Changeset 1080 for Scheduling

Jan 25, 2011, 5:58:58 AM (14 years ago)
Sam Habiel

Final checkin. Completed ability to be able to remove appointments that have been checked in. Also, fixed not being able to make an appointment at midnight issue.

2 edited


  • Scheduling/trunk/m/BSDX08.m

    r1077 r1080  
    1 BSDX08  ; IHS/OIT/HMW - WINDOWS SCHEDULING RPCS ; 12/6/10 12:35pm
     1BSDX08  ; IHS/OIT/HMW - WINDOWS SCHEDULING RPCS ; 1/25/11 12:39pm
    22        ;;1.42;BSDX;;Dec 07, 2010
    33        ;
    1616        ;  - Refactored all of APPDEL.
    1717        ;
     18        ; 3111125 UJO/SMH v1.5
     19        ;  - Added ability to remove checked in appointments. Added a couple
     20        ;    of units tests for that under UT2.
     21        ;  - Minor reformatting because of how KIDS adds tabs.
     22        ;
    1823        ; Error Reference:
    1924        ;  -1~BSDX08: Appt record is locked. Please contact technical support.
    7277        D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,999999,"PC",1,"Reasons")
    7378        I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),"~")'=-3 W "Error in -3",!
    74         ;
    75         ; Test 6: for Cancelling walkin and checked-in appointments (should fail).
     79UT2     ; More unit Tests
     80        ;
     81        ; Test 6: for Cancelling walkin and checked-in appointments
    7682        S BSDXSTART=$E($$NOW^XLFDT,1,12),BSDXEND=BSDXSTART+.0001
    77         D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,BSDXSTART,BSDXEND,4,"Dr Office",10,"Sam's Note",1)
    78         S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U)
    79         B
    81         B
    82         D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",10,"Cancel Note")
    83         B
    84         ;
    85         ; Test 7: for cancelling walkin and checked-in appointments (this should pass)
     83        D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,BSDXSTART,BSDXEND,4,"Dr Office",10,"Sam's Note",1) ; Add appt
     84        S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U)
     85        I APPID=0 W "Error in test 6",!
     86        D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPID,$$NOW^XLFDT) ; check-in
     87        D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",10,"Cancel Note") ; Delete appt
     88        I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),$C(30))'="" W "Error in test 6",!
     89        ;
     90        ; Test 7: for cancelling walkin and checked-in appointments
    8691        S BSDXSTART=$E($$NOW^XLFDT,1,12)+.0001,BSDXEND=BSDXSTART+.0001
    87         D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,BSDXSTART,BSDXEND,4,"Dr Office",10,"Sam's Note",1)
    88         S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U)
    89         B
     92        D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,BSDXSTART,BSDXEND,4,"Dr Office",10,"Sam's Note",1) ; Add appt
     93        S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U)
     94        I APPID=0 W "Error in test 6",!
     95        D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPID,$$NOW^XLFDT) ; Checkin
    9196        S BSDXRES=$O(^BSDXRES("B","Dr Office",""))
    9297        S BSDXCLN=$P(^BSDXRES(BSDXRES,0),U,4)
    93         B
    95         B
    96         D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",10,"Cancel Note")
    97         ;
     98        S BSDXRESULT=$$RMCI^BSDXAPI(4,BSDXCLN,BSDXSTART) ; remove checkin
     99        D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",10,"Cancel Note") ; delete appt
     100        I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),$C(30))'="" W "Error in test 6",!
    99101        QUIT
    100            ; Lock the node in another job for testing.
    102            ;
    104103        ;Called by RPC: BSDX CANCEL APPOINTMENT
    105104        ;Cancels existing appointment in BSDX APPOINTMENT and 44/2 subfiles
    106            ;Input Parameters:
     105        ;Input Parameters:
    107106        ; - BSDXAPTID is entry number in BSDX APPOINTMENT file
    108107        ; - BSDXTYP is C for clinic-cancelled and PC for patient cancelled
    110109        ; - BSDXNOT is user note
    111110        ;
    112            ; Returns error code in recordset field ERRORID. Zero is success.
    113            ; Returns Global Array. Must use this type in RPC.
    114         ;
    115            ; Return Array: set Return and clear array
     111        ; Returns error code in recordset field ERRORID. Empty string is success.
     112        ; Returns Global Array. Must use this type in RPC.
     113        ;
     114        ; Return Array: set Return and clear array
    116115        S BSDXY=$NA(^BSDXTMP($J))
    117            K ^BSDXTMP($J)
    118         ;
    119            ; Set min DUZ vars if they don't exist
    120            D ^XBKVAR
    121            ;
    122            ; $ET
    123            N $ET S $ET="G ETRAP^BSDX08"
    124         ;
    125            ; Counter
     116        K ^BSDXTMP($J)
     117        ;
     118        ; Set min DUZ vars if they don't exist
     119        D ^XBKVAR
     120        ;
     121        ; $ET
     122        N $ET S $ET="G ETRAP^BSDX08"
     123        ;
     124        ; Counter
    126125        N BSDXI S BSDXI=0
    127            ; Header Node
     126        ; Header Node
    128127        S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)="T00100ERRORID"_$C(30)
    129128        ;
    130            ; Lock BSDX node, only to synchronize access to the globals.
    131            ; It's not expected that the error will ever happen as no filing
    132            ; is supposed to take 5 seconds.
    133            L +^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPTID):5 I '$T D ERR(BSDXI,"-1~BSDX08: Appt record is locked. Please contact technical support.") Q
    134         ;
    135            ;Restartable Transaction; restore paramters when starting.
    136            ; (Params restored are what's passed here + BSDXI)
    138         ;
    139            ; Turn off SDAM APPT PROTOCOL BSDX Entries
     129        ; Lock BSDX node, only to synchronize access to the globals.
     130        ; It's not expected that the error will ever happen as no filing
     131        ; is supposed to take 5 seconds.
     132        L +^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPTID):5 I '$T D ERR(BSDXI,"-1~BSDX08: Appt record is locked. Please contact technical support.") Q
     133        ;
     134        ;Restartable Transaction; restore paramters when starting.
     135        ; (Params restored are what's passed here + BSDXI)
     137        ;
     138        ; Turn off SDAM APPT PROTOCOL BSDX Entries
    140139        N BSDXNOEV
    141140        S BSDXNOEV=1 ;Don't execute BSDX CANCEL APPOINTMENT protocol
    142141        ;
    143            ;;;test for error inside transaction. See if %ZTER works
    144            I $G(bsdxdie) S X=1/0
    145            ;;;test
    146            ;;;test for TRESTART
    147            I $G(bsdxrestart) K bsdxrestart TRESTART
    148            ;;;test
    149            ;
    150            ; Check appointment ID and whether it exists
    151            I '+BSDXAPTID D ERR(BSDXI,"-2~BSDX08: Invalid Appointment ID") Q
     142        ;;;test for error inside transaction. See if %ZTER works
     143        I $G(bsdxdie) S X=1/0
     144        ;;;test
     145        ;;;test for TRESTART
     146        I $G(bsdxrestart) K bsdxrestart TRESTART
     147        ;;;test
     148        ;
     149        ; Check appointment ID and whether it exists
     150        I '+BSDXAPTID D ERR(BSDXI,"-2~BSDX08: Invalid Appointment ID") Q
    152151        I '$D(^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPTID,0)) D ERR(BSDXI,"-3~BSDX08: Invalid Appointment ID") Q
    153152        ;
    154153        ; Start Processing:
    155            ; First, add cancellation date to appt entry in BSDX APPOINTMENT
     154        ; First, add cancellation date to appt entry in BSDX APPOINTMENT
    157156        N BSDXPATID S BSDXPATID=$P(BSDXNOD,U,5) ; Patient ID
    159158        D BSDXCAN(BSDXAPTID)  ; Add a cancellation date in BSDX APPOINTMENT
    160159        ;
    161            ; Second, cancel appt in "S" nodes in file 2 and 44, then update Legacy PIMS Availability
     160        ; Second, cancel appt in "S" nodes in file 2 and 44, then update Legacy PIMS Availability
    163            ; If the resouce id doesn't exist...
     162        ; If the resouce id doesn't exist...
    164163        I BSDXSC1="" D ERR(BSDXI,"-4~BSDX08: Cancelled appointment does not have a Resouce ID") QUIT
    165            I '$D(^BSDXRES(BSDXSC1,0)) D ERR(BSDXI,"-5~BSDX08: Resouce ID does not exist in BSDX RESOURCE") QUIT
     164        I '$D(^BSDXRES(BSDXSC1,0)) D ERR(BSDXI,"-5~BSDX08: Resouce ID does not exist in BSDX RESOURCE") QUIT
    166165        ; Get zero node of resouce
    167            S BSDXNOD=^BSDXRES(BSDXSC1,0)
    168            ; Get Hosp location
     166        S BSDXNOD=^BSDXRES(BSDXSC1,0)
     167        ; Get Hosp location
    169168        N BSDXLOC S BSDXLOC=$P(BSDXNOD,U,4)
    170            ; Error indicator for Hosp Location filing for getting out of routine
    171            N BSDXERR S BSDXERR=0
    172            ; Only file in 2/44 if there is an associated hospital location
    173            I BSDXLOC D  QUIT:BSDXERR 
     169        ; Error indicator for Hosp Location filing for getting out of routine
     170        N BSDXERR S BSDXERR=0
     171        ; Only file in 2/44 if there is an associated hospital location
     172        I BSDXLOC D  QUIT:BSDXERR 
    174173        . I '$D(^SC(BSDXLOC,0)) S BSDXERR=1 D ERR(BSDXI,"-6~BSDX08: Invalid Hosp Location stored in Database") QUIT
    175            . ; Get the IEN of the appointment in the "S" node of ^SC
    176            . N BSDXSCIEN
     174        . ; Get the IEN of the appointment in the "S" node of ^SC
     175        . N BSDXSCIEN
    178            . I BSDXSCIEN="" S BSDXERR=1 D ERR(BSDXI,"-7~BSDX08: Patient does not have an appointment in PIMS Clinic") QUIT
     177        . I BSDXSCIEN="" S BSDXERR=1 D ERR(BSDXI,"-7~BSDX08: Patient does not have an appointment in PIMS Clinic") QUIT
    179178        . ; Get the appointment node
    180            . S BSDXNOD=$G(^SC(BSDXLOC,"S",BSDXSTART,1,BSDXSCIEN,0))
    181180        . I BSDXNOD="" S BSDXERR=1 D ERR(BSDXI,"-8^BSDX08: Unable to find associated PIMS appointment for this patient") QUIT
    182181        . N BSDXLEN S BSDXLEN=$P(BSDXNOD,U,2)
    183182        . ; Cancel through BSDXAPI
    184            . N BSDXZ
    186            . I +BSDXZ>0 S BSDXERR=1 D ERR(BSDXI,"-9^BSDX08: BSDXAPI returned an error: "_$P(BSDXZ,U,2)) QUIT
     183        . N BSDXZ
     185        . I +BSDXZ>0 S BSDXERR=1 D ERR(BSDXI,"-9^BSDX08: BSDXAPI returned an error: "_$P(BSDXZ,U,2)) QUIT
    187186        . ; Update Legacy PIMS clinic Availability
    199198        ;See SDCNP0
    200199        N SD,S  ; Start Date
    201            S (SD,S)=BSDXSTART
    202            N I ; Clinic IEN in 44
     200        S (SD,S)=BSDXSTART
     201        N I ; Clinic IEN in 44
    203202        S I=BSDXSCD
    204            ; if day has no schedule in legacy PIMS, forget about this update.
     203        ; if day has no schedule in legacy PIMS, forget about this update.
    205204        Q:'$D(^SC(I,"ST",SD\1,1))
    206            N SL ; Clinic characteristics node (length of appt, when appts start etc)
     205        N SL ; Clinic characteristics node (length of appt, when appts start etc)
    207206        S SL=^SC(I,"SL")
    208            N X ; Hour Clinic Display Begins
    209            S X=$P(SL,U,3)
    210            N STARTDAY ; When does the day start?
    211            S STARTDAY=$S($L(X):X,1:8) ; If defined, use it; otherwise, 8am
    212            N SB ; ?? Who knows? Day Start - 1 divided by 100.
    213            S SB=STARTDAY-1/100
    214            S X=$P(SL,U,6) ; Now X is Display increments per hour
    215            N HSI ; Slots per hour, try 1
    216            S HSI=$S(X:X,1:4) ; if defined, use it; otherwise, 4
    217            N SI ; Slots per hour, try 2
    218            S SI=$S(X="":4,X<3:4,X:X,1:4) ; If slots "", or less than 3, then 4
    219            N STR ; ??
    220            S STR="#@!$* XXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA0123456789jklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    221            N SDDIF ; Slots per hour diff??
    222            S SDDIF=$S(HSI<3:8/HSI,1:2)
     207        N X ; Hour Clinic Display Begins
     208        S X=$P(SL,U,3)
     209        N STARTDAY ; When does the day start?
     210        S STARTDAY=$S($L(X):X,1:8) ; If defined, use it; otherwise, 8am
     211        N SB ; ?? Who knows? Day Start - 1 divided by 100.
     212        S SB=STARTDAY-1/100
     213        S X=$P(SL,U,6) ; Now X is Display increments per hour
     214        N HSI ; Slots per hour, try 1
     215        S HSI=$S(X:X,1:4) ; if defined, use it; otherwise, 4
     216        N SI ; Slots per hour, try 2
     217        S SI=$S(X="":4,X<3:4,X:X,1:4) ; If slots "", or less than 3, then 4
     218        N STR ; ??
     219        S STR="#@!$* XXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA0123456789jklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
     220        N SDDIF ; Slots per hour diff??
     221        S SDDIF=$S(HSI<3:8/HSI,1:2)
    223222        S SL=BSDXLEN ; Dammit, reusing variable; SL now Appt Length from GUI
    224223        S S=^SC(I,"ST",SD\1,1) ; reusing var again; S now Day Pattern from PIMS
    225            N Y ; Hours since start of Date
    226            S Y=SD#1-SB*100 ;SD#1=FM Time portion; -SB minus start of day; conv to hrs
    227            N ST  ; ??
    228            ; Y#1 -> Minutes; *SI -> * Slots per hour; \.6 trunc min to hour
    229            ; Y\1 -> Hours since start of day; * SI: * slots
    230            S ST=Y#1*SI\.6+(Y\1*SI)
    231            N SS ; how many slots are supposed to be taken by appointment
    232            S SS=SL*HSI/60 ; (nb: try SL: 30 min; HSI: 4 slots)
     224        N Y ; Hours since start of Date
     225        S Y=SD#1-SB*100 ;SD#1=FM Time portion; -SB minus start of day; conv to hrs
     226        N ST  ; ??
     227        ; Y#1 -> Minutes; *SI -> * Slots per hour; \.6 trunc min to hour
     228        ; Y\1 -> Hours since start of day; * SI: * slots
     229        S ST=Y#1*SI\.6+(Y\1*SI)
     230        N SS ; how many slots are supposed to be taken by appointment
     231        S SS=SL*HSI/60 ; (nb: try SL: 30 min; HSI: 4 slots)
    233232        N I
    234            I Y'<1 D  ; If Hours since start of Date is greater than 1
    235            . ; loop through pattern. Tired of documenting.
    236            . F I=ST+ST:SDDIF D  Q:Y=""  Q:SS'>0
    237            . . S Y=$E(STR,$F(STR,$E(S,I+1))) Q:Y="" 
    238            . . S S=$E(S,1,I)_Y_$E(S,I+2,999)
    239            . . S SS=SS-1
    240            . . Q:SS'>0
     233        I Y'<1 D  ; If Hours since start of Date is greater than 1
     234        . ; loop through pattern. Tired of documenting.
     235        . F I=ST+ST:SDDIF D  Q:Y=""  Q:SS'>0
     236        . . S Y=$E(STR,$F(STR,$E(S,I+1))) Q:Y="" 
     237        . . S S=$E(S,1,I)_Y_$E(S,I+2,999)
     238        . . S SS=SS-1
     239        . . Q:SS'>0
    241240        S ^SC(BSDXSCD,"ST",SD\1,1)=S  ; new pattern; global set
    242241        Q
    321320ETRAP   ;EP Error trap entry
    322321        N $ET S $ET="D ^%ZTER HALT"  ; Emergency Error Trap
    323            ; Rollback, otherwise ^XTER will be empty from future rollback
    324            I $TL>0 TROLLBACK
    325            D ^%ZTER
    326            S $EC=""  ; Clear Error
     322        ; Rollback, otherwise ^XTER will be empty from future rollback
     323        I $TL>0 TROLLBACK
     324        D ^%ZTER
     325        S $EC=""  ; Clear Error
    327326        ; Log error message and send to client
    328            I '$D(BSDXI) N BSDXI S BSDXI=0
     327        I '$D(BSDXI) N BSDXI S BSDXI=0
    329328        D ERR(BSDXI,"-100~BSDX08 Error: "_$G(%ZTERZE))
    330329        QUIT
    331            ;
    332            ;;;NB: This is code that is unused in both original and port.
    333            ; ; If not appt in the "S" node is found in ^SC then check associated RPMS Clinic Multiple
    334            ; I BSDXSCIEN="" D  I 'BSDXZ Q  ;Q:BSDXZ
     330        ;
     331        ;;;NB: This is code that is unused in both original and port.
     332        ; ; If not appt in the "S" node is found in ^SC then check associated RPMS Clinic Multiple
     333        ; I BSDXSCIEN="" D  I 'BSDXZ Q  ;Q:BSDXZ
    335334        ; . S BSDXERR="BSDX08: Unable to find associated RPMS appointment for this patient. "
    336335        ; . S BSDXZ=1
    337            ; . ; Check if there are associated RPMS clinics. (not currently used) Does the multiple exist? No, then quit
     336        ; . ; Check if there are associated RPMS clinics. (not currently used) Does the multiple exist? No, then quit
    338337        ; . I '$D(^BSDXRES(BSDXSC1,20)) S BSDXZ=0 QUIT
    339            ; . ; Loop through the multiple. Get Location and then the ^SC "S" node IEN.
     338        ; . ; Loop through the multiple. Get Location and then the ^SC "S" node IEN.
    340339        ; . N BSDX1 S BSDX1=0
    341340        ; . F  S BSDX1=$O(^BSDXRES(BSDXSC1,20,BSDX1)) Q:'+BSDX1  Q:BSDXZ=0  D
    342341        ; . . Q:'$D(^BSDXRES(BSDXSC1,20,BSDX1,0))
    343342        ; . . S BSDXLOC=$P(^BSDXRES(BSDXSC1,20,BSDX1,0),U)
  • Scheduling/trunk/m/BSDXAPI.m

    r1076 r1080  
    1 BSDXAPI ; IHS/ANMC/LJF - SCHEDULING APIs ; 12/6/10 5:50pm
     1BSDXAPI ; IHS/ANMC/LJF - SCHEDULING APIs ; 1/25/11 1:00pm
    22        ;;1.42;BSDX;;Dec 07, 2010;Build 7
    33        ;Orignal routine is BSDAPI by IHS/LJF, HMW, and MAW
    55        ;Move to BSDX namespace as BSDXAPI from BSDAPI by WV/SMH
    66        ; Change History:
    7         ; 2010-11-5:
     7        ; 2010-11-5: (1.42)
    88        ; - Fixed errors having to do uncanceling patient appointments if it was a patient cancelled appointment.
    99        ; - Use new style Fileman API for storing appointments in file 44 in $$MAKE due to problems with legacy API.
    10         ; 2010-11-12:
     10        ; 2010-11-12: (1.42)
    1111        ; - Changed ="C" to ["C" in SCIEN. Cancelled appointments can be "PC" as well.
    12         ; 2010-12-5
     12        ; 2010-12-5 (1.42)
    1313        ; Added an entry point to update the patient note in file 44.
    14         ; 2010-12-6
     14        ; 2010-12-6 (1.42)
    1515        ; MAKE1 incorrectly put info field in BSDR("INFO") rather than BSDR("OI")
    16         ; 2010-12-8
     16        ; 2010-12-8 (1.42)
    1717        ; Removed restriction on max appt length. Even though this restriction
    1818        ; exists in fileman (120 minutes), PIMS ignores it. Therefore, I
    1919        ; will ignore it here too.
     20        ; 2011-01-25 (v.1.5)
     21        ; Added entry point $$RMCI to remove checked in appointments.
     22        ; In $$CANCEL, if the appointment is checked in, delete check-in rather than
     23        ;  spitting an error message to the user saying 'Delete the check-in'
     24        ; Changed all lines that look like this:
     25        ;  I $G(BSDR("ADT"))'?7N1".".4N Q 1_U_"Appt Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("ADT"))
     26        ; to:
     27        ;  I $G(BSDR("ADT"))'?7N.1".".4N Q 1_U_"Appt Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("ADT"))
     28        ; to allow for date at midnight which does not have a dot at the end.
     29        ; 
    2030        ;
    2131MAKE1(DFN,CLIN,TYP,DATE,LEN,INFO)       ; Simplified PEP w/ parameters for $$MAKE - making appointment
    5464        I ($G(BSDR("TYP"))<3)!($G(BSDR("TYP"))>4) Q 1_U_"Appt Type error: "_$G(BSDR("TYP"))
    5565        I $G(BSDR("ADT")) S BSDR("ADT")=+$E(BSDR("ADT"),1,12)  ;remove seconds
    56         I $G(BSDR("ADT"))'?7N1".".4N Q 1_U_"Appt Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("ADT"))
     66        I $G(BSDR("ADT"))'?7N.1".".4N Q 1_U_"Appt Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("ADT"))
    5767        ;
    5868        ;I ($G(BSDR("LEN"))<5)!($G(BSDR("LEN"))>240) Q 1_U_"Appt Length error: "_$G(BSDR("LEN")) ; v 1.42 - no check on length is done anymore. see top comments for details.
    150160        I '$D(^SC(+$G(BSDR("CLN")),0)) Q 1_U_"Clinic not on file: "_$G(BSDR("CLN"))
    151161        I $G(BSDR("ADT")) S BSDR("ADT")=+$E(BSDR("ADT"),1,12)  ;remove seconds
    152         I $G(BSDR("ADT"))'?7N1".".4N Q 1_U_"Appt Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("ADT"))
     162        I $G(BSDR("ADT"))'?7N.1".".4N Q 1_U_"Appt Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("ADT"))
    153163        I $G(BSDR("CDT")) S BSDR("CDT")=+$E(BSDR("CDT"),1,12)  ;remove seconds
    154         I $G(BSDR("CDT"))'?7N1".".4N Q 1_U_"Checkin Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("CDT"))
     164        I $G(BSDR("CDT"))'?7N.1".".4N Q 1_U_"Checkin Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("CDT"))
    155165        I '$D(^VA(200,+$G(BSDR("USR")),0)) Q 1_U_"User Who Made Appt Error: "_$G(BSDR("USR"))
    156166        ;
    219229        I ($G(BSDR("TYP"))'="C"),($G(BSDR("TYP"))'="PC") Q 1_U_"Cancel Status error: "_$G(BSDR("TYP"))
    220230        I $G(BSDR("ADT")) S BSDR("ADT")=+$E(BSDR("ADT"),1,12)  ;remove seconds
    221         I $G(BSDR("ADT"))'?7N1".".4N Q 1_U_"Appt Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("ADT"))
     231        I $G(BSDR("ADT"))'?7N.1".".4N Q 1_U_"Appt Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("ADT"))
    222232        I $G(BSDR("CDT")) S BSDR("CDT")=+$E(BSDR("CDT"),1,12)  ;remove seconds
    223         I $G(BSDR("CDT"))'?7N1".".4N Q 1_U_"Cancel Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("CDT"))
     233        I $G(BSDR("CDT"))'?7N.1".".4N Q 1_U_"Cancel Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("CDT"))
    224234        I '$D(^VA(200,+$G(BSDR("USR")),0)) Q 1_U_"User Who Canceled Appt Error: "_$G(BSDR("USR"))
    225235        I '$D(^SD(409.2,+$G(BSDR("CR")))) Q 1_U_"Cancel Reason error: "_$G(BSDR("CR"))
    229239        I 'IEN Q 1_U_"Error trying to find appointment for cancel: Patient="_BSDR("PAT")_" Clinic="_BSDR("CLN")_" Appt="_BSDR("ADT")
    230240        ;
    231         I $$CI(BSDR("PAT"),BSDR("CLN"),BSDR("ADT"),IEN) Q 1_U_"Patient already checked in; cannot cancel until checkin deleted: Patient="_BSDR("PAT")_" Clinic="_BSDR("CLN")_" Appt="_BSDR("ADT")
     241        ; BSDX 1.5 3110125
     242        ; UJO/SMH - Add ability to remove check-in if the patient is checked in
     243        ; I $$CI(BSDR("PAT"),BSDR("CLN"),BSDR("ADT"),IEN) Q 1_U_"Patient already checked in; cannot cancel until checkin deleted: Patient="_BSDR("PAT")_" Clinic="_BSDR("CLN")_" Appt="_BSDR("ADT")
     244        ; Remove check-in if the patient is checked in.
     245        N BSDXRESULT S BSDXRESULT=0 ; Result; should be zero if success; -1 + message if failure
    232248        ;
    233249        ; remember before status
    276292        ; -1 if failure
    277293        ;
    278         ; remember before status
     294        ; Call like this: $$RMCI(233,33,3110102.1130)
     295        ;
     296        ; Move my variables into the ones used by SDAPIs (just a convenience)
    282300        I SDDA<1 QUIT 0    ; Appt cancelled; cancelled appts rm'ed from file 44
    283301        ;
     302        ; remember before status
    322341        ;
    323342UPDATENOTE(PAT,CLINIC,DATE,NOTE)        ; PEP; Update Note in ^SC for patient's appointment @ DATE
    324            ; PAT = DFN
    325            ; CLINIC = SC IEN
    326            ; DATE = FM Date/Time of Appointment
    327            ;
    328            ; Returns:
    329            ; 0 if okay
    330            ; -1 if failure
    331            N SCIEN S SCIEN=$$SCIEN(PAT,CLINIC,DATE) ; ien of appt in ^SC
    332            I SCIEN<1 QUIT 0    ; Appt cancelled; cancelled appts rm'ed from file 44
    333            N BSDXIENS S BSDXIENS=SCIEN_","_DATE_","_CLINIC_","
    334            S BSDXFDA(44.003,BSDXIENS,3)=$E(NOTE,1,150)
    335            N BSDXERR
    336            D FILE^DIE("","BSDXFDA","BSDXERR")
    337            I $D(BSDXERR) QUIT "-1~Can't file for Pat "_PAT_" in Clinic "_CLINIC_" at "_DATE_". Fileman reported an error: "_BSDXERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)
    338            QUIT 0
     343        ; PAT = DFN
     344        ; CLINIC = SC IEN
     345        ; DATE = FM Date/Time of Appointment
     346        ;
     347        ; Returns:
     348        ; 0 if okay
     349        ; -1 if failure
     350        N SCIEN S SCIEN=$$SCIEN(PAT,CLINIC,DATE) ; ien of appt in ^SC
     351        I SCIEN<1 QUIT 0    ; Appt cancelled; cancelled appts rm'ed from file 44
     352        N BSDXIENS S BSDXIENS=SCIEN_","_DATE_","_CLINIC_","
     353        S BSDXFDA(44.003,BSDXIENS,3)=$E(NOTE,1,150)
     354        N BSDXERR
     355        D FILE^DIE("","BSDXFDA","BSDXERR")
     356        I $D(BSDXERR) QUIT "-1~Can't file for Pat "_PAT_" in Clinic "_CLINIC_" at "_DATE_". Fileman reported an error: "_BSDXERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)
     357        QUIT 0
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