source: lang-file4mu1and2/DMLAI002.m@ 1615

Last change on this file since 1615 was 1598, checked in by Sam Habiel, 12 years ago

Updated Language files INIT to be in DMLA rather than DILA per Mr. Timson's request.

File size: 13.9 KB
1DMLAI002 ; ; 20-NOV-2012
2 ;;22.2;LANGUAGE FILE INITS;;NOV 20, 2012
3 Q:'DIFQ(.85) F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,999) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E S @X=Y
4Q Q
5 ;;^DD(.85,.05,"DT")
6 ;;=3121101
7 ;;^DD(.85,.06,0)
8 ;;=SCOPE^S^I:Individual;M:Macrolanguage;C:Collective;S:Special;L:Local;^0;6^Q
9 ;;^DD(.85,.06,3)
10 ;;=Select a language's scope
11 ;;^DD(.85,.06,21,0)
12 ;;=^^12^12^3121031^
13 ;;^DD(.85,.06,21,1,0)
14 ;;=Enter the Scope of a Language.
15 ;;^DD(.85,.06,21,2,0)
16 ;;=
17 ;;^DD(.85,.06,21,3,0)
18 ;;=Individual if the language is an individually identifiable language
19 ;;^DD(.85,.06,21,4,0)
20 ;;=(e.g. 'Cantonese').
21 ;;^DD(.85,.06,21,5,0)
22 ;;=
23 ;;^DD(.85,.06,21,6,0)
24 ;;=Macrolanguage if the language encopasses several other languages (e.g.
25 ;;^DD(.85,.06,21,7,0)
26 ;;='Chinese')
27 ;;^DD(.85,.06,21,8,0)
28 ;;=
29 ;;^DD(.85,.06,21,9,0)
30 ;;=Collective if the language is a language group (e.g. 'Languages,
31 ;;^DD(.85,.06,21,10,0)
32 ;;=Sino-Tibetan')
33 ;;^DD(.85,.06,21,11,0)
34 ;;=
35 ;;^DD(.85,.06,21,12,0)
36 ;;=Special and Local are reserved for specific entries.
37 ;;^DD(.85,.06,23,0)
38 ;;=^^1^1^3121101^
39 ;;^DD(.85,.06,23,1,0)
40 ;;=The current version of this file does not distribute data for this field.
41 ;;^DD(.85,.06,"DT")
42 ;;=3121101
43 ;;^DD(.85,.07,0)
44 ;;=TYPE^S^L:Living;C:Constructed;A:Ancient;H:Historical;E:Extinct;^0;7^Q
45 ;;^DD(.85,.07,.1)
46 ;;=Historical Status
47 ;;^DD(.85,.07,3)
48 ;;=Select a choice.
49 ;;^DD(.85,.07,21,0)
50 ;;=^^12^12^3121101^^
51 ;;^DD(.85,.07,21,1,0)
52 ;;=Living means that the language is spoken today (e.g. English).
53 ;;^DD(.85,.07,21,2,0)
54 ;;=
55 ;;^DD(.85,.07,21,3,0)
56 ;;=Constructed means that the language is artificial (e.g. Esperanto).
57 ;;^DD(.85,.07,21,4,0)
58 ;;=
59 ;;^DD(.85,.07,21,5,0)
60 ;;=Ancient means that the language is very old and not spoken any more (e.g.
61 ;;^DD(.85,.07,21,6,0)
62 ;;=Ancient Egyptian).
63 ;;^DD(.85,.07,21,7,0)
64 ;;=
65 ;;^DD(.85,.07,21,8,0)
66 ;;=Historical means that the language was being used in the Medieval times
67 ;;^DD(.85,.07,21,9,0)
68 ;;=and is not spoken any more (e.g. Old High German).
69 ;;^DD(.85,.07,21,10,0)
70 ;;=
71 ;;^DD(.85,.07,21,11,0)
72 ;;=Extinct means that the language was being used recently but has died out
73 ;;^DD(.85,.07,21,12,0)
74 ;;=(e.g. Cornish).
75 ;;^DD(.85,.07,23,0)
76 ;;=^^1^1^3121101^
77 ;;^DD(.85,.07,23,1,0)
78 ;;=The current version of this file does not distribute data for this field.
79 ;;^DD(.85,.07,"DT")
80 ;;=3121101
81 ;;^DD(.85,.08,0)
82 ;;=LINGUISTIC CATEGORY^*P.85'^DI(.85,^0;8^S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,6)=""C""" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=$G(DIE),X=+Y K:Y<0 X
83 ;;^DD(.85,.08,3)
84 ;;=Select a choice.
85 ;;^DD(.85,.08,12)
86 ;;=Only collective languages are selectable
87 ;;^DD(.85,.08,12.1)
88 ;;=S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,6)=""C"""
89 ;;^DD(.85,.08,21,0)
90 ;;=^^1^1^3121101^^
91 ;;^DD(.85,.08,21,1,0)
92 ;;=Enter a language collection to which this language belongs.
93 ;;^DD(.85,.08,23,0)
94 ;;=^^1^1^3121101^
95 ;;^DD(.85,.08,23,1,0)
96 ;;=The current version of this file does not distribute data for this field.
97 ;;^DD(.85,.08,"DT")
98 ;;=3121101
99 ;;^DD(.85,.09,0)
100 ;;=MEMBER OF LANGUAGE SET^*P.85'^DI(.85,^0;9^S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,6)=""M""" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=$G(DIE),X=+Y K:Y<0 X
101 ;;^DD(.85,.09,3)
102 ;;=Enter a choice.
103 ;;^DD(.85,.09,12)
104 ;;=You may only select Macrolanguages
105 ;;^DD(.85,.09,12.1)
106 ;;=S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,6)=""M"""
107 ;;^DD(.85,.09,21,0)
108 ;;=^^3^3^3121101^
109 ;;^DD(.85,.09,21,1,0)
110 ;;=If this language is a dialect of a macrolanguage, select the
111 ;;^DD(.85,.09,21,2,0)
112 ;;=macrolanguage to which it belongs. (E.g. Cantonese is a dialect of
113 ;;^DD(.85,.09,21,3,0)
114 ;;=Chinese; thus Chinese is Cantonese's macrolanguage.)
115 ;;^DD(.85,.09,23,0)
116 ;;=^^1^1^3121101^
117 ;;^DD(.85,.09,23,1,0)
118 ;;=The current version of this file does not distribute data for this field.
119 ;;^DD(.85,.09,"DT")
120 ;;=3121101
121 ;;^DD(.85,1,0)
122 ;;=ALTERNATE NAME^.8501^^1;0
123 ;;^DD(.85,10,0)
124 ;;=DESCRIPTION^.8502^^10;0
125 ;;^DD(.85,10,"DT")
126 ;;=3121031
127 ;;^DD(.85,10.1,0)
128 ;;=ORDINAL NUMBER FORMAT^K^^ORD;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
129 ;;^DD(.85,10.1,3)
130 ;;=This is Standard MUMPS code.
131 ;;^DD(.85,10.1,9)
132 ;;=@
133 ;;^DD(.85,10.1,21,0)
134 ;;=^^6^6^2941121^^^^
135 ;;^DD(.85,10.1,21,1,0)
136 ;;=MUMPS code used to transfer a number in Y to its ordinal equivalent in
137 ;;^DD(.85,10.1,21,2,0)
138 ;;=this language. The code should set Y to the ordinal equivalent without
139 ;;^DD(.85,10.1,21,3,0)
140 ;;=altering any other variables in the environment. Ex. in English:
141 ;;^DD(.85,10.1,21,4,0)
142 ;;= Y=1 becomes Y=1ST
143 ;;^DD(.85,10.1,21,5,0)
144 ;;= Y=2 becomes Y=2ND
145 ;;^DD(.85,10.1,21,6,0)
146 ;;= Y=3 becomes Y=3RD etc.
147 ;;^DD(.85,10.1,"DT")
148 ;;=2940307
149 ;;^DD(.85,10.2,0)
150 ;;=DATE/TIME FORMAT^K^^DD;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
151 ;;^DD(.85,10.2,3)
152 ;;=This is Standard MUMPS code.
153 ;;^DD(.85,10.2,9)
154 ;;=@
155 ;;^DD(.85,10.2,21,0)
156 ;;=^^6^6^2941121^^^
157 ;;^DD(.85,10.2,21,1,0)
158 ;;=MUMPS code used to transfer a date or date/time in Y from FileMan internal
159 ;;^DD(.85,10.2,21,2,0)
160 ;;=format, to printable format equivalent to English MMM DD,YYYY@HH.MM.SS.
161 ;;^DD(.85,10.2,21,3,0)
162 ;;=The code should set Y to the output, without altering any other variables
163 ;;^DD(.85,10.2,21,4,0)
164 ;;=in the environment. Ex. in English:
165 ;;^DD(.85,10.2,21,5,0)
166 ;;=
167 ;;^DD(.85,10.2,21,6,0)
168 ;;= Y=2940612.031245 becomes Y=JUN 12,1994@03:12:45
169 ;;^DD(.85,10.2,"DT")
170 ;;=2940307
171 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,0)
172 ;;=DATE/TIME FORMAT (FMTE)^K^^FMTE;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
173 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,3)
174 ;;=This is Standard MUMPS code.
175 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,9)
176 ;;=@
177 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,0)
178 ;;=^^22^22^2941122^
179 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,1,0)
180 ;;=MUMPS code used to transfer a date or date/time in Y from FileMan internal
181 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,2,0)
182 ;;=format, to printable format based on the various outputs from routine
183 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,3,0)
184 ;;=FMTE^DILIBF. This is an extrinsic function. Coming in to this MUMPS
185 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,4,0)
186 ;;=code, in addition to the internal date in Y, a third parameter will be
187 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,5,0)
188 ;;=defined to contain flags equivalent to the flag passed as the second input
189 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,6,0)
190 ;;=parameter to FMTE^DILIBF. The code should set Y to the output, without
191 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,7,0)
192 ;;=altering any other variables in the environment. The output should be
193 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,8,0)
194 ;;=formatted based on these flags:
195 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,9,0)
196 ;;=
197 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,10,0)
198 ;;= 1 MMM DD, YYYY@HH:MM:SS
199 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,11,0)
200 ;;= 2 MM/DD/YY@HH:MM:SS no leading zeroes on month,day
201 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,12,0)
202 ;;= 3 DD/MM/YY@HH:MM:SS no leading zeroes on month,day
203 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,13,0)
204 ;;= 4 YY/MM/DD@HH:MM:SS
205 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,14,0)
206 ;;= 5 MMM DD,YYYY@HH:MM:SS no space before year,no leading zero on day
207 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,15,0)
208 ;;= 6 MM-DD-YYYY @ HH:MM:SS spaces separate time
209 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,16,0)
210 ;;= 7 MM-DD-YYYY@HH:MM:SS no leading zeroes on month,day
211 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,17,0)
212 ;;=
213 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,18,0)
214 ;;=letters in the flag
215 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,19,0)
216 ;;= S return always seconds
217 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,20,0)
218 ;;= U return uppercase month names
219 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,21,0)
220 ;;= P return time as am,pm
221 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,21,22,0)
222 ;;= D return only date part
223 ;;^DD(.85,10.21,"DT")
224 ;;=2940624
225 ;;^DD(.85,10.22,0)
226 ;;=TIME^K^^TIME;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
227 ;;^DD(.85,10.22,3)
228 ;;=This is Standard MUMPS code for the output of time only.
229 ;;^DD(.85,10.22,9)
230 ;;=@
231 ;;^DD(.85,10.22,21,0)
232 ;;=^^2^2^2960318^
233 ;;^DD(.85,10.22,21,1,0)
234 ;;=The code stored here will be used to get formatted output of the time
235 ;;^DD(.85,10.22,21,2,0)
236 ;;=part belonging to a FileMan Date/Time value.
237 ;;^DD(.85,10.22,"DT")
238 ;;=2960318
239 ;;^DD(.85,10.3,0)
240 ;;=CARDINAL NUMBER FORMAT^K^^CRD;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
241 ;;^DD(.85,10.3,3)
242 ;;=This is Standard MUMPS code.
243 ;;^DD(.85,10.3,9)
244 ;;=@
245 ;;^DD(.85,10.3,21,0)
246 ;;=^^5^5^2941121^^
247 ;;^DD(.85,10.3,21,1,0)
248 ;;=MUMPS code used to transfer a number in Y to its cardinal equivalent in
249 ;;^DD(.85,10.3,21,2,0)
250 ;;=this language. The code should set Y to the cardinal equivalent without
251 ;;^DD(.85,10.3,21,3,0)
252 ;;=altering any other variables in the environment. Ex. in English:
253 ;;^DD(.85,10.3,21,4,0)
254 ;;= Y=2000 becomes Y=2,000
255 ;;^DD(.85,10.3,21,5,0)
256 ;;= Y=1234567 becomes Y=1,234,567
257 ;;^DD(.85,10.3,"DT")
258 ;;=2940308
259 ;;^DD(.85,10.4,0)
260 ;;=UPPERCASE CONVERSION^K^^UC;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
261 ;;^DD(.85,10.4,3)
262 ;;=This is Standard MUMPS code.
263 ;;^DD(.85,10.4,9)
264 ;;=@
265 ;;^DD(.85,10.4,21,0)
266 ;;=^^4^4^2941121^
267 ;;^DD(.85,10.4,21,1,0)
268 ;;=MUMPS code used to convert text in Y to its upper-case equivalent in
269 ;;^DD(.85,10.4,21,2,0)
270 ;;=this language. The code should set Y to the external format without
271 ;;^DD(.85,10.4,21,3,0)
272 ;;=altering any other variables in the environment. In English, changes
273 ;;^DD(.85,10.4,21,4,0)
274 ;;= abCdeF to: ABCDEF
275 ;;^DD(.85,10.4,"DT")
276 ;;=2940308
277 ;;^DD(.85,10.5,0)
278 ;;=LOWERCASE CONVERSION^K^^LC;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
279 ;;^DD(.85,10.5,3)
280 ;;=This is Standard MUMPS code.
281 ;;^DD(.85,10.5,9)
282 ;;=@
283 ;;^DD(.85,10.5,21,0)
284 ;;=^^4^4^2941121^
285 ;;^DD(.85,10.5,21,1,0)
286 ;;=MUMPS code used to convert text in Y to its lower-case equivalent in
287 ;;^DD(.85,10.5,21,2,0)
288 ;;=this language. The code should set Y to the external format without
289 ;;^DD(.85,10.5,21,3,0)
290 ;;=altering any other variables in the environment. In English, changes:
291 ;;^DD(.85,10.5,21,4,0)
292 ;;= ABcdEFgHij to: abcdefghij
293 ;;^DD(.85,10.5,"DT")
294 ;;=2940308
295 ;;^DD(.85,20.2,0)
296 ;;=DATE INPUT^K^^20.2;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
297 ;;^DD(.85,20.2,3)
298 ;;=This is Standard MUMPS code.
299 ;;^DD(.85,20.2,9)
300 ;;=@
301 ;;^DD(.85,20.2,"DT")
302 ;;=2940714
303 ;;^DD(.8501,0)
305 ;;^DD(.8501,0,"DT")
306 ;;=3121101
307 ;;^DD(.8501,0,"IX","B",.8501,.01)
308 ;;=
309 ;;^DD(.8501,0,"NM","ALTERNATE NAME")
310 ;;=
311 ;;^DD(.8501,0,"UP")
312 ;;=.85
313 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,0)
314 ;;=ALTERNATE NAME^MFJ60^^0;1^K:$L(X)>60!($L(X)<1) X
315 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,1,0)
316 ;;=^.1
317 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,1,1,0)
318 ;;=.8501^B
319 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,1,1,1)
320 ;;=S ^DI(.85,DA(1),1,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
321 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,1,1,2)
322 ;;=K ^DI(.85,DA(1),1,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
323 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,1,2,0)
324 ;;=.85^F
325 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,1,2,1)
326 ;;=S ^DI(.85,"F",$E(X,1,30),DA(1),DA)=""
327 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,1,2,2)
328 ;;=K ^DI(.85,"F",$E(X,1,30),DA(1),DA)
329 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,1,2,3)
331 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,1,2,"%D",0)
332 ;;=^^1^1^3121101^
333 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,1,2,"%D",1,0)
334 ;;=Whole file cross-reference for ALTERNATE NAME multiple.
335 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,1,2,"DT")
336 ;;=3121101
337 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,3)
338 ;;=Answer must be 1-60 characters in length.
339 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,21,0)
340 ;;=^^2^2^3121101^^
341 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,21,1,0)
342 ;;=This field contains other synonyms for a language.
343 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,21,2,0)
344 ;;=E.g. for Greek, synonyms include Ellinika and Romaic.
345 ;;^DD(.8501,.01,"DT")
346 ;;=3121101
347 ;;^DD(.8502,0)
349 ;;^DD(.8502,0,"DT")
350 ;;=3121031
351 ;;^DD(.8502,0,"NM","DESCRIPTION")
352 ;;=
353 ;;^DD(.8502,0,"UP")
354 ;;=.85
355 ;;^DD(.8502,.01,0)
356 ;;=DESCRIPTION^Wx^^0;1
357 ;;^DD(.8502,.01,3)
358 ;;=Enter an optional language description
359 ;;^DD(.8502,.01,"DT")
360 ;;=3121031
361 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"B",0)
362 ;;=.85^B^Regular new-style B Index^R^^F^IR^I^.85^^^^^LS
363 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"B",1)
364 ;;=S ^DI(.85,"B",X,DA)=""
365 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"B",2)
366 ;;=K ^DI(.85,"B",X,DA)
367 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"B",2.5)
368 ;;=K ^DI(.85,"B")
369 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"B",11.1,0)
370 ;;=^.114IA^1^1
371 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"B",11.1,1,0)
372 ;;=1^F^.85^.01^^1^F
373 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"B",11.1,1,3)
374 ;;=
375 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"C",0)
376 ;;=.85^C^Regular new style index on two letter language codes^R^^F^IR^I^.85^^^^^LS
377 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"C",1)
378 ;;=S ^DI(.85,"C",X,DA)=""
379 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"C",2)
380 ;;=K ^DI(.85,"C",X,DA)
381 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"C",2.5)
382 ;;=K ^DI(.85,"C")
383 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"C",11.1,0)
384 ;;=^.114IA^1^1
385 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"C",11.1,1,0)
386 ;;=1^F^.85^.02^^1^F
387 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"D",0)
388 ;;=.85^D^Regular new-style index for three letter abbreviations for languages^R^^F^IR^I^.85^^^^^LS
389 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"D",1)
390 ;;=S ^DI(.85,"D",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
391 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"D",2)
392 ;;=K ^DI(.85,"D",$E(X,1,30),DA)
393 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"D",2.5)
394 ;;=K ^DI(.85,"D")
395 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"D",11.1,0)
396 ;;=^.114IA^1^1
397 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"D",11.1,1,0)
398 ;;=1^F^.85^.03^30^1^F
399 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"E",0)
400 ;;=.85^E^(Pseudo-)Mnemonic index for the Alternate three letter code^MU^^F^IR^I^.85^^^^^LS
401 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"E",.1,0)
402 ;;=^^6^6^3121031^
403 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"E",.1,1,0)
404 ;;=This will add entries to the D index for the three letter code a la the
405 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"E",.1,2,0)
406 ;;=mnemonic style.
407 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"E",.1,3,0)
408 ;;=
409 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"E",.1,4,0)
410 ;;=If you need re-cross-reference this field, you need to kill of the
411 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"E",.1,5,0)
412 ;;=entries in the regular D index, set the D index, and then set this index
413 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"E",.1,6,0)
414 ;;=to update the D with the mnemonic xrefs.
415 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"E",1)
416 ;;=S ^DI(.85,"D",X,DA)=1
417 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"E",2)
418 ;;=K ^DI(.85,"D",X,DA)
419 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"E",11.1,0)
420 ;;=^.114IA^1^1
421 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"IX",.85,.85,"E",11.1,1,0)
422 ;;=1^F^.85^.05^^1^F
423 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"KEY",.85,.85,"A",0)
424 ;;=.85^A^P^1046
425 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"KEY",.85,.85,"A",2,0)
426 ;;=^.312IA^1^1
427 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"KEY",.85,.85,"A",2,1,0)
428 ;;=.01^.85^1
429 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"KEY",.85,.85,"B",0)
430 ;;=.85^B^S^1048
431 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"KEY",.85,.85,"B",2,0)
432 ;;=^.312IA^1^1
433 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"KEY",.85,.85,"B",2,1,0)
434 ;;=.03^.85^1
435 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"KEYPTR",.85,.85,"A")
436 ;;=.85^B
437 ;;^UTILITY("KX",$J,"KEYPTR",.85,.85,"B")
438 ;;=.85^D
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