English French Notes Complete/Exclude name already used - can't overwrite. name exists, you are not a user - can't overwrite. Enter owner of this Personal type list: Only owner you specify can edit list after creation. and remove one or more autolinks. Removal of autolinks will stop the automatic addition or deletion of patients with ADT movements associated with the deleted autolink. Patients that were placed on the list using the deleted autolink will be removed from the list if they were not placed on the list by another Autolink. No Autolinks established for this team already contains patients and/or users. Do you want to remove some of them Answer 'YES' to delete existing 'Autolinks' and the associated patients, 'NO' to return to the menus. TEAM AUTOLINK LIST Enter Autolink(s) to REMOVE from list: ALINK( patient(s) removed from list. [ADT movements linked to DIC(42 Ward Location DG(405 Room Bed Treating Speciality will now be discontinued.] Processing ERROR - patients NOT deleted for this autolink. Enter new team list name: Name must be from 3-30 characters and not begin with punctuation or consist wholly of numbers WARNING: File locked - Team List not updated. Just-in-case SC CED ORLPC CONVERSION User pt selection defaults already converted. Converting user pt selection defaults to parameters... Conversion of user pt selection defaults completed. ORLP DEFAULT WARD - converting default WARD for user - converting default TEAM - converting default LIST SRC ORLP DEFAULT CLINIC MONDAY - converting default CLINIC MON ORLP DEFAULT CLINIC TUESDAY - converting default CLINIC TUE ORLP DEFAULT CLINIC WEDNESDAY - converting default CLINIC WED ORLP DEFAULT CLINIC THURSDAY - converting default CLINIC THU ORLP DEFAULT CLINIC FRIDAY - converting default CLINIC FRI ORLP DEFAULT CLINIC SATURDAY - converting default CLINIC SAT ORLP DEFAULT CLINIC SUNDAY - converting default CLINIC SUN ORLP DEFAULT CLINIC START DATE - converting default CLIN STRT DATE ORLP DEFAULT CLINIC STOP DATE - converting default CLIN STOP DATE - converting default LIST ORDER ORLP DEFAULT PROVIDER - converting default PROVIDER ORLP DEFAULT SPECIALTY - converting default SPECIALTY Set Default Clinic Thursday The user's default list of patients is based on: User's current combination entries are: to continue Your default list of patients is based on: Find teams linked to user: Find patients linked via teams to user: is on the following teams: No linked patients found. No linke patients found. is linked to the following patients via teams: Select Personal Patient List to delete: Users currently on team TEAM ABC You are associated with the following autolinked teams: You are not currently assigned to any teams. Next action Enter 1, 2, or 3: Enter either 1 or 3: Autolinked team for removal of yourself as user/provider: Autolinked team for addition of yourself as user/provider: Another user is editing this team. Updating automated team lists... Select TEAM PATIENT list: OWNER LIST Enter Provider/user(s) to REMOVE from list: Provider/user(s) removed from list. This 'TEAM PATIENT' list is an AUTOLINK list. In order to remove patients from this TEAM PATIENT list you must remove the AUTOLINK(s). Do you want to remove Autolinks Enter patient(s) to REMOVE from list: Patient(s) removed from list. entries in this list to edit! Select LIST to examine/print: OERR Patient/Team List Report Team Patient Autolinked List Team Patient Manual List Team Patient Manual Removal/Autolinked List Personal Patient List Creator Primary or Attending Ward....... Provider... Specialty.. Room/Bed... Clinic..... WD-none List completed. Provider/users: Missing HL7 message Missing or invalid MSH segment Missing or invalid sending application Missing or invalid patient ID Invalid control code Patient doesn't match ORC|DE| OR EVSEND ORDC- OBR|||| BHS|^~\&|ORDER ENTRY| OR EVSEND LRCH MSH|^~\&|ORDER ENTRY| EARLY/LATE TRAYS DIET ADDITIONAL ORDERS AL1|1||||| ZAL||YES| FREE TEXT OI ALLERGY TYPE OBSERVED/HISTORICAL OBSERVATION DATE/TIME REACTION DATE/TIME AL1|1| ZAL||NO| ZAO|| ZAS| NTE||P| OR GTX DELIVERY OR GTX FREE TEXT 1 ODS|D||^^^FH-6^ADDITIONAL ORDER^99OTH| ODS|ZE|| OR GTX MEAL TIME OR GTX YES/NO OR GTX ISOLATION TYPE OBX|1|TX|2000.02^REASON FOR REQUEST^AS4|| OBX|2| |^PROVISIONAL DIAGNOSIS^|| OR GTX QUANTITY NTE|1|P| OR GTX URGENCY NTE|1|L| PROVIDER 1 EVN|A08| ZDG| ORMSG(4) ORMSG(4, RXO| NTE|6|P| NTE|7|P| ZSC| RXO|^^^PS-1^IV^99OTH| RXC| RXC|A| RXR|^^^ ZRX| ORC|ZV| ORC|ZF| ZRX|||| |TX|2000.02^CLINICAL HISTORY^AS4|1| OBX|1|TX|2000.33^PREGNANT^AS4|| OBX|1|TS|^PRE-OP SCHEDULED DATE/TIME|| OBX|1|CE|34^CONTRACT/SHARING SOURCE^99DD|| OBX|1|TX|^RESEARCH SOURCE|| Auto-DC and/or Release orders on MAS movement ORDCOBS- Will the patient be re-admitted immediately? Enter YES if the patient is to be admitted to the hospital immediately following this discharge from observation. Surgery triggered EDO processing CHART COPY ORPF PROMPT FOR Observation readmit Invalid order control code Invalid OE/RR order number Missing or invalid ordering provider Missing or invalid entering person Missing effective date/time Missing or invalid patient location Incomplete message Missing or invalid ODS segment Missing or invalid diet modification Cannot create new order Missing stop date Missing or invalid isolation type Missing or invalid tubefeeding product Missing QT information Replaced with new diet order Cannot create new order action OR ITEM RECEIVE Invalid entering person Missing OBR segment Invalid consult or procedure SIG FINDINGS Invalid test Test not found Cannot change order Missing or invalid RXE segment Missing or invalid orderable item Unable to determine instructions Missing or invalid RXR segment Missing or invalid order number Invalid procedure ORMTIME: scan ORMTIME: scan expiring orders ORMTIME: scan activating orders ORMTIME: Run purge for order checking ORPF ERROR DAYS ORMTIME: scan time based events for order checking Finish Job #: ORMTIME: Startup ORMTIME: Attempting to lock ^OR(100, ORMTIME: Unable to lock ^OR(100, ORMTIME last ran ORMTIME STATUS G.ORMTIME STATUS ORMTIME Warning The ORMTIME process last ran more than 24 hours ago. The ORMTIME background job handles activating and expiring orders, some time based notifications, as well as purging of temporary CPRS data. It is important that it runs regularly. Assure that the scheduled option, ORMTIME RUN, is correctly implemented. ORMMSG( ORPF TREATING SPECIALTY ORPF LAST PURGE DATE ORPF LAST ORDER PURGED ORPF SHOW PATIENT NAME ORPF INITIALS ON SUMMARY ORPF ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE ORPF EXPAND CONTINUOUS ORDERS ORPF CHART COPY FORMAT ORPF CHART COPY HEADER ORPF CHART COPY FOOTER ORPF CLEAN-UP ACTION ORPF PATIENT SELECT ACTION ORPF WARD LABEL FORMAT ORPF WARD REQUISITION FORMAT ORPF SERVICE COPY DEFLT DEVICE ORPF SERVICE COPY HEADER ORPF SERVICE COPY FORMAT ORPF SERVICE COPY FOOTER ORPF PROMPT FOR CHART COPY ORPF CHART COPY PRINT DEVICE ORPF LABEL PRINT DEVICE ORPF REQUISITION PRINT DEVICE ORPF PROMPT FOR LABELS ORPF PROMPT FOR REQUISITIONS ORPF PRINT DAILY ORDER SUMMARY ORPF DAILY ORDER SUMMARY DEVC ORPF PRINT CHART COPY SUMMARY It appears you may have errored out running this patch before. Your count of records corrected will be off but all corrections will be shown if you print the report. I'll check your ORDER file for bad PACKAGE file pointers. Orders have been fixed. You can print a list of corrections if you wish. Would you like a list corrections, you may want to send output to a printer! No corrections made Order repointed from Corrections from OR*2.5*37 ORPKFIX OR*2.5*37 corrections OK to compile print format Answer YES to incorporate changes made into the compiled code. |||||------------------------ Column Numbers ------------------------||||| ' format has been compiled. ORP: This item has been screened from printing. DEV,CUR OEX,ROX Print how many labels? 1// Enter a number between 1 and 10 Cannot print Labels Requistions not set up for orders in the PRINT~ORPR02 called with invalid ORVP PRINT~ORPR02 called with invalid LOC SARAY( LOC( Service copy root task for the orders: Answer YES to have printed for the orders. Print DEVICE: ORCUM( ORPF PROMPT FOR WORK COPY ORPF WORK COPY PRINT DEVICE #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### ####################