English French Notes Complete/Exclude Enter 'A' to print all prescription suspense labels for a patient. Enter the Rx # or wand the barcode. For a list of suspense prescriptions, type '??' LABEL QUEUED TO PRINT PROFILE QUEUED TO PRINT Select Batch(s) to reprint Batches selected for Reprint are: Suspense Label Reprinted Label printed from suspense Label Pulled Early Label Printed Expired while on suspense DRUG NOT ON FILE ( Patient not enrolled in ScripTalk program. Prescription not ACTIVE Queuing ScripTalk label Enter Barcode Rx# Prescription not on file Scriptalk Interface Transmission LAS INSTRUCCIONES DE ESTA RECETA SON MUY LARGAS. POR FAVOR SOLICITE A SU CUIDADOR QUE LE LEA LAS INSTRUCCIONES IMPRESAS EN EL ROTULO O COMUNIQUESE CON SU MEDICO PARA INSTRUCCIONES COMPLETAS. THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS PRESCRIPTION ARE TOO LONG. PLEASE HAVE A CAREGIVER READ THE PRINTED LABEL OR CONTACT YOUR PHYSICIAN FOR COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS. ScripTalk label printed SCRIPTALK PATIENT SCRIPTALK ENROLLMENT was enrolled in ScripTalk today, and is now eligible to receive prescriptions with encoded speech-capable labels. Report of ScripTalk Enrollment BLIND VETERAN LOW VISION SCRIPTALK AUDIT HISTORY Currently enrolled: Date-Time Set Indication Do you want to report only active enrollees No patients to report! Active enrollee? Enrollment last updated Pharmacy Division Must be Selected! No ScripTalk printer defined for division. Scriptalk Printer Re-initialize Enter a Zebra Print Language test command to be sent to the ScripTalk printer: Scriptalk Interface Test Scriptalk Sample Label The following test data will be sent to the ScripTalk printer: TODAY AT NOON Press to continue, '^' to exit Unknown Provider! Unknown Patient Status! Provider is not flagged as a NON-VA PRESCRIBER! Provider is not flagged as not being on exclusionary list! Rx Patient Status is not equal to 'NON-VA'! Cannot Verify through this option This order has an Rx Patient Status of 'NON-VA'! - Cannot be added to file!! INACTIVATION REASON CODE: DATE PHARMACY BENEFIT BEGAN: SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT EWL & SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT WAIT TYPE: DESIRED APPOINTMENT DATE: EXCLUSION REASON: ACTIVE RX ACTUAL APPT. < 30 DAYS FROM DATE APPT. MADE ACTIVE RX & ACTUAL APPT. < 30 DAYS FROM DATE APPT. MADE PRIMARY CARE SCHEDULE APT DATE: DATE LETTER PRINTED: Required Data - Setting patient as Inactive Required Data - deleting patient entry from TPB ELIGIBILITY (#52.91) File. Transitional Pharmacy Care Edit Institution Letter Information (You may add a NEW Institution at this point.) Select/Add TPB INSTITUTION: SELECTION OF INSTITUTION(S) Sorry, data for that institution is incomplete None Selected - Quitting CR - CONTINUE ^ - Quit Sorry, required field(s) are missing from The above institution(s) will need to have their letter information edited before the letters for that facility can be printed is missing from the TRANSITIONAL RX INSTITUTION LETTERS file #52.92 and is being added. patient name No Selection Made - Quitting 's eligibility expired is missing required fields. No Patients Selected - Quitting - Stop Display Is the above correct Inact Prt Queueing is recommended TPB PRINT PATIENT LETTERS PATLST* INST* PARAM* Tasked with SUMMARY of TPB LETTER PRINTING NO DATA TO PRINT all other Variable^FLD Queuing is recommended TPB PRINT LETTER REPORT Exclusion Reason: 'NOT PRINTED' TPB PATIENTS LETTERS PRINTED REPORT TPB PATIENTS LETTERS NOT PRINTED REPORT Inactivation Px Basket: MMLETTER ;; ZI XX _^XMB(3.9,MMDA,2,LN,0) ZI XX Dear Doctor This report prints entries from the TPB ELIGIBILITY file (#52.91). If multiple Institutions are selected, and some Institutions have data and some don't, only those Institutions that have data will print on the report. Print Report for Selected Institutions, or All Institutions Enter 'S' to select one or more Institutions to print the report for, Enter 'A' to print the report for all Institutions. Select another INSTITUTION NAME: No Institutions selected, nothing queued to print. ALL PATIENTS Select patients for report To see only those patients currently eligible for the Transitional Pharmacy Benefit program, enter 'E'. To see all patients currently in the TPB ELIGIBILITY file (#52.91), but not currently eligible for the benefit, enter 'I'. To see all patients in the TPB ELIGIBILITY file (#52.91), both eligible and ineligible, enter 'A'. TPB ELIGIBILITY Report PSOGPAR( No patients found that meet report criteria. VA Provider No/Show/Cancel Patient Ended Patient Expired Rx's Inactive Exclusion Refused Appt. Pat Unreachable Exclusion: ACTIVE RX Exclusion: ACTUAL APPT. <30 DAYS FROM DATE APPT. MADE & ACTUAL APPT. <30 DAYS FROM DATE APPT. MADE Eligible Patients Ineligible Patients Confidential State = Temporary State = Permanent State = (With Exclusion) (With Exlusion) TPB-AUSTIN.MED.VA.GOV Aborting Install! You will need to create a domain name of 'TPB-AUSTIN.MED.VA.GOV' for the HL7 extracts of TPB Patient information. See patch 'XM*DBA*155' for details. PSO*7.0*146 You already have an entry in the RX PATIENT STATUS File (#53) named 'NON-VA'. This patch exports an entry with that same name, so the current entry must be changed using VA FileMan, before this patch can be installed. Cannot install the patch without queuing the post-install, install aborted! Transmission End Date RunDate Transmission Begin Date PSO TPB EV SIU_S12 PSO TPB-PHARM PSO TPB-ACC PN,BBDT,BEDT,REASON,DADT,WAITYP,STA,INS,EXC,PADT BBDT,BEDT,DADT,PADT Seen by VA Provider,No/Show/Cancellation,Patient Ended ,Non-Formulary Rx not accepted,Patient Expired,All Rx's Inactive ,Exclusion,Patient Refused Appointment,Patient Unreachable Excluded due to active Rx# ,Excluded due to actual appt<30 days from desired appt date ,Exclued due to active Rx# and actual appt<30 days from desired appt date ~~~~Desired Appointment Date|~~~ ~~~~Primary Care Scheduled Appointment Date|~~~ ~~~~Date Pharmacy Benefit Began|~~~ ~~~~Inactivation of Benefit Date|~~~ ~~~~Record Change Date G.PSO TPB HL7 EXTRACT SENT TO: Ad-Hoc PSO TPB HL7 The weekly generation of the HL7 Message of TPB Patient Information was Error = Check Event Server Protocol OR the run date Please contact National Help Desk @888-596-4357 Please check the PSOTPBAAC HL7 Logical Link to ensure successful transmission to the Austin Automation Center. MSH-ID: PHARMACY TPB SCHEDULING MONITOR TPB PATIENT BENEFIT INACTIVATION The following patient had the TPB (Transitional Pharmacy Benefit) benefit VA Clinic : Appointment Date: Post-Init for patch PSO*7*145 is already running. Halting.. Auto-Populate TPB ELIGIBILITY (#52.91) File. be queued to run NOW. Queuing background job to populate TPB ELIGIBILITY (#52.91) File. Install aborted, cannot determine post-install task time.. Populate TPB ELIGIBILITY FILE PSO*7.0*145 TPB EIGIBILITY FILE EXTRACT Unknown Institution TPB FILE BUILD Patch PSO*7*145 Post Install TEMPLETON,SHANNON@FORUM.VA.GOV BROCKERT,JUDITH@FORUM.VA.GOV CHOW,ANGELA@FORUM.VA.GOV RUZBACKI,RON@FORUM.VA.GOV BARRON,LUANNE@FORUM.VA.GOV WASHINGTON,JANET P@FORUM.VA.GOV The TPB ELIGIBILITY file building, and other post-install functions of patch PSO*7*145, queued to run at was NOT run, because the XTMP patient global was locked. This Post-Install may have been queued by another user. Please contact Customer Support. The Post-Init from Patch PSO*7.0*145 is complete. The TPB ELIGIBILITY File (#52.91) has been populated. Total number of eligible patients added to file = Total number of ineligible patients added to file = The following patients qualify for the Transitional Pharmacy Benefit, but were unable to be added to the file for unknown reasons: could not be found for the Institution associated with the patient: PSOSTEXT( Queue TPB Eligibility File building job for what Date@Time: . Is that correct? Aborting install, NON-VA entry found in RX PATIENT STATUS File (#53). Aborting Install, cannot add NON-VA Rx Patient Status entry to File #53. Answer with NEW PERSON NAME, or INITIAL, or SSN, or DEA#, or VA# This Provider is not Authorized to Write Med Orders and flagged as Inactive. Use the Edit Provider [PSO PROVIDER EDIT] option to change them. [PSO PROVIDER EDIT] option to change the Authorization flag. This Provider is flagged as Inactive. Use the Edit Provider [PSO PROVIDER EDIT] option to change the Inactive Date. Please identify Provider as a NON-VA PRESCRIBER in the Provider File. Do you want to edit Provider: Provider not found in Provider File Do you want to enter a new Provider: You may select a single or multiple INSTITUTIONS, or enter ^ALL to select all INSTITUTIONS. You may select a single or multiple PATIENTS, or enter ^ALL to select all PATIENTS. Report of Patients with TPB and Non-TPB Rx's PSOPT( PSOINS( *** NO DATA TO PRINT *** VA Prescriptions TPB Prescriptions. Institution Missing Patient Missing Press ENTER to Continue or ^ to Exit REPORT OF PATIENTS WITH TPB AND NON-TBP RX's ON FILE VA RX# TPB RX# *** Transitional Pharmacy Benefit Flag Undefined - Quitting *** Do you want to enter allergies or adverse reactions at this time? Invalid Selection - Only 'NON-VA' patient status can be processed through this option. For all other statuses use the regular Patient Prescription Processing option *** Current RX Patient Status is Only 'NON-VA' patient status should be processed through this option. For all other statuses use the regular Patient Prescription Processing option. STREET 2 NO ADDRESS Please check prescriptions to be refilled Expires REFILL REQUEST: PLEASE CHECK PRESCRIPTIONS TO BE REFILLED YOUR SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED REMAINING EXPIRES This routine not callable from PSOUTIL.. Provider not in New Person File .. You must select a new provider is not a Valid provider .. You must select a new provider is inactive as a provider .. You must select a new provider Inactive Cosigning Provider .. You must select a new cosigner , Inactive Drug. Inactive Drug. Inactive Drug Inactive Drug. , Drug no longer used by Outpatient. Drug no longer used by Outpatient. Drug no longer used by Outpatient. , Narcotic Drug. Narcotic Drug Narcotic Drug. Narcotic Drug. , Non-Renewable Drug. Non-Renewable Drug Non-Renewable Drug. Non-Renewable Drug. , Non-Renewable Patient Status. Non-Renewable Patient Status Non-Renewable Patient Status. Non-Renewable Patient Status. , Non-Verified Rx. Non-Verified Rx Non-Verified Rx. Non-Verified Rx. , Maximum of 26 Renewals. Maximum of 26 Renewals #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### ####################