C0XGET1 ; GPL - Fileman Triples entry point routine ;1/12/12 17:05 ;;0.1;C0X;nopatch;noreleasedate;Build 7 ;Copyright 2011 George Lilly. Licensed under the terms of the GNU ;General Public License See attached copy of the License. ; ;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;(at your option) any later version. ; ;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;GNU General Public License for more details. ; ;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ;with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ;51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ; Q ; LSSUBJ(RTN,ZSUBJ,C0XFARY) ; LIST NODES WITH SUBJECT ZSUBJ ; I '$D(C0XFARY) D INITFARY^C0XF2N("C0XFARY") D USEFARY^C0XF2N("C0XFARY") Q ; GRAPHS(RTN,C0XFARY) ; LIST ALL GRAPHS ; I '$D(C0XFARY) D INITFARY^C0XF2N("C0XFARY") D USEFARY^C0XF2N("C0XFARY") N ZI S ZI="" F S ZI=$O(@C0XTN@("G",ZI)) Q:ZI="" D ; . S RTN(ZI,$$STR(ZI))="" Q ; STR(ZIN,C0XFARY) ; EXTRINSIC RETURNS A STRING I '$D(C0XFARY) D INITFARY^C0XF2N("C0XFARY") Q $$GET1^DIQ(C0XSFN,ZIN,.01,"E") ; SPO(ZRTN,ZNODE,C0XFARY) I '$D(C0XFARY) D INITFARY^C0XF2N("C0XFARY") N ZI S ZI=$$NXT(.ZRTN) S ZRTN(ZI,"S")=$$S(ZNODE) S ZRTN(ZI,"P")=$$P(ZNODE) S ZRTN(ZI,"O")=$$O(ZNODE) Q ; S(ZNODE,C0XFARY) ; EXTRINSIC RETURNING THE SUBJECT Q $$STR($$GET1^DIQ(C0XTFN,ZNODE,.03,"I")) ; ; P(ZNODE,C0XFARY) ; EXTRINSIC RETURNING THE PREDICATE Q $$STR($$GET1^DIQ(C0XTFN,ZNODE,.04,"I")) ; ; O(ZNODE,C0XFARY) ; EXTRINSIC RETURNING THE OBJECT Q $$STR($$GET1^DIQ(C0XTFN,ZNODE,.05,"I")) ; ; NXT(ZRTN) ;EXTRINSIC FOR THE NEXT NODE IN ARRAY ZRTN, PASSED BY REF I '$D(ZRTN) S ZRTN="" Q $O(ZRTN(""),-1)+1 ; SING(ZRTN,ZG) ; SUBJECTS IN GRAPH ; I '$D(C0XFARY) D INITFARY^C0XF2N("C0XFARY") I '$D(ZRTN) S ZRTN="" N ZI,ZN S ZI="" F S ZI=$O(@C0XTN@("GSPO",ZG,ZI)) Q:ZI="" D ; . S ZRTN($$NXT(.ZRTN),"S")=$$STR(ZI) Q ; qparse(qrtn,zquery) ; parses the query ; want this to be able to handle the WHERE clause of SPARQL eventually ; n q1,q2,q3,qq ;s qq=$tr(zquery," ","^") s qq=query ; really want to remove whitespace here s q1=$p(qq," ",1) i q1["?" s q1="" s q2=$p(qq," ",2) i q2["?" s q2="" s q3=$p(qq," ",3) i q3["?" s q3="" s qrtn(1)=q1_"^"_q2_"^"_q3 ; more lines to come later q ; getGraph(zrtn,zgrf,form) ; get all triples in graph zgrf ; forms planned: "rdf" "json" "array" "turtle" "triples" ; forms supported: "rdf" "json" "array" I '$D(form) S form="rdf" N ZIENS,ZTRIP D TING^C0XF2N(.ZIENS,zgrf) I '$D(ZIENS) Q ; D ien2tary(.ZTRIP,"ZIENS") I form="json" d jsonout(.zrtn,.ZTRIP) q ; what follows is else i form="rdf" d rdfout^C0XRDF(.zrtn,.ZTRIP) q ; i form="array" d arrayout^C0XGET1(.zrtn,.ZTRIP) q ; W !,"Form not supported: ",form Q ; rpctrip(rtn,query,limit,offset) ; rpc to access triples with a query ; n zoff,zlim,zcount,zq k rtn i '$d(limit) s limit=250 i '$d(offset) s offset=0 d qparse(.zq,query) ; parse the query n qsub,qpred,qobj,qtmp W !,zq(1) s qsub=$p(zq(1),"^",1) s qpred=$p(zq(1),"^",2) s qobj=$p(zq(1),"^",3) d triples(.qtmp,qsub,qpred,qobj) f zcount=offset+1:1:offset+limit q:'$d(qtmp(zcount)) d ; . s rtn(zcount)=qtmp(zcount) q ; triples(triplertn,sub,pred,obj,graph,form,fary) ; returns triples I '$D(fary) D ; . D INITFARY^C0XF2N("C0XFARY") . S fary="C0XFARY" D USEFARY^C0XF2N(fary) I '$D(form) S form="json" k triplertn ; start with a clean return n zsub,zpred,zobj,zgraph,tmprtn s zsub=$$IENOF^C0XF2N($$EXT^C0XUTIL($g(sub)),fary) ; ien of subject s zpred=$$IENOF^C0XF2N($$EXT^C0XUTIL($g(pred)),fary) ; ien of predicate s zobj=$$IENOF^C0XF2N($$EXT^C0XUTIL($g(obj)),fary) ; ien of object s zgraph=$$IENOF^C0XF2N($g(graph),fary) ; ien of graph W !,"s:",zsub," p:",zpred," o:",zobj d trip(.tmprtn,zsub,zpred,zobj,zgraph,fary) d ien2tary(.zrary,"tmprtn") ; convert to triples ; i form="json" d jsonout(.triplertn,.zrary) q ; what follows is 'else' i form="rdf" d rdfout^C0XRDF(.triplertn,.zrary) q ; i form="array" d arrayout(.triplertn,.zrary) q ; w !,"form not supported: ",form q ; arrayout(rtn,zary) ; output an array of triples ; s zrsub="" s zcnt=1 f s zrsub=$o(zary(zrsub)) q:zrsub="" d ; organized by subject . s zzz="" . f s zzz=$o(zary(zrsub,zzz)) q:zzz="" d ; pred and obj . . s rtn(zcnt)=zrsub_"^"_zzz . . s zcnt=zcnt+1 q ; ien2tary(zrary,zinary) ; zinary is an array of iens passed by name ; zrary is passed by reference and is return array of triples ; format zrary(zsub,"zpred^zobj")="" ; n zzz,zrsub,zrpred,zrobj,zgraph,zcnt s zzz="" f s zzz=$o(@zinary@(zzz)) q:zzz="" d ; . s zrsub=$$GET1^DIQ(C0XTFN,zzz_",",.03,"E") . s zrpred=$$GET1^DIQ(C0XTFN,zzz_",",.04,"E") . s zrobj=$$GET1^DIQ(C0XTFN,zzz_",",.05,"E") . s zrgraph=$$GET1^DIQ(C0XTFN,zzz_",",.02,"E") . s zrary(zrsub,zrpred_"^"_zrobj)="" q ; jsonout(jout,zary) ; d REPLYSTART^FMQLJSON("jout") d LISTSTART^FMQLJSON("jout","results") n zi s zi="" f s zi=$o(zary(zi)) q:zi="" d ; for each subject . n zii s zii="" . D DICTSTART^FMQLJSON("jout",zi) . f s zii=$o(zary(zi,zii)) q:zii="" d ; for each pred^obj pair . . d DASSERT^FMQLJSON("jout",$p(zii,"^",1),$p(zii,"^",2)) . D DICTEND^FMQLJSON("jout") d LISTEND^FMQLJSON("jout") d REPLYEND^FMQLJSON("jout") q ; trip(triprtn,nsub,npred,nobj,ngraph,fary) ; returns triples iens ; nsub,npred,nobj are all optional ; graf is also optional, and will limit the search to a particular ngraph ; fary is which triple store (not implemented yet) n c0xflag,zi,zx,zt s zt=$na(^C0X(101)) ; n zf1,zf2,zf3 s zf1=$s($g(nsub)="":0,1:1) s zf2=$s($g(npred)="":0,1:1) s zf3=$s($g(nobj)="":0,1:1) s c0xflag="I"_zf1_zf2_zf3 n itbl s itbl("I000","SPO")="d do3(.triprtn,zt,zi)" s itbl("I001","OSP")="d do2(.triprtn,zt,zi,nobj)" s itbl("I010","PSO")="d do2(.triprtn,zt,zi,npred)" s itbl("I011","POS")="d do1(.triprtn,zt,zi,npred,nobj)" s itbl("I100","SPO")="d do2(.triprtn,zt,zi,nsub)" s itbl("I101","SOP")="d do1(.triprtn,zt,zi,nsub,nobj)" s itbl("I110","SPO")="d do1(.triprtn,zt,zi,nsub,npred)" s itbl("I111","SPO")="d do0(.triprtn,zt,zi,nsub,npred,nobj)" s zi=$o(itbl(c0xflag,"")) s zx=itbl(c0xflag,zi) ; executable instruction to run i $g(ngraph)'="" s zi="G"_zi w !,zx x zx q ; do0(dortn,zt,zi,z1,z2,z3) ; looking for only one triple n zz s zz=$o(@zt@(zi,z1,z2,z3,"")) i zz'="" s dortn(zz)="" q ; do1(dortn,zt,zi,z1,z2) ; have 2, looking for one n zr,zx1 s zx1="" f s zx1=$o(@zt@(zi,z1,z2,zx1)) q:zx1="" d ; . s zr=$o(@zt@(zi,z1,z2,zx1,"")) . s dortn(zr)="" q ; do2(dortn,zt,zi,z1) ; have one, looking for 2 n zr,zx1,zx2 s (zx1,zx2)="" f s zx1=$o(@zt@(zi,z1,zx1)) q:zx1="" d ; . f s zx2=$o(@zt@(zi,z1,zx1,zx2)) q:zx2="" d ; . . s zr=$o(@zt@(zi,z1,zx1,zx2,"")) . . s dortn(zr)="" q ; do3(dortn,zt,zi) ; have none, looking for three n zr,zx1,zx2,zx3 s (zx1,zx2,zx3)="" f s zx1=$o(@zt@(zi,zx1)) q:zx1="" d ; . f s zx2=$o(@zt@(zi,zx1,zx2)) q:zx2="" d ; . . f s zx3=$o(@zt@(zi,zx1,zx2,zx3)) q:zx3="" d ; . . . s zr=$o(@zt@(zi,zx1,zx2,zx3,"")) . . . s dortn(zr)="" q ; output(zwhat,zfname,zdir) ; function to write an array to a host file ; if zdir is ommitted, will output to the CCR directory ; ^TMP("C0CCCR","ODIR") ; if fname is ommitted, will output yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss-C0XOUT.out ; zwhat is passed by name ; i '$d(zdir) s zdir=$G(^TMP("C0CCCR","ODIR")) i '$d(zfname) d ; . s zfname=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,7) . s zfname=$tr(zfname,"/","-") . s zfname=$tr(zfname,"@","-") . s zfname=$tr(zfname,":","-") . s zfname=zfname_".out" i $e(zwhat,1,1)'="^" d ; not a global . k ^TMP("C0XOUT",$J) . m ^TMP("C0XOUT",$J)=@zwhat . s zwhat=$na(^TMP("C0XOUT",$J,1)) n zout s zout="" s zout=$$OUTPUT^C0CXPATH(zwhat,zfname,zdir) K ^TMP("C0XOUT",$J) Q zout ;