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1 | Clinical Summaries Test Data Set #5|Office Visit #2 for Johnathan Stone
2 |
3 | Problem List
4 | Type|ICD-9 Code|Patient Problem|Status|Date Diagnosed
5 | Symptom|401.9|Hypertension, Essential|Active|01/15/2010
6 |
7 | Type|SNOMED Code*|Patient Problem|Status|Date Diagnosed
8 | Disorder|59621000|Essential Hypertension|Active|01/15/2010
9 |
10 | Medication List
11 | RxNorm
12 | |Product|Generic Name|Brand Name|Strength|Dose|Route|Frequency|Date Started|Status
13 | Code
14 | 200801|Medication|furosemide|Lasix|20 mg|1 Tablet|PO|BID|01/15/2010|Active
15 | potassium
16 | 628958|Medication|Klor-Con|10 mEq|1 Tablet|PO|BID|01/15/2010|Active
17 | chloride
18 |
19 | Medication Allergy List
20 | Type|SNOMED Code|Medication/Agent|Reaction|Date Recorded
21 | Drug Allergy|294506009|Ampicillin|Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting|03/25/1997
22 | Drug Allergy|91939003|Sulfonamides|Hives, photosensitivity|04/25/1989
23 |
24 | Diagnostic Test Results
25 | Type|LOINC Code|Test (Normal Range)|Result|Date Performed
26 | Chemistry|2823-3|Potassium (3.55.3 mg/dl)|4.5 mg/dl|01/15/2010
27 | The heart outline is normal
28 | 42272-5|and the hilar and
29 | Imaging|Chest X-ray, PA & Lateral|01/15/2010
30 | mediastinal vessels are of
31 | normal appearance
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