source: internationalization/trunk/TranslationSpreadsheets/WV-DIALOG-0371.txt@ 865

Last change on this file since 865 was 604, checked in by George Lilly, 15 years ago


File size: 11.5 KB
1English French Notes Complete/Exclude
2Y to continue and register your survey as complete.
3If you declare this survey completed, you will not be
4allowed to make any further changes to it.
5Survey completed.
6Do you wish to suspend this survey and continue later
7Enter Y to suspend this survey
8N to possibly abort this entry
9If you suspend this survey you may finish it later or
10make any changes you wish, then complete the rest of it.
11If you abort your entry, your answers will be erased.
12A ^ will allow you to resume answer entry.
13Timed out.. Survey suspended.
14Ok, see you later.
15Do you want to abort the survey entry
16Enter Y to abort or N to continue.
17If you abort now, all data entered so far will be erased.
18You must complete the survey for it to be counted.
19Do you REALLY want to abort this survey
20>> Survey responses deleted! <<
21No action taken - Press RETURN to continue
22Delete a Survey, Questions, and Responses
23This program will
24 delete a survey, its questions
25and responses.
26Enter Y if it is the right one or N if not
27This survey belongs to
28an unknown survey developer
29 Be sure you want to delete
30Enter Y if you are COMPLETELY sure or N if not
31Are you absolutely sure
32Survey now DISABLED ...
33Deleting the survey . . .
34Deleting the questions . . .
35Survey Statistics
36 Survey Statistics
37This area allows you to enter individual questions to this newly
38created survey.
39You will be asked to give an
40 or a number to skip
41between each question. It may be any non-decimal number up
42You will be asked to give a
43question number
44 for each question. The
45system will use these numbers in all displays of question data.
46A default starting question number will be supplied and will always
47be your increment, but you may override it if you wish. From
48then on, the number displayed will be the first number entered
49plus your designated increment.
51No text
52Select a question from
53, enter '^' or RETURN to go back
54to the previous prompt:
55You must select
56 enter '^' or RETURN
57to go back to the previous prompt.
58This survey does not yet have questions.
59You may select only from
60Select C to create a completely new survey
61 B to change only the basic survey information
62 D to add or edit demographic survey fields
63 E to edit all survey questions in current order
64 I to add or edit individual survey questions
65 P to print a copy of the survey
66 Q, '^' or <RETURN> to EXIT
67Do you want to see extended help
68Demographic data items are optional. You may wish to include them in
69order to identify the survey participant or group, or to sort on specific
70demographic items. Note that while including demographic data items in
71your survey is up to you, you may also make them mandatory entry fields
72for your survey participants.
73First you must enter the text for your demographic data item as it should
74be displayed on the survey. Then you will be asked what TYPE of demographic
75it is. They may be pointers to existing DHCP files, sets of codes, free
76text, or dates.
77You may password-protect your survey from unauthorized participants.
78Using the password is optional and if you decide to use one and enter
79it here, you will have to communicate it to all participants.
80Enter a number between 1 and 99999. You may use decimals to two
81places if you wish. If there is a previous value in this field you
82may press RETURN to skip it if you do not wish to change it.
83An error has been encountered during your information entry.
84Please contact your local IRM for assistance.
85Your answers entered so far will be saved and your entry given a
86 status. You may resume after the error has been
87Survey suspended, see you later.
88Export a Survey
89Enter the survey to export:
90Enter Y if it is the correct survey or N if not.
91Import of Survey:
92Loading survey . . .
93Sent as message #
94Import a Survey
95Your DUZ is not defined.
96Do you need instructions for this option
97Enter Y for instructions or N to skip them.
98Enter message number/subject:
99This message is NOT an imported survey !!
100Is this the correct message
101Enter Y if it is the correct message or N if not.
102You already have a survey by this name on file.
103Do you want to continue anyway
104Enter Y to install the message or N to reselect.
105Do you want to rename the survey
106Enter Y to rename the survey or N to leave it as is.
107New survey name:
108Enter the new name for the survey [1-40 UPPERCASE characters or punctuation.]
109The new name will be '
110Enter Y to accept this name or N to enter another one.
111Importing survey:
113Installing basic survey data
114Installing the survey questions
115Cleaning up non-exportable fields
116Re-indexing the survey and questions
117Checking the DEMOGRAPHICS for invalid pointers
119 points to a file which
120 does not exist in your DEMOGRAPHIC REFERENCE file.
122This imported survey must be made ready for use.
123You have been made the creator/author of it and you must
124review the entire survey before releasing it.
125This option will import a survey which has been sent to you in a
126MailMan message. It is entirely automatic.
127All you have to do
128is supply the number or subject of the MailMan
129message which contains the survey.
130Once the program has imported
131the survey, you will have been made
132the creator of it. It will be up
133to you to make any corrections needed.
136Enter numeric 1 to
137, <RETURN> to end, ^ to exit
138 Enter special report header, if desired (maximum of 60 characters).
140Sort too big !!
141Skipping sort field number
142Maximum of
143 fields reached.
144Ad Hoc Report Generator
145You have not selected any
146sort or
147print categories !!
148No report will be produced.
149You previously asked for macro output, do you still want it
150 lists may only be entered at the
151 selection prompt !!
152Too many
153 fields chosen !!
154You have already chosen item
155 field !! Please re-enter your selection.
156You are not allowed to sort by
157Select the
158 data element to
159sort by
160. Maximum of
161 fields allowed.
162, * means already chosen
163 Sort from: BEGINNING//
164 Sort to: ENDING//
165The ENDING value must follow the BEGINNING value !!
166The Ad Hoc Macro file does not exist !!
167The macro will be saved when you exit the
168OK to exit now
170 already exists, OK to replace
171Ask user BEGINNING/ENDING values for
172Sort macro
173 not saved !!
174 macros may only be loaded at the first
178Ask User
179, are you sure
180 macro name:
181This macro is not current, would you like to review it?
182Enter 'Y' if you want to review this macro now.
183Review the menu line
184field name
185 and sort range.
186 Enter '1' if the macro displayed still reflects the desired report.
187 Enter '2'if the macro is no longer valid.
188Check the display of the macro. If it is still valid enter '1'.
189If the macro is no longer valid enter '2'.
190Are you ready to update the
191Enter 'Y' if the macro is valid and ready for updating.
192Macro '
193' not updated.
194~ piece from QAQMENU
195Macro incomplete, cannot update.
196You will be prompted for an output
197device when you exit the
198 Output macro to device:
200Report name:
201Sort fields:
203Print fields:
205Ad Hoc Report Generator Macro Report
210Your macro is no longer valid. Re-enter the macro now, and
211when finished enter '[S' to save it at the prompt for the next
212field. Enter the old macro name if you want to replace it with
213the new criteria, or enter a completely new name.
214No data found...
216 ; *** Set up required and optional variables and call Ad Hoc Rpt Gen
217MENU ; *** Build the menu array
218OTHER ; *** Set up other (optional) EN1^DIP variables, e.g.
219TEXT ;;*** Sort Yes/No ^ Menu Text ^ ~Field # ^ DIR(0)
220Choose a field for menu item number
221, <RETURN> to end, ^ to exit.
222*** You have already chosen that field !! ***
223Menu text the user should see:
224Want to allow sorting by
225*** This line is
226 too long, maximum is 245 !! ***
227You have already selected the following: (Menu Item # Menu Text)
228Ad Hoc Report Generator Interface Routine:
229Select the FILE to be used by the Ad Hoc Report Generator.
230Select the FIELDS to be used by the Ad Hoc Report Generator.
231*** No sort fields chosen !! ***
232Automatically include the
233Menu screen header:
234Building the Ad Hoc Report Generator interface routine(s)...
235Enter 'DO ^
236' to run the Ad Hoc Report Generator.
238Checking the
239 application group
240*** No files selected !! ***
241Load / Unload application groups
244 Enter a file name/number to add a file to the list
245 Enter a minus (-) file name/number to remove a file from the list
246Files selected for LOADING:
247Files selected for UNLOADING:
249Not Loaded
251QA AUDIT^740.5IP^^
252** This information is confidential in accordance with Title 38 U.S.C. 5705 **
253* This info is provided only for the purposes described in 38 U.S.C. 3301 (F) *
254Select date range:
255QM packages installed report
256Not installed
257QM Packages Installed at Your Site as of
258' do you mean all
259Answer Y(es) if you want all of the
260otherwise answer N(o)
263 from the displayed list.
264To deselect a
265 type a minus sign (-)
266in front of it, e.g. -
267To get all
268 type ALL.
270Shared Site Parameters (Used by several QA packages)
272Occurrence Screen Site Parameters
274Incident Reporting Site Parameters
276Credentials Tracking Site Parameters
278Clinical Monitoring System Site Parameters
280Patient Representative Site Parameters
281The postinit, RA27PST, will send a mail msg to your mailbox
282after the cleanup of duplicate clinical history from file #74.
283If you do not receive that message, please check the Taskman list.
284The task description is:
285RA*5.0*27 Cleanup Duplicate Clin. Hist. from File 74
286There's no DUZ defined
287RA-RA27PST) :
289There's no data warning in ^XTMP(
290, -- nothing done --
291The post-install cleanup from patch RA*5.0*27 was tasked off
292 This routine reads the cleanup's results,
293which are stored in ^XTMP(
294. The results contain the report
295IDs for reports that couldn't have their duplicate Clinical History purged.
296This routine outputs a listing of orphaned reports and the exams that
297they refer to. This listing may be used by the Radiology and IRM staff
298to determine if an orphan report is valid or not.
299The listing may be sent directly to the screen, or to a device.
300Select a device:
301Checking results from ^XTMP(
302Request Queued, Task #:
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