Changeset 460 for cprs/branches/foia-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Encounter
- Timestamp:
- Jul 6, 2008, 8:20:14 PM (16 years ago)
- Location:
- cprs/branches/foia-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Encounter
- Files:
- 12 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r459 r460 1 1 inherited frmDiagnoses: TfrmDiagnoses 2 Left = 30 63 Top = 1 832 Left = 304 3 Top = 169 4 4 Caption = 'Encounter Diagnoses' 5 5 PixelsPerInch = 96 … … 76 76 inherited lbSection: TORListBox 77 77 Tag = 20 78 Style = lbOwnerDrawFixed79 78 TabOrder = 0 80 OnDrawItem = lbSectionDrawItem81 79 end 82 80 inherited btnOther: TButton -
r459 r460 218 218 var 219 219 i: integer; 220 dxString: string;221 220 dxCode, dxName: string; 222 221 ADiagnosis: TPCEItem; 223 222 begin 224 223 inherited; 225 ADiagnosis := TPCEItem.Create;226 224 UBAGlobals.BAPCEDiagList.Clear; 227 225 with lbGrid do for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do -
r459 r460 1 1 inherited frmEncVitals: TfrmEncVitals 2 Left = 4003 Top = 2 272 Left = 353 3 Top = 210 4 4 Caption = 'Vitals' 5 5 KeyPreview = True … … 8 8 OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown 9 9 OnResize = FormResize 10 OnShow = FormShow11 10 PixelsPerInch = 96 12 11 TextHeight = 13 12 object lvVitals: TCaptionListView [0] 13 Left = 0 14 Top = 0 15 Width = 624 16 Height = 368 17 Hint = 'To sort, click on column headers|' 18 Align = alClient 19 Columns = <> 20 Constraints.MinHeight = 50 21 HideSelection = False 22 MultiSelect = True 23 ReadOnly = True 24 RowSelect = True 25 ParentShowHint = False 26 ShowHint = True 27 TabOrder = 1 28 ViewStyle = vsReport 29 end 30 object pnlBottom: TPanel [1] 31 Left = 0 32 Top = 368 33 Width = 624 34 Height = 32 35 Align = alBottom 36 BevelOuter = bvNone 37 TabOrder = 5 38 end 13 39 inherited btnOK: TBitBtn 14 40 Left = 444 15 41 Top = 377 16 TabOrder = 142 TabOrder = 3 17 43 end 18 44 inherited btnCancel: TBitBtn 19 45 Left = 524 20 46 Top = 377 21 TabOrder = 247 TabOrder = 4 22 48 end 23 49 object pnlmain: TPanel … … 27 53 Height = 217 28 54 TabOrder = 0 55 Visible = False 29 56 object lblVitPointer: TOROffsetLabel 30 57 Left = 506 … … 383 410 ListItemsOnly = True 384 411 LongList = False 412 LookupPiece = 0 385 413 MaxLength = 0 386 414 Pieces = '1,2' … … 390 418 TabStop = True 391 419 OnEnter = SetVitPointer 420 CharsNeedMatch = 1 392 421 end 393 422 object txtMeasPulse: TCaptionEdit … … 414 443 end 415 444 end 445 object btnEnterVitals: TButton 446 Left = 8 447 Top = 377 448 Width = 75 449 Height = 21 450 Caption = 'Enter Vitals' 451 TabOrder = 2 452 OnClick = btnEnterVitalsClick 453 end 416 454 end -
r459 r460 6 6 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, 7 7 fPCEBase, ORDtTm, StdCtrls, ORCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons, fAutoSz, ORFn, 8 rvitals, ComCtrls; 8 rvitals, ComCtrls, ORNet, uVitals 9 , TRPCB // Vitals Lite 2004-05-21 =========================================== 10 ; 11 {== Vitals Lite 2004-05-21 ===================================================} 12 type 13 TGMV_GetInputPanel = function( 14 var anApp: TApplication; 15 aB: TRPCBroker; 16 aP, // Patient DFN 17 aL, // Hospitals IEN 18 aSig, // Application signature 19 aTemplate // Vitals Input template 20 : String; 21 aNow // Input Date/Time 22 :TDateTime):TCustomForm; 23 {== Vitals Lite 2004-05-21 ===================================================} 9 24 10 25 type … … 47 62 txtMeasPulse: TCaptionEdit; 48 63 txtMeasHt: TCaptionEdit; 64 pnlBottom: TPanel; 65 btnEnterVitals: TButton; 66 lvVitals: TCaptionListView; 49 67 procedure SetVitPointer(Sender: TObject); 50 68 procedure txtMeasBPExit(Sender: TObject); … … 71 89 procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; 72 90 Shift: TShiftState); 91 procedure btnEnterVitalsClick(Sender: TObject); //vitals lite 73 92 private 74 93 FDataLoaded: boolean; … … 82 101 procedure ChangeFocus(Control: TWinControl); 83 102 procedure ClearData; 103 procedure LoadVitalView(VitalsList : TStringList); //Vitals Lite 104 procedure LoadVitalsList; 84 105 public 85 106 function OK2SaveVitals: boolean; … … 97 118 98 119 uses UCore, rCore, rPCE, fPCELex, fPCEOther, fVitals,fVisit, fFrame, fEncnt, 99 uVitals, fEncounterFrame; 120 fEncounterFrame, uInit 121 // , fGMV_InputTemp // Vitals Lite 2004-05-21 122 ; 100 123 101 124 const … … 373 396 end; 374 397 398 375 399 procedure TfrmEncVitals.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); 376 377 begin 400 begin 401 378 402 inherited; 379 403 FTabName := CT_VitNm; … … 389 413 390 414 begin 391 inherited;392 415 //uVisitType.Free; 393 416 uVitalOld.Free; 394 417; 418 419 {== Vitals Lite 2004-05-21 ===================================================} 420 FreeLibrary(VitalsDLLHandle); 421 {== Vitals Lite 2004-05-21 ===================================================} 422 inherited; 395 423 end; 396 424 … … 412 440 413 441 procedure TfrmEncVitals.FormShow(Sender: TObject); 414 begin 415 inherited; 442 var 443 GMV_LibName: String; 444 begin 445 inherited; 446 //Begin Vitals Lite 447 {Visit is Assumed to Be selected when Opening Encounter Dialog} 448 GMV_LibName :='GMV_VitalsViewEnter.dll'; 449 GMV_LibName := GetProgramFilesPath + SHARE_DIR + GMV_LibName; 450 VitalsDLLHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(GMV_LibName)); 451 if VitalsDLLHandle = 0 then // No Handle found 452 MessageDLG('Can''t find library "'+GMV_LibName+'".',mtError,[mbok],0) 453 else 454 LoadVitalsList; 455 //End Vitals Lite 416 456 // frmEncVitals.caption := 'Vital entry for - '+; {RAB 6/15/98} 417 457 FormActivate(Sender); … … 540 580 end; 541 581 582 //Begin Vitals Lite 583 procedure TfrmEncVitals.LoadVitalView(VitalsList: TStringList); 584 var 585 i : integer; 586 curCol : TListColumn; 587 curItem : TListItem; 588 HeadingList,tmpList : TStringList; 589 begin 590 HeadingList := TStringList.Create; 591 tmpList := TStringList.Create; 592 lvVitals.ShowColumnHeaders := false; //CQ: 10069 - the column display becomes squished. 593 lvVitals.Items.Clear; 594 lvVitals.Columns.Clear; 595 PiecesToList(VitalsList[0],U,HeadingList); 596 for i := 0 to HeadingList.Count-1 do 597 begin 598 curCol := lvVitals.Columns.Add; 599 curCol.Caption := HeadingList[i]; 600 curCol.AutoSize := true; 601 end; 602 for i := 1 to VitalsList.Count-1 do 603 begin 604 curItem := lvVitals.Items.Add; 605 PiecesToList(VitalsList[i],U,tmpList); 606 curItem.Caption := tmpList[0]; 607 tmpList.Delete(0); 608 curItem.SubItems.Assign(tmpList); 609 end; 610 lvVitals.ShowColumnHeaders := true; //CQ: 10069 - the column display becomes squished. 611 HeadingList.Free; 612 tmpList.Free; 613 end; 614 615 procedure TfrmEncVitals.btnEnterVitalsClick(Sender: TObject); 616 var 617 VLPtVitals : TGMV_VitalsEnterDLG; 618 GMV_FName : String; 619 begin 620 inherited; 621 if VitalsDLLHandle = 0 then Exit;//The DLL was initialized on Create, but just in case.... 622 GMV_FName := 'GMV_VitalsEnterDLG'; 623 @VLPtVitals := GetProcAddress(VitalsDLLHandle,PChar(GMV_FName)); 624 if assigned(VLPtVitals) then 625 begin 626 VLPtVitals( 627 RPCBrokerV, 628 Patient.DFN, 629 FloatToStr(uEncPCEData.Location), 630 GMV_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE, 631 GMV_APP_SIGNATURE, 632 FMDateTimeToDateTime(uEncPCEData.DateTime), 633 Patient.Name, 634 frmFrame.lblPtSSN.Caption + ' ' + frmFrame.lblPtAge.Caption 635 ); 636 end 637 else 638 MessageDLG('Can not find function "'+GMV_FName+'".',mtError,[mbok],0); 639 @VLPtVitals := nil; 640 LoadVitalsList; 641 end; 642 643 procedure TfrmEncVitals.LoadVitalsList; 644 var 645 VitalsList : TStringList; 646 VLPtVitals : TGMV_LatestVitalsList; 647 GMV_FName : String; 648 begin 649 if VitalsDLLHandle = 0 then Exit;//The DLL was initialized on Create, but just in case.... 650 GMV_FName := 'GMV_LatestVitalsList'; 651 @VLPtVitals := GetProcAddress(VitalsDLLHandle,PChar(GMV_FName)); 652 if assigned(VLPtVitals) then 653 begin 654 frmFrame.VitalsDLLActive := True; // need this flag for CCOW (RV) 655 VitalsList := VLPtVitals(RPCBrokerV,Patient.DFN,U,false); 656 if assigned(VitalsList) then 657 LoadVitalView(VitalsList); 658 end 659 else 660 MessageDLG('Can''t find function "'+GMV_FName+'".',mtError,[mbok],0); 661 @VLPtVitals := nil; 662 frmFrame.VitalsDLLActive := False; // need this flag for CCOW (RV) 663 end; 664 //End Vitals Lite 665 542 666 end. -
r459 r460 1 1 object frmEncounterFrame: TfrmEncounterFrame 2 Left = 3663 Top = 1 814 Width = 6 122 Left = 290 3 Top = 108 4 Width = 640 5 5 Height = 451 6 6 Caption = 'Encounter Frame' … … 16 16 Position = poScreenCenter 17 17 OnCanResize = FormCanResize 18 OnClose = FormClose 18 19 OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery 19 20 OnCreate = FormCreate … … 26 27 Left = 0 27 28 Top = 0 28 Width = 6 0429 Width = 632 29 30 Height = 2 30 31 Align = alTop … … 32 33 object StatusBar1: TStatusBar 33 34 Left = 0 34 Top = 4 2435 Width = 6 0435 Top = 417 36 Width = 632 36 37 Height = 0 37 38 Panels = <> … … 41 42 Left = 0 42 43 Top = 24 43 Width = 6 0444 Height = 40044 Width = 632 45 Height = 393 45 46 Align = alClient 46 47 BevelOuter = bvNone … … 52 53 ParentFont = False 53 54 TabOrder = 1 54 TabStop = True55 55 end 56 56 object TabControl: TTabControl 57 57 Left = 0 58 58 Top = 2 59 Width = 6 0459 Width = 632 60 60 Height = 22 61 61 Align = alTop -
r459 r460 75 75 procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; 76 76 Shift: TShiftState); 77 procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); 77 78 procedure FormCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth, 78 79 NewHeight: Integer; var Resize: Boolean); … … 123 124 uCore, 124 125 fGAF, uConst, 125 rCore, fPCEProvider ;126 rCore, fPCEProvider, rMisc; 126 127 127 128 {$R *.DFM} … … 397 398 frmEncounterFrame.CreateChildForms(frmEncounterFrame, PCEData.Location); 398 399 ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(frmEncounterFrame); 400 SetFormPosition(frmEncounterFrame); 399 401 400 402 with frmEncounterFrame do … … 714 716 if FormListContains(CT_ImmNm) then 715 717 SetImmunizations(frmImmunizations.lbGrid.Items); 716 if FormListContains(CT_ ImmNm) then718 if FormListContains(CT_SkinNm) then 717 719 SetSkinTests(frmSkinTests.lbGrid.Items); 718 720 if FormListContains(CT_PedNm) then 719 721 SetPatientEds(frmPatientEd.lbGrid.Items); 720 if FormListContains(CT_ ImmNm) then722 if FormListContains(CT_HlthNm) then 721 723 SetHealthFactors(frmHealthFactors.lbGrid.Items); 722 if FormListContains(CT_ ImmNm) then724 if FormListContains(CT_XamNm) then 723 725 SetExams(frmExams.lbGrid.Items); 724 726 end; … … 817 819 end; 818 820 819 procedure TfrmEncounterFrame.FormCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer; var Resize: Boolean); 821 procedure TfrmEncounterFrame.FormClose(Sender: TObject; 822 var Action: TCloseAction); 823 begin 824 SaveUserBounds(Self); 825 end; 826 827 procedure TfrmEncounterFrame.FormCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth, 828 NewHeight: Integer; var Resize: Boolean); 820 829 begin 821 830 //CQ4740 -
r459 r460 1 1 inherited frmHealthFactors: TfrmHealthFactors 2 Left = 4343 Top = 3542 Left = 374 3 Top = 205 4 4 Caption = 'Health Factor page' 5 5 PixelsPerInch = 96 … … 46 46 end 47 47 inherited edtComment: TCaptionEdit 48 MaxLength = 245 48 49 TabOrder = 3 49 50 end … … 90 91 ListItemsOnly = False 91 92 LongList = False 93 LookupPiece = 0 92 94 MaxLength = 0 93 95 Pieces = '2' … … 96 98 TabOrder = 4 97 99 OnChange = cboHealthLevelChange 100 CharsNeedMatch = 1 98 101 end 99 102 end -
r459 r460 1 1 inherited frmPCELex: TfrmPCELex 2 Left = 3863 Top = 2042 Left = 639 3 Top = 480 4 4 BorderIcons = [] 5 5 BorderStyle = bsDialog -
r459 r460 71 71 OnChange = cboPrimaryChange 72 72 OnNeedData = cboPrimaryNeedData 73 CharsNeedMatch = 1 73 74 end 74 75 object btnYes: TButton -
r459 r460 150 150 function IsUserAProvider(AUser: Int64; ADate: TFMDateTime): boolean; 151 151 function IsCancelOrNoShow(ANote: integer): boolean; 152 function IsNonCountClinic(ALocation: integer): boolean; 152 153 153 154 // HNC Flag … … 173 174 uVTypeForLoc: TStringList; 174 175 uProblems: TStringList; 175 176 176 uModifiers: TORStringList = nil; 177 177 uGAFOK: boolean; … … 1438 1438 end; 1439 1439 1440 function IsNonCountClinic(ALocation: integer): boolean; 1441 begin 1442 Result := (sCallV('ORWPCE1 NONCOUNT', [ALocation]) = '1'); 1443 end; 1444 1440 1445 function DefaultProvider(ALocation: integer; AUser: Int64; ADate: TFMDateTime; 1441 1446 ANoteIEN: integer): string; -
r459 r460 1375 1375 Result := inherited DelimitedStr; 1376 1376 if Provider > 0 then tmpProv := IntToStr(Provider) else tmpProv := ''; 1377 //Result := 'CPT' + Result + U + IntToStr(Quantity) + U + IntToStr(Provider) +1378 1377 Result := 'CPT' + Result + U + IntToStr(Quantity) + U + tmpProv 1379 //Result := 'CPT' + Result + U + IntToStr(Quantity) + U +1380 + U + U + U + IntToStr(cnt) + Mods + U + IntToStr(UNxtCommSeqNum) + U;1378 + U + U + U + IntToStr(cnt) + Mods + U + IntToStr(UNxtCommSeqNum) + U; 1379 if Length(Result) > 250 then SetPiece(Result, U, 4, ''); 1381 1380 end; 1382 1381 … … 1554 1553 BOOLCHAR[AddProb] + U + U + U; 1555 1554 if(SaveComment) then Result := Result + IntToStr(UNxtCommSeqNum); 1555 if Length(Result) > 250 then SetPiece(Result, U, 4, ''); 1556 1556 end; 1557 1557 … … 2988 2988 begin 2989 2989 if not CanEditPCE(Self) then 2990 begin 2991 Result := TRUE; 2992 exit; 2993 end; 2994 if IsNonCountClinic(FEncLocation) then 2990 2995 begin 2991 2996 Result := TRUE;
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