C0STBL ; GPL - Smart Container CREATE A TABLE OF NHINV VALUES;2/22/12 17:05 ;;1.0;VISTA SMART CONTAINER;;Sep 26, 2012;Build 4 ;Copyright 2012 George Lilly. Licensed under the terms of the GNU ;General Public License See attached copy of the License. ; ;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;(at your option) any later version. ; ;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;GNU General Public License for more details. ; ;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ;with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ;51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ; Q EN(BEGDFN,DFNCNT,ZPART) ; START IS A DFN I '$D(BEGDFN) S BDGDFN="" I '$D(DFNCNT) S DFNCNT=150 I '$D(ZPART) S ZPART="" N ZTBL S ZTBL=$NA(^TMP("C0STBL")) N ZI,ZCNT,ZG S ZI=$O(^DPT(BEGDFN),-1) S ZCNT=1 F S ZI=$O(^DPT(ZI)) Q:((+ZI=0)!(ZCNT>DFNCNT)) D ; . S ZCNT=ZCNT+1 . W ZI," " . K ZG . D EN^C0SNHIN(.ZG,ZI,ZPART) . M @ZTBL@(ZI)=ZG . K G . N GDIR S GDIR="/home/vista/p/" . D EN^C0SMART(.G,ZI,"med") . I $D(G) W !,$$output^C0XGET1("G",ZI_"-med.rdf",GDIR) . k G . D EN^C0SMART(.G,ZI,"patient") . I $D(G) W !,$$output^C0XGET1("G",ZI_"-patient.rdf",GDIR) . K G . D EN^C0SMART(.G,ZI,"lab") . I $D(G) W !,$$output^C0XGET1("G",ZI_"-lab.rdf",GDIR) . K G . D EN^C0SMART(.G,ZI,"problem") . I $D(G) W !,$$output^C0XGET1("G",ZI_"-problem.rdf",GDIR) Q ; LOADHACK ; N ZI F ZI=2:1:374 D ; . D IMPORT^C0XF2N("hack"_ZI_".xml","/home/vista/hack/") Q ; LABCNT ; COUNT LAB TESTS AND LOINC CODES K LABCNT,GLOINC,PATCNT S (LABCNT,GLOINC,PATCNT)=0 N ZI S ZI="" N GN S GN=$NA(^TMP("C0STBL")) F S ZI=$O(@GN@(ZI)) Q:ZI="" D ; . S PATCNT=PATCNT+1 . I '$D(@GN@(ZI,"lab")) Q ; . N ZJ S ZJ="" . F S ZJ=$O(@GN@(ZI,"lab",ZJ)) Q:ZJ="" D ; . . S LABCNT=LABCNT+1 . . S X=$G(@GN@(ZI,"lab",ZJ,"loinc@value")) . . I X'="" S GLOINC=GLOINC+1 W !,"Total number of patients: ",PATCNT W !,"Total number of lab results: ",LABCNT W !,"Total number of lab results with loinc codes: ",GLOINC W !,"Percentage of lab tests with loinc codes: ",$P((GLOINC/LABCNT)*100,".")_"%" Q ; PROBCNT ; COUNT PROBLEMS AND SNOMED CODES K PROBCNT,GSNO,PATCNT S (PROBCNT,GSNO,PATCNT)=0 N ZI S ZI="" N GN S GN=$NA(^TMP("C0STBL")) F S ZI=$O(@GN@(ZI)) Q:ZI="" D ; . S PATCNT=PATCNT+1 . I '$D(@GN@(ZI,"problem")) Q ; . N ZJ S ZJ="" . F S ZJ=$O(@GN@(ZI,"problem",ZJ)) Q:ZJ="" D ; . . S PROBCNT=PROBCNT+1 . . S X=$G(@GN@(ZI,"problem",ZJ,"icd@value")) . . S Y=$$SNOMED^C0SPROB2(X) . . I Y'="" S GSNO=GSNO+1 W !,"Total number of patients: ",PATCNT W !,"Total number of problems: ",PROBCNT W !,"Total number of problems with snomed codes: ",GSNO W !,"Percentage of problems with SNOMED codes: ",$P((GSNO/PROBCNT)*100,".")_"%" Q ; MEDCNT ; COUNT INPATIENT VS OUTPATIENT MEDICATIONS K MEDCNT,OMED,PATCNT,DOSE,UNITS,FORM,SCHED,ROUTE S (MEDCNT,OMED,GSNO,PATCNT)=0 N ZI S ZI="" N GN S GN=$NA(^TMP("C0STBL")) F S ZI=$O(@GN@(ZI)) Q:ZI="" D ; . S PATCNT=PATCNT+1 . I '$D(@GN@(ZI,"med")) Q ; . N ZJ S ZJ="" . F S ZJ=$O(@GN@(ZI,"med",ZJ)) Q:ZJ="" D ; . . S MEDCNT=MEDCNT+1 . . I $G(@GN@(ZI,"med",ZJ,"vaStatus@value"))="EXPIRED" D Q ; . . . I $D(DEBUG) W !,"Expired Mediation, Skipping" . . I $G(@GN@(ZI,"med",ZJ,"vaType@value"))="I" D Q ; . . . I $D(DEBUG) W !,"Inpatient Med, skipping" . . I $G(@GN@(ZI,"med",ZI,"vaType@value"))="V" D Q ; . . . I $D(DEBUG) W !,"IV Inpatient Med, skipping" . . S OMED=OMED+1 . . S X=$G(@GN@(ZI,"med",ZJ,"form@value")) . . S FORM(X)=$G(FORM(X))+1 . . S X=$G(@GN@(ZI,"med",ZJ,"doses.dose@dose")) . . I X="" S X="UNKNOWN" . . S DOSE(X)=$G(DOSE(X))+1 . . S X=$G(@GN@(ZI,"med",ZJ,"doses.dose@units")) . . I X="" S X="UNKNOWN" . . S UNITS(X)=$G(UNITS(X))+1 . . S X=$G(@GN@(ZI,"med",ZJ,"doses.dose@schedule")) . . I X="" S X="UNKNOWN" . . S SCHED(X)=$G(SCHED(X))+1 . . S X=$G(@GN@(ZI,"med",ZJ,"doses.dosc@route")) . . I X="" S X="UNKNOWN" . . S ROUTE(X)=$G(ROUTE(X))+1 W !,"Total number of patients: ",PATCNT W !,"Total number of medications: ",MEDCNT W !,"Total number of outpatient medications: ",OMED W !,"Percentage of outpatient medications: ",$P((OMED/MEDCNT)*100,".")_"%",! ZWR FORM ZWR DOSE ZWR UNITS ZWR SCHED ZWR ROUTE Q ;