C0SPROB ; GPL - Smart Problem Processing ;5/01/12 17:05 ;;0.1;C0S;nopatch;noreleasedate;Build 2 ;Copyright 2012 George Lilly. Licensed under the terms of the GNU ;General Public License See attached copy of the License. ; ;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;(at your option) any later version. ; ;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;GNU General Public License for more details. ; ;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ;with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ;51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ; Q ; ; sample VistA NHIN problem list ; G("node16rk1fgdvx276397","code")="loinc:8480-6" G("node16rk1fgdvx276397","dcterms:title")="systolic blood pressure" G("node16rk1fgdvx276397","rdf:type")="sp:CodedValue" G("node16rk1fgdvx276398","rdf:type")="sp:VitalSign" G("node16rk1fgdvx276398","unit")="mm[Hg]" G("node16rk1fgdvx276398","value")="113.0" G("node16rk1fgdvx276398","vitalName")="node16rk1fgdvx276397" ; VITALS(GRTN,C0SARY) ; GRTN, passed by reference, ; is the return name of the graph created. "" if none ; C0SARY is passed in by reference and is the NHIN array of problems ; I $O(C0SARY("vital",""))="" D Q ; . I $D(DEBUG) W !,"No Vital Signs" S GRTN="" ; default to no vital signs N C0SGRF S C0SGRF="/vista/smart/"_ZPATID_"/vitals" I $D(DEBUG) W !,"Processing ",C0SGRF D DELGRAPH^C0XF2N(C0SGRF) ; delete the old graph D INITFARY^C0XF2N("C0XFARY") ; which triple store to use N FARY S FARY="C0XFARY" D USEFARY^C0XF2N(FARY) D VOCINIT^C0XUTIL ; D STARTADD^C0XF2N ; initialize to create triples ; N ZI S ZI="" F S ZI=$O(C0SARY("vital",ZI)) Q:ZI="" D ; . N LRN,ZR ; ZR is the local array for building the new triples . S LRN=$NA(C0SARY("problem",ZI)) ; base for values in this lab result . ; . N PROBID ; unique Id for this problem . S PROBID=C0SGRF_"/"_$$LKY17^C0XF2N ; use a random number . ; . ; i don't like this because the same problems gets a . ; different ID every time it's reported. Can't trace it back to VistA . ; I'd rather be using id@value ie "id@value")="118" . ; . N SNOMED,ICD S ICD=$G(@LRN@("icd@value")) . S SNOMED=$$SNOMED(ICD) ; look up the snomed code in the map . I SNOMED="" S SNOMED=ICD ; if not found, return the ICD code . N SNOGRF S SNOGRF="snomed:"_SNOMED . N SNOTIT S SNOTIT=$G(@LRN@("name@value")) . I $D(DEBUG) D ; . . W !,"Processing Problem List ",PROBID . . W !,"problem: ",SNOTIT . . W !,"code: ",SNOMED . ; . ; first do the base result graph . ; . S ZR("rdf:type")="sp:Problem" . S ZR("sp:belongsTo")=C0SGRF ; the subject for this patient's problems . ; ie /vista/smart/99912345/problems . ; . N PROBNAME S PROBNAME=$$ANONS^C0XF2N ; new node for problem name . S ZR("sp:problemName")=PROBNAME . ; . N STARTDT S STARTDT=$$SPDATE^C0SUTIL($G(@LRN@("entered@value"))) . S ZR("sp:startDate")=STARTDT . ; . D ADDINN^C0XF2N(C0SGRF,PROBID,.ZR) ; addIfNotNull the triples . K ZR ; clean up . ; . ; create the problemName graph . ; . S ZR("rdf:type")="sp:CodedValue" . S ZR("sp:code")="snomed:"_SNOMED . S ZR("dcterms:title")=$G(@LRN@("name@value")) . D ADDINN^C0XF2N(C0SGRF,PROBNAME,.ZR) . K ZR . ; . ; create snomed graph . ; . S ZR("rdf:type")="sp:Code" . S ZR("sp:system")="http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/SNOMEDCT" . S ZR("dcterms:identifier")=SNOMED . S ZR("dcterms:title")=SNOTIT . D ADDINN^C0XF2N(C0SGRF,SNOGRF,.ZR) . K ZR . ; D BULKLOAD^C0XF2N(.C0XFDA) S GRTN=C0SGRF Q ; SNOMED(ZICD) ; extrinsic which returns SNOMED code given an ICD9 code ; requires the mapping table installed in the triplestore ; N ZSN,ZARY,ZSUB S ZSUB=$$subject^C0XGET1(,ZICD) ; subject of the ICD9 code D objects^C0XGET1(.ZARY,ZSUB,"cg:ontology#toCode") S ZSN=$O(ZARY("")) I $D(DEBUG) W !,ZSN," ",$$object^C0XGET1(ZSUB,"rdfs:label") Q ZSN ;