source: fmts/trunk/p/C0XRDF.m@ 1496

Last change on this file since 1496 was 1483, checked in by George Lilly, 12 years ago

updates for the no-triplestore parse

File size: 2.9 KB
[1367]1C0XRDF ; GPL - Fileman Triples RDF out ;11/07/11 17:05
2 ;;0.1;C0X;nopatch;noreleasedate;Build 7
3 ;Copyright 2012 George Lilly. Licensed under the terms of the GNU
4 ;General Public License See attached copy of the License.
5 ;
6 ;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 ;it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 ;the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 ;(at your option) any later version.
10 ;
11 ;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 ;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 ;GNU General Public License for more details.
15 ;
16 ;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17 ;with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18 ;51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 ;
20 Q
21 ;
23 D ADD(ZARY,"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>")
24 D ADD(ZARY,"<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="""">")
25 Q
26 ;
28 Q
29 ;
31 I ZSUB["http" D Q ;
32 . D ADD(ZARY,"<rdf:Description rdf:about="""_ZSUB_""">")
33 I $E(ZSUB,1,1)="/" D Q ;
34 . D ADD(ZARY,"<rdf:Description rdf:about="""_ZSUB_""">")
35 D ADD(ZARY,"<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="""_ZSUB_""">")
36 Q
37 ;
39 I ZPRED[":" D Q ;
40 . I ZPRED="rdf:type" D Q ;
[1371]41 . . D ADD(ZARY,"<rdf:type rdf:resource="""_$$EXT^C0XUTIL(ZOBJ)_"""/>")
[1368]42 . N ZA,ZB,ZC
[1367]43 . S ZA=$P(ZPRED,":",1)
44 . S ZB=$P(ZPRED,":",2)
[1391]45 . I $E(ZB,1,1)="/" D ;
46 . . S ZB=$P(ZB,"/",2) ; handling gpltest:/note situations
[1483]47 . S ZC=$G(C0XVOC(ZA))
48 . I ZC="" S ZC=ZA
[1384]49 . I ZOBJ["nodeID:" D Q ;
50 . . D ADD(ZARY,"<"_ZB_" xmlns="""_ZC_""" rdf:nodeID="""_$$EXT^C0XUTIL(ZOBJ)_"""/>")
[1385]51 . S ZOBJ=$$EXT^C0XUTIL(ZOBJ)
52 . I ZOBJ["http" D Q ;
53 . . D ADD(ZARY,"<"_ZB_" xmlns="""_ZC_""" rdf:resource="""_ZOBJ_"""/>")
54 . I $E(ZOBJ,1,1)="/" D Q ;
55 . . D ADD(ZARY,"<"_ZB_" xmlns="""_ZC_""" rdf:resource="""_ZOBJ_"""/>")
[1368]56 . D ADD(ZARY,"<"_ZB_" xmlns="""_ZC_""">"_$$EXT^C0XUTIL(ZOBJ)_"</"_ZB_">")
[1483]57 I ZPRED'[":" D Q ;
58 . I ZPRED["." S ZPRED=$TR(ZPRED,".","-")
59 . I ZPRED["@" S ZPRED=$TR(ZPRED,"@","_")
60 . D ADD(ZARY,"<"_ZPRED_">"_$$EXT^C0XUTIL(ZOBJ)_"</"_ZPRED_">")
[1367]61 Q
62 ;
[1370]64 D ADD(ZARY,"</rdf:Description>")
[1367]65 Q
66 ;
68 Q
69 ;
71 D ADD(ZARY,"</rdf:RDF>")
72 Q
73 ;
75 N ZI
76 I '$D(ZARY) S @ZARY@(1)=ZELE Q ;
77 S ZI=$O(@ZARY@(""),-1)
78 S @ZARY@(ZI+1)=ZELE
79 Q
80 ;
81rdfout(rdfout,zary) ;
82 d REPLYSTART("rdfout")
83 d LISTSTART("rdfout","results")
84 n zi s zi=""
85 f s zi=$o(zary(zi)) q:zi="" d ; for each subject
86 . n zii s zii=""
[1368]87 . D DICTSTART("rdfout",$$EXT^C0XUTIL(zi))
[1367]88 . f s zii=$o(zary(zi,zii)) q:zii="" d ; for each pred^obj pair
89 . . d DASSERT("rdfout",$p(zii,"^",1),$p(zii,"^",2))
90 . D DICTEND("rdfout")
91 d LISTEND("rdfout")
92 d REPLYEND("rdfout")
93 q
94 ;
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