Changeset 1129 for Scheduling

Mar 30, 2011, 10:12:52 AM (13 years ago)
Sam Habiel

Updated ChangeLog and Readme

2 edited


  • Scheduling/trunk/doc/ChangeLog.txt

    r1093 r1129  
    111111- New kids build
    113 v1.5 (Alpha released Jan 27 2010)
    114 - Speed issues mitigated.
     113v1.5 (Alpha released Jan 27 2010, Alpha 2 end of Feb, Alpha 3 Mar 30)
     114- Speed issues very much mitigated.
    115115- Ability to Cancel checked-in appointments (including walk-ins) added.
    116116- Grid now responds to mouse wheel movements
    117117- Clearer error messages for end users.
     118- Splash screen Upon Start-up with progress bar
     119- Check-in Dialog cleaned up from extraneous elements; new algorithm for parsing out providers.
     120- BSDX Checkin Appointment has changed parameters.
     121- Application wide error handlers to handle application errors.
     122- Various focus issues with main form fixed (but these are causing some side effects).
     123- DateTime Picker format and behavior change. Schedule is no longer updated based on a value change but only when leaving the box or pressing the enter key.
     124- Splash screen when opening new clinics or changing dates added to main form.
     125- Polling for events and responding to them is now done asynchornously.
     126- A lot of refactoring to avoid calling the server when it's not needed. This involved not asking the server for updates after each operation as that's very expensive.
     127- Main form will be responsible for redrawing itself; not by the data manager.
     128- Algorithms to calculate remaining slots and for finding empty slots are now much improved. Slots are now time scale sensitive; contiguous slots are joined toether.
     129- More comprehensive message to user on Status Bar on what original slot has as well as what the current selection from the grid comes up.
     130- Custom printing framework (not used though) incorporated into main code base. Thanks Tariq.
     131- Holiday lookup is now better and won't fail when you use a different culture.
     132- New print slip when an appointment is make.
     133- Find Appointment Dialog now works very reliably.
     134- Sex of patient now pulled in the appointment objects; however, support for that is not universal yet (e.g. Walk-in's don't have a Sex yet!)
     135- DOB of patient now pulled; more universal; also there is an object that calculates the patient age.
     136- User choices for printing appointment and routing slip are now saved to VISTA in parameters.
     137- New command line flag, /culture, to set the main thread's CurrentUICulture.
     138- Routing Slip now prints patient order.
     139- Bug when redrawing appointments while saving Slots on the Edit Resource Availability window fixed.
     140- New context menu option on Grid to uncheck-in a patient
     141- New context menu option to Print Clinic Schedules for Today, Tomorrow, and 3 days from today.
     142- New logic to prevent checked-in appointments from being deleted.
     143- Context menus for Noshow and Undo noshow have changed logic for when they become enabled.
     144- Events are not going to be raised back to the originating control anymore.
     145- Appointment Reminder Slip has been Arabized, and an extra resource is shipped in order to accomplish that.
     146- Version check added in the load logic.
     147- Upon Demand refresh by pressing F5 added to CalendarGrid.
     148- Time scales are now sensitive to the original time scale of the clinic. You can increase them, but you can't decrease them.
  • Scheduling/trunk/doc/README.txt

    r1102 r1129  
    8585- Date on Appt List header in Arabic doesn't show up correctly.
    8686- Error massages should be clearer for the end Users <fixed in 1.5>
    87 - Event raise for clinic groups raises the name of the group not the clinic. The receiving end in the C# code compares and checks for the clinic.
     87- Event raise for clinic groups raises the name of the group not the clinic. The receiving end in the C# code compares and checks for the clinic. <fixed in 1.5>
    8888- When making a walk-in appointment, it lets you cancel check-in by pressing the cancel button, yet walk-in continues to be made.
    8989- If user has no access to any schedules but has access to application (has BSDXZMENU key), opening the appointment menu causes a crash.
    90 - Shortcut server/port is not overridden when cancel, retry and enter them manually.
    9998- Summary Schedule report based on Clinic Schedule report. Remove Phone, Address, Appointment Made By, and on fields.
    10099- Alert user if a patient already has an appointment in the same clinic for today.
    101 - Print Appointment Letter when Appointment is made (PHH Users workflow).
    102 - Make printing an extensible module for end user customization (Oroville and PHH)
     100- Print Appointment Letter when Appointment is made (PHH Users workflow). (solved in 1.5)
     101- Make printing an extensible module for end user customization (Oroville and PHH) (solved in 1.5; not documented).
    103102- Be able to print mutiple copies of a report (request of a PHH user).
    104 - Appointment List print out doesn't show the date and time printed.
    105 - Add patient order to the routing slip
     103- Appointment List print out doesn't show the date and time printed. (solved in 1.5)
     104- Add patient order to the routing slip (solved in 1.5)
    106105- Double-click should open make appoitment
    107106- Double-click on appointment should edit appointment
    108107- Click right click issue on grid
    109 - Add right-click on tvClinics to Print schedule for the clinic
    110 - Print multiple copies of schedule for clinic.
    111 - Add ability to Cancel Walk-in appointments <Najjar>
     108- Add right-click on tvClinics to Print schedule for the clinic (solved in 1.5)
     109- Add ability to Cancel Walk-in appointments <Najjar> (solved in 1.5)
    112110- Make the manager for the division not for the Data Base <Najjar>
    113111- Map the Clerks (Users) to the Groups not the clinics <Najjar>
    114112- Add New Key to the system; allow the manager to map users to the clinics without having access to add and edit the clinics
    115113- In the Re-book function; system should inform the users if there is no available clinic, not just do nothing.
    116 - Select the provider from the Check-in option should print the provider on the routing slip
     114- Select the provider from the Check-in option should print the provider on the routing slip (sovled in 1.5)
    117115- Make the reason for the cancellation editable can be configured site Specific
    118116- Have an overbook limit and it can be edited as in VistA Scheduling
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