Changeset 460 for cprs/branches/foia-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Options
- Timestamp:
- Jul 6, 2008, 8:20:14 PM (17 years ago)
- Location:
- cprs/branches/foia-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Options
- Files:
- 10 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified cprs/branches/foia-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Options/fOptions.dfm ¶
r459 r460 1 1 object frmOptions: TfrmOptions 2 Left = 307 3 Top = 170 2 Left = 315 3 Top = 110 4 Width = 435 5 Height = 397 4 6 HelpContext = 9999 7 VertScrollBar.Range = 360 5 8 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biHelp] 6 9 BorderStyle = bsDialog 7 10 Caption = 'Options' 8 ClientHeight = 3639 ClientWidth = 42710 11 Color = clBtnFace 11 12 ParentFont = True … … 19 20 object pnlBottom: TPanel 20 21 Left = 0 21 Top = 3 3322 Top = 340 22 23 Width = 427 23 24 Height = 30 … … 66 67 Top = 0 67 68 Width = 427 68 Height = 3 3369 Height = 340 69 70 Align = alClient 70 71 BevelOuter = bvNone … … 76 77 Top = 5 77 78 Width = 417 78 Height = 3 2379 Height = 330 79 80 HelpContext = 9999 80 81 ActivePage = tsListsTeams … … 87 88 DesignSize = ( 88 89 409 89 295)90 302) 90 91 object bvlCoverDays: TBevel 91 92 Left = 125 … … 923 924 DesignSize = ( 924 925 409 925 295)926 302) 926 927 object bvlNotesNotes: TBevel 927 928 Left = 88 … … 977 978 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} 978 979 end 979 object Image1: TImage980 object imgNotes: TImage 980 981 Left = 16 981 982 Top = 163 … … 1111 1112 Caption = 'Reports' 1112 1113 ImageIndex = 5 1113 object Bevel1: TBevel1114 object bvlReports: TBevel 1114 1115 Left = 80 1115 Top = 241116 Top = 16 1116 1117 Width = 321 1117 1118 Height = 2 1118 1119 end 1119 object Image2: TImage1120 Left = 161121 Top = 481120 object imgReports: TImage 1121 Left = 20 1122 Top = 31 1122 1123 Width = 41 1123 1124 Height = 41 … … 1150 1151 FFFFFFFF} 1151 1152 end 1152 object Image3: TImage 1153 object bvlReport1: TBevel 1154 Left = 104 1155 Top = 108 1156 Width = 297 1157 Height = 2 1158 end 1159 object bvlReport2: TBevel 1160 Left = 104 1161 Top = 204 1162 Width = 297 1163 Height = 2 1164 end 1165 object imgReport1: TImage 1153 1166 Left = 16 1154 Top = 1 761167 Top = 123 1155 1168 Width = 41 1156 1169 Height = 41 … … 1192 1205 00010000000000000200000083000000C7000000FF810000FFC30000} 1193 1206 end 1194 object Bevel2: TBevel 1195 Left = 104 1196 Top = 160 1197 Width = 297 1198 Height = 2 1199 end 1200 object Label3: TMemo 1207 object imgReport2: TImage 1208 Left = 16 1209 Top = 219 1210 Width = 41 1211 Height = 41 1212 Center = True 1213 Picture.Data = { 1214 055449636F6E0000010001002020000000000000A80800001600000028000000 1215 2000000040000000010008000000000080040000000000000000000000010000 1216 0000000000000000000080000080000000808000800000008000800080800000 1217 C0C0C000C0DCC000F0CAA600CCFFFF0099FFFF0066FFFF0033FFFF00FFCCFF00 1218 CCCCFF0099CCFF0066CCFF0033CCFF0000CCFF00FF99FF00CC99FF009999FF00 1219 6699FF003399FF000099FF00FF66FF00CC66FF009966FF006666FF003366FF00 1220 0066FF00FF33FF00CC33FF009933FF006633FF003333FF000033FF00CC00FF00 1221 9900FF006600FF003300FF00FFFFCC00CCFFCC0099FFCC0066FFCC0066FFCC00 1222 33FFCC0000FFCC00FFCCCC00CCCCCC0099CCCC0066CCCC0033CCCC0000CCCC00 1223 FF99CC00CC99CC009999CC006699CC003399CC000099CC00FF66CC00CC66CC00 1224 9966CC006666CC003366CC000066CC00FF33CC00CC33CC009933CC006633CC00 1225 3333CC000033CC00FF00CC00CC00CC009900CC006600CC003300CC000000CC00 1226 FFFF9900CCFF990099FF990066FF990033FF990000FF9900FFCC9900CCCC9900 1227 99CC990066CC990033CC990000CC9900FF999900CC9999009999990066999900 1228 3399990000999900FF669900CC66990099669900666699003366990000669900 1229 FF339900CC33990099339900663399003333990000339900FF009900CC009900 1230 99009900660099003300990000009900FFFF6600CCFF660099FF660066FF6600 1231 33FF660000FF6600FFCC6600CCCC660099CC660066CC660033CC660000CC6600 1232 FF996600CC99660099996600669966003399660000996600FF666600CC666600 1233 99666600666666003366660000666600FF336600CC3366009933660066336600 1234 3333660000336600FF006600CC00660099006600660066003300660000006600 1235 FFFF3300CCFF330099FF330066FF330033FF330000FF3300FFCC3300CCCC3300 1236 99CC330066CC330033CC330000CC3300FF993300CC9933009999330066993300 1237 3399330000993300FF663300CC66330099663300666633003366330000663300 1238 FF333300CC33330099333300663333003333330000333300FF003300CC003300 1239 99003300660033003300330000003300CCFF000099FF000066FF000033FF0000 1240 FFCC0000CCCC000099CC000066CC000033CC000000CC0000FF990000CC990000 1241 99990000669900003399000000990000FF660000CC6600009966000066660000 1242 0066000033660000FF330000CC33000099330000663300003333000000330000 1243 CC0000009900000066000000330000000000DD000000BB000000AA0000008800 1244 0000770000005500000044000000220000DD000000BB000000AA000000880000 1245 00770000005500000044000000220000DDDDDD00555555007777770077777700 1246 44444400222222001111110077000000550000004400000022000000F0FBFF00 1247 A4A0A000808080000000FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000 1248 FFFFFF000000000000EF000000EFEFEFEFEFEFEF000000000000000000000000 1249 0000000000000000EFEF0000EFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEF00000000000000000000ED 1250 ED00000000000000EFEFEF0000000000EFEFEFEFEFEF00000000000000EDEDEB 1251 ED00000000000000EFEFEF00ACACAC4FACEF00EFEFEFEF00000000EDEDEBEBEB 1252 ED0000000000FB0000000000EFEFEFECEC4FAC00EFEFEF0000EDEDEBEBFFEBEB 1253 ED00000000FBFB0AEB0707F7F75D5DEDED4F4F00EF0000EFEDEBEBEBEBF7FFEB 1254 ED00000000F1FB00F0EFEFEFECECECECEC4F4FAC00EFEFEFEBEBEBEBEDF7FFEB 1255 ED0000000000F0F04FFF4FFFA6A6A6A6FF4FACACACEFEFEFEBEBEBEBEDF7FFEB 1256 ED000000000000F04F4FFFA6A64FFF4F4F4FA6ACAC00EFEFEBEBEBEBEDF7FFEB 1257 ED000000000000004FA6E4A6A6FF4FFF4F4FA6ACAC00EFEFEFEBEBEBEDF7FFF7 1258 ED000000000000004FACE4A6A6A64F4FFF4FA64F4F00EFEFEFEFEBEBEDEDF700 1259 ED000000000000EF4FACE4A6ACA6ACACA6A6ACACAC0000EFEFEFEFEB5D000000 1260 ED0000000000000000ACE4A6ECECEFEFEFEF00000000FB00EFEFEB00F05DEB00 1261 ED00000000000000EF002AE4EDED5D5DF7F70707EB0AFBFB00EBEBFFEBEBEB00 1262 ED0000000000000000004FACECECECECECEFEFEFF000FB00EBEBEBFFEBFFFFEB 1263 ED00000000000000000000004FACACAC4F00EFEBEB0000EBEBEBEBFFFFF7FFEB 1264 ED000000000000000000000000000000EF5DEBEBEB00EBEBEBEBEBEBEDF7FFEB 1265 ED000000000000000000000000FFEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEDF7FFEB 1266 ED000000000000000000000000FFEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEDF7FFEB 1267 ED000000000000000000000000FFEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEDF7FFEB 1268 ED000000000000000000000000FFEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEDECEBEB 1269 ED000000000000000000000000FFEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBECF7FFFF 1270 ED000000000000000000000000FFEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBFFFFFF0700 1271 00000000000000000000000000FFEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBFFFFFF07000000 1272 00000000000000000000000000FFEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBFFFFFF070000000000 1273 00000000000000000000000000FFEBEBEBEBEBEBEBFFFFFF0700000000000000 1274 00000000000000000000000000FFEBEBEBEBEBFFFFFF07000000000000000000 1275 00000000000000000000000000FFEBEBEBFFFFFF070000000000000000000000 1276 00000000000000000000000000FFEBFFFFFF0700000000000000000000000000 1277 00000000000000000000000000FFFFFF07000000000000000000000000000000 1278 00000000000000000000000000EB070000000000000000000000000000000000 1279 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1280 00000000FB80FFE7F3007F83E1003E03C0001803800000030000000380000003 1281 C0000003E0000003E0000003E0000003E0000003F0000003F0000003F8000003 1282 FC000003FF000003FF000003FF000003FF000003FF000003FF000003FF000007 1283 FF00001FFF00007FFF0001FFFF0007FFFF001FFFFF007FFFFF01FFFFFF07FFFF 1284 FF9FFFFF} 1285 end 1286 object memReports: TMemo 1201 1287 Left = 128 1202 Top = 481288 Top = 27 1203 1289 Width = 273 1204 1290 Height = 41 … … 1213 1299 TabOrder = 4 1214 1300 end 1215 object Label4: TMemo1301 object memReport1: TMemo 1216 1302 Left = 128 1217 Top = 1 841303 Top = 121 1218 1304 Width = 273 1219 1305 Height = 49 … … 1228 1314 TabOrder = 5 1229 1315 end 1230 object Label1: TStaticText1316 object lblReports: TStaticText 1231 1317 Left = 13 1232 Top = 161318 Top = 9 1233 1319 Width = 55 1234 1320 Height = 17 … … 1236 1322 TabOrder = 2 1237 1323 end 1238 object Label2: TStaticText1239 Left = 131240 Top = 1 521324 object lblReport1: TStaticText 1325 Left = 9 1326 Top = 101 1241 1327 Width = 89 1242 1328 Height = 17 … … 1244 1330 TabOrder = 3 1245 1331 end 1246 object Button1: TButton1332 object btnReports: TButton 1247 1333 Left = 200 1248 Top = 1041334 Top = 76 1249 1335 Width = 193 1250 1336 Height = 22 1251 1337 Caption = 'Set All Reports...' 1252 1338 TabOrder = 0 1253 OnClick = Button1Click1254 end 1255 object Button2: TButton1339 OnClick = btnReportsClick 1340 end 1341 object btnReport1: TButton 1256 1342 Left = 200 1257 Top = 2401343 Top = 167 1258 1344 Width = 193 1259 1345 Height = 22 1260 1346 Caption = 'Set Individual Report...' 1261 1347 TabOrder = 1 1262 OnClick = Button2Click 1348 OnClick = btnReport1Click 1349 end 1350 object lblReport2: TStaticText 1351 Left = 5 1352 Top = 197 1353 Width = 91 1354 Height = 17 1355 Caption = 'Remote Data Tool' 1356 TabOrder = 6 1357 end 1358 object memReport2: TMemo 1359 Left = 128 1360 Top = 213 1361 Width = 273 1362 Height = 28 1363 TabStop = False 1364 BorderStyle = bsNone 1365 Color = clBtnFace 1366 Lines.Strings = ( 1367 'Change the default tool for viewing Remote Patient Data') 1368 ReadOnly = True 1369 TabOrder = 7 1370 end 1371 object rdoRDV: TRadioGroup 1372 Left = 120 1373 Top = 244 1374 Width = 277 1375 Height = 37 1376 Hint = 'Select RDV for Remote Data Views (classic) or WebVista' 1377 Caption = 'How do you want to view remote data' 1378 Columns = 2 1379 ItemIndex = 0 1380 Items.Strings = ( 1381 'RDV (Classic)' 1382 'VistaWeb') 1383 TabOrder = 8 1384 OnClick = rdoRDVClick 1385 end 1386 end 1387 object tsGraphs: TTabSheet 1388 Caption = 'Graphs' 1389 ImageIndex = 6 1390 DesignSize = ( 1391 409 1392 302) 1393 object bvlGraphSettings: TBevel 1394 Left = 104 1395 Top = 16 1396 Width = 297 1397 Height = 2 1398 end 1399 object imgGraphSettings: TImage 1400 Left = 16 1401 Top = 163 1402 Width = 41 1403 Height = 41 1404 Center = True 1405 Picture.Data = { 1406 055449636F6E0000010001002020100000000000E80200001600000028000000 1407 2000000040000000010004000000000080020000000000000000000000000000 1408 0000000000000000000080000080000000808000800000008000800080800000 1409 80808000C0C0C0000000FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000 1410 FFFFFF0000000000000000000000000000000000007070707070707070707070 1411 7070700007FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000007F000000000000000000000 1412 0000700007F7888788878887888788878888000007FFFFFF9FFFFF9FFFF9FFFF 1413 FFFF700007FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000007FFFF999999F99970707070 1414 7070707007FFFFFFFFFFFFFF788888888887878007FFFBBBBBBBBBBB78878787 1415 88FFFF7707FFFFCCCCCCFCCC78F000088887878007FFFFFFFFFFFFFF77FFFFF7 1416 88FFFF7707FFFFFFFFFFFFFF78F000088888888007FFFFFFFFFFFFFF77FFFFF7 1417 8887878707FFFFFFFFFFFFFF78F0000888FFFF7007FFFFFFFFFFFFFF77FFFFF7 1418 8888888707F000000000000078F000088887878007F788878887888777FFFFF7 1419 88F0FF7707F7FFFFFFFFFFFF788888888888888007F7FF9FFFFFFFFF77878787 1420 8787878707F7FF9FFFFFFFFF777777777777777007F7FFF9FFFFFFFFF9F9FFFF 1421 FFF9700007F7FFF9FFFFFFFF9FF99FFFFF9F000007F7FFFF9FFFFFFF9FFFF9FF 1422 F99F700007F7FFFF9FFFFFF9FFFFF99F9FFF000007F7FFFFF9FFFF9FFFFFFFF9 1423 9FFF700007F7FFFFF9FF99FFFFFFFFF9FFFF000007F7FFFFFF999FFFFFFFFFFF 1424 FFFF700007F7FFFFFFF9FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000007FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1425 FFFF700007777777777777777777777777770000000000000000000000000000 1426 00000000FFFFFFFF800000078000000780000007800000078000000780000007 1427 8000000080000000800000008000000080000000800000008000000080000000 1428 8000000080000000800000008000000080000000800000008000000780000007 1429 8000000780000007800000078000000780000007800000078000000780000007 1430 FFFFFFFF} 1431 end 1432 object bvlGraphViews: TBevel 1433 Left = 104 1434 Top = 155 1435 Width = 297 1436 Height = 2 1437 end 1438 object imgGraphViews: TImage 1439 Left = 16 1440 Top = 27 1441 Width = 41 1442 Height = 41 1443 Center = True 1444 Picture.Data = { 1445 055449636F6E0000010001002020100000000000E80200001600000028000000 1446 2000000040000000010004000000000080020000000000000000000000000000 1447 0000000000000000000080000080000000808000800000008000800080800000 1448 80808000C0C0C0000000FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000 1449 FFFFFF0000000000000070707707070707070700000000000000788888888888 1450 888888700707070707077878788787887878880007FFFFFFFFFF788787887878 1451 8787887007F0000000007888888888888888880007F08888888878FFFF8FFFF8 1452 FFFF887007F08FFFFFFF7878787878787878780007F08F999999788888888888 1453 8888887007F08FFFFFFF787F0F8FFFF8FFFF880007F08BBBBBBB78FFFF8FFFF8 1454 FFFF887007F08F222222787F7F8FFFF8FFFF880007F08FFFFFFF78FFFF8FFFF8 1455 FFFF887007F08FFFFFFF787F0F8FFFF8FFFF880007FFFFFFFFFF78FFFF8FFFF8 1456 FFFF887007FFFFFFFFFF787F7F8FFFF8FFFF880007FFFFFFFFFF78FFFF8FFFF8 1457 FFFF887007F000000000787F0F8FFFF87F0F880007F08888888878FFFF8FFFF8 1458 FFFF887007F08FFFFFFF787F7F87F0F87F0F880007F08F9FFFFF78FFFF8FFFF8 1459 FFFF887007F08F9FFFFF7888888888888888880007F08FF9FFFF787878878788 1460 7878887007F08FF9FFFF7777777777777777770007F08FFF9FFFFFFFF9FFFF9F 1461 FFF0000007F08FFF9FFFFFFF9FFFFFF9FFF0000007F08FFFF9FFFF99FFFFFFFF 1462 9FF7000007F08FFFF9FF99FFFFFFFFFFF9F0000007F08FFFFF99FFFFFFFFFFFF 1463 FFF7000007F08FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000007FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1464 FFF7000007777777777777777777777777700000000000000000000000000000 1465 00000000FFF00001FFF000018000000180000001800000018000000180000001 1466 8000000180000001800000018000000180000001800000018000000180000001 1467 8000000180000001800000018000000180000001800000018000000180000001 1468 8000000F8000000F8000000F8000000F8000000F8000000F8000000F8000000F 1469 FFFFFFFF} 1470 end 1471 object lblGraphSettings: TStaticText 1472 Left = 13 1473 Top = 145 1474 Width = 79 1475 Height = 17 1476 Caption = 'Default Settings' 1477 TabOrder = 0 1478 end 1479 object btnGraphSettings: TButton 1480 Left = 200 1481 Top = 235 1482 Width = 193 1483 Height = 22 1484 Caption = 'Default Graph Settings...' 1485 TabOrder = 1 1486 OnClick = btnGraphSettingsClick 1487 end 1488 object lblGraphViews: TStaticText 1489 Left = 13 1490 Top = 9 1491 Width = 79 1492 Height = 17 1493 Caption = 'View Definitions' 1494 TabOrder = 2 1495 end 1496 object btnGraphViews: TButton 1497 Left = 200 1498 Top = 100 1499 Width = 193 1500 Height = 22 1501 Caption = 'View Definitions...' 1502 TabOrder = 3 1503 OnClick = btnGraphViewsClick 1504 end 1505 object memGraphSettings: TMemo 1506 Left = 125 1507 Top = 167 1508 Width = 275 1509 Height = 66 1510 TabStop = False 1511 BorderStyle = bsNone 1512 Color = clBtnFace 1513 Lines.Strings = ( 1514 'Configure default settings for graphs. Changes can be ' 1515 'made to the types of data displayed and the styles of ' 1516 'presentation. These settings are saved as your default.') 1517 ReadOnly = True 1518 TabOrder = 4 1519 end 1520 object memGraphViews: TMemo 1521 Left = 125 1522 Top = 27 1523 Width = 275 1524 Height = 68 1525 TabStop = False 1526 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] 1527 BorderStyle = bsNone 1528 Color = clBtnFace 1529 Lines.Strings = ( 1530 'Define collections of data as views. Views are used for ' 1531 'common selections of multiple items.') 1532 ReadOnly = True 1533 TabOrder = 5 1263 1534 end 1264 1535 end -
TabularUnified cprs/branches/foia-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Options/fOptions.pas ¶
r459 r460 72 72 btnNotesTitles: TButton; 73 73 imgNotesNotes: TImage; 74 Image1: TImage;74 imgNotes: TImage; 75 75 imgTeams: TImage; 76 76 tsCprsReports: TTabSheet; 77 Label1: TStaticText; 78 Bevel1: TBevel; 79 Label3: TMemo; 80 Image2: TImage; 81 Button1: TButton; 82 Label2: TStaticText; 83 Image3: TImage; 84 Label4: TMemo; 85 Button2: TButton; 86 Bevel2: TBevel; 77 lblReports: TStaticText; 78 bvlReports: TBevel; 79 memReports: TMemo; 80 imgReports: TImage; 81 btnReports: TButton; 82 lblReport1: TStaticText; 83 memReport1: TMemo; 84 btnReport1: TButton; 85 bvlReport1: TBevel; 87 86 btnDiagnoses: TButton; 87 tsGraphs: TTabSheet; 88 lblGraphSettings: TStaticText; 89 bvlGraphSettings: TBevel; 90 imgGraphSettings: TImage; 91 btnGraphSettings: TButton; 92 bvlGraphViews: TBevel; 93 lblGraphViews: TStaticText; 94 imgGraphViews: TImage; 95 btnGraphViews: TButton; 96 memGraphSettings: TMemo; 97 memGraphViews: TMemo; 98 bvlReport2: TBevel; 99 lblReport2: TStaticText; 100 memReport2: TMemo; 101 imgReport1: TImage; 102 imgReport2: TImage; 103 rdoRDV: TRadioGroup; 88 104 procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); 89 105 procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); … … 108 124 procedure btnNotesNotesClick(Sender: TObject); 109 125 procedure btnNotesTitlesClick(Sender: TObject); 110 procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);111 procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);126 procedure btnReportsClick(Sender: TObject); 127 procedure btnReport1Click(Sender: TObject); 112 128 procedure lvwNotificationsEnter(Sender: TObject); 113 129 procedure lvwNotificationsMouseDown(Sender: TObject; 114 130 Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); 115 131 procedure btnDiagnosesClick(Sender: TObject); 132 procedure btnGraphSettingsClick(Sender: TObject); 133 procedure btnGraphViewsClick(Sender: TObject); 134 procedure rdoRDVClick(Sender: TObject); 116 135 private 117 136 { Private declarations } … … 145 164 uses fOptionsDays, fOptionsReminders, fOptionsSurrogate, 146 165 fOptionsPatientSelection, fOptionsLists, fOptionsTeams, fOptionsCombinations, 147 fOptionsOther, fOptionsNotes, fOptionsTitles, fOptionsReportsCustom, fOptionsReportsDefault, rOptions, rCore, uCore, uOptions; 166 fOptionsOther, fOptionsNotes, fOptionsTitles, fOptionsReportsCustom, fOptionsReportsDefault, 167 fGraphs, fGraphSettings, fGraphProfiles, rGraphs, uGraphs, 168 rOptions, rCore, uCore, uOptions, UBACore, fFrame; 148 169 //fTestDialog; 149 170 … … 195 216 tsListsTeams.TabVisible := true; 196 217 ActivePage := tsCoverSheet; 197 Label3.Text := 'Change the default date range and occurrence limits for all reports on ' +218 memReports.Text := 'Change the default date range and occurrence limits for all reports on ' + 198 219 'the CPRS Reports tab (excluding health summary reports) .'; 199 Label4.Text := 'Change the individual date range and occurrence limits for each report on ' +220 memReport1.Text := 'Change the individual date range and occurrence limits for each report on ' + 200 221 'the CPRS Reports tab (excluding health summary reports) .'; 201 Button1.caption := 'Set All Reports...';202 Button2.caption := 'Set Individual Reports...';222 btnReports.caption := 'Set All Reports...'; 223 btnReport1.caption := 'Set Individual Reports...'; 203 224 if User.IsReportsOnly then // For "Reports Only" users. 204 225 begin … … 217 238 if (not User.ToolsRptEdit) then // For users with Reports settings edit parameter not set. 218 239 begin 219 Label3.Text := 'View the default date range and occurrence limits for all reports on ' +240 memReports.Text := 'View the default date range and occurrence limits for all reports on ' + 220 241 'the CPRS Reports tab (excluding health summary reports) .'; 221 Label4.Text := 'View the individual date range and occurrence limits for each report on ' +242 memReport1.Text := 'View the individual date range and occurrence limits for each report on ' + 222 243 'the CPRS Reports tab (excluding health summary reports) .'; 223 Button1.caption := 'View All Report Settings...';224 Button2.caption := 'View Individual Report Settings...';244 btnReports.caption := 'View All Report Settings...'; 245 btnReport1.caption := 'View Individual Report Settings...'; 225 246 end; 226 247 end; … … 249 270 FdirtyOtherStuff := false; 250 271 CheckApply; 251 if not BILLING_AWARE then btnDiagnoses.Enabled := False; 252 if (Encounter.Provider = 0) and not PersonHasKey(Encounter.Provider, 'PROVIDER') then272 273 if (Encounter.Provider = 0) and not IsCIDCProvider(User.DUZ) then 253 274 btnDiagnoses.Enabled := False; 275 if UseVistaWeb then rdoRDV.ItemIndex := 1; 254 276 255 277 end; … … 641 663 end; 642 664 643 procedure TfrmOptions. Button1Click(Sender: TObject);665 procedure TfrmOptions.btnReportsClick(Sender: TObject); 644 666 var 645 667 topsize, leftsize, value: integer; … … 650 672 end; 651 673 652 procedure TfrmOptions. Button2Click(Sender: TObject);674 procedure TfrmOptions.btnReport1Click(Sender: TObject); 653 675 var 654 676 topsize, leftsize, value: integer; … … 678 700 topsize, leftsize, value: integer; 679 701 begin 680 if BILLING_AWARE then {BAV25 Code}702 if IsCIDCProvider(User.DUZ) then //(hds7564) 681 703 begin 682 704 value := 0; … … 686 708 end; 687 709 710 procedure TfrmOptions.btnGraphSettingsClick(Sender: TObject); 711 // display GraphSettings 712 var 713 actiontype: boolean; 714 topsize, leftsize: integer; 715 begin 716 actiontype := false; 717 Offset(topsize, -60, leftsize, -60); 718 DialogOptionsGraphSettings(topsize, leftsize, Font.Size, actiontype); 719 end; 720 721 procedure TfrmOptions.btnGraphViewsClick(Sender: TObject); 722 // display Graph Views 723 var 724 actiontype: boolean; 725 topsize, leftsize: integer; 726 begin 727 actiontype := false; 728 Offset(topsize, -60, leftsize, -60); 729 DialogOptionsGraphProfiles(topsize, leftsize, Font.Size, actiontype); 730 end; 731 732 procedure TfrmOptions.rdoRDVClick(Sender: TObject); 733 var 734 iIndex: integer; 735 begin 736 iIndex := rdoRDV.ItemIndex; 737 with frmFrame do 738 if iIndex = 0 then 739 begin 740 ChangeVistaWebParam('0'); 741 lblCIRN.Caption := ' Remote'; 742 lblCIRNData.Caption := 'Data'; 743 lblCIRNAvail.Caption := ''; 744 lblCIRN.Width := 43; 745 lblCIRNData.Width := 43; 746 lblCIRNData.Alignment := taCenter; 747 lblCIRN.Alignment := taCenter; 748 lstCIRNLocations.Clear; 749 SetUpCIRN; 750 end 751 else 752 begin 753 ChangeVistaWebParam('1'); 754 lblCIRN.Caption := 'Remote'; 755 lblCIRNData.Caption := 'Data*'; //VistaWeb On 756 lblCIRN.Width := 43; 757 lblCIRNData.Width := 43; 758 lblCIRNData.Alignment := taCenter; 759 lblCIRN.Alignment := taCenter; 760 lblCIRN.Enabled := True; 761 lblCIRNData.Enabled := True; 762 pnlCIRN.TabStop := True; 763 if ColorToRGB(clWindowText) = ColorToRGB(clBlack) then 764 begin 765 lblCIRN.Font.Color := clBlue; 766 lblCIRNData.Font.Color := clBlue; 767 lblCIRNAvail.Font.Color := clBlue; 768 lstCIRNLocations.Font.Color := clBlue; 769 end 770 else 771 begin 772 lblCIRN.Font.Color := clWindowText; 773 lblCIRNData.Font.Color := clWindowText; 774 lblCIRNAvail.Font.Color := clWindowText; 775 lstCIRNLocations.Font.Color := clWindowText; 776 end; 777 end; 778 779 end; 780 688 781 end. 689 782 -
TabularUnified cprs/branches/foia-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Options/fOptionsOther.dfm ¶
r459 r460 196 196 end 197 197 object txtTodayMinus: TStaticText 198 Left = 3 2198 Left = 38 199 199 Top = 321 200 Width = 79 201 Height = 17 202 Caption = 'TODAY MINUS' 200 Width = 64 201 Height = 17 202 Alignment = taRightJustify 203 Caption = 'Today minus' 203 204 Color = clBtnFace 204 205 ParentColor = False … … 219 220 end 220 221 object txtDaysMinus: TStaticText 221 Left = 17 6222 Left = 178 222 223 Top = 322 223 Width = 36224 Height = 17 225 Caption = ' DAYS'224 Width = 26 225 Height = 17 226 Caption = 'days' 226 227 Color = clBtnFace 227 228 ParentColor = False … … 244 245 end 245 246 object txtDaysPlus: TStaticText 246 Left = 1 78247 Left = 180 247 248 Top = 374 248 Width = 36249 Height = 17 250 Caption = ' DAYS'249 Width = 26 250 Height = 17 251 Caption = 'days' 251 252 Color = clBtnFace 252 253 ParentColor = False … … 282 283 end 283 284 object txtTodayPlus: TStaticText 284 Left = 4 2285 Left = 46 285 286 Top = 372 286 Width = 72 287 Height = 17 288 Caption = 'TODAY PLUS' 287 Width = 56 288 Height = 17 289 Alignment = taRightJustify 290 Caption = 'Today plus' 289 291 Color = clBtnFace 290 292 ParentColor = False -
TabularUnified cprs/branches/foia-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Options/fOptionsOther.pas ¶
r459 r460 52 52 FstopDt: TFMDateTime; 53 53 FEncStartDays, FEncStopDays, FEncDefStartDays, FEncDefStopDays: integer; 54 FDefaultEvent: string;54 //FDefaultEvent: string; 55 55 public 56 56 { Public declarations } -
TabularUnified cprs/branches/foia-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Options/fOptionsReportsCustom.dfm ¶
r459 r460 1 1 object frmOptionsReportsCustom: TfrmOptionsReportsCustom 2 Left = 4 683 Top = 42 Left = 414 3 Top = 329 4 4 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biHelp] 5 5 BorderStyle = bsDialog -
TabularUnified cprs/branches/foia-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Options/fOptionsReportsCustom.pas ¶
r459 r460 205 205 odbStop.Visible := False; 206 206 edtMax.Visible := False; 207 ShowEditor(grdReport.Col, grdReport.Row, #0); 207 208 end; 208 209 if Key in [#32..#127] then ShowEditor(grdReport.Col, grdReport.Row, Key); 209 210 signal := 0; 210 211 end; 211 212 … … 291 292 begin 292 293 Val(newValue, I, code); 294 if I = 0 then begin end; //added to keep compiler from generating a hint 293 295 if code <> 0 then 294 296 begin -
TabularUnified cprs/branches/foia-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Options/fOptionsReportsDefault.dfm ¶
r459 r460 1 1 object frmOptionsReportsDefault: TfrmOptionsReportsDefault 2 Left = 6043 Top = 1722 Left = 773 3 Top = 334 4 4 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biHelp] 5 5 BorderStyle = bsDialog -
TabularUnified cprs/branches/foia-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Options/fOptionsReportsDefault.pas ¶
r459 r460 200 200 begin 201 201 Val(newValue, I, code); 202 if I = 0 then begin end; //added to keep compiler from generating a hint 202 203 if code <> 0 then 203 204 begin -
TabularUnified cprs/branches/foia-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Options/fOptionsTeams.dfm ¶
r459 r460 208 208 OnClick = cboSubscribeClick 209 209 OnKeyDown = cboSubscribeKeyDown 210 OnMouseClick = cboSubscribeMouseClick 211 CharsNeedMatch = 1 210 212 end 211 213 object mnuPopPatient: TPopupMenu -
TabularUnified cprs/branches/foia-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Options/fOptionsTeams.pas ¶
r459 r460 37 37 procedure cboSubscribeKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; 38 38 Shift: TShiftState); 39 procedure cboSubscribeMouseClick(Sender: TObject); 39 40 private 40 41 FKeyBoarding: boolean; … … 224 225 procedure TfrmOptionsTeams.cboSubscribeClick(Sender: TObject); 225 226 begin 227 FKeyBoarding := False 228 end; 229 230 procedure TfrmOptionsTeams.btnRemoveClick(Sender: TObject); 231 begin 232 with lstTeams do 233 if InfoBox('Do you want to remove yourself from ' 234 + Piece(Items[ItemIndex], '^', 2) + '?', 235 'Confirmation', MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION) = IDYES then 236 begin 237 rpcRemoveList(ItemIEN); 238 Items.Delete(ItemIndex); 239 lstTeamsClick(self); 240 FillATeams; 241 end; 242 end; 243 244 procedure TfrmOptionsTeams.mnuPatientIDClick(Sender: TObject); 245 begin 246 DisplayPtInfo(lstPatients.ItemID); 247 end; 248 249 procedure TfrmOptionsTeams.lstPatientsMouseDown(Sender: TObject; 250 Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); 251 begin 252 mnuPopPatient.AutoPopup := (lstPatients.Items.Count > 0) 253 and (lstPatients.ItemIndex > -1) 254 and (Button = mbRight); 255 end; 256 257 procedure TfrmOptionsTeams.cboSubscribeKeyDown(Sender: TObject; 258 var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); 259 begin 260 case Key of VK_RETURN: 261 if (cboSubscribe.ItemIndex > -1) then 262 begin 263 FKeyBoarding := False; 264 cboSubscribeMouseClick(self); // Provide onmouseclick behavior. 265 end; 266 else 267 FKeyBoarding := True; // Suppress onmouseclick behavior. 268 end; 269 end; 270 271 procedure TfrmOptionsTeams.cboSubscribeMouseClick(Sender: TObject); 272 begin 226 273 if FKeyBoarding then 227 274 FKeyBoarding := False … … 229 276 begin 230 277 with cboSubscribe do 231 if InfoBox('Do you want to join ' 278 if ItemIndex < 0 then 279 exit 280 else if InfoBox('Do you want to join ' 232 281 + Piece(Items[ItemIndex], '^', 2) + '?', 233 282 'Confirmation', MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION) = IDYES then … … 249 298 end; 250 299 251 procedure TfrmOptionsTeams.btnRemoveClick(Sender: TObject);252 begin253 with lstTeams do254 if InfoBox('Do you want to remove yourself from '255 + Piece(Items[ItemIndex], '^', 2) + '?',256 'Confirmation', MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION) = IDYES then257 begin258 rpcRemoveList(ItemIEN);259 Items.Delete(ItemIndex);260 lstTeamsClick(self);261 FillATeams;262 end;263 end;264 265 procedure TfrmOptionsTeams.mnuPatientIDClick(Sender: TObject);266 begin267 DisplayPtInfo(lstPatients.ItemID);268 end;269 270 procedure TfrmOptionsTeams.lstPatientsMouseDown(Sender: TObject;271 Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);272 begin273 mnuPopPatient.AutoPopup := (lstPatients.Items.Count > 0)274 and (lstPatients.ItemIndex > -1)275 and (Button = mbRight);276 end;277 278 procedure TfrmOptionsTeams.cboSubscribeKeyDown(Sender: TObject;279 var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);280 begin281 case Key of VK_RETURN:282 if (lstTeams.ItemIndex > 0) then283 cboSubscribeClick(self); // Provide onclick behavior.284 else285 FKeyBoarding := True; // Suppress onclick behavior.286 end;287 end;288 289 300 end.
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