Changeset 26 for ccr/trunk/p
- Timestamp:
- Jun 30, 2008, 12:50:31 AM (17 years ago)
- Location:
- ccr/trunk/p
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r23 r26 4 4 ; NOTE TO PROGRAMMER: You need to call INIT(DPT) to initialize; and 5 5 ; DESTROY to clean-up. 6 7 ; The first line of every routine tests if the global exists. 6 8 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ; 11 ; 12 ; 13 ; SUFFIX 6 lines Suffi Name14 ; 15 ; 16 ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24 ; 25 ; 26 ; 27 ; 28 ; 29 ; 30 ; 31 ; 32 ; 33 ; 34 ; 35 ; 36 ; 37 ; 38 ; 39 ; 40 ; 41 ; 42 ; 43 ; 44 ; 45 ; 46 ; 47 ; 48 ; 49 ; 50 ; 51 ; 52 ; 53 ; 54 ; 55 ; 56 ; 57 ; 58 ; 59 ; 60 ; 61 ; 62 ; 63 ; 64 ; 65 ; 66 ; 67 ; 68 ; 69 ; 70 ; 71 ; 9 ; CCRDPT 83 lines CCRCCD/SMH - Routines to Extract Patient Data for 10 ; INIT 9 lines Copy DFN global to a local variable 11 ; DESTROY 6 lines Kill local variable 12 ; FAMILY 6 lines Family Name 13 ; GIVEN 6 lines Given Name 14 ; MIDDLE 6 lines Middle Name 15 ; SUFFIX 6 lines Suffix Name 16 ; DISPNAME 5 lines Display Name 17 ; DOB 6 lines Date of Birth 18 ; GENDER 4 lines Get Gender 19 ; SSN 4 lines Get SSN for ID 20 ; ADDRTYPE 4 lines Get Home Address 21 ; ADDR1 4 lines Get Home Address line 1 22 ; ADDR2 5 lines Get Home Address line 2 23 ; CITY 4 lines Get City for Home Address 24 ; STATE 11 lines Get State for Home Address 25 ; ZIP 4 lines Get Zip code for Home Address 26 ; COUNTY 4 lines Get County for our Address 27 ; COUNTRY 4 lines Get Country for our Address 28 ; RESTEL 4 lines Residential Telephone 29 ; WORKTEL 4 lines Work Telephone 30 ; EMAIL 4 lines Email Adddress 31 ; CELLTEL 4 lines Cell Phone 32 ; NOK1FAM 6 lines Next of Kin 1 (NOK1) Family Name 33 ; NOK1GIV 6 lines NOK1 Given Name 34 ; NOK1MID 6 lines NOK1 Middle Name 35 ; NOK1SUF 6 lines NOK1 Suffi Name 36 ; NOK1DISP 5 lines NOK1 Display Name 37 ; NOK1REL 4 lines NOK1 Relationship to the patient 38 ; NOK1ADD1 4 lines NOK1 Address 1 39 ; NOK1ADD2 5 lines NOK1 Address 2 40 ; NOK1CITY 4 lines NOK1 City 41 ; NOK1STAT 5 lines NOK1 State 42 ; NOK1ZIP 4 lines NOK1 Zip Code 43 ; NOK1HTEL; 4 lines NOK1 Home Telephone 44 ; NOK1WTEL; 4 lines NOK1 Work Telephone 45 ; NOK1SAME; 4 lines Is NOK1's Address the same the patient? 46 ; NOK2FAM 6 lines NOK2 Family Name 47 ; NOK2GIV 6 lines NOK2 Given Name 48 ; NOK2MID 6 lines NOK2 Middle Name 49 ; NOK2SUF 5 lines NOK2 Suffi Name 50 ; NOK2DISP 5 lines NOK2 Display Name 51 ; NOK2REL 4 lines NOK2 Relationship to the patient 52 ; NOK2ADD1 4 lines NOK2 Address 1 53 ; NOK2ADD2 5 lines NOK2 Address 2 54 ; NOK2CITY 4 lines NOK2 City 55 ; NOK2STAT 5 lines NOK2 State 56 ; NOK2ZIP 4 lines NOK2 Zip Code 57 ; NOK2HTEL; 4 lines NOK2 Home Telephone 58 ; NOK2WTEL; 4 lines NOK2 Work Telephone 59 ; NOK2SAME; 4 lines Is NOK2's Address the same the patient? 60 ; EMERFAM 6 lines Emergency Contact (EMER) Family Name 61 ; EMERGIV 6 lines EMER Given Name 62 ; EMERMID 6 lines EMER Middle Name 63 ; EMERSUF 5 lines EMER Suffi Name 64 ; EMERDISP 5 lines EMER Display Name 65 ; EMERREL 4 lines EMER Relationship to the patient 66 ; EMERADD1 4 lines EMER Address 1 67 ; EMERADD2 5 lines EMER Address 2 68 ; EMERCITY 4 lines EMER City 69 ; EMERSTAT 5 lines EMER State 70 ; EMERZIP 4 lines EMER Zip Code 71 ; EMERHTEL; 4 lines EMER Home Telephone 72 ; EMERWTEL; 4 lines EMER Work Telephone 73 ; EMERSAME; 4 lines Is EMER's Address the same the NOK? 72 74 73 75 W "No Entry at top!" Q … … 165 167 FAMILY() ; Family Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 166 168 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 169 Q:$G(PT(0))="" "" 167 170 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(0),"^",1) 168 171 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) … … 171 174 GIVEN() ; Given Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 172 175 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 176 Q:$G(PT(0))="" "" 173 177 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(0),"^",1) 174 178 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) … … 177 181 MIDDLE() ; Middle Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 178 182 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 183 Q:$G(PT(0))="" "" 179 184 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(0),"^",1) 180 185 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) … … 183 188 SUFFIX() ; Suffi Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 184 189 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 190 Q:$G(PT(0))="" "" 185 191 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(0),"^",1) 186 192 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) … … 189 195 DISPNAME() ; Display Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 190 196 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 197 Q:$G(PT(0))="" "" 191 198 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(0),"^",1) 192 199 Q $$NAMEFMT^XLFNAME(.NAME,"G","MXc") … … 194 201 DOB() ; Date of Birth; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 195 202 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 203 Q:$G(PT(0))="" "" 196 204 N DOB S DOB=$P(PT(0),"^",3) 197 205 ; Date in FM Date Format. Convert to UTC/ISO 8601. … … 200 208 GENDER() ; Get Gender; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 201 209 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 210 Q:$G(PT(0))="" "" 202 211 Q $P(PT(0),"^",2) 203 212 ; 204 213 SSN() ; Get SSN for ID; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 205 214 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 215 Q:$G(PT(0))="" "" 206 216 Q $P(PT(0),"^",9) 207 217 ; 208 218 ADDRTYPE() ; Get Home Address; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 209 219 ; Vista only stores a home address for the patient. 220 Q:$G(PT(0))="" "" 210 221 Q "Home" 211 222 ; 212 223 ADDR1() ; Get Home Address line 1; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 213 224 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 225 Q:$G(PT(.11))="" "" 214 226 Q $P(PT(.11),"^",1) 215 227 ; … … 217 229 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 218 230 ; Vista has Lines 2,3; CCR has only line 1,2; so compromise 231 Q:$G(PT(.11))="" "" 232 ; If the thrid address is empty, just return the 2nd. 233 ; If the 2nd is empty, we don't lose, b/c it will return "" 234 ; This is so that we won't produce a comma if there is no 3rd addr. 235 Q:$P(PT(.11),"^",3)="" $P(PT(.11),"^",2) 219 236 Q $P(PT(.11),"^",2)_", "_$P(PT(.11),"^",3) 220 237 ; 221 238 CITY() ; Get City for Home Address; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 222 239 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 240 Q:$G(PT(.11))="" "" 223 241 Q $P(PT(.11),"^",4) 224 242 ; 225 243 STATE() ; Get State for Home Address; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 226 244 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 245 Q:$G(PT(.11))="" "" 227 246 ; State is stored as a pointer 228 247 N STATENUM S STATENUM=$P(PT(.11),"^",5) … … 232 251 ; ==>[3F] ^ (#5) CAPITAL [4F] ^ (#2.1) AAC RECOGNIZED [5S] ^ (#2.2) 233 252 ; ==>US STATE OR POSSESSION [6S] ^ 253 Q:STATENUM="" "" ; To prevent global undefined below if no state 234 254 Q $P(^DIC(5,STATENUM,0),"^",1) 235 255 ; 236 256 ZIP() ; Get Zip code for Home Address; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 237 257 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 258 Q:$G(PT(.11))="" "" 238 259 Q $P(PT(.11),"^",6) 239 260 ; 240 261 COUNTY() ; Get County for our Address; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 241 262 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 263 Q:$G(PT(.11))="" "" 242 264 Q $P(PT(.11),"^",7) 243 265 ; 244 266 COUNTRY() ; Get Country for our Address; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 245 267 ; Unfortunately, I can't find where that is stored, so the inevitable... 268 Q:$G(PT(.11))="" "" 246 269 Q "USA" 247 270 ; 248 271 RESTEL() ; Residential Telephone; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 249 272 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 273 Q:$G(PT(.13))="" "" 250 274 Q $P(PT(.13),"^",1) 251 275 ; 252 276 WORKTEL() ; Work Telephone; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 253 277 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 278 Q:$G(PT(.13))="" "" 254 279 Q $P(PT(.13),"^",2) 255 280 ; 256 281 EMAIL() ; Email Adddress; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 257 282 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 283 Q:$G(PT(.13))="" "" 258 284 Q $P(PT(.13),"^",3) 259 285 ; 260 286 CELLTEL() ; Cell Phone; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 261 287 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 288 Q:$G(PT(.13))="" "" 262 289 Q $P(PT(.13),"^",4) 263 290 ; 264 291 NOK1FAM() ; Next of Kin 1 (NOK1) Family Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 265 292 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 293 Q:$G(PT(.21))="" "" 266 294 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(.21),"^",1) 267 295 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) … … 270 298 NOK1GIV() ; NOK1 Given Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 271 299 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 300 Q:$G(PT(.21))="" "" 272 301 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(.21),"^",1) 273 302 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) … … 276 305 NOK1MID() ; NOK1 Middle Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 277 306 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 307 Q:$G(PT(.21))="" "" 278 308 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(.21),"^",1) 279 309 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) … … 282 312 NOK1SUF() ; NOK1 Suffi Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 283 313 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 314 Q:$G(PT(.21))="" "" 284 315 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(.21),"^",1) 285 316 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) … … 288 319 NOK1DISP() ; NOK1 Display Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 289 320 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 321 Q:$G(PT(.21))="" "" 290 322 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(.21),"^",1) 291 323 Q $$NAMEFMT^XLFNAME(.NAME,"G","MXc") … … 293 325 NOK1REL() ; NOK1 Relationship to the patient; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 294 326 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 327 Q:$G(PT(.21))="" "" 295 328 Q $P(PT(.21),"^",2) 296 329 ; 297 330 NOK1ADD1() ; NOK1 Address 1; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 298 331 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 332 Q:$G(PT(.21))="" "" 299 333 Q $P(PT(.21),"^",3) 300 334 ; … … 302 336 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 303 337 ; As before, CCR only allows two fileds for the address, so we have to compromise 338 Q:$G(PT(.21))="" "" 339 ; If the thrid address is empty, just return the 2nd. 340 ; If the 2nd is empty, we don't lose, b/c it will return "" 341 ; This is so that we won't produce a comma if there is no 3rd addr. 342 Q:$P(PT(.21),"^",5)="" $P(PT(.21),"^",4) 304 343 Q $P(PT(.21),"^",4)_", "_$P(PT(.21),"^",5) 305 344 ; 306 345 NOK1CITY() ; NOK1 City; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 307 346 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 347 Q:$G(PT(.21))="" "" 308 348 Q $P(PT(.21),"^",6) 309 349 ; 310 350 NOK1STAT() ; NOK1 State; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 311 351 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 352 Q:$G(PT(.21))="" "" 312 353 N STATENUM S STATENUM=$P(PT(.21),"^",7) 354 Q:STATENUM="" "" 313 355 Q $P(^DIC(5,STATENUM,0),"^",1) 314 356 ; 315 357 NOK1ZIP() ; NOK1 Zip Code; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 316 358 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 359 Q:$G(PT(.21))="" "" 317 360 Q $P(PT(.21),"^",8) 318 361 ; 319 362 NOK1HTEL() ; NOK1 Home Telephone; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 320 363 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 364 Q:$G(PT(.21))="" "" 321 365 Q $P(PT(.21),"^",9) 322 366 ; 323 367 NOK1WTEL() ; NOK1 Work Telephone; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 324 368 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 369 Q:$G(PT(.21))="" "" 325 370 Q $P(PT(.21),"^",11) 326 371 ; 327 372 NOK1SAME() ; Is NOK1's Address the same the patient?; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 328 373 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 374 Q:$G(PT(.21))="" "" 329 375 Q $P(PT(.21),"^",10) 330 376 ; 331 377 NOK2FAM() ; NOK2 Family Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 332 378 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 379 Q:$G(PT(.211))="" "" 333 380 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(.211),"^",1) 334 381 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) 335 382 Q NAME("FAMILY") 336 383 ; 337 NOK2GIV() ; NOK2 Given Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 338 ; PREREQ: PT Defined384 NOK2GIV() ; NOK2 Given Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic ; PREREQ: PT Defined 385 Q:$G(PT(.211))="" "" 339 386 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(.211),"^",1) 340 387 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) … … 343 390 NOK2MID() ; NOK2 Middle Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 344 391 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 392 Q:$G(PT(.211))="" "" 345 393 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(.211),"^",1) 346 394 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) … … 349 397 NOK2SUF() ; NOK2 Suffi Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 350 398 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 399 Q:$G(PT(.211))="" "" 351 400 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(.211),"^",1) 352 401 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) … … 354 403 NOK2DISP() ; NOK2 Display Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 355 404 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 405 Q:$G(PT(.211))="" "" 356 406 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(.211),"^",1) 357 407 Q $$NAMEFMT^XLFNAME(.NAME,"G","MXc") … … 359 409 NOK2REL() ; NOK2 Relationship to the patient; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 360 410 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 411 Q:$G(PT(.211))="" "" 361 412 Q $P(PT(.211),"^",2) 362 413 ; 363 414 NOK2ADD1() ; NOK2 Address 1; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 364 415 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 416 Q:$G(PT(.211))="" "" 365 417 Q $P(PT(.211),"^",3) 366 418 ; … … 368 420 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 369 421 ; As before, CCR only allows two fileds for the address, so we have to compromise 422 Q:$G(PT(.211))="" "" 423 ; If the thrid address is empty, just return the 2nd. 424 ; If the 2nd is empty, we don't lose, b/c it will return "" 425 ; This is so that we won't produce a comma if there is no 3rd addr. 426 Q:$P(PT(.211),"^",5)="" $P(PT(.211),"^",4) 370 427 Q $P(PT(.211),"^",4)_", "_$P(PT(.211),"^",5) 371 428 ; 372 429 NOK2CITY() ; NOK2 City; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 373 430 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 431 Q:$G(PT(.211))="" "" 374 432 Q $P(PT(.211),"^",6) 375 433 ; 376 434 NOK2STAT() ; NOK2 State; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 377 435 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 436 Q:$G(PT(.211))="" "" 378 437 N STATENUM S STATENUM=$P(PT(.211),"^",7) 438 Q:STATENUM="" "" ; To prevent global undefined below if no state 379 439 Q $P(^DIC(5,STATENUM,0),"^",1) ; Explained above 380 440 ; 381 441 NOK2ZIP() ; NOK2 Zip Code; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 382 442 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 443 Q:$G(PT(.211))="" "" 383 444 Q $P(PT(.211),"^",8) 384 445 ; 385 446 NOK2HTEL() ; NOK2 Home Telephone; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 386 447 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 448 Q:$G(PT(.211))="" "" 387 449 Q $P(PT(.211),"^",9) 388 450 ; 389 451 NOK2WTEL() ; NOK2 Work Telephone; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 390 452 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 453 Q:$G(PT(.211))="" "" 391 454 Q $P(PT(.211),"^",11) 392 455 ; 393 456 NOK2SAME() ; Is NOK2's Address the same the patient?; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 394 457 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 458 Q:$G(PT(.211))="" "" 395 459 Q $P(PT(.211),"^",10) 396 460 ; 397 461 EMERFAM() ; Emergency Contact (EMER) Family Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 398 462 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 463 Q:$G(PT(.33))="" "" 399 464 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(.33),"^",1) 400 465 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) … … 403 468 EMERGIV() ; EMER Given Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 404 469 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 470 Q:$G(PT(.33))="" "" 405 471 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(.33),"^",1) 406 472 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) … … 409 475 EMERMID() ; EMER Middle Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 410 476 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 477 Q:$G(PT(.33))="" "" 411 478 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(.33),"^",1) 412 479 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) … … 415 482 EMERSUF() ; EMER Suffi Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 416 483 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 484 Q:$G(PT(.33))="" "" 417 485 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(.33),"^",1) 418 486 D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) … … 420 488 EMERDISP() ; EMER Display Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 421 489 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 490 Q:$G(PT(.33))="" "" 422 491 N NAME S NAME=$P(PT(.33),"^",1) 423 492 Q $$NAMEFMT^XLFNAME(.NAME,"G","MXc") … … 425 494 EMERREL() ; EMER Relationship to the patient; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 426 495 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 496 Q:$G(PT(.33))="" "" 427 497 Q $P(PT(.33),"^",2) 428 498 ; 429 499 EMERADD1() ; EMER Address 1; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 430 500 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 501 Q:$G(PT(.33))="" "" 431 502 Q $P(PT(.33),"^",3) 432 503 ; … … 434 505 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 435 506 ; As before, CCR only allows two fileds for the address, so we have to compromise 507 Q:$G(PT(.33))="" "" 508 ; If the thrid address is empty, just return the 2nd. 509 ; If the 2nd is empty, we don't lose, b/c it will return "" 510 ; This is so that we won't produce a comma if there is no 3rd addr. 511 Q:$P(PT(.33),"^",5)="" $P(PT(.33),"^",4) 436 512 Q $P(PT(.33),"^",4)_", "_$P(PT(.33),"^",5) 437 513 ; 438 514 EMERCITY() ; EMER City; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 439 515 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 516 Q:$G(PT(.33))="" "" 440 517 Q $P(PT(.33),"^",6) 441 518 ; 442 519 EMERSTAT() ; EMER State; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 443 520 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 521 Q:$G(PT(.33))="" "" 444 522 N STATENUM S STATENUM=$P(PT(.33),"^",7) 523 Q:STATENUM="" "" ; To prevent global undefined below if no state 445 524 Q $P(^DIC(5,STATENUM,0),"^",1) ; Explained above 446 525 ; 447 526 EMERZIP() ; EMER Zip Code; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 448 527 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 528 Q:$G(PT(.33))="" "" 449 529 Q $P(PT(.33),"^",8) 450 530 ; 451 531 EMERHTEL() ; EMER Home Telephone; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 452 532 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 533 Q:$G(PT(.33))="" "" 453 534 Q $P(PT(.33),"^",9) 454 535 ; 455 536 EMERWTEL() ; EMER Work Telephone; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 456 537 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 538 Q:$G(PT(.33))="" "" 457 539 Q $P(PT(.33),"^",11) 458 540 ; 459 541 EMERSAME() ; Is EMER's Address the same the NOK?; PUBLIC; Extrinsic 460 542 ; PREREQ: PT Defined 543 Q:$G(PT(.33))="" "" 461 544 Q $P(PT(.33),"^",10) 462 545 ; -
r23 r26 13 13 14 14 ; Load Routine Entry points; We get a sweeeeeet array 15 N OUT16 15 D ANALYZE^ARJTXRD("CCRDPT",.OUT) ; Analyze a routine in the directory 17 ZWR OUT(,0)18 19 16 N X,Y 20 17 ; Select Patient … … 24 21 D INIT^CCRDPT($P(Y,"^")) 25 22 ZWR PT 26 N I S I=16 0F S I=$O(OUT(I)) Q:I="" D23 N I S I=165 F S I=$O(OUT(I)) Q:I="" D 27 24 . W "OUT("_I_",0)"_" is "_$P(OUT(I,0)," ")_" " 28 25 . W "valued at "
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