C0QIMMUN ;Prep Immunization Order data for HL7 Message creation ; ;;0.1;C0Q;nopatch;noreleasedate;Build 26 ; ^XTMP("C0QIMMUN",0)=purge date^create date ; ^XTMP("C0QIMMUN",order_date,order#,item_name)=item_value ; ^XTMP("C0QIMMUN","LASTORDR")=last order processed FIND ; Find the next set of immunization orders N X1,X2,X,%,%DT,%H,%T,NOW,ORDER,LASTORDR,SUBSC,DIR S LASTORDR=+$G(^XTMP("C0QIMMUN","LASTORDR")) W !,"The ""Last Order"" from which to begin checking for Immunization orders is: ",LASTORDR S DIR("A")="Do you want to reset that value" S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR D:Y=1 . S DIR("A")="What value shall be used?" . S DIR(0)="NO",DIR("B")=LASTORDR D ^DIR . W:Y'>0 !,"We'll skip reseting it then." . D:Y>0 . . S LASTORDR=+Y . . L +^XTMP("C0QIMMUN") . . S X1=DT,X2=365 D C^%DTC . . S ^XTMP("C0QIMMUN",0)=X_U_DT . . S ^XTMP("C0QIMMUN","LASTORDR")=LASTORDR . . L -^XTMP("C0QIMMUN") . . Q . Q S DIR("A")="Ready to prep more immunization orders for HL7 messages" S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR Q:Y'=1 L +^XTMP("C0QIMMUN") I '$D(^XTMP("C0QIMMUN",0)) D . S X1=DT,X2=365 D C^%DTC . S ^XTMP("C0QIMMUN",0)=X_U_DT . S ^XTMP("C0QIMMUN","LASTORDR")=0 S ORDER=^XTMP("C0QIMMUN","LASTORDR") F S ORDER=$O(^OR(100,ORDER)) Q:ORDER'>0 D . S LASTORDR=ORDER . D:$D(^OR(100,ORDER,4.5,"ID","ORZ HL7")) GOTONE . Q S ^XTMP("C0QIMMUN","LASTORDR")=LASTORDR W !,"Done",!,"Last Order processed: ",LASTORDR,! L -^XTMP("C0QIMMUN") Q GOTONE ; Take the order number and move the relevant HL7 information into ^XTMP S NOW=$P(^OR(100,ORDER,0),U,7) S ^XTMP("C0QIMMUN",NOW,ORDER,"PATIENT")=$P(^OR(100,ORDER,0),U,2) S ^XTMP("C0QIMMUN",NOW,ORDER,"LOCATION")=$P(^OR(100,ORDER,0),U,10) S ^XTMP("C0QIMMUN",NOW,ORDER,"ORDEREDBY")=$P(^OR(100,ORDER,0),U,6) S ENTRY=0 F S ENTRY=$O(^OR(100,ORDER,4.5,ENTRY)) Q:ENTRY'>0 D . S SUBSC=$P($G(^OR(100,ORDER,4.5,ENTRY,0)),U,4) . Q:'$L(SUBSC) . I SUBSC'="TIME" S ^XTMP("C0QIMMUN",NOW,ORDER,SUBSC)=^OR(100,ORDER,4.5,ENTRY,1) . E S X=^OR(100,ORDER,4.5,ENTRY,1),%DT="TS" D ^%DT S ^XTMP("C0QIMMUN",NOW,ORDER,SUBSC)=Y . Q S ^XTMP("C0QIMMUN",NOW,ORDER,"ORDERTEXT")=$G(^OR(100,ORDER,8,1,.1,1,0)) Q