English French Notes Complete/Exclude ORWOR SHOW SURGERY TAB ORCH CONTEXT SURGERY No reports are available for this case. ERROR: Unable to open HFS file for TIU print TIU*1.0*100 ORRP IMAGING CcMP ORCH USE LAST TAB ORWOR AUTOSAVE NOTE ORWOR VERIFY NOTE TITLE ORQQLR DATE RANGE INPT ORQQLR DATE RANGE OUTPT ORWOR DISABLE ORDERING ORWOR TIMEOUT CHART ORWOR TIMEOUT COUNTDOWN ORWOR ENABLE VERIFY ORWOR BROADCAST MESSAGES ORWOR AUTO CLOSE PT MSG ORWOR DISABLE WEB ACCESS ORWOR DISABLE HOLD ORDERS Reports Only: Core PXRM GEC STATUS CHECK DcMP SALT LAKE CITY OIFO ORWUH WHATSTHIS ORWDSET Rebuild quick view for ORWDNEW < ORWDOLD Moving personal quick orders into 101.44 rebuilding entries FILE~ORX RETURN~ORX ST~ORX package called Reason for Order/Change Depending on the nature of this activity, a notification may be sent to the requesting clinician to electonically sign this action, and a copy of this action may be printed on the ward/clinic to be placed in the patient's chart. Enter '??' for more information. NATURE OF ORDER/CHANGE must be entered Print on Nature of Order Activity Chart Copy Order Reason Depending of the nature of this activity, a notification may be sent to the requesting clinician to electronically sign this action, and a copy of this A REASON FOR DC must be entered Select DC REASON: ORPTLK- Another person is editing orders for this patient. OE/RR PATIENT^100.2P ORLK- CPRS/CMOP is working on this order. exists for this order. Press return to continue ORTX( ORUPCHUK( Renaming DRUG-DRUG INTERACTION order check to CRITICAL DRUG INTERACTION... ORL(0) ORL(1) Select tab for preferences editing Select by entry of item number: Problem reading TABS data! INPATIENT LABS INPT LABS OUTPATIENT LABS OUTPT LABS ORCH entry in the Parameter Definition file. If PROMPTS+ Problem reading PROMPTS data! value to edit Enter individual item number or comma-delimited string (within ranges listed) Edit All Above Items NOTE: At present, the following settings affect only the list of Imaging report selections shown under Reports: (Entry of ^ will cancel entry process.) No changes saved.... ERROR: Parameter not updated! Tab parameter setting(s) updated/saved. (GUI Users must close, re-start application to activate changes.) Save changes Write changes to parameter file? (Y/N) Enter beginning date; an empty response means an unrestricted beginning date range Enter beginning date (required) ERROR: Improper TABS entry. ERROR: Beginning date cannot be later than ending date. Enter ending date; a null response means an unlimited ending date range Enter ending date (required) ERROR: Ending date cannot be earlier than beginning date. # of items to display: Entry must be between 1 and 999 Select author: CORDSTS+ ERROR: Bad data tag entry(ies). Enter # for type of to display: Entry must be between 1 and All Signed My Unsigned My Un-cosigned Signed/Author Signed/Dates Entry must be between 1 and 5 PLSTS+ ERROR: Bad PLSTS tag data. Enter types of L List Format C Cumulative Format (NOTE: This setting applies only to the LM version of CPRS.) for display of orders. Select Service/Section: Choose from: 0 Off/Hide Subjects 1 On/Show Subjects setting for Orders: setting for Problems: 0 Off/Hide Comments 1 On/Show Comments Select service for Consults: setting for Notes: Entry must be between 1 and 9,999,999 (NOTE: Setting may be overridden by your TIU Personal Preferences.) ORY10 conversion ORWDP This patch imports the ORDER TEXT and LAB TEST entries from the OE/RR PRINT FIELDS file. As a result, the entries in the OE/RR PRINT FORMAT file need to be recompiled. **NOTE: If you have made local modifications to the compiled code in the OE/RR PRINT FORMAT file they will be OVERWRITTEN. Recompiling... A task is being queued in the background to identify any orders whose DATE/TIME ENTERED field is a non-canonic number (having trailing zeros). These entries will be set to the correct canonic form by the background job and a mail message will be sent to the initiator of this patch at completion. DATE/TIME ORDER field clean up - Patch 107 The task number is Press return to continue installation PATCH OR*3*107 CLEAN-UP The DATE/TIME ORDERED field clean up for patch OR*3*107 completed at ORTXT( PATCH OR*3*107 Clean Up COMPLETED Re-indexing the B cross reference of the SYNONYM field... Re-indexing the B cross reference of the ORDERABLE ITEMS file Reviewing ORDER DIALOG file for incorrect pointer default values. Patch OR*3*110 ORDER file cleanup Starting ORDER file clean-up job in the background. Task # Patch OR*3*110 Post-Init The ORDER file clean-up initiated by patch OR*3*110 has completed. changes made to the ORDER file. Patch OR*3*110 ORDER file clean-up completed. Searching for mirrored and circular Kernel Alert surrogates... Surrogate search completed. cannot specify as surrogate - remove surrogate! Mirrored surrogates! Remove one or both surrogates Circular surrogate loop. Remove one or more surrogates This patch contains a post-init. This post-init will run in the background and will identify potential fractional dose problems. It will then send a mail message to the iniator and holders of the PSNMGR key indicating which orders need to be reviewed. Patch OR*3*134 database review Post-init queued to background as task number Patch OR*3*134 review completed Patch OR*3*134 Post-Init The database review for patch OR*3*134 has completed. Below is a listing of patients that need to have their prescriptions reviewed and possibly updated. For orders in an active (active, pending, hold, etc) state it is recommended that the order be evaluated and updated according to the following guidelines. If the order has refills remaining or if the order can potentially be renewed, edit the invalid dosage which will create a new order with a valid SIG. The appropriate number of remaining refills must then be added to the new order. If the order has no refills remaining and the order will not be renewed then the order should be discontinued. Depending on the status of the order the DRUG listed in the report will either be a dispense drug or an orderable item. No problems were found. No manual intervention is required. Order Status - DRUG = OR GXMOVE EVENT OR DC ON SPEC CHANGE ORPF DC OF GENERIC ORDERS OR DC GEN ORD ON ADMISSION SPECIALTY CHANGE^S^ WARD TRANSFER^T^ ON PASS^T^ FROM PASS^T^ TO ASIH^T^ FROM ASIH^T^ Created: JUN 12,2002 at 12:20 at DEVCUR.FO-SLC.MED.VA.GOV Lab parameter values: 860.41:GENERIC HL7 MESSAGE ARRAY^860.6 860.41:CPRS ORDER PROTOCOL^860.6 860.41:DATABASE LOOKUP^860.6 Rule Transport Version: ORDER CHECK EXPERT version 1.01 released OCT 29,1998 RPT ABNORMAL RESULTS CTP SEARCH DATE RANGE RPT CONSULT FOLLOW-UP RPT SCHEDULED/DUE ACTIVITY Rebuild ARS xref on Orders file #100 started to rebuild ^OR(100, Before installing this patch, you need to add the Facility DEA# for your institution in the INSTITUTION file (#4). You should be able to get the Facility DEA# from the Pharmacy or Pharmacy Chief. See the patch description for detailed instructions on how to enter the Facility DEA#. ORCM MGMT ORCM ORDERABLES ORCM ORDERABLES MENU XUS GET TOKEN OR CPRS GUI CHART ORQQPX IMMUN LIST ORRPW PCE IMMUNIZATION ORRPW PCE SKIN TEST ORRPW ADT DISAB G.CPRS GUI INSTALL@ISC-SLC.VA.GOV Install complete: Expire text orders more than 90 days old GMRC*3*5 V5 or higher must be installed! OR GTX REQUEST SERVICE ORC VERIFY ORELSE MENU .01///ORC VERIFY MENU Build ^OR(100,AR) xref ORC VERIFY ORDERS ORC VERIFY MENU ORDER ACTIONS ORC COMPLETE ORDERS ORCHART ORDERS MENU ORC NEW ORDERS ORC PATIENT ORCHART TABS PT MEDS ORB BLANK LINE4 ORC NEW LOCATION ORC HIDDEN ACTIONS ;2///LOC;3///36;5///@;6///Change Ordering Info ORC SEARCH LIST ORCB EXPIRING MENU ORCB DELETE ALERT OR GTX SERVICE CONNECTED Clearing SC default from Outpatient Medication quick orders ... Post-install for OR*3*39 Post-install tasked, Task # Unable to queue post-install OR*3.0*39 OR GTX NKA Duplicate Order Entered in error OE/RR REPORT^101.24 ORWOR COVER RETRIEVAL Postings ORCV POSTINGS Appointments/Visits/Admissions ORCV APPOINTMENTS Recent Lab Results ORCV RECENT LAB RESULTS Active Medications ORCV ACTIVE MEDICATIONS Active Problems ORCV ACTIVE PROBLEMS Clinical Reminders ORCV CLINICAL REMINDERS Vitals ORCV VITALS Allergies / Adverse Reactions ORCV ALLERGIES ORRP HEALTH SUMMARY LAB STATUS ORRP LAB STATUS ORRP BLOOD BANK ORRP ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY DIETETICS PROFILE ORRP DIETETICS PROFILE NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT ORRP NUTRITIONAL ASSESS VITALS CUMULATIVE ORRP VITALS CUM ORRP PROCEDURES ORRP DAILY ORDER SUMMARY ORDER SUMMARY FOR A DATE RANGE ORRP ORDER SUM FOR A DATE RNG CHART COPY SUMMARY ORRP CHART COPY SUMMARY OUTPATIENT RX PROFILE ORRP OUTPATIENT RX PROFILE ORRP BCMA MED LOG ORRP BCMA MAH MOST RECENT ORL MOST RECENT #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### ####################