Changeset 542 for cprs/branches/GUI-config
- Timestamp:
- Aug 12, 2009, 7:34:51 PM (16 years ago)
- Location:
- cprs/branches/GUI-config
- Files:
- 40 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r476 r542 1 1 object AboutForm: TAboutForm 2 Left = 2973 Top = 732 Left = 302 3 Top = 173 4 4 AlphaBlend = True 5 5 AlphaBlendValue = 50 … … 1147 1147 Font.Style = [] 1148 1148 Lines.Strings = ( 1149 'WorldVistA Configuration Utility, v1. 0'1150 '(c) 2008; Released under LGPL'1149 'WorldVistA Configuration Utility, v1.10' 1150 '(c) 12/2008; Released under LGPL' 1151 1151 'Programmed by: Kevin Toppenberg & Eddie Hagood') 1152 1152 ParentFont = False -
r476 r542 1 1 object BatchAddForm: TBatchAddForm 2 Left = 2423 Top = 1 512 Left = 73 3 Top = 196 4 4 Width = 721 5 5 Height = 480 … … 29 29 713 30 30 41) 31 object EstTimeLabel: TLabel 32 Left = 656 33 Top = 16 34 Width = 48 35 Height = 13 36 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] 37 Caption = '1d:23h:15' 38 end 31 39 object ProgressBar: TProgressBar 32 40 Left = 16 33 41 Top = 8 34 Width = 6 8142 Width = 625 35 43 Height = 25 36 44 Anchors = [akLeft, akRight] -
r493 r542 29 29 uses 30 30 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, 31 Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, Grids, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls ;31 Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, Grids, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, DateUtils; 32 32 33 33 type … … 46 46 btnAbortRegistration: TBitBtn; 47 47 SaveDialog: TSaveDialog; 48 EstTimeLabel: TLabel; 48 49 procedure btnCreateTemplateClick(Sender: TObject); 49 50 procedure btnClearGridClick(Sender: TObject); … … 66 67 procedure ClearGrid; 67 68 procedure LoadData(fileName : string); 68 procedure AddHeaderCol(oneEntry : string); 69 procedure AddHeaderCol(oneEntry : string); 69 70 procedure GetColFieldNums(List : TStringList); 70 71 function GetOneRow(row : integer; ColFields : TStringList) : string; 72 function RowToStr(row : integer) : string; 73 procedure AddRowFromStr(Str : string); 71 74 function RegisterOne(oneRow : string; Log : TStringList) : string; 72 procedure DelGridRow(BatchGrid : TStringGrid; row : integer);75 //procedure DelGridRow(BatchGrid : TStringGrid; row : integer); 73 76 public 74 77 { Public declarations } … … 80 83 implementation 81 84 82 uses CreateTemplateU, StrUtils, ORNet, ORFn, Trpcb, FMErrorU; 85 uses CreateTemplateU, StrUtils, ORNet, ORFn, 86 Trpcb, //needed for .ptype types 87 FMErrorU; 83 88 84 89 const NOT_ADDED='(Not Added)'; … … 260 265 end; 261 266 262 267 263 268 procedure TBatchAddForm.btnDoRegistrationClick(Sender: TObject); 264 var row : integer; 269 var i,row : integer; 270 FailedPatients : TStringList; 265 271 ColFields : TStringList; 266 272 onePostEntry : string; 267 newIEN: string;273 RPCResult : string; 268 274 Log : TStringList; 269 Success,Failure,PreExisting : integer; 275 Success,Failure,PreExisting,Errors : integer; 276 StartTime : TDateTime; 277 278 procedure ShowEstTime(Pct : single); 279 var Delta : single; 280 EstTotalMin : Integer; 281 s : string; 282 begin 283 Delta := MinuteSpan(Now,StartTime); 284 if Pct=0 then begin 285 EstTimeLabel.caption := ''; 286 exit; 287 end; 288 EstTotalMin := Round(Delta / Pct); 289 s := ''; 290 if EstTotalMin > 1440 then begin //extract number of days 291 s := s + IntToStr(EstTotalMin div 1440) + 'd:'; 292 EstTotalMIn := EstTotalMin mod 1440; 293 end; 294 if EstTotalMin > 60 then begin //extract number of hours 295 if s <> '' then s := s + IntToStr(EstTotalMin div 60) + 'h:' 296 else s := IntToStr(EstTotalMin div 60) + ':'; 297 EstTotalMIn := EstTotalMin mod 60; 298 end; 299 s := s + IntToStr(EstTotalMin) + ':'; 300 EstTimeLabel.Caption := s; 301 end; 302 270 303 begin 271 304 btnOpenDataFile.Enabled := false; … … 274 307 btnClearGrid.Enabled := False; 275 308 btnSaveGrid.Enabled := False; 276 309 277 310 Log := TStringList.Create; 278 311 Success := 0; 279 312 Failure := 0; 280 313 PreExisting := 0; 314 Errors := 0; 281 315 FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.clear; 282 316 ColFields := TStringList.Create; 317 FailedPatients := TStringList.Create; 283 318 GetColFieldNums(ColFields); 284 319 ProgressBar.Max := BatchGrid.RowCount-1; 285 320 FAbortRegistration := false; //abort button can change this. 321 StartTime := Now; 322 EstTimeLabel.Caption := ''; 286 323 for row := 2 to BatchGrid.RowCount-1 do begin 287 324 if FAbortRegistration = true then break; 288 325 ProgressBar.Position := row; 326 if (row mod 100) = 0 then ShowEstTime(row/(BatchGrid.RowCount-1)); 289 327 onePostEntry := GetOneRow(row,ColFields); 290 newIEN := RegisterOne(onePostEntry,Log); 291 BatchGrid.Cells[0,row] := newIEN; 292 if newIEN = NOT_ADDED then inc(Failure) 293 else if newIEN = ALREADY_ADDED then inc(PreExisting) 294 else inc(Success); 328 RPCResult := RegisterOne(onePostEntry,Log); //Returns: NewIEN^PrevReg^Reg'dNow^ErrorOccured 329 BatchGrid.Cells[0,row] := Piece(RPCResult,'^',1); 330 if Piece(RPCResult,'^',1)=NOT_ADDED then inc(Failure); 331 if Piece(RPCResult,'^',2)='1' then inc(PreExisting); 332 if Piece(RPCResult,'^',3)='1' then inc(Success); 333 if Piece(RPCResult,'^',4)='1' then inc(Errors); 295 334 Application.ProcessMessages; 296 335 end; 297 336 ProgressBar.Position := 0; 298 337; 299 MessageDlg(IntToStr(Success)+' successful registrations, '+#10+#13+ 300 IntToStr(PreExisting)+' Patients were already registered,'+#10+#13+ 301 IntToStr(Failure)+' failures.', 338 MessageDlg(IntToStr(Success)+' successful registrations or data refresh, '+#10+#13+ 339 IntToStr(PreExisting)+' patients were already registered,'+#10+#13+ 340 IntToStr(Errors)+' filing errors encountered (including minor errors),'+#10+#13+ 341 IntToStr(Failure)+' patients NOT registered.', 302 342 mtInformation,[mbOK],0); 343 EstTimeLabel.Caption := ''; 344 StartTime := Now; 345 if BatchGrid.RowCount > 1000 then ShowMessage('Will now clear out patients that have been registered.'); 346 for row := 2 to BatchGrid.RowCount-1 do begin 347 if (BatchGrid.Cells[0,row] = NOT_ADDED) or (BatchGrid.Cells[0,row] = ADD_ROW) then begin 348 FailedPatients.Add(RowToStr(row)); 349 end; 350 ProgressBar.Position := row; 351 if (row mod 100) = 0 then ShowEstTime(row/(BatchGrid.RowCount-1)); 352 Application.ProcessMessages; 353 end; 354 BatchGrid.RowCount := 2; 355 ProgressBar.Max := FailedPatients.Count; 356 StartTime := Now; 357 for i := 0 to FailedPatients.Count-1 do begin 358 AddRowFromStr(FailedPatients.Strings[i]); 359 ProgressBar.Position := i; 360 if (i mod 100) = 0 then ShowEstTime(i/(FailedPatients.Count-1)); 361 Application.ProcessMessages; 362 end; 363 { 303 364 for row := BatchGrid.RowCount-1 downto 2 do begin 304 365 if (BatchGrid.Cells[0,row] <> NOT_ADDED) 305 366 and (BatchGrid.Cells[0,row] <> ADD_ROW) then begin 306 DelGridRow(BatchGrid,row); 307 end; 308 end; 367 DelGridRow(BatchGrid,row); // <------- this is VERY SLOW!!@#@! 368 end; 369 ProgressBar.Position := row; 370 if (row mod 100) = 0 then ShowEstTime((BatchGrid.RowCount-1-row)/(BatchGrid.RowCount-1)); 371 Application.ProcessMessages; 372 end; 373 } 374 EstTimeLabel.Caption := ''; 309 375 if Log.Count>0 then begin 310 376 FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(Log); 311 377 FMErrorForm.PrepMessage; 312 378 FMErrorForm.ShowModal; 313 end; 379 end; 314 380 Log.Free; 315 381 if (BatchGrid.RowCount=3)and(BatchGrid.Cells[0,2]='') then begin … … 322 388 end else begin 323 389 btnClearGrid.Enabled := true; 324 btnSaveGrid.Enabled := true; 390 btnSaveGrid.Enabled := true; 325 391 btnAbortRegistration.Enabled := false; 326 392 end; 393 FailedPatients.Free; 394 327 395 end; 328 396 329 397 function TBatchAddForm.RegisterOne(oneRow : string; Log : TStringList) : string; 330 var RPCResult : string; 398 //Returns: NewIEN^Bool1^Bool2^Bool3 399 // NewIEN can be a #, or NOT_ADDED 400 // For each Bool, 0=false, 1=true 401 // Bool1 : Patient previously registered 402 // Bool2 : Patient registered this time (using identifier fields) 403 // Bool3 : Some Problem occurred during filing 404 var tempResult,RPCResult : string; 331 405 Msg : string; 332 406 i : integer; … … 336 410 RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := 'REGISTER PATIENT^'+oneRow; 337 411 RPCBrokerV.Call; 338 RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1 339 Msg := piece(RPCResult,'^',2); 340 result := piece(RPCResult,'^',3); 341 if result = '' then result := NOT_ADDED; 342 if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin 343 if Msg='Patient already registered' then begin 344 result := ALREADY_ADDED; 345 exit; 346 end; 412 RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; 413 //returns: error: -1^Message; success=1^Success^IEN; or Equivical=0^Message^IEN 414 //If 0 then Message is in this format 415 // [Bool1;Bool2;Bool3;Bool4;Bool5*MessageText] 416 // For each Bool, 0=false, 1=true 417 // Bool1 : Patient previously registered 418 // Bool2 : Patient registered this time (using identifier fields) 419 // Bool3 : Problem filing non-identifier fields 420 // Bool4 : Problem filing data info sub-file fields 421 // Bool5 : Problem filing HRN 422 tempResult := piece(RPCResult,'^',1); 423 if tempResult='1' then begin //1=Success 424 result := piece(RPCResult,'^',3)+'^0^1^0'; 425 end else if tempResult='0' then begin //0=Mixed results 426 Msg := piece(RPCResult,'^',2); 427 result := piece(RPCResult,'^',3); 428 if result = '' then result := NOT_ADDED; 429 result := result + '^' + Piece(Msg,';',1) + '^' + Piece(Msg,';',2); 430 if Pos('1',Pieces(Msg,';',3,5))>0 then begin 431 result := result + '^1'; 432 if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 1 then begin 433 Log.Add('-----------------------------------------------'); 434 Log.Add('There was a problem with registering a patient.'); 435 for i := 1 to RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1 do begin 436 Log.Add(RPCBrokerV.Results.Strings[i]); 437 end; 438 end; 439 end else begin 440 result := result + '^0'; 441 end; 442 end else begin //should be tempResult='-1' //-1=Error 347 443 FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); 348 444 FMErrorForm.PrepMessage; //Does some clean up of the message format … … 350 446 Log.Add('-----------------------------------------------'); 351 447 Log.Add('There was a problem with registering a patient.'); 352 //Log.Add('This was the data sent to the server: ');353 //Log.Add(' '+oneRow);354 448 for i:= 0 to FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Count-1 do begin 355 449 Log.Add(FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Strings[i]); 356 end; 357 Log.Add(' '); 358 FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Clear; 359 if Msg='Success (but see message)' then exit;360 result := NOT_ADDED;361 end;362 end; 363 450 end; 451 Log.Add(' '); 452 FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Clear; 453 result := NOT_ADDED+'^0^0^1'; //Not-prev-reg^Not-reg-this-time^Problem-occured 454 end; 455 end; 456 457 { 364 458 procedure TBatchAddForm.DelGridRow(BatchGrid : TStringGrid; row : integer); 365 459 var col : integer; … … 374 468 end else begin 375 469 BatchGrid.RowCount := BatchGrid.RowCount-1; 376 end; 470 end; 377 471 exit; 378 472 end; … … 381 475 end; 382 476 inc(row); 383 until (1=0); 384 end; 477 until (1=0); 478 end; 479 } 385 480 386 481 procedure TBatchAddForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); … … 395 490 List.Add(''); //fill 0'th column will null 396 491 for i := 1 to BatchGrid.ColCount-1 do begin 397 List.Add(BatchGrid.Cells[i,1]); 492 List.Add(BatchGrid.Cells[i,1]); 398 493 end; 399 494 end; … … 402 497 //Output format: FldNum1^Value1^fldNum2^Value2^FldNum3^Value3... 403 498 var i : integer; 404 oneValue : string; 405 begin 499 begin 406 500 result := ''; 407 501 if row >= BatchGrid.RowCount then exit; … … 410 504 end; 411 505 end; 506 507 function TBatchAddForm.RowToStr(row : integer) : string; 508 //Output format: Cell0^Cell1^Cell2^Cell3^Cell4.... 509 var i : integer; 510 begin 511 result := ''; 512 if row >= BatchGrid.RowCount then exit; 513 for i := 0 to BatchGrid.ColCount-1 do begin 514 result := result + BatchGrid.Cells[i,row]+'^'; 515 end; 516 end; 517 518 procedure TBatchAddForm.AddRowFromStr(Str : string); 519 var row : integer; 520 i : integer; 521 begin 522 BatchGrid.RowCount := BatchGrid.RowCount + 1; 523 row := BatchGrid.RowCount-1; 524 for i := 0 to BatchGrid.ColCount-1 do begin 525 BatchGrid.Cells[i,row] := Piece(Str,'^',i+1); 526 end; 527 end; 528 412 529 413 530 procedure TBatchAddForm.btnAbortRegistrationClick(Sender: TObject); -
r493 r542 1 1 object DebugForm: TDebugForm 2 Left = 63 Top = 2 2 Left = 324 3 Top = 204 4 4 Width = 518 5 5 Height = 488 -
r476 r542 1 1 object EditTextForm: TEditTextForm 2 Left = 1603 Top = 1152 Left = 281 3 Top = 207 4 4 Width = 675 5 5 Height = 480 -
r476 r542 62 62 implementation 63 63 64 uses FMErrorU, ORNet, ORFn, Trpcb; 64 uses FMErrorU, ORNet, ORFn, 65 Trpcb ; //needed for .ptype types 65 66 66 67 {$R *.dfm} -
r476 r542 1 1 object FMErrorForm: TFMErrorForm 2 Left = 2613 Top = 1672 Left = 1217 3 Top = 320 4 4 Width = 482 5 5 Height = 417 -
r493 r542 34 34 -LE"c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl" 35 35 -LN"c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl" 36 -U"P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib ;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32\Source"37 -O"P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib ;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32\Source"38 -I"P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib ;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32\Source"39 -R"P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib ;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32\Source"36 -U"P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32;P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32\Source" 37 -O"P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32;P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32\Source" 38 -I"P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32;P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32\Source" 39 -R"P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32;P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32\Source" 40 40 -DUSE_SKINS 41 41 -w-UNSAFE_TYPE -
r493 r542 95 95 PackageDLLOutputDir= 96 96 PackageDCPOutputDir= 97 SearchPath=P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib ;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32\Source97 SearchPath=P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32;P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32\Source 98 98 Packages=vcl;rtl;vclx;indy;inet;xmlrtl;vclie;inetdbbde;inetdbxpress;dbrtl;dsnap;dsnapcon;vcldb;soaprtl;VclSmp;dbexpress;dbxcds;inetdb;bdertl;vcldbx;webdsnap;websnap;adortl;ibxpress;teeui;teedb;tee;dss;visualclx;visualdbclx;vclactnband;vclshlctrls;IntrawebDB_50_70;Intraweb_50_70;Rave50CLX;Rave50VCL;dclaxserver;TntUnicodeVcl_R70;dcldklang7;dklang7;PNGpackage 99 99 Conditionals=USE_SKINS … … 101 101 UsePackages=0 102 102 [Parameters] 103 RunParams= s= p=9230 debug=enable103 RunParams= 104 104 HostApplication= 105 105 Launcher= … … 111 111 RootDir=C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\ 112 112 [Version Info] 113 IncludeVerInfo= 0113 IncludeVerInfo=1 114 114 AutoIncBuild=0 115 115 MajorVer=1 116 MinorVer= 0116 MinorVer=1 117 117 Release=0 118 118 Build=0 … … 127 127 CompanyName= 128 128 FileDescription= 129 FileVersion=1. 0.0.0129 FileVersion= 130 130 InternalName= 131 131 LegalCopyright= … … 142 142 Item0=WinTypes=Windows;WinProcs=Windows;DbiTypes=BDE;DbiProcs=BDE;DbiErrs=BDE; 143 143 [HistoryLists\hlSearchPath] 144 Count=11 145 Item0=P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32\Source 146 Item1=P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff 147 Item2=P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib\dcu 148 Item3=C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib\dcu;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff 149 Item4=C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib\dcu;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\TPNGGraphics;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff 150 Item5=C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib\dcu;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\TPNGGraphics 151 Item6=C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib\dcu 152 Item7=C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib 153 Item8=..\CPRS-Lib;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\TPNGGraphics;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-\Broker;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-\Broker\Source;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-\Broker\D6 154 Item9=..\CPRS-Lib;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\TPNGGraphics 155 Item10=..\CPRS-Lib 144 Count=13 145 Item0=P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32;P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32\Source 146 Item1=P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32\Source 147 Item2=P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32;P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32\Source 148 Item3=P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff 149 Item4=P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib;P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\DCU;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib\dcu 150 Item5=C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib\dcu;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff 151 Item6=C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib\dcu;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\TPNGGraphics;P:\Vista\GUI-config\SkinStuff 152 Item7=C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib\dcu;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\TPNGGraphics 153 Item8=C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib\dcu 154 Item9=C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-Lib 155 Item10=..\CPRS-Lib;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\TPNGGraphics;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-\Broker;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-\Broker\Source;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Vista\CPRS-\Broker\D6 156 Item11=..\CPRS-Lib;C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\TPNGGraphics 157 Item12=..\CPRS-Lib 156 158 [HistoryLists\hlUnitOutputDirectory] 157 159 Count=1 -
r493 r542 1 1 program GUI_Config; 2 (* 2 (* 3 3 WorldVistA Configuration Utility 4 4 (c) 8/2008 Kevin Toppenberg 5 Programmed by Kevin Toppenberg, Eddie Hagood 6 5 Programmed by Kevin Toppenberg, Eddie Hagood 6 7 7 Family Physicians of Greeneville, PC 8 8 1410 Tusculum Blvd, Suite 2600 9 9 Greeneville, TN 37745 10 10 11 11 12 12 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 13 13 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public … … 23 23 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software 24 24 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA 25 *) 25 *) 26 26 27 27 uses 28 28 Forms, 29 29 MainU in 'MainU.pas' {MainForm}, 30 ORFn in '..\CPRS-Lib\ORFn.pas',31 30 frmSplash in 'frmSplash.pas' {SplashForm}, 32 31 LookupU in 'LookupU.pas' {FieldLookupForm}, -
r493 r542 1 1 [Closed Files] 2 File_0=SourceModule,'P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32\Source\wsockc.pas',0,1,1464,17,1475,0,0 3 File_1=SourceModule,'P:\Vista\GUI-config\MainU.dfm',0,1,1,1,1,0,0 4 File_2=SourceModule,'P:\vista\GUI-config\SkinFormU.pas',0,1,1,1,1,1,1 5 File_3=SourceModule,'P:\Vista\GUI-config\LookupU.dfm',0,1,1,1,1,0,0 6 File_4=SourceModule,'P:\vista\tmg-cprs\BDK32\Source\VERGENCECONTEXTORLib_TLB.pas',0,1,124,29,11,0,0 7 File_5=SourceModule,'C:\Program Files\VISTA\BDK32_is_this_old\Source\Trpcb.pas',0,1,43,1,53,0,0 8 File_6=SourceModule,'P:\vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\ORNet.pas',0,1,188,21,195,0,0 9 File_7=SourceModule,'C:\PROGRA~1\VISTA\BDK32\Source\VERGENCECONTEXTORLib_TLB.pas',0,1,1109,31,1120,0,0 10 File_8=SourceModule,'c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\OleCtrls.pas',0,1,86,12,92,0,0 11 File_9=SourceModule,'c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\rtl\Win\ShellAPI.pas',0,1,1,1,1,0,0 2 File_0=SourceModule,'P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32\Source\TRPCB.pas',0,1,1045,1,1059,0,0 3 File_1=SourceModule,'P:\vista\GUI-config\CreateTemplateU.pas',0,1,140,11,145,0,0 4 File_2=SourceModule,'P:\vista\GUI-config\SetSelU.pas',0,1,1,1,1,1,0 5 File_3=SourceModule,'P:\vista\GUI-config\SubfilesU.pas',0,1,102,14,113,0,0 6 File_4=SourceModule,'P:\vista\GUI-config\FMErrorU.pas',0,1,1,71,43,1,0 7 File_5=SourceModule,'P:\vista\GUI-config\LookupU.pas',0,1,1,21,3,1,1 8 File_6=SourceModule,'P:\vista\GUI-config\PostU.pas',0,1,70,1,1,1,0 9 File_7=SourceModule,'P:\vista\GUI-config\BatchAddU.pas',0,1,459,3,480,0,0 12 10 13 11 [Modules] 14 Module0=P:\vista\GUI-config\GUI_Config.dpr 15 Module1=P:\Vista\GUI-config\MainU.pas 16 Module2=P:\vista\GUI-config\DebugU.pas 17 Module3=P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\ORCtrls.pas 18 Module4=P:\Vista\GUI-config\SubfilesU.pas 19 Module5=P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\ORFn.pas 20 Module6=P:\Vista\GUI-config\BatchAddU.pas 21 Module7=P:\Vista\GUI-config\frmSplash.pas 22 Module8=P:\vista\GUI-config\SkinFormU.dfm 23 Module9=P:\vista\GUI-config\CreateTemplateU.pas 24 Module10=P:\vista\GUI-config\EditTextU.pas 25 Module11=P:\vista\GUI-config\PostU.pas 26 Module12=P:\vista\GUI-config\SetSelU.pas 27 Module13=P:\Vista\GUI-config\LookupU.pas 28 Count=14 12 Module0=P:\vista\GUI-config\MainU.pas 13 Module1=P:\vista\GUI-config\frmSplash.pas 14 Module2=P:\vista\GUI-config\AboutU.pas 15 Module3=P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\ORNet.pas 16 Module4=P:\vista\GUI-config\SkinFormU.pas 17 Module5=P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32\Source\wsockc.pas 18 Module6=P:\vista\GUI-config\GUI_Config.dpr 19 Count=7 29 20 EditWindowCount=1 30 21 22 [P:\vista\GUI-config\MainU.pas] 23 ModuleType=SourceModule 24 FormState=1 25 FormOnTop=0 26 27 [P:\vista\GUI-config\frmSplash.pas] 28 ModuleType=SourceModule 29 FormState=1 30 FormOnTop=1 31 32 [P:\vista\GUI-config\AboutU.pas] 33 ModuleType=SourceModule 34 FormState=1 35 FormOnTop=0 36 37 [P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\ORNet.pas] 38 ModuleType=SourceModule 39 FormState=0 40 FormOnTop=0 41 42 [P:\vista\GUI-config\SkinFormU.pas] 43 ModuleType=SourceModule 44 FormState=0 45 FormOnTop=0 46 47 [P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32\Source\wsockc.pas] 48 ModuleType=SourceModule 49 FormState=0 50 FormOnTop=0 51 31 52 [P:\vista\GUI-config\GUI_Config.dpr] 32 ModuleType=SourceModule33 FormState=034 FormOnTop=035 36 [P:\Vista\GUI-config\MainU.pas]37 ModuleType=SourceModule38 FormState=139 FormOnTop=040 41 [P:\vista\GUI-config\DebugU.pas]42 ModuleType=SourceModule43 FormState=144 FormOnTop=045 46 [P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\ORCtrls.pas]47 ModuleType=SourceModule48 FormState=049 FormOnTop=050 51 [P:\Vista\GUI-config\SubfilesU.pas]52 ModuleType=SourceModule53 FormState=154 FormOnTop=055 56 [P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\ORFn.pas]57 ModuleType=SourceModule58 FormState=059 FormOnTop=060 61 [P:\Vista\GUI-config\BatchAddU.pas]62 ModuleType=SourceModule63 FormState=164 FormOnTop=065 66 [P:\Vista\GUI-config\frmSplash.pas]67 ModuleType=SourceModule68 FormState=069 FormOnTop=070 71 [P:\vista\GUI-config\SkinFormU.dfm]72 ModuleType=SourceModule73 FormState=074 FormOnTop=075 76 [P:\vista\GUI-config\CreateTemplateU.pas]77 ModuleType=SourceModule78 FormState=079 FormOnTop=080 81 [P:\vista\GUI-config\EditTextU.pas]82 ModuleType=SourceModule83 FormState=084 FormOnTop=085 86 [P:\vista\GUI-config\PostU.pas]87 ModuleType=SourceModule88 FormState=089 FormOnTop=090 91 [P:\vista\GUI-config\SetSelU.pas]92 ModuleType=SourceModule93 FormState=094 FormOnTop=095 96 [P:\Vista\GUI-config\LookupU.pas]97 53 ModuleType=SourceModule 98 54 FormState=0 … … 104 60 105 61 [EditWindow0] 106 ViewCount= 14107 CurrentView= 1162 ViewCount=7 63 CurrentView=3 108 64 View0=0 109 65 View1=1 … … 113 69 View5=5 114 70 View6=6 115 View7=7116 View8=8117 View9=9118 View10=10119 View11=11120 View12=12121 View13=13122 71 CodeExplorer=CodeExplorer@EditWindow0 123 72 MessageView=MessageView@EditWindow0 … … 125 74 Visible=1 126 75 State=0 127 Left=2 40128 Top=1 18129 Width= 776130 Height=6 1476 Left=22 77 Top=121 78 Width=927 79 Height=648 131 80 MaxLeft=-4 132 MaxTop=10 9133 ClientWidth= 768134 ClientHeight= 580135 LeftPanelSize= 081 MaxTop=104 82 ClientWidth=919 83 ClientHeight=614 84 LeftPanelSize=140 136 85 LeftPanelClients=CodeExplorer@EditWindow0 137 LeftPanelData=000004000 10000000C000000436F64654578706C6F726572C600000000000000027F01000000000000010000000000000000000000000100000000C600000000000000FFFFFFFF86 LeftPanelData=000004000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000C000000436F64654578706C6F726572FFFFFFFF 138 87 RightPanelSize=0 139 BottomPanelSize= 0140 BottomPanelClients= WatchWindow,MessageView@EditWindow0141 BottomPanelData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ottomPanelSize=85 89 BottomPanelClients=MessageView@EditWindow0 90 BottomPanelData=00000400000000009703000000000000025500000000000000010000000000000000000000000100000000AE020000000000000100000000970300000B0000004D65737361676556696577FFFFFFFF 142 91 143 92 [View0] 144 Module=P:\ Vista\GUI-config\MainU.pas93 Module=P:\vista\GUI-config\GUI_Config.dpr 145 94 CursorX=1 146 CursorY= 297147 TopLine= 28195 CursorY=66 96 TopLine=58 148 97 LeftCol=1 149 98 150 99 [View1] 151 Module=P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\ORCtrls.pas 152 CursorX=22 153 CursorY=343 154 TopLine=336 155 LeftCol=1 156 157 [View2] 158 Module=P:\vista\GUI-config\DebugU.pas 159 CursorX=28 160 CursorY=4 161 TopLine=1 162 LeftCol=1 163 164 [View3] 165 Module=P:\Vista\GUI-config\LookupU.pas 100 Module=P:\vista\GUI-config\frmSplash.pas 166 101 CursorX=1 167 102 CursorY=1 … … 169 104 LeftCol=1 170 105 106 [View2] 107 Module=P:\vista\GUI-config\AboutU.pas 108 CursorX=1 109 CursorY=108 110 TopLine=107 111 LeftCol=1 112 113 [View3] 114 Module=P:\vista\GUI-config\MainU.pas 115 CursorX=1 116 CursorY=1498 117 TopLine=1481 118 LeftCol=1 119 171 120 [View4] 172 Module=P:\ Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\ORFn.pas173 CursorX= 38174 CursorY= 41175 TopLine=1 121 Module=P:\vista\GUI-config\BDK32\Source\wsockc.pas 122 CursorX=1 123 CursorY=1479 124 TopLine=1471 176 125 LeftCol=1 177 126 178 127 [View5] 179 Module=P:\ Vista\GUI-config\SubfilesU.pas180 CursorX= 9181 CursorY= 97182 TopLine= 89128 Module=P:\vista\GUI-config\SkinFormU.pas 129 CursorX=24 130 CursorY=124 131 TopLine=113 183 132 LeftCol=1 184 133 185 134 [View6] 186 Module=P:\vista\GUI-config\SetSelU.pas 187 CursorX=9 188 CursorY=32 189 TopLine=24 190 LeftCol=1 191 192 [View7] 193 Module=P:\vista\GUI-config\PostU.pas 194 CursorX=9 195 CursorY=42 196 TopLine=34 197 LeftCol=1 198 199 [View8] 200 Module=P:\vista\GUI-config\EditTextU.pas 201 CursorX=22 202 CursorY=64 203 TopLine=56 204 LeftCol=1 205 206 [View9] 207 Module=P:\vista\GUI-config\CreateTemplateU.pas 208 CursorX=22 209 CursorY=87 210 TopLine=79 211 LeftCol=1 212 213 [View10] 214 Module=P:\vista\GUI-config\SkinFormU.dfm 135 Module=P:\Vista\GUI-config\CPRS-Lib\ORNet.pas 215 136 CursorX=1 216 CursorY=1 217 TopLine=1 218 LeftCol=1 219 220 [View11] 221 Module=P:\vista\GUI-config\GUI_Config.dpr 222 CursorX=1 223 CursorY=67 224 TopLine=59 225 LeftCol=1 226 227 [View12] 228 Module=P:\Vista\GUI-config\frmSplash.pas 229 CursorX=20 230 CursorY=32 231 TopLine=24 232 LeftCol=1 233 234 [View13] 235 Module=P:\Vista\GUI-config\BatchAddU.pas 236 CursorX=30 237 CursorY=83 238 TopLine=74 137 CursorY=330 138 TopLine=358 239 139 LeftCol=1 240 140 … … 252 152 Visible=0 253 153 State=0 254 Left= 12255 Top= 102256 Width=7 56257 Height=1 03154 Left=0 155 Top=0 156 Width=764 157 Height=129 258 158 MaxLeft=-1 259 159 MaxTop=-1 … … 265 165 266 166 [Breakpoints] 267 Count=1 268 Breakpoint0='P:\Vista\GUI-config\MainU.pas',295,'',0,1,'',1,0,0,'',1,'','','' 167 Count=2 168 Breakpoint0='P:\vista\GUI-config\MainU.pas',990,'',0,1,'',1,0,0,'',1,'','','' 169 Breakpoint1='P:\vista\GUI-config\MainU.pas',1878,'',0,1,'',1,0,0,'',1,'','','' 269 170 270 171 [AddressBreakpoints] … … 274 175 Create=1 275 176 Visible=1 276 State= 0277 Left= 6278 Top= 2279 Width=10 13177 State=2 178 Left=0 179 Top=0 180 Width=1024 280 181 Height=112 281 182 MaxLeft=-1 282 183 MaxTop=-1 283 ClientWidth=1005 184 MaxWidth=1032 185 MaxHeight=112 186 ClientWidth=1024 284 187 ClientHeight=78 285 188 286 189 [ProjectManager] 287 190 Create=1 288 Visible= 1289 State=0 290 Left= 172291 Top= 159292 Width= 689293 Height= 561294 MaxLeft=-1 295 MaxTop=-1 296 ClientWidth= 681297 ClientHeight= 535191 Visible=0 192 State=0 193 Left=403 194 Top=294 195 Width=429 196 Height=383 197 MaxLeft=-1 198 MaxTop=-1 199 ClientWidth=421 200 ClientHeight=357 298 201 TBDockHeight=408 299 202 LRDockWidth=623 … … 321 224 State=0 322 225 Left=0 323 Top= 28226 Top=0 324 227 Width=800 325 228 Height=561 … … 352 255 Left=0 353 256 Top=0 354 Width=2 14355 Height= 559356 MaxLeft=-1 357 MaxTop=-1 358 ClientWidth=2 14359 ClientHeight= 559257 Width=206 258 Height=411 259 MaxLeft=-1 260 MaxTop=-1 261 ClientWidth=206 262 ClientHeight=411 360 263 TBDockHeight=527 361 264 LRDockWidth=250 362 265 Dockable=1 363 SplitPos= 114266 SplitPos=73 364 267 ArrangeBy=Name 365 SelectedItem= Visible366 ExpandedItems=Anchors, Options268 SelectedItem=Caption 269 ExpandedItems=Anchors,Menu,Options 367 270 HiddenCategories=Legacy 368 271 … … 393 296 Visible=0 394 297 State=0 395 Left= 60396 Top= 412397 Width= 874298 Left=0 299 Top=0 300 Width=1024 398 301 Height=210 399 302 MaxLeft=-1 400 303 MaxTop=-1 401 ClientWidth= 866304 ClientWidth=1016 402 305 ClientHeight=184 403 306 TBDockHeight=355 … … 431 334 Left=0 432 335 Top=0 433 Width=2 14434 Height= 559435 MaxLeft=-1 436 MaxTop=-1 437 ClientWidth=2 14438 ClientHeight= 559336 Width=206 337 Height=411 338 MaxLeft=-1 339 MaxTop=-1 340 ClientWidth=206 341 ClientHeight=411 439 342 TBDockHeight=527 440 343 LRDockWidth=250 … … 551 454 [CodeExplorer@EditWindow0] 552 455 Create=1 553 Visible= 0456 Visible=1 554 457 State=0 555 458 Left=0 556 459 Top=12 557 Width=1 98558 Height= 371559 MaxLeft=-1 560 MaxTop=-1 561 ClientWidth=1 98562 ClientHeight= 371563 TBDockHeight=3 71564 LRDockWidth=1 98460 Width=140 461 Height=514 462 MaxLeft=-1 463 MaxTop=-1 464 ClientWidth=140 465 ClientHeight=514 466 TBDockHeight=305 467 LRDockWidth=140 565 468 Dockable=1 566 469 567 470 [MessageView@EditWindow0] 568 471 Create=1 569 Visible= 0472 Visible=1 570 473 State=0 571 474 Left=12 572 475 Top=0 573 Width= 756574 Height= 205575 MaxLeft=-1 576 MaxTop=-1 577 ClientWidth= 756578 ClientHeight= 205579 TBDockHeight= 205476 Width=907 477 Height=85 478 MaxLeft=-1 479 MaxTop=-1 480 ClientWidth=907 481 ClientHeight=85 482 TBDockHeight=85 580 483 LRDockWidth=443 581 484 Dockable=1 … … 589 492 Visible=1 590 493 State=0 591 Left= 6592 Top=1 18593 Width=2 30594 Height= 614595 MaxLeft=-1 596 MaxTop=-1 597 ClientWidth=2 22598 ClientHeight= 588494 Left=3 495 Top=152 496 Width=222 497 Height=466 498 MaxLeft=-1 499 MaxTop=-1 500 ClientWidth=214 501 ClientHeight=440 599 502 TBDockHeight=539 600 503 LRDockWidth=258 -
r482 r542 2 2 Default Skin=SkinStuff\Skins\Mac ICQ.ipz 3 3 Load At Startup=1 4 [Settings] 5 UCaseOnly=1 6 -
r476 r542 1 1 object FieldLookupForm: TFieldLookupForm 2 Left = 4353 Top = 1202 Left = 1217 3 Top = 365 4 4 Width = 302 5 5 Height = 169 … … 45 45 OnDblClick = ORComboBoxDblClick 46 46 OnNeedData = ORComboBoxNeedData 47 CharsNeedMatch = 1 47 48 end 48 49 object OKBtn: TBitBtn -
r493 r542 48 48 //procedure InitORComboBox(ORComboBox: TORComboBox; initValue : string); 49 49 procedure PrepForm(FileNum,InitValue : string); 50 function SubSetOfFile(FileNum: string; const StartFrom: string; 50 function SubSetOfFile(FileNum: string; const StartFrom: string; 51 51 Direction: Integer): TStrings; 52 52 end; … … 58 58 59 59 uses 60 ORNet, ORFn, Trpcb, QControls, MainU; 60 ORNet, ORFn, 61 Trpcb, //needed for .ptype types 62 QControls, MainU; 61 63 {$R *.dfm} 62 64 63 65 procedure TFieldLookupForm.ORComboBoxNeedData(Sender: TObject; 64 const StartFrom: String; 66 const StartFrom: String; 65 67 Direction, InsertAt: Integer); 66 68 var 67 Result : TStrings; 69 Result : TStrings; 68 70 begin 69 71 Result := SubSetOfFile(FFileNum, StartFrom, Direction); -
r493 r542 1 1 object MainForm: TMainForm 2 Left = 2463 Top = 1314 Width = 6725 Height = 5512 Left = 63 3 Top = 33 4 Width = 861 5 Height = 706 6 6 Caption = 'WorldVistA Configuration Utility' 7 7 Color = 14405057 … … 46 46 Left = 0 47 47 Top = 0 48 Width = 66449 Height = 49750 ActivePage = ts Advanced48 Width = 853 49 Height = 652 50 ActivePage = tsPatients 51 51 Align = alClient 52 52 OwnerDraw = True … … 60 60 Left = 177 61 61 Top = 0 62 Height = 46962 Height = 624 63 63 ResizeStyle = rsUpdate 64 64 end … … 67 67 Top = 0 68 68 Width = 177 69 Height = 46969 Height = 624 70 70 Align = alLeft 71 71 BevelOuter = bvNone … … 76 76 Top = 0 77 77 Width = 177 78 Height = 43478 Height = 589 79 79 Hint = 'Select User to Edit' 80 80 Align = alClient … … 98 98 object Panel5: TPanel 99 99 Left = 0 100 Top = 434100 Top = 589 101 101 Width = 177 102 102 Height = 35 … … 198 198 Left = 180 199 199 Top = 0 200 Width = 476201 Height = 469200 Width = 665 201 Height = 624 202 202 Align = alClient 203 203 BevelOuter = bvNone … … 207 207 Left = 0 208 208 Top = 0 209 Width = 476210 Height = 438209 Width = 665 210 Height = 593 211 211 ActivePage = tsBasicPage 212 212 Align = alClient … … 269 269 object ButtonPanel: TPanel 270 270 Left = 0 271 Top = 438272 Width = 476271 Top = 593 272 Width = 665 273 273 Height = 31 274 274 Align = alBottom … … 277 277 TabOrder = 1 278 278 DesignSize = ( 279 476279 665 280 280 31) 281 281 object btnUsersApply: TBitBtn 282 Left = 395282 Left = 584 283 283 Top = 3 284 284 Width = 75 … … 317 317 end 318 318 object btnUsersRevert: TBitBtn 319 Left = 311319 Left = 500 320 320 Top = 4 321 321 Width = 75 … … 362 362 Left = 0 363 363 Top = 0 364 Width = 656365 Height = 469364 Width = 845 365 Height = 624 366 366 Align = alClient 367 367 BevelOuter = bvNone … … 371 371 Left = 177 372 372 Top = 0 373 Height = 469373 Height = 624 374 374 ResizeStyle = rsUpdate 375 375 end … … 377 377 Left = 180 378 378 Top = 0 379 Width = 476380 Height = 469379 Width = 665 380 Height = 624 381 381 Align = alClient 382 382 BevelOuter = bvNone … … 386 386 Left = 0 387 387 Top = 0 388 Width = 476389 Height = 438388 Width = 665 389 Height = 593 390 390 ActivePage = tsBasicSettings 391 391 Align = alClient … … 448 448 object Panel3: TPanel 449 449 Left = 0 450 Top = 438451 Width = 476450 Top = 593 451 Width = 665 452 452 Height = 31 453 453 Align = alBottom … … 456 456 TabOrder = 1 457 457 DesignSize = ( 458 476458 665 459 459 31) 460 460 object btnSettingsApply: TBitBtn 461 Left = 395461 Left = 584 462 462 Top = 3 463 463 Width = 75 … … 496 496 end 497 497 object btnSettingsRevert: TBitBtn 498 Left = 311498 Left = 500 499 499 Top = 4 500 500 Width = 75 … … 538 538 Top = 0 539 539 Width = 177 540 Height = 469540 Height = 624 541 541 Align = alLeft 542 542 BevelOuter = bvNone … … 547 547 Top = 0 548 548 Width = 177 549 Height = 434549 Height = 589 550 550 Hint = 'Select User to Edit' 551 551 Align = alClient … … 569 569 object Panel6: TPanel 570 570 Left = 0 571 Top = 434571 Top = 589 572 572 Width = 177 573 573 Height = 35 … … 586 586 Left = 0 587 587 Top = 0 588 Width = 656589 Height = 469588 Width = 845 589 Height = 624 590 590 Align = alClient 591 591 BevelOuter = bvNone … … 595 595 Left = 177 596 596 Top = 0 597 Height = 469597 Height = 624 598 598 ResizeStyle = rsUpdate 599 599 end … … 601 601 Left = 180 602 602 Top = 0 603 Width = 476604 Height = 469603 Width = 665 604 Height = 624 605 605 Align = alClient 606 606 BevelOuter = bvNone … … 610 610 Left = 0 611 611 Top = 0 612 Width = 476613 Height = 438614 ActivePage = ts BasicPatients612 Width = 665 613 Height = 593 614 ActivePage = tsAdvancedPatients 615 615 Align = alClient 616 616 OwnerDraw = True … … 650 650 Left = 0 651 651 Top = 0 652 Width = 468653 Height = 410652 Width = 657 653 Height = 565 654 654 Cursor = crHandPoint 655 655 Hint = 'Edit User Fields Here' … … 673 673 object Panel9: TPanel 674 674 Left = 0 675 Top = 438676 Width = 476675 Top = 593 676 Width = 665 677 677 Height = 31 678 678 Align = alBottom … … 681 681 TabOrder = 1 682 682 DesignSize = ( 683 476683 665 684 684 31) 685 685 object btnPatientApply: TBitBtn 686 Left = 395686 Left = 584 687 687 Top = 3 688 688 Width = 75 … … 721 721 end 722 722 object btnPatientRevert: TBitBtn 723 Left = 311723 Left = 500 724 724 Top = 4 725 725 Width = 75 … … 763 763 Top = 0 764 764 Width = 177 765 Height = 469765 Height = 624 766 766 Align = alLeft 767 767 BevelOuter = bvNone … … 770 770 object Panel11: TPanel 771 771 Left = 0 772 Top = 434772 Top = 589 773 773 Width = 177 774 774 Height = 35 … … 868 868 Top = 0 869 869 Width = 177 870 Height = 434870 Height = 589 871 871 Style = orcsSimple 872 872 Align = alClient … … 901 901 Left = 0 902 902 Top = 0 903 Width = 656904 Height = 469903 Width = 845 904 Height = 624 905 905 Align = alClient 906 906 BevelOuter = bvNone … … 910 910 Left = 177 911 911 Top = 0 912 Height = 469912 Height = 624 913 913 ResizeStyle = rsUpdate 914 914 end … … 916 916 Left = 180 917 917 Top = 0 918 Width = 476919 Height = 469918 Width = 665 919 Height = 624 920 920 Align = alClient 921 921 BevelOuter = bvNone … … 925 925 Left = 0 926 926 Top = 0 927 Width = 476928 Height = 438927 Width = 665 928 Height = 593 929 929 ActivePage = TabSheet2 930 930 Align = alClient … … 964 964 object Panel14: TPanel 965 965 Left = 0 966 Top = 438967 Width = 476966 Top = 593 967 Width = 665 968 968 Height = 31 969 969 Align = alBottom … … 971 971 TabOrder = 1 972 972 DesignSize = ( 973 476973 665 974 974 31) 975 975 object btnAdvancedApply: TBitBtn 976 Left = 395976 Left = 584 977 977 Top = 3 978 978 Width = 75 … … 1011 1011 end 1012 1012 object btnAdvancedRevert: TBitBtn 1013 Left = 3111013 Left = 500 1014 1014 Top = 4 1015 1015 Width = 75 … … 1053 1053 Top = 0 1054 1054 Width = 177 1055 Height = 4691055 Height = 624 1056 1056 Align = alLeft 1057 1057 BevelOuter = bvNone … … 1060 1060 object BotLeftAdvBtnPanel: TPanel 1061 1061 Left = 0 1062 Top = 4341062 Top = 589 1063 1063 Width = 177 1064 1064 Height = 35 … … 1112 1112 Top = 0 1113 1113 Width = 177 1114 Height = 4341114 Height = 589 1115 1115 Align = alClient 1116 1116 BevelOuter = bvNone … … 1181 1181 Top = 204 1182 1182 Width = 177 1183 Height = 2301183 Height = 385 1184 1184 Align = alClient 1185 1185 BevelOuter = bvNone … … 1205 1205 Top = 13 1206 1206 Width = 177 1207 Height = 2171207 Height = 372 1208 1208 Style = orcsSimple 1209 1209 Align = alClient -
r493 r542 5 5 (c) 8/2008 Kevin Toppenberg 6 6 Programmed by Kevin Toppenberg, Eddie Hagood 7 7 8 8 Family Physicians of Greeneville, PC 9 9 1410 Tusculum Blvd, Suite 2600 … … 36 36 ipSkinManager, 37 37 {$ENDIF} 38 Trpcb, 38 Trpcb, //needed for .ptype types 39 39 ValEdit; 40 40 … … 201 201 RPCBrokerParams : TTreeNode; 202 202 Devices : TTreeNode; 203 FLastSelectedRow,FLastSelectedCol : integer; 203 FLastSelectedRow,FLastSelectedCol : integer; 204 204 FLoadingGrid: boolean; 205 205 DataForGrid : TStringList; // doesn't own TGridInfo objects … … 208 208 CachedWPField : TStringList; 209 209 FVisibleGridIdx : integer; 210 FINIFileName : string; // 8-12-09 elh 210 211 procedure ShowDebugClick(Sender: TObject); 211 212 function FindParam(Param : string) : string; … … 282 283 283 284 uses 284 frmSplash, {Trpcb,}LookupU, SubfilesU, SetSelU, SelDateTimeU, PostU,285 frmSplash, LookupU, SubfilesU, SetSelU, SelDateTimeU, PostU, 285 286 FMErrorU, AboutU, PleaseWaitU, EditTextU, CreateTemplateU, SkinFormU, 286 BatchAddU, DebugU; 287 BatchAddU, DebugU, 288 inifiles; //8-12-09 elh 287 289 288 290 {$R *.dfm} … … 343 345 if not ORNet.ConnectToServer(RPC_CONTEXT) then begin 344 346 DebugForm.Memo.Lines.Add('Failed connection. Closing.'); 347 messagedlg('Login Failed.',mtError,[mbOK],0); 345 348 Close; 346 349 Exit; … … 1167 1170 Inc(GridRow); 1168 1171 end; 1169 end; 1172 end; 1170 1173 FLoadingGrid := false; 1171 1174 end; … … 1174 1177 procedure TMainForm.GridSelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; 1175 1178 var CanSelect: Boolean); 1176 (* 1179 (* 1177 1180 For Field def, here is the legend 1178 1181 character meaning 1179 1182 1180 1183 BC The data is Boolean Computed (true or false). 1181 1184 C The data is Computed. … … 1187 1190 Pn The data is a Pointer reference to file "n". 1188 1191 S The data is from a discrete Set of codes. 1189 1190 N The data is Numeric-valued. 1191 1192 1193 N The data is Numeric-valued. 1194 1192 1195 Jn To specify a print length of n characters. 1193 1196 Jn,d To specify printing n characters with decimals. 1194 1197 1195 1198 V The data is a Variable pointer. 1196 1199 W The data is Word processing. 1197 1200 WL The Word processing data is normally printed in Line mode (i.e., without word wrap). 1198 1201 *) 1199 var oneEntry,FieldDef : string; 1202 var oneEntry,FieldDef : string; 1200 1203 date,time: string; 1201 1204 FileNum,FieldNum,SubFileNum : string; … … 1242 1245 IEN := RecordORComboBox.ItemID; //get info from selected record 1243 1246 if IEN > 0 then IENS := InttoStr(IEN) + ','; 1244 end; 1247 end; 1245 1248 if IENS <> '' then begin 1246 1249 SubFileForm := TSubFileForm.Create(self); … … 1250 1253 end else begin 1251 1254 MessageDlg('IENS for File="". Can''t process.',mtInformation,[MBOK],0); 1252 end; 1255 end; 1253 1256 end; 1254 1257 end else if Pos('C',FieldDef)>0 then begin //computed fields. … … 1268 1271 Grid.Cells[ACol,ARow] := date; 1269 1272 end; 1270 CanSelect := true; 1273 CanSelect := true; 1271 1274 end else if Pos('S',FieldDef)>0 then begin //Set of Codes 1272 1275 SetSelForm.PrepForm(Piece(oneEntry,'^',7)); … … 1284 1287 Grid.Cells[ACol,ARow] := FieldLookupForm.ORComboBox.Text; 1285 1288 CanSelect := true; 1286 end; 1289 end; 1287 1290 end; 1288 1291 if CanSelect then begin … … 1290 1293 FLastSelectedCol := ACol; 1291 1294 end; 1292 GridInfo.ApplyBtn.Enabled := true; 1293 GridInfo.RevertBtn.Enabled := true; 1294 end; 1295 1296 1295 GridInfo.ApplyBtn.Enabled := true; 1296 GridInfo.RevertBtn.Enabled := true; 1297 end; 1298 1299 1297 1300 function TMainForm.GetLineInfo(Grid : TStringGrid; CurrentUserData : TStringList; ARow: integer) : tFileEntry; 1298 1301 var fieldNum : string; … … 1302 1305 begin 1303 1306 fieldNum := Grid.Cells[0,ARow]; 1304 gridRow := FindInStrings(fieldNum, CurrentUserData, fileNum); 1307 gridRow := FindInStrings(fieldNum, CurrentUserData, fileNum); 1305 1308 if gridRow > -1 then begin 1306 1309 oneEntry := CurrentUserData.Strings[gridRow]; … … 1310 1313 Result.IENS := Piece(oneEntry,'^',2); 1311 1314 Result.oldValue := Piece(oneEntry,'^',4); 1312 Result.newValue := Grid.Cells[2,ARow]; 1315 Result.newValue := Grid.Cells[2,ARow]; 1313 1316 end else begin 1314 1317 Result.Field := ''; … … 1347 1350 break; 1348 1351 end; 1349 end; 1350 1351 1352 end; 1353 1354 1352 1355 function TMainForm.IsSubFile(FieldDef: string ; var SubFileNum : string) : boolean; 1353 1356 //SubFileNum is OUT parameter … … 1455 1458 FVisibleGridIdx := GetInfoIndexForGrid(Grid); 1456 1459 end; 1457 1458 1460 1461 1459 1462 procedure TMainForm.CompileChanges(Grid : TStringGrid; CurrentUserData,Changes : TStringList); 1460 1463 //Output format: … … 1464 1467 Entry : tFileEntry; 1465 1468 oneEntry : string; 1466 begin 1469 iniFile : TIniFile; // 8-12-09 elh 1470 UCaseOnly : boolean; 1471 begin 1472 FINIFileName := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'GUI_Config.ini'; 1473 iniFile := TIniFile.Create(FINIFileName); //8-12-09 elh 1474 UCaseOnly := inifile.ReadBool('Settings','UCaseOnly',true); 1475 iniFile.Free; 1467 1476 for row := 1 to Grid.RowCount-1 do begin 1468 1477 Entry := GetLineInfo(Grid,CurrentUserData, row); 1469 if Entry.oldValue <> Entry.newValue then begin 1470 if (Entry.newValue <> CLICK_FOR_SUBS) and 1471 (Entry.newValue <> COMPUTED_FIELD) and 1472 (Entry.newValue <> CLICK_TO_EDIT) then begin 1473 oneEntry := Entry.FileNum + '^' + Entry.IENS + '^' + Entry.Field + '^' + Entry.FieldName; 1474 oneEntry := oneEntry + '^' + Entry.newValue + '^' + Entry.oldValue; 1475 Changes.Add(oneEntry); 1476 end; 1478 //Reject any value containing a "^" 1479 //Do we need an @ here as well? 1480 if (AnsiPos('^',Entry.newvalue) > 0){ or (AnsiPos('@',Entry.newvalue) > 0)} then begin 1481 messagedlg('Invalid value entered for ' + Entry.Fieldname + #13 + #10 1482 + #13 + #10 + 'Invalid Entry: ' + Entry.newvalue + #13 + #10 + 1483 'Ignoring Value.',mtError,[mbOK],0); 1484 end else begin 1485 if Entry.oldValue <> Entry.newValue then begin 1486 if (Entry.newValue <> CLICK_FOR_SUBS) and 1487 (Entry.newValue <> COMPUTED_FIELD) and 1488 (Entry.newValue <> CLICK_TO_EDIT) then begin 1489 oneEntry := Entry.FileNum + '^' + Entry.IENS + '^' + Entry.Field + '^' + Entry.FieldName; 1490 //Test to see if change is an AV Code (2 or 11) or ES Code (20.4) in User File (200) 1491 //If so, make it uppercase. 8/12/09 elh 1492 if Entry.FileNum = '200' then begin 1493 if ((Entry.Field = '2') and (UCaseOnly = true)) or 1494 ((Entry.Field = '11') and (UCaseOnly = true)) or 1495 ((Entry.Field = '20.4') and (UCaseOnly = true)) then begin 1496 messagedlg('Converting ' + Entry.Fieldname + ' to uppercase for VistA interactivity.' +#13 +#10 + 1497 #13 +#10 + 1498 'Old Value: ' + Entry.newvalue + ' ' + 'New Value: ' + Uppercase(Entry.newvalue), 1499 mtinformation,[mbOK],0); 1500 Entry.newValue := Uppercase(Entry.newValue); 1501 end; 1502 end; 1503 oneEntry := oneEntry + '^' + Entry.newValue + '^' + Entry.oldValue; 1504 Changes.Add(oneEntry); 1505 end; 1506 end; 1477 1507 end; 1478 1508 end; 1479 1509 end; 1480 1510 1481 1511 1482 1512 function TMainForm.PostChanges(Grid : TStringGrid) : TModalResult; 1483 1513 //Results: mrNone -- no post done (not needed) … … 1705 1735 SrchStr := FileNum + '^' + FieldNum + '^' + HelpStyle; 1706 1736 Idx := CachedHelpIdx.IndexOf(SrchStr); 1707 if Idx = -1 then begin 1737 if Idx = -1 then begin 1708 1738 RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL'; 1709 1739 RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list; … … 1718 1748 end else begin 1719 1749 RPCBrokerV.Results.Delete(0); 1720 if RPCBrokerV.Results.Strings[RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1]='' then begin 1721 RPCBrokerV.Results.Delete(RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1); 1750 if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0 then begin 1751 if RPCBrokerV.Results.Strings[RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1]='' then begin 1752 RPCBrokerV.Results.Delete(RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1); 1753 end; 1722 1754 end; 1723 result := RPCBrokerV.Results.Text; 1755 result := RPCBrokerV.Results.Text; 1756 if result = '' then result := ' '; 1724 1757 //Maybe later replace text with "Enter F1 for more help." 1725 Result := AnsiReplaceText(Result,'Enter ''??'' for more help.',''); 1758 Result := AnsiReplaceText(Result,'Enter ''??'' for more help.',''); 1726 1759 while Result[Length(Result)] in [#10,#13] do begin 1727 1760 Result := AnsiLeftStr(Result,Length(Result)-1); … … 2126 2159 SetPiece(oneEntry,'^',2,IENS); 2127 2160 Data.Add(oneEntry); 2128 end; 2161 end; 2129 2162 end; 2130 2163 end; 2131 2132 2164 2165 2133 2166 procedure TMainForm.ApplicationEventsException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception); 2134 2167 begin … … 2178 2211 end; 2179 2212 2213 2214 2180 2215 end. 2181 2216 -
r476 r542 1 1 object PostForm: TPostForm 2 Left = 833 Top = 2852 Left = 1059 3 Top = 337 4 4 Width = 735 5 5 Height = 342 -
r476 r542 40 40 {$R *.dfm} 41 41 uses 42 ORNet, ORFn, ORCtrls, Trpcb, FMErrorU, StrUtils; 42 ORNet, ORFn, ORCtrls, 43 Trpcb, // needed for .ptype types 44 FMErrorU, StrUtils; 43 45 44 46 procedure TPostForm.PrepForm(Changes : TStringList); -
r476 r542 1 1 object SetSelForm: TSetSelForm 2 Left = 5293 Top = 1242 Left = 1322 3 Top = 417 4 4 Width = 240 5 5 Height = 70 -
r476 r542 1 1 object SubfileForm: TSubfileForm 2 Left = 2393 Top = 2662 Left = 58 3 Top = 196 4 4 Width = 769 5 5 Height = 385 -
r476 r542 95 95 96 96 uses 97 ORNet, ORFn, ORCtrls, Trpcb, 97 ORNet, ORFn, ORCtrls, 98 Trpcb, //needed for .ptype types 98 99 ToolWin, SelDateTimeU, SetSelU, LookupU, PostU, FMErrorU; 99 100 -
r476 r542 4 4 BorderStyle = bsNone 5 5 Caption = 'SplashForm' 6 ClientHeight = 3006 ClientHeight = 298 7 7 ClientWidth = 400 8 8 Color = clBtnFace … … 20 20 Top = 0 21 21 Width = 400 22 Height = 30022 Height = 298 23 23 Align = alClient 24 24 Picture.Data = {
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.