VWPSSXPD ; VW/SMH - Update the Drug File and friends... ; 4/16/12 12:15pm ;;1.0;WorldVista Modifications;;;Build 5 ; (C) Sam Habiel ; Licensed under AGPL ; ; This routine contains utilities to remove a drug file and install a new drug ; file in VISTA originating in another system. As of Build 3, you can use KIDS ; to transport the file. ; ; Workflow (Manual, without using KIDS) ; On the Origin System: ; - Create a Global Output containing: ; ^PSDRUG DRUG ; ^PS(50.7) PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEM ; ^PS(51.7) DRUG TEXT ; ^PS(52.6) IV ADDITIVES ; ^PS(52.7) IV SOLUTIONS ; ^PS(50.4) DRUG ELECTROLYTES ; ; On the Destination System: ; 1. Call KILLDRUG to remove all Drug Data ; 2. Restore the global created above. ; 3. Call RESTOCK to sync CPRS files back with drug files. ; ; Workflow (using KIDS): ; On the Origin System: ; - Create a KIDS build that calls the follwing: ; 1. This Routine Name to call from top is the Environment Check for the Build ; 2. TRAN is the Pre-Transport Routine for your originating system drug data ; 3. PRE is the Pre-Init for the Destination System ; 4. POST is the Post-Init for the Destination System ; - Generate the KIDS Build. The file will have all the Drug Data from the Origin ; System. ; On the Destination System: ; - Install the KIDS Build ; ; Limitations: ; - If the Administration Schedules from the originating system and destination ; system don't match, you need to either change the schedules on the orderable ; items, or make the schedules on the destination system the same as the ; ones from incoming drug file, otherwise, the problems you run into is this: ; - Orders do not calculate frequency correctly if the schedule is not present ; in the destination system. This means that the proper number of pills cannot ; be calculated. ; - In Outpatient Pharmacy, Schedules do not expand into patient readable ; instructions ; - If the National Drug Files are not up to date in the destination system, there ; will be some broken pointers. All you have to do is update them. ; - If some drugs are linked with lab tests, these need to be re-linked. Preferably, ; these should be removed prior to transporting the drug file. ; ; --- ()()() --- ; ; PEPs: KILLDRUG to remove all Drugs ; RESTOCK to add the drugs back to CPRS ; ; KIDS EPs: ; Top EP Fall through -> Environment Check (call the routine from the top) ; PRE -> Pre-Init for the Destination System ; POST -> Post-Init for the Destination System ; TRAN -> Pre-Transport Routine (to get data from original system) ; ; KIDS EPs call PEPs to do their work. ; ; Environment Check falls through from the top ; ; -- START KIDS HOOKS -- ; ENV ; Environment Check Routine; KIDS EP; top fallthough W $$CJ^XLFSTR("------ WARNING WARNING WARNING -----",80),!! ; Center Justify W "This package will delete your drug file and add a new drug file contained",! W "in the distribution.",!! W "If you have patient pharmacy data, this will CORRUPT your database.",!! N VWPROD S VWPROD=$$PROD^XUPROD() ; Check if a production acc; +ve val is yes W "You are running in a "_$S(VWPROD:"Production",1:"Test")_" Environment.",!! W "Are you sure you want to continue? Type a full YES/yes if you want to proceed)",! N X R "ANSWER: ",X:60 S X=$$UP^XLFSTR(X) ; uppercase I X'="YES" S XPDQUIT=1 ; Quit if the user doesn't say yes QUIT ; TRAN ; Pre-Transport routine for KIDS to ship off the 50, 50.7, 51.7 globals M @XPDGREF@("VWPSSXPD",50)=^PSDRUG ; DRUG M @XPDGREF@("VWPSSXPD",50.7)=^PS(50.7) ; PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEM M @XPDGREF@("VWPSSXPD",51.7)=^PS(51.7) ; DRUG TEXT M @XPDGREF@("VWPSSXPD",52.6)=^PS(52.6) ; IV ADDITIVES M @XPDGREF@("VWPSSXPD",52.7)=^PS(52.7) ; IV SOLUTIONS M @XPDGREF@("VWPSSXPD",50.4)=^PS(50.4) ; DRUG ELECTROLYTES QUIT ; PRE ; Pre-Init routine for KIDS DO KILLDRUG ; Remove old drugs from system. QUIT ; POST ; Post-Init routine for KIDS ; Load new drugs into system M ^PSDRUG=@XPDGREF@("VWPSSXPD",50) ; DRUG M ^PS(50.7)=@XPDGREF@("VWPSSXPD",50.7) ; PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEM M ^PS(51.7)=@XPDGREF@("VWPSSXPD",51.7) ; DRUG TEXT M ^PS(52.6)=@XPDGREF@("VWPSSXPD",52.6) ; IV ADDITIVES M ^PS(52.7)=@XPDGREF@("VWPSSXPD",52.7) ; IV SOLUTIONS M ^PS(50.4)=@XPDGREF@("VWPSSXPD",50.4) ; DRUG ELECTROLYTES ; Restock the CPRS files from the new drug files DO RESTOCK QUIT ; ; -- END KIDS HOOKS -- ; ; -- BEGIN Public Entry Points -- KILLDRUG ; Remove all Drug Data. PEP. Use this to call the routine. D DT^DICRW ; Min FM Vars D MES^XPDUTL("Killing Drug (50)") D DRUG D MES^XPDUTL("Killing Pharmacy Orderable Item (OI) (50.7)") D PO D MES^XPDUTL("Killing Drug Text (51.7)") D DRUGTEXT D MES^XPDUTL("Killing IV Additives (52.6)") D IVADD D MES^XPDUTL("Killing IV Solutions (52.7)") D IVSOL D MES^XPDUTL("Killing Drug Electrolytes (50.4)") D DRUGELEC D MES^XPDUTL("Removing Pharmacy OIs from the Orderable Item (101.43)") D O D MES^XPDUTL("Syncing the Order Quick View (101.44)") D CPRS QUIT ; RESTOCK ; Restock CPRS Orderable Items from new Drug & Pharmacy Orderable Item ; File. Public Entry Point. ; Call this after repopulating the drug file (50) and the pharmacy orderable ; item file (50.7) N PSOIEN ; Looper variable D DT^DICRW ; Establish FM Basic Variables ; ; Loop through Orderable Item file and call ; 1. The Active/Inactive Updater for the Orderable Item ; 2. the protocol file updater to CPRS Files S PSOIEN=0 F S PSOIEN=$O(^PS(50.7,PSOIEN)) Q:'PSOIEN D . D MES^XPDUTL("Syncing Pharamcy Orderable Item "_PSOIEN) . D EN^PSSPOIDT(PSOIEN),EN2^PSSHL1(PSOIEN,"MUP") D CPRS ; Update Orderable Item View files QUIT ; ; -- END Public Entry Points -- ; ; -- The rest is private -- DRUG ; Kill Drug File; Private N %1 S %1=^PSDRUG(0) K ^PSDRUG S ^PSDRUG(0)=%1 S $P(^PSDRUG(0),"^",3,4)="" QUIT ; PO ; Kill Pharmacy Orderable Items; Private N %1 S %1=^PS(50.7,0) K ^PS(50.7) S ^PS(50.7,0)=%1 S $P(^PS(50.7,0),"^",3,4)="" QUIT ; DRUGTEXT ; Kill Drug Text Entries ; Private N %1 S %1=^PS(51.7,0) K ^PS(51.7) S ^PS(51.7,0)=%1 S $P(^PS(51.7,0),"^",3,4)="" QUIT ; IVADD ; Kill IV Additives ; Private N %1 S %1=^PS(52.6,0) K ^PS(52.6) S ^PS(52.6,0)=%1 S $P(^PS(52.6,0),"^",3,4)="" QUIT ; IVSOL ; Kill IV Solutions ; Private N %1 S %1=^PS(52.7,0) K ^PS(52.7) S ^PS(52.7,0)=%1 S $P(^PS(52.7,0),"^",3,4)="" QUIT ; DRUGELEC ; Kill Drug Electrolytes ; Private N %1 S %1=^PS(50.4,0) K ^PS(50.4) S ^PS(50.4,0)=%1 S $P(^PS(50.4,0),"^",3,4)="" QUIT ; O ; Kill off Pharamcy Order Items (Only!) in the Orderable Item file; Private N DA ; Used in For loop below N DIK S DIK="^ORD(101.43," N I S I=0 FOR S I=$O(^ORD(101.43,"ID",I)) QUIT:I="" DO . I I["PSP" S DA=$O(^ORD(101.43,"ID",I,"")) D ^DIK QUIT ; CPRS ; Now, update the CPRS lists (sync with Orderable Item file) - ; Uses a CPRS API to do this; Private ; Next 3 variables are required as inputs N ATTEMPT S ATTEMPT=0 ; Attempt to Update N UPDTIME S UPDTIME=$HOROLOG ; Update Time N DGNM ; Dialog Name ; IVA RX -> Additives; IVB RX -> Solutions ; IVM RX -> Inpatient Meds for Outpatients ; NV RX -> Non-VA Meds ; O RX -> Outpatient ; UD RX -> Unit Dose FOR DGNM="IVA RX","IVB RX","IVM RX","NV RX","O RX","UD RX" DO . D MES^XPDUTL(" --> Rebuilding "_DGNM) . D FVBLD^ORWUL QUIT ;