1 | #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 | #this program converts a csv file of patient data to wikitext format
3 | #
4 | #this software is copyright George Lilly 2010 and is available as GPL
5 | #its home is https://trac.opensourcevista.net/browser/hData/trunk/test-patients
6 | #
7 | #purpose: convert csv file to wikitext
8 | #Second part of a chain of conversions which will create
9 | #hData versions of the test patients. Also generate wiki-formatted versions
10 | #to put on VistAPedia.
11 | #
12 | my($intbl) = "none";
13 | sub endtbl {
14 | print "\|\}\n";
15 | }
16 | sub dotr {
17 | print "\|----\n";
18 | }
19 | sub doetr {
20 | print "\|----\n";
21 | }
22 | sub spancol {
23 | my $tit = shift ;
24 | my $cols = shift;
25 | print "\{\| border=\"1\"\|\n";
26 | print "\!colspan=\"$cols\"\|$tit\n";
27 | }
28 | sub docol {
29 | my $tit = shift ;
30 | print "\!scope\=\"col\"\|$tit\n";
31 | }
32 | sub dorow {
33 | my $tit = shift ;
34 | print "\|$tit\n";
35 | }
36 |
37 |
38 | while(<STDIN>)
39 | {
40 | my($line) = $_;
41 | chomp($line);
42 | $line =~ s/ $//g;
43 | if (($line =~ m/^Patient/)&&($line !~ m/Summary/)) {
44 | if ($intbl !~ "none") { endtbl; }
45 | spancol("Patient",6);
46 | # print "$line\n";
47 | $intbl = "Patient";
48 | }
49 | elsif (($intbl =~ "Patient")&&($line =~ m/^Name/)) {
50 | dotr;
51 | $_ = $line;
52 | push @cols, split(/\|/);
53 | docol($_) for @cols ;
54 | doetr;
55 | @cols = ();
56 | }
57 | elsif ($line =~ m/^Problem List/) {
58 | if ($intbl !~ "none") { endtbl; }
59 | spancol("Problem List",6);
60 | # print "$line\n";
61 | $intbl = "Problem List";
62 | }
63 | elsif (($intbl =~ "Problem List")&&($line =~ m/^Type/)) {
64 | dotr;
65 | $_ = $line;
66 | push @cols, split(/\|/);
67 | docol($_) for @cols ;
68 | doetr;
69 | @cols = ();
70 | }
71 | elsif ($line =~ m/^Medication List/) {
72 | if ($intbl !~ "none") { endtbl; }
73 | spancol("Medication List",10);
74 | # print "$line\n";
75 | $intbl = "Medication List";
76 | }
77 | elsif (($intbl =~ "Medication List")&&($line =~ m/^RxNorm/)) {
78 | dotr;
79 | $_ = $line;
80 | push @cols, split(/\|/);
81 | docol($_) for @cols ;
82 | doetr;
83 | @cols = ();
84 | }
85 | elsif ($line =~ m/^Medication Allergy List/) {
86 | if ($intbl !~ "none") { endtbl; }
87 | spancol("Medication Allergy List",5);
88 | # print "$line\n";
89 | $intbl = "Medication Allergy List";
90 | }
91 | elsif (($intbl =~ "Medication Allergy List")&&($line =~ m/^Type/)) {
92 | dotr;
93 | $_ = $line;
94 | push @cols, split(/\|/);
95 | docol($_) for @cols ;
96 | doetr;
97 | @cols = ();
98 | }
99 | elsif ($line =~ m/^Diagnostic Test Results/) {
100 | if ($intbl !~ "none") { endtbl; }
101 | spancol("Diagnostic Test Results",5);
102 | # print "$line\n";
103 | $intbl = "Diagnostic Test Results";
104 | }
105 | elsif (($intbl =~ "Diagnostic Test Results")&&($line =~ m/^Type/)) {
106 | dotr;
107 | $_ = $line;
108 | push @cols, split(/\|/);
109 | docol($_) for @cols ;
110 | doetr;
111 | @cols = ();
112 | }
113 | elsif ($line =~ m/^Procedure List/) {
114 | if ($intbl !~ "none") { endtbl; }
115 | spancol("Procedure List",5);
116 | # print "$line\n";
117 | $intbl = "Procedure List";
118 | }
119 | elsif (($intbl =~ "Procedure List")&&($line =~ m/^Type/)) {
120 | dotr;
121 | $_ = $line;
122 | push @cols, split(/\|/);
123 | docol($_) for @cols ;
124 | doetr;
125 | @cols = ();
126 | }
127 | elsif (($intbl !~ "none")&&($line =~ m/\|/)) {
128 | $_ = $line;
129 | push @rows, split(/\|/);
130 | dorow($_) for @rows ;
131 | doetr;
132 | @rows = ();
133 | }
134 | else {
135 | if ($intbl !~ "none") { endtbl; }
136 | print "$line\n";
137 | $intbl = "none";
138 | }
139 | }