1 | <!-- HL7 QRDA BMI (Section 6) -->
2 |
3 | <!-- errors -->
4 | <pattern id="p-qrda_bmi-errors">
5 | <title>HL7 QRDA BMI (Section 6) - errors validation phase</title>
6 | <rule context='/'>
7 |
8 | <assert test='count(/cda:ClinicalDocument/cda:recordTarget/cda:patientRole/cda:patient/cda:birthTime) = 1'>
9 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-1: Category I BMI QRDA report SHALL contain exactly one
10 | ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/patientRole/patient/birthTime.
11 | </assert>
12 |
13 | <assert test='string-length(/cda:ClinicalDocument/cda:recordTarget/cda:patientRole/cda:patient/cda:birthTime/@value) >= 8'>
14 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-2: The birthTime SHALL be precise to the day and MAY be precise to
15 | the second.
16 | </assert>
17 |
18 | <assert test='.//cda:section/cda:templateId[@root="2.16.840.1.113883."]'>
19 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-3: A Body Mass Index QRDA SHALL contain a non-nested top-level
20 | Measure section containing information about the Body Mass Index
21 | measure.
22 | </assert>
23 | </rule>
24 |
25 | <rule context='*[cda:templateId/@root="2.16.840.1.113883."]'>
26 | <assert test="contains(translate(cda:title,'QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM','qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'),'measure: body mass index percentile')">
27 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-5: The Body Mass Index Measure section SHALL contain exactly one
28 | section/title valued with a case-insensitive, text string containing,
29 | "Measure: Body Mass Index Percentile".
30 | </assert>
31 |
32 | <assert test='cda:entry/cda:act/cda:code[@code="BMIV1-X" and @codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"]'>
33 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-6: The value for act/code SHALL be BMIV1-X Body Mass Index,
34 | V1 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 LOINC STATIC.
35 | </assert>
36 | </rule>
37 |
38 | <!-- This context comes from the definition of Reporting Parameters Section
39 |
40 | CONF-QRDA-II-24: The value for section/code SHALL be 55187-9 Reporting
41 | Parameters 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 LOINC STATIC.
42 |
43 | -->
44 |
45 | <rule context='*[cda:code/@code="55187-9" and cda:code/@codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"]'>
46 | <assert test='string-length(cda:entry/cda:act[cda:code[@code="252116004" and @codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96"]]/cda:effectiveTime/cda:low/@value) >= 8 and
47 | string-length(cda:entry/cda:act[cda:code[@code="252116004" and @codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96"]]/cda:effectiveTime/cda:high/@value) >= 8'>
48 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-8: The reporting time period in a Reporting Period Observation SHALL
49 | be represented with an effectiveTime/low element with a value of the first
50 | day of the month combined with a high element with a value of the last day
51 | of the month OR the reporting time period in a Reporting Period Observation
52 | SHALL be represented with an effectiveTime/low element with a value of
53 | the first day of the quarter combined with a high element with a value of
54 | the last day of the quarter representing respectively the first and last days of
55 | the period reported.
56 | </assert>
57 | </rule>
58 |
59 | <!-- This context comes from the definition of Patient Data Section
60 |
61 | CONF-QRDA-I-56: The value for section/code SHALL be 55188-7 Patient Data
62 | 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 LOINC STATIC.
63 |
64 | -->
65 | <rule context='*[cda:code/@code="55188-7" and cda:code/@codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"]'>
66 | <assert test='cda:entry/cda:encounter'>
67 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-9: The Body Mass Index QRDA Patient Data Section encounter
68 | information SHALL be represented with encounter.
69 | </assert>
70 | <assert test='cda:entry/cda:encounter/@classCode="ENC"'>
71 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-11: The value for encounter/@classCode in an Encounter activity
72 | SHALL be ENC 2.16.840.1.113883.5.6 ActClass STATIC.
73 | </assert>
74 | <assert test='cda:entry/cda:encounter/@moodCode="EVN"'>
75 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-12: The value for encounter/@moodCode in an Encounter activity
76 | SHALL be EVN 2.16.840.1.113883.5.1001 ActMood STATIC.
77 | </assert>
78 | <assert test='count(cda:entry/cda:encounter/cda:code) = 1'>
79 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-14: An Encounter activity SHALL contain exactly one encounter/code.
80 | </assert>
81 | <assert test='cda:entry/cda:encounter/cda:code/@codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.4" and (
82 | cda:entry/cda:encounter/cda:code/@code="AMB" or
83 | cda:entry/cda:encounter/cda:code/@code="EMER" or
84 | cda:entry/cda:encounter/cda:code/@code="HH" or
85 | cda:entry/cda:encounter/cda:code/@code="IMP" or
86 | cda:entry/cda:encounter/cda:code/@code="SS")'>
87 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-15: The value for encounter/code in the Encounter activity SHALL be
88 | selected from Value Set BMIPhysicalEncounter 2.16.840.1.113883. STATIC 20090215.
89 | </assert>
90 | <assert test='count(cda:entry/cda:encounter/cda:effectiveTime) = 1'>
91 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-16: An Encounter activity SHALL contain exactly one
92 | encounter/effectiveTime to indicate date and time of the encounter.
93 | </assert>
94 | <assert test='string-length(cda:entry/cda:encounter/cda:effectiveTime/@value) >= 8'>
95 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-17: The encounter/effectiveTime SHALL be accurate to the day.
96 | </assert>
97 | <assert test='cda:entry/cda:encounter/cda:entryRelationship[@typeCode="COMP"]/cda:organizer'>
98 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-18: The Encounter activity SHALL contain exactly one
99 | entryRelationship where the value of @typeCode SHALL be COMP, whose
100 | target act is a principal diagnosis organizer (as described in Section
101 | Clinical Statement Conformance Principle Diagnosis).
102 | </assert>
103 | </rule>
104 |
105 | <!-- Body Mass Index Percentile -->
106 |
107 | <rule context='*[cda:code/@code="55188-7" and cda:code/@codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"]/cda:entry/cda:observation'>
108 |
109 | <assert test='cda:statusCode'>
110 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-36: A Body Mass Index Percentile Observation SHALL contain exactly
111 | one observation/statusCode.
112 | </assert>
113 | <assert test='cda:statusCode[@code="completed"]'>
114 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-37: The value of observation/statusCode SHALL be completed.
115 | </assert>
116 | <assert test='cda:effectiveTime'>
117 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-38: A Body Mass Index Percentile Observation SHALL contain exactly
118 | one observation/effectiveTime, which represents the time the percentile
119 | was measured.
120 | </assert>
121 | <assert test='string-length(cda:effectiveTime/@value) >= 8'>
122 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-39: The observation/effective Time SHALL be accurate to the day
123 | and MAY be accurate to the second.
124 | </assert>
125 | <assert test='cda:code[@code="1111111" and @codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96"]'>
126 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-40: A Body Mass Percentile Observation SHALL contain exactly one
127 | observation/code where the value is TempSNOMEDcode 1111111 Body Mass
128 | Percentile 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 SNOMED-CT STATIC.
129 | </assert>
130 | <assert test='cda:value[@xsi:type="PQ"]'>
131 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-41: The value for value/xsi:type SHALL be PQ.
132 | </assert>
133 | <assert test='cda:value[@unit = "%"]'>
134 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-42: The observation/value SHALL be expressed using a valid UCUM
135 | Physical Quantity Unit = "%" (percent).
136 | </assert>
137 | </rule>
138 |
139 | <!-- Rule context comes from above Patient Data context plus XPath to bring us down to Principle Diagnosis Organizer -->
140 |
141 | <rule context='*[cda:code/@code="55188-7" and cda:code/@codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"]/cda:entry/cda:encounter/cda:entryRelationship[@typeCode="COMP"]/cda:organizer'>
142 | <assert test='@classCode="CLUSTER"'>
143 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-20: The value for organizer/@classCode in a Principle Diagnosis
144 | Organizer SHALL be CLUSTER 2.16.840.1.113883.5.6 ActClass STATIC.
145 | </assert>
146 | <assert test='@moodCode="EVN"'>
147 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-21: The value for organizer/@moodCode in a Principle Diagnosis
148 | Organizer SHALL be EVN 2.16.840.1.113883.5.1001 ActMood STATIC.
149 | </assert>
150 | <assert test='cda:code[@code = "8319008" and @codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96"]'>
151 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-22: The value for organizer/code SHALL be 8319008 Principle
152 | diagnosis 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 SNOMED-CT STATIC.
153 | </assert>
154 | <assert test='count(cda:statusCode) = 1'>
155 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-23: A Principle Diagnosis Organizer SHALL contain exactly one
156 | organizer/statusCode.
157 | </assert>
158 | <assert test='cda:statusCode[@code = "completed"]'>
159 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-24: The value for organizer/statusCode in a Principle Diagnosis
160 | Organizer SHALL be completed 2.16.840.1.113883.5.14 ActStatus STATIC.
161 | </assert>
162 | <assert test='cda:component'>
163 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-25: A Principle Diagnosis Organizer SHALL contain one or more
164 | organizer/component.
165 | </assert>
166 | <assert test='cda:component/cda:observation[@classCode = "OBS" and @moodCode="EVN"]/cda:code[@code = "ASSERTION" and @codeSystem = "2.16.840.1.113883.5.4"]'>
167 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-26: The target of the Principle Diagnosis Organizer
168 | organizer/component relationship SHALL be a Principle Diagnosis
169 | Observation.
170 | CONF-QRDA_BMI-27: The Principle Diagnosis Observation SHALL be represented with an
171 | observation element where the value of @classCode is OBS and the value
172 | of @moodCode is EVN.
173 | CONF-QRDA_BMI-28: The value for code/@code SHALL be ASSERTION and
174 | code/@codeSystem SHALL be 2.16.840.1.113883.5.4 HL7 ActCode
175 | Complete STATIC.
176 | </assert>
177 | </rule>
178 | <!-- Rule context comes from above context plus XPath to bring us down to Principle Diagnosis Observation -->
179 |
180 | <rule context='*[cda:code/@code="55188-7" and cda:code/@codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"]/cda:entry/cda:encounter/cda:entryRelationship[@typeCode="COMP"]/cda:organizer/cda:component/cda:observation[@classCode = "OBS" and @moodCode="EVN"][cda:code[@code = "ASSERTION" and @codeSystem = "2.16.840.1.113883.5.4"]]'>
181 | <assert test='cda:statusCode[@code="completed"]'>
182 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-29: A statusCode element SHALL be present where the value of @code
183 | is completed.
184 | </assert>
185 | <assert test='cda:value[@xsi:type = "CD"]'>
186 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-30: The value for value/@xsi:type SHALL be CD.
187 | </assert>
188 | <!--
189 |
190 | This rule was from the April 2009 version... Removed?
191 |
192 | <assert test='cda:value[@codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.2" or @codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96"]'>
193 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-30: The value for value/@code SHALL be selected from
194 | 2.16.840.1.113883.6.2 ICD9 CM Diagnoses or
195 | 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 SNOMED-CT.
196 | </assert>
197 | -->
198 |
199 | <assert test='cda:value[@code="102506008" or @codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96"]'>
200 | Error: CONF-QRDA_BMI-31: The value for value/@code shall be "102506008" (Well Child), from
201 | codeSystem 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 (SNOMED-CT).
202 | </assert>
203 |
204 | </rule>
205 |
206 | </pattern>
207 |
208 | <pattern id="p-qrda_bmi-warnings">
209 | <title>HL7 QRDA BMI (Section 6) - warning validation phase</title>
210 | <!--
211 | <rule context='*[cda:templateId/@root=""]'>
212 |
213 | </rule>
214 | -->
215 | <rule context='*[cda:code/@code="55188-7" and cda:code/@codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"]'>
216 | <assert test='count(cda:entry/cda:encounter/cda:id) >= 1'>
217 | Warning: CONF-QRDA_BMI-13: An Encounter activity SHOULD contain at least one encounter/id.
218 | </assert>
219 | <assert test='cda:entry/cda:observation/cda:id'>
220 | Warning: CONF-QRDA_BMI-35: A Body Mass Index Percentile Observation SHOULD contain at
221 | least one observation/id.
222 | </assert>
223 |
224 | </rule>
225 |
226 | <rule context='*[cda:code/@code="55188-7" and cda:code/@codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"]'>
227 | <assert test='cda:entry/cda:observation'>
228 | Warning: CONF-QRDA_BMI-32: The Body Mass Index Percentile QRDA Patient Data section SHOULD
229 | contain exactly one Body Mass Index Percentile Observation.
230 | </assert>
231 | </rule>
232 |
233 | </pattern>
234 |
235 | <pattern id="p-qrda_bmi-notes">
236 | <title>HL7 QRDA BMI (Section 6) - note validation phase</title>
237 | <rule context='/'>
238 |
239 | <assert test='string-length(/cda:ClinicalDocument/cda:recordTarget/cda:patientRole/cda:patient/cda:birthTime/@value) >= 14'>
240 | Note: CONF-QRDA_BMI-2: The birthTime [...] MAY be precise to the second.
241 | </assert>
242 | </rule>
243 | <rule context='*[cda:templateId/@root="2.16.840.1.113883."]'>
244 |
245 | <assert test="contains(translate(cda:entry/cda:act/cda:text,'QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM','qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'),'Children ages 2-18 who had an encounter in the measurement period AND whose weight was classified based on CDC BMI percentile for age and gender.')">
246 | Note: CONF-QRDA_BMI-7: The value for act/text element MAY contain a case-insensitive,
247 | text string containing the description of the measure, "Children ages 2-18
248 | who had an encounter in the measurement period AND whose
249 | weight was classified based on CDC BMI percentile for age and
250 | gender."
251 | </assert>
252 | </rule>
253 |
254 | <rule context='*[cda:code/@code="55188-7" and cda:code/@codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"]'>
255 | <assert test='string-length(cda:entry/cda:encounter/cda:effectiveTime/@value) >= 14'>
256 | Note: CONF-QRDA_BMI-17: The encounter/effectiveTime ... MAY be accurate to the second.
257 | </assert>
258 | <assert test='string-length(cda:entry/cda:observation/cda:effectiveTime/@value) >= 14'>
259 | Note: CONF-QRDA_BMI-39: The observation/effective Time ... MAY be accurate to the second.
260 | </assert>
261 |
262 | </rule>
263 | </pattern>
264 |