Changeset 1307

Dec 4, 2011, 2:48:59 AM (13 years ago)
Sam Habiel

Updated for DIINQUIRE

1 edited


  • EWD/ewdapps/so/r/ewdu.m

    r1305 r1307  
    131131 q ""
    132132 ;
     134FILES(sessid)  ; Get File of Files
     135 d clearList^%zewdAPI("file",sessid)                        ; Clean
     136 N FILE S FILE=""                                           ; Looper that is also the File Name
     137 FOR  S FILE=$O(^DIC("B",FILE)) QUIT:FILE=""  DO            ; ditto
     138 . N IEN S IEN=$O(^(FILE,""))                               ; IEN from 2nd subscript in B index
     139 . d appendToList^%zewdAPI("file",FILE,IEN,sessid)          ; Add to session
     140 Q ""
     141ENTRY(sessid)  ; Get Entries in a specific file
     142 d clearList^%zewdAPI("entry",sessid)                       ; Clean
     143 n file s file=$$getSessionValue^%zewdAPI("file",sessid)    ; Get select file from combo box
     144 n glo s glo=^DIC(file,0,"GL")                              ; Get File Global
     145 s glo=$$CREF^DILF(glo)                                     ; Get the closed root reference
     146 N ENTRY S ENTRY=""                                         ; Looper that is also the Entry
     147 FOR  S ENTRY=$O(@glo@("B",ENTRY)) QUIT:ENTRY=""  DO        ; ditto
     148 . N IEN S IEN=$O(^(ENTRY,""))                              ; IEN
     149 . d appendToList^%zewdAPI("entry",ENTRY,IEN,sessid)        ; Add to session
     150 Q ""
    133151INQ(sessid) ; DIINQUIRE Application Pre-Page Script
     152 ;
     153 ; First, get the options
    134154 n outopt   ; Output Options checkbox values
    135155 d getCheckboxValues^%zewdAPI("outopt",.outopt,sessid)
    137157 n i s i=""
    138158 for  set i=$order(outopt(i)) q:i=""  s capopts=capopts_i
     159 ;
     160 ; Get File and Entry
     161 n file s file=$$getSessionValue^%zewdAPI("file",sessid)
     162 n entry s entry=$$getSessionValue^%zewdAPI("entry",sessid)
     163 ;
     164 ; dbug dbug
     165 k ^ZZSAM
     166 S ^ZZSAM("file")=file
     167 S ^ZZSAM("entry")=entry
     168 ;
     169 ; Now actual VISTA work--write out the output to a file
    139170 S IOP="HFS" D ^%ZIS    ; Open HFS Device
    140171 U IO                   ; USE HFS Device
    141  D CAPTION^DIQ(200,9,capopts)      ; Write Out Report
     172 ; D CAPTION^DIQ(file,entry,capopts)      ; Write Out Report
     173 D CAPTION^DIQ(file,1,"ARC")      ; Temp until Russian Doll is fixed :-(
    142174 D ^%ZISC               ; Close Device
     175 ; done
    143176 ;
    144177 ; This code doesn't work, and my debugger couldn't go through it.
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