English French Notes Complete/Exclude SORRY, THIS IS ALREADY AN ARCHIVE FILE! COMPARE ENTRIES IN START WITH GO TO The 'START WITH' File Number must be less than the 'GO TO' File Number. IEN string ERROR: ZZZ ID DINDEX(DISUB) DINDEX(DISUB, WID( Identifier parameter MUMPS Identifier Word-processing Multiple DINDEX(1) DIVAL= DIVAL=$G(DINDEX(DISUB, DIX( Select SUB-FILE: FILE FILES POINTED TO FORM(S)/BLOCK(S): USER # ' Print Template always used DD # INDEX AND CROSS-REFERENCE TRADITIONAL CROSS-REFERENCE NEW-STYLE INDEX KEY LIST -- FILE # Which field: ALL// What type of cross-reference (Traditional or New)? Enter 'T' to print only traditional cross-references. Traditional cross references are stored in the data dictionary under ^DD(file#,field#,1). Enter 'N' to print only new-style cross-references. New-Style cross references are stored in the Index file. Enter 'B' to print both kinds of cross-references. Start with field: FIRST// Go to field: ** TO AN UNDEFINED FILE ** MUMPS CODE: OUTPUT TRANSFORM: IDENTIFIED BY: NOTES: XXXX--CAN'T BE ALTERED EXCEPT BY PROGRAMMER CROSS-REFERENCE: ALGORITHM: DECIMAL DIGITS) LAST EDITED: HELP-PROMPT: EXPLANATION: EXECUTABLE HELP: SUM: AUDIT: YES, ALWAYS AUDIT CONDITION: PRE-LOOKUP: DELETE TEST: LAYGO TEST: DELETE AUTHORITY: WRITE AUTHORITY: READ AUTHORITY: SOURCE OF DATA: DATA DESTINATION: GROUP: WANT THE LISTING TO INCLUDE MUMPS CODE Enter YES, to see the MUMPS code as in the STANDARD listing. Enter NO, to eliminate MUMPS code from the listing. WANT TO RESTRICT LISTING TO CERTAIN GROUPS OF FIELDS Enter YES, to select the Groups you wish to see in this listing. Enter NO, to see all fields. DJ(Z) Include GROUP: SORRY, THAT ISN'T WHAT A 'GROUP' NAME CAN LOOK LIKE And To list only those fields which have a particular 'GROUP' (or several 'GROUPS') associated with them, Enter the GROUP NAME To screen out a group, Type in front of its name. CONDENSED DATA DICTIONARY--- UCI: STORED IN: FILE SECURITY DD SECURITY : DELETE SECURITY: READ SECURITY : LAYGO SECURITY : WRITE SECURITY : (NOTE: Kernel's File Access Security has been installed in this UCI.) CROSS REFERENCED BY: FILE STRUCTURE Compiled: Previously Compiled: TEMPLATE LIST -- FILE # , ^REFERENCED BY: POINTED TO BY: of the A FIELD IS TRIGGERED BY : GLOBAL MAP DATA DICTIONARY # FILE STORED IN *** NO DATA STORED YET *** IES) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION: FILE SCREEN (SCR-node) ^SPECIAL LOOKUP ROUTINE ^POST-SELECTION ACTION ^COMPILED CROSS-REFERENCE ROUTINE THIS IS AN ARCHIVE FILE. EDITING OF FILE IS NOT ALLOWED. IDENTIFIED BY: CREATED ON: TRIGGERED by the DESCRIPTION:^TECHNICAL DESCR: Examples of Valid Dates: JAN 1957 or JAN 57 T (for this month) T+3M (for 3 months in the future) T-3M (for 3 months ago) Only month and year are accepted. You must omit the precise day. JAN 20 1957 or 20 JAN 57 T (for TODAY), T+1 (for TOMORROW), T+2, T+7, etc. T-1 (for YESTERDAY), T-3W (for 3 WEEKS AGO), etc. If the year is omitted, the computer assumes a date in the PAST. assumes a date in the FUTURE. uses CURRENT YEAR. Two digit year assumes no more than 20 years in the future, or 80 years in the past. You may omit the precise day, as: JAN, If only the time is entered, the current date is assumed. Follow the date with a time, such as JAN 20 You may enter a time, such as NOON, MIDNIGHT or NOW. You may enter NOW+3' (for current date and time Plus 3 minutes *Note--the Apostrophe following the number of minutes) Seconds may be entered as 10:30:30 or 103030AM. Time is REQUIRED in this response. Enter a date which is than or equal to Output Transform DIC(.2, pointer to File # Computed Word Processing TO ***** TO A FILE THAT IS UNDEFINED ******* FILE ORDER PREFIX LAYGO MESSAGE DOES NOT EXIST !! ON FILE EXPLANATION ON FILE Required Add New Entry without Asking Multiply asked (Key field) ALPHABETICALLY BY LABEL Enter YES to list the fields ALPHABETICALLY BY LABEL. Enter NO to list the fields by NUMBER. DW=$D( EXIT NOT ALLOWED JUMPING NOT ALLOWED JUMPING FORWARD NOT ALLOWED (YOU DO NOT HAVE 'WRITE ACCESS' TO THE ' NO EDITING!! Another entry already exists with this key value. 'DELETE ACCESS' REQUIRED!! Key field SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE THE ENTIRE Sorry, is not allowed! cross reference array root date being converted FMNPRSTXEeI Xecutable Help Az set of codes screen You may omit the precise day, as: JAN, 1957. Time is REQUIRED for this response. The following field(s) have been restored to their pre-edited values: The following field values are not valid: Invalid value: Restored to: Some of the previous edits are not valid because they create one or more duplicate keys. Some fields have been restored to their pre-edited Do you want to see a list of those fields * Install Stopped Because TaskMan Has NOT Been Stopped! Transport Global Was NOT Unloaded! * Install Stopped Because Logon Were NOT Inhibited. ** Although Queuing is allowed - it is HIGHLY recommended that ALL Users and VISTA Background jobs be STOPPED before installation of this patch. Failure to do so may result in 'source routine edited' error(s). Edits will be lost and record(s) may be left in an inconsistent state, for example, not all Cross-Referencing completed; which in turn may cause FUTURE VistA/FileMan Hard Errors or corrupted Data. ** * Warning TaskMan Has NOT Been Stopped or Placed in a WAIT State! * Warning Logons are NOT Inhibited! Input Template LINE YOU MEAN as a VARIABLE DEL node screen on a pointer or set of codes or in an input transform output transform variable pointer screen input transform FILE # GENERATED FROM ' ' INPUT TEMPLATE(# BEGIN S DNM= IEN for Edit Template missing or invalid No Edit Template on file with IEN= Routine name missing this Edit Template, IEN= Routine name invalid Routine name too long Compiling Edit Template (IEN= , routine name too long DW= DE S DIE= RD:X= N X D C DIMAXL( DIFG@ DIFGY)) Q:DIFGY'>0 S DIFGDIX=^(DIFGY,0) X DIFGEXC S DIFGDIX=$E(DIFGDIX,DIFGL,255) MV FIELD SV FIELD WP FIELD DIFGVAL( DINUM) DIFG( DIFGPC( DIFGY= DA(1) THE DESTINATION FILE DATA DICTIONARY SHOULD BE MODIFIED PRIOR TO ANY MOVEMENT OF EXTRACT DATA! Do you mean ALL the fields in the file DIP( SORRY, THIS FUNCTIONALITY IS NOT SUPPORTED AT THIS TIME. SORRY, CANNOT EXTRACT THIS TYPE OF COMPUTED FIELD AT THIS TIME. DESTINATION FILE: STORE LOGIC IN TEMPLATE: TEMPLATE ALREADY STORED THERE.... OK TO REPLACE RECORDS PROCESSED Select FILEGRAM TEMPLATE: ENVIRONMENT: FILEGRAM for entry # FUNC SFT END: SPECIFIER: IDENTIFIER: KEY: FILEGRAM OPTION^1.01 INVALID USER. YOU CAN'T USE THIS OPTION. Sent Installed UNSUCCESSFUL INSTALLATION: First line of message doesn't start with '$DAT' Can't update a VA FileMan file. Update to a protected file (# PROGRAMMER ACCESS REQUIRED Enter the Name of the Package (2-4 characters) I am going to create a routine called ' INIT'. ' is ALREADY ON FILE! Is that OK Would you like to include Data Dictionaries Would you like to see the package definition Do you want to accept the current definition THEN PLEASE LIST THE FILES THAT YOU WISH TO TRANSPORT: **NOT FOUND** DA,222) INVALID FIELD LABEL: Your FileMan Version number: does not match the version number on the DIFROM routine: You must run ^DINIT before you can build an INIT!! DIFROM does not support new VA FileMan version 22 data dictionary structures! If you add new style Indexes or Keys to any file, they will not be transported by DIFROM. You should use the Kernel Installation and Distribution System (KIDS) to transport files with new style Indexes or Keys. Do you want to include all the templates and forms Would you like to include Would you like security codes sent along: Maximum Routine Size (2000 - 9999) : The Help Frame, has the keyword whose Related Frame does not exist. Shall I exclude it Was not able to get a message number for the network INIT DIFROM ABORTED!! WARNING--DATA TOO LONG: WARNING--CONTROL CHARACTER IN DATA: DIST(.403, DIST(.404, ; LOADS AND INDEXES DD'S PACKAGE TOO LARGE! DIFROM CAN NOT BUILD ANY MORE INIT ROUTINES. Now you must enter the information that goes on the second line #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### ####################