English French Notes Complete/Exclude TBR(+$E(DIC,5,99),+Y,$G(DWN)) FILE NUMBER DD FOR FILE# DOES NOT EXIST $$$ NO SUCH ATTRIBUTE $$$ TYPE '-' IN FRONT OF NUMERIC-VALUED FIELD TO SORT FROM HI TO LO TYPE '+' IN FRONT OF FIELD NAME TO GET SUBTOTALS BY THAT FIELD, '#' TO PAGE-FEED ON EACH FIELD VALUE, '!' TO GET RANKING NUMBER, '@' TO SUPPRESS SUB-HEADER, ']' TO FORCE SAVING SORT TEMPLATE TYPE ';TXT' AFTER FREE-TEXT FIELDS TO SORT NUMBERS AS TEXT TYPE [TEMPLATE NAME] IN BRACKETS TO SORT BY PREVIOUS SEARCH RESULTS TYPE 'BY(0)' TO DEFINE RECORD SELECTION AND SORT ORDER SINCE YOU ARE CALLING FOR OUTPUT ON DEVICE ' ', YOU MAY USE THE TERMINAL YOU ARE NOW TYPING ON FOR SOMETHING ELSE, BY ANSWERING 'Y' IN SEQUENCE, STARTING FROM^ ONLY UP TO TYPE THAT OR ENTER '@' TO INCLUDE NULL OR ENTER ' START FROM THE FIRST^GO THRU THE LAST TYPE FIELD NAMES, OPERATORS(+-\/*), DIGITS, OR FUNCTIONS FOR FUNCTIONS, ENTER THE NUMBER OF DIGITS THAT SHOULD NORMALLY APPEAR TO THE RIGHT OF THE DECIMAL POINT WHEN ' ' IS DISPLAYED YOU CAN ALSO ENTER A COMPUTED EXPRESSION. ENTER '[TEMPLATE NAME]' TO USE AN EXISTING SELECTED EXPORT FIELDS TEMPLATE. TYPE 'ALL' TO PRINT EVERY TYPE '&' IN FRONT OF FIELD NAME TO GET TOTAL FOR THAT FIELD, '!' TO GET COUNT, '+' TO GET TOTAL & COUNT, '#' TO GET MAX & MIN, ']' TO FORCE SAVING PRINT TEMPLATE TYPE '[TEMPLATE NAME]' IN BRACKETS TO USE AN EXISTING PRINT TEMPLATE YOU CAN FOLLOW FIELD NAME WITH ';' AND FORMAT SPECIFICATION(S) YOU MAY USE '@' TO INDICATE THAT ' ' IS TO BE DELETED IF YOU SIMPLY WANT TO MOVE THE VALUE OF ' JUST ENTER ' Less than 'FROM SELECT CRITERIA VALUE'. Less than 'FROM' value. Less than 'TO SELECT CRITERIA VALUE'. Less than 'TO' value. A field in the 'SELECT CRITERIA TEMPLATE being used does NOT MATCH. the field at the SAME LEVEL in the BASE SELECT CRITERIA SORT TEMPLATE specified for this file. There must be a one to one correspondence between the fields in the template you want to use and the BASIC SELECT CRITERIA SORT TEMPLATE, until all the fields in the BASIC SELECT CRITERIA SORT TEMPLATE have been satisfied. More CRITERIA may exist after that. See the development staff of the Package or the ARCHIVING DOCUMENTATION where this process is explained further for more information. IF YOU WANT THE SAME ANSWER ALLOWED FOR AS FOR ENTER GLOBAL SUBSCRIPT NAME AT WHICH WILL BE STORED ALREADY ASSIGNED: ENTER A VALUE WHICH ' MUST , IN ORDER FOR TRUTH CONDITION - - TO BE TRUE (I.E., ENTER WHAT WOULD FOLLOW THE MUMPS '?' OPERATOR) Use EXTERNAL VALUE (from list on the right) YOU CAN NEGATE ANY OF THESE CONDITIONS BY PRECEDING THEM WITH SO THAT NOT NULL YOU HAVE ASKED TO SORT ON THE SAME FIELD TWICE! PLEASE RE-ENTER YOUR SORT CRITERIA! IF YOU WANT PAGE NUMBERING TO START AT A NUMBER HIGHER THAN 1, TYPE THAT NUMBER FOLLOW A FIELD NAME WITH '; ' TO HAVE THE FIELD ASKED AS 'CAPTION: ' OR WITH ';T' TO USE THE FIELD 'TITLE' AS CAPTION CAPTIONS CANNOT CONTAIN ':' OR ';', OR BEGIN WITH A PERIOD OR A DIGIT THIS TEMPLATE MAY EVENTUALLY BE USED WITH A DIFFERENT 'SORT-BY' SEQUENCE. ANSWERING 'Y' HERE INSURES THAT, IN THAT CASE, USER WON'T HAVE TO REMEMBER TO TYPE THE '@' IN ORDER TO KEEP SUB-HEADERS FROM APPEARING. AT THE TIME THE LOOKUP OCCURS IN FILE , THERE MAY BE MORE THAN 1 ENTRY FOUND. ANSWERING 'Y' HERE MEANS THAT THE USER THEN WILL BE ALLOWED TO CHOOSE AMONG SEVERAL ENTRIES. You must choose a template to store the fields selected for export. If you do not want to save the selections, use the '^'. Insert Replace Press H for help Response must not precede Response must not follow Response must be no Response must be with no more than decimal digit This response must have at least and no more than and must not contain embedded uparrow SEARCH FOR CONDITION: [ Will match (Your answer includes quotes) IF: A// IF: TYPE '^' TO EXIT CONDITION - - WILL APPLY TO THE SAME MULTIPLE AS CONDITION - OR: together with DO YOU WANT THIS SEARCH SPECIFICATION TO BE CONSIDERED TRUE FOR CONDITION - 1) WHEN AT LEAST ONE OF THE SATISFIES IT 2) WHEN ALL OF THE SATISFY IT 3) WHEN ALL OF THE SATISFY IT, OR WHEN THERE ARE NO for all , or when no WHEN THERE IS NO ' ' TEXT AT ALL IF Archivers must not store results in the default template DIS( TRANSFER OPTION^1.01 FILE ENTRIES TRANSFER FROM FILE: DO YOU WANT TO TRANSFER THE ' DATA DICTIONARY INTO YOUR NEW FILE FILES DON'T MATCH! WILL BE TRANSFERRED WANT TO MERGE TRANSFERRED ENTRIES WITH ONES ALREADY THERE TRANSFER ENTRIES WANT EACH ENTRY TO BE DELETED AS IT'S TRANSFERRED (TYPE '^' TO FORGET THE WHOLE THING!) DATA INTO WHICH WANT TO DELETE THIS ENTRY AFTER IT'S TRANSFERRED TRANSFER WOULD COLLIDE WITH DO YOU WANT TO COPY ' 'S TEMPLATES INTO YOUR NEW FILE DIT( SHOULD ONLY BE TRANSFERRED TO A FILE WHOSE NUMBER ALSO ENDS WITH ' IS INTEGER COMPARE WILL YOU WANT TO MERGE THESE ENTRIES AFTER COMPARING THEM WHICH ENTRY SHOULD BE USED FOR DEFAULT VALUES (1 OR 2)? Enter '1' or '2' DO YOU WANT TO DISPLAY ONLY THE DISCREPANT FIELDS DIT(1) DIT(2) COMPARING THE TWO ENTRIES COMPARISON OF **** NOW PROCEEDING WITH THE MERGE **** COMPARE OF Default is enclosed in brackets, e.g., [ Enter 1- to change default value, ^ to exit, RETURN to continue: NOTE: Multiples will be merged into the target record You must accept the default because this record is DINUMed!! Enter RETURN to continue: OK. I'M READY TO DO THE MERGE. SUMMARY OF MODIFICATIONS TO Note: Records will be merged into the entry selected for the default. *** Records will be merged into DO YOU WANT TO DELETE THE MERGED FROM ENTRY AFTER MERGING If you enter NO the merged FROM entry will remain in this file SUB FILE DO YOU WANT TO REPOINT ENTRIES POINTING TO THIS ENTRY ENTER FILE TO EXCLUDE FROM REPOINT/MERGE Any file entered here will not be repointed or merged. NON-INTERACTIVE I will now merge all subfiles in this file ... This may take some time, please be patient. I will now repoint all files that point to this entry ... Deleting From entry From entry: To entry: From entry same as to entry! Enter file to exclude from merge: Exclude files in affected packages This routine normally relinks/merges all files. Do you want to exclude files that are part of a package that has its own merge routine? Merge only files in a specific package? If you say NO you will merge all files pointing to the primary file. If you say YES you will be asked for a package file entry and only merge the files in that package that point to the primary file. Merging entries No Data Global: No REGULAR xref on Merging entries for this file will now occur via Taskman in background! PROCESS POINTER FIELD # IN FILE # entries. Searching data global. Merge complete Gathering files and checking 'PT' nodes The following errors occurred during the merge: TOP FILE This routine insures the node of each FileMan file is correct. Now checking false positives. Now checking false negatives. SINCE THE ENTRY MAY HAVE BEEN 'POINTED TO' BY ENTRIES IN THE ' DO YOU WANT THOSE POINTERS UPDATED (WHICH COULD TAKE QUITE A WHILE) ANSWER 'YES' IF YOU THINK THAT THE ENTRY WHICH YOU HAVE JUST MAY BE 'POINTED TO' BY SOME POINTER-TYPE FIELD VALUE SOMEWHERE entries whose ' ' pointers have been changed DFN(DFL)=$O( DFN(DFL))) DTN(DTL)))#2 DIFRFRV(D0, DIFRFRV( ABs DFN(DFL), UTILITY OPTION^1.01 TYPE OF INDEXING^1.01 Missing or incomplete global node CW.01 THIS DATA DICTIONARY CHANGE IS NOT ALLOWED ON AN ARCHIVE FILE! Deleting the DATA DICTIONARY... Deleting the OK, ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO KILL OFF THE EXISTING DO YOU THEN WANT TO 'RE-CROSS-REFERENCE' FILE WILL NOW BE 'RE-CROSS-REFERENCED'... THERE ARE INDICES WITHIN THIS FILE DO YOU WISH TO RE-CROSS-REFERENCE ONE PARTICULAR INDEX RE-CROSS-REFERENCE ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE AND RE-CROSS-REFERENCE THE ' THIS TRIGGER FIELD INDEX FILE CROSS-REFERENCES: Do you want to delete the existing ' Enter 'YES' if you want to run the kill logic for this cross-reference. Do you want to re-build the ' ' cross reference Enter 'YES' if you want to run the set logic for this cross reference. Enter 'Y' (YES) if you want to audit the Data Dictionary changes for this file. ASK 'OK' WHEN LOOKING UP AN ENTRY Answer YES to cause a lookup into this file to verify the selection by prompting with '...OK? YES//'. CANNOT DELETE A RESTRICTED DO YOU WANT JUST TO DELETE THE FILE ENTRIES, FILE CONTENTS, & KEEP THE FILE DEFINITION Answer YES if you are just looking for a fast way to get rid of Entries IS IT OK TO DELETE THE ' You can abort the deletion process at this point by typing '^' Answer NO if you want to save for redefinition at a later time. SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE THE ENTIRE FILE We are going to Delete data associated with File # Leave the data associated with File # Answer YES if want to continue with the DELETION of the DD, Templates, Forms, etc. for File # DATA DICTIONARY^READ^WRITE^DELETE^LAYGO^AUDIT PROTECTION ERASED! ENTER CODE(S) TO RESTRICT USER'S ACCESS TO THIS FILE MUST MATCH YOUR OWN ACCESS CODE CANNOT CONTAIN '?' FILE SCREEN IF MUMPS CODE IS ENTERED HERE, IT IS A PERMANENT 'DIC( )' FOR FILE RESTRICT EDITING OF FILE? YES// (UNEDITABLE) THIS IS AN ARCHIVE FILE. RESTRICT EDITING OF FILE YES will not allow editing or deleting existing file entries or adding new file entries NO will place no restrictions on the file WARNING- DATA IN THIS FILE IS NOW UNEDITABLE WARNING- DATA IN THIS FILE IS NOW EDITABLE ' is already an Identifier; Want to delete it ' is part of the PRIMARY KEY for this file. Making it an Identifier is redundant. Want to make ' ' an Identifier Want to display whenever a lookup is done on an entry in the ' Select date format FIELD IS ALREADY UNEDITABLE DO YOU WANT TO ALLOW EDITING AGAIN WANT TO PREVENT ALL USERS FROM CHANGING OR DELETING DATA VALUES THAT ARE ENTERED FOR THE ' ...FIELD IS NOW UNEDITABLE! INPUT TRANSFORM: Input Transform is TOO LONG by Input Transform must contain D ^DIM DINUM on a Freetext field can cause database problems unless you are sure DINUM is numeric. INPUT TRANSFORM^.5 ;12EXPLANATION OF SCREEN OUTPUT TRANSFORM: DELETED! Enter a computed-field expression using ' or MUMPS code that takes Y and transforms it to a different Y. OUTPUT TRANSFORM^2 is already a specifier. #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### ####################