RRCI18X ; Internationalization eXtractor to Excel and From Excel ;RRCI18X V0.0001;;RCR/RCR/27MAY2004 ;Donated by Chris Richardson ;Initial database design by Marcus Werner ;Copyright 2008 WorldVistA. Licensed under the terms of the GNU ;General Public License See attached copy of the License. ; ;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;(at your option) any later version. ; ;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;GNU General Public License for more details. ; ;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ;with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ;51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. V QUIT ; Note: Snapshot file .84 before this run so that ; it might be restored completely. ; LNG is the language to be loaded (is optional) ; There are two major entry points to this routine; ; M2EX^RRCI18X(LNG) Will generate a series of Excel Files (30,000 rows/file) ; EX2M^RRCI18X(LNG) Will Load an Excel Sheet into the Dialog File ; P2EX^RRCI18X Will scan the Package File and build a list M2EX(LNG) ; Load a series of excel loadable files from the Dialog File N FILE,FN,LC,X,D0,TB,SET S U="^",SET="" S D0=0,FILE="",TB=$C(9) S LC=600000,FN=-1 F S D0=$O(^DI(.84,D0)) Q:'D0 D . S X=$P($G(^DI(.84,D0,0)),U,3) . Q:X="" . ; . I $L(X," ")>1 D SEND Q ; At least one space . I X?.E1PL.E D SEND Q ; At least some punctuation or lower case . ; . S ^RRCTMP("I18","ODD",X)="" .QUIT D ENDFILE U 0 QUIT ; ============ TEST ; Load a series of excel loadable files from the Dialog File N FILE,FN,LC,X,D0,TB S U="^",SET="" S D0=0,FILE="",TB=$C(9),EXIT=0 F D Q:EXIT . S DIC=9.4,DIC(0)="AE" . D ^DIC . I Y>0 D Q . . N K . . S K=$P($G(^DIC(9.4,+Y,0)),U,2) . . I $L(K) S SET(K)="" . .QUIT . ; . S:(+Y)<0 EXIT=1 .QUIT QUIT ; ============ P2EX ; Load a series of excel loadable files from the Dialog File N FILE,FN,LC,X,D0,SET,TB S U="^",SET="" S D0=0,FILE="",TB=$C(9),EXIT=0 F D Q:EXIT . S DIC=9.4,DIC(0)="AE" . D ^DIC . I Y>0 D Q . . N K . . S K=$P($G(^DIC(9.4,+Y,0)),U,2) . . I $L(K) S SET(K)="" . .QUIT . ; . S:(+Y)<0 EXIT=1 .QUIT S LC=600000,FN=-1 F S D0=$O(^DI(.84,D0)) Q:'D0 D . S X=$P($G(^DI(.84,D0,0)),U,3) . Q:X="" . ; . D:$$PICK(D0,.SET) . . I $L(X," ")>1 D SEND Q ; At least one space . . I X?.E1PL.E D SEND Q ; At least some punctuation or lower case . . ; . . S ^RRCTMP("I18","ODD",X)="" . .QUIT .QUIT D ENDFILE U 0 QUIT ; ============ PICK(D,V) ; Find a member of the routines which matches N T,P,J,L S T=0,P=0 F S P=$O(^DI(.84,D,5,"B",P)) Q:P="" D Q:T . S J="" . F S J=$O(V(J)) Q:J="" S L=$L(J) I $E(P,1,L)=J S T=1 Q .QUIT QUIT T ; ============ SEND ; Resolve the String as being in DIALOG or add it. N Y I LC>30000 D NEWFILE U FILE S Y=$G(^DI(.84,D0,2,1,0)) I $L(Y)>$L(X) S X=Y W X_TB_TB_TB,! S LC=LC+1 QUIT ; ============ NEWFILE ; Close any current file (FILE) and then open a new file N NM S LC=0 I FILE'="" D ENDFILE ; Close the current file with an easily identifiable terminator S FN=$G(FN)+1 S NM=$O(SET("")) S:'$L(NM) NM="DIALOG" S FILE="WV-"_NM_"-"_$TR($J(FN,4)," ","0")_".txt" O FILE:NEW U FILE W "ENGLISH"_TB_"SPANISH"_TB,! QUIT ; ============ ENDFILE ; Load the Exclusion File from ^RRCTMP("I18","ODD", N C,I S C=$TR($J("",20)," ","#") F I=1:1:5 W C_TB_C_TB_C_TB,! C FILE QUIT ; ============ LOADX ; Load the Exclusion File from ^RRCTMP("I18","ODD", N D0,DA,F,FN,X S U="^" S X="",F=$G(^WVDI(250.84,0)) S (DA,D0)=0 F S X=$O(^RRCTMP("I18","ODD",X)) Q:X="" D . S DA=$O(^WVDI(250.84,"B",X,"")) . I DA="" S D0=$P(F,U,3)+1,$P(F,U,3,4)=D0_U_D0,DA=D0 . S ^WVDI(250.84,DA,0)=X,^WVDI(250.84,"B",X,DA)="" .QUIT S ^WVDI(250.84,0)=F QUIT ; ============