Changeset 142

Sep 5, 2008, 3:26:30 PM (17 years ago)
George Lilly

corrected a typo

1 edited


  • ccr/trunk/p/CCR_1_0_1.txt

    r129 r142  
    14 A command line and program interface to export a single patient's CCR using the EIN of the patient in the ^DPT file (DFN).
     14A command line and program interface to export a single patient's CCR using the IEN of the patient in the ^DPT file (DFN).
    1515OUTDIR specifies an existing directory on the Host system into which the CCR XML document will be written. If OUTDIR is null (""), the output directory name will be taken from ^TMP("GPLCCR","ODIR").
    1616OUFILE specifies the host file name of the CCR XML document that will be written for this patient. If OUTFILE is null ("") the document name will default to PAT_x_CCR_V1.xml where x is the DFN of the patient.
    1919An RPC and program interface to return in return array CCRGRTN (passed by reference) a single patient's CCR.
    20 DFN is the patient's EIN
     20DFN is the patient's IEN
    2121CCRPART is what portion of the CCR should be returned. If "CCR" is specified, the entire CCR will be returned. If "PROBLEMS", "VITALS", or "MEDICATIONS" is specified, only that section of the CCR will be returned.
    2222TIME1,TIME2 specify a beginning and end timeframe for the data to be included in the CCR. These parameters are not implemented in this release.
    2626A command line and program interface to analyze the data from multiple patients into categories that can be batch extracted.
    27 BGNDFN is the beginning DFN to be analyzed. If BGNDFN is null ("") its value will be taken from ^TMP("GPLRIM","RESUME"). If this variable does not exist, the routine will start with the first EIN in the patient file ^DPT. ^TMP("GPLRIM","RESUME") is updated to the "next" patient to be analyzed on successful completion.
     27BGNDFN is the beginning DFN to be analyzed. If BGNDFN is null ("") its value will be taken from ^TMP("GPLRIM","RESUME"). If this variable does not exist, the routine will start with the first IEN in the patient file ^DPT. ^TMP("GPLRIM","RESUME") is updated to the "next" patient to be analyzed on successful completion.
    2828DFNCNT is the count of how many patient records will be analyzed in this execution.
    2929For example ANALYZE^GPLRIMA(1000,1000) would start at patient DFN 1000 and analyzes 1000 patient records. ANALYZE^GPLRIMA("",1000) would then analyze the next 1000 patients. When the end of the patient file is reached, the routine terminates with a message that RESET^GPLRIMA would need to be called to restart the analysis.
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