C0XTEST ; GPL - Fileman Triples bulk load tester ;11/6/11 17:05 ;;1.0;FILEMAN TRIPLE STORE;;Sep 26, 2012;Build 10 ;Copyright 2011 George Lilly. Licensed under the terms of the GNU ;General Public License See attached copy of the License. ; ;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;(at your option) any later version. ; ;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;GNU General Public License for more details. ; ;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ;with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ;51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ; Q ; EN ; run the test ; k C0XFDA ; clear the node variable i '$d(^C0X(101,0)) d ; global doesn't exist . s ^C0X(101,0)="C0X TRIPLE^172.101^1^1" n zg S zg="_:G"_$$LKY9 ; all nodes are in the same graph n zi f zi=1:1:100000 d ; try a test of 10000 nodes . s C0XFDA(172.101,zi,.01)="N"_$$LKY17 ; node name . s C0XFDA(172.101,zi,.02)=zg . s C0XFDA(172.101,zi,.03)=$R(100000) . s C0XFDA(172.101,zi,.04)=$R(100000) . s C0XFDA(172.101,zi,.05)=$R(100000) S C0XST=$$NOW^XLFDT ; start of the insertion test W !,"INSERTION STARTS AT ",C0XST,! d BULKLOAD(.C0XFDA) s C0XEND=$$NOW^XLFDT ; end of the insertion test W !,"INSERTION ENDS AT ",C0XEND S C0XDIFF=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(C0XEND,C0XST,2) W !," ELAPSED TIME: ",C0XDIFF," SECONDS" I C0XDIFF>0 W !," APPROXIMATELY ",$P(100000/C0XDIFF,".")," NODES PER SECOND" q ; LKY9() ;EXTRINIC THAT RETURNS A RANDOM 9 DIGIT NUMBER. USED FOR GENERATING ; UNIQUE NODE AND GRAPH NAMES N ZN,ZI S ZN="" F ZI=1:1:9 D ; . S ZN=ZN_$R(10) Q ZN ; LKY17() ;EXTRINIC THAT RETURNS A RANDOM 9 DIGIT NUMBER. USED FOR GENERATING ; UNIQUE NODE AND GRAPH NAMES N ZN,ZI S ZN="" F ZI=1:1:17 D ; . S ZN=ZN_$R(10) Q ZN ; BULKLOAD(ZBFDA) ; BULK LOADER FOR LOADING TRIPLES INTO FILE 172.101 ; USING GLOBAL SETS INSTEAD OF UPDATE^DIE ; QUITS IF FILE IS NOT 172.101 ; EXPECTS AN FDA WITHOUT STRINGS FOR THE IENS, STARTING AT 1 ; QUITS IF FIRST ENTRY IS NOT IENS 1 ; ASSUMES THAT THE LAST IENS IS THE COUNT OF ENTRIES ; ZBFDA IS PASSED BY REFERENCE ; ; -- reserves a block of iens from file 172.101 by locking the zero node ; -- ^C0X(101,0) and adding the count of entries to piece 2 and 3 ; -- then unlocking to minimize the duration of the lock ; W !,"USING BULKLOAD" I '$D(ZBFDA) Q ; EMPTY FDA I $O(ZBFDA(""))'=172.101 Q ; WRONG FILE N ZCNT,ZP3,ZP4 ; -- find the number of nodes to insert S ZCNT=$O(ZBFDA(172.101,""),-1) I ZCNT="" D Q ; . W !,"ERROR IN BULK LOAD - INVALID NODE COUNT" . B ; -- lock the zero node and reserve a block of iens to insert W !,"LOCKING ZERO NODE" LOCK +^C0X(101,0) S ZP3=$P(^C0X(101,0),U,3) S ZP4=$P(^C0X(101,0),U,4) S $P(^C0X(101,0),U,3)=ZP3+ZCNT+1 S $P(^C0X(101,0),U,4)=ZP4+ZCNT+1 LOCK -^C0X(101,0) N ZI,ZN,ZG,ZS,ZP,ZO,ZIEN,ZBASE S ZBASE=ZP3 ; the last ien in the file W !,"ZERO NODE UNLOCKED, IENS RESERVED=",ZCNT W !,$$NOW^XLFDT S ZI="" F S ZI=$O(ZBFDA(172.101,ZI)) Q:ZI="" D ; . S ZN=$G(ZBFDA(172.101,ZI,.01)) ; node name . I ZN="" D BLKERR Q ; . S ZG=$G(ZBFDA(172.101,ZI,.02)) ; graph pointer . I ZG="" D BLKERR Q ; . S ZS=$G(ZBFDA(172.101,ZI,.03)) ; subject pointer . I ZS="" D BLKERR Q ; . S ZP=$G(ZBFDA(172.101,ZI,.04)) ; predicate pointer . I ZP="" D BLKERR Q ; . S ZO=$G(ZBFDA(172.101,ZI,.05)) ; object pointer . I ZO="" D BLKERR Q ; . S ZIEN=ZI+ZBASE ; the new ien . S ^C0X(101,ZIEN,0)=ZN_U_ZG_U_ZS_U_ZP_U_ZO ; set the zero node . S ^C0X(101,"B",ZN,ZIEN)="" ; the B index . S ^C0X(101,"G",ZG,ZIEN)="" ; the G for Graph index . S ^C0X(101,"SPO",ZS,ZP,ZO)="" . S ^C0X(101,"SOP",ZS,ZO,ZP)="" . S ^C0X(101,"OPS",ZO,ZP,ZS)="" . S ^C0X(101,"OSP",ZO,ZS,ZP)="" . S ^C0X(101,"GOPS",ZG,ZO,ZP,ZS)="" . S ^C0X(101,"GOSP",ZG,ZO,ZS,ZP)="" . S ^C0X(101,"GPSO",ZG,ZP,ZS,ZO)="" . S ^C0X(101,"GSPO",ZG,ZS,ZP,ZO)="" Q ; BLKERR ; W !,"ERROR IN BULK LOAD",! ZWR ZBFDA(ZI) B Q ;