C0QUTIL ;JJOH/ZAG/GPL - Utilities for C0Q Package ; 7/31/12 7:42am ;;1.0;C0Q;;May 21, 2012;Build 63 ; ;2011 Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License ;See attached copy of the License. ; ;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;(at your option) any later version. ; ;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;GNU General Public License for more details. ; ;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ;with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ;51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ; AGE(DFN) ; return current age in years and months ; Q:'$G(DFN) ;quit if no there is no patient N DOB S DOB=$P(^DPT(+DFN,0),U,3) ;date of birth N YRS N DOD S DOD=+$G(^DPT(9,.35)) ;check for date of death I 'DOD D . N CDTE S CDTE=DT ;current date . S YRS=$E(CDTE,1,3)-$E(DOB,1,3)-($E(CDTE,4,7)<$E(DOB,4,7)) E D . S YRS=$E(DOD,1,3)-$E(DOB,1,3)-($E(DOD,4,7)<$E(DOB,4,7)) ; ;Come back here and fix MONTHS and DAYS ;N CM S CM=+$E(DT,4,5) ;current month ;N CD S CD=+$E(DT,6,7) ;current day ;N BM S BM=+$E(DOB,4,5) ;birth month ;N BD S BD=+$E(DOB,6,7) ;birth day ; ;N DAYS S DAYS="" ; Q YRS ;_"y" gpl ..just want the number ; ; DTDIFF(ZD1,ZT1,ZD2,ZT2,SHOW) ; extrinsic which returns the number of minutes ; between 2 dates. ZD1 and ZD2 are fileman dates ; ZT1 AND ZT2 are valid times (military time) ie 20:10 ; IF SHOW=1 DEBUGGING INTERMEDIATE VALUES WILL BE DISPLAYED I '$D(SHOW) S SHOW=0 N GT1,GT2,GDT1,GDT2 I ZT1[":" D ; . S GT1=($P(ZT1,":",1)*3600)+($P(ZT1,":",2)*60) ; SECONDS . S GT2=($P(ZT2,":",1)*3600)+($P(ZT2,":",2)*60) ; SECONDS E D ; . S GT1=($E(ZT1,1,2)*3600)+($E(ZT1,3,4)*60) . S GT2=($E(ZT2,1,2)*3600)+($E(ZT2,3,4)*60) ;W:SHOW !,"SECONDS: ",GT1," ",GT2 ;S %=GT1 D S^%DTC ; FILEMAN TIME ;S GDT1=ZD1_% ; FILEMAN DATE AND TIME ;S %=GT2 D S^%DTC ; FILEMAN TIME ;S GDT2=ZD2_% ; FILEMAN DATE AND TIME S GDT1=ZD1_"."_ZT1 S GDT2=ZD2_"."_ZT2 W:SHOW !,"FILEMAN: ",GDT1," ",GDT2 N ZH1,ZH2 S ZH1=$$FMTH^XLFDT(GDT1) ; $H FORMAT S ZH2=$$FMTH^XLFDT(GDT2) ; $H FORMAT W:SHOW !,"$H: ",ZH1," ",ZH2 N ZSECS,ZMIN S ZSECS=$$HDIFF^XLFDT(ZH1,ZH2,2) ; DIFFERENCE IN $H W:SHOW !,"DIFF: ",ZSECS S ZMIN=ZSECS/60 ; DIFFERENCE IN MINUTES W:SHOW !,"MIN: ",ZMIN Q ZMIN ; DT(X) ; -- Returns FM date for X N Y,%DT S %DT="T",Y="" D:X'="" ^%DT Q Y ; ZWRITE(NAME) ; Replacement for ZWRITE ; Public Proc ; Pass NAME by name as a closed reference. lvn and gvn are both supported. ; : syntax is not supported (yet) N L S L=$L(NAME) ; Name length I $E(NAME,L-2,L)=",*)" S NAME=$E(NAME,1,L-3)_")" ; If last sub is *, remove it and close the ref N ORIGLAST S ORIGLAST=$QS(NAME,$QL(NAME)) ; Get last subscript upon which we can't loop further N ORIGQL S ORIGQL=$QL(NAME) ; Number of subscripts in the original name I $D(@NAME)#2 W NAME,"=",$$FORMAT(@NAME),! ; Write base if it exists ; $QUERY through the name. ; Stop when we are out. ; Stop when the last subscript of the original name isn't the same as ; the last subscript of the Name. F S NAME=$Q(@NAME) Q:NAME="" Q:$QS(NAME,ORIGQL)'=ORIGLAST W NAME,"=",$$FORMAT(@NAME),! QUIT FORMAT(V) ; Add quotes, replace control characters if necessary; Public $$ ;If numeric, nothing to do. ;If no encoding required, then return as quoted string. ;Otherwise, return as an expression with $C()'s and strings. I +V=V Q V ; If numeric, just return the value. N QT S QT="""" ; Quote I $F(V,QT) D ;chk if V contains any Quotes . S P=0 ;position pointer into V . F S P=$F(V,QT,P) Q:'P D ;find next " . . S $E(V,P-1)=QT_QT ;double each " . . S P=P+1 ;skip over new " I $$CCC(V) D Q V ; If control character is present do this and quit . S V=$$RCC(QT_V_QT) ; Replace control characters in "V" . S:$E(V,1,3)="""""_" $E(V,1,3)="" ; Replace doubled up quotes at start . S L=$L(V) S:$E(V,L-2,L)="_""""" $E(V,L-2,L)="" ; Replace doubled up quotes at end Q QT_V_QT ; If no control charactrrs, quit with "V" ; CCC(S) ;test if S Contains a Control Character or $C(255); Public $$ Q:S?.E1C.E 1 Q:$F(S,$C(255)) 1 Q 0 RCC(NA) ;Replace control chars in NA with $C( ). Returns encoded string; Public $$ Q:'$$CCC(NA) NA ;No embedded ctrl chars N OUT S OUT="" ;holds output name N CC S CC=0 ;count ctrl chars in $C( N C ;temp hold each char F I=1:1:$L(NA) S C=$E(NA,I) D ;for each char C in NA . I C'?1C,C'=C255 D S OUT=OUT_C Q ;not a ctrl char . . I CC S OUT=OUT_")_""",CC=0 ;close up $C(... if one is open . I CC D . . I CC=256 S OUT=OUT_")_$C("_$A(C),CC=0 ;max args in one $C( . . E S OUT=OUT_","_$A(C) ;add next ctrl char to $C( . E S OUT=OUT_"""_$C("_$A(C) . S CC=CC+1 . Q Q OUT END ;end of C0QUTIL