QUIT ""
| 247 | i name["." d QUIT value
| 248 | . n np,obj,prop
| 249 | . i name["_" s name=$p(name,"_",1)_"."_$p(name,"_",2,200)
| 250 | . s np=$l(name,".")
| 251 | . s obj=$p(name,".",1,np-1)
| 252 | . s prop=$p(name,".",np)
| 253 | . s value=$$getSessionObject(obj,prop,sessid)
| 254 | ;s $zt="extcErr"
| 255 | ;i $r(100)<10 i '$$$licensed("DOM",,,,,,,,,,) d setWarning("You do not have a current eXtc License",sessid)
| 256 | ;i $$isTemp(name) d QUIT value
| 257 | i $e(name,1,4)="tmp_" d QUIT value
| 258 | . s value=$g(zewdSession(name))
| 259 | . i value="",$g(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_technology"))="gtm" s value=$g(sessionArray(name))
| 260 | QUIT $g(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,name))
| 261 | ;
| 262 | setWLDSymbol(name,sessid)
| 263 | ;
| 264 | ; ------------------------------------------------------
| 265 | ; Duplicate copy for performance: see also %zewdPHP!
| 266 | ; ------------------------------------------------------
| 267 | ;
| 268 | n wldAppName,wldName,wldSessid,%zzname
| 269 | ;
| 270 | QUIT:$zv["GT.M"
| 271 | QUIT
| 272 | ;
| 273 | extcErr
| 274 | ;
| 275 | n mess
| 276 | s mess="eXtc does not appear to have been installed or is unavailable in the "_$$namespace()_" namespace where your application is attempting to run. Your application will be unable to run correctly"
| 277 | d setWarning(mess,sessid)
| 278 | s $zt=%zt
| 279 | QUIT ""
| 280 | ;
| 281 | valueErr ;
| 282 | s $zt=%zt
| 283 | QUIT ""
| 284 | ;
| 285 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 286 | ;
| 287 | exportCustomTags(tagList,filepath)
| 288 | QUIT $$exportCustomTags^%zewdCompiler16(.tagList,$g(filepath))
| 289 | ;
| 290 | exportAllCustomTags(filepath)
| 291 | QUIT $$exportAllCustomTags^%zewdCompiler16($g(filepath))
| 292 | ;
| 293 | importCustomTags(filePath)
| 294 | QUIT $$importCustomTags^%zewdForm($g(filePath))
| 295 | ;
| 296 | setSessionValue(name,value,sessid)
| 297 | ;
| 298 | s name=$$stripSpaces(name)
| 299 | i $g(name)="" QUIT
| 300 | i $g(sessid)="" QUIT
| 301 | i name["." d QUIT
| 302 | . n np,obj,prop
| 303 | . i name["_" s name=$p(name,"_",1)_"."_$p(name,"_",2,200)
| 304 | . s np=$l(name,".")
| 305 | . s obj=$p(name,".",1,np-1)
| 306 | . s prop=$p(name,".",np)
| 307 | . d setSessionObject(obj,prop,value,sessid)
| 308 | s value=$g(value)
| 309 | i $e(name,1,4)="tmp_" s zewdSession(name)=value QUIT
| 310 | s ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,name)=value
| 311 | QUIT
| 312 | ;
| 313 | allowJSONAccess(sessionName,access,sessid)
| 314 | ; access="r|rw"
| 315 | s ^%zewdSession("jsonAccess",sessid,sessionName)=access
| 316 | QUIT
| 317 | ;
| 318 | disallowJSONAccess(sessionName,sessid)
| 319 | k ^%zewdSession("jsonAccess",sessid,sessionName)
| 320 | QUIT
| 321 | ;
| 322 | JSONAccess(sessionName,sessid)
| 323 | QUIT $g(^%zewdSession("jsonAccess",sessid,sessionName))
| 324 | ;
| 325 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 326 | ;
| 327 | isTemp(name)
| 328 | QUIT $e(name,1,4)="tmp_"
| 329 | ;
| 330 | ;
| 331 | existsInSession(name,sessid)
| 332 | QUIT $$existsInSession^%zewdCompiler13($g(name),$g(sessid))
| 333 | ;
| 334 | existsInSessionArray(name,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11)
| 335 | QUIT $$existsInSessionArray^%zewdCompiler13($g(name),$g(p1),$g(p2),$g(p3),$g(p4),$g(p5),$g(p6),$g(p7),$g(p8),$g(p9),$g(p10),$g(p11))
| 336 | ;
| 337 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 338 | ;
| 339 | clearSessionArray(arrayName,sessid)
| 340 | s arrayName=$$stripSpaces(arrayName)
| 341 | i $g(sessid)="" QUIT
| 342 | i $g(arrayName)="" QUIT
| 343 | s arrayName=$tr(arrayName,".","_")
| 344 | ;i $$isTemp(arrayName) k zewdSession(arrayName) QUIT
| 345 | i $e(arrayName,1,4)="tmp_" k zewdSession(arrayName) QUIT
| 346 | k ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,arrayName)
| 347 | QUIT
| 348 | ;
| 349 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 350 | ;
| 351 | setSessionArray(arrayName,itemName,itemValue,sessid)
| 352 | ;
| 353 | s arrayName=$$stripSpaces(arrayName)
| 354 | QUIT:$g(arrayName)=""
| 355 | QUIT:$g(itemName)=""
| 356 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 357 | s arrayName=$tr(arrayName,".","_")
| 358 | i $$isTemp(arrayName) s zewdSession(arrayName,itemName)=itemValue QUIT
| 359 | s ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,arrayName,itemName)=itemValue
| 360 | QUIT
| 361 | ;
| 362 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 363 | ;
| 364 | getSessionArray(arrayName,sessid,array,clearArray)
| 365 | ;
| 366 | s arrayName=$$stripSpaces(arrayName)
| 367 | QUIT:$g(arrayName)=""
| 368 | s arrayName=$tr(arrayName,".","_")
| 369 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 370 | set $zt="getSessionArrayErr"
| 371 | i $g(clearArray)=1 k array
| 372 | i $$isTemp(arrayName) m array=zewdSession(arrayName) QUIT
| 373 | m array=^%zewdSession("session",sessid,arrayName)
| 374 | QUIT
| 375 | ;
| 376 | getSessionArrayErr ; --- Come here if error occurred in 'getSessionArray' ---
| 377 | set $zt=""
| 378 | QUIT
| 379 | ;
| 380 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 381 | ;
| 382 | addToSession(name,sessid)
| 383 | s name=$$stripSpaces(name)
| 384 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 385 | QUIT:$g(name)=""
| 386 | s name=$tr(name,".","_")
| 387 | i $$isTemp(name) m zewdSession(name)=@name QUIT
| 388 | m ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,name)=@name
| 389 | QUIT
| 390 | ;
| 391 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 392 | ;
| 393 | mergeToSession(name,sessid)
| 394 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 395 | QUIT:$g(name)=""
| 396 | d addToSession(name,sessid)
| 397 | QUIT
| 398 | ;
| 399 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 400 | ;
| 401 | mergeGlobalToSession(globalName,sessionName,sessid)
| 402 | d mergeGlobalToSession^%zewdCompiler13($g(globalName),$g(sessionName),$g(sessid))
| 403 | QUIT
| 404 | ;
| 405 | mergeGlobalFromSession(globalName,sessionName,sessid)
| 406 | d mergeGlobalFromSession^%zewdCompiler13($g(globalName),$g(sessionName),$g(sessid))
| 407 | QUIT
| 408 | ;
| 409 | mergeArrayToSession(array,sessionName,sessid)
| 410 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 411 | QUIT:$g(sessionName)=""
| 412 | s sessionName=$tr(sessionName,".","_")
| 413 | ;i $$isTemp(sessionName) m zewdSession(sessionName)=array QUIT
| 414 | i $e(sessionName,1,4)="tmp_" m zewdSession(sessionName)=array QUIT
| 415 | m ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,sessionName)=array
| 416 | QUIT
| 417 | ;
| 418 | mergeArrayToSessionObject(array,sessionName,sessid)
| 419 | d mergeArrayToSessionObject^%zewdCompiler16(.array,$g(sessionName),$g(sessid))
| 420 | QUIT
| 421 | ;
| 422 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 423 | ;
| 424 | mergeArrayFromSession(array,sessionName,sessid)
| 425 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 426 | QUIT:$g(sessionName)=""
| 427 | s sessionName=$tr(sessionName,".","_")
| 428 | ;i $$isTemp(sessionName) m array=zewdSession(sessionName) QUIT
| 429 | i $e(sessionName,1,4)="tmp_" m array=zewdSession(sessionName) QUIT
| 430 | m array=^%zewdSession("session",sessid,sessionName)
| 431 | QUIT
| 432 | ;
| 433 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 434 | ;
| 435 | mergeFromSession(name,sessid)
| 436 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 437 | QUIT:$g(name)=""
| 438 | s name=$tr(name,".","_")
| 439 | i $$isTemp(name) m @name=zewdSession(name)
| 440 | m @name=^%zewdSession("session",sessid,name)
| 441 | QUIT
| 442 | ;
| 443 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 444 | ;
| 445 | deleteFromSession(name,sessid)
| 446 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 447 | QUIT:$g(name)=""
| 448 | i name["." d QUIT
| 449 | . n np,obj,prop
| 450 | . s np=$l(name,".")
| 451 | . s obj=$p(name,".",1,np-1)
| 452 | . s prop=$p(name,".",np)
| 453 | . d deleteFromSessionObject(obj,prop,sessid)
| 454 | ;i $$isTemp(name) k zewdSession(name) QUIT
| 455 | i $e(name,1,4)="tmp_" k zewdSession(name) QUIT
| 456 | k ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,name)
| 457 | QUIT
| 458 | ;
| 459 | sessionNameExists(name,sessid)
| 460 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 461 | QUIT:$g(name)=""
| 462 | s name=$tr(name,".","_")
| 463 | i $$isTemp(name) QUIT $d(zewdSession(name))
| 464 | QUIT $d(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,name))
| 465 | ;
| 466 | getSessionArrayValue(arrayName,subscript,sessid,exists)
| 467 | QUIT $$getSessionArrayValue^%zewdCompiler13($g(arrayName),$g(subscript),$g(sessid),.exists)
| 468 | ;
| 469 | sessionArrayValueExists(arrayName,subscript,sessid)
| 470 | QUIT $$sessionArrayValueExists^%zewdCompiler13($g(arrayName),$g(subscript),$g(sessid))
| 471 | ;
| 472 | deleteSessionArrayValue(arrayName,subscript,sessid)
| 473 | d deleteSessionArrayValue^%zewdCompiler13($g(arrayName),$g(subscript),$g(sessid))
| 474 | QUIT
| 475 | ;
| 476 | ; Objects
| 477 | ;
| 478 | setSessionObject(objectName,propertyName,propertyValue,sessid)
| 479 | ;d setSessionObject^%zewdCompiler13($g(objectName),$g(propertyName),$g(propertyValue),$g(sessid))
| 480 | ;QUIT
| 481 | ;
| 482 | n comma,i,np,p,sessionArray,x
| 483 | ;
| 484 | i $g(objectName)="" QUIT
| 485 | i $g(propertyName)="" QUIT
| 486 | ;i $g(propertyValue)="" QUIT
| 487 | i $g(sessid)="" QUIT
| 488 | s np=$l(objectName,".")
| 489 | ;s objectName=$$replace(objectName,".","_")
| 490 | i objectName["." s objectName=$p(objectName,".",1)_"_"_$p(objectName,".",2,2000)
| 491 | i np=1 d QUIT
| 492 | . i $e(objectName,1,3)="tmp" s zewdSession(objectName_"_"_propertyName)=propertyValue q
| 493 | . s ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,(objectName_"_"_propertyName))=propertyValue
| 494 | ;
| 495 | f i=1:1:np-1 s p(i)=$p(objectName,".",i)
| 496 | s comma=","
| 497 | i $e(objectName,1,4)="tmp_" d
| 498 | . s x="s zewdSession(",comma=""
| 499 | e d
| 500 | . s x="s ^%zewdSession(""session"","_sessid
| 501 | f i=1:1:np-1 s x=x_comma_""""_p(i)_"""",comma=","
| 502 | s x=x_","""_propertyName_""")="""_propertyValue_""""
| 503 | x x
| 504 | QUIT
| 505 | ;
| 506 | getSessionObject(objectName,propertyName,sessid)
| 507 | ;
| 508 | n i,np,p,value,x
| 509 | ;
| 510 | i $g(sessid)="" QUIT ""
| 511 | s value=""
| 512 | s np=$l(objectName,".")
| 513 | i objectName[".",objectName'["_" s objectName=$p(objectName,".",1)_"_"_$p(objectName,".",2,2000)
| 514 | ;s objectName=$$replace(objectName,".","_")
| 515 | i np=1 QUIT $g(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,(objectName_"_"_propertyName)))
| 516 | ;
| 517 | f i=1:1:np-1 s p(i)=$p(objectName,".",i)
| 518 | s x="s value=$g(^%zewdSession(""session"","_sessid
| 519 | f i=1:1:np-1 s x=x_","""_p(i)_""""
| 520 | s x=x_","""_propertyName_"""))"
| 521 | x x
| 522 | QUIT value
| 523 | ;
| 524 | deleteFromSessionObject(objectName,propertyName,sessid)
| 525 | d deleteFromSessionObject^%zewdCompiler13($g(objectName),$g(propertyName),$g(sessid))
| 526 | QUIT
| 527 | ;
| 528 | sessionObjectPropertyExists(objectName,propertyName,sessid)
| 529 | QUIT $$sessionObjectPropertyExists^%zewdCompiler13($g(objectName),$g(propertyName),$g(sessid))
| 530 | ;
| 531 | deleteSessionObject(objectName,sessid)
| 532 | n obj
| 533 | s obj=objectName
| 534 | i obj["." s obj=$tr(obj,".","_")
| 535 | i obj'["_" s obj=obj_"_"
| 536 | d clearSessionByPrefix(obj,$g(sessid))
| 537 | ;d deleteSessionObject^%zewdCompiler13($g(objectName),$g(sessid))
| 538 | QUIT
| 539 | ;
| 540 | copyObjectToSession(oref,objectName,sessid)
| 541 | d copyObjectToSession^%zewdCompiler13($g(oref),$g(objectName),$g(sessid))
| 542 | QUIT
| 543 | ;
| 544 | copyResultSetToSession(oref,objectName,sessid)
| 545 | d copyResultSetToSession^%zewdCompiler13($g(oref),$g(objectName),$g(sessid))
| 546 | QUIT
| 547 | ;
| 548 | getResultSetValue(resultSetName,index,propertyName,sessid)
| 549 | QUIT $$getResultSetValue^%zewdCompiler13($g(resultSetName),$g(index),$g(propertyName),$g(sessid))
| 550 | ;
| 551 | addToResultSet(sessionName,propertyName,value,sessid)
| 552 | d addToResultSet^%zewdCompiler13($g(sessionName),$g(propertyName),$g(value),$g(sessid))
| 553 | QUIT
| 554 | ;
| 555 | mergeRecordArrayToResultSet(sessionName,recordArray,sessid)
| 556 | d mergeRecordArrayToResultSet^%zewdCompiler13($g(sessionName),.recordArray,$g(sessid))
| 557 | QUIT
| 558 | ;
| 559 | JSONToSessionObject(objectName,jsonString,sessid)
| 560 | d JSONToSessionObject^%zewdCompiler13($g(objectName),$g(jsonString),$g(sessid))
| 561 | QUIT
| 562 | ;
| 563 | sessionObjectToJSON(objectName,sessid)
| 564 | QUIT $$sessionObjectToJSON^%zewdCompiler13($g(objectName),$g(sessid))
| 565 | ;
| 566 | objectGlobalToJSON(objectName)
| 567 | QUIT $$objectGlobalToJSON^%zewdCompiler13($g(objectName))
| 568 | ;
| 569 | saveJSON(objectName,jsonString)
| 570 | QUIT $$saveJSON^%zewdCompiler13($g(objectName),$g(jsonString))
| 571 | ;
| 572 | getJSON(objectName,addRefCol)
| 573 | QUIT $$getJSON^%zewdCompiler13($g(objectName),$g(addRefCol))
| 574 | ;
| 575 | setJSONValue(JSONName,objectName,sessid)
| 576 | d setJSONValue^%zewdCompiler16($g(JSONName),$g(objectName),$g(sessid))
| 577 | d allowJSONAccess(objectName,"r",sessid)
| 578 | QUIT
| 579 | ;
| 580 | convertToJSON(arrayName,isExtJS)
| 581 | n dojo
| 582 | i '$d(@arrayName) QUIT ""
| 583 | s dojo=""
| 584 | i $g(isExtJS)=1 s dojo=2
| 585 | QUIT $$walkArray^%zewdCompiler13("",arrayName,dojo)
| 586 | ;
| 587 | mergeToJSObject(sessionObject,JSObject)
| 588 | QUIT $$mergeToJSObject^%zewdCompiler13($g(sessionObject),$g(JSObject),$g(sessid))
| 589 | ;
| 590 | ; Javascript objects
| 591 | ;
| 592 | getJavascriptObjectBlock(objectName,docName,textArray)
| 593 | QUIT $$getJavascriptObjectBlock^%zewdCompiler13($g(objectName),$g(docName),.textArray)
| 594 | ;
| 595 | replaceJavascriptObject(objectName,newFunctionText,docName)
| 596 | QUIT $$replaceJavascriptObject^%zewdCompiler13($g(objectName),$g(newFunctionText),$g(docName))
| 597 | ;
| 598 | replaceJavascriptObjectBody(functionName,newBody,docName)
| 599 | QUIT $$replaceJavascriptObjectBody^%zewdCompiler13($g(functionName),$g(newBody),$g(docName))
| 600 | ;
| 601 | getJavascriptObjectBody(functionName,docName)
| 602 | QUIT $$getJavascriptObjectBody^%zewdCompiler13($g(functionName),$g(docName))
| 603 | ;
| 604 | getJavascriptObject(objectName,docName,eOID)
| 605 | QUIT $$getJavascriptObject^%zewdCompiler13($g(objectName),$g(docName),$g(eOID))
| 606 | ;
| 607 | javascriptObjectExists(objectName,docName)
| 608 | QUIT $$javascriptObjectExists^%zewdCompiler13($g(objectName),$g(docName))
| 609 | ;
| 610 | getLastJavascriptTag(docName,textArray)
| 611 | QUIT $$getLastJavascriptTag^%zewdCompiler13($g(docName),.textArray)
| 612 | ;
| 613 | addJavascriptObject(docName,jsText)
| 614 | QUIT $$addJavascriptObject^%zewdCompiler13($g(docName),.jsText)
| 615 | ;
| 616 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 617 | ;
| 618 | setSessionValues(nvArray,sessid)
| 619 | ;
| 620 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 621 | n name,no,value
| 622 | s name=""
| 623 | f s name=$o(nvArray(name)) q:name="" d
| 624 | . d deleteFromSession(name,sessid)
| 625 | . d clearSelected(name,sessid)
| 626 | . s value=$g(nvArray(name))
| 627 | . d setSessionValue(name,value,sessid)
| 628 | . s no=""
| 629 | . f s no=$o(nvArray(name,no)) q:no="" d
| 630 | . . s value=nvArray(name,no)
| 631 | . . d addToSelected(name,value,sessid)
| 632 | QUIT
| 633 | ;
| 634 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 635 | ;
| 636 | getSessionValues(prefix,nvArray,sessid)
| 637 | ;
| 638 | n len,name,no,value
| 639 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 640 | QUIT:$g(prefix)=""
| 641 | set $zt="getSessionValuesErr"
| 642 | s len=$l(prefix)
| 643 | k nvArray
| 644 | s name=prefix
| 645 | f s name=$o(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,name)) q:name="" q:$e(name,1,len)'=prefix d
| 646 | . d setNVArray(name,.nvArray,sessid)
| 647 | s name=prefix,no=0
| 648 | f s name=$o(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_selected",name)) q:name="" q:$e(name,1,len)'=prefix d
| 649 | . s value=""
| 650 | . f s value=$o(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_selected",name,value)) q:value="" d
| 651 | . . s no=no+1
| 652 | . . s nvArray(name,no)=value
| 653 | QUIT
| 654 | ;
| 655 | getSessionValuesErr ; --- Come here if error occurred in 'getSessionValues' ---
| 656 | set $zt=""
| 657 | QUIT
| 658 | ;
| 659 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 660 | ;
| 661 | getSessionValuesByPrefix(prefix,sessid)
| 662 | ;
| 663 | n len,name
| 664 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 665 | QUIT:$g(prefix)=""
| 666 | s prefix=$tr(prefix,".","_")
| 667 | set $zt="getSessionValuesByPrefixErr"
| 668 | s len=$l(prefix)
| 669 | s name=prefix
| 670 | f s name=$o(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,name)) q:name="" q:$e(name,1,len)'=prefix d
| 671 | . i name?1A.AN m @name=^%zewdSession("session",sessid,name)
| 672 | QUIT
| 673 | ;
| 674 | getSessionValuesByPrefixErr
| 675 | set $zt=""
| 676 | QUIT
| 677 | ;
| 678 | setNVArray(name,nvArray,sessid)
| 679 | n selected,value,no
| 680 | s nvArray(name)=$$getSessionValue(name,sessid)
| 681 | QUIT
| 682 | ;
| 683 | clearSessionByPrefix(prefix,sessid)
| 684 | ;
| 685 | n len,name
| 686 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 687 | QUIT:$g(prefix)=""
| 688 | s prefix=$tr(prefix,".","_")
| 689 | s len=$l(prefix)
| 690 | ;
| 691 | s name=prefix
| 692 | f s name=$o(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,name)) q:name="" q:$e(name,1,len)'=prefix d
| 693 | . i $e(name,1,4)="ewd_" q
| 694 | . d deleteFromSession(name,sessid)
| 695 | s name=prefix
| 696 | f s name=$o(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_selected",name)) q:name="" q:$e(name,1,len)'=prefix d
| 697 | . d clearSelected(name,sessid)
| 698 | s name=prefix
| 699 | f s name=$o(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_list",name)) q:name="" q:$e(name,1,len)'=prefix d
| 700 | . d clearList(name,sessid)
| 701 | s name=prefix
| 702 | f s name=$o(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_textarea",name)) q:name="" q:$e(name,1,len)'=prefix d
| 703 | . d clearTextArea(name,sessid)
| 704 | QUIT
| 705 | ;
| 706 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 707 | ;
| 708 | ; HTML Form-specific APIs
| 709 | ;
| 710 | getTextValue(fieldName,sessid)
| 711 | QUIT $$getSessionValue(fieldName,sessid)
| 712 | ;
| 713 | setTextValue(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 714 | d setSessionValue(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 715 | QUIT
| 716 | ;
| 717 | getPasswordValue(fieldName,sessid)
| 718 | QUIT $$getSessionValue(fieldName,sessid)
| 719 | ;
| 720 | getHiddenValue(fieldName,sessid)
| 721 | QUIT $$getSessionValue(fieldName,sessid)
| 722 | ;
| 723 | setHiddenValue(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 724 | d setSessionValue(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 725 | ;
| 726 | getRadioValue(fieldName,sessid)
| 727 | QUIT $$getSessionValue(fieldName,sessid)
| 728 | ;
| 729 | setRadioOn(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 730 | d setSessionValue(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 731 | QUIT
| 732 | ;
| 733 | isRadionOn(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 734 | QUIT $$getRadioValue(fieldName,sessid)=value
| 735 | ;
| 736 | isCheckboxOn(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 737 | QUIT $$isSelected(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 738 | ;
| 739 | getCheckboxValues(fieldName,selectedValueArray,sessid)
| 740 | d mergeFromSelected(fieldName,.selectedValueArray,sessid)
| 741 | QUIT
| 742 | ;
| 743 | initialiseCheckbox(fieldName,sessid)
| 744 | d clearSelected(fieldName,sessid)
| 745 | QUIT
| 746 | ;
| 747 | setCheckboxOn(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 748 | d addToSelected(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 749 | QUIT
| 750 | ;
| 751 | setCheckboxOff(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 752 | d removeFromSelected(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 753 | ;
| 754 | setCheckboxValues(fieldName,selectedValueArray,sessid)
| 755 | ;
| 756 | ; array format : array(checkboxValue)=checkboxValue
| 757 | ; eg selected("red")="red"
| 758 | ;
| 759 | d mergeToSelected(fieldName,.selectedValueArray,sessid)
| 760 | QUIT
| 761 | ;
| 762 | getSelectValue(fieldName,sessid,nullify)
| 763 | ;
| 764 | n value
| 765 | ;
| 766 | s value=$$getSessionValue(fieldName,sessid)
| 767 | i $a(value)=160 s value=""
| 768 | QUIT value
| 769 | ;
| 770 | setSelectValue(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 771 | d setSessionValue(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 772 | ;
| 773 | isSelectOn(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 774 | QUIT $$getSelectValue(fieldName,sessid)=value
| 775 | ;
| 776 | isMultipleSelectOn(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 777 | QUIT $$isSelected(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 778 | ;
| 779 | getMultipleSelectValues(fieldName,selectedValueArray,sessid)
| 780 | d mergeFromSelected(fieldName,.selectedValueArray,sessid)
| 781 | QUIT
| 782 | ;
| 783 | initialiseMultipleSelect(fieldName,sessid)
| 784 | d clearSelected(fieldName,sessid)
| 785 | QUIT
| 786 | ;
| 787 | setMultipleSelectOn(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 788 | d addToSelected(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 789 | QUIT
| 790 | ;
| 791 | setMultipleSelectOff(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 792 | d removeFromSelected(fieldName,value,sessid)
| 793 | ;
| 794 | setMultipleSelectValues(fieldName,selectedValueArray,sessid)
| 795 | ;
| 796 | ; array format : array(checkboxValue)=checkboxValue
| 797 | ; eg selected("red")="red"
| 798 | ;
| 799 | d mergeToSelected(fieldName,.selectedValueArray,sessid)
| 800 | QUIT
| 801 | ;
| 802 | getTextArea(fieldName,textArray,sessid)
| 803 | d mergeFromTextArea(fieldName,.textArray,sessid)
| 804 | QUIT
| 805 | ;
| 806 | setFieldError(fieldName,sessid)
| 807 | ;
| 808 | n errors
| 809 | s errors(fieldName)=$$getSessionValue("ewd_errorClass",sessid)
| 810 | d mergeArrayToSession^%zewdAPI(.errors,"ewd_errorFields",sessid)
| 811 | d setSessionValue^%zewdAPI("ewd_hasErrors",1,sessid)
| 812 | QUIT
| 813 | ;
| 814 | setErrorClasses()
| 815 | QUIT $$setErrorClasses^%zewdUtilities()
| 816 | ;
| 817 | getRequestValue(fieldName,sessid)
| 818 | set $zt="getRequestValueErr"
| 819 | s sessid=$g(sessid)
| 820 | i $g(fieldName)="" QUIT ""
| 821 | QUIT $g(requestArray(fieldName))
| 822 | ;
| 823 | getRequestValueErr
| 824 | set $zt=""
| 825 | QUIT ""
| 826 | ;
| 827 | mergeFromRequest(array,fieldName,sessid)
| 828 | QUIT:fieldName=""
| 829 | m array=requestArray(fieldName)
| 830 | QUIT
| 831 | ;
| 832 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 833 | ;
| 834 | copyRequestValueToSession(fieldName,sessid)
| 835 | ;
| 836 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 837 | QUIT:$g(fieldName)=""
| 838 | i $$isTemp(fieldName) m zewdSession(fieldName)=requestArray(fieldName)
| 839 | m ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,fieldName)=requestArray(fieldName)
| 840 | QUIT
| 841 | ;
| 842 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 843 | ;
| 844 | getCookieValue(cookieName,sessid)
| 845 | QUIT:$g(cookieName)=""
| 846 | set $zt="getCookieValueErr"
| 847 | QUIT $g(requestArray(cookieName))
| 848 | ;
| 849 | getCookieValueErr ; --- Come here if error occurred in 'getCookieValue' ---
| 850 | set $zt=""
| 851 | QUIT ""
| 852 | ;
| 853 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 854 | ;
| 855 | deleteCookie(cookieName,sessid)
| 856 | d setCookieValue(cookieName,"",-3600,sessid)
| 857 | QUIT
| 858 | ;
| 859 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 860 | ;
| 861 | convertDaysToSeconds(days)
| 862 | QUIT days*86400
| 863 | ;
| 864 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 865 | ;
| 866 | parseHTMLFile(filepath,docName)
| 867 | QUIT $$parseHTMLFile^%zewdCompiler16($g(filepath),$g(docName))
| 868 | ;
| 869 | parseXMLFile(filepath,docName)
| 870 | QUIT $$parseXMLFile^%zewdCompiler16($g(filepath),$g(docName))
| 871 | ;
| 872 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 873 | ;
| 874 | parseStream(streamName,docName,error,isHTML)
| 875 | d parseStream^%zewdCompiler16($g(streamName),$g(docName),.error,$g(isHTML))
| 876 | QUIT
| 877 | ;
| 878 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 879 | ;
| 880 | parseHTMLStream(streamName,docName)
| 881 | QUIT $$parseHTMLStream^%zewdCompiler16($g(streamName),$g(docName))
| 882 | ;
| 883 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 884 | ;
| 885 | parseURL(server,getPath,docName,port,isHTML,responseTime,browserType,post)
| 886 | ;
| 887 | QUIT $$parseURL^%zewdHTMLParser($g(server),$g(getPath),$g(docName),$g(port),$g(isHTML),.responseTime,$g(browserType),$g(post))
| 888 | ;
| 889 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 890 | ;
| 891 | setCookieValue(cookieName,value,expiryDuration,sessid)
| 892 | ;
| 893 | ; expiryDuration is no of seconds
| 894 | ;
| 895 | n expires
| 896 | s expires=expiryDuration
| 897 | i $$isCSP(sessid) d
| 898 | . s expires=$$convertDateToSeconds($h)+expires
| 899 | . s expires=$$convertSecondsToDate(expires)
| 900 | . s expires=$$inetDate(expires)
| 901 | s value=value_$c(1)_expires
| 902 | d setSessionArray("ewd_cookie",cookieName,value,sessid)
| 903 | ;
| 904 | QUIT
| 905 | ;
| 906 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 907 | ;
| 908 | setResponseHeader(headerName,headerValue,sessid)
| 909 | d setSessionArray^%zewdAPI("ewd_header",$g(headerName),$g(headerValue),$g(sessid))
| 910 | QUIT
| 911 | ;
| 912 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 913 | ;
| 914 | suppressResponseHeader(headerName,sessid)
| 915 | i $$isCSP(sessid) d setResponseHeader(headerName,"",sessid)
| 916 | QUIT
| 917 | ;
| 918 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 919 | ;
| 920 | addServerToSession(sessid,serverArray)
| 921 | d addServerToSession^%zewdCompiler13($g(sessid),.serverArray)
| 922 | QUIT
| 923 | ;
| 924 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 925 | ;
| 926 | getServerValue(serverFieldName,sessid)
| 927 | ;
| 928 | s sessid=$g(sessid)
| 929 | set $zt="getServerValueErr"
| 930 | s $zt="g "_$zt
| 931 | i $g(serverFieldName)="" QUIT ""
| 932 | ;
| 933 | s $zt=""
| 934 | QUIT $g(serverArray(serverFieldName))
| 935 | ;
| 936 | getServerValueErr ; --- Come here if error occurred in 'getServerValue' ---
| 937 | set $zt=""
| 938 | QUIT ""
| 939 | ;
| 940 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 941 | ;
| 942 | deleteWarning(sessid)
| 943 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 944 | d deleteFromSession("ewd_warning",sessid)
| 945 | QUIT
| 946 | ;
| 947 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 948 | ;
| 949 | setWarning(warningMessage,sessid)
| 950 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 951 | QUIT:$g(warningMessage)=""
| 952 | s warningMessage=$$systemMessage(warningMessage,"warning",sessid)
| 953 | i '$$isCSP(sessid) s warningMessage=$$zcvt(warningMessage,"o","JS")
| 954 | d setSessionValue("ewd_warning",warningMessage,sessid)
| 955 | QUIT
| 956 | ;
| 957 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 958 | ;
| 959 | clearAllSelected(sessid)
| 960 | k ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_selected")
| 961 | QUIT
| 962 | ;
| 963 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 964 | ;
| 965 | clearSelected(fieldName,sessid)
| 966 | QUIT:$g(fieldName)=""
| 967 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 968 | s fieldName=$tr(fieldName,".","_")
| 969 | k ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_selected",fieldName)
| 970 | QUIT
| 971 | ;
| 972 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 973 | ;
| 974 | addToSelected(fieldName,fieldValue,sessid)
| 975 | ;
| 976 | n shortFieldValue
| 977 | QUIT:$g(fieldName)=""
| 978 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 979 | QUIT:$g(fieldValue)=""
| 980 | s fieldName=$tr(fieldName,".","_")
| 981 | s shortFieldValue=$e(fieldValue,1,200)
| 982 | s ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_selected",fieldName,shortFieldValue)=fieldValue
| 983 | QUIT
| 984 | ;
| 985 | removeFromSelected(fieldName,fieldValue,sessid)
| 986 | ;
| 987 | n shortFieldValue
| 988 | QUIT:$g(fieldName)=""
| 989 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 990 | QUIT:$g(fieldValue)=""
| 991 | s fieldName=$tr(fieldName,".","_")
| 992 | s shortFieldValue=$e(fieldValue,1,200)
| 993 | k ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_selected",fieldName,shortFieldValue)
| 994 | QUIT
| 995 | ;
| 996 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 997 | ;
| 998 | mergeFromSelected(fieldName,selected,sessid)
| 999 | ;
| 1000 | k selected
| 1001 | s fieldName=$tr(fieldName,".","_")
| 1002 | m selected=^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_selected",fieldName)
| 1003 | QUIT
| 1004 | ;
| 1005 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1006 | ;
| 1007 | mergeToSelected(fieldName,selected,sessid)
| 1008 | ;
| 1009 | s fieldName=$tr(fieldName,".","_")
| 1010 | ;
| 1011 | k ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_selected",fieldName)
| 1012 | m ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_selected",fieldName)=selected
| 1013 | QUIT
| 1014 | ;
| 1015 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1016 | ;
| 1017 | isSelected(fieldName,fieldValue,sessid)
| 1018 | n shortFieldValue
| 1019 | i $g(fieldName)="" QUIT 0
| 1020 | i $g(sessid)="" QUIT 0
| 1021 | i $g(fieldValue)="" QUIT 0
| 1022 | s fieldName=$tr(fieldName,".","_")
| 1023 | set $zt="isSelectedErr"
| 1024 | s shortFieldValue=$e(fieldValue,1,200)
| 1025 | QUIT $d(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_selected",fieldName,shortFieldValue))
| 1026 | ;
| 1027 | isSelectedErr ; --- Come here if error occurred in 'isSelected' ---
| 1028 | set $zt=""
| 1029 | QUIT 0
| 1030 | ;
| 1031 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1032 | ;
| 1033 | clearTextArea(fieldName,sessid)
| 1034 | QUIT:$g(fieldName)=""
| 1035 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 1036 | s fieldName=$tr(fieldName,".","_")
| 1037 | k ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_textarea",fieldName)
| 1038 | s ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_textarea",fieldName,1)=""
| 1039 | QUIT
| 1040 | ;
| 1041 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1042 | ;
| 1043 | createTextArea(fieldName,textArray,sessid)
| 1044 | ;
| 1045 | QUIT:$g(fieldName)=""
| 1046 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 1047 | s fieldName=$tr(fieldName,".","_")
| 1048 | m ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_textarea",fieldName)=textArray
| 1049 | QUIT
| 1050 | ;
| 1051 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1052 | ;
| 1053 | mergeTextAreaFromRequest(fieldName,requestArray,sessid)
| 1054 | ;
| 1055 | q:$g(sessid)=""
| 1056 | s fieldName=$tr(fieldName,".","_")
| 1057 | ;
| 1058 | q:'$d(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_textarea",fieldName))
| 1059 | d clearTextArea(fieldName,sessid)
| 1060 | m ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_textarea",fieldName)=requestArray(fieldName)
| 1061 | QUIT
| 1062 | ;
| 1063 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1064 | ;
| 1065 | appendToTextArea(fieldName,lineOfText,sessid)
| 1066 | ;
| 1067 | n position
| 1068 | ;
| 1069 | QUIT:$g(fieldName)=""
| 1070 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 1071 | s fieldName=$tr(fieldName,".","_")
| 1072 | ;
| 1073 | s position=$o(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_textarea",fieldName,""),-1)+1
| 1074 | s ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_textarea",fieldName,position)=lineOfText
| 1075 | QUIT
| 1076 | ;
| 1077 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1078 | ;
| 1079 | mergeFromTextArea(fieldName,textArray,sessid)
| 1080 | ;
| 1081 | s fieldName=$tr(fieldName,".","_")
| 1082 | m textArray=^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_textarea",fieldName)
| 1083 | QUIT
| 1084 | ;
| 1085 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1086 | ;
| 1087 | mergeToTextArea(fieldName,textArray,sessid)
| 1088 | ;
| 1089 | s fieldName=$tr(fieldName,".","_")
| 1090 | m ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_textarea",fieldName)=textArray
| 1091 | QUIT
| 1092 | ;
| 1093 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1094 | ;
| 1095 | clearList(listName,sessid)
| 1096 | QUIT:$g(listName)=""
| 1097 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 1098 | s listName=$tr(listName,".","_")
| 1099 | k ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_list",listName)
| 1100 | k ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_listIndex",listName)
| 1101 | QUIT
| 1102 | ;
| 1103 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1104 | ;
| 1105 | isListDefined(listName,sessid)
| 1106 | QUIT $d(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_list",listName))
| 1107 | ;
| 1108 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1109 | ;
| 1110 | countList(listName,sessid)
| 1111 | QUIT $$countList^%zewdCompiler16($g(listName),$g(sessid))
| 1112 | ;
| 1113 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1114 | ;
| 1115 | appendToList(listName,textValue,codeValue,sessid,otherAttrs)
| 1116 | ;
| 1117 | n position
| 1118 | ;
| 1119 | QUIT:$g(listName)=""
| 1120 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 1121 | ;QUIT:$g(textValue)=""
| 1122 | ;QUIT:$g(codeValue)=""
| 1123 | s listName=$tr(listName,".","_")
| 1124 | ;
| 1125 | s position=$o(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_list",listName,""),-1)+1
| 1126 | d addToList(listName,textValue,codeValue,position,sessid,.otherAttrs)
| 1127 | QUIT
| 1128 | ;
| 1129 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1130 | ;
| 1131 | addToList(listName,textValue,codeValue,position,sessid,otherAttrs)
| 1132 | ;d addToList^%zewdCompiler16($g(listName),$g(textValue),$g(codeValue),$g(position),$g(sessid),.otherAttrs)
| 1133 | ;
| 1134 | n attrList,attrName
| 1135 | ;
| 1136 | QUIT:$g(listName)=""
| 1137 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 1138 | QUIT:$g(position)=""
| 1139 | i $g(codeValue)="",$g(textValue)="" QUIT
| 1140 | s position=+position
| 1141 | d removeFromList(listName,codeValue,sessid) ; just in case
| 1142 | s attrName="",attrList=""
| 1143 | f s attrName=$o(otherAttrs(attrName)) q:attrName="" d
| 1144 | . s attrList=attrList_attrName_$c(3)_otherAttrs(attrName)_$c(1)
| 1145 | ;
| 1146 | s codeValue=$g(codeValue) i codeValue="" s codeValue=textValue
| 1147 | s ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_list",listName,position)=textValue_$c(1)_codeValue_$c(1)_attrList
| 1148 | s ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_listIndex",listName,codeValue)=position
| 1149 | k otherAttrs
| 1150 | QUIT
| 1151 | ;
| 1152 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1153 | ;
| 1154 | mergeToList(listName,listArray,sessid)
| 1155 | ;
| 1156 | d mergeToList^%zewdCompiler7(listName,.listArray,sessid)
| 1157 | QUIT
| 1158 | ;
| 1159 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1160 | ;
| 1161 | removeFromList(listName,codeValue,sessid)
| 1162 | ;
| 1163 | ;d removeFromList^%zewdCompiler7(listName,codeValue,sessid)
| 1164 | n position
| 1165 | ;
| 1166 | QUIT:$g(listName)=""
| 1167 | QUIT:$g(sessid)=""
| 1168 | QUIT:$g(codeValue)=""
| 1169 | ;
| 1170 | s position=$g(^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_listIndex",listName,codeValue))
| 1171 | QUIT:position=""
| 1172 | k ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_list",listName,position)
| 1173 | k ^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_listIndex",listName,codeValue)
| 1174 | d setWLDSymbol("ewd_list",sessid)
| 1175 | d setWLDSymbol("ewd_listIndex",sessid)
| 1176 | QUIT
| 1177 | ;
| 1178 | ;
| 1179 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1180 | ;
| 1181 | copyList(fromListName,toListName,sessid)
| 1182 | ;
| 1183 | d copyList^%zewdCompiler7($g(fromListName),$g(toListName),$g(sessid))
| 1184 | QUIT
| 1185 | ;
| 1186 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1187 | ;
| 1188 | getTextFromList(listName,codeValue,sessid)
| 1189 | ;
| 1190 | QUIT $$getTextFromList^%zewdCompiler7(listName,codeValue,sessid)
| 1191 | ;
| 1192 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1193 | ;
| 1194 | replaceOptionsByFieldName(formName,fieldName,listName,sessid)
| 1195 | ;
| 1196 | QUIT $$replaceOptionsByFieldName^%zewdCompiler7(formName,fieldName,listName,sessid)
| 1197 | ;
| 1198 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1199 | replaceOptionsByID(fieldID,listName,sessid)
| 1200 | ;
| 1201 | QUIT $$replaceOptionsByID^%zewdCompiler7(fieldID,listName,sessid)
| 1202 | ;
| 1203 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1204 | ;
| 1205 | getUploadedFileName(fieldName,sessid)
| 1206 | ;
| 1207 | n filename,technology
| 1208 | s technology=$$getSessionValue^%zewdAPI("ewd_technology",sessid)
| 1209 | QUIT 0
| 1210 | ;
| 1211 | getUploadedFileNameErr
| 1212 | set $zt=""
| 1213 | QUIT ""
| 1214 | ;
| 1215 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1216 | ;
| 1217 | getUploadedFileSize(fieldName,sessid)
| 1218 | ;
| 1219 | set $zt="getUploadedFileSizeErr"
| 1220 | QUIT 0
| 1221 | ;
| 1222 | getUploadedFileSizeErr ;
| 1223 | set $zt=""
| 1224 | QUIT ""
| 1225 | ;
| 1226 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1227 | ;
| 1228 | getUploadedFileType(fieldName,sessid)
| 1229 | ;
| 1230 | set $zt="getUploadedFileTypeErr"
| 1231 | QUIT 0
| 1232 | ;
| 1233 | getUploadedFileTypeErr
| 1234 | set $zt=""
| 1235 | QUIT ""
| 1236 | ;
| 1237 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1238 | ;
| 1239 | errorOccurred(sessid)
| 1240 | ;
| 1241 | n warning
| 1242 | ;
| 1243 | i $g(Error)="" QUIT 0
| 1244 | s warning=$$getSessionValue("ewd_warning",sessid)
| 1245 | QUIT Error'=warning
| 1246 | ;
| 1247 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1248 | ;
| 1249 | removeQuotes(string)
| 1250 | ;
| 1251 | n quoted,c1,quote
| 1252 | s quote=""
| 1253 | s c1=$e(string,1)
| 1254 | s quoted=0
| 1255 | i c1=""""!(c1="'") s quoted=1,quote=c1
| 1256 | i 'quoted QUIT string
| 1257 | i $e(string,$l(string))'=quote QUIT string
| 1258 | QUIT $e(string,2,$l(string)-1)
| 1259 | ;
| 1260 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1261 | ;
| 1262 | escapeQuotes(text)
| 1263 | ;
| 1264 | s text=$$replaceAll(text,"'",$c(4))
| 1265 | s text=$$replaceAll(text,$c(4),"\'")
| 1266 | s text=$$replaceAll(text,"""",$c(4))
| 1267 | s text=$$replaceAll(text,$c(4),"\""")
| 1268 | ;
| 1269 | QUIT text
| 1270 | ;
| 1271 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1272 | ;
| 1273 | getAttrValue(attrName,attrValues,technology)
| 1274 | QUIT $$getAttrValue^%zewdCompiler4(attrName,.attrValues,technology)
| 1275 | ;
| 1276 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1277 | ;
| 1278 | replaceAll(InText,FromStr,ToStr) ; Replace all occurrences of a substring
| 1279 | ;
| 1280 | n %p
| 1281 | ;
| 1282 | s %p=InText
| 1283 | i ToStr[FromStr d QUIT %p
| 1284 | . n i,stop,tempText,tempTo
| 1285 | . s stop=0
| 1286 | . f i=0:1:255 d q:stop
| 1287 | . . q:InText[$c(i)
| 1288 | . . q:FromStr[$c(i)
| 1289 | . . q:ToStr[$c(i)
| 1290 | . . s stop=1
| 1291 | . s tempTo=$c(i)
| 1292 | . s tempText=$$replaceAll(InText,FromStr,tempTo)
| 1293 | . s %p=$$replaceAll(tempText,tempTo,ToStr)
| 1294 | f q:%p'[FromStr S %p=$$replace(%p,FromStr,ToStr)
| 1295 | QUIT %p
| 1296 | ;
| 1297 | replace(InText,FromStr,ToStr) ; replace old with new in string
| 1298 | ;
| 1299 | n %p1,%p2
| 1300 | ;
| 1301 | i InText'[FromStr q InText
| 1302 | s %p1=$p(InText,FromStr,1),%p2=$p(InText,FromStr,2,255)
| 1303 | QUIT %p1_ToStr_%p2
| 1304 | ;
| 1305 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1306 | ;
| 1307 | addImmediateOneOffTask(executeCode,startTime,namespace,rc,rm)
| 1308 | QUIT $$addImmediateOneOffTask^%zewdScheduler($g(executeCode),$g(startTime),$g(namespace),.rc,.rm)
| 1309 | ;
| 1310 | ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| 1311 | ;
| 1312 | getDataTypeErrors(errorArray,sessid)
| 1313 | k errorArray
| 1314 | d mergeArrayFromSession(.errorArray,"ewd_DataTypeError",sessid)
| 1315 | QUIT
| 1316 | ;
| 1317 | clearSchemaFormErrors(sessid)
| 1318 | d deleteFromSession("ewd_SchemaFormError",sessid)
| 1319 | QUIT
| 1320 | ;
| 1321 | getSchemaFormErrors(errorArray,sessid)
| 1322 | QUIT $$getSchemaFormErrors^%zewdCompiler13(.errorArray,$g(sessid))
| 1323 | ;
| 1324 | setSchemaFormErrors(errorArray,sessid)
| 1325 | ;
| 1326 | n sessionName
| 1327 | ;
| 1328 | s sessionName="ewd_SchemaFormError"
| 1329 | d deleteFromSession(sessionName,sessid)
| 1330 | d mergeArrayToSession(.errorArray,sessionName,sessid)
| 1331 | QUIT
| 1332 | ;
| 1333 | removeInstanceDocument(instanceName)
| 1334 | ;
| 1335 | n ok
| 1336 | s ok=$$openDOM
| 1337 | i ok'="" QUIT ok
| 1338 | s ok=$$removeDocument^%zewdDOM(instanceName,"","")
| 1339 | d clearXMLIndex^%zewdSchemaForm(instanceName)
| 1340 | s ok=$$closeDOM^%zewdDOM()
| 1341 | QUIT ""
| 1342 | ;
| 1343 | ;
| 1344 | makeTokenString(length)
| 1345 | ;
| 1346 | n string,token,i
| 1347 | ;
| 1348 | s string="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"
| 1349 | s token=""
| 1350 | f i=1:1:length s token=token_$e(string,($r($l(string))+1))
| 1351 | QUIT token
| 1352 | ;
| 1353 | makeString(%char,%len) ; create a string of len characters
| 1354 | ;
| 1355 | n %str
| 1356 | ;
| 1357 | s %str="",$p(%str,%char,%len+1)=""
| 1358 | QUIT %str
| 1359 | ;
| 1360 | convertDateToSeconds(hdate)
| 1361 | ;
| 1362 | Q (hdate*86400)+$p(hdate,",",2)
| 1363 | ;
| 1364 | convertSecondsToDate(secs)
| 1365 | ;
| 1366 | QUIT (secs\86400)_","_(secs#86400)
| 1367 | ;
| 1368 | getTokenExpiry(token)
| 1369 | ;
| 1370 | n sessid
| 1371 | ;
| 1372 | i $g(token)="" QUIT 0
| 1373 | s sessid=+$g(^%zewdSession("tokens",token))
| 1374 | i sessid="" QUIT 0
| 1375 | QUIT $$getSessionValue("ewd_sessionExpiry",sessid)
| 1376 | ;
| 1377 | isTokenExpired(token)
| 1378 | ;
| 1379 | ;QUIT $$getTokenExpiry(token)'>$$convertDateToSeconds($h)
| 1380 | QUIT $$getTokenExpiry(token)'>(($h*86400)+$p($h,",",2))
| 1381 | ;
| 1382 | randChar()
| 1383 | ;
| 1384 | n string
| 1385 | ;
| 1386 | s string="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"
| 1387 | QUIT $e(string,($R($l(string))+1))
| 1388 | ;
| 1389 | lowerCase(string)
| 1390 | QUIT $tr(string,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVQXYZ","abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
| 1391 | ;
| 1392 | stripSpaces(string)
| 1393 | s string=$$stripLeadingSpaces(string)
| 1394 | QUIT $$stripTrailingSpaces(string)
| 1395 | ;
| 1396 | stripLeadingSpaces(string)
| 1397 | n i
| 1398 | ;
| 1399 | f i=1:1:$l(string) QUIT:$e(string,i)'=" "
| 1400 | QUIT $e(string,i,$l(string))
| 1401 | ;
| 1402 | stripTrailingSpaces(string)
| 1403 | n i,spaces,new
| 1404 | ;
| 1405 | s spaces=$$makeString(" ",100)
| 1406 | s new=string_spaces
| 1407 | QUIT $p(new,spaces,1)
| 1408 | ;
| 1409 | parseMethod(methodString,class,method)
| 1410 | ;
| 1411 | n %p1,%p2,meth
| 1412 | ;
| 1413 | s %p1=$p(methodString,"##class(",2)
| 1414 | s class=$p(%p1,")",1)
| 1415 | s %p2=$p(%p1,")",2,500)
| 1416 | s method=$p(%p2,".",2)
| 1417 | s method=$p(method,"(",1)
| 1418 | QUIT
| 1419 | ;
| 1420 | event(requestArray)
| 1421 | QUIT $$event^%zewdPHP(.requestArray)
| 1422 | ;
| 1423 | clearURLNVP(urlNo)
| 1424 | ;
| 1425 | QUIT
| 1426 | ;
| 1427 | setURLNVP(urlNo,name)
| 1428 | ;
| 1429 | QUIT
| 1430 | ;
| 1431 | decodeDataType(name,dataType,sessid)
| 1432 | ;
| 1433 | n value,inputMethod,x,decodedValue
| 1434 | ;
| 1435 | q:$g(name)=""
| 1436 | q:$g(dataType)=""
| 1437 | s value=$$getSessionValue(name,sessid)
| 1438 | s inputMethod=$$getInputMethod^%zewdCompiler(dataType)
| 1439 | q:inputMethod=""
| 1440 | s x="s decodedValue=$$"_inputMethod_"("""_value_""",sessid)"
| 1441 | x x
| 1442 | d setSessionValue(name,decodedValue,sessid)
| 1443 | QUIT
| 1444 | ;
| 1445 | encodeDataType(name,dataType,sessid)
| 1446 | QUIT $$encodeDataType^%zewdCompiler13($g(name),$g(dataType),$g(sessid))
| 1447 | ;
| 1448 | copyURLNVPsToSession(urlNo)
| 1449 | ;
| 1450 | n name
| 1451 | ;
| 1452 | QUIT
| 1453 | ;
| 1454 | doubleQuotes(string)
| 1455 | ;
| 1456 | s string=$$replaceAll(string,"""",$c(1,1))
| 1457 | s string=$tr(string,$c(1),"""")
| 1458 | QUIT string
| 1459 | ;
| 1460 | ; ==========================================================================
| 1461 | ; Error Trap Functions
| 1462 | ; ==========================================================================
| 1463 | ;
| 1464 | copySessionToSymbolTable(sessid)
| 1465 | d copySessionToSymbolTable^%zewdCompiler16($g(sessid))
| 1466 | QUIT
| 1467 | ;
| 1468 | saveSymbolTable(sessid)
| 1469 | ;
| 1470 | n ok
| 1471 | ;s sessid=0
| 1472 | k ^%zewdError(sessid)
| 1473 | n %zzv
| 1474 | k ^%zewdError(sessid)
| 1475 | s %zzv="%"
| 1476 | f s %zzv=$o(@%zzv) Q:%zzv="" m ^%zewdError(sessid,%zzv)=@%zzv
| 1477 | QUIT
| 1478 | ;
| 1479 | recoverSymbolTable(sessid,web)
| 1480 | n (sessid,web)
| 1481 | n %zzv
| 1482 | s %zzv=""
| 1483 | f s %zzv=$o(^%zewdError(sessid,%zzv)) QUIT:%zzv="" d
| 1484 | . m @%zzv=^%zewdError(sessid,%zzv)
| 1485 | d writeSymbolTable(web)
| 1486 | QUIT
| 1487 | ;
| 1488 | writeSymbolTable(web)
| 1489 | i $g(web) w "<pre>"
| 1490 | zwrite
| 1491 | i $g(web) w "</pre>"
| 1492 | QUIT
| 1493 | ;
| 1494 | loadErrorSymbols(sessid)
| 1495 | d loadErrorSymbols^%zewdCompiler19($g(sessid))
| 1496 | QUIT
| 1497 | ;
| 1498 | deleteErrorLog(sessid)
| 1499 | k ^%zewdError(sessid)
| 1500 | QUIT
| 1501 | ;
| 1502 | deleteAllErrorLogs
| 1503 | k ^%zewdError
| 1504 | QUIT
| 1505 | ;
| 1506 | fileSize(path)
| 1507 | QUIT $$fileSize^%zewdCompiler13($g(path))
| 1508 | ;
| 1509 | fileExists(path)
| 1510 | QUIT $$fileExists^%zewdCompiler13($g(path))
| 1511 | ;
| 1512 | fileInfo(path,info)
| 1513 | d fileInfo^%zewdCompiler13($g(path),.info)
| 1514 | QUIT
| 1515 | ;
| 1516 | directoryExists(path)
| 1517 | QUIT $$directoryExists^%zewdCompiler13($g(path))
| 1518 | ;
| 1519 | deleteFile(filepath)
| 1520 | QUIT $$deleteFile^%zewdCompiler13($g(filepath))
| 1521 | ;
| 1522 | renameFile(filepath,newpath)
| 1523 | QUIT $$renameFile^%zewdCompiler13($g(filepath),$g(newpath))
| 1524 | ;
| 1525 | createDirectory(path)
| 1526 | QUIT $$createDirectory^%zewdCompiler13($g(path))
| 1527 | ;
| 1528 | removeCR(string)
| 1529 | i $e(string,$l(string))=$c(13) s string=$e(string,1,$l(string)-1)
| 1530 | QUIT string
| 1531 | ;
| 1532 | setApplicationRootPath(path)
| 1533 | d setApplicationRootPath^%zewdCompiler(path)
| 1534 | QUIT
| 1535 | ;
| 1536 | applicationRootPath()
| 1537 | QUIT $$applicationRootPath^%zewdCompiler()
| 1538 | ;
| 1539 | getApplicationRootPath()
| 1540 | QUIT $$getApplicationRootPath^%zewdCompiler()
| 1541 | ;
| 1542 | setOutputRootPath(path,technology)
| 1543 | d setOutputRootPath^%zewdCompiler(path,technology)
| 1544 | QUIT
| 1545 | ;
| 1546 | getRootURL(technology)
| 1547 | QUIT $$getRootURL^%zewdCompiler(technology)
| 1548 | ;
| 1549 | setRootURL(cspURL,technology)
| 1550 | d setRootURL^%zewdCompiler(cspURL,technology)
| 1551 | QUIT
| 1552 | ;
| 1553 | getDefaultTechnology()
| 1554 | QUIT $$getDefaultTechnology^%zewdCompiler()
| 1555 | ;
| 1556 | getDefaultMultiLingual()
| 1557 | QUIT $$getDefaultMultiLingual^%zewdCompiler()
| 1558 | ;
| 1559 | getOutputRootPath(technology)
| 1560 | QUIT $$getOutputRootPath^%zewdCompiler(technology)
| 1561 | ;
| 1562 | getJSScriptsPath(app,technology)
| 1563 | QUIT $$getJSScriptsPath^%zewdCompiler8(app,technology)
| 1564 | ;
| 1565 | getJSScriptsPathMode(technology)
| 1566 | QUIT $$getJSScriptsPathMode^%zewdCompiler8(technology)
| 1567 | ;
| 1568 | setJSScriptsPathMode(technology,mode)
| 1569 | d setJSScriptsPathMode^%zewdCompiler8(technology,mode)
| 1570 | QUIT
| 1571 | ;
| 1572 | getJSScriptsRootPath(technology)
| 1573 | QUIT $$getJSScriptsRootPath^%zewdCompiler8(technology)
| 1574 | ;
| 1575 | setJSScriptsRootPath(technology,path)
| 1576 | d setJSScriptsRootPath^%zewdCompiler8(technology,path)
| 1577 | QUIT
| 1578 | ;
| 1579 | getHomePage()
| 1580 | QUIT $$getHomePage^%zewdCompiler()
| 1581 | ;
| 1582 | setHomePage(homePage)
| 1583 | d setHomePage^%zewdCompiler($g(homePage))
| 1584 | QUIT
| 1585 | ;
| 1586 | getApplications(appList)
| 1587 | QUIT $$getApplications^%zewdCompiler16(.appList)
| 1588 | ;
| 1589 | getPages(application,pageList)
| 1590 | QUIT $$getPages^%zewdCompiler16($g(application),.pageList)
| 1591 | ;
| 1592 | getDefaultFormat()
| 1593 | QUIT $$getDefaultFormat^%zewdCompiler()
| 1594 | ;
| 1595 | getNextChild(parentOID,childOID)
| 1596 | i $g(parentOID)="" QUIT ""
| 1597 | i childOID="" QUIT $$getFirstChild^%zewdDOM(parentOID)
| 1598 | QUIT $$getNextSibling^%zewdDOM(childOID)
| 1599 | ;
| 1600 | addCSPServerScript(parentOID,text)
| 1601 | QUIT $$addCSPServerScript^%zewdCompiler4(parentOID,text)
| 1602 | ;
| 1603 | createPHPCommand(data,docOID)
| 1604 | QUIT $$createPHPCommand^%zewdCompiler4(data,docOID)
| 1605 | ;
| 1606 | createJSPCommand(data,docOID)
| 1607 | QUIT $$createJSPCommand^%zewdCompiler4(data,docOID)
| 1608 | ;
| 1609 | instantiateJSPVar(var,type,docOID,arraySize,initialValue)
| 1610 | d instantiateJSPVar^%zewdCompiler4(var,type,docOID,arraySize,initialValue)
| 1611 | QUIT
| 1612 | ;
| 1613 | removeIntermediateNode(inOID)
| 1614 | d removeIntermediateNode^%zewdCompiler4(inOID)
| 1615 | QUIT
| 1616 | ;
| 1617 | getNormalisedAttributeValue(attrName,nodeOID,technology)
| 1618 | QUIT $$getNormalAttributeValue^%zewdCompiler($g(attrName),$g(nodeOID),$g(technology))
| 1619 | ;
| 1620 | getNormalAttributeValue(attrName,nodeOID,technology)
| 1621 | QUIT $$getNormalAttributeValue^%zewdCompiler($g(attrName),$g(nodeOID),$g(technology))
| 1622 | ;
| 1623 | getTagOID(tagName,docName,lowerCase)
| 1624 | QUIT $$getTagOID^%zewdCompiler($g(tagName),$g(docName),$g(lowerCase))
| 1625 | ;
| 1626 | getTagByNameAndAttr(tagName,attrName,attrValue,matchCase,docName)
| 1627 | QUIT $$getTagByNameAndAttr^%zewdCompiler3($g(tagName),$g(attrName),$g(attrValue),$g(matchCase),$g(docName))
| 1628 | ;
| 1629 | javascriptFunctionExists(functionName,docName)
| 1630 | QUIT $$javascriptFunctionExists^%zewdCompiler7($g(functionName),$g(docName))
| 1631 | ;
| 1632 | addJavascriptFunction(docName,jsTextArray)
| 1633 | QUIT $$addJavascriptFunction^%zewdCompiler7($g(docName),.jsTextArray)
| 1634 | ;
| 1635 | getJavascriptFunctionBody(functionName,docName)
| 1636 | QUIT $$getJavascriptFunctionBody^%zewdCompiler7($g(functionName),docName)
| 1637 | ;
| 1638 | replaceJavascriptFunctionBody(functionName,jsText,docName)
| 1639 | QUIT $$replaceJavascriptFunctionBody^%zewdCompiler7($g(functionName),$g(jsText),$g(docName))
| 1640 | ;
| 1641 | getDelim()
| 1642 | QUIT $$getDelim^%zewdCompiler()
| 1643 | ;
| 1644 | ; ===========================================================================
| 1645 | ; WLD conversion utilities
| 1646 | ; ===========================================================================
| 1647 | ;
| 1648 | configureWebLink(webserver,mode,alias,path)
| 1649 | QUIT $$configure^%zewdWLD($g(webserver),$g(mode),$g(alias),$g(path))
| 1650 | ;
| 1651 | mergeListToSession(fieldName,sessid)
| 1652 | d mergeListToSession^%zewdCompiler16($g(fieldName),$g(sessid))
| 1653 | QUIT
| 1654 | ;
| 1655 | getPREVPAGE(sessid) ;
| 1656 | QUIT $$getPREVPAGE^%zewdCompiler19($g(sessid)) ;
| 1657 | ;
| 1658 | copyToWLDSymbolTable(sessid)
| 1659 | d copyToWLDSymbolTable^%zewdCompiler16($g(sessid))
| 1660 | ;
| 1661 | getPRESSED(sessid)
| 1662 | QUIT $$getSessionValue("ewd_pressed",sessid)
| 1663 | ;
| 1664 | copyToLIST(listName,sessid)
| 1665 | ;
| 1666 | k LIST(listName)
| 1667 | m LIST(listName)=^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_list",listName)
| 1668 | QUIT
| 1669 | ;
| 1670 | copyToSELECTED(fieldName,sessid)
| 1671 | ;
| 1672 | k SELECTED(fieldName)
| 1673 | m SELECTED(fieldName)=^%zewdSession("session",sessid,"ewd_selected",fieldName)
| 1674 | QUIT
| 1675 | ;
| 1676 | traceModeOn
| 1677 | s ^zewd("trace")=1
| 1678 | QUIT
| 1679 | ;
| 1680 | traceModeOff
| 1681 | k ^zewd("trace")
| 1682 | QUIT
| 1683 | ;
| 1684 | getTraceMode()
| 1685 | i $g(^zewd("trace"))=1 QUIT 1
| 1686 | QUIT 0
| 1687 | ;
| 1688 | trace(text,clear) ; trace ;
| 1689 | n i
| 1690 | s text=$g(text)
| 1691 | i $g(clear)=1 k ^%zewdTrace
| 1692 | s i=$increment(^%zewdTrace)
| 1693 | s ^%zewdTrace(i)=text
| 1694 | QUIT
| 1695 | ;
| 1696 | inetDate(hdate) ; Decode $H date and time to Internet format
| 1697 | ;
| 1698 | N %d,%day,%time,%date
| 1699 | ;
| 1700 | S %time=$P(hdate,",",2)
| 1701 | I %time>86400 D
| 1702 | .S %time=%time-86400
| 1703 | .S hdate=(hdate+1)_","_%time
| 1704 | ;
| 1705 | S %d="Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed"
| 1706 | S %day=(hdate#7)+1
| 1707 | S %day=$P(%d,",",%day)
| 1708 | ;
| 1709 | S %date=$$decDate(hdate)
| 1710 | ;S %date=$TR(%date," ","-")
| 1711 | S %time=$$inetTime(hdate)
| 1712 | S %date=%day_", "_%date_" "_%time
| 1713 | Q %date
| 1714 | decDate(hdate) ; Decode a date from $H format
| 1715 | ;
| 1716 | n %yy,%mm,%dd,%d1,%d
| 1717 | i $zv'["GT.M" d
| 1718 | . s %d1=$zd(hdate,5)
| 1719 | . s %yy=$p(%d1,", ",2)
| 1720 | . s %dd=+$p(%d1," ",2) I %dd<10 S %dd="0"_%dd
| 1721 | . s %mm=$p(%d1," ",1)
| 1722 | e d
| 1723 | . n p1,p2
| 1724 | . s %d1=$zd(hdate,2)
| 1725 | . s %dd=$p(%d1,"-",1)
| 1726 | . s %mm=$p(%d1,"-",2)
| 1727 | . s p1=$e(%mm,1),p2=$e(%mm,2,$l(%mm))
| 1728 | . s %mm=p1_$$lowerCase(p2)
| 1729 | . s %yy=$p(%d1,"-",3)
| 1730 | . i hdate>58073 s %yy="20"_%yy
| 1731 | s %d=%dd_" "_%mm_" "_%yy
| 1732 | QUIT %d
| 1733 | ;
| 1734 | inetTime(hdate) ; Decode Internet Format Time from $H format
| 1735 | ; Offset is relative to GMT, eg -0500
| 1736 | ;
| 1737 | n hh,mm,ss,time
| 1738 | s time=$p(hdate,",",2)
| 1739 | s hh=time\3600 i hh<10 s hh="0"_hh
| 1740 | s time=time#3600
| 1741 | s mm=time\60 i mm<10 s mm="0"_mm
| 1742 | s ss=time#60 i ss<10 s ss="0"_ss
| 1743 | QUIT hh_":"_mm_":"_ss
| 1744 | ;
| 1745 | openNewFile(filepath)
| 1746 | QUIT $$openNewFile^%zewdCompiler($g(filepath))
| 1747 | ;
| 1748 | openFile(filepath)
| 1749 | QUIT $$openFile^%zewdCompiler($g(filepath))
| 1750 | ;
| 1751 | openDOM()
| 1752 | ;
| 1753 | n i,ok
| 1754 | ;
| 1755 | f i=1:1:20 s ok=$$openDOM^%zewdDOM(0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) q:$$zcvt(ok,"l")["licensing violation" q:ok="" h 1
| 1756 | i ok'="" s ok="No eXtc Licenses available!"
| 1757 | QUIT ok
| 1758 | ;
| 1759 | removeChild(nodeOID,removeFromDOM)
| 1760 | ;
| 1761 | n ver
| 1762 | ;
| 1763 | s ver=""
| 1764 | QUIT $$removeChild^%zewdDOM(nodeOID,$g(removeFromDOM))
| 1765 | ;
| 1766 | removeAttribute(attrName,nodeOID,removeFromDOM)
| 1767 | ;
| 1768 | n ver
| 1769 | ;
| 1770 | s ver=""
| 1771 | d removeAttribute^%zewdDOM(attrName,nodeOID,$g(removeFromDOM)) QUIT
| 1772 | ;
| 1773 | removeAttributeNS(ns,attrName,nodeOID,removeFromDOM)
| 1774 | ;
| 1775 | n ver
| 1776 | ;
| 1777 | s ver=""
| 1778 | d removeAttributeNS^%zewdDOM(ns,attrName,nodeOID,$g(removeFromDOM)) QUIT
| 1779 | ;
| 1780 | removeIntermediateNodeeXtc(nodeOID,removeFromDOM)
| 1781 | ;
| 1782 | n ver
| 1783 | ;
| 1784 | d removeIntermediateNode^%zewdDOM(nodeOID,$g(removeFromDOM))
| 1785 | QUIT
| 1786 | ;
| 1787 | export(fileName,prefix,extension)
| 1788 | d export^%zewdCompiler16($g(fileName),$g(prefix),$g(extension))
| 1789 | QUIT
| 1790 | ;
| 1791 | import(fileName)
| 1792 | ;
| 1793 | i $g(fileName)="" s fileName="zewd.xml"
| 1794 | QUIT
| 1795 | ;
| 1796 | listDOMsByPrefix(prefix)
| 1797 | d listDOMsByPrefix^%zewdCompiler19($g(prefix))
| 1798 | QUIT
| 1799 | ;
| 1800 | removeDOMsByPrefix(prefix)
| 1801 | d removeDOMsByPrefix^%zewdCompiler19($g(prefix))
| 1802 | QUIT
| 1803 | ;
| 1804 | dumpDOM(docName)
| 1805 | ;
| 1806 | d dumpDOM^%zewdCompiler20($g(docName))
| 1807 | QUIT
| 1808 | ;
| 1809 | namespace()
| 1810 | QUIT $zdir
| 1811 | ;
| 1812 | setNamespace(namespace)
| 1813 | s $zdir=namespace
| 1814 | QUIT
| 1815 | ;
| 1816 | zcvt(string,param,param2)
| 1817 | ;
| 1818 | i $g(param)="" s param="l"
| 1819 | i param="l"!(param="L") QUIT $tr(string,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ","abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
| 1820 | i param="u"!(param="U") QUIT $tr(string,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
| 1821 | QUIT string
| 1822 | ;
| 1823 | getIP() ; Get own IP address
| 1824 | ;
| 1825 | n ip,ipInfo
| 1826 | ;
| 1827 | QUIT $g(ip)
| 1828 | ;
| 1829 | ajaxErrorRedirect(sessid)
| 1830 | ;
| 1831 | n errorPage
| 1832 | ;
| 1833 | s errorPage=$$getSessionValue^%zewdAPI("ewd.errorPage",sessid)
| 1834 | d setRedirect^%zewdAPI(errorPage,sessid)
| 1835 | ;
| 1836 | QUIT ""
| 1837 | ;
| 1838 | classExport(className,methods,filepath)
| 1839 | ;
| 1840 | QUIT $$classExport^%zewdCompiler16($g(className),.methods,$g(filepath))
| 1841 | ;
| 1842 | strx(string)
| 1843 | n i,c,a,ok
| 1844 | f i=1:1:$l(string) s c=$e(string,i),a=$a(c) w i_": "_c_" : "_a,! r ok
| 1845 | QUIT
| 1846 | ;
| 1847 | disableEwdMgr
| 1848 | s ^%zewd("disabled")=1
| 1849 | QUIT
| 1850 | ;
| 1851 | enableEwdMgr
| 1852 | k ^%zewd("disabled")
| 1853 | QUIT
| 1854 | ;
| 1855 | enableWLDAccess(app,page)
| 1856 | i $g(^zewd("allowWLDAccess",$$zcvt(app,"l"),$$zcvt(page,"l")))'=1 s ^zewd("allowWLDAccess",$$zcvt(app,"l"),$$zcvt(page,"l"))=1
| 1857 | QUIT
| 1858 | ;
| 1859 | disableWLDAccess(app,page)
| 1860 | k ^zewd("allowWLDAccess",$$zcvt(app,"l"),$$zcvt(page,"l"))
| 1861 | QUIT
| 1862 | isSSOValid(sso,username,password,sessid)
| 1863 | QUIT $$isSSOValid^%zewdMgrAjax2($g(sso),$g(username),$g(password),$g(sessid))
| 1864 | ;
| 1865 | uniqueId(nodeOID,filename)
| 1866 | QUIT $p(filename,".ewd",1)_$p(nodeOID,"-",2)
| 1867 | ;
| 1868 | exportToGTM(routine)