Changeset 1679 for cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults
- Timestamp:
- May 7, 2015, 12:34:29 PM (10 years ago)
- Location:
- cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults
- Files:
- 15 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults/fConsultAct.dfm ¶
r829 r1679 4 4 BorderIcons = [] 5 5 Caption = 'frmConsultAction' 6 ClientHeight = 3796 ClientHeight = 429 7 7 ClientWidth = 592 8 8 Constraints.MinHeight = 406 … … 10 10 OldCreateOrder = True 11 11 Position = poScreenCenter 12 ExplicitWidth = 600 13 ExplicitHeight = 456 12 14 PixelsPerInch = 96 13 15 TextHeight = 13 … … 16 18 Top = 0 17 19 Width = 592 18 Height = 37920 Height = 429 19 21 Align = alClient 20 22 BevelOuter = bvNone 21 23 TabOrder = 0 24 ExplicitHeight = 379 22 25 object pnlForward: TPanel 23 26 Left = 0 24 27 Top = 0 25 28 Width = 224 26 Height = 37929 Height = 429 27 30 Align = alLeft 28 31 BevelOuter = bvNone 29 32 TabOrder = 0 33 ExplicitHeight = 379 30 34 object lblToService: TOROffsetLabel 31 35 Left = 2 … … 170 174 Top = 0 171 175 Width = 368 172 Height = 379176 Height = 429 173 177 Align = alClient 174 178 BevelOuter = bvNone 175 179 TabOrder = 1 180 ExplicitHeight = 379 176 181 object pnlSigFind: TPanel 177 182 Left = 0 … … 202 207 Top = 57 203 208 Width = 368 204 Height = 2 24209 Height = 274 205 210 Align = alClient 206 211 Alignment = taLeftJustify 207 212 BevelOuter = bvNone 208 213 TabOrder = 1 214 ExplicitHeight = 224 209 215 object lblComments: TOROffsetLabel 210 216 Left = 0 … … 223 229 Top = 19 224 230 Width = 368 225 Height = 170231 Height = 220 226 232 Align = alClient 227 233 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET … … 234 240 TabOrder = 0 235 241 Caption = 'Comments' 242 ExplicitHeight = 170 236 243 end 237 244 object pnlAlert: TPanel 238 245 Left = 0 239 Top = 189246 Top = 239 240 247 Width = 368 241 248 Height = 35 … … 243 250 BevelOuter = bvNone 244 251 TabOrder = 1 252 ExplicitTop = 189 245 253 object lblAutoAlerts: TStaticText 246 254 Left = 6 … … 263 271 object pnlAllActions: TPanel 264 272 Left = 0 265 Top = 281273 Top = 331 266 274 Width = 368 267 275 Height = 98 … … 269 277 BevelOuter = bvNone 270 278 TabOrder = 2 279 ExplicitTop = 281 271 280 DesignSize = ( 272 281 368 -
TabularUnified cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults/fConsultAct.pas ¶
r829 r1679 153 153 i: integer; 154 154 OrdItmIEN: integer; 155 attention: string; //wat cq 15561 156 AList: TStringList; {WAT cq 19626} 155 157 begin 156 158 pnlSigFind.Visible := False; … … 158 160 pnlComments.Visible := True; 159 161 memComments.Clear; 162 AList := TStringList.Create; 163 try {WAT cq 19626} 160 164 if IsProcedure then 161 165 begin … … 183 187 else 184 188 begin 185 SortByPiece(TStringList(SvcList), U, 2); {RV} 189 FastAssign(SvcList, AList); {WAT cq 19626} 190 SortByPiece(AList, U, 2); {WAT cq 19626} 191 //SortByPiece(TStringList(SvcList), U, 2); {RV} 186 192 for i := 0 to SvcList.Count - 1 do 187 193 if (cboService.Items.IndexOf(Trim(Piece(SvcList.Strings[i], U, 2))) = -1) and {RV} … … 200 206 end ; 201 207 end; 202 pnlForward.Visible := True ; 208 pnlForward.Visible := True ; 203 209 end ; 204 210 if cboService.Items.Count = 1 then cboService.ItemIndex := 0; 205 211 FToService := cboService.ItemIEN; 206 cboAttentionOf.InitLongList('') ; 212 //wat cq 15561 213 //cboAttentionOf.InitLongList('') ; 214 FAttentionOf := ConsultRec.Attention; 215 attention := ExternalName(FAttentionOf,200); 216 cboAttentionOf.InitLongList(attention); 217 cboAttentionOf.SelectByIEN(FAttentionOf); 218 //end cq 15561 207 219 with cboUrgency do 208 220 begin … … 224 236 cboPerson.OnNeedData := NewPersonNeedData; // 225 237 cboPerson.InitLongList(User.Name) ; 226 cboPerson.SelectByIEN(User.DUZ); 238 cboPerson.SelectByIEN(User.DUZ); 227 239 ckAlert.Visible := False ; 228 240 lblAutoAlerts.Visible := False; 229 241 Result := True; 242 finally 243 AList.Free; {WAT cq 19626} 244 end; 230 245 end; 231 246 … … 601 616 begin 602 617 case FUserLevel of 603 UL_NONE, UL_REVIEW:604 begin605 if FUserIsRequester then606 x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS607 else608 x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_PROVIDER + ' and to ' + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS;609 end;610 UL_UPDATE, UL_ADMIN, UL_UPDATE_AND_ADMIN:611 begin612 if FUserIsRequester then613 //x := TX_ALERT_NOBODY Replace with following line614 x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS615 else616 x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_PROVIDER + '.';617 end;618 UL_UNRESTRICTED:619 begin620 if FUserIsRequester then621 x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS622 else623 x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_PROVIDER + ' and to ' + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS;624 end;625 end;626 lblAutoAlerts.Caption := x;618 UL_NONE, UL_REVIEW: 619 begin 620 if FUserIsRequester then 621 x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS 622 else 623 x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_PROVIDER + ' and to ' + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS; 624 end; 625 UL_UPDATE, UL_ADMIN, UL_UPDATE_AND_ADMIN: 626 begin 627 if FUserIsRequester then 628 //x := TX_ALERT_NOBODY Replace with following line 629 x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS 630 else 631 x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_PROVIDER + '.'; 632 end; 633 UL_UNRESTRICTED: 634 begin 635 if FUserIsRequester then 636 x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS 637 else 638 x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_PROVIDER + ' and to ' + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS; 639 end; 640 end; 641 lblAutoAlerts.Caption := x; 627 642 end; 628 643 -
TabularUnified cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults/fConsults.dfm ¶
r829 r1679 11 11 OnShow = FormShow 12 12 ExplicitWidth = 723 13 ExplicitHeight = 4 6713 ExplicitHeight = 475 14 14 PixelsPerInch = 96 15 15 TextHeight = 13 … … 661 661 OnClick = cmdPCEClick 662 662 end 663 object popNoteMemoViewCslt: TMenuItem 664 Caption = 'View Consult Details' 665 ShortCut = 24661 666 OnClick = popNoteMemoViewCsltClick 667 end 663 668 end 664 669 object popConsultList: TPopupMenu -
TabularUnified cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults/fConsults.pas ¶
r829 r1679 180 180 imgLblImages: TVA508ImageListLabeler; 181 181 imgLblConsults: TVA508ImageListLabeler; 182 popNoteMemoViewCslt: TMenuItem; //wat cq 17586 182 183 procedure mnuChartTabClick(Sender: TObject); 183 184 procedure lstConsultsClick(Sender: TObject); … … 285 286 procedure cmdEditResubmitExit(Sender: TObject); 286 287 procedure cmdNewConsultExit(Sender: TObject); 288 procedure popNoteMemoViewCsltClick(Sender: TObject); //wat cq 17586 287 289 private 288 290 FocusToRightPanel : Boolean; … … 348 350 function UserIsSigner(NoteIEN: integer): boolean; 349 351 public 352 function CustomCanFocus(Control: TWinControl): Boolean; //CB 353 function LinesVisible(richedit: Trichedit): integer; //CB 350 354 function ActiveEditOf(AnIEN: Int64): Boolean; 351 355 function AllowContextChange(var WhyNot: string): Boolean; override; … … 364 368 property Drawers: TFrmDrawers read GetDrawers; // Keep Drawers published 365 369 end; 370 366 371 367 372 var … … 638 643 CurrNotifIEN := 0; 639 644 EditingIndex := -1; 640 tvConsults.Enabled := True; 641 lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 645 pnlConsultList.Enabled := True; //CQ#15785 646 // tvConsults.Enabled := True; 647 // lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 642 648 lstNotes.Enabled := True ; 643 649 pnlRead.BringToFront ; … … 769 775 try 770 776 ClearEditControls; 771 tvConsults.Enabled := False; 772 lstConsults.Enabled := False ; 777 pnlConsultList.Enabled := False; //CQ#15785 778 // tvConsults.Enabled := False; 779 // lstConsults.Enabled := False ; 773 780 FillChar(FEditNote, SizeOf(FEditNote), 0); //v15.7 774 781 with FEditNote do … … 899 906 begin 900 907 ClearEditControls; 901 lstConsults.Enabled := True; 902 tvConsults.Enabled := True; 908 pnlConsultList.Enabled := True; //CQ#15785 909 // lstConsults.Enabled := True; 910 // tvConsults.Enabled := True; 903 911 end; 904 912 SetResultMenus ; … … 930 938 AClassName := DCL_CONSULTS; 931 939 ClearEditControls; 932 lstConsults.Enabled := False ; 933 tvConsults.Enabled := False; 940 pnlConsultList.Enabled := False; //CQ#15785 941 // lstConsults.Enabled := False ; 942 // tvConsults.Enabled := False; 934 943 with FEditNote do 935 944 begin … … 1008 1017 InfoBox(CreatedNote.ErrorText, TX_CREATE_ERR, MB_OK); 1009 1018 HaveRequired := False; 1010 lstConsults.Enabled := True; 1011 tvConsults.Enabled := True; 1019 pnlConsultList.Enabled := True; //CQ#15785 1020 // lstConsults.Enabled := True; 1021 // tvConsults.Enabled := True; 1012 1022 end; {if CreatedNote.IEN} 1013 1023 end; {if HaveRequired} … … 1559 1569 end; 1560 1570 1571 //wat cq 17586 1572 procedure TfrmConsults.popNoteMemoViewCsltClick(Sender: TObject); 1573 var 1574 CsltIEN: integer ; 1575 ConsultDetail: TStringList; 1576 x: string; 1577 begin 1578 inherited; 1579 if (Screen.ActiveControl <> memResults) or (FEditNote.PkgPtr <> PKG_CONSULTS) then Exit; 1580 CsltIEN := frmConsults.FEditNote.PkgIEN; 1581 x := FindConsult(CsltIEN); 1582 ConsultDetail := TStringList.Create; 1583 try 1584 LoadConsultDetail(ConsultDetail, CsltIEN) ; 1585 ReportBox(ConsultDetail, 'Consult Details: #' + IntToStr(CsltIEN) + ' - ' + Piece(x, U, 4), TRUE); 1586 finally 1587 ConsultDetail.Free; 1588 end; 1589 end; //END cq 17586 1590 1561 1591 procedure TfrmConsults.mnuActAddIDEntryClick(Sender: TObject); 1562 1592 const … … 1792 1822 popNoteMemoEncounter.Visible := FALSE; 1793 1823 UpdateList; 1794 lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 1795 tvConsults.Enabled := True; 1824 pnlConsultList.Enabled := True; //CQ#15785 1825 // lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 1826 // tvConsults.Enabled := True; 1796 1827 with tvConsults do Selected := FindPieceNode(IntToStr(SaveConsult), 1, U, Items.GetFirstNode); 1797 1828 tvConsultsClick(Self); … … 1851 1882 pnlResults.Visible := False; 1852 1883 pnlResults.SendToBack; 1853 lstConsults.Enabled := True; 1854 tvConsults.Enabled := True; 1884 pnlConsultList.Enabled := True; //CQ#15785 1885 // lstConsults.Enabled := True; 1886 // tvConsults.Enabled := True; 1855 1887 if Notifications.Active then 1856 1888 with tvConsults do … … 1971 2003 pnlResults.Visible := False; 1972 2004 pnlResults.SendToBack; 1973 lstConsults.Enabled := True; 1974 tvConsults.Enabled := True; 2005 pnlConsultList.Enabled := True; //CQ#15785 2006 // lstConsults.Enabled := True; 2007 // tvConsults.Enabled := True; 1975 2008 if Notifications.Active then 1976 2009 with tvConsults do … … 2182 2215 ClearEditControls ; 2183 2216 lstNotes.Enabled := False ; 2184 lstConsults.Enabled := False ; 2185 tvConsults.Enabled := False; 2217 pnlConsultList.Enabled := False; //CQ#15785 2218 // lstConsults.Enabled := False ; 2219 // tvConsults.Enabled := False; 2186 2220 x := Piece(lstConsults.Items[lstConsults.ItemIndex], U, 12); 2187 2221 if x <> '' then … … 2223 2257 //UnlockConsultRequest(lstNotes.ItemIEN, lstConsults.ItemIEN); 2224 2258 lstNotes.Enabled := True ; 2225 lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 2226 tvConsults.Enabled := True; 2259 pnlConsultList.Enabled := True; //CQ#15785 2260 // lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 2261 // tvConsults.Enabled := True; 2227 2262 end; 2228 2263 … … 2396 2431 (MenuAccessRec.UserLevel = UL_UNRESTRICTED)) 2397 2432 and 2398 (ConsultRec.ORStatus=ST_COMPLETE) and2399 2433 ((lstNotes.ItemIndex > -1) and 2400 2434 ((ConsultRec.TIUResultNarrative>0) or … … 2625 2659 if ItemIndex = EditingIndex then 2626 2660 begin 2627 lstConsults.Enabled := False ; 2628 tvConsults.Enabled := False; 2661 pnlConsultList.Enabled := False; //CQ#15785 2662 // lstConsults.Enabled := False ; 2663 // tvConsults.Enabled := False; 2629 2664 pnlResults.Visible := True; 2630 2665 pnlResults.BringToFront; … … 2639 2674 if EditingIndex = -1 then 2640 2675 begin 2641 lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 2642 tvConsults.Enabled := True; 2676 pnlConsultList.Enabled := True; //CQ#15785 2677 // lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 2678 // tvConsults.Enabled := True; 2643 2679 end; 2644 2680 lblTitle.Caption := MakeConsultNoteDisplayText(lstNotes.Items[lstNotes.ItemIndex]); … … 2710 2746 popNoteMemoPreview.Enabled := (frmDrawers.TheOpenDrawer = odTemplates) and Assigned(frmDrawers.tvTemplates.Selected); 2711 2747 popNoteMemoInsTemplate.Enabled := (frmDrawers.TheOpenDrawer = odTemplates) and Assigned(frmDrawers.tvTemplates.Selected); 2748 popNoteMemoViewCslt.Enabled := (FEditNote.PkgPtr = PKG_CONSULTS); //wat cq 17586 2712 2749 end else 2713 2750 begin … … 2718 2755 popNoteMemoPreview.Enabled := False; 2719 2756 popNoteMemoInsTemplate.Enabled := False; 2757 popNoteMemoViewCslt.Enabled := FALSE; //wat cq 17586 2720 2758 end; 2721 2759 end; … … 2838 2876 end; 2839 2877 2840 {for printing multiple notes}2841 2878 procedure TfrmConsults.RequestMultiplePrint(AForm: TfrmPrintList); 2842 2879 var … … 2844 2881 i: integer; 2845 2882 begin 2883 inherited; 2846 2884 with AForm.lbIDParents do 2847 for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do 2848 if Selected[i] then 2849 begin 2850 NoteIEN := StrToInt64def(Piece(Items[i], U, 1), 0); 2851 if NoteIEN > 0 then PrintSF513(NoteIEN, DisplayText[i]) 2852 else if NoteIEN = 0 then InfoBox(TX_NOCONSULT, TX_NOCSLT_CAP, MB_OK) 2853 else InfoBox(TX_NOPRT_NEW, TX_NOPRT_NEW_CAP, MB_OK); 2854 end; 2885 begin 2886 for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do 2887 begin 2888 if Selected[i] then 2889 begin 2890 NoteIEN := ItemIEN; //StrToInt64def(Piece(TStringList(Items.Objects[i])[0],U,1),0); 2891 if NoteIEN > 0 then PrintSF513(NoteIEN, DisplayText[i]) else 2892 begin 2893 if NoteIEN = 0 then InfoBox(TX_NOCONSULT, TX_NOCSLT_CAP, MB_OK); 2894 if NoteIEN < 0 then InfoBox(TX_NOPRT_NEW, TX_NOPRT_NEW_CAP, MB_OK); 2895 end; 2896 end; {if selected} 2897 end; {for} 2898 end; {with} 2855 2899 end; 2856 2900 … … 3104 3148 AnObject: PDocTreeObject; 3105 3149 tmpNode: TORTreeNode; 3150 I:Integer; 3151 CommentDate: String; 3152 Format: CHARFORMAT2; 3153 VisibleLineCount: integer; 3106 3154 begin 3107 3155 if EditingIndex <> -1 then … … 3116 3164 tvConsults.Caption := Notifications.Text; 3117 3165 EditingIndex := -1; 3118 lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 3119 tvConsults.Enabled := True; 3166 pnlConsultList.Enabled := True; //CQ#15785 3167 // lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 3168 // tvConsults.Enabled := True; 3120 3169 lstNotes.Enabled := True ; 3121 3170 pnlRead.BringToFront ; … … 3204 3253 tvCsltNotesChange(Self, tvCsltNotes.Selected); 3205 3254 end 3206 else if (ConsultRec.ORStatus = ST_COMPLETE) and ((ConsultRec.TIUDocuments.Count + ConsultRec.MedResults.Count) > 0) then 3255 else if (ConsultRec.ORStatus = ST_COMPLETE) and ((ConsultRec.TIUDocuments.Count + ConsultRec.MedResults.Count) > 0) 3256 and (Pos(UpperCase('Comment added'), UpperCase(Notifications.Text)) = 0) then //CB 3207 3257 mnuActDisplayResultsClick(Self); 3208 3258 3259 //CB 3260 If (Notifications.HighLightSection <> '') and (Pos(UpperCase('Comment added'), UpperCase(Notifications.Text)) > 0) then begin 3261 CommentDate := FormatDateTime('mm/dd/yy hh:mm', StrToDateTime(StringReplace(Notifications.HighLightSection, '@', ' ', [rfReplaceAll])) ); 3262 for I := 0 to memConsult.Lines.Count - 1 do begin 3263 If (Pos(CommentDate, memConsult.Lines.Strings[i]) > 0) and (Pos(UpperCase('ADDED COMMENT'), UpperCase(memConsult.Lines.Strings[i])) > 0) then begin 3264 if CustomCanFocus(memconsult) then 3265 memConsult.SetFocus; 3266 memConsult.SelStart := memConsult.Perform(EM_LINEINDEX, i,0); 3267 memConsult.SelLength := Length(memConsult.Lines.Strings[i]); 3268 3269 //Set the background color 3270 Format.cbSize := SizeOf(Format); 3271 Format.dwMask := CFM_BACKCOLOR; 3272 3273 Format.crBackColor := clRed; 3274 memConsult.Perform(EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, Longint(@Format)); 3275 //Get visible Line Couunt 3276 VisibleLineCount := LinesVisible(memConsult); 3277 3278 if (I + VisibleLineCount)>= memConsult.Lines.Count - 1 then 3279 memConsult.SelStart := memConsult.Perform(EM_LINEINDEX, memConsult.Lines.Count - 1,0) 3280 else memConsult.SelStart := memConsult.Perform(EM_LINEINDEX,I + VisibleLineCount - 1,0); 3281 3282 memConsult.Perform($00B7, 0, 0); //EM_SETCARRET DEFINED WRONG in Richedit.pas 3283 memConsult.SelLength := 0; 3284 break; 3285 end; 3286 end; 3287 end; 3288 3209 3289 case Notifications.Followup of 3210 3290 NF_CONSULT_REQUEST_RESOLUTION : Notifications.Delete; … … 3221 3301 FNotifPending := False; 3222 3302 end; 3303 3304 // ***************************************************************** 3305 // Delphi's Can Focus has a bug. 3306 // Source: 3307 // ***************************************************************** 3308 function TfrmConsults.CustomCanFocus(Control: TWinControl): Boolean; 3309 var 3310 Form: TCustomForm; 3311 begin 3312 Result := False; 3313 Form := GetParentForm(Self); 3314 if Form <> nil then 3315 begin 3316 Control := Self; 3317 repeat 3318 if not (Control.Visible and Control.Enabled) then 3319 Exit; 3320 Control := Control.Parent; 3321 until Control = nil; 3322 Result := True; 3323 end; 3324 end; 3325 3326 function TfrmConsults.LinesVisible(richedit: Trichedit): integer; 3327 Var 3328 OldFont : HFont; 3329 Hand : THandle; 3330 TM : TTextMetric; 3331 Rect : TRect; 3332 tempint : integer; 3333 begin 3334 Hand := GetDC(richedit.Handle); 3335 try 3336 OldFont := SelectObject(Hand, richedit.Font.Handle); 3337 try 3338 GetTextMetrics(Hand, TM); 3339 richedit.Perform(EM_GETRECT, 0, longint(@Rect)); 3340 tempint := (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top) div 3341 (TM.tmHeight + TM.tmExternalLeading); 3342 finally 3343 SelectObject(Hand, OldFont); 3344 end; 3345 finally 3346 ReleaseDC(richedit.Handle, Hand); 3347 end; 3348 Result := tempint; 3349 end; 3223 3350 3224 3351 procedure TfrmConsults.mnuActEditResubmitClick(Sender: TObject); … … 3948 4075 if not LockConsultRequest(AConsult) then Exit; 3949 4076 lstNotes.Enabled := False ; 3950 lstConsults.Enabled := False ; 3951 tvConsults.Enabled := False; 4077 pnlConsultList.Enabled := False; //CQ#15785 4078 // lstConsults.Enabled := False ; 4079 // tvConsults.Enabled := False; 3952 4080 if ActionType = 'ATTACH' then 3953 4081 begin … … 3980 4108 end; 3981 4109 lstNotes.Enabled := True ; 3982 lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 3983 tvConsults.Enabled := True; 4110 pnlConsultList.Enabled := True; //CQ#15785 4111 // lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 4112 // tvConsults.Enabled := True; 3984 4113 FOrderID := GetConsultOrderIEN(AConsult); 3985 4114 UnlockOrderIfAble(FOrderID); … … 4068 4197 cmdPCE.Visible := FALSE; 4069 4198 popNoteMemoEncounter.Visible := FALSE; 4070 lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 4071 tvConsults.Enabled := True; 4199 pnlConsultList.Enabled := True; //CQ#15785 4200 // lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 4201 // tvConsults.Enabled := True; 4072 4202 lstNotes.Enabled := True; 4073 4203 lblTitle.Caption := ''; … … 4435 4565 popNoteListExpandSelected.Enabled := Selected.HasChildren; 4436 4566 popNoteListCollapseSelected.Enabled := Selected.HasChildren; 4437 lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 4438 tvConsults.Enabled := True; 4567 pnlConsultList.Enabled := True; //CQ#15785 4568 // lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 4569 // tvConsults.Enabled := True; 4439 4570 lstNotes.Enabled := True; 4440 4571 if (Selected.ImageIndex in [IMG_GMRC_TOP_LEVEL, IMG_GMRC_GROUP_OPEN, IMG_GMRC_GROUP_SHUT]) then … … 4450 4581 cmdPCE.Visible := FALSE; 4451 4582 popNoteMemoEncounter.Visible := FALSE; 4452 lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 4453 tvConsults.Enabled := True; 4583 pnlConsultList.Enabled := True; //CQ#15785 4584 // lstConsults.Enabled := True ; 4585 // tvConsults.Enabled := True; 4454 4586 KillDocTreeObjects(tvCsltNotes); 4455 4587 tvCsltNotes.Items.Clear; -
TabularUnified cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults/fEditConsult.dfm ¶
r829 r1679 1 1 inherited frmEditCslt: TfrmEditCslt 2 2 Tag = 110 3 Left = 4 094 Top = 2255 Width = 5 996 Height = 3753 Left = 461 4 Top = 191 5 Width = 576 6 Height = 479 7 7 HorzScrollBar.Range = 561 8 8 VertScrollBar.Range = 340 9 9 Caption = 'Edit/Resubmit a Cancelled Consult' 10 Constraints.MinHeight = 37111 Constraints.MinWidth = 57 310 Constraints.MinHeight = 467 11 Constraints.MinWidth = 576 12 12 OldCreateOrder = True 13 13 Position = poScreenCenter 14 ExplicitLeft = 409 15 ExplicitTop = 225 16 ExplicitWidth = 599 17 ExplicitHeight = 375 14 ExplicitWidth = 576 15 ExplicitHeight = 479 18 16 DesignSize = ( 19 5 9120 341)17 568 18 448) 21 19 PixelsPerInch = 96 22 20 TextHeight = 13 23 object lblService: TLabel [0] 24 Left = 4 25 Top = 4 26 Width = 134 27 Height = 13 28 Caption = 'Consult to Service/Specialty' 29 end 30 object lblReason: TLabel [1] 31 Left = 4 32 Top = 166 33 Width = 90 34 Height = 13 35 Caption = 'Reason for Consult' 36 end 37 object lblComment: TLabel [2] 38 Left = 4 39 Top = 105 40 Width = 77 41 Height = 13 42 Caption = 'New Comments:' 43 end 44 object lblComments: TLabel [3] 45 Left = 4 46 Top = 51 47 Width = 89 48 Height = 13 49 Caption = 'Display Comments:' 50 end 51 object lblUrgency: TStaticText [4] 52 Left = 196 53 Top = 4 54 Width = 44 55 Height = 17 56 Caption = 'Urgency' 57 TabOrder = 16 58 end 59 object lblPlace: TStaticText [5] 60 Left = 376 61 Top = 41 62 Width = 104 63 Height = 17 64 Caption = 'Place of Consultation' 65 TabOrder = 17 66 end 67 object lblAttn: TStaticText [6] 68 Left = 376 69 Top = 4 70 Width = 46 71 Height = 17 72 Caption = 'Attention' 73 TabOrder = 18 74 end 75 object lblProvDiag: TStaticText [7] 76 Left = 195 77 Top = 82 78 Width = 104 79 Height = 17 80 Caption = 'Provisional Diagnosis' 81 TabOrder = 19 82 end 83 object lblInpOutp: TStaticText [8] 84 Left = 197 85 Top = 47 86 Width = 127 87 Height = 17 88 Caption = 'Patient will be seen as an:' 89 TabOrder = 20 90 end 91 object memReason: TRichEdit [9] 92 Left = 4 93 Top = 179 94 Width = 589 95 Height = 137 96 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] 21 object pnlCombatVet: TPanel [0] 22 Left = 0 23 Top = 0 24 Width = 568 25 Height = 25 26 Align = alTop 27 BevelOuter = bvLowered 97 28 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 98 29 Font.Color = clWindowText 99 30 Font.Height = -11 100 Font.Name = ' Courier New'31 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' 101 32 Font.Style = [] 102 33 ParentFont = False 103 PopupMenu = popReason 104 ScrollBars = ssBoth 105 TabOrder = 11 106 WantTabs = True 107 OnChange = ControlChange 108 OnExit = memReasonExit 109 OnKeyDown = memCommentKeyDown 110 OnKeyPress = memCommentKeyPress 111 OnKeyUp = memCommentKeyUp 112 ExplicitHeight = 136 113 end 114 object pnlMessage: TPanel [10] 115 Left = 16 116 Top = 294 117 Width = 418 34 TabOrder = 0 35 object txtCombatVet: TVA508StaticText 36 Name = 'txtCombatVet' 37 Left = 1 38 Top = 1 39 Width = 566 40 Height = 23 41 Align = alClient 42 Alignment = taCenter 43 BevelOuter = bvNone 44 Enabled = False 45 TabOrder = 0 46 ShowAccelChar = True 47 end 48 end 49 object pnlMessage: TPanel [1] 50 Left = 21 51 Top = 404 52 Width = 388 118 53 Height = 44 119 54 Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom] … … 121 56 BorderStyle = bsSingle 122 57 Caption = 'pnlMessage' 123 TabOrder = 1558 TabOrder = 4 124 59 Visible = False 125 60 object imgMessage: TImage … … 146 81 end 147 82 end 148 object cboService: TORComboBox [11] 149 Left = 4 150 Top = 19 151 Width = 180 152 Height = 21 153 Style = orcsDropDown 154 AutoSelect = True 155 Caption = 'Consult to Service/Specialty' 156 Color = clWindow 157 DropDownCount = 8 158 Enabled = False 159 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 160 Font.Color = clGrayText 161 Font.Height = -11 162 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' 163 Font.Style = [] 164 ItemHeight = 13 165 ItemTipColor = clWindow 166 ItemTipEnable = True 167 ListItemsOnly = True 168 LongList = False 169 LookupPiece = 0 170 MaxLength = 0 171 ParentFont = False 172 Pieces = '2' 173 Sorted = True 174 SynonymChars = '<>' 175 TabOrder = 0 176 CharsNeedMatch = 1 177 end 178 object cboUrgency: TORComboBox [12] 179 Left = 196 180 Top = 19 181 Width = 170 182 Height = 21 183 Style = orcsDropDown 184 AutoSelect = True 185 Caption = 'Urgency' 186 Color = clWindow 187 DropDownCount = 8 188 ItemHeight = 13 189 ItemTipColor = clWindow 190 ItemTipEnable = True 191 ListItemsOnly = True 192 LongList = False 193 LookupPiece = 0 194 MaxLength = 0 195 Pieces = '2' 196 Sorted = False 197 SynonymChars = '<>' 198 TabOrder = 1 199 OnChange = ControlChange 200 CharsNeedMatch = 1 201 end 202 object radInpatient: TRadioButton [13] 203 Left = 197 204 Top = 61 205 Width = 61 206 Height = 17 207 Caption = '&Inpatient' 208 TabOrder = 5 209 OnClick = radInpatientClick 210 end 211 object radOutpatient: TRadioButton [14] 212 Left = 269 213 Top = 61 214 Width = 73 215 Height = 17 216 Caption = '&Outpatient' 217 TabOrder = 6 218 OnClick = radOutpatientClick 219 end 220 object cboPlace: TORComboBox [15] 221 Left = 376 222 Top = 54 223 Width = 216 224 Height = 21 225 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 226 Style = orcsDropDown 227 AutoSelect = True 228 Caption = 'Place of Consultation' 229 Color = clWindow 230 DropDownCount = 8 231 ItemHeight = 13 232 ItemTipColor = clWindow 233 ItemTipEnable = True 234 ListItemsOnly = True 235 LongList = False 236 LookupPiece = 0 237 MaxLength = 0 238 Pieces = '2' 239 Sorted = False 240 SynonymChars = '<>' 241 TabOrder = 7 242 OnChange = ControlChange 243 CharsNeedMatch = 1 244 end 245 object txtProvDiag: TCaptionEdit [16] 246 Left = 195 247 Top = 95 248 Width = 346 249 Height = 21 250 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 251 MaxLength = 180 252 ParentShowHint = False 253 PopupMenu = mnuPopProvDx 254 ShowHint = True 255 TabOrder = 8 256 OnChange = ControlChange 257 Caption = 'Provisional Diagnosis' 258 end 259 object txtAttn: TORComboBox [17] 260 Left = 376 261 Top = 19 262 Width = 218 263 Height = 21 264 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 265 Style = orcsDropDown 266 AutoSelect = True 267 Caption = 'Attention' 268 Color = clWindow 269 DropDownCount = 8 270 ItemHeight = 13 271 ItemTipColor = clWindow 272 ItemTipEnable = True 273 ListItemsOnly = True 274 LongList = True 275 LookupPiece = 2 276 MaxLength = 0 277 Pieces = '2,3' 278 Sorted = False 279 SynonymChars = '<>' 280 TabOrder = 2 281 OnChange = ControlChange 282 OnNeedData = txtAttnNeedData 283 CharsNeedMatch = 1 284 end 285 object cboCategory: TORComboBox [18] 286 Left = 561 287 Top = 103 288 Width = 10 289 Height = 21 290 Style = orcsDropDown 291 AutoSelect = True 292 Color = clWindow 293 DropDownCount = 8 294 ItemHeight = 13 295 ItemTipColor = clWindow 296 ItemTipEnable = True 297 ListItemsOnly = False 298 LongList = False 299 LookupPiece = 0 300 MaxLength = 0 301 Sorted = False 302 SynonymChars = '<>' 303 TabOrder = 14 304 Visible = False 305 CharsNeedMatch = 1 306 end 307 object cmdAccept: TButton [19] 308 Left = 437 309 Top = 319 83 object cmdAccept: TButton [2] 84 Left = 414 85 Top = 425 310 86 Width = 72 311 87 Height = 21 312 88 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 313 89 Caption = 'Resubmit' 314 TabOrder = 1290 TabOrder = 2 315 91 OnClick = cmdAcceptClick 316 92 end 317 object cmdQuit: TButton [ 20]318 Left = 514319 Top = 31993 object cmdQuit: TButton [3] 94 Left = 491 95 Top = 425 320 96 Width = 72 321 97 Height = 21 … … 323 99 Cancel = True 324 100 Caption = 'Cancel' 325 TabOrder = 13101 TabOrder = 3 326 102 OnClick = cmdQuitClick 327 103 end 328 object memComment: TRichEdit [21] 329 Left = 4 330 Top = 121 331 Width = 587 332 Height = 41 333 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 334 PopupMenu = popReason 335 TabOrder = 10 336 WantTabs = True 337 OnChange = ControlChange 338 OnKeyDown = memCommentKeyDown 339 OnKeyPress = memCommentKeyPress 340 OnKeyUp = memCommentKeyUp 341 end 342 object btnCmtCancel: TButton [22] 343 Left = 110 344 Top = 49 345 Width = 75 346 Height = 21 347 Caption = 'Cancellation' 348 TabOrder = 3 349 OnClick = btnCmtCancelClick 350 end 351 object btnCmtOther: TButton [23] 352 Left = 110 353 Top = 75 354 Width = 75 355 Height = 21 356 Caption = 'Other' 357 TabOrder = 4 358 OnClick = btnCmtOtherClick 359 end 360 object cmdLexSearch: TButton [24] 361 Left = 545 362 Top = 95 363 Width = 46 364 Height = 21 365 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 366 Caption = 'Lexicon' 367 TabOrder = 9 368 OnClick = cmdLexSearchClick 104 object pnlMain: TPanel [4] 105 Left = 0 106 Top = 0 107 Width = 569 108 Height = 402 109 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] 110 BevelOuter = bvNone 111 TabOrder = 1 112 DesignSize = ( 113 569 114 402) 115 object lblService: TLabel 116 Left = 4 117 Top = 4 118 Width = 134 119 Height = 13 120 Caption = 'Consult to Service/Specialty' 121 end 122 object lblReason: TLabel 123 Left = 4 124 Top = 227 125 Width = 95 126 Height = 13 127 Caption = 'Reason for Request' 128 end 129 object lblComment: TLabel 130 Left = 4 131 Top = 169 132 Width = 77 133 Height = 13 134 Caption = 'New Comments:' 135 end 136 object lblComments: TLabel 137 Left = 8 138 Top = 108 139 Width = 89 140 Height = 13 141 Caption = 'Display Comments:' 142 end 143 object lblUrgency: TStaticText 144 Left = 196 145 Top = 4 146 Width = 44 147 Height = 17 148 Caption = 'Urgency' 149 TabOrder = 14 150 end 151 object lblPlace: TStaticText 152 Left = 376 153 Top = 93 154 Width = 104 155 Height = 17 156 Caption = 'Place of Consultation' 157 TabOrder = 15 158 end 159 object lblAttn: TStaticText 160 Left = 376 161 Top = 4 162 Width = 46 163 Height = 17 164 Caption = 'Attention' 165 TabOrder = 16 166 end 167 object lblProvDiag: TStaticText 168 Left = 195 169 Top = 134 170 Width = 104 171 Height = 17 172 Caption = 'Provisional Diagnosis' 173 TabOrder = 17 174 end 175 object lblInpOutp: TStaticText 176 Left = 197 177 Top = 99 178 Width = 127 179 Height = 17 180 Caption = 'Patient will be seen as an:' 181 TabOrder = 18 182 end 183 object memReason: TRichEdit 184 Left = 4 185 Top = 240 186 Width = 559 187 Height = 161 188 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] 189 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 190 Font.Color = clWindowText 191 Font.Height = -11 192 Font.Name = 'Courier New' 193 Font.Style = [] 194 ParentFont = False 195 PopupMenu = popReason 196 ScrollBars = ssBoth 197 TabOrder = 12 198 WantTabs = True 199 OnChange = ControlChange 200 OnExit = memReasonExit 201 OnKeyDown = memCommentKeyDown 202 OnKeyPress = memCommentKeyPress 203 OnKeyUp = memCommentKeyUp 204 end 205 object cboService: TORComboBox 206 Left = 4 207 Top = 19 208 Width = 180 209 Height = 83 210 Style = orcsSimple 211 AutoSelect = True 212 Caption = 'Consult to Service/Specialty' 213 Color = clWindow 214 DropDownCount = 8 215 Enabled = False 216 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 217 Font.Color = clGrayText 218 Font.Height = -11 219 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' 220 Font.Style = [] 221 ItemHeight = 13 222 ItemTipColor = clWindow 223 ItemTipEnable = True 224 ListItemsOnly = True 225 LongList = False 226 LookupPiece = 0 227 MaxLength = 0 228 ParentFont = False 229 Pieces = '2' 230 Sorted = True 231 SynonymChars = '<>' 232 TabOrder = 0 233 CharsNeedMatch = 1 234 end 235 object cboUrgency: TORComboBox 236 Left = 196 237 Top = 19 238 Width = 170 239 Height = 21 240 Style = orcsDropDown 241 AutoSelect = True 242 Caption = 'Urgency' 243 Color = clWindow 244 DropDownCount = 8 245 ItemHeight = 13 246 ItemTipColor = clWindow 247 ItemTipEnable = True 248 ListItemsOnly = True 249 LongList = False 250 LookupPiece = 0 251 MaxLength = 0 252 Pieces = '2' 253 Sorted = False 254 SynonymChars = '<>' 255 TabOrder = 1 256 OnChange = ControlChange 257 CharsNeedMatch = 1 258 end 259 object radInpatient: TRadioButton 260 Left = 197 261 Top = 113 262 Width = 61 263 Height = 17 264 Caption = '&Inpatient' 265 TabOrder = 6 266 OnClick = radInpatientClick 267 end 268 object radOutpatient: TRadioButton 269 Left = 269 270 Top = 113 271 Width = 73 272 Height = 17 273 Caption = '&Outpatient' 274 TabOrder = 7 275 OnClick = radOutpatientClick 276 end 277 object cboPlace: TORComboBox 278 Left = 376 279 Top = 106 280 Width = 188 281 Height = 21 282 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 283 Style = orcsDropDown 284 AutoSelect = True 285 Caption = 'Place of Consultation' 286 Color = clWindow 287 DropDownCount = 8 288 ItemHeight = 13 289 ItemTipColor = clWindow 290 ItemTipEnable = True 291 ListItemsOnly = True 292 LongList = False 293 LookupPiece = 0 294 MaxLength = 0 295 Pieces = '2' 296 Sorted = False 297 SynonymChars = '<>' 298 TabOrder = 8 299 OnChange = ControlChange 300 CharsNeedMatch = 1 301 end 302 object txtProvDiag: TCaptionEdit 303 Left = 195 304 Top = 147 305 Width = 316 306 Height = 21 307 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 308 MaxLength = 180 309 ParentShowHint = False 310 PopupMenu = mnuPopProvDx 311 ShowHint = True 312 TabOrder = 10 313 OnChange = ControlChange 314 Caption = 'Provisional Diagnosis' 315 end 316 object txtAttn: TORComboBox 317 Left = 376 318 Top = 19 319 Width = 188 320 Height = 21 321 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 322 Style = orcsDropDown 323 AutoSelect = True 324 Caption = 'Attention' 325 Color = clWindow 326 DropDownCount = 8 327 ItemHeight = 13 328 ItemTipColor = clWindow 329 ItemTipEnable = True 330 ListItemsOnly = True 331 LongList = True 332 LookupPiece = 2 333 MaxLength = 0 334 Pieces = '2,3' 335 Sorted = False 336 SynonymChars = '<>' 337 TabOrder = 2 338 OnChange = ControlChange 339 OnNeedData = txtAttnNeedData 340 CharsNeedMatch = 1 341 end 342 object cboCategory: TORComboBox 343 Left = 559 344 Top = 103 345 Width = 10 346 Height = 21 347 Style = orcsDropDown 348 AutoSelect = True 349 Color = clWindow 350 DropDownCount = 8 351 ItemHeight = 13 352 ItemTipColor = clWindow 353 ItemTipEnable = True 354 ListItemsOnly = False 355 LongList = False 356 LookupPiece = 0 357 MaxLength = 0 358 Sorted = False 359 SynonymChars = '<>' 360 TabOrder = 13 361 Visible = False 362 CharsNeedMatch = 1 363 end 364 object memComment: TRichEdit 365 Left = 4 366 Top = 185 367 Width = 557 368 Height = 41 369 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 370 PopupMenu = popReason 371 TabOrder = 11 372 WantTabs = True 373 OnChange = ControlChange 374 OnExit = memCommentExit 375 OnKeyDown = memCommentKeyDown 376 OnKeyPress = memCommentKeyPress 377 OnKeyUp = memCommentKeyUp 378 end 379 object btnCmtCancel: TButton 380 Left = 8 381 Top = 127 382 Width = 75 383 Height = 21 384 Caption = 'Cancellation' 385 TabOrder = 4 386 OnClick = btnCmtCancelClick 387 end 388 object btnCmtOther: TButton 389 Left = 110 390 Top = 127 391 Width = 75 392 Height = 21 393 Caption = 'Other' 394 TabOrder = 5 395 OnClick = btnCmtOtherClick 396 end 397 object cmdLexSearch: TButton 398 Left = 515 399 Top = 147 400 Width = 46 401 Height = 21 402 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 403 Caption = 'Lexicon' 404 TabOrder = 9 405 OnClick = cmdLexSearchClick 406 end 407 object lblEarliest: TStaticText 408 Left = 197 409 Top = 46 410 Width = 121 411 Height = 17 412 Caption = 'Earliest appropriate date:' 413 TabOrder = 19 414 end 415 object calEarliest: TORDateBox 416 Left = 197 417 Top = 62 418 Width = 164 419 Height = 21 420 TabOrder = 3 421 OnExit = calEarliestExit 422 DateOnly = True 423 RequireTime = False 424 end 425 object lblLatest: TStaticText 426 Left = 376 427 Top = 46 428 Width = 116 429 Height = 17 430 Caption = 'Latest appropriate date:' 431 TabOrder = 21 432 Visible = False 433 end 434 object calLatest: TORDateBox 435 Left = 378 436 Top = 62 437 Width = 188 438 Height = 21 439 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 440 TabOrder = 22 441 Visible = False 442 OnExit = calLatestExit 443 DateOnly = True 444 RequireTime = False 445 end 369 446 end 370 447 inherited amgrMain: TVA508AccessibilityManager 371 448 Data = ( 372 449 ( 450 'Component = pnlMessage' 451 'Status = stsDefault') 452 ( 453 'Component = memMessage' 454 'Status = stsDefault') 455 ( 456 'Component = cmdAccept' 457 'Status = stsDefault') 458 ( 459 'Component = cmdQuit' 460 'Status = stsDefault') 461 ( 462 'Component = frmEditCslt' 463 'Status = stsDefault') 464 ( 465 'Component = pnlMain' 466 'Status = stsDefault') 467 ( 373 468 'Component = lblUrgency' 374 469 'Status = stsDefault') … … 389 484 'Status = stsDefault') 390 485 ( 391 'Component = pnlMessage'392 'Status = stsDefault')393 (394 'Component = memMessage'395 'Status = stsDefault')396 (397 486 'Component = cboService' 398 487 'Status = stsDefault') … … 419 508 'Status = stsDefault') 420 509 ( 421 'Component = cmdAccept'422 'Status = stsDefault')423 (424 'Component = cmdQuit'425 'Status = stsDefault')426 (427 510 'Component = memComment' 428 511 'Status = stsDefault') … … 437 520 'Status = stsDefault') 438 521 ( 439 'Component = frmEditCslt' 522 'Component = lblEarliest' 523 'Status = stsDefault') 524 ( 525 'Component = calEarliest' 526 'Status = stsDefault') 527 ( 528 'Component = lblLatest' 529 'Status = stsDefault') 530 ( 531 'Component = calLatest' 532 'Status = stsDefault') 533 ( 534 'Component = pnlCombatVet' 535 'Status = stsDefault') 536 ( 537 'Component = txtCombatVet' 440 538 'Status = stsDefault')) 441 539 end 442 540 object mnuPopProvDx: TPopupMenu 443 541 Left = 353 444 Top = 77542 Top = 129 445 543 object mnuPopProvDxDelete: TMenuItem 446 544 Caption = 'Delete diagnosis' … … 450 548 object popReason: TPopupMenu 451 549 OnPopup = popReasonPopup 452 Left = 411453 Top = 169550 Left = 523 551 Top = 369 454 552 object popReasonCut: TMenuItem 455 553 Caption = 'Cu&t' -
TabularUnified cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults/fEditConsult.pas ¶
r829 r1679 6 6 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, 7 7 StdCtrls, ORCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, ORfn, uConst, uConsults, Buttons, 8 Menus, f Base508Form, VA508AccessibilityManager;8 Menus, fAutoSz, ORDtTm, VA508AccessibilityManager, fBase508Form; 9 9 10 10 type 11 TfrmEditCslt = class(TfrmBase508Form) 11 TfrmEditCslt = class(TfrmAutoSz) 12 pnlMessage: TPanel; 13 imgMessage: TImage; 14 memMessage: TRichEdit; 15 cmdAccept: TButton; 16 cmdQuit: TButton; 17 pnlMain: TPanel; 18 lblService: TLabel; 19 lblReason: TLabel; 20 lblComment: TLabel; 21 lblComments: TLabel; 22 lblUrgency: TStaticText; 23 lblPlace: TStaticText; 24 lblAttn: TStaticText; 25 lblProvDiag: TStaticText; 26 lblInpOutp: TStaticText; 27 memReason: TRichEdit; 12 28 cboService: TORComboBox; 13 29 cboUrgency: TORComboBox; … … 17 33 txtProvDiag: TCaptionEdit; 18 34 txtAttn: TORComboBox; 19 lblReason: TLabel;20 lblService: TLabel;21 lblUrgency: TStaticText;22 lblPlace: TStaticText;23 lblAttn: TStaticText;24 lblProvDiag: TStaticText;25 35 cboCategory: TORComboBox; 26 pnlMessage: TPanel;27 imgMessage: TImage;28 memMessage: TRichEdit;29 cmdAccept: TButton;30 cmdQuit: TButton;31 36 memComment: TRichEdit; 32 lblComment: TLabel;33 lblComments: TLabel;34 37 btnCmtCancel: TButton; 35 38 btnCmtOther: TButton; 39 cmdLexSearch: TButton; 40 lblEarliest: TStaticText; 41 calEarliest: TORDateBox; 42 lblLatest: TStaticText; 43 calLatest: TORDateBox; 36 44 mnuPopProvDx: TPopupMenu; 37 45 mnuPopProvDxDelete: TMenuItem; 38 cmdLexSearch: TButton;39 lblInpOutp: TStaticText;40 memReason: TRichEdit;41 46 popReason: TPopupMenu; 42 47 popReasonCut: TMenuItem; … … 45 50 popReasonPaste2: TMenuItem; 46 51 popReasonReformat: TMenuItem; 52 pnlCombatVet: TPanel; 53 txtCombatVet: TVA508StaticText; 47 54 procedure txtAttnNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; 48 55 Direction, InsertAt: Integer); … … 69 76 Shift: TShiftState); 70 77 procedure memCommentKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); 78 procedure calEarliestExit(Sender: TObject); 79 procedure calLatestExit(Sender: TObject); 80 procedure memCommentExit(Sender: TObject); 71 81 private 72 82 FLastServiceID: string; … … 75 85 FEditCtrl: TCustomEdit; 76 86 FNavigatingTab: boolean; 87 FEarliestDate: TFMDateTime; 88 FProstheticsSvc: boolean; 89 //FLatestDate: TFMDateTime; 77 90 procedure SetProvDiagPromptingMode; 91 procedure SetUpCombatVet; 92 procedure SetUpEarliestDate; 78 93 protected 79 94 procedure InitDialog; … … 118 133 'Another code must be selected'; 119 134 TC_INACTIVE_CODE = 'Inactive ICD Code'; 135 TX_PAST_DATE = 'Earliest appropriate date must be today or later.'; 136 TX_BAD_DATES = 'Latest appropriate date must be equal to or later than earliest date.'; 120 137 121 138 function EditResubmitConsult(FontSize: Integer; ConsultIEN: integer): boolean; … … 196 213 with cboUrgency do for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do 197 214 if UpperCase(DisplayText[i]) = UpperCase(OldRec.UrgencyName) then ItemIndex := i; 215 SetUpEarliestDate; //wat v28 216 if Not FProstheticsSvc then //wat v28 217 begin 218 calEarliest.FMDateTime := OldRec.EarliestDate; 219 FEarliestDate := OldRec.EarliestDate; 220 //calLatest.FMDateTime := OldRec.LatestDate; 221 //FLatestDate := OldRec.LatestDate; 222 end; 198 223 txtProvDiag.Text := OldRec.ProvDiagnosis; 199 224 ProvDx.Code := OldRec.ProvDxCode; … … 213 238 txtAttn.ItemIndex := -1; 214 239 SetProvDiagPromptingMode; 240 if (patient.CombatVet.IsEligible = True) then 241 begin 242 SetUpCombatVet; 243 end 244 else 245 begin 246 txtCombatVet.Enabled := False; 247 pnlCombatVet.SendToBack; 248 end; 215 249 FChanging := False; 216 250 StatusText(''); … … 247 281 if OldRec.ProvDxCodeInactive and ProvDx.CodeInactive then 248 282 SetError(TX_INACTIVE_CODE); 283 if Not FProstheticsSvc then //wat v28 284 begin 285 if calEarliest.FMDateTime < FMToday then SetError(TX_PAST_DATE); 286 //if calLatest.FMDateTime < FMToday then SetError(TX_PAST_DATE); 287 //if calLatest.FMDateTime < calEarliest.FMDateTime then SetError(TX_BAD_DATES); 288 end; 289 249 290 end; 250 291 … … 317 358 UrgencyName := ''; 318 359 end; 360 361 if FEarliestDate > 0 then 362 begin 363 if FEarliestDate <> OldRec.EarliestDate then 364 EarliestDate := FEarliestDate 365 else 366 EarliestDate := 0; 367 end; 368 369 (* if FLatestDate > 0 then 370 begin 371 if FLatestDate <> OldRec.LatestDate then 372 LatestDate := FLatestDate 373 else 374 LatestDate := 0; 375 end;*) 319 376 320 377 with cboPlace do if Length(ItemID) > 0 then … … 408 465 end; 409 466 467 procedure TfrmEditCslt.calEarliestExit(Sender: TObject); 468 begin 469 inherited; 470 FEarliestDate := calEarliest.FMDateTime; 471 ControlChange(Self); 472 end; 473 474 procedure TfrmEditCslt.calLatestExit(Sender: TObject); 475 begin 476 inherited; 477 //FLatestDate := calLatest.FMDateTime; 478 //ControlChange(Self); 479 end; 480 410 481 procedure TfrmEditCslt.cmdAcceptClick(Sender: TObject); 411 482 {Begin BillingAware} … … 478 549 if (ProvDx.Reqd = 'R') and (Length(txtProvDiag.Text) = 0) and (ProvDx.PromptMode = 'L') then 479 550 cmdLexSearchClick(Self); 551 end; 552 553 procedure TfrmEditCslt.SetUpCombatVet; 554 begin 555 pnlCombatVet.BringToFront; 556 txtCombatVet.Enabled := True; 557 txtCombatVet.Caption := 'Combat Veteran Eligibility Expires on ' + patient.CombatVet.ExpirationDate; 558 pnlMain.Top := pnlMain.Top + pnlCombatVet.Height; 559 pnlMain.Anchors := [akLeft, akTop, akRight]; 560 self.Height := self.Height + pnlCombatVet.Height; 561 pnlMain.Anchors := [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]; 562 ActiveControl := txtCombatVet; 480 563 end; 481 564 … … 655 738 end; 656 739 740 procedure TfrmEditCslt.memCommentExit(Sender: TObject); 741 //added OnExit code for CQ17822 WAT 742 var 743 AStringList: TStringList; 744 begin 745 inherited; 746 AStringList := TStringList.Create; 747 try 748 //QuickCopy(memComment, AStringList); 749 AStringList.Text := memComment.Text; 750 LimitStringLength(AStringList, 74); 751 //QuickCopy(AstringList, memComment); 752 memComment.Text := AStringList.Text; 753 ControlChange(Self); 754 finally 755 AStringList.Free; 756 end; 757 end; 758 657 759 procedure TfrmEditCslt.memCommentKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; 658 760 Shift: TShiftState); … … 671 773 end; 672 774 775 procedure TfrmEditCslt.SetUpEarliestDate; //wat v28 776 begin 777 if IsProstheticsService(cboService.ItemIEN) = '1' then 778 begin 779 lblEarliest.Enabled := False; 780 calEarliest.Enabled := False; 781 calEarliest.Text := ''; 782 FProstheticsSvc := true; 783 end 784 else 785 begin 786 lblEarliest.Enabled := True; 787 calEarliest.Enabled := True; 788 calEarliest.Text := 'TODAY'; 789 FProstheticsSvc := false; 790 end; 791 end; 792 673 793 end. -
TabularUnified cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults/fEditProc.dfm ¶
r829 r1679 1 1 inherited frmEditProc: TfrmEditProc 2 2 Tag = 112 3 Left = 2964 Top = 2 455 Width = 5 716 Height = 3593 Left = 408 4 Top = 210 5 Width = 580 6 Height = 458 7 7 HorzScrollBar.Range = 561 8 8 VertScrollBar.Range = 308 9 9 Caption = 'Edit and resubmit a cancelled procedure' 10 Constraints.MinHeight = 359 11 Constraints.MinWidth = 571 12 OldCreateOrder = True 10 Constraints.MinHeight = 458 11 Constraints.MinWidth = 580 13 12 Position = poScreenCenter 14 ExplicitLeft = 296 15 ExplicitTop = 245 16 ExplicitWidth = 571 17 ExplicitHeight = 359 13 ExplicitWidth = 580 14 ExplicitHeight = 458 18 15 DesignSize = ( 19 5 6320 325)16 572 17 424) 21 18 PixelsPerInch = 96 22 19 TextHeight = 13 23 object lblProc: TLabel [0] 24 Left = 3 25 Top = 7 26 Width = 49 27 Height = 13 28 Caption = 'Procedure' 29 end 30 object lblReason: TLabel [1] 31 Left = 3 32 Top = 167 33 Width = 90 34 Height = 13 35 Caption = 'Reason for Consult' 36 end 37 object lblService: TOROffsetLabel [2] 38 Left = 3 39 Top = 49 40 Width = 158 41 Height = 15 42 Caption = 'Service to perform this procedure' 43 HorzOffset = 2 44 Transparent = False 45 VertOffset = 2 46 WordWrap = False 47 end 48 object lblComment: TLabel [3] 49 Left = 106 50 Top = 109 51 Width = 74 52 Height = 13 53 Caption = 'New Comments' 54 end 55 object lblComments: TLabel [4] 56 Left = 3 57 Top = 99 58 Width = 89 59 Height = 13 60 Caption = 'Display Comments:' 61 end 62 object lblUrgency: TStaticText [5] 63 Left = 190 64 Top = 7 65 Width = 44 66 Height = 17 67 Caption = 'Urgency' 68 TabOrder = 18 69 end 70 object lblPlace: TStaticText [6] 71 Left = 362 72 Top = 50 73 Width = 104 74 Height = 17 75 Caption = 'Place of Consultation' 76 TabOrder = 19 77 end 78 object lblAttn: TStaticText [7] 79 Left = 362 80 Top = 7 81 Width = 46 82 Height = 17 83 Caption = 'Attention' 84 TabOrder = 20 85 end 86 object lblProvDiag: TStaticText [8] 87 Left = 190 88 Top = 81 89 Width = 104 90 Height = 17 91 Caption = 'Provisional Diagnosis' 92 TabOrder = 21 93 end 94 object lblInpOutp: TStaticText [9] 95 Left = 192 96 Top = 48 97 Width = 127 98 Height = 17 99 Caption = 'Patient will be seen as an:' 100 TabOrder = 17 101 end 102 object memReason: TRichEdit [10] 103 Left = 2 104 Top = 181 105 Width = 557 106 Height = 119 107 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] 20 object pnlCombatVet: TPanel [0] 21 Left = 0 22 Top = 0 23 Width = 572 24 Height = 25 25 Align = alTop 26 BevelOuter = bvLowered 108 27 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 109 28 Font.Color = clWindowText 110 29 Font.Height = -11 111 Font.Name = ' Courier New'30 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' 112 31 Font.Style = [] 113 32 ParentFont = False 114 PopupMenu = popReason 115 ScrollBars = ssBoth 116 TabOrder = 12 117 WantTabs = True 118 OnChange = ControlChange 119 OnExit = memReasonExit 120 OnKeyDown = memReasonKeyDown 121 OnKeyPress = memReasonKeyPress 122 OnKeyUp = memCommentKeyUp 123 end 124 object cmdAccept: TButton [11] 125 Left = 401 126 Top = 303 33 TabOrder = 0 34 object txtCombatVet: TVA508StaticText 35 Name = 'txtCombatVet' 36 Left = 1 37 Top = 1 38 Width = 570 39 Height = 23 40 Align = alClient 41 Alignment = taCenter 42 BevelOuter = bvNone 43 Enabled = False 44 TabOrder = 0 45 ShowAccelChar = True 46 end 47 end 48 object cmdAccept: TButton [1] 49 Left = 410 50 Top = 400 127 51 Width = 72 128 52 Height = 21 129 53 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 130 54 Caption = 'Resubmit' 131 TabOrder = 1355 TabOrder = 2 132 56 OnClick = cmdAcceptClick 133 57 end 134 object cmdQuit: TButton [ 12]135 Left = 4 86136 Top = 30358 object cmdQuit: TButton [2] 59 Left = 495 60 Top = 400 137 61 Width = 72 138 62 Height = 21 … … 140 64 Cancel = True 141 65 Caption = 'Cancel' 142 TabOrder = 1466 TabOrder = 3 143 67 OnClick = cmdQuitClick 144 68 end 145 object cboUrgency: TORComboBox [13] 146 Left = 190 147 Top = 22 148 Width = 165 149 Height = 21 150 Style = orcsDropDown 151 AutoSelect = True 152 Caption = 'Urgency' 153 Color = clWindow 154 DropDownCount = 8 155 ItemHeight = 13 156 ItemTipColor = clWindow 157 ItemTipEnable = True 158 ListItemsOnly = True 159 LongList = False 160 LookupPiece = 0 161 MaxLength = 0 162 Pieces = '2' 163 Sorted = False 164 SynonymChars = '<>' 165 TabOrder = 2 166 OnChange = ControlChange 167 CharsNeedMatch = 1 168 end 169 object radInpatient: TRadioButton [14] 170 Left = 190 171 Top = 61 172 Width = 61 173 Height = 17 174 Caption = '&Inpatient' 175 TabOrder = 4 176 OnClick = radInpatientClick 177 end 178 object radOutpatient: TRadioButton [15] 179 Left = 264 180 Top = 61 181 Width = 73 182 Height = 17 183 Caption = '&Outpatient' 184 TabOrder = 5 185 OnClick = radOutpatientClick 186 end 187 object cboPlace: TORComboBox [16] 188 Left = 362 189 Top = 63 190 Width = 197 191 Height = 21 192 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 193 Style = orcsDropDown 194 AutoSelect = True 195 Caption = 'Place of Consultation' 196 Color = clWindow 197 DropDownCount = 8 198 ItemHeight = 13 199 ItemTipColor = clWindow 200 ItemTipEnable = True 201 ListItemsOnly = True 202 LongList = False 203 LookupPiece = 0 204 MaxLength = 0 205 Pieces = '2' 206 Sorted = False 207 SynonymChars = '<>' 208 TabOrder = 6 209 OnChange = ControlChange 210 CharsNeedMatch = 1 211 ExplicitWidth = 195 212 end 213 object txtProvDiag: TCaptionEdit [17] 214 Left = 190 215 Top = 94 216 Width = 315 217 Height = 21 218 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 219 MaxLength = 180 220 ParentShowHint = False 221 PopupMenu = mnuPopProvDx 222 ShowHint = True 223 TabOrder = 7 224 OnChange = ControlChange 225 Caption = 'Provisional Diagnosis' 226 end 227 object txtAttn: TORComboBox [18] 228 Left = 362 229 Top = 22 230 Width = 197 231 Height = 21 232 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 233 Style = orcsDropDown 234 AutoSelect = True 235 Caption = 'Attention' 236 Color = clWindow 237 DropDownCount = 8 238 ItemHeight = 13 239 ItemTipColor = clWindow 240 ItemTipEnable = True 241 ListItemsOnly = True 242 LongList = True 243 LookupPiece = 2 244 MaxLength = 0 245 Pieces = '2,3' 246 Sorted = False 247 SynonymChars = '<>' 248 TabOrder = 3 249 OnChange = ControlChange 250 OnNeedData = txtAttnNeedData 251 CharsNeedMatch = 1 252 ExplicitWidth = 195 253 end 254 object cboProc: TORComboBox [19] 255 Left = 3 256 Top = 22 257 Width = 173 258 Height = 21 259 Style = orcsDropDown 260 AutoSelect = True 261 Caption = 'Procedure' 262 Color = clWindow 263 DropDownCount = 8 264 Enabled = False 265 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 266 Font.Color = clGrayText 267 Font.Height = -11 268 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' 269 Font.Style = [] 270 ItemHeight = 13 271 ItemTipColor = clWindow 272 ItemTipEnable = True 273 ListItemsOnly = True 274 LongList = True 275 LookupPiece = 0 276 MaxLength = 0 277 ParentFont = False 278 Pieces = '2' 279 Sorted = False 280 SynonymChars = '<>' 281 TabOrder = 0 282 OnChange = cboProcSelect 283 OnNeedData = cboProcNeedData 284 CharsNeedMatch = 1 285 end 286 object cboCategory: TORComboBox [20] 287 Left = 505 288 Top = -11 289 Width = 2 290 Height = 21 291 Style = orcsDropDown 292 AutoSelect = True 293 Color = clWindow 294 DropDownCount = 8 295 ItemHeight = 13 296 ItemTipColor = clWindow 297 ItemTipEnable = True 298 ListItemsOnly = False 299 LongList = False 300 LookupPiece = 0 301 MaxLength = 0 302 Sorted = False 303 SynonymChars = '<>' 304 TabOrder = 15 305 Visible = False 306 OnChange = ControlChange 307 CharsNeedMatch = 1 308 end 309 object cboService: TORComboBox [21] 310 Left = 3 311 Top = 65 312 Width = 173 313 Height = 21 314 Style = orcsDropDown 315 AutoSelect = True 316 Caption = 'Service to perform this procedure' 317 Color = clWindow 318 DropDownCount = 8 319 Enabled = False 320 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 321 Font.Color = clGrayText 322 Font.Height = -11 323 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' 324 Font.Style = [] 325 ItemHeight = 13 326 ItemTipColor = clWindow 327 ItemTipEnable = True 328 ListItemsOnly = False 329 LongList = False 330 LookupPiece = 0 331 MaxLength = 0 332 ParentFont = False 333 Pieces = '2' 334 Sorted = False 335 SynonymChars = '<>' 336 TabOrder = 1 337 OnChange = ControlChange 338 CharsNeedMatch = 1 339 end 340 object memComment: TRichEdit [22] 341 Left = 106 342 Top = 123 343 Width = 451 344 Height = 38 345 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 346 PopupMenu = popReason 347 TabOrder = 11 348 WantTabs = True 349 OnChange = ControlChange 350 OnKeyUp = memCommentKeyUp 351 end 352 object pnlMessage: TPanel [23] 353 Left = 19 354 Top = 276 355 Width = 383 69 object pnlMessage: TPanel [3] 70 Left = 12 71 Top = 379 72 Width = 392 356 73 Height = 44 357 74 Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom] … … 359 76 BorderStyle = bsSingle 360 77 Caption = 'pnlMessage' 361 TabOrder = 1678 TabOrder = 4 362 79 Visible = False 363 80 object imgMessage: TImage … … 384 101 end 385 102 end 386 object btnCmtCancel: TButton [24] 387 Left = 11 388 Top = 116 389 Width = 75 390 Height = 21 391 Caption = 'Cancellation' 392 TabOrder = 9 393 OnClick = btnCmtCancelClick 394 end 395 object btnCmtOther: TButton [25] 396 Left = 11 397 Top = 139 398 Width = 75 399 Height = 21 400 Caption = 'Other' 401 TabOrder = 10 402 OnClick = btnCmtOtherClick 403 end 404 object cmdLexSearch: TButton [26] 405 Left = 509 406 Top = 94 407 Width = 49 408 Height = 21 409 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 410 Caption = 'Lexicon' 411 TabOrder = 8 412 OnClick = cmdLexSearchClick 103 object pnlMain: TPanel [4] 104 Left = 0 105 Top = 0 106 Width = 572 107 Height = 393 108 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] 109 BevelOuter = bvNone 110 TabOrder = 1 111 DesignSize = ( 112 572 113 393) 114 object lblProc: TLabel 115 Left = 3 116 Top = 7 117 Width = 49 118 Height = 13 119 Caption = 'Procedure' 120 end 121 object lblReason: TLabel 122 Left = 8 123 Top = 225 124 Width = 95 125 Height = 13 126 Caption = 'Reason for Request' 127 end 128 object lblService: TOROffsetLabel 129 Left = 3 130 Top = 49 131 Width = 158 132 Height = 15 133 Caption = 'Service to perform this procedure' 134 HorzOffset = 2 135 Transparent = False 136 VertOffset = 2 137 WordWrap = False 138 end 139 object lblComment: TLabel 140 Left = 8 141 Top = 166 142 Width = 74 143 Height = 13 144 Caption = 'New Comments' 145 end 146 object lblComments: TLabel 147 Left = 3 148 Top = 92 149 Width = 89 150 Height = 13 151 Caption = 'Display Comments:' 152 end 153 object lblUrgency: TStaticText 154 Left = 190 155 Top = 7 156 Width = 44 157 Height = 17 158 Caption = 'Urgency' 159 TabOrder = 17 160 end 161 object lblPlace: TStaticText 162 Left = 360 163 Top = 92 164 Width = 104 165 Height = 17 166 Caption = 'Place of Consultation' 167 TabOrder = 18 168 end 169 object lblAttn: TStaticText 170 Left = 362 171 Top = 7 172 Width = 46 173 Height = 17 174 Caption = 'Attention' 175 TabOrder = 19 176 end 177 object lblProvDiag: TStaticText 178 Left = 188 179 Top = 136 180 Width = 104 181 Height = 17 182 Caption = 'Provisional Diagnosis' 183 TabOrder = 20 184 end 185 object lblInpOutp: TStaticText 186 Left = 190 187 Top = 92 188 Width = 127 189 Height = 17 190 Caption = 'Patient will be seen as an:' 191 TabOrder = 16 192 end 193 object memReason: TRichEdit 194 Left = 8 195 Top = 241 196 Width = 560 197 Height = 151 198 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] 199 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 200 Font.Color = clWindowText 201 Font.Height = -11 202 Font.Name = 'Courier New' 203 Font.Style = [] 204 ParentFont = False 205 PopupMenu = popReason 206 ScrollBars = ssBoth 207 TabOrder = 14 208 WantTabs = True 209 OnChange = ControlChange 210 OnExit = memReasonExit 211 OnKeyDown = memReasonKeyDown 212 OnKeyPress = memReasonKeyPress 213 OnKeyUp = memCommentKeyUp 214 end 215 object cboUrgency: TORComboBox 216 Left = 190 217 Top = 22 218 Width = 165 219 Height = 21 220 Style = orcsDropDown 221 AutoSelect = True 222 Caption = 'Urgency' 223 Color = clWindow 224 DropDownCount = 8 225 ItemHeight = 13 226 ItemTipColor = clWindow 227 ItemTipEnable = True 228 ListItemsOnly = True 229 LongList = False 230 LookupPiece = 0 231 MaxLength = 0 232 Pieces = '2' 233 Sorted = False 234 SynonymChars = '<>' 235 TabOrder = 2 236 OnChange = ControlChange 237 CharsNeedMatch = 1 238 end 239 object radInpatient: TRadioButton 240 Left = 188 241 Top = 105 242 Width = 61 243 Height = 17 244 Caption = '&Inpatient' 245 TabOrder = 8 246 OnClick = radInpatientClick 247 end 248 object radOutpatient: TRadioButton 249 Left = 255 250 Top = 105 251 Width = 73 252 Height = 17 253 Caption = '&Outpatient' 254 TabOrder = 9 255 OnClick = radOutpatientClick 256 end 257 object cboPlace: TORComboBox 258 Left = 360 259 Top = 107 260 Width = 206 261 Height = 21 262 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 263 Style = orcsDropDown 264 AutoSelect = True 265 Caption = 'Place of Consultation' 266 Color = clWindow 267 DropDownCount = 8 268 ItemHeight = 13 269 ItemTipColor = clWindow 270 ItemTipEnable = True 271 ListItemsOnly = True 272 LongList = False 273 LookupPiece = 0 274 MaxLength = 0 275 Pieces = '2' 276 Sorted = False 277 SynonymChars = '<>' 278 TabOrder = 10 279 OnChange = ControlChange 280 CharsNeedMatch = 1 281 end 282 object txtProvDiag: TCaptionEdit 283 Left = 188 284 Top = 149 285 Width = 324 286 Height = 21 287 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 288 MaxLength = 180 289 ParentShowHint = False 290 PopupMenu = mnuPopProvDx 291 ShowHint = True 292 TabOrder = 12 293 OnChange = ControlChange 294 Caption = 'Provisional Diagnosis' 295 end 296 object txtAttn: TORComboBox 297 Left = 362 298 Top = 22 299 Width = 206 300 Height = 21 301 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 302 Style = orcsDropDown 303 AutoSelect = True 304 Caption = 'Attention' 305 Color = clWindow 306 DropDownCount = 8 307 ItemHeight = 13 308 ItemTipColor = clWindow 309 ItemTipEnable = True 310 ListItemsOnly = True 311 LongList = True 312 LookupPiece = 2 313 MaxLength = 0 314 Pieces = '2,3' 315 Sorted = False 316 SynonymChars = '<>' 317 TabOrder = 3 318 OnChange = ControlChange 319 OnNeedData = txtAttnNeedData 320 CharsNeedMatch = 1 321 end 322 object cboProc: TORComboBox 323 Left = 3 324 Top = 22 325 Width = 173 326 Height = 21 327 Style = orcsDropDown 328 AutoSelect = True 329 Caption = 'Procedure' 330 Color = clWindow 331 DropDownCount = 8 332 Enabled = False 333 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 334 Font.Color = clGrayText 335 Font.Height = -11 336 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' 337 Font.Style = [] 338 ItemHeight = 13 339 ItemTipColor = clWindow 340 ItemTipEnable = True 341 ListItemsOnly = True 342 LongList = True 343 LookupPiece = 0 344 MaxLength = 0 345 ParentFont = False 346 Pieces = '2' 347 Sorted = False 348 SynonymChars = '<>' 349 TabOrder = 0 350 OnChange = cboProcSelect 351 OnNeedData = cboProcNeedData 352 CharsNeedMatch = 1 353 end 354 object cboCategory: TORComboBox 355 Left = 505 356 Top = -11 357 Width = 2 358 Height = 21 359 Style = orcsDropDown 360 AutoSelect = True 361 Color = clWindow 362 DropDownCount = 8 363 ItemHeight = 13 364 ItemTipColor = clWindow 365 ItemTipEnable = True 366 ListItemsOnly = False 367 LongList = False 368 LookupPiece = 0 369 MaxLength = 0 370 Sorted = False 371 SynonymChars = '<>' 372 TabOrder = 15 373 Visible = False 374 OnChange = ControlChange 375 CharsNeedMatch = 1 376 end 377 object cboService: TORComboBox 378 Left = 3 379 Top = 65 380 Width = 173 381 Height = 21 382 Style = orcsDropDown 383 AutoSelect = True 384 Caption = 'Service to perform this procedure' 385 Color = clWindow 386 DropDownCount = 8 387 Enabled = False 388 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 389 Font.Color = clGrayText 390 Font.Height = -11 391 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' 392 Font.Style = [] 393 ItemHeight = 13 394 ItemTipColor = clWindow 395 ItemTipEnable = True 396 ListItemsOnly = False 397 LongList = False 398 LookupPiece = 0 399 MaxLength = 0 400 ParentFont = False 401 Pieces = '2' 402 Sorted = False 403 SynonymChars = '<>' 404 TabOrder = 1 405 OnChange = ControlChange 406 CharsNeedMatch = 1 407 end 408 object memComment: TRichEdit 409 Left = 8 410 Top = 180 411 Width = 560 412 Height = 38 413 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 414 PopupMenu = popReason 415 TabOrder = 13 416 WantTabs = True 417 OnChange = ControlChange 418 OnExit = memCommentExit 419 OnKeyUp = memCommentKeyUp 420 end 421 object btnCmtCancel: TButton 422 Left = 3 423 Top = 111 424 Width = 75 425 Height = 21 426 Caption = 'Cancellation' 427 TabOrder = 6 428 OnClick = btnCmtCancelClick 429 end 430 object btnCmtOther: TButton 431 Left = 84 432 Top = 111 433 Width = 75 434 Height = 21 435 Caption = 'Other' 436 TabOrder = 7 437 OnClick = btnCmtOtherClick 438 end 439 object cmdLexSearch: TButton 440 Left = 516 441 Top = 149 442 Width = 49 443 Height = 21 444 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 445 Caption = 'Lexicon' 446 TabOrder = 11 447 OnClick = cmdLexSearchClick 448 end 449 object lblEarliest: TStaticText 450 Left = 190 451 Top = 49 452 Width = 121 453 Height = 17 454 Caption = 'Earliest appropriate date:' 455 TabOrder = 21 456 end 457 object lblLatest: TStaticText 458 Left = 361 459 Top = 49 460 Width = 116 461 Height = 17 462 Caption = 'Latest appropriate date:' 463 TabOrder = 22 464 Visible = False 465 end 466 object calEarliest: TORDateBox 467 Left = 190 468 Top = 65 469 Width = 164 470 Height = 21 471 TabOrder = 4 472 OnExit = calEarliestExit 473 DateOnly = True 474 RequireTime = False 475 end 476 object calLatest: TORDateBox 477 Left = 362 478 Top = 65 479 Width = 204 480 Height = 21 481 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 482 TabOrder = 5 483 Visible = False 484 OnExit = calLatestExit 485 DateOnly = True 486 RequireTime = False 487 end 413 488 end 414 489 inherited amgrMain: TVA508AccessibilityManager 415 490 Data = ( 416 491 ( 492 'Component = cmdAccept' 493 'Status = stsDefault') 494 ( 495 'Component = cmdQuit' 496 'Status = stsDefault') 497 ( 498 'Component = pnlMessage' 499 'Status = stsDefault') 500 ( 501 'Component = memMessage' 502 'Status = stsDefault') 503 ( 504 'Component = frmEditProc' 505 'Status = stsDefault') 506 ( 507 'Component = pnlMain' 508 'Status = stsDefault') 509 ( 417 510 'Component = lblUrgency' 418 511 'Status = stsDefault') … … 433 526 'Status = stsDefault') 434 527 ( 435 'Component = cmdAccept'436 'Status = stsDefault')437 (438 'Component = cmdQuit'439 'Status = stsDefault')440 (441 528 'Component = cboUrgency' 442 529 'Status = stsDefault') … … 469 556 'Status = stsDefault') 470 557 ( 471 'Component = pnlMessage'472 'Status = stsDefault')473 (474 'Component = memMessage'475 'Status = stsDefault')476 (477 558 'Component = btnCmtCancel' 478 559 'Status = stsDefault') … … 484 565 'Status = stsDefault') 485 566 ( 486 'Component = frmEditProc' 567 'Component = lblEarliest' 568 'Status = stsDefault') 569 ( 570 'Component = lblLatest' 571 'Status = stsDefault') 572 ( 573 'Component = calEarliest' 574 'Status = stsDefault') 575 ( 576 'Component = calLatest' 577 'Status = stsDefault') 578 ( 579 'Component = pnlCombatVet' 580 'Status = stsDefault') 581 ( 582 'Component = txtCombatVet' 487 583 'Status = stsDefault')) 488 584 end 489 585 object mnuPopProvDx: TPopupMenu 490 Left = 35 3491 Top = 77586 Left = 351 587 Top = 132 492 588 object mnuPopProvDxDelete: TMenuItem 493 589 Caption = 'Delete diagnosis' … … 497 593 object popReason: TPopupMenu 498 594 OnPopup = popReasonPopup 499 Left = 411500 Top = 169595 Left = 539 596 Top = 361 501 597 object popReasonCut: TMenuItem 502 598 Caption = 'Cu&t' -
TabularUnified cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults/fEditProc.pas ¶
r829 r1679 6 6 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, 7 7 StdCtrls, ORCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, ORfn, uConst, uConsults, Buttons, 8 Menus, f Base508Form, VA508AccessibilityManager;8 Menus, fAutoSz, ORDtTm, VA508AccessibilityManager, fBase508Form; 9 9 10 10 type 11 TfrmEditProc = class(Tfrm Base508Form)11 TfrmEditProc = class(TfrmAutoSz) 12 12 cmdAccept: TButton; 13 13 cmdQuit: TButton; 14 pnlMessage: TPanel; 15 imgMessage: TImage; 16 memMessage: TRichEdit; 17 pnlMain: TPanel; 18 lblProc: TLabel; 19 lblReason: TLabel; 20 lblService: TOROffsetLabel; 21 lblComment: TLabel; 22 lblComments: TLabel; 23 lblUrgency: TStaticText; 24 lblPlace: TStaticText; 25 lblAttn: TStaticText; 26 lblProvDiag: TStaticText; 27 lblInpOutp: TStaticText; 28 memReason: TRichEdit; 14 29 cboUrgency: TORComboBox; 15 30 radInpatient: TRadioButton; … … 18 33 txtProvDiag: TCaptionEdit; 19 34 txtAttn: TORComboBox; 20 lblProc: TLabel;21 35 cboProc: TORComboBox; 22 lblReason: TLabel;23 lblUrgency: TStaticText;24 lblPlace: TStaticText;25 lblAttn: TStaticText;26 lblProvDiag: TStaticText;27 36 cboCategory: TORComboBox; 28 37 cboService: TORComboBox; 29 lblService: TOROffsetLabel;30 38 memComment: TRichEdit; 31 lblComment: TLabel;32 lblComments: TLabel;33 pnlMessage: TPanel;34 imgMessage: TImage;35 memMessage: TRichEdit;36 39 btnCmtCancel: TButton; 37 40 btnCmtOther: TButton; 41 cmdLexSearch: TButton; 42 lblEarliest: TStaticText; 43 lblLatest: TStaticText; 44 calEarliest: TORDateBox; 45 calLatest: TORDateBox; 38 46 mnuPopProvDx: TPopupMenu; 39 47 mnuPopProvDxDelete: TMenuItem; 40 cmdLexSearch: TButton;41 lblInpOutp: TStaticText;42 memReason: TRichEdit;43 48 popReason: TPopupMenu; 44 49 popReasonCut: TMenuItem; … … 47 52 popReasonPaste2: TMenuItem; 48 53 popReasonReformat: TMenuItem; 54 pnlCombatVet: TPanel; 55 txtCombatVet: TVA508StaticText; 49 56 procedure txtAttnNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; 50 57 Direction, InsertAt: Integer); … … 74 81 Shift: TShiftState); 75 82 procedure memReasonKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); 83 procedure calEarliestExit(Sender: TObject); 84 procedure calLatestExit(Sender: TObject); 85 procedure memCommentExit(Sender: TObject); 76 86 private 77 87 FLastProcID: string; … … 80 90 FEditCtrl: TCustomEdit; 81 91 FNavigatingTab: boolean; 92 FEarliestDate: TFMDateTime; 93 //FLatestDate: TFMDateTime; 82 94 procedure SetProvDiagPromptingMode; 95 procedure SetUpCombatVet; 83 96 protected 84 97 procedure InitDialog; … … 117 130 'Another code must be selected'; 118 131 TC_INACTIVE_CODE = 'Inactive ICD Code'; 132 TX_PAST_DATE = 'Earliest appropriate date must be today or later.'; 133 TX_BAD_DATES = 'Latest appropriate date must be equal to or later than earliest date.'; 119 134 120 135 function EditResubmitProcedure(FontSize: Integer; ConsultIEN: integer): boolean; … … 165 180 i: integer; 166 181 begin 182 if FChanging then exit; 167 183 FChanging := True; 168 184 Defaults := TStringList.Create; … … 199 215 with cboUrgency do for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do 200 216 if UpperCase(DisplayText[i]) = UpperCase(OldRec.UrgencyName) then ItemIndex := i; 217 calEarliest.FMDateTime := OldRec.EarliestDate; 218 FEarliestDate := OldRec.EarliestDate; 219 //calLatest.FMDateTime := OldRec.LatestDate; 220 //FLatestDate := OldRec.LatestDate; 201 221 txtProvDiag.Text := OldRec.ProvDiagnosis; 202 222 ProvDx.Code := OldRec.ProvDxCode; … … 211 231 memComment.Clear ; 212 232 SetProvDiagPromptingMode; 233 if (patient.CombatVet.IsEligible = True) then 234 begin 235 SetUpCombatVet; 236 end 237 else 238 begin 239 txtCombatVet.Enabled := False; 240 pnlCombatVet.SendToBack; 241 end; 213 242 FChanging := False; 214 243 StatusText(''); … … 238 267 if OldRec.ProvDxCodeInactive and ProvDx.CodeInactive then 239 268 SetError(TX_INACTIVE_CODE); 269 if calEarliest.FMDateTime < FMToday then SetError(TX_PAST_DATE); 270 //if calLatest.FMDateTime < FMToday then SetError(TX_PAST_DATE); 271 //if calLatest.FMDateTime < calEarliest.FMDateTime then SetError(TX_BAD_DATES); 240 272 end; 241 273 … … 245 277 inherited; 246 278 txtAttn.ForDataUse(SubSetOfPersons(StartFrom, Direction)); 279 end; 280 281 procedure TfrmEditProc.calEarliestExit(Sender: TObject); 282 begin 283 inherited; 284 FEarliestDate := calEarliest.FMDateTime; 285 ControlChange(Self); 286 end; 287 288 procedure TfrmEditProc.calLatestExit(Sender: TObject); 289 begin 290 inherited; 291 //FLatestDate := calLatest.FMDateTime; 292 //ControlChange(Self); 247 293 end; 248 294 … … 323 369 end; 324 370 371 if FEarliestDate > 0 then 372 begin 373 if FEarliestDate <> OldRec.EarliestDate then 374 EarliestDate := FEarliestDate 375 else 376 EarliestDate := 0; 377 end; 378 379 (* if FLatestDate > 0 then 380 begin 381 if FLatestDate <> OldRec.LatestDate then 382 LatestDate := FLatestDate 383 else 384 LatestDate := 0; 385 end;*) 325 386 326 387 with cboPlace do if Length(ItemID) > 0 then … … 433 494 end; 434 495 496 procedure TfrmEditProc.SetUpCombatVet; 497 begin 498 pnlCombatVet.BringToFront; 499 txtCombatVet.Enabled := True; 500 txtCombatVet.Caption := 'Combat Veteran Eligibility Expires on ' + patient.CombatVet.ExpirationDate; 501 pnlMain.Top := pnlMain.Top + pnlCombatVet.Height; 502 pnlMain.Anchors := [akLeft, akTop, akRight]; 503 self.Height := self.Height + pnlCombatVet.Height; 504 pnlMain.Anchors := [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]; 505 ActiveControl := txtCombatVet; 506 end; 507 435 508 procedure TfrmEditProc.cboProcSelect(Sender: TObject); 436 509 begin … … 454 527 InfoBox('There are no services defined for this procedure.', 455 528 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION); 456 cboProc.ItemIndex := -1;529 //cboProc.ItemIndex := -1; 457 530 InitDialog; 458 531 Exit ; … … 652 725 653 726 727 procedure TfrmEditProc.memCommentExit(Sender: TObject); 728 //added OnExit code for CQ17822 WAT 729 var 730 AStringList: TStringList; 731 begin 732 inherited; 733 AStringList := TStringList.Create; 734 try 735 //QuickCopy(memComment, AStringList); 736 AStringList.Text := memComment.Text; 737 LimitStringLength(AStringList, 74); 738 //QuickCopy(AstringList, memComment); 739 memComment.Text := AStringList.Text; 740 ControlChange(Self); 741 finally 742 AStringList.Free; 743 end; 744 end; 745 654 746 procedure TfrmEditProc.memCommentKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; 655 747 Shift: TShiftState); … … 671 763 Shift: TShiftState); 672 764 begin 673 //The navigating tab controls were inadvert antently adding tab characters765 //The navigating tab controls were inadvertently adding tab characters 674 766 //This should fix it 675 767 FNavigatingTab := (Key = VK_TAB) and ([ssShift,ssCtrl] * Shift <> []); -
TabularUnified cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults/fODConsult.dfm ¶
r829 r1679 4 4 Top = 203 5 5 Width = 606 6 Height = 3766 Height = 455 7 7 HorzScrollBar.Range = 590 8 8 VertScrollBar.Range = 340 9 9 Caption = 'Order a Consult' 10 Constraints.MinHeight = 37611 Constraints.MinWidth = 60610 Constraints.MinHeight = 442 11 Constraints.MinWidth = 590 12 12 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET 13 13 ExplicitWidth = 606 14 ExplicitHeight = 37614 ExplicitHeight = 455 15 15 PixelsPerInch = 96 16 16 TextHeight = 13 17 object lblService: TLabel [0] 18 Left = 1 19 Top = 2 20 Width = 134 21 Height = 13 22 Caption = 'Consult to Service/Specialty' 23 end 24 object lblProvDiag: TLabel [1] 25 Left = 309 26 Top = 81 27 Width = 100 28 Height = 13 29 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 30 Caption = 'Provisional Diagnosis' 31 end 32 object lblUrgency: TLabel [2] 33 Left = 309 34 Top = 2 35 Width = 40 36 Height = 13 37 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 38 Caption = 'Urgency' 39 end 40 object lblPlace: TLabel [3] 41 Left = 454 42 Top = 43 43 Width = 100 44 Height = 13 45 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 46 Caption = 'Place of Consultation' 47 end 48 object lblAttn: TLabel [4] 49 Left = 454 50 Top = 2 51 Width = 42 52 Height = 13 53 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 54 Caption = 'Attention' 55 end 56 object pnlReason: TPanel [5] 57 Left = 3 58 Top = 128 59 Width = 585 60 Height = 161 61 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 62 BevelOuter = bvNone 63 TabOrder = 10 64 object lblReason: TLabel 65 Left = 0 66 Top = 0 67 Width = 585 68 Height = 13 69 Align = alTop 70 Caption = 'Reason for Request' 71 ExplicitWidth = 95 72 end 73 object memReason: TRichEdit 74 Left = 0 75 Top = 13 76 Width = 585 77 Height = 148 17 object pnlCombatVet: TPanel [0] 18 Left = 0 19 Top = 0 20 Width = 598 21 Height = 25 22 Align = alTop 23 BevelOuter = bvLowered 24 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 25 Font.Color = clWindowText 26 Font.Height = -11 27 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' 28 Font.Style = [] 29 ParentFont = False 30 TabOrder = 0 31 object txtCombatVet: TVA508StaticText 32 Name = 'txtCombatVet' 33 Left = 1 34 Top = 1 35 Width = 596 36 Height = 23 78 37 Align = alClient 79 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET 80 Font.Color = clWindowText 81 Font.Height = -11 82 Font.Name = 'Courier New' 83 Font.Style = [] 84 Constraints.MinHeight = 40 85 ParentFont = False 86 PopupMenu = popReason 87 ScrollBars = ssBoth 38 Alignment = taCenter 39 BevelOuter = bvNone 40 Enabled = False 88 41 TabOrder = 0 89 WantTabs = True 90 OnChange = ControlChange 91 OnExit = memReasonExit 92 OnKeyDown = memReasonKeyDown 93 OnKeyPress = memReasonKeyPress 94 OnKeyUp = memReasonKeyUp 42 ShowAccelChar = True 95 43 end 96 44 end 97 45 inherited memOrder: TCaptionMemo 98 46 Left = 3 99 Top = 3 0547 Top = 384 100 48 Width = 417 101 49 Height = 41 102 TabStop = True103 50 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom] 104 51 Lines.Strings = ( … … 107 54 '--------------------------------' 108 55 'An order message may be displayed here.') 109 TabOrder = 1156 TabOrder = 2 110 57 ExplicitLeft = 3 111 ExplicitTop = 3 0558 ExplicitTop = 384 112 59 ExplicitWidth = 417 113 60 ExplicitHeight = 41 114 61 end 115 object cboService: TORComboBox [7]62 object pnlMain: TPanel [2] 116 63 Left = 0 117 Top = 16 118 Width = 274 119 Height = 113 120 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 121 Style = orcsSimple 122 AutoSelect = True 123 Caption = 'Consult to Service/Specialty' 124 Color = clWindow 125 DropDownCount = 12 126 ItemHeight = 13 127 ItemTipColor = clWindow 128 ItemTipEnable = True 129 ListItemsOnly = True 130 LongList = False 131 LookupPiece = 0 132 MaxLength = 0 133 Pieces = '2' 134 Sorted = False 135 SynonymChars = '<>' 136 TabOrder = 0 137 TabStop = True 138 OnChange = ControlChange 139 OnClick = cboServiceSelect 140 OnExit = cboServiceExit 141 OnKeyDown = cboServiceKeyDown 142 OnKeyUp = cboServiceKeyUp 143 CharsNeedMatch = 1 144 end 145 object cboUrgency: TORComboBox [8] 146 Left = 309 147 Top = 16 148 Width = 133 149 Height = 21 150 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 151 Style = orcsDropDown 152 AutoSelect = True 153 Color = clWindow 154 DropDownCount = 8 155 ItemHeight = 13 156 ItemTipColor = clWindow 157 ItemTipEnable = True 158 ListItemsOnly = True 159 LongList = False 160 LookupPiece = 0 161 MaxLength = 0 162 Pieces = '2' 163 Sorted = False 164 SynonymChars = '<>' 64 Top = 0 65 Width = 598 66 Height = 380 67 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] 68 BevelOuter = bvNone 69 TabOrder = 1 70 DesignSize = ( 71 598 72 380) 73 object lblService: TLabel 74 Left = 1 75 Top = 2 76 Width = 134 77 Height = 13 78 Caption = 'Consult to Service/Specialty' 79 end 80 object lblProvDiag: TLabel 81 Left = 312 82 Top = 138 83 Width = 100 84 Height = 13 85 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 86 Caption = 'Provisional Diagnosis' 87 end 88 object lblUrgency: TLabel 89 Left = 309 90 Top = 2 91 Width = 40 92 Height = 13 93 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 94 Caption = 'Urgency' 95 end 96 object lblPlace: TLabel 97 Left = 457 98 Top = 100 99 Width = 100 100 Height = 13 101 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 102 Caption = 'Place of Consultation' 103 end 104 object lblAttn: TLabel 105 Left = 454 106 Top = 2 107 Width = 42 108 Height = 13 109 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 110 Caption = 'Attention' 111 end 112 object lblLatest: TStaticText 113 Left = 454 114 Top = 43 115 Width = 116 116 Height = 17 117 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 118 Caption = 'Latest appropriate date:' 119 TabOrder = 17 120 Visible = False 121 end 122 object lblEarliest: TStaticText 123 Left = 309 124 Top = 43 125 Width = 121 126 Height = 17 127 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 128 Caption = 'Earliest appropriate date:' 129 TabOrder = 14 130 end 131 object pnlReason: TPanel 132 Left = 3 133 Top = 176 134 Width = 587 135 Height = 179 136 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 137 BevelOuter = bvNone 138 Constraints.MinHeight = 53 139 TabOrder = 13 140 object lblReason: TLabel 141 Left = 0 142 Top = 0 143 Width = 587 144 Height = 13 145 Align = alTop 146 Caption = 'Reason for Request' 147 Constraints.MinHeight = 13 148 ExplicitWidth = 95 149 end 150 object memReason: TRichEdit 151 Left = 0 152 Top = 13 153 Width = 587 154 Height = 166 155 Align = alClient 156 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET 157 Font.Color = clWindowText 158 Font.Height = -11 159 Font.Name = 'Courier New' 160 Font.Style = [] 161 Constraints.MinHeight = 40 162 MaxLength = 2147483645 163 ParentFont = False 164 PopupMenu = popReason 165 ScrollBars = ssBoth 166 TabOrder = 0 167 WantTabs = True 168 OnChange = ControlChange 169 OnExit = memReasonExit 170 OnKeyDown = memReasonKeyDown 171 OnKeyPress = memReasonKeyPress 172 OnKeyUp = memReasonKeyUp 173 end 174 end 175 object cboService: TORComboBox 176 Left = 0 177 Top = 16 178 Width = 274 179 Height = 154 180 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 181 Style = orcsSimple 182 AutoSelect = True 183 Caption = 'Consult to Service/Specialty' 184 Color = clWindow 185 DropDownCount = 16 186 ItemHeight = 13 187 ItemTipColor = clWindow 188 ItemTipEnable = True 189 ListItemsOnly = True 190 LongList = False 191 LookupPiece = 0 192 MaxLength = 0 193 Pieces = '2' 194 Sorted = False 195 SynonymChars = '<>' 196 TabOrder = 0 197 OnChange = ControlChange 198 OnClick = cboServiceSelect 199 OnExit = cboServiceExit 200 OnKeyDown = cboServiceKeyDown 201 OnKeyUp = cboServiceKeyUp 202 CharsNeedMatch = 1 203 end 204 object cboUrgency: TORComboBox 205 Left = 309 206 Top = 16 207 Width = 133 208 Height = 21 209 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 210 Style = orcsDropDown 211 AutoSelect = True 212 Caption = 'Urgency' 213 Color = clWindow 214 DropDownCount = 8 215 ItemHeight = 13 216 ItemTipColor = clWindow 217 ItemTipEnable = True 218 ListItemsOnly = True 219 LongList = False 220 LookupPiece = 0 221 MaxLength = 0 222 Pieces = '2' 223 Sorted = False 224 SynonymChars = '<>' 225 TabOrder = 4 226 TabStop = True 227 OnChange = ControlChange 228 CharsNeedMatch = 1 229 end 230 object cboPlace: TORComboBox 231 Left = 457 232 Top = 113 233 Width = 136 234 Height = 21 235 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 236 Style = orcsDropDown 237 AutoSelect = True 238 Caption = 'Place of Consultation' 239 Color = clWindow 240 DropDownCount = 8 241 ItemHeight = 13 242 ItemTipColor = clWindow 243 ItemTipEnable = True 244 ListItemsOnly = True 245 LongList = False 246 LookupPiece = 0 247 MaxLength = 0 248 Pieces = '2' 249 Sorted = False 250 SynonymChars = '<>' 251 TabOrder = 9 252 OnChange = ControlChange 253 CharsNeedMatch = 1 254 end 255 object txtProvDiag: TCaptionEdit 256 Left = 312 257 Top = 151 258 Width = 223 259 Height = 21 260 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 261 MaxLength = 180 262 ParentShowHint = False 263 PopupMenu = mnuPopProvDx 264 ShowHint = True 265 TabOrder = 11 266 OnChange = txtProvDiagChange 267 Caption = 'Provisional Diagnosis' 268 end 269 object txtAttn: TORComboBox 270 Left = 454 271 Top = 16 272 Width = 136 273 Height = 21 274 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 275 Style = orcsDropDown 276 AutoSelect = True 277 Caption = 'Attention' 278 Color = clWindow 279 DropDownCount = 8 280 ItemHeight = 13 281 ItemTipColor = clWindow 282 ItemTipEnable = True 283 ListItemsOnly = True 284 LongList = True 285 LookupPiece = 2 286 MaxLength = 0 287 Pieces = '2,3' 288 Sorted = False 289 SynonymChars = '<>' 290 TabOrder = 5 291 OnChange = ControlChange 292 OnNeedData = txtAttnNeedData 293 CharsNeedMatch = 1 294 end 295 object treService: TORTreeView 296 Left = 0 297 Top = 38 298 Width = 298 299 Height = 220 300 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] 301 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 302 Font.Color = clWindowText 303 Font.Height = -9 304 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' 305 Font.Style = [] 306 HideSelection = False 307 Indent = 19 308 ParentFont = False 309 ReadOnly = True 310 TabOrder = 3 311 Visible = False 312 OnChange = treServiceChange 313 OnCollapsing = treServiceCollapsing 314 OnEnter = treServiceEnter 315 OnExit = treServiceExit 316 OnKeyDown = treServiceKeyDown 317 OnKeyUp = treServiceKeyUp 318 OnMouseDown = treServiceMouseDown 319 Caption = 'object lblService: TLabel' 320 NodePiece = 0 321 end 322 object cboCategory: TORComboBox 323 Left = 225 324 Top = -5 325 Width = 5 326 Height = 21 327 Style = orcsDropDown 328 AutoSelect = True 329 Color = clWindow 330 DropDownCount = 8 331 ItemHeight = 13 332 ItemTipColor = clWindow 333 ItemTipEnable = True 334 ListItemsOnly = False 335 LongList = False 336 LookupPiece = 0 337 MaxLength = 0 338 Sorted = False 339 SynonymChars = '<>' 340 TabOrder = 18 341 Visible = False 342 CharsNeedMatch = 1 343 end 344 object pnlServiceTreeButton: TKeyClickPanel 345 Left = 274 346 Top = 14 347 Width = 26 348 Height = 26 349 Hint = 'View services/specialties hierarchically' 350 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 351 BevelOuter = bvNone 352 BevelWidth = 2 353 Caption = 'View services/specialties hierarchically' 354 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET 355 Font.Color = clBtnFace 356 Font.Height = -11 357 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' 358 Font.Style = [] 359 ParentFont = False 360 TabOrder = 2 361 TabStop = True 362 OnClick = btnServiceTreeClick 363 OnEnter = pnlServiceTreeButtonEnter 364 OnExit = pnlServiceTreeButtonExit 365 object btnServiceTree: TSpeedButton 366 Left = 2 367 Top = 2 368 Width = 22 369 Height = 22 370 Glyph.Data = { 371 26050000424D26050000000000003604000028000000100000000F0000000100 372 080000000000F000000000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000 373 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000C0DCC000F0CA 374 A6000020400000206000002080000020A0000020C0000020E000004000000040 375 20000040400000406000004080000040A0000040C0000040E000006000000060 376 20000060400000606000006080000060A0000060C0000060E000008000000080 377 20000080400000806000008080000080A0000080C0000080E00000A0000000A0 378 200000A0400000A0600000A0800000A0A00000A0C00000A0E00000C0000000C0 379 200000C0400000C0600000C0800000C0A00000C0C00000C0E00000E0000000E0 380 200000E0400000E0600000E0800000E0A00000E0C00000E0E000400000004000 381 20004000400040006000400080004000A0004000C0004000E000402000004020 382 20004020400040206000402080004020A0004020C0004020E000404000004040 383 20004040400040406000404080004040A0004040C0004040E000406000004060 384 20004060400040606000406080004060A0004060C0004060E000408000004080 385 20004080400040806000408080004080A0004080C0004080E00040A0000040A0 386 200040A0400040A0600040A0800040A0A00040A0C00040A0E00040C0000040C0 387 200040C0400040C0600040C0800040C0A00040C0C00040C0E00040E0000040E0 388 200040E0400040E0600040E0800040E0A00040E0C00040E0E000800000008000 389 20008000400080006000800080008000A0008000C0008000E000802000008020 390 20008020400080206000802080008020A0008020C0008020E000804000008040 391 20008040400080406000804080008040A0008040C0008040E000806000008060 392 20008060400080606000806080008060A0008060C0008060E000808000008080 393 20008080400080806000808080008080A0008080C0008080E00080A0000080A0 394 200080A0400080A0600080A0800080A0A00080A0C00080A0E00080C0000080C0 395 200080C0400080C0600080C0800080C0A00080C0C00080C0E00080E0000080E0 396 200080E0400080E0600080E0800080E0A00080E0C00080E0E000C0000000C000 397 2000C0004000C0006000C0008000C000A000C000C000C000E000C0200000C020 398 2000C0204000C0206000C0208000C020A000C020C000C020E000C0400000C040 399 2000C0404000C0406000C0408000C040A000C040C000C040E000C0600000C060 400 2000C0604000C0606000C0608000C060A000C060C000C060E000C0800000C080 401 2000C0804000C0806000C0808000C080A000C080C000C080E000C0A00000C0A0 402 2000C0A04000C0A06000C0A08000C0A0A000C0A0C000C0A0E000C0C00000C0C0 403 2000C0C04000C0C06000C0C08000C0C0A000F0FBFF00A4A0A000808080000000 404 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00FFFFFFFF0700 405 07FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA4A407000400FF040404040404FFFFFFA4FFFF0700 406 07FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA4FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA4FFFFFFFF 407 FFFF070007FFFFFFFFFFFFA4FFFFFFA4A407000400FF04040404FFA4FFFFFFA4 408 FFFF070007FFFFFFFFFFFFA4FFFFFF07FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA4FFFF0700 409 07FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA4A407000400FF0404040404FFFFFFFFA4FFFF0700 410 07FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF07FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF070007FFFFFF 411 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00FB00FF0404040404FFFFFFFFFFFFFF070007FFFFFF 412 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF} 413 Margin = 0 414 OnClick = btnServiceTreeClick 415 end 416 end 417 object gbInptOpt: TGroupBox 418 Left = 309 419 Top = 92 420 Width = 140 421 Height = 45 422 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 423 Caption = 'Patient will be seen as an:' 424 TabOrder = 8 425 object radInpatient: TRadioButton 426 Left = 3 427 Top = 20 428 Width = 61 429 Height = 13 430 Caption = '&Inpatient' 431 TabOrder = 1 432 OnClick = radInpatientClick 433 end 434 object radOutpatient: TRadioButton 435 Left = 67 436 Top = 20 437 Width = 70 438 Height = 13 439 Caption = '&Outpatient' 440 TabOrder = 0 441 OnClick = radOutpatientClick 442 end 443 end 444 object btnDiagnosis: TButton 445 Left = 541 446 Top = 151 447 Width = 49 448 Height = 21 449 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 450 Caption = 'Diagnosis' 451 TabOrder = 10 452 OnClick = btnDiagnosisClick 453 end 454 object cmdLexSearch: TButton 455 Left = 541 456 Top = 151 457 Width = 49 458 Height = 21 459 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 460 Caption = 'Lexicon' 461 TabOrder = 12 462 OnClick = cmdLexSearchClick 463 end 464 object calEarliest: TORDateBox 465 Left = 309 466 Top = 57 467 Width = 133 468 Height = 21 469 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 470 TabOrder = 6 471 OnChange = ControlChange 472 DateOnly = True 473 RequireTime = False 474 end 475 object calLatest: TORDateBox 476 Left = 454 477 Top = 57 478 Width = 136 479 Height = 21 480 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 481 TabOrder = 7 482 Visible = False 483 OnChange = ControlChange 484 DateOnly = True 485 RequireTime = False 486 end 487 object servicelbl508: TVA508StaticText 488 Name = 'servicelbl508' 489 Left = 151 490 Top = 1 491 Width = 106 492 Height = 15 493 Alignment = taLeftJustify 494 Caption = 'service (for screen R.)' 495 Enabled = False 496 TabOrder = 1 497 Visible = False 498 ShowAccelChar = True 499 end 500 end 501 inherited cmdAccept: TButton 502 Left = 427 503 Top = 394 504 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom] 165 505 TabOrder = 3 166 TabStop = True 167 OnChange = ControlChange 168 CharsNeedMatch = 1 169 end 170 object cboPlace: TORComboBox [9] 171 Left = 454 172 Top = 56 173 Width = 136 174 Height = 21 175 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 176 Style = orcsDropDown 177 AutoSelect = True 178 Color = clWindow 179 DropDownCount = 8 180 ItemHeight = 13 181 ItemTipColor = clWindow 182 ItemTipEnable = True 183 ListItemsOnly = True 184 LongList = False 185 LookupPiece = 0 186 MaxLength = 0 187 Pieces = '2' 188 Sorted = False 189 SynonymChars = '<>' 190 TabOrder = 6 191 OnChange = ControlChange 192 CharsNeedMatch = 1 193 end 194 object txtProvDiag: TCaptionEdit [10] 195 Left = 309 196 Top = 94 197 Width = 231 198 Height = 21 199 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 200 MaxLength = 180 201 ParentShowHint = False 202 PopupMenu = mnuPopProvDx 203 ShowHint = True 204 TabOrder = 8 205 OnChange = txtProvDiagChange 206 end 207 object txtAttn: TORComboBox [11] 208 Left = 454 209 Top = 16 210 Width = 136 211 Height = 21 212 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 213 Style = orcsDropDown 214 AutoSelect = True 215 Color = clWindow 216 DropDownCount = 8 217 ItemHeight = 13 218 ItemTipColor = clWindow 219 ItemTipEnable = True 220 ListItemsOnly = True 221 LongList = True 222 LookupPiece = 2 223 MaxLength = 0 224 Pieces = '2,3' 225 Sorted = False 226 SynonymChars = '<>' 227 TabOrder = 4 228 OnChange = ControlChange 229 OnNeedData = txtAttnNeedData 230 CharsNeedMatch = 1 231 end 232 object treService: TORTreeView [12] 233 Left = 0 234 Top = 38 235 Width = 298 236 Height = 220 237 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] 238 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 239 Font.Color = clWindowText 240 Font.Height = -9 241 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' 242 Font.Style = [] 243 HideSelection = False 244 Indent = 19 245 ParentFont = False 246 ReadOnly = True 247 TabOrder = 2 248 Visible = False 249 OnChange = treServiceChange 250 OnCollapsing = treServiceCollapsing 251 OnEnter = treServiceEnter 252 OnExit = treServiceExit 253 OnKeyDown = treServiceKeyDown 254 OnKeyUp = treServiceKeyUp 255 OnMouseDown = treServiceMouseDown 256 NodePiece = 0 257 end 258 object cboCategory: TORComboBox [13] 259 Left = 225 260 Top = -5 261 Width = 5 262 Height = 21 263 Style = orcsDropDown 264 AutoSelect = True 265 Color = clWindow 266 DropDownCount = 8 267 ItemHeight = 13 268 ItemTipColor = clWindow 269 ItemTipEnable = True 270 ListItemsOnly = False 271 LongList = False 272 LookupPiece = 0 273 MaxLength = 0 274 Sorted = False 275 SynonymChars = '<>' 276 TabOrder = 15 277 Visible = False 278 CharsNeedMatch = 1 279 end 280 object pnlServiceTreeButton: TKeyClickPanel [14] 281 Left = 274 282 Top = 14 283 Width = 26 284 Height = 26 285 Hint = 'View services/specialties hierarchically' 286 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 287 BevelOuter = bvNone 288 BevelWidth = 2 289 Caption = 'View services/specialties hierarchically' 290 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET 291 Font.Color = clBtnFace 292 Font.Height = -11 293 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' 294 Font.Style = [] 295 ParentFont = False 296 TabOrder = 1 297 TabStop = True 298 OnClick = btnServiceTreeClick 299 OnEnter = pnlServiceTreeButtonEnter 300 OnExit = pnlServiceTreeButtonExit 301 object btnServiceTree: TSpeedButton 302 Left = 2 303 Top = 2 304 Width = 22 305 Height = 22 306 Hint = 'View services/specialties hierarchically' 307 Glyph.Data = { 308 26050000424D26050000000000003604000028000000100000000F0000000100 309 080000000000F000000000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000 310 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000C0DCC000F0CA 311 A6000020400000206000002080000020A0000020C0000020E000004000000040 312 20000040400000406000004080000040A0000040C0000040E000006000000060 313 20000060400000606000006080000060A0000060C0000060E000008000000080 314 20000080400000806000008080000080A0000080C0000080E00000A0000000A0 315 200000A0400000A0600000A0800000A0A00000A0C00000A0E00000C0000000C0 316 200000C0400000C0600000C0800000C0A00000C0C00000C0E00000E0000000E0 317 200000E0400000E0600000E0800000E0A00000E0C00000E0E000400000004000 318 20004000400040006000400080004000A0004000C0004000E000402000004020 319 20004020400040206000402080004020A0004020C0004020E000404000004040 320 20004040400040406000404080004040A0004040C0004040E000406000004060 321 20004060400040606000406080004060A0004060C0004060E000408000004080 322 20004080400040806000408080004080A0004080C0004080E00040A0000040A0 323 200040A0400040A0600040A0800040A0A00040A0C00040A0E00040C0000040C0 324 200040C0400040C0600040C0800040C0A00040C0C00040C0E00040E0000040E0 325 200040E0400040E0600040E0800040E0A00040E0C00040E0E000800000008000 326 20008000400080006000800080008000A0008000C0008000E000802000008020 327 20008020400080206000802080008020A0008020C0008020E000804000008040 328 20008040400080406000804080008040A0008040C0008040E000806000008060 329 20008060400080606000806080008060A0008060C0008060E000808000008080 330 20008080400080806000808080008080A0008080C0008080E00080A0000080A0 331 200080A0400080A0600080A0800080A0A00080A0C00080A0E00080C0000080C0 332 200080C0400080C0600080C0800080C0A00080C0C00080C0E00080E0000080E0 333 200080E0400080E0600080E0800080E0A00080E0C00080E0E000C0000000C000 334 2000C0004000C0006000C0008000C000A000C000C000C000E000C0200000C020 335 2000C0204000C0206000C0208000C020A000C020C000C020E000C0400000C040 336 2000C0404000C0406000C0408000C040A000C040C000C040E000C0600000C060 337 2000C0604000C0606000C0608000C060A000C060C000C060E000C0800000C080 338 2000C0804000C0806000C0808000C080A000C080C000C080E000C0A00000C0A0 339 2000C0A04000C0A06000C0A08000C0A0A000C0A0C000C0A0E000C0C00000C0C0 340 2000C0C04000C0C06000C0C08000C0C0A000F0FBFF00A4A0A000808080000000 341 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00FFFFFFFF0700 342 07FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA4A407000400FF040404040404FFFFFFA4FFFF0700 343 07FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA4FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA4FFFFFFFF 344 FFFF070007FFFFFFFFFFFFA4FFFFFFA4A407000400FF04040404FFA4FFFFFFA4 345 FFFF070007FFFFFFFFFFFFA4FFFFFF07FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA4FFFF0700 346 07FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA4A407000400FF0404040404FFFFFFFFA4FFFF0700 347 07FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF07FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF070007FFFFFF 348 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00FB00FF0404040404FFFFFFFFFFFFFF070007FFFFFF 349 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF} 350 Margin = 0 351 ParentShowHint = False 352 ShowHint = True 353 OnClick = btnServiceTreeClick 354 end 355 end 356 object cmdLexSearch: TButton [15] 357 Left = 543 358 Top = 94 359 Width = 49 360 Height = 21 361 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 362 Caption = 'Lexicon' 363 TabOrder = 9 364 OnClick = cmdLexSearchClick 365 end 366 object gbInptOpt: TGroupBox [16] 367 Left = 309 368 Top = 35 369 Width = 140 370 Height = 45 371 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 372 Caption = 'Patient will be seen as an:' 373 TabOrder = 5 374 object radInpatient: TRadioButton 375 Left = 3 376 Top = 20 377 Width = 61 378 Height = 13 379 Caption = '&Inpatient' 380 TabOrder = 0 381 OnClick = radInpatientClick 382 end 383 object radOutpatient: TRadioButton 384 Left = 67 385 Top = 20 386 Width = 70 387 Height = 13 388 Caption = '&Outpatient' 389 TabOrder = 1 390 OnClick = radOutpatientClick 391 end 392 end 393 object btnDiagnosis: TButton [17] 394 Left = 543 395 Top = 95 396 Width = 49 397 Height = 20 398 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 399 Caption = 'Diagnosis' 400 TabOrder = 7 401 OnClick = btnDiagnosisClick 402 end 403 inherited cmdAccept: TButton 404 Left = 439 405 Top = 315 406 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom] 407 TabOrder = 12 408 ExplicitLeft = 439 409 ExplicitTop = 315 506 ExplicitLeft = 427 507 ExplicitTop = 394 410 508 end 411 509 inherited cmdQuit: TButton 412 510 Left = 531 413 Top = 3 15511 Top = 394 414 512 Width = 61 415 513 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom] 416 TabOrder = 13514 TabOrder = 4 417 515 ExplicitLeft = 531 418 ExplicitTop = 3 15516 ExplicitTop = 394 419 517 ExplicitWidth = 61 420 518 end 421 519 inherited pnlMessage: TPanel 422 520 Left = 13 423 Top = 295521 Top = 374 424 522 Width = 377 425 523 Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom] 426 TabOrder = 14524 TabOrder = 5 427 525 ExplicitLeft = 13 428 ExplicitTop = 295526 ExplicitTop = 374 429 527 ExplicitWidth = 377 430 528 inherited memMessage: TRichEdit … … 436 534 Data = ( 437 535 ( 536 'Component = memOrder' 537 'Status = stsDefault') 538 ( 539 'Component = cmdAccept' 540 'Status = stsDefault') 541 ( 542 'Component = cmdQuit' 543 'Status = stsDefault') 544 ( 545 'Component = pnlMessage' 546 'Status = stsDefault') 547 ( 548 'Component = memMessage' 549 'Status = stsDefault') 550 ( 551 'Component = frmODCslt' 552 'Status = stsDefault') 553 ( 554 'Component = pnlMain' 555 'Status = stsDefault') 556 ( 557 'Component = lblLatest' 558 'Status = stsDefault') 559 ( 560 'Component = lblEarliest' 561 'Status = stsDefault') 562 ( 438 563 'Component = pnlReason' 439 564 'Status = stsDefault') 440 565 ( 441 566 'Component = memReason' 442 'Label = lblReason' 443 'Status = stsOK') 567 'Status = stsDefault') 444 568 ( 445 569 'Component = cboService' … … 447 571 ( 448 572 'Component = cboUrgency' 449 'Label = lblUrgency' 450 'Status = stsOK') 573 'Status = stsDefault') 451 574 ( 452 575 'Component = cboPlace' 453 'Label = lblPlace' 454 'Status = stsOK') 576 'Status = stsDefault') 455 577 ( 456 578 'Component = txtProvDiag' 457 'Label = lblProvDiag' 458 'Status = stsOK') 579 'Status = stsDefault') 459 580 ( 460 581 'Component = txtAttn' 461 'Label = lblAttn' 462 'Status = stsOK') 582 'Status = stsDefault') 463 583 ( 464 584 'Component = treService' … … 471 591 'Status = stsDefault') 472 592 ( 593 'Component = gbInptOpt' 594 'Status = stsDefault') 595 ( 596 'Component = radInpatient' 597 'Status = stsDefault') 598 ( 599 'Component = radOutpatient' 600 'Status = stsDefault') 601 ( 602 'Component = btnDiagnosis' 603 'Status = stsDefault') 604 ( 473 605 'Component = cmdLexSearch' 474 606 'Status = stsDefault') 475 607 ( 476 'Component = gbInptOpt' 477 'Status = stsDefault') 478 ( 479 'Component = radInpatient' 480 'Status = stsDefault') 481 ( 482 'Component = radOutpatient' 483 'Status = stsDefault') 484 ( 485 'Component = btnDiagnosis' 486 'Status = stsDefault') 487 ( 488 'Component = memOrder' 489 'Status = stsDefault') 490 ( 491 'Component = cmdAccept' 492 'Status = stsDefault') 493 ( 494 'Component = cmdQuit' 495 'Status = stsDefault') 496 ( 497 'Component = pnlMessage' 498 'Status = stsDefault') 499 ( 500 'Component = memMessage' 501 'Status = stsDefault') 502 ( 503 'Component = frmODCslt' 608 'Component = calEarliest' 609 'Status = stsDefault') 610 ( 611 'Component = calLatest' 612 'Status = stsDefault') 613 ( 614 'Component = pnlCombatVet' 615 'Status = stsDefault') 616 ( 617 'Component = txtCombatVet' 618 'Status = stsDefault') 619 ( 620 'Component = servicelbl508' 504 621 'Status = stsDefault')) 505 622 end 506 623 object mnuPopProvDx: TPopupMenu 507 Left = 353508 Top = 77624 Left = 489 625 Top = 150 509 626 object mnuPopProvDxDelete: TMenuItem 510 627 Caption = 'Delete diagnosis' … … 514 631 object popReason: TPopupMenu 515 632 OnPopup = popReasonPopup 516 Left = 411517 Top = 188633 Left = 547 634 Top = 316 518 635 object popReasonCut: TMenuItem 519 636 Caption = 'Cu&t' -
TabularUnified cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults/fODConsult.pas ¶
r829 r1679 9 9 fODBase, StdCtrls, ORCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, ORfn, uConst, Buttons, 10 10 Menus, UBAGlobals, rOrders, fBALocalDiagnoses, UBAConst, UBACore, ORNet, 11 VA508AccessibilityManager ;11 ORDtTm, VA508AccessibilityManager ; 12 12 13 13 type 14 14 TfrmODCslt = class(TfrmODBase) 15 pnlMain: TPanel; 16 lblService: TLabel; 17 lblProvDiag: TLabel; 18 lblUrgency: TLabel; 19 lblPlace: TLabel; 20 lblAttn: TLabel; 21 lblLatest: TStaticText; 22 lblEarliest: TStaticText; 23 pnlReason: TPanel; 24 lblReason: TLabel; 25 memReason: TRichEdit; 15 26 cboService: TORComboBox; 16 27 cboUrgency: TORComboBox; … … 18 29 txtProvDiag: TCaptionEdit; 19 30 txtAttn: TORComboBox; 20 lblService: TLabel;21 lblUrgency: TLabel;22 lblPlace: TLabel;23 lblAttn: TLabel;24 lblProvDiag: TLabel;25 31 treService: TORTreeView; 26 32 cboCategory: TORComboBox; 27 33 pnlServiceTreeButton: TKeyClickPanel; 28 34 btnServiceTree: TSpeedButton; 35 gbInptOpt: TGroupBox; 36 radInpatient: TRadioButton; 37 radOutpatient: TRadioButton; 38 btnDiagnosis: TButton; 39 cmdLexSearch: TButton; 40 calEarliest: TORDateBox; 41 calLatest: TORDateBox; 29 42 mnuPopProvDx: TPopupMenu; 30 43 mnuPopProvDxDelete: TMenuItem; 31 cmdLexSearch: TButton;32 44 popReason: TPopupMenu; 33 45 popReasonCut: TMenuItem; … … 36 48 popReasonPaste2: TMenuItem; 37 49 popReasonReformat: TMenuItem; 38 gbInptOpt: TGroupBox; 39 radInpatient: TRadioButton; 40 radOutpatient: TRadioButton; 41 pnlReason: TPanel; 42 lblReason: TLabel; 43 memReason: TRichEdit; 44 btnDiagnosis: TButton; 50 pnlCombatVet: TPanel; 51 txtCombatVet: TVA508StaticText; 52 servicelbl508: TVA508StaticText; 45 53 procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); 46 54 procedure txtAttnNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; … … 96 104 FEditCtrl: TCustomEdit; 97 105 FNavigatingTab: boolean; 106 LLS_LINE_INDEX: integer; 98 107 procedure BuildQuickTree(QuickList: TStrings; const Parent: string; Node: TTreeNode); 99 108 procedure ReadServerVariables; … … 107 116 procedure SetUpCopyConsultDiagnoses(pOrderID:string); 108 117 procedure AdjustMemReasonSize; 118 function NotinIndex(AList: TStringList; i: integer): boolean; 119 function GetItemIndex(Service: String; Index: integer): integer; 120 procedure SetUpCombatVet; 121 procedure SetUpEarliestDate; //wat v28 122 procedure setup508Label(lbl: TVA508StaticText; ctrl: TORComboBox); 109 123 protected 110 124 procedure InitDialog; override; … … 123 137 124 138 139 function CanFreeConsultDialog(dialog : TfrmODBase) : boolean; 140 125 141 implementation 126 142 … … 129 145 uses 130 146 rODBase, rConsults, uCore, uConsults, rCore, fConsults, fPCELex, rPCE, fPreReq, 131 ORClasses, clipbrd, uTemplates, fFrame, uODBase, uVA508CPRSCompatibility; 147 ORClasses, clipbrd, uTemplates, fFrame, uODBase, uVA508CPRSCompatibility, 148 VA508AccessibilityRouter; 132 149 133 150 var … … 137 154 BADxUpdated: boolean; 138 155 quickCode: string; 139 156 AreGlobalsFree: boolean; 140 157 141 158 … … 156 173 TX_INACTIVE_CODE_REQD = 'Another code must be selected before the order can be saved.'; 157 174 TX_INACTIVE_CODE_OPTIONAL = 'If another code is not selected, no code will be saved.'; 175 TX_PAST_DATE = 'Earliest appropriate date must be today or later.'; 176 TX_BAD_DATES = 'Latest appropriate date must be equal to or later than earliest date.'; 158 177 159 178 TX_SVC_HRCHY = 'services/specialties hierarchy'; 160 179 TX_VIEW_SVC_HRCHY = 'View services/specialties hierarchically'; 161 180 TX_CLOSE_SVC_HRCHY = 'Close services/specialties hierarchy tree view'; 181 182 183 {************** Static Unit Methods ***************} 184 185 function CanFreeConsultDialog(dialog : TfrmODBase) : boolean; 186 begin 187 Result := true; 188 if (dialog is TfrmODCslt) then 189 Result := AreGlobalsFree; 190 end; 191 192 procedure InitializeGlobalLists; 193 begin 194 Defaults := TStringList.Create; 195 SvcList := TStringList.Create; 196 QuickList := TStringList.Create; 197 AreGlobalsFree := false; 198 end; 199 200 function FreeGlobalLists : Boolean; 201 begin 202 Result := false; 203 if AreGlobalsFree then 204 Exit; 205 Defaults.Free; 206 SvcList.Free; 207 QuickList.Free; 208 AreGlobalsFree := true; 209 Result := true; 210 end; 211 212 {*************** TfrmODCslt Methods ***********} 162 213 163 214 procedure TfrmODCslt.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); … … 176 227 cmdLexSearch.Visible := True; 177 228 end; 178 Defaults := TStringList.Create ; 179 SvcList := TStringList.Create ; 180 QuickList := TStringList.Create ; 229 InitializeGlobalLists; 181 230 AllowQuickOrder := True; 182 231 LastNode := 0; … … 190 239 FastAssign(ODForConsults, Defaults); // ODForConsults returns TStrings with defaults 191 240 CtrlInits.LoadDefaults(Defaults); 241 calEarliest.Text := 'TODAY'; 242 //calLatest.Text := 'TODAY+30'; 192 243 txtAttn.InitLongList('') ; 193 244 PreserveControl(txtAttn); 245 PreserveControl(calEarliest); 246 //PreserveControl(calLatest); 247 if (patient.CombatVet.IsEligible = True) then 248 begin 249 SetUpCombatVet; 250 end 251 else 252 begin 253 txtCombatVet.Enabled := False; 254 pnlCombatVet.SendToBack; 255 end; 194 256 InitDialog; 195 257 //Calling virtual SetFontSize in constructor is a bad idea! … … 197 259 FcboServiceKeyDownStopClick := false; 198 260 consultQuickOrder := false; 199 200 201 261 end; 202 262 … … 233 293 memReason.Clear; 234 294 cboService.Enabled := True; 295 setup508Label(servicelbl508, cboService); 235 296 cboService.Font.Color := clWindowText; 236 cboService.Height := 25 + ( 7* cboService.ItemHeight);297 cboService.Height := 25 + (11 * cboService.ItemHeight); 237 298 btnServiceTree.Enabled := True; 238 299 pnlServiceTreeButton.Enabled := True; 239 300 SetProvDiagPromptingMode; 240 ActiveControl := cboService; // set after call to SetProvDiagPromptingMode 301 ActiveControl := cboService; 302 241 303 Changing := False; 242 304 StatusText(''); … … 258 320 begin 259 321 inherited; 322 LLS_LINE_INDEX := -1; 260 323 ReadServerVariables; 261 324 AList := TStringList.Create; … … 281 344 Exit; 282 345 end; 346 283 347 cboService.Items.Add(SvcIEN + U + tmpResp.EValue + '^^^^' + tmpResp.IValue); 284 348 cboService.SelectByID(SvcIEN); … … 289 353 else 290 354 radOutpatient.Checked := True ; 291 SetControl(cboUrgency, 'URGENCY', 1); 355 SetUpEarliestDate; //wat v28 356 SetControl(cboUrgency, 'URGENCY', 1); 292 357 SetControl(cboPlace, 'PLACE', 1); 293 358 SetControl(txtAttn, 'PROVIDER', 1); 359 SetControl(calEarliest, 'EARLIEST', 1); 360 //SetControl(calLatest, 'LATEST', 1); 294 361 cboService.Enabled := False; 362 setup508Label(servicelbl508, cboService); 295 363 cboService.Font.Color := clGrayText; 296 364 btnServiceTree.Enabled := False; … … 308 376 begin 309 377 AbortOrder := True; 378 SetTemplateDialogCanceled(FALSE); 310 379 Close; 311 380 Exit; … … 316 385 begin 317 386 AbortOrder := True; 387 SetTemplateDialogCanceled(FALSE); 318 388 Close; 319 389 Exit; … … 343 413 FastAssign(QuickList, cboService.Items); 344 414 Items.Add(LLS_LINE); 415 LLS_LINE_INDEX := Items.IndexOf(Trim(Piece(LLS_LINE, U, 2))); {TP - HDS00015782: Used to determine if QO} 345 416 Items.Add(LLS_SPACE); 346 417 end; 347 418 Changing := True; 348 419 for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do 349 if (cboService.Items.IndexOf(Trim(Piece(AList.Strings[i], U, 2))) = -1) and {RV} 420 //if (cboService.Items.IndexOf(Trim(Piece(AList.Strings[i], U, 2))) = -1) and {RV} 421 if (NotinIndex(AList,i)) and {TP - HDS00015782: Check if service is already in index (not including QO)} 350 422 //if (cboService.SelectByID(Piece(AList.Strings[i], U, 1)) = -1) and 351 423 (Piece(AList.Strings[i], U, 5) <> '1') then … … 410 482 SetError(TX_SELECT_DIAG); 411 483 end; 484 if (lblEarliest.Enabled) and (calEarliest.FMDateTime < FMToday) then SetError(TX_PAST_DATE); 485 //if calLatest.FMDateTime < FMToday then SetError(TX_PAST_DATE); 486 //if calLatest.FMDateTime < calEarliest.FMDateTime then SetError(TX_BAD_DATES); 412 487 end; 413 488 … … 548 623 FLastServiceID := ItemID; 549 624 cboService.Enabled := False; 625 setup508Label(servicelbl508, cboService); 550 626 cboService.Font.Color := clGrayText; 551 627 btnServiceTree.Enabled := False; … … 588 664 SetControl(cboPlace, 'PLACE', 1); 589 665 SetControl(txtAttn, 'PROVIDER', 1); 666 SetControl(calEarliest, 'EARLIEST', 1); 667 //SetControl(calLatest, 'LATEST', 1); 590 668 SetTemplateDialogCanceled(FALSE); 591 669 SetControl(memReason, 'COMMENT', 1); … … 593 671 begin 594 672 AbortOrder := TRUE; 673 SetTemplateDialogCanceled(FALSE); 595 674 Close; 596 675 Exit; … … 616 695 end; 617 696 SetProvDiagPromptingMode; 697 SetUpEarliestDate; //wat v28 618 698 tmpSvc := Piece(cboService.Items[cboService.ItemIndex], U, 6); 619 699 pnlMessage.TabOrder := treService.TabOrder + 1; … … 646 726 else Responses.Update('ORDERABLE', 1, '', ''); 647 727 end; 648 with memReason do if GetTextLen > 0 then Responses.Update('COMMENT', 1, TX_WPTYPE, Text); 649 with cboCategory do if ItemID <> '' then Responses.Update('CLASS', 1, ItemID, Text); 650 with cboUrgency do if ItemIEN > 0 then Responses.Update('URGENCY', 1, ItemID, Text); 651 with cboPlace do if ItemID <> '' then Responses.Update('PLACE', 1, ItemID, Text); 652 with txtAttn do if ItemIEN > 0 then Responses.Update('PROVIDER', 1, ItemID, Text); 728 with memReason do Responses.Update('COMMENT', 1, TX_WPTYPE, Text); 729 with cboCategory do Responses.Update('CLASS', 1, ItemID, Text); 730 with cboUrgency do Responses.Update('URGENCY', 1, ItemID, Text); 731 with cboPlace do Responses.Update('PLACE', 1, ItemID, Text); 732 with txtAttn do Responses.Update('PROVIDER', 1, ItemID, Text); 733 with calEarliest do if Length(Text) > 0 then Responses.Update('EARLIEST', 1, Text, Text); 734 //with calLatest do if Length(Text) > 0 then Responses.Update('LATEST', 1, Text, Text); 653 735 //with txtProvDiag do if Length(Text) > 0 then Responses.Update('MISC', 1, Text, Text); 654 736 if Length(ProvDx.Text) > 0 then Responses.Update('MISC', 1, ProvDx.Text, ProvDx.Text) … … 758 840 with cboService do 759 841 begin 842 setup508Label(servicelbl508, cboService); 760 843 if (ItemIndex < 0) or (ItemID = '') then 761 844 begin … … 779 862 Changing := True; 780 863 Responses.QuickOrder := ExtractInteger(ItemID); 781 consultQuickOrder := True; 864 consultQuickOrder := True; 782 865 tmpSvc := TResponse(Responses.FindResponseByName('ORDERABLE',1)).EValue; 783 866 ItemIndex := Items.IndexOf(Trim(tmpSvc)); 867 If ItemIndex < LLS_LINE_INDEX then {TP - HDS00015782: Check if index is of a QO} 868 ItemIndex := GetItemIndex(tmpSvc,ItemIndex); 784 869 (* tmpSvc := TResponse(Responses.FindResponseByName('ORDERABLE',1)).IValue; 785 870 for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do … … 793 878 FLastServiceID := ItemID; 794 879 Enabled := False; 880 setup508Label(servicelbl508, cboService); 795 881 Font.Color := clGrayText; 796 882 btnServiceTree.Enabled := False; … … 811 897 SetControl(cboPlace, 'PLACE', 1); 812 898 SetControl(txtAttn, 'PROVIDER', 1); 899 SetControl(calEarliest, 'EARLIEST', 1); 900 //SetControl(calLatest, 'LATEST', 1); 813 901 SetTemplateDialogCanceled(FALSE); 814 902 SetControl(memReason, 'COMMENT', 1); … … 816 904 begin 817 905 AbortOrder := TRUE; 906 SetTemplateDialogCanceled(FALSE); 818 907 Close; 819 908 Exit; … … 861 950 //OrderMessage(ConsultMessage(cboService.ItemIEN)); 862 951 ControlChange(Self) ; 952 SetUpEarliestDate; //wat v28 953 setup508Label(servicelbl508, cboService); 863 954 end; 864 955 865 956 procedure TfrmODCslt.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); 866 957 begin 867 Defaults.Free; 868 SvcList.Free ; 869 QuickList.Free; 958 if not FreeGlobalLists then 959 Exit; 870 960 inherited; 871 961 end; … … 986 1076 ProvDx.Text := Copy(ProvDx.Text, 1, i - 1); 987 1077 txtProvDiag.Text := ProvDx.Text + ' (' + ProvDx.Code + ')'; 988 989 1078 ProvDx.CodeInactive := False; 990 1079 end; … … 1057 1146 1058 1147 1148 procedure TfrmODCslt.setup508Label(lbl: TVA508StaticText; ctrl: TORComboBox); 1149 begin 1150 if ScreenReaderSystemActive and not ctrl.Enabled then begin 1151 lbl.Enabled := True; 1152 lbl.Visible := True; 1153 lbl.Caption := lblService.Caption + ', ' + ctrl.Text; 1154 lbl.Width := (ctrl.Left + ctrl.Width) - lbl.Left; 1155 end else 1156 lbl.Visible := false; 1157 end; 1158 1059 1159 procedure TfrmODCslt.mnuPopProvDxDeleteClick(Sender: TObject); 1060 1160 begin … … 1493 1593 pnlReason.Top := cboService.Top + cboService.Height + PIXEL_SPACE; 1494 1594 pnlReason.Height := memOrder.Top - pnlReason.Top - PIXEL_SPACE; 1595 if patient.CombatVet.IsEligible then pnlReason.Height := pnlReason.Height - PIXEL_SPACE*20; 1596 end; 1597 1598 function TfrmODCslt.NotinIndex(AList: TStringList; i: integer): Boolean; {TP - HDS00015782:} 1599 {This function determines if a Consult Service will be added to the cboService 1600 component. If name does not exist or if name does not exist below the Quick 1601 Order listing, then it is added.} 1602 var 1603 x: Integer; 1604 y: String; 1605 begin 1606 Result := False; 1607 x := cboService.Items.IndexOf(Trim(Piece(AList.Strings[i], U, 2))); 1608 if (x = -1) then 1609 Result := True; 1610 if (x <> -1) and (x < LLS_LINE_INDEX) then 1611 begin 1612 y := cboService.Items[x]; 1613 cboService.Items.Delete(x); 1614 if (cboService.Items.IndexOf(Trim(Piece(AList.Strings[i], U, 2))) = -1) then 1615 Result := True; 1616 cboService.Items.Insert(x,y); 1617 end; 1618 1619 end; 1620 1621 function TfrmODCslt.GetItemIndex(Service: String; Index: integer): integer; {TP - HDS00015782:} 1622 {This function returns ItemIndexOf value for Service Consult when a Quick Order 1623 has the exact same name} 1624 var 1625 y: String; 1626 1627 begin 1628 y := cboService.Items[Index]; 1629 cboService.Items.Delete(Index); 1630 Result := (cboService.Items.IndexOf(Trim(Service)) + 1); 1631 cboService.Items.Insert(Index,y); 1632 end; 1633 1634 procedure TfrmODCslt.SetUpCombatVet; 1635 begin 1636 pnlCombatVet.BringToFront; 1637 txtCombatVet.Enabled := True; 1638 txtCombatVet.Caption := 'Combat Veteran Eligibility Expires on ' + patient.CombatVet.ExpirationDate; 1639 pnlMain.Top := pnlMain.Top + pnlCombatVet.Height; 1640 pnlMain.Anchors := [akLeft,akTop,akRight]; 1641 treService.Anchors := [akLeft,akTop,akRight]; 1642 self.Height := self.Height + pnlCombatVet.Height; 1643 treService.Anchors := [akLeft,akTop,akRight,akBottom]; 1644 pnlMain.Anchors := [akLeft,akTop,akRight,akBottom]; 1645 end; 1646 1647 procedure TfrmODCslt.SetUpEarliestDate; //wat v28 1648 begin 1649 if IsProstheticsService(cboService.ItemIEN) = '1' then 1650 begin 1651 lblEarliest.Enabled := False; 1652 calEarliest.Enabled := False; 1653 calEarliest.Text := ''; 1654 Responses.Update('EARLIEST',1,'',''); 1655 end 1656 else 1657 begin 1658 lblEarliest.Enabled := True; 1659 calEarliest.Enabled := True; 1660 calEarliest.Text := 'TODAY'; 1661 end; 1495 1662 end; 1496 1663 -
TabularUnified cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults/fODProc.dfm ¶
r829 r1679 1 1 inherited frmODProc: TfrmODProc 2 2 Tag = 112 3 Left = 2084 Top = 1885 Width = 5436 Height = 3933 Left = 430 4 Top = 203 5 Width = 606 6 Height = 442 7 7 HorzScrollBar.Range = 523 8 8 VertScrollBar.Range = 295 9 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] 9 10 Caption = 'Order a Procedure' 10 Constraints.MinHeight = 39311 Constraints.MinWidth = 54312 ExplicitLeft = 20813 ExplicitTop = 18814 ExplicitWidth = 54315 ExplicitHeight = 39311 Constraints.MinHeight = 442 12 Constraints.MinWidth = 606 13 Position = poDesigned 14 OnShow = FormShow 15 ExplicitWidth = 606 16 ExplicitHeight = 442 16 17 PixelsPerInch = 96 17 18 TextHeight = 13 18 object lblProc: TLabel [0] 19 Left = 4 20 Top = 4 21 Width = 49 22 Height = 13 23 Caption = 'Procedure' 24 end 25 object lblService: TOROffsetLabel [1] 26 Left = 4 27 Top = 42 28 Width = 158 29 Height = 15 30 Caption = 'Service to perform this procedure' 31 HorzOffset = 2 32 Transparent = False 33 VertOffset = 2 34 WordWrap = False 35 end 36 object lblReason: TLabel [2] 37 Left = 4 38 Top = 103 39 Width = 95 40 Height = 13 41 Caption = 'Reason for Request' 42 end 43 object lblUrgency: TStaticText [3] 44 Left = 249 45 Top = 4 46 Width = 44 47 Height = 17 48 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 49 Caption = 'Urgency' 50 TabOrder = 15 51 end 52 object lblPlace: TStaticText [4] 53 Left = 396 54 Top = 43 55 Width = 104 56 Height = 17 57 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 58 Caption = 'Place of Consultation' 59 TabOrder = 16 60 end 61 object lblAttn: TStaticText [5] 62 Left = 396 63 Top = 4 64 Width = 46 65 Height = 17 66 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 67 Caption = 'Attention' 68 TabOrder = 17 69 end 70 object lblProvDiag: TStaticText [6] 71 Left = 249 72 Top = 81 73 Width = 104 74 Height = 17 75 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 76 Caption = 'Provisional Diagnosis' 77 TabOrder = 18 78 end 79 object pnlReason: TPanel [7] 19 object pnlCombatVet: TPanel [0] 80 20 Left = 0 81 Top = 120 82 Width = 528 83 Height = 192 84 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] 85 BevelOuter = bvNone 86 TabOrder = 9 87 object memReason: TCaptionRichEdit 88 Left = 0 89 Top = 0 90 Width = 528 91 Height = 192 21 Top = 0 22 Width = 598 23 Height = 25 24 Align = alTop 25 BevelOuter = bvLowered 26 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 27 Font.Color = clWindowText 28 Font.Height = -11 29 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' 30 Font.Style = [] 31 ParentFont = False 32 TabOrder = 0 33 object txtCombatVet: TVA508StaticText 34 Name = 'txtCombatVet' 35 Left = 1 36 Top = 1 37 Width = 596 38 Height = 23 92 39 Align = alClient 93 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 94 Font.Color = clWindowText 95 Font.Height = -11 96 Font.Name = 'Courier New' 97 Font.Style = [] 98 Constraints.MinHeight = 40 99 ParentFont = False 100 PopupMenu = popReason 101 ScrollBars = ssBoth 40 Alignment = taCenter 41 BevelOuter = bvNone 42 Enabled = False 102 43 TabOrder = 0 103 WantTabs = True 104 OnChange = ControlChange 105 OnExit = memReasonExit 106 OnKeyDown = memReasonKeyDown 107 OnKeyPress = memReasonKeyPress 108 OnKeyUp = memReasonKeyUp 109 Caption = 'Reason for Request' 44 ShowAccelChar = True 110 45 end 111 46 end 112 47 inherited memOrder: TCaptionMemo 113 48 Left = 0 114 Top = 3 2149 Top = 365 115 50 Width = 380 116 51 Height = 41 117 Anchors = [akLeft, akRight ]52 Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom] 118 53 Lines.Strings = ( 119 54 'The order text...' … … 122 57 '--------------' 123 58 'An order message may be displayed here.') 124 TabOrder = 1 59 ParentFont = False 60 TabOrder = 3 125 61 ExplicitLeft = 0 126 ExplicitTop = 3 2162 ExplicitTop = 365 127 63 ExplicitWidth = 380 128 64 ExplicitHeight = 41 129 65 end 130 object cboUrgency: TORComboBox [9] 131 Left = 249 132 Top = 17 133 Width = 133 134 Height = 21 135 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 136 Style = orcsDropDown 137 AutoSelect = True 138 Caption = 'Urgency' 139 Color = clWindow 140 DropDownCount = 8 141 ItemHeight = 13 142 ItemTipColor = clWindow 143 ItemTipEnable = True 144 ListItemsOnly = True 145 LongList = False 146 LookupPiece = 0 147 MaxLength = 0 148 Pieces = '2' 149 Sorted = False 150 SynonymChars = '<>' 151 TabOrder = 2 152 OnChange = ControlChange 153 CharsNeedMatch = 1 154 end 155 object cboPlace: TORComboBox [10] 156 Left = 396 157 Top = 56 158 Width = 133 159 Height = 21 160 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 161 Style = orcsDropDown 162 AutoSelect = True 163 Caption = 'Place of Consultation' 164 Color = clWindow 165 DropDownCount = 8 166 ItemHeight = 13 167 ItemTipColor = clWindow 168 ItemTipEnable = True 169 ListItemsOnly = True 170 LongList = False 171 LookupPiece = 0 172 MaxLength = 0 173 Pieces = '2' 174 Sorted = False 175 SynonymChars = '<>' 176 TabOrder = 6 177 OnChange = ControlChange 178 CharsNeedMatch = 1 179 end 180 object txtAttn: TORComboBox [11] 181 Left = 396 182 Top = 17 183 Width = 133 184 Height = 21 185 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 186 Style = orcsDropDown 187 AutoSelect = True 188 Caption = 'Attention' 189 Color = clWindow 190 DropDownCount = 8 191 ItemHeight = 13 192 ItemTipColor = clWindow 193 ItemTipEnable = True 194 ListItemsOnly = True 195 LongList = True 196 LookupPiece = 2 197 MaxLength = 0 198 Pieces = '2,3' 199 Sorted = False 200 SynonymChars = '<>' 201 TabOrder = 3 202 OnChange = ControlChange 203 OnNeedData = txtAttnNeedData 204 CharsNeedMatch = 1 205 end 206 object cboProc: TORComboBox [12] 207 Left = 4 208 Top = 17 209 Width = 227 210 Height = 21 211 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 212 Style = orcsDropDown 213 AutoSelect = True 214 Caption = 'Procedure' 215 Color = clWindow 216 DropDownCount = 8 217 ItemHeight = 13 218 ItemTipColor = clWindow 219 ItemTipEnable = True 220 ListItemsOnly = True 221 LongList = True 222 LookupPiece = 0 223 MaxLength = 0 224 Pieces = '2' 225 Sorted = False 226 SynonymChars = '<>' 227 TabOrder = 0 228 OnChange = cboProcSelect 229 OnNeedData = cboProcNeedData 230 CharsNeedMatch = 1 231 end 232 object cboCategory: TORComboBox [13] 233 Left = 516 234 Top = 10 235 Width = 3 236 Height = 21 237 Style = orcsDropDown 238 AutoSelect = True 239 Color = clWindow 240 DropDownCount = 8 241 ItemHeight = 13 242 ItemTipColor = clWindow 243 ItemTipEnable = True 244 ListItemsOnly = False 245 LongList = False 246 LookupPiece = 0 247 MaxLength = 0 248 Sorted = False 249 SynonymChars = '<>' 250 TabOrder = 13 251 Visible = False 252 OnChange = ControlChange 253 CharsNeedMatch = 1 254 end 255 object cboService: TORComboBox [14] 256 Left = 4 257 Top = 58 258 Width = 227 259 Height = 21 260 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 261 Style = orcsDropDown 262 AutoSelect = True 263 Caption = 'Service to perform this procedure' 264 Color = clWindow 265 DropDownCount = 8 266 Enabled = False 267 ItemHeight = 13 268 ItemTipColor = clWindow 269 ItemTipEnable = True 270 ListItemsOnly = False 271 LongList = False 272 LookupPiece = 0 273 MaxLength = 0 274 Pieces = '2' 275 Sorted = False 276 SynonymChars = '<>' 66 object pnlMain: TPanel [2] 67 Left = 0 68 Top = 0 69 Width = 598 70 Height = 354 71 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] 72 BevelOuter = bvNone 73 TabOrder = 1 74 DesignSize = ( 75 598 76 354) 77 object lblProc: TLabel 78 Left = 4 79 Top = 4 80 Width = 49 81 Height = 13 82 Caption = 'Procedure' 83 end 84 object lblService: TOROffsetLabel 85 Left = 4 86 Top = 114 87 Width = 158 88 Height = 15 89 Caption = 'Service to perform this procedure' 90 HorzOffset = 2 91 Transparent = False 92 VertOffset = 2 93 WordWrap = False 94 end 95 object lblReason: TLabel 96 Left = 8 97 Top = 165 98 Width = 95 99 Height = 13 100 Margins.Left = 0 101 Caption = 'Reason for Request' 102 end 103 object lblUrgency: TStaticText 104 Left = 312 105 Top = 4 106 Width = 44 107 Height = 17 108 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 109 Caption = 'Urgency' 110 TabOrder = 13 111 end 112 object lblPlace: TStaticText 113 Left = 460 114 Top = 92 115 Width = 104 116 Height = 17 117 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 118 Caption = 'Place of Consultation' 119 TabOrder = 14 120 end 121 object lblAttn: TStaticText 122 Left = 460 123 Top = 4 124 Width = 46 125 Height = 17 126 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 127 Caption = 'Attention' 128 TabOrder = 15 129 end 130 object lblProvDiag: TStaticText 131 Left = 312 132 Top = 135 133 Width = 104 134 Height = 17 135 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 136 Caption = 'Provisional Diagnosis' 137 TabOrder = 16 138 end 139 object pnlReason: TPanel 140 Left = 0 141 Top = 184 142 Width = 591 143 Height = 166 144 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] 145 BevelOuter = bvNone 146 TabOrder = 11 147 object memReason: TCaptionRichEdit 148 Left = 0 149 Top = 0 150 Width = 591 151 Height = 166 152 Align = alClient 153 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 154 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET 155 Font.Color = clWindowText 156 Font.Height = -11 157 Font.Name = 'Courier New' 158 Font.Style = [] 159 Constraints.MinHeight = 40 160 ParentFont = False 161 PopupMenu = popReason 162 ScrollBars = ssBoth 163 TabOrder = 0 164 WantTabs = True 165 OnChange = ControlChange 166 OnExit = memReasonExit 167 OnKeyDown = memReasonKeyDown 168 OnKeyPress = memReasonKeyPress 169 OnKeyUp = memReasonKeyUp 170 Caption = 'Reason for Request' 171 end 172 end 173 object cboUrgency: TORComboBox 174 Left = 312 175 Top = 17 176 Width = 133 177 Height = 21 178 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 179 Style = orcsDropDown 180 AutoSelect = True 181 Caption = 'Urgency' 182 Color = clWindow 183 DropDownCount = 8 184 ItemHeight = 13 185 ItemTipColor = clWindow 186 ItemTipEnable = True 187 ListItemsOnly = True 188 LongList = False 189 LookupPiece = 0 190 MaxLength = 0 191 Pieces = '2' 192 Sorted = False 193 SynonymChars = '<>' 194 TabOrder = 3 195 OnChange = ControlChange 196 CharsNeedMatch = 1 197 end 198 object cboPlace: TORComboBox 199 Left = 460 200 Top = 105 201 Width = 133 202 Height = 21 203 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 204 Style = orcsDropDown 205 AutoSelect = True 206 Caption = 'Place of Consultation' 207 Color = clWindow 208 DropDownCount = 8 209 ItemHeight = 13 210 ItemTipColor = clWindow 211 ItemTipEnable = True 212 ListItemsOnly = True 213 LongList = False 214 LookupPiece = 0 215 MaxLength = 0 216 Pieces = '2' 217 Sorted = False 218 SynonymChars = '<>' 219 TabOrder = 8 220 OnChange = ControlChange 221 CharsNeedMatch = 1 222 end 223 object txtAttn: TORComboBox 224 Left = 460 225 Top = 17 226 Width = 131 227 Height = 21 228 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 229 Style = orcsDropDown 230 AutoSelect = True 231 Caption = 'Attention' 232 Color = clWindow 233 DropDownCount = 8 234 ItemHeight = 13 235 ItemTipColor = clWindow 236 ItemTipEnable = True 237 ListItemsOnly = True 238 LongList = True 239 LookupPiece = 2 240 MaxLength = 0 241 Pieces = '2,3' 242 Sorted = False 243 SynonymChars = '<>' 244 TabOrder = 4 245 OnChange = ControlChange 246 OnNeedData = txtAttnNeedData 247 CharsNeedMatch = 1 248 end 249 object cboProc: TORComboBox 250 Left = 4 251 Top = 17 252 Width = 290 253 Height = 91 254 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 255 Style = orcsSimple 256 AutoSelect = True 257 Caption = 'Procedure' 258 Color = clWindow 259 DropDownCount = 8 260 ItemHeight = 13 261 ItemTipColor = clWindow 262 ItemTipEnable = True 263 ListItemsOnly = True 264 LongList = True 265 LookupPiece = 0 266 MaxLength = 0 267 Pieces = '2' 268 Sorted = False 269 SynonymChars = '<>' 270 TabOrder = 0 271 OnChange = cboProcSelect 272 OnNeedData = cboProcNeedData 273 CharsNeedMatch = 1 274 end 275 object cboCategory: TORComboBox 276 Left = 516 277 Top = 10 278 Width = 3 279 Height = 21 280 Style = orcsDropDown 281 AutoSelect = True 282 Color = clWindow 283 DropDownCount = 8 284 ItemHeight = 13 285 ItemTipColor = clWindow 286 ItemTipEnable = True 287 ListItemsOnly = False 288 LongList = False 289 LookupPiece = 0 290 MaxLength = 0 291 Sorted = False 292 SynonymChars = '<>' 293 TabOrder = 12 294 Visible = False 295 OnChange = ControlChange 296 CharsNeedMatch = 1 297 end 298 object cboService: TORComboBox 299 Left = 4 300 Top = 130 301 Width = 290 302 Height = 21 303 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 304 Style = orcsDropDown 305 AutoSelect = True 306 Caption = 'Service to perform this procedure' 307 Color = clWindow 308 DropDownCount = 8 309 Enabled = False 310 ItemHeight = 13 311 ItemTipColor = clWindow 312 ItemTipEnable = True 313 ListItemsOnly = False 314 LongList = False 315 LookupPiece = 0 316 MaxLength = 0 317 Pieces = '2' 318 Sorted = False 319 SynonymChars = '<>' 320 TabOrder = 1 321 OnChange = cboServiceChange 322 CharsNeedMatch = 1 323 end 324 object cmdLexSearch: TButton 325 Left = 549 326 Top = 149 327 Width = 49 328 Height = 21 329 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 330 Caption = 'Lexicon' 331 TabOrder = 10 332 OnClick = cmdLexSearchClick 333 end 334 object gbInptOpt: TGroupBox 335 Left = 312 336 Top = 85 337 Width = 140 338 Height = 45 339 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 340 Caption = 'Patient will be seen as an:' 341 TabOrder = 7 342 object radInpatient: TRadioButton 343 Left = 3 344 Top = 20 345 Width = 61 346 Height = 17 347 Caption = '&Inpatient' 348 TabOrder = 1 349 OnClick = radInpatientClick 350 end 351 object radOutpatient: TRadioButton 352 Left = 67 353 Top = 20 354 Width = 71 355 Height = 17 356 Caption = '&Outpatient' 357 TabOrder = 0 358 OnClick = radOutpatientClick 359 end 360 end 361 object txtProvDiag: TCaptionEdit 362 Left = 312 363 Top = 149 364 Width = 234 365 Height = 21 366 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 367 MaxLength = 180 368 ParentShowHint = False 369 PopupMenu = mnuPopProvDx 370 ShowHint = True 371 TabOrder = 9 372 OnChange = txtProvDiagChange 373 Caption = 'Provisional Diagnosis' 374 end 375 object lblEarliest: TStaticText 376 Left = 312 377 Top = 44 378 Width = 121 379 Height = 17 380 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 381 Caption = 'Earliest appropriate date:' 382 TabOrder = 18 383 end 384 object calEarliest: TORDateBox 385 Left = 312 386 Top = 58 387 Width = 133 388 Height = 21 389 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 390 TabOrder = 5 391 OnChange = ControlChange 392 DateOnly = True 393 RequireTime = False 394 end 395 object lblLatest: TStaticText 396 Left = 460 397 Top = 44 398 Width = 116 399 Height = 17 400 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 401 Caption = 'Latest appropriate date:' 402 TabOrder = 19 403 Visible = False 404 end 405 object calLatest: TORDateBox 406 Left = 460 407 Top = 58 408 Width = 131 409 Height = 21 410 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 411 TabOrder = 6 412 Visible = False 413 OnChange = ControlChange 414 DateOnly = True 415 RequireTime = False 416 end 417 object servicelbl508: TVA508StaticText 418 Name = 'servicelbl508' 419 Left = 183 420 Top = 114 421 Width = 106 422 Height = 15 423 Alignment = taLeftJustify 424 Caption = 'service (for screen R.)' 425 Enabled = False 426 TabOrder = 2 427 Visible = False 428 ShowAccelChar = True 429 end 430 end 431 inherited cmdAccept: TButton 432 Left = 427 433 Top = 382 434 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 277 435 TabOrder = 4 278 OnChange = cboServiceChange 279 CharsNeedMatch = 1 280 end 281 object cmdLexSearch: TButton [15] 282 Left = 486 283 Top = 93 284 Width = 49 285 Height = 21 286 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 287 Caption = 'Lexicon' 288 TabOrder = 8 289 OnClick = cmdLexSearchClick 290 end 291 object gbInptOpt: TGroupBox [16] 292 Left = 249 293 Top = 36 294 Width = 140 295 Height = 45 296 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 297 Caption = 'Patient will be seen as an:' 298 TabOrder = 5 299 object radInpatient: TRadioButton 300 Left = 3 301 Top = 20 302 Width = 61 303 Height = 17 304 Caption = '&Inpatient' 305 TabOrder = 0 306 OnClick = radInpatientClick 307 end 308 object radOutpatient: TRadioButton 309 Left = 67 310 Top = 20 311 Width = 71 312 Height = 17 313 Caption = '&Outpatient' 314 TabOrder = 1 315 OnClick = radOutpatientClick 316 end 317 end 318 object txtProvDiag: TCaptionEdit [17] 319 Left = 249 320 Top = 93 321 Width = 234 322 Height = 21 323 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 324 MaxLength = 180 325 ParentShowHint = False 326 PopupMenu = mnuPopProvDx 327 ShowHint = True 328 TabOrder = 7 329 OnChange = txtProvDiagChange 330 Caption = 'Provisional Diagnosis' 331 end 332 inherited cmdAccept: TButton 333 Left = 387 334 Top = 339 335 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 336 TabOrder = 10 337 ExplicitLeft = 387 338 ExplicitTop = 339 436 ExplicitLeft = 427 437 ExplicitTop = 382 339 438 end 340 439 inherited cmdQuit: TButton 341 Left = 469342 Top = 3 39440 Left = 526 441 Top = 382 343 442 Width = 64 344 443 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] 345 TabOrder = 11346 ExplicitLeft = 469347 ExplicitTop = 3 39444 TabOrder = 5 445 ExplicitLeft = 526 446 ExplicitTop = 382 348 447 ExplicitWidth = 64 349 448 end 350 449 inherited pnlMessage: TPanel 351 Left = 50352 Top = 3 20450 Left = 13 451 Top = 361 353 452 Width = 316 354 453 Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom] 355 TabOrder = 12356 ExplicitLeft = 50357 ExplicitTop = 3 20454 TabOrder = 2 455 ExplicitLeft = 13 456 ExplicitTop = 361 358 457 ExplicitWidth = 316 359 458 inherited memMessage: TRichEdit … … 365 464 Data = ( 366 465 ( 466 'Component = memOrder' 467 'Status = stsDefault') 468 ( 469 'Component = cmdAccept' 470 'Status = stsDefault') 471 ( 472 'Component = cmdQuit' 473 'Status = stsDefault') 474 ( 475 'Component = pnlMessage' 476 'Status = stsDefault') 477 ( 478 'Component = memMessage' 479 'Status = stsDefault') 480 ( 481 'Component = frmODProc' 482 'Status = stsDefault') 483 ( 484 'Component = pnlMain' 485 'Status = stsDefault') 486 ( 487 'Component = pnlCombatVet' 488 'Status = stsDefault') 489 ( 367 490 'Component = lblUrgency' 368 491 'Status = stsDefault') … … 416 539 'Status = stsDefault') 417 540 ( 418 'Component = memOrder'419 'Status = stsDefault') 420 ( 421 'Component = c mdAccept'422 'Status = stsDefault') 423 ( 424 'Component = cmdQuit'425 'Status = stsDefault') 426 ( 427 'Component = pnlMessage'428 'Status = stsDefault') 429 ( 430 'Component = memMessage'431 'Status = stsDefault') 432 ( 433 'Component = frmODProc'541 'Component = lblEarliest' 542 'Status = stsDefault') 543 ( 544 'Component = calEarliest' 545 'Status = stsDefault') 546 ( 547 'Component = lblLatest' 548 'Status = stsDefault') 549 ( 550 'Component = calLatest' 551 'Status = stsDefault') 552 ( 553 'Component = txtCombatVet' 554 'Status = stsDefault') 555 ( 556 'Component = servicelbl508' 434 557 'Status = stsDefault')) 435 558 end 436 559 object mnuPopProvDx: TPopupMenu 437 560 Left = 353 438 Top = 77561 Top = 133 439 562 object mnuPopProvDxDelete: TMenuItem 440 563 Caption = 'Delete diagnosis' … … 444 567 object popReason: TPopupMenu 445 568 OnPopup = popReasonPopup 446 Left = 4 11447 Top = 169569 Left = 483 570 Top = 337 448 571 object popReasonCut: TMenuItem 449 572 Caption = 'Cu&t' -
TabularUnified cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults/fODProc.pas ¶
r829 r1679 6 6 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, 7 7 fODBase, StdCtrls, ORCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, ORfn, uConst, Buttons, 8 Menus, VA508AccessibilityManager;8 Menus, ORDtTm, VA508AccessibilityManager; 9 9 10 10 type 11 11 TfrmODProc = class(TfrmODBase) 12 cboUrgency: TORComboBox; 13 cboPlace: TORComboBox; 14 txtAttn: TORComboBox; 12 pnlMain: TPanel; 13 pnlCombatVet: TPanel; 15 14 lblProc: TLabel; 16 cboProc: TORComboBox; 15 lblService: TOROffsetLabel; 16 lblReason: TLabel; 17 17 lblUrgency: TStaticText; 18 18 lblPlace: TStaticText; 19 19 lblAttn: TStaticText; 20 20 lblProvDiag: TStaticText; 21 pnlReason: TPanel; 22 memReason: TCaptionRichEdit; 23 cboUrgency: TORComboBox; 24 cboPlace: TORComboBox; 25 txtAttn: TORComboBox; 26 cboProc: TORComboBox; 21 27 cboCategory: TORComboBox; 22 28 cboService: TORComboBox; 23 lblService: TOROffsetLabel; 29 cmdLexSearch: TButton; 30 gbInptOpt: TGroupBox; 31 radInpatient: TRadioButton; 32 radOutpatient: TRadioButton; 33 txtProvDiag: TCaptionEdit; 34 lblEarliest: TStaticText; 35 calEarliest: TORDateBox; 36 lblLatest: TStaticText; 37 calLatest: TORDateBox; 24 38 mnuPopProvDx: TPopupMenu; 25 39 mnuPopProvDxDelete: TMenuItem; 26 cmdLexSearch: TButton;27 40 popReason: TPopupMenu; 28 41 popReasonCut: TMenuItem; … … 31 44 popReasonPaste2: TMenuItem; 32 45 popReasonReformat: TMenuItem; 33 pnlReason: TPanel; 34 memReason: TCaptionRichEdit; 35 gbInptOpt: TGroupBox; 36 radInpatient: TRadioButton; 37 radOutpatient: TRadioButton; 38 txtProvDiag: TCaptionEdit; 39 lblReason: TLabel; 46 txtCombatVet: TVA508StaticText; 47 servicelbl508: TVA508StaticText; 40 48 procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); 41 49 procedure txtAttnNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; … … 64 72 procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject); 65 73 procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); 74 procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); 66 75 private 67 76 FLastProcID: string; … … 74 83 function ShowPrerequisites: boolean; 75 84 procedure DoSetFontSize( FontSize: integer); 85 procedure SetUpCombatVet; 86 procedure updateService; 87 procedure setup508Label(text: string; lbl: TVA508StaticText; ctrl: TControl); 76 88 protected 77 89 procedure InitDialog; override; … … 83 95 end; 84 96 97 98 function CanFreeProcDialog(dialog : TfrmODBase) : boolean; 99 85 100 implementation 86 101 … … 89 104 uses 90 105 rODBase, rConsults, uCore, uConsults, rCore, fConsults, fPCELex, rPCE, ORClasses, 91 clipbrd, fPreReq, uTemplates, fFrame, uODBase, 92 uVA508CPRSCompatibility; 106 clipbrd, fPreReq, uTemplates, fFrame, uODBase, VA508AccessibilityRouter, 107 uVA508CPRSCompatibility; 108 93 109 94 110 var 95 111 ProvDx: TProvisionalDiagnosis; 96 112 GMRCREAF: string; 113 OkToFreeProcDialog: boolean; 97 114 98 115 const … … 108 125 TX_INACTIVE_CODE_REQD = 'Another code must be selected before the order can be saved.'; 109 126 TX_INACTIVE_CODE_OPTIONAL = 'If another code is not selected, no code will be saved.'; 127 TX_PAST_DATE = 'Earliest appropriate date must be today or later.'; 128 TX_BAD_DATES = 'Latest appropriate date must be equal to or later than earliest date.'; 129 130 { ********* Static Unit Methods ************ } 131 132 function CanFreeProcDialog(dialog : TfrmODBase) : boolean; 133 begin 134 Result := true; 135 if (dialog is TfrmODProc) then 136 Result := OkToFreeProcDialog; 137 end; 138 139 { ********************* TfrmODProc Methods **************** } 110 140 111 141 procedure TfrmODProc.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); … … 114 144 AutoSizeDisabled := True; 115 145 inherited; 146 OkToFreeProcDialog := False; 116 147 DoSetFontSize(MainFontSize); 117 148 AllowQuickOrder := True; … … 126 157 cboProc.InitLongList('') ; 127 158 txtAttn.InitLongList('') ; 159 calEarliest.Text := 'TODAY'; 160 //calLatest.Text := 'TODAY+30'; 161 PreserveControl(calEarliest); 162 //PreserveControl(calLatest); 128 163 PreserveControl(txtAttn); 129 164 PreserveControl(cboProc); 165 if (patient.CombatVet.IsEligible = True) then 166 begin 167 SetUpCombatVet; 168 end 169 else 170 begin 171 txtCombatVet.Enabled := False; 172 pnlCombatVet.SendToBack; 173 end; 130 174 InitDialog; 131 175 end; … … 198 242 SetControl(cboPlace, 'PLACE', 1); 199 243 SetControl(txtAttn, 'PROVIDER', 1); 244 SetControl(calEarliest, 'EARLIEST', 1); 245 //SetControl(calLatest, 'LATEST', 1); 200 246 cboProc.Enabled := False; 201 247 cboProc.Font.Color := clGrayText; … … 229 275 if WasTemplateDialogCanceled then 230 276 begin 231 AbortOrder := True; 277 AbortOrder := True; 278 OkToFreeProcDialog := true; 279 SetTemplateDialogCanceled(FALSE); 232 280 Close; 233 281 Exit; … … 238 286 begin 239 287 AbortOrder := True; 288 OkToFreeProcDialog := true; 289 SetTemplateDialogCanceled(FALSE); 240 290 Close; 241 291 Exit; … … 258 308 inherited; 259 309 if cboProc.ItemIEN = 0 then SetError(TX_NO_PROC); 260 if cboUrgency.ItemIEN = 0 then SetError(TX_NO_URGENCY);261 if cboPlace.ItemID = '' then SetError(TX_NO_PLACE);310 if cboUrgency.ItemIEN = 0 then SetError(TX_NO_URGENCY); 311 if cboPlace.ItemID = '' then SetError(TX_NO_PLACE); 262 312 if (not ContainsVisibleChar(memReason.Text)) 263 313 then SetError(TX_NO_REASON); … … 265 315 if (ProvDx.Reqd = 'R') and (Length(txtProvDiag.Text) = 0) then 266 316 begin 267 if ProvDx.PromptMode = 'F' then317 if ProvDx.PromptMode = 'F' then 268 318 SetError(TX_NO_DIAG) 269 319 else 270 320 SetError(TX_SELECT_DIAG); 271 321 end; 322 if calEarliest.FMDateTime < FMToday then SetError(TX_PAST_DATE); 323 //if calLatest.FMDateTime < FMToday then SetError(TX_PAST_DATE); 324 //if calLatest.FMDateTime < calEarliest.FMDateTime then SetError(TX_BAD_DATES); 272 325 end; 273 326 … … 337 390 else Responses.Update('ORDERABLE', 1, '', ''); 338 391 end; 339 (* with cboProc do if ItemIEN > 0 then Responses.Update('ORDERABLE', 1, ItemID, Text) 340 else Responses.Update('ORDERABLE', 1, '', '');*) 341 with cboService do if ItemIEN > 0 then Responses.Update('SERVICE', 1, ItemID, Text) 342 else Responses.Update('SERVICE', 1, '', ''); 392 updateService(); 343 393 with memReason do if GetTextLen > 0 then Responses.Update('COMMENT', 1, TX_WPTYPE, Text); 344 394 with cboCategory do if ItemID <> '' then Responses.Update('CLASS', 1, ItemID, Text); … … 346 396 with cboPlace do if ItemID <> '' then Responses.Update('PLACE', 1, ItemID, Text); 347 397 with txtAttn do if ItemIEN > 0 then Responses.Update('PROVIDER', 1, ItemID, Text); 398 with calEarliest do if Length(Text) > 0 then Responses.Update('EARLIEST', 1, Text, Text); 399 //with calLatest do if Length(Text) > 0 then Responses.Update('LATEST', 1, Text, Text); 348 400 if Length(ProvDx.Text) > 0 then Responses.Update('MISC', 1, ProvDx.Text, ProvDx.Text) 349 401 else Responses.Update('MISC', 1, '', ''); … … 415 467 SetControl(cboPlace, 'PLACE', 1); 416 468 SetControl(txtAttn, 'PROVIDER', 1); 469 SetControl(calEarliest, 'EARLIEST', 1); 470 //SetControl(calLatest, 'LATEST', 1); 417 471 SetTemplateDialogCanceled(FALSE); 418 472 SetControl(memReason, 'COMMENT', 1); … … 588 642 end; 589 643 644 procedure TfrmODProc.setup508Label(text: string; lbl: TVA508StaticText; ctrl: TControl); 645 begin 646 if ScreenReaderSystemActive and not ctrl.Enabled then begin 647 lbl.Enabled := True; 648 lbl.Visible := True; 649 lbl.Caption := lblService.Caption + ', ' + Text; 650 lbl.Width := (ctrl.Left + ctrl.Width) - lbl.Left; 651 end else 652 lbl.Visible := false; 653 end; 654 590 655 procedure TfrmODProc.cboServiceChange(Sender: TObject); 591 656 begin … … 813 878 end; 814 879 880 procedure TfrmODProc.updateService; 881 begin 882 with cboService do 883 if ItemIEN > 0 then 884 begin 885 setup508Label(Text, servicelbl508, cboService); 886 Responses.Update('SERVICE', 1, ItemID, Text); 887 end 888 else begin 889 Responses.Update('SERVICE', 1, '', ''); 890 setup508Label('No service selected.', servicelbl508, cboService); 891 end; 892 end; 893 815 894 procedure TfrmODProc.DoSetFontSize(FontSize: integer); 816 895 begin … … 840 919 begin 841 920 inherited; 842 memOrder.Top := PnlReason.Top + PnlReason.Height + 5; 843 921 if Patient.CombatVet.IsEligible then 922 begin 923 memOrder.Top := pnlCombatVet.Height + PnlReason.Top + PnlReason.Height + 7; 924 end 925 else 926 begin 927 memOrder.Top := PnlReason.Top + PnlReason.Height + 7; 928 end; 929 930 end; 931 932 procedure TfrmODProc.FormShow(Sender: TObject); 933 begin 934 inherited; 935 setup508Label('No service selected.', servicelbl508, cboService); 844 936 end; 845 937 … … 850 942 end; 851 943 944 procedure TfrmODProc.SetUpCombatVet; 945 begin 946 pnlCombatVet.BringToFront; 947 txtCombatVet.Enabled := True; 948 txtCombatVet.Caption := 'Combat Veteran Eligibility Expires on ' + patient.CombatVet.ExpirationDate; 949 pnlMain.Top := pnlMain.Top + pnlCombatVet.Height; 950 pnlMain.Anchors := [akLeft,akTop,akRight]; 951 self.Height := self.Height + pnlCombatVet.Height; 952 pnlMain.Anchors := [akLeft,akTop,akRight,akBottom]; 953 end; 954 852 955 end. 853 956 -
TabularUnified cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults/fPreReq.pas ¶
r829 r1679 137 137 with Lines do 138 138 begin 139 AddStrings(AHeader);140 139 for i := 0 to MaxLines do 141 140 if i < memReport.Lines.Count then … … 157 156 end; 158 157 until LastLine >= memReport.Lines.Count - 1; 159 PrintWindowsReport(memPrintReport, PAGE_BREAK, Self.Caption, ErrMsg );158 PrintWindowsReport(memPrintReport, PAGE_BREAK, Self.Caption, ErrMsg, True); 160 159 end; 161 160 finally … … 185 184 begin 186 185 inherited; 186 SetFormPosition(Self); //Get Saved Position & Size of Form 187 187 ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(Self); 188 SetFormPosition(Self); //Get Saved Position & Size of Form188 //SetFormPosition(Self); //Get Saved Position & Size of Form 189 189 end; 190 190 -
TabularUnified cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults/rConsults.pas ¶
r829 r1679 96 96 function GetServicePrerequisites(Service: string): TStrings; 97 97 procedure GetProvDxMode(var ProvDx: TProvisionalDiagnosis; SvcIEN: string); 98 function IsProstheticsService(SvcIen: int64) : string; 98 99 99 100 { Clinical Procedures Specific} … … 354 355 Findings := Piece(x, U, 19) ; 355 356 TIUResultNarrative := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 20),0); 357 EarliestDate := StrToFloatDef(Piece(x, U, 98), 0); 358 //LatestDate := StrToFloatDef(Piece(x, U, 99), 0); //dropped requirement WAT 356 359 //ProvDiagnosis := Piece(x, U, 23); NO!!!!! Up to 180 Characters!!!! 357 360 alist.delete(0) ; … … 668 671 Urgency := StrToIntDef(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'URGENCY'), U, 3), 0); 669 672 UrgencyName := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'URGENCY'), U, 2); 673 EarliestDate := StrToFloatDef(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'EARLIEST'), U, 2), 0); 674 //LatestDate := StrToFloatDef(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'LATEST'), U, 2), 0); //dropped requirement WAT 670 675 Place := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'PLACE'), U, 1); 671 676 PlaceName := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'PLACE'), U, 2); … … 734 739 Mult['10,' + IntToStr(i+1)] := NewComments.Strings[i]; 735 740 end; 741 if EarliestDate > 0 then 742 Mult['11'] := 'GMRCERDT^' + FloatToStr(EarliestDate); //wat renamed v28 743 {if LatestDate > 0 then 744 Mult['12'] := 'GMRCLATE^' + FloatToStr(LatestDate);} //dropped requirement WAT 736 745 end; 737 746 CallBroker; … … 836 845 end; 837 846 847 function IsProstheticsService(SvcIen : int64) : string; //wat v28 848 begin 849 Result := sCallV('ORQQCN ISPROSVC', [SvcIen]); 850 end; 851 838 852 initialization 839 853 uLastOrderedIEN := 0; -
TabularUnified cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Consults/uConsults.pas ¶
r829 r1679 4 4 5 5 uses 6 SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Controls, Classes, StdCtrls, ORfn, uTIU, ORCtrls; 6 SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Controls, Classes, StdCtrls, ORfn, uTIU, ORCtrls, 7 Contnrs, DateUtils; 7 8 8 9 type … … 38 39 ProvDxCode: string; { 30.1} 39 40 RequestProcessingActivity: TStringList; { 40} 40 //EarliestDate: TFMDateTime;41 //LatestDate: TFMDateTime; 41 EarliestDate: TFMDateTime; 42 //LatestDate: TFMDateTime; //dropped requirement WAT 42 43 end ; 43 44 … … 53 54 Urgency: integer; 54 55 UrgencyName: string; 55 //EarliestDate: TFMDateTime;56 //LatestDate: TFMDateTime; 56 EarliestDate: TFMDateTime; 57 //LatestDate: TFMDateTime; //dropped requirement WAT 57 58 Place: string; 58 59 PlaceName: string; … … 259 260 procedure BuildServiceTree(Tree: TORTreeView; SvcList: TStrings; const Parent: string; Node: TORTreeNode); 260 261 var 261 MyID, MyParent, Name, temp: string; 262 i: Integer; 263 ChildNode, tmpNode: TORTreeNode; 262 MyID, MyParent, Name, item: string; 263 i, Idx: Integer; 264 ParentNode, ChildNode: TORTreeNode; 265 // tmpNode: TORTreeNode; 264 266 HasChildren: Boolean; 267 // AllNodes: TStringList; 268 ParentNodes: TStringList; 269 // List: TList; 270 // Lists: TObjectList; 271 // bad: boolean; 272 273 // Former code was only filtering out half the duplicates, depending on 274 // how they appeared in the tree. Commented out code filters out all the duplicates, 275 // and still keeps the fast tree build. However, CPRS Clinical Workgroup determined 276 // that no duplicates should be filtered out. Code kept here in order to keep fast filter 277 // logic, in case duplicates are ever filtered out in the future. 278 279 { 280 procedure FilterOutDuplicates; 281 var 282 j: integer; 283 begin 284 bad := false; 285 if AllNodes.Find(MyID, Idx) then 286 begin 287 if AllNodes.Objects[Idx] is TORTreeNode then 288 begin 289 tmpNode := TORTreeNode(AllNodes.Objects[Idx]); 290 bad := tmpNode.HasAsParent(ParentNode); 291 if (not bad) and assigned(tmpNode.Parent) then 292 bad := ParentNode.HasAsParent(tmpNode.Parent); 293 end 294 else 295 begin 296 bad := False; 297 List := TList(AllNodes.Objects[Idx]); 298 for j := 0 to List.Count - 1 do 299 begin 300 tmpNode := TORTreeNode(List[j]); 301 bad := TORTreeNode(List[j]).HasAsParent(ParentNode); 302 if (not bad) and assigned(tmpNode.Parent) then 303 bad := ParentNode.HasAsParent(tmpNode.Parent); 304 if bad then break; 305 end; 306 end; 307 end; 308 end; 309 310 procedure AddNode; 311 begin 312 if AllNodes.Find(MyID, Idx) then 313 begin 314 if AllNodes.Objects[Idx] is TORTreeNode then 315 begin 316 List := TList.Create; 317 Lists.Add(List); 318 List.Add(AllNodes.Objects[Idx]); 319 AllNodes.Objects[Idx] := List; 320 end 321 else 322 List := TList(AllNodes.Objects[Idx]); 323 List.Add(ChildNode); 324 end 325 else 326 AllNodes.AddObject(MyId, ChildNode); 327 end; 328 } 329 265 330 begin 266 331 Tree.Items.BeginUpdate; 267 with SvcList do for i := 0 to Count - 1 do 268 begin 269 if Piece(Strings[i], U, 5) = 'S' then Continue; // V19.4 {rv} 270 //if Piece(Strings[i], U, 6) = 'S' then Continue; 271 MyParent := Piece(Strings[i], U, 3); 272 if (MyParent = Parent) then 273 begin 274 MyID := Piece(Strings[i], U, 1); 275 Name := Piece(Strings[i], U, 2); 276 temp := Strings[i]; 277 tmpNode := nil; 278 HasChildren := Piece(Strings[i], U, 4) = '+'; 279 if Node <> nil then if Node.HasChildren then 280 tmpNode := Tree.FindPieceNode(MyID, 1, U, Node); 281 if (tmpNode <> nil) and tmpNode.HasAsParent(Node) then 282 Continue 283 else 284 begin 285 ChildNode := TORTreeNode(Tree.Items.AddChild(Node, Name)); 286 ChildNode.StringData := temp; 287 if HasChildren then BuildServiceTree(Tree, SvcList, MyID, ChildNode); 288 end; 289 end; 332 ParentNodes := TStringList.Create; 333 // AllNodes := TStringList.Create; 334 // Lists := TObjectList.Create; 335 try 336 ParentNodes.Sorted := True; 337 // AllNodes.Sorted := True; 338 for i := 0 to SvcList.Count - 1 do 339 begin 340 item := SvcList[i]; 341 if Piece(item, U, 5) = 'S' then Continue; 342 MyParent := Piece(item, U, 3); 343 MyID := Piece(item, U, 1); 344 if not ParentNodes.Find(MyParent, Idx) then 345 ParentNode := nil 346 else 347 begin 348 ParentNode := TORTreeNode(ParentNodes.Objects[Idx]); 349 // FilterOutDuplicates; 350 // if bad then Continue; 351 end; 352 Name := Piece(item, U, 2); 353 HasChildren := Piece(item, U, 4) = '+'; 354 ChildNode := TORTreeNode(Tree.Items.AddChild(ParentNode, Name)); 355 ChildNode.StringData := item; 356 // AddNode; 357 if HasChildren then 358 ParentNodes.AddObject(MyID, ChildNode); 290 359 end; 360 finally 361 ParentNodes.Free; 362 // AllNodes.Free; 363 // Lists.Free; 364 end; 291 365 Tree.Items.EndUpdate; 292 366 end;
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.