Changeset 671 for cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/CPRS-Chart
- Timestamp:
- Jan 19, 2010, 1:26:10 PM (15 years ago)
- Location:
- cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/CPRS-Chart
- Files:
- 5 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r654 r671 9 9 */ 10 10 11 #define pnglang_EPNGIHDRNotFirstText 64928 12 #define pnglang_EPNGSizeExceedsText 64929 13 #define pnglang_EPNGUnknownPalEntryText 64930 14 #define pnglang_EPNGUnknownCriticalChunkText 64931 15 #define pnglang_EPNGUnknownCompressionText 64932 16 #define pnglang_EPNGUnknownInterlaceText 64933 17 #define pnglang_EPNGCannotAssignChunkText 64934 18 #define pnglang_EPNGUnexpectedEndText 64935 19 #define pnglang_EPNGNoImageDataText 64936 20 #define pnglang_EPNGCannotChangeSizeText 64937 21 #define pnglang_EPNGOutMemoryText 64938 22 #define pnglang_EPNGHeaderNotPresentText 64939 23 #define JConsts_sChangeJPGSize 64940 24 #define JConsts_sJPEGError 64941 25 #define JConsts_sJPEGImageFile 64942 26 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackESHUTDOWN 64944 27 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackETOOMANYREFS 64945 28 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackETIMEDOUT 64946 29 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackECONNREFUSED 64947 30 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackELOOP 64948 31 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENAMETOOLONG 64949 32 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEHOSTDOWN 64950 33 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEHOSTUNREACH 64951 34 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOTEMPTY 64952 35 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackHOST_NOT_FOUND 64953 36 #define pnglang_EPngInvalidCRCText 64954 37 #define pnglang_EPNGInvalidIHDRText 64955 38 #define pnglang_EPNGMissingMultipleIDATText 64956 39 #define pnglang_EPNGZLIBErrorText 64957 40 #define pnglang_EPNGInvalidPaletteText 64958 41 #define pnglang_EPNGInvalidFileHeaderText 64959 42 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOPROTOOPT 64960 43 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEPROTONOSUPPORT 64961 44 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackESOCKTNOSUPPORT 64962 45 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEOPNOTSUPP 64963 46 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEPFNOSUPPORT 64964 47 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEAFNOSUPPORT 64965 48 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEADDRINUSE 64966 49 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEADDRNOTAVAIL 64967 50 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENETDOWN 64968 51 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENETUNREACH 64969 52 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENETRESET 64970 53 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackECONNABORTED 64971 54 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackECONNRESET 64972 55 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOBUFS 64973 56 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEISCONN 64974 57 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOTCONN 64975 58 #define IdResourceStrings_RSWS2LoadError 64976 59 #define IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidServiceName 64977 60 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackError 64978 61 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEINTR 64979 62 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEBADF 64980 63 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEACCES 64981 64 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEFAULT 64982 65 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEINVAL 64983 66 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEMFILE 64984 67 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEWOULDBLOCK 64985 68 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEINPROGRESS 64986 69 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEALREADY 64987 70 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOTSOCK 64988 71 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEDESTADDRREQ 64989 72 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEMSGSIZE 64990 73 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEPROTOTYPE 64991 74 #define DBConsts_SCouldNotParseTimeStamp 64992 75 #define DBConsts_SInvalidSqlTimeStamp 64993 76 #define VDBConsts_SFirstRecord 64994 77 #define VDBConsts_SPriorRecord 64995 78 #define VDBConsts_SNextRecord 64996 79 #define VDBConsts_SLastRecord 64997 80 #define VDBConsts_SInsertRecord 64998 81 #define VDBConsts_SDeleteRecord 64999 82 #define VDBConsts_SEditRecord 65000 83 #define VDBConsts_SPostEdit 65001 84 #define VDBConsts_SCancelEdit 65002 85 #define VDBConsts_SRefreshRecord 65003 86 #define VDBConsts_SRemoteLogin 65004 87 #define IdResourceStrings_RSWinsockInitializationError 65005 88 #define IdResourceStrings_RSSetSizeExceeded 65006 89 #define IdResourceStrings_RSWS2CallError 65007 90 #define QConsts_SOpen 65008 91 #define QConsts_SSave 65009 92 #define QConsts_SUnknownImageFormat 65010 93 #define QConsts_SUnableToWrite 65011 94 #define QConsts_SUndo 65012 95 #define QConsts_SRedo 65013 96 #define QConsts_SLine 65014 97 #define QConsts_SCut 65015 98 #define QConsts_SCopy 65016 99 #define QConsts_SPaste 65017 100 #define QConsts_SClear 65018 101 #define QConsts_SSelectAll 65019 102 #define QConsts_SNoAppInLib 65020 103 #define QConsts_SDuplicateApp 65021 104 #define DBConsts_SBcdOverflow 65022 105 #define DBConsts_SInvalidBcdValue 65023 106 #define QConsts_SMsgDlgWarning 65024 107 #define QConsts_SMsgDlgError 65025 108 #define QConsts_SMsgDlgInformation 65026 109 #define QConsts_SMsgDlgConfirm 65027 110 #define QConsts_SUnnamed 65028 111 #define QConsts_SName 65029 112 #define QConsts_SSize 65030 113 #define QConsts_SType 65031 114 #define QConsts_SDate 65032 115 #define QConsts_SAttributes 65033 116 #define QConsts_SDuplicateMenus 65034 117 #define QConsts_SImageIndexError 65035 118 #define QConsts_SInvalidImageDimensions 65036 119 #define QConsts_SInvalidImageDimension 65037 120 #define QConsts_SInvalidMimeSourceStream 65038 121 #define QConsts_SMimeNotSupportedForIcon 65039 122 #define QConsts_SGroupIndexTooLow 65040 123 #define QConsts_SNoMDIForm 65041 124 #define QConsts_SNotAnMDIForm 65042 125 #define QConsts_SMDIChildNotVisible 65043 126 #define QConsts_SControlParentSetToSelf 65044 127 #define QConsts_SOKButton 65045 128 #define QConsts_SCancelButton 65046 129 #define QConsts_SYesButton 65047 130 #define QConsts_SNoButton 65048 131 #define QConsts_SHelpButton 65049 132 #define QConsts_SCloseButton 65050 133 #define QConsts_SIgnoreButton 65051 134 #define QConsts_SRetryButton 65052 135 #define QConsts_SAbortButton 65053 136 #define QConsts_SAllButton 65054 137 #define QConsts_SCannotDragForm 65055 138 #define QConsts_SmkcShift 65056 139 #define QConsts_SmkcCtrl 65057 140 #define QConsts_SmkcAlt 65058 141 #define QConsts_SInvalidPixelFormat 65059 142 #define QConsts_SNoCanvasHandle 65060 143 #define QConsts_SInvalidCanvasState 65061 144 #define QConsts_SInvalidImageSize 65062 145 #define QConsts_SInvalidColorDepth 65063 146 #define QConsts_SCannotFocus 65064 147 #define QConsts_SParentRequired 65065 148 #define QConsts_SVisibleChanged 65066 149 #define QConsts_SMenuIndexError 65067 150 #define QConsts_SMenuReinserted 65068 151 #define QConsts_SNoMenuRecursion 65069 152 #define QConsts_SMenuNotFound 65070 153 #define QConsts_SMenuSetFormError 65071 154 #define QConsts_SmkcTab 65072 155 #define QConsts_SmkcBackTab 65073 156 #define QConsts_SmkcEsc 65074 157 #define QConsts_SmkcReturn 65075 158 #define QConsts_SmkcEnter 65076 159 #define QConsts_SmkcSpace 65077 160 #define QConsts_SmkcPgUp 65078 161 #define QConsts_SmkcPgDn 65079 162 #define QConsts_SmkcEnd 65080 163 #define QConsts_SmkcHome 65081 164 #define QConsts_SmkcLeft 65082 165 #define QConsts_SmkcUp 65083 166 #define QConsts_SmkcRight 65084 167 #define QConsts_SmkcDown 65085 168 #define QConsts_SmkcIns 65086 169 #define QConsts_SmkcDel 65087 170 #define TntSystem_SInvalidUTF7 65088 171 #define DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_DuplicatePropValueID 65089 172 #define DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_ErrorLoadingTran 65090 173 #define DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_InvalidConstName 65091 174 #define DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_DuplicateConstName 65092 175 #define DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_ConstantNotFound 65093 176 #define DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_LangManagerCalledAtDT 65094 177 #define DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_StreamVersionTooHigh 65095 178 #define OleConst_SCannotActivate 65096 179 #define OleConst_SNoWindowHandle 65097 180 #define OleConst_SInvalidLicense 65098 181 #define OleConst_SNotLicensed 65099 182 #define OleConst_sNoRunningObject 65100 183 #define QConsts_SInvalidCreateWidget 65101 184 #define QConsts_STooManyMessageBoxButtons 65102 185 #define QConsts_SmkcBkSp 65103 186 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionAverage 65104 187 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_DefaultFontName 65105 188 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_CheckPointerSize 65106 189 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionPeriod 65107 190 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieOther 65108 191 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesX 65109 192 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesY 65110 193 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesPie 65111 194 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesBar 65112 195 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesAngle 65113 196 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesGanttStart 65114 197 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesGanttEnd 65115 198 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesGanttNextTask 65116 199 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesArrowEndX 65117 200 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesArrowEndY 65118 201 #define TntSystem_SBufferOverflow 65119 202 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample2 65120 203 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample3 65121 204 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample4 65122 205 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample5 65123 206 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample6 65124 207 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample7 65125 208 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample8 65126 209 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample9 65127 210 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample10 65128 211 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_DefaultFontSize 65129 212 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionAdd 65130 213 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionSubtract 65131 214 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionMultiply 65132 215 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionDivide 65133 216 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionHigh 65134 217 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionLow 65135 218 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryPie 65136 219 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryFastLine 65137 220 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_Rotation 65138 221 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample1 65139 222 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample2 65140 223 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample3 65141 224 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample4 65142 225 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample5 65143 226 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample6 65144 227 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample7 65145 228 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample8 65146 229 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryStandard 65147 230 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryFunctions 65148 231 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryArrow 65149 232 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryGantt 65150 233 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample1 65151 234 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisLogBase 65152 235 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_MaxPointsPerPage 65153 236 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_3dPercent 65154 237 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_CircularSeries 65155 238 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_BarWidthPercent 65156 239 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_BarOffsetPercent 65157 240 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_DefaultPercentOf 65158 241 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_DefPercentFormat 65159 242 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_DefValueFormat 65160 243 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisTitle 65161 244 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisLabels 65162 245 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryLine 65163 246 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryPoint 65164 247 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryArea 65165 248 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryBar 65166 249 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryHorizBar 65167 250 #define ComConst_SAutomationWarning 65168 251 #define ComConst_SNoCloseActiveServer1 65169 252 #define ComConst_SNoCloseActiveServer2 65170 253 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_LegendTopPos 65171 254 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_LegendFirstValue 65172 255 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_LegendColorWidth 65173 256 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_SeriesSetDataSource 65174 257 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_SeriesInvDataSource 65175 258 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FillSample 65176 259 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_Angle 65177 260 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisLogDateTime 65178 261 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisLogNotPositive 65179 262 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisLabelSep 65180 263 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisIncrementNeg 65181 264 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisMinMax 65182 265 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisMaxMin 65183 266 #define ComStrs_sFailSetCalDateTime 65184 267 #define ComStrs_sFailSetCalMaxSelRange 65185 268 #define ComStrs_sFailSetCalMinMaxRange 65186 269 #define ComStrs_sFailsetCalSelRange 65187 270 #define WinHelpViewer_hNoKeyword 65188 271 #define ComConst_SCreateRegKeyError 65189 272 #define ComConst_SOleError 65190 273 #define ComConst_SObjectFactoryMissing 65191 274 #define ComConst_STypeInfoMissing 65192 275 #define ComConst_SBadTypeInfo 65193 276 #define ComConst_SDispIntfMissing 65194 277 #define ComConst_SNoMethod 65195 278 #define ComConst_SVarNotObject 65196 279 #define ComConst_STooManyParams 65197 280 #define ComConst_SDCOMNotInstalled 65198 281 #define ComConst_SDAXError 65199 282 #define ComStrs_sTabFailGetObject 65200 283 #define ComStrs_sTabFailSet 65201 284 #define ComStrs_sTabFailSetObject 65202 285 #define ComStrs_sTabMustBeMultiLine 65203 286 #define ComStrs_sInvalidIndex 65204 287 #define ComStrs_sInsertError 65205 288 #define ComStrs_sInvalidOwner 65206 289 #define ComStrs_sRichEditInsertError 65207 290 #define ComStrs_sRichEditLoadFail 65208 291 #define ComStrs_sRichEditSaveFail 65209 292 #define ComStrs_sUDAssociated 65210 293 #define ComStrs_sPageIndexError 65211 294 #define ComStrs_sInvalidComCtl32 65212 295 #define ComStrs_sDateTimeMax 65213 296 #define ComStrs_sDateTimeMin 65214 297 #define ComStrs_sNeedAllowNone 65215 298 #define ExtCtrls_clNameInactiveCaption 65216 299 #define ExtCtrls_clNameInactiveCaptionText 65217 300 #define ExtCtrls_clNameInfoBk 65218 301 #define ExtCtrls_clNameInfoText 65219 302 #define ExtCtrls_clNameMenu 65220 303 #define ExtCtrls_clNameMenuText 65221 304 #define ExtCtrls_clNameNone 65222 305 #define ExtCtrls_clNameScrollBar 65223 306 #define ExtCtrls_clName3DDkShadow 65224 307 #define ExtCtrls_clName3DLight 65225 308 #define ExtCtrls_clNameWindow 65226 309 #define ExtCtrls_clNameWindowFrame 65227 310 #define ExtCtrls_clNameWindowText 65228 311 #define ComStrs_sTabFailClear 65229 312 #define ComStrs_sTabFailDelete 65230 313 #define ComStrs_sTabFailRetrieve 65231 314 #define ExtCtrls_clNameCream 65232 315 #define ExtCtrls_clNameMedGray 65233 316 #define ExtCtrls_clNameActiveBorder 65234 317 #define ExtCtrls_clNameActiveCaption 65235 318 #define ExtCtrls_clNameAppWorkSpace 65236 319 #define ExtCtrls_clNameBackground 65237 320 #define ExtCtrls_clNameBtnFace 65238 321 #define ExtCtrls_clNameBtnHighlight 65239 322 #define ExtCtrls_clNameBtnShadow 65240 323 #define ExtCtrls_clNameBtnText 65241 324 #define ExtCtrls_clNameCaptionText 65242 325 #define ExtCtrls_clNameDefault 65243 326 #define ExtCtrls_clNameGrayText 65244 327 #define ExtCtrls_clNameHighlight 65245 328 #define ExtCtrls_clNameHighlightText 65246 329 #define ExtCtrls_clNameInactiveBorder 65247 330 #define ExtCtrls_clNameGreen 65248 331 #define ExtCtrls_clNameOlive 65249 332 #define ExtCtrls_clNameNavy 65250 333 #define ExtCtrls_clNamePurple 65251 334 #define ExtCtrls_clNameTeal 65252 335 #define ExtCtrls_clNameGray 65253 336 #define ExtCtrls_clNameSilver 65254 337 #define ExtCtrls_clNameRed 65255 338 #define ExtCtrls_clNameLime 65256 339 #define ExtCtrls_clNameYellow 65257 340 #define ExtCtrls_clNameBlue 65258 341 #define ExtCtrls_clNameFuchsia 65259 342 #define ExtCtrls_clNameAqua 65260 343 #define ExtCtrls_clNameWhite 65261 344 #define ExtCtrls_clNameMoneyGreen 65262 345 #define ExtCtrls_clNameSkyBlue 65263 346 #define Consts_SCannotOpenAVI 65264 347 #define Consts_SDockedCtlNeedsName 65265 348 #define Consts_SDockTreeRemoveError 65266 349 #define Consts_SDockZoneNotFound 65267 350 #define Consts_SDockZoneHasNoCtl 65268 351 #define Consts_SMultiSelectRequired 65269 352 #define Consts_SSeparator 65270 353 #define Consts_SErrorSettingCount 65271 354 #define Consts_SListBoxMustBeVirtual 65272 355 #define Consts_SNoGetItemEventHandler 65273 356 #define HelpIntfs_hNoTableOfContents 65274 357 #define HelpIntfs_hNothingFound 65275 358 #define HelpIntfs_hNoContext 65276 359 #define HelpIntfs_hNoTopics 65277 360 #define ExtCtrls_clNameBlack 65278 361 #define ExtCtrls_clNameMaroon 65279 362 #define Consts_SmkcCtrl 65280 363 #define Consts_SmkcAlt 65281 364 #define Consts_srNone 65282 365 #define Consts_SOutOfRange 65283 366 #define Consts_sAllFilter 65284 367 #define Consts_SInsertLineError 65285 368 #define Consts_SInvalidClipFmt 65286 369 #define Consts_SIconToClipboard 65287 370 #define Consts_SCannotOpenClipboard 65288 371 #define Consts_SInvalidMemoSize 65289 372 #define Consts_SInvalidPrinterOp 65290 373 #define Consts_SNoDefaultPrinter 65291 374 #define Consts_SDuplicateMenus 65292 375 #define Consts_SPictureLabel 65293 376 #define Consts_SPictureDesc 65294 377 #define Consts_SPreviewLabel 65295 378 #define Consts_SmkcBkSp 65296 379 #define Consts_SmkcTab 65297 380 #define Consts_SmkcEsc 65298 381 #define Consts_SmkcEnter 65299 382 #define Consts_SmkcSpace 65300 383 #define Consts_SmkcPgUp 65301 384 #define Consts_SmkcPgDn 65302 385 #define Consts_SmkcEnd 65303 386 #define Consts_SmkcHome 65304 387 #define Consts_SmkcLeft 65305 388 #define Consts_SmkcUp 65306 389 #define Consts_SmkcRight 65307 390 #define Consts_SmkcDown 65308 391 #define Consts_SmkcIns 65309 392 #define Consts_SmkcDel 65310 393 #define Consts_SmkcShift 65311 394 #define Consts_SMaskEditErr 65312 395 #define Consts_SMsgDlgWarning 65313 396 #define Consts_SMsgDlgError 65314 397 #define Consts_SMsgDlgInformation 65315 398 #define Consts_SMsgDlgConfirm 65316 399 #define Consts_SMsgDlgYes 65317 400 #define Consts_SMsgDlgNo 65318 401 #define Consts_SMsgDlgOK 65319 402 #define Consts_SMsgDlgCancel 65320 403 #define Consts_SMsgDlgHelp 65321 404 #define Consts_SMsgDlgAbort 65322 405 #define Consts_SMsgDlgRetry 65323 406 #define Consts_SMsgDlgIgnore 65324 407 #define Consts_SMsgDlgAll 65325 408 #define Consts_SMsgDlgNoToAll 65326 409 #define Consts_SMsgDlgYesToAll 65327 410 #define Consts_SOKButton 65328 411 #define Consts_SCancelButton 65329 412 #define Consts_SYesButton 65330 413 #define Consts_SNoButton 65331 414 #define Consts_SHelpButton 65332 415 #define Consts_SCloseButton 65333 416 #define Consts_SIgnoreButton 65334 417 #define Consts_SRetryButton 65335 418 #define Consts_SAbortButton 65336 419 #define Consts_SAllButton 65337 420 #define Consts_SCannotDragForm 65338 421 #define Consts_SVMetafiles 65339 422 #define Consts_SVEnhMetafiles 65340 423 #define Consts_SVIcons 65341 424 #define Consts_SVBitmaps 65342 425 #define Consts_SMaskErr 65343 11 #define pnglang_EPNGSizeExceedsText 64928 12 #define pnglang_EPNGUnknownPalEntryText 64929 13 #define pnglang_EPNGUnknownCriticalChunkText 64930 14 #define pnglang_EPNGUnknownCompressionText 64931 15 #define pnglang_EPNGUnknownInterlaceText 64932 16 #define pnglang_EPNGCannotAssignChunkText 64933 17 #define pnglang_EPNGUnexpectedEndText 64934 18 #define pnglang_EPNGNoImageDataText 64935 19 #define pnglang_EPNGCannotChangeSizeText 64936 20 #define pnglang_EPNGOutMemoryText 64937 21 #define pnglang_EPNGHeaderNotPresentText 64938 22 #define JConsts_sChangeJPGSize 64939 23 #define JConsts_sJPEGError 64940 24 #define JConsts_sJPEGImageFile 64941 25 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackETOOMANYREFS 64944 26 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackETIMEDOUT 64945 27 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackECONNREFUSED 64946 28 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackELOOP 64947 29 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENAMETOOLONG 64948 30 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEHOSTDOWN 64949 31 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEHOSTUNREACH 64950 32 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOTEMPTY 64951 33 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackHOST_NOT_FOUND 64952 34 #define pnglang_EPngInvalidCRCText 64953 35 #define pnglang_EPNGInvalidIHDRText 64954 36 #define pnglang_EPNGMissingMultipleIDATText 64955 37 #define pnglang_EPNGZLIBErrorText 64956 38 #define pnglang_EPNGInvalidPaletteText 64957 39 #define pnglang_EPNGInvalidFileHeaderText 64958 40 #define pnglang_EPNGIHDRNotFirstText 64959 41 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEPROTONOSUPPORT 64960 42 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackESOCKTNOSUPPORT 64961 43 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEOPNOTSUPP 64962 44 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEPFNOSUPPORT 64963 45 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEAFNOSUPPORT 64964 46 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEADDRINUSE 64965 47 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEADDRNOTAVAIL 64966 48 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENETDOWN 64967 49 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENETUNREACH 64968 50 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENETRESET 64969 51 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackECONNABORTED 64970 52 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackECONNRESET 64971 53 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOBUFS 64972 54 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEISCONN 64973 55 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOTCONN 64974 56 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackESHUTDOWN 64975 57 #define IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidServiceName 64976 58 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackError 64977 59 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEINTR 64978 60 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEBADF 64979 61 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEACCES 64980 62 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEFAULT 64981 63 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEINVAL 64982 64 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEMFILE 64983 65 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEWOULDBLOCK 64984 66 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEINPROGRESS 64985 67 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEALREADY 64986 68 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOTSOCK 64987 69 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEDESTADDRREQ 64988 70 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEMSGSIZE 64989 71 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEPROTOTYPE 64990 72 #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOPROTOOPT 64991 73 #define DBConsts_SInvalidSqlTimeStamp 64992 74 #define VDBConsts_SFirstRecord 64993 75 #define VDBConsts_SPriorRecord 64994 76 #define VDBConsts_SNextRecord 64995 77 #define VDBConsts_SLastRecord 64996 78 #define VDBConsts_SInsertRecord 64997 79 #define VDBConsts_SDeleteRecord 64998 80 #define VDBConsts_SEditRecord 64999 81 #define VDBConsts_SPostEdit 65000 82 #define VDBConsts_SCancelEdit 65001 83 #define VDBConsts_SRefreshRecord 65002 84 #define VDBConsts_SRemoteLogin 65003 85 #define IdResourceStrings_RSWinsockInitializationError 65004 86 #define IdResourceStrings_RSSetSizeExceeded 65005 87 #define IdResourceStrings_RSWS2CallError 65006 88 #define IdResourceStrings_RSWS2LoadError 65007 89 #define QConsts_SSave 65008 90 #define QConsts_SUnknownImageFormat 65009 91 #define QConsts_SUnableToWrite 65010 92 #define QConsts_SUndo 65011 93 #define QConsts_SRedo 65012 94 #define QConsts_SLine 65013 95 #define QConsts_SCut 65014 96 #define QConsts_SCopy 65015 97 #define QConsts_SPaste 65016 98 #define QConsts_SClear 65017 99 #define QConsts_SSelectAll 65018 100 #define QConsts_SNoAppInLib 65019 101 #define QConsts_SDuplicateApp 65020 102 #define DBConsts_SBcdOverflow 65021 103 #define DBConsts_SInvalidBcdValue 65022 104 #define DBConsts_SCouldNotParseTimeStamp 65023 105 #define QConsts_SMsgDlgError 65024 106 #define QConsts_SMsgDlgInformation 65025 107 #define QConsts_SMsgDlgConfirm 65026 108 #define QConsts_SUnnamed 65027 109 #define QConsts_SName 65028 110 #define QConsts_SSize 65029 111 #define QConsts_SType 65030 112 #define QConsts_SDate 65031 113 #define QConsts_SAttributes 65032 114 #define QConsts_SDuplicateMenus 65033 115 #define QConsts_SImageIndexError 65034 116 #define QConsts_SInvalidImageDimensions 65035 117 #define QConsts_SInvalidImageDimension 65036 118 #define QConsts_SInvalidMimeSourceStream 65037 119 #define QConsts_SMimeNotSupportedForIcon 65038 120 #define QConsts_SOpen 65039 121 #define QConsts_SNoMDIForm 65040 122 #define QConsts_SNotAnMDIForm 65041 123 #define QConsts_SMDIChildNotVisible 65042 124 #define QConsts_SControlParentSetToSelf 65043 125 #define QConsts_SOKButton 65044 126 #define QConsts_SCancelButton 65045 127 #define QConsts_SYesButton 65046 128 #define QConsts_SNoButton 65047 129 #define QConsts_SHelpButton 65048 130 #define QConsts_SCloseButton 65049 131 #define QConsts_SIgnoreButton 65050 132 #define QConsts_SRetryButton 65051 133 #define QConsts_SAbortButton 65052 134 #define QConsts_SAllButton 65053 135 #define QConsts_SCannotDragForm 65054 136 #define QConsts_SMsgDlgWarning 65055 137 #define QConsts_SmkcCtrl 65056 138 #define QConsts_SmkcAlt 65057 139 #define QConsts_SInvalidPixelFormat 65058 140 #define QConsts_SNoCanvasHandle 65059 141 #define QConsts_SInvalidCanvasState 65060 142 #define QConsts_SInvalidImageSize 65061 143 #define QConsts_SInvalidColorDepth 65062 144 #define QConsts_SCannotFocus 65063 145 #define QConsts_SParentRequired 65064 146 #define QConsts_SVisibleChanged 65065 147 #define QConsts_SMenuIndexError 65066 148 #define QConsts_SMenuReinserted 65067 149 #define QConsts_SNoMenuRecursion 65068 150 #define QConsts_SMenuNotFound 65069 151 #define QConsts_SMenuSetFormError 65070 152 #define QConsts_SGroupIndexTooLow 65071 153 #define QConsts_SmkcBackTab 65072 154 #define QConsts_SmkcEsc 65073 155 #define QConsts_SmkcReturn 65074 156 #define QConsts_SmkcEnter 65075 157 #define QConsts_SmkcSpace 65076 158 #define QConsts_SmkcPgUp 65077 159 #define QConsts_SmkcPgDn 65078 160 #define QConsts_SmkcEnd 65079 161 #define QConsts_SmkcHome 65080 162 #define QConsts_SmkcLeft 65081 163 #define QConsts_SmkcUp 65082 164 #define QConsts_SmkcRight 65083 165 #define QConsts_SmkcDown 65084 166 #define QConsts_SmkcIns 65085 167 #define QConsts_SmkcDel 65086 168 #define QConsts_SmkcShift 65087 169 #define DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_DuplicatePropValueID 65088 170 #define DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_ErrorLoadingTran 65089 171 #define DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_InvalidConstName 65090 172 #define DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_DuplicateConstName 65091 173 #define DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_ConstantNotFound 65092 174 #define DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_LangManagerCalledAtDT 65093 175 #define DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_StreamVersionTooHigh 65094 176 #define OleConst_SCannotActivate 65095 177 #define OleConst_SNoWindowHandle 65096 178 #define OleConst_SInvalidLicense 65097 179 #define OleConst_SNotLicensed 65098 180 #define OleConst_sNoRunningObject 65099 181 #define QConsts_SInvalidCreateWidget 65100 182 #define QConsts_STooManyMessageBoxButtons 65101 183 #define QConsts_SmkcBkSp 65102 184 #define QConsts_SmkcTab 65103 185 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_DefaultFontName 65104 186 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_CheckPointerSize 65105 187 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionPeriod 65106 188 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieOther 65107 189 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesX 65108 190 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesY 65109 191 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesPie 65110 192 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesBar 65111 193 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesAngle 65112 194 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesGanttStart 65113 195 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesGanttEnd 65114 196 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesGanttNextTask 65115 197 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesArrowEndX 65116 198 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesArrowEndY 65117 199 #define TntSystem_SBufferOverflow 65118 200 #define TntSystem_SInvalidUTF7 65119 201 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample3 65120 202 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample4 65121 203 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample5 65122 204 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample6 65123 205 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample7 65124 206 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample8 65125 207 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample9 65126 208 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample10 65127 209 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_DefaultFontSize 65128 210 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionAdd 65129 211 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionSubtract 65130 212 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionMultiply 65131 213 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionDivide 65132 214 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionHigh 65133 215 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionLow 65134 216 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionAverage 65135 217 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryFastLine 65136 218 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_Rotation 65137 219 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample1 65138 220 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample2 65139 221 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample3 65140 222 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample4 65141 223 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample5 65142 224 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample6 65143 225 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample7 65144 226 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_PieSample8 65145 227 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryStandard 65146 228 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryFunctions 65147 229 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryArrow 65148 230 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryGantt 65149 231 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample1 65150 232 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample2 65151 233 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_MaxPointsPerPage 65152 234 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_3dPercent 65153 235 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_CircularSeries 65154 236 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_BarWidthPercent 65155 237 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_BarOffsetPercent 65156 238 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_DefaultPercentOf 65157 239 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_DefPercentFormat 65158 240 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_DefValueFormat 65159 241 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisTitle 65160 242 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisLabels 65161 243 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryLine 65162 244 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryPoint 65163 245 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryArea 65164 246 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryBar 65165 247 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryHorizBar 65166 248 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryPie 65167 249 #define ComConst_SNoCloseActiveServer1 65168 250 #define ComConst_SNoCloseActiveServer2 65169 251 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_LegendTopPos 65170 252 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_LegendFirstValue 65171 253 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_LegendColorWidth 65172 254 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_SeriesSetDataSource 65173 255 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_SeriesInvDataSource 65174 256 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_FillSample 65175 257 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_Angle 65176 258 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisLogDateTime 65177 259 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisLogNotPositive 65178 260 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisLabelSep 65179 261 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisIncrementNeg 65180 262 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisMinMax 65181 263 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisMaxMin 65182 264 #define TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisLogBase 65183 265 #define ComStrs_sFailSetCalMaxSelRange 65184 266 #define ComStrs_sFailSetCalMinMaxRange 65185 267 #define ComStrs_sFailsetCalSelRange 65186 268 #define WinHelpViewer_hNoKeyword 65187 269 #define ComConst_SCreateRegKeyError 65188 270 #define ComConst_SOleError 65189 271 #define ComConst_SObjectFactoryMissing 65190 272 #define ComConst_STypeInfoMissing 65191 273 #define ComConst_SBadTypeInfo 65192 274 #define ComConst_SDispIntfMissing 65193 275 #define ComConst_SNoMethod 65194 276 #define ComConst_SVarNotObject 65195 277 #define ComConst_STooManyParams 65196 278 #define ComConst_SDCOMNotInstalled 65197 279 #define ComConst_SDAXError 65198 280 #define ComConst_SAutomationWarning 65199 281 #define ComStrs_sTabFailSet 65200 282 #define ComStrs_sTabFailSetObject 65201 283 #define ComStrs_sTabMustBeMultiLine 65202 284 #define ComStrs_sInvalidIndex 65203 285 #define ComStrs_sInsertError 65204 286 #define ComStrs_sInvalidOwner 65205 287 #define ComStrs_sRichEditInsertError 65206 288 #define ComStrs_sRichEditLoadFail 65207 289 #define ComStrs_sRichEditSaveFail 65208 290 #define ComStrs_sUDAssociated 65209 291 #define ComStrs_sPageIndexError 65210 292 #define ComStrs_sInvalidComCtl32 65211 293 #define ComStrs_sDateTimeMax 65212 294 #define ComStrs_sDateTimeMin 65213 295 #define ComStrs_sNeedAllowNone 65214 296 #define ComStrs_sFailSetCalDateTime 65215 297 #define ExtCtrls_clNameInactiveCaptionText 65216 298 #define ExtCtrls_clNameInfoBk 65217 299 #define ExtCtrls_clNameInfoText 65218 300 #define ExtCtrls_clNameMenu 65219 301 #define ExtCtrls_clNameMenuText 65220 302 #define ExtCtrls_clNameNone 65221 303 #define ExtCtrls_clNameScrollBar 65222 304 #define ExtCtrls_clName3DDkShadow 65223 305 #define ExtCtrls_clName3DLight 65224 306 #define ExtCtrls_clNameWindow 65225 307 #define ExtCtrls_clNameWindowFrame 65226 308 #define ExtCtrls_clNameWindowText 65227 309 #define ComStrs_sTabFailClear 65228 310 #define ComStrs_sTabFailDelete 65229 311 #define ComStrs_sTabFailRetrieve 65230 312 #define ComStrs_sTabFailGetObject 65231 313 #define ExtCtrls_clNameMedGray 65232 314 #define ExtCtrls_clNameActiveBorder 65233 315 #define ExtCtrls_clNameActiveCaption 65234 316 #define ExtCtrls_clNameAppWorkSpace 65235 317 #define ExtCtrls_clNameBackground 65236 318 #define ExtCtrls_clNameBtnFace 65237 319 #define ExtCtrls_clNameBtnHighlight 65238 320 #define ExtCtrls_clNameBtnShadow 65239 321 #define ExtCtrls_clNameBtnText 65240 322 #define ExtCtrls_clNameCaptionText 65241 323 #define ExtCtrls_clNameDefault 65242 324 #define ExtCtrls_clNameGrayText 65243 325 #define ExtCtrls_clNameHighlight 65244 326 #define ExtCtrls_clNameHighlightText 65245 327 #define ExtCtrls_clNameInactiveBorder 65246 328 #define ExtCtrls_clNameInactiveCaption 65247 329 #define ExtCtrls_clNameOlive 65248 330 #define ExtCtrls_clNameNavy 65249 331 #define ExtCtrls_clNamePurple 65250 332 #define ExtCtrls_clNameTeal 65251 333 #define ExtCtrls_clNameGray 65252 334 #define ExtCtrls_clNameSilver 65253 335 #define ExtCtrls_clNameRed 65254 336 #define ExtCtrls_clNameLime 65255 337 #define ExtCtrls_clNameYellow 65256 338 #define ExtCtrls_clNameBlue 65257 339 #define ExtCtrls_clNameFuchsia 65258 340 #define ExtCtrls_clNameAqua 65259 341 #define ExtCtrls_clNameWhite 65260 342 #define ExtCtrls_clNameMoneyGreen 65261 343 #define ExtCtrls_clNameSkyBlue 65262 344 #define ExtCtrls_clNameCream 65263 345 #define Consts_SDockedCtlNeedsName 65264 346 #define Consts_SDockTreeRemoveError 65265 347 #define Consts_SDockZoneNotFound 65266 348 #define Consts_SDockZoneHasNoCtl 65267 349 #define Consts_SMultiSelectRequired 65268 350 #define Consts_SSeparator 65269 351 #define Consts_SErrorSettingCount 65270 352 #define Consts_SListBoxMustBeVirtual 65271 353 #define Consts_SNoGetItemEventHandler 65272 354 #define HelpIntfs_hNoTableOfContents 65273 355 #define HelpIntfs_hNothingFound 65274 356 #define HelpIntfs_hNoContext 65275 357 #define HelpIntfs_hNoTopics 65276 358 #define ExtCtrls_clNameBlack 65277 359 #define ExtCtrls_clNameMaroon 65278 360 #define ExtCtrls_clNameGreen 65279 361 #define Consts_SmkcAlt 65280 362 #define Consts_srNone 65281 363 #define Consts_SOutOfRange 65282 364 #define Consts_sAllFilter 65283 365 #define Consts_SInsertLineError 65284 366 #define Consts_SInvalidClipFmt 65285 367 #define Consts_SIconToClipboard 65286 368 #define Consts_SCannotOpenClipboard 65287 369 #define Consts_SInvalidMemoSize 65288 370 #define Consts_SInvalidPrinterOp 65289 371 #define Consts_SNoDefaultPrinter 65290 372 #define Consts_SDuplicateMenus 65291 373 #define Consts_SPictureLabel 65292 374 #define Consts_SPictureDesc 65293 375 #define Consts_SPreviewLabel 65294 376 #define Consts_SCannotOpenAVI 65295 377 #define Consts_SmkcTab 65296 378 #define Consts_SmkcEsc 65297 379 #define Consts_SmkcEnter 65298 380 #define Consts_SmkcSpace 65299 381 #define Consts_SmkcPgUp 65300 382 #define Consts_SmkcPgDn 65301 383 #define Consts_SmkcEnd 65302 384 #define Consts_SmkcHome 65303 385 #define Consts_SmkcLeft 65304 386 #define Consts_SmkcUp 65305 387 #define Consts_SmkcRight 65306 388 #define Consts_SmkcDown 65307 389 #define Consts_SmkcIns 65308 390 #define Consts_SmkcDel 65309 391 #define Consts_SmkcShift 65310 392 #define Consts_SmkcCtrl 65311 393 #define Consts_SMsgDlgWarning 65312 394 #define Consts_SMsgDlgError 65313 395 #define Consts_SMsgDlgInformation 65314 396 #define Consts_SMsgDlgConfirm 65315 397 #define Consts_SMsgDlgYes 65316 398 #define Consts_SMsgDlgNo 65317 399 #define Consts_SMsgDlgOK 65318 400 #define Consts_SMsgDlgCancel 65319 401 #define Consts_SMsgDlgHelp 65320 402 #define Consts_SMsgDlgAbort 65321 403 #define Consts_SMsgDlgRetry 65322 404 #define Consts_SMsgDlgIgnore 65323 405 #define Consts_SMsgDlgAll 65324 406 #define Consts_SMsgDlgNoToAll 65325 407 #define Consts_SMsgDlgYesToAll 65326 408 #define Consts_SmkcBkSp 65327 409 #define Consts_SCancelButton 65328 410 #define Consts_SYesButton 65329 411 #define Consts_SNoButton 65330 412 #define Consts_SHelpButton 65331 413 #define Consts_SCloseButton 65332 414 #define Consts_SIgnoreButton 65333 415 #define Consts_SRetryButton 65334 416 #define Consts_SAbortButton 65335 417 #define Consts_SAllButton 65336 418 #define Consts_SCannotDragForm 65337 419 #define Consts_SVMetafiles 65338 420 #define Consts_SVEnhMetafiles 65339 421 #define Consts_SVIcons 65340 422 #define Consts_SVBitmaps 65341 423 #define Consts_SMaskErr 65342 424 #define Consts_SMaskEditErr 65343 426 425 #define Consts_SVisibleChanged 65344 427 426 #define Consts_SCannotShowModal 65345 … … 434 433 #define Consts_SNotPrinting 65352 435 434 #define Consts_SPrinting 65353 436 #define Consts_S PrinterIndexError 65354437 #define Consts_S InvalidPrinter65355438 #define Consts_S DeviceOnPort65356439 #define Consts_S GroupIndexTooLow65357440 #define Consts_S NoMDIForm65358441 #define Consts_S ControlParentSetToSelf65359435 #define Consts_SInvalidPrinter 65354 436 #define Consts_SDeviceOnPort 65355 437 #define Consts_SGroupIndexTooLow 65356 438 #define Consts_SNoMDIForm 65357 439 #define Consts_SControlParentSetToSelf 65358 440 #define Consts_SOKButton 65359 442 441 #define Consts_SUnknownExtension 65360 443 442 #define Consts_SUnknownClipboardFormat 65361 … … 618 617 STRINGTABLE 619 618 BEGIN 620 pnglang_EPNGIHDRNotFirstText, "This \"Portable Network Graphics\" image is not supported or it might be invalid.\r\n(IHDR chunk is not the first)"621 619 pnglang_EPNGSizeExceedsText, "This \"Portable Network Graphics\" image is not supported because either it's width or height exceeds the maximum size, which is 65535 pixels length." 622 620 pnglang_EPNGUnknownPalEntryText, "There is no such palette entry." … … 633 631 JConsts_sJPEGError, "JPEG error #%d" 634 632 JConsts_sJPEGImageFile, "JPEG Image File" 635 IdResourceStrings_RSStackESHUTDOWN, "Cannot send or receive after socket is closed."636 633 IdResourceStrings_RSStackETOOMANYREFS, "Too many references, cannot splice." 637 634 IdResourceStrings_RSStackETIMEDOUT, "Connection timed out." … … 649 646 pnglang_EPNGInvalidPaletteText, "The \"Portable Network Graphics\" image contains an invalid palette." 650 647 pnglang_EPNGInvalidFileHeaderText, "The file being readed is not a valid \"Portable Network Graphics\" image because it contains an invalid header. This file may be corruped, try obtaining it again." 651 IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOPROTOOPT, "Bad protocol option."648 pnglang_EPNGIHDRNotFirstText, "This \"Portable Network Graphics\" image is not supported or it might be invalid.\r\n(IHDR chunk is not the first)" 652 649 IdResourceStrings_RSStackEPROTONOSUPPORT, "Protocol not supported." 653 650 IdResourceStrings_RSStackESOCKTNOSUPPORT, "Socket type not supported." … … 665 662 IdResourceStrings_RSStackEISCONN, "Socket is already connected." 666 663 IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOTCONN, "Socket is not connected." 667 IdResourceStrings_RS WS2LoadError, "Error on loading Winsock2 library (%s)"664 IdResourceStrings_RSStackESHUTDOWN, "Cannot send or receive after socket is closed." 668 665 IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidServiceName, "%s is not a valid service." 669 666 IdResourceStrings_RSStackError, "Socket Error # %d\r\n%s" … … 681 678 IdResourceStrings_RSStackEMSGSIZE, "Message too long." 682 679 IdResourceStrings_RSStackEPROTOTYPE, "Protocol wrong type for socket." 683 DBConsts_SCouldNotParseTimeStamp, "Could not parse SQL TimeStamp string"680 IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOPROTOOPT, "Bad protocol option." 684 681 DBConsts_SInvalidSqlTimeStamp, "Invalid SQL date/time values" 685 682 VDBConsts_SFirstRecord, "First record" … … 697 694 IdResourceStrings_RSSetSizeExceeded, "Set Size Exceeded." 698 695 IdResourceStrings_RSWS2CallError, "Error on call Winsock2 library function %s" 699 QConsts_SOpen, "Open"696 IdResourceStrings_RSWS2LoadError, "Error on loading Winsock2 library (%s)" 700 697 QConsts_SSave, "Save" 701 698 QConsts_SUnknownImageFormat, "Image format not recognized" … … 713 710 DBConsts_SBcdOverflow, "BCD overflow" 714 711 DBConsts_SInvalidBcdValue, "%s is not a valid BCD value" 715 QConsts_SMsgDlgWarning, "Warning"712 DBConsts_SCouldNotParseTimeStamp, "Could not parse SQL TimeStamp string" 716 713 QConsts_SMsgDlgError, "Error" 717 714 QConsts_SMsgDlgInformation, "Information" … … 729 726 QConsts_SInvalidMimeSourceStream, "MimeSource format must have an associated data stream" 730 727 QConsts_SMimeNotSupportedForIcon, "Mime format not supported for TIcon" 731 QConsts_S GroupIndexTooLow, "GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex"728 QConsts_SOpen, "Open" 732 729 QConsts_SNoMDIForm, "Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active" 733 730 QConsts_SNotAnMDIForm, "Invalid MDIParent for class %s" … … 745 742 QConsts_SAllButton, "&All" 746 743 QConsts_SCannotDragForm, "Cannot drag a form" 747 QConsts_S mkcShift, "Shift+"744 QConsts_SMsgDlgWarning, "Warning" 748 745 QConsts_SmkcCtrl, "Ctrl+" 749 746 QConsts_SmkcAlt, "Alt+" … … 761 758 QConsts_SMenuNotFound, "Sub-menu is not in menu" 762 759 QConsts_SMenuSetFormError, "TMenu.SetForm: argument must be TCustomForm" 763 QConsts_S mkcTab, "Tab"760 QConsts_SGroupIndexTooLow, "GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex" 764 761 QConsts_SmkcBackTab, "BackTab" 765 762 QConsts_SmkcEsc, "Esc" … … 777 774 QConsts_SmkcIns, "Ins" 778 775 QConsts_SmkcDel, "Del" 779 TntSystem_SInvalidUTF7, "Invalid UTF7"776 QConsts_SmkcShift, "Shift+" 780 777 DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_DuplicatePropValueID, "Duplicate property value translation ID (%d)" 781 778 DKLang_SDKLangErrMsg_ErrorLoadingTran, "Loading translations failed.\r\nLine %d: %s" … … 793 790 QConsts_STooManyMessageBoxButtons, "Too many buttons specified for message box" 794 791 QConsts_SmkcBkSp, "Backspace" 795 TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionAverage, "Average"792 QConsts_SmkcTab, "Tab" 796 793 TeeConst_TeeMsg_DefaultFontName, "Arial" 797 794 TeeConst_TeeMsg_CheckPointerSize, "Pointer size must be greater than zero" … … 809 806 TeeConst_TeeMsg_ValuesArrowEndY, "EndY" 810 807 TntSystem_SBufferOverflow, "Buffer overflow" 811 T eeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample2, "Prototyping"808 TntSystem_SInvalidUTF7, "Invalid UTF7" 812 809 TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample3, "Development" 813 810 TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample4, "Sales" … … 825 822 TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionHigh, "High" 826 823 TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionLow, "Low" 827 TeeConst_TeeMsg_ GalleryPie, "Pie"824 TeeConst_TeeMsg_FunctionAverage, "Average" 828 825 TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryFastLine, "Fast Line" 829 826 TeeConst_TeeMsg_Rotation, "Rotation" … … 841 838 TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryGantt, "Gantt" 842 839 TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample1, "Design" 843 TeeConst_TeeMsg_ AxisLogBase, "Axis Logarithmic Base should be >= 2"840 TeeConst_TeeMsg_GanttSample2, "Prototyping" 844 841 TeeConst_TeeMsg_MaxPointsPerPage, "MaxPointsPerPage must be >= 0" 845 842 TeeConst_TeeMsg_3dPercent, "3D effect percent must be between %d and %d" … … 857 854 TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryBar, "Bar" 858 855 TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryHorizBar, "Horiz. Bar" 859 ComConst_SAutomationWarning, "COM Server Warning"856 TeeConst_TeeMsg_GalleryPie, "Pie" 860 857 ComConst_SNoCloseActiveServer1, "There are still active COM objects in this application. One or more clients may have references to these objects, so manually closing " 861 858 ComConst_SNoCloseActiveServer2, "this application may cause those client application(s) to fail.\r\n\r\nAre you sure you want to close this application?" … … 873 870 TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisMinMax, "Axis Minimum Value must be <= Maximum" 874 871 TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisMaxMin, "Axis Maximum Value must be >= Minimum" 875 ComStrs_sFailSetCalDateTime, "Failed to set calendar date or time"872 TeeConst_TeeMsg_AxisLogBase, "Axis Logarithmic Base should be >= 2" 876 873 ComStrs_sFailSetCalMaxSelRange, "Failed to set maximum selection range" 877 874 ComStrs_sFailSetCalMinMaxRange, "Failed to set calendar min/max range" … … 889 886 ComConst_SDCOMNotInstalled, "DCOM not installed" 890 887 ComConst_SDAXError, "DAX Error" 891 Com Strs_sTabFailGetObject, "Failed to get object at index %d"888 ComConst_SAutomationWarning, "COM Server Warning" 892 889 ComStrs_sTabFailSet, "Failed to set tab \"%s\" at index %d" 893 890 ComStrs_sTabFailSetObject, "Failed to set object at index %d" … … 905 902 ComStrs_sDateTimeMin, "Date is less than minimum of %s" 906 903 ComStrs_sNeedAllowNone, "You must be in ShowCheckbox mode to set to this date" 907 ExtCtrls_clNameInactiveCaption, "Inactive Caption"904 ComStrs_sFailSetCalDateTime, "Failed to set calendar date or time" 908 905 ExtCtrls_clNameInactiveCaptionText, "Inactive Caption Text" 909 906 ExtCtrls_clNameInfoBk, "Info Background" … … 921 918 ComStrs_sTabFailDelete, "Failed to delete tab at index %d" 922 919 ComStrs_sTabFailRetrieve, "Failed to retrieve tab at index %d" 923 ExtCtrls_clNameCream, "Cream"920 ComStrs_sTabFailGetObject, "Failed to get object at index %d" 924 921 ExtCtrls_clNameMedGray, "Medium Gray" 925 922 ExtCtrls_clNameActiveBorder, "Active Border" … … 937 934 ExtCtrls_clNameHighlightText, "Highlight Text" 938 935 ExtCtrls_clNameInactiveBorder, "Inactive Border" 939 ExtCtrls_clName Green, "Green"936 ExtCtrls_clNameInactiveCaption, "Inactive Caption" 940 937 ExtCtrls_clNameOlive, "Olive" 941 938 ExtCtrls_clNameNavy, "Navy" … … 953 950 ExtCtrls_clNameMoneyGreen, "Money Green" 954 951 ExtCtrls_clNameSkyBlue, "Sky Blue" 955 Consts_SCannotOpenAVI, "Cannot open AVI"952 ExtCtrls_clNameCream, "Cream" 956 953 Consts_SDockedCtlNeedsName, "Docked control must have a name" 957 954 Consts_SDockTreeRemoveError, "Error removing control from dock tree" … … 969 966 ExtCtrls_clNameBlack, "Black" 970 967 ExtCtrls_clNameMaroon, "Maroon" 971 Consts_SmkcCtrl, "Ctrl+"968 ExtCtrls_clNameGreen, "Green" 972 969 Consts_SmkcAlt, "Alt+" 973 970 Consts_srNone, "(None)" … … 985 982 Consts_SPictureDesc, " (%dx%d)" 986 983 Consts_SPreviewLabel, "Preview" 987 Consts_S mkcBkSp, "BkSp"984 Consts_SCannotOpenAVI, "Cannot open AVI" 988 985 Consts_SmkcTab, "Tab" 989 986 Consts_SmkcEsc, "Esc" … … 1001 998 Consts_SmkcDel, "Del" 1002 999 Consts_SmkcShift, "Shift+" 1003 Consts_S MaskEditErr, "Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes"1000 Consts_SmkcCtrl, "Ctrl+" 1004 1001 Consts_SMsgDlgWarning, "Warning" 1005 1002 Consts_SMsgDlgError, "Error" … … 1017 1014 Consts_SMsgDlgNoToAll, "N&o to All" 1018 1015 Consts_SMsgDlgYesToAll, "Yes to &All" 1019 Consts_S OKButton, "OK"1016 Consts_SmkcBkSp, "BkSp" 1020 1017 Consts_SCancelButton, "Cancel" 1021 1018 Consts_SYesButton, "&Yes" … … 1033 1030 Consts_SVBitmaps, "Bitmaps" 1034 1031 Consts_SMaskErr, "Invalid input value" 1032 Consts_SMaskEditErr, "Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes" 1035 1033 Consts_SVisibleChanged, "Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide" 1036 1034 Consts_SCannotShowModal, "Cannot make a visible window modal" … … 1043 1041 Consts_SNotPrinting, "Printer is not currently printing" 1044 1042 Consts_SPrinting, "Printing in progress" 1045 Consts_SPrinterIndexError, "Printer index out of range"1046 1043 Consts_SInvalidPrinter, "Printer selected is not valid" 1047 1044 Consts_SDeviceOnPort, "%s on %s" … … 1049 1046 Consts_SNoMDIForm, "Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active" 1050 1047 Consts_SControlParentSetToSelf, "A control cannot have itself as its parent" 1048 Consts_SOKButton, "OK" 1051 1049 Consts_SUnknownExtension, "Unknown picture file extension (.%s)" 1052 1050 Consts_SUnknownClipboardFormat, "Unsupported clipboard format" -
r667 r671 1 1 [Closed Files] 2 File_0=SourceModule,'c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\rtl\Sys\variants.pas',0,1,740,1,747,0,0 3 File_1=SourceModule,'P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\TMG_Extra\HTMLEdit\EmbeddedED\EmbeddedED.pas',0,1,3123,1,3130,0,0 2 File_0=SourceModule,'P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\TMG_Extra\fTMGPrintingAnimation.dfm',0,1,709,34,5,0,0 3 File_1=SourceModule,'c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\rtl\Sys\sysutils.pas',0,1,4331,1,4343,0,0 4 File_2=SourceModule,'c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\Menus.pas',0,1,1814,1,1822,0,0 5 File_3=SourceModule,'c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\rtl\Sys\system.pas',0,1,11704,1,11719,0,0 6 File_4=SourceModule,'P:\Vista\tmg-cprs\dklang-package-3.01\DKLang.pas',0,1,832,1,840,0,0 7 File_5=SourceModule,'P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fDrawers.pas',0,1,980,1,993,0,0 8 File_6=SourceModule,'c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\rtl\common\classes.pas',0,1,3974,1,3986,0,0 9 File_7=SourceModule,'P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fNotes.pas',0,1,4414,1,4423,0,0 10 File_8=SourceModule,'P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fReports.pas',0,1,837,33,845,0,0 11 File_9=SourceModule,'P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\TMG_Extra\fWebTab.pas',0,1,58,10,51,0,0 4 12 5 13 [Modules] 6 Module0=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fFrame.pas 7 Module1=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\Options\fOptionsOther.pas 8 Module2=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\Options\fOptionsNotes.pas 9 Module3=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\Encounter\fEncounterFrame.pas 10 Module4=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\rtl\Sys\sysutils.pas 11 Module5=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\Menus.pas 12 Module6=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\rtl\Sys\system.pas 13 Module7=P:\Vista\tmg-cprs\dklang-package-3.01\DKLang.pas 14 Module8=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fDrawers.pas 15 Module9=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\rtl\common\classes.pas 16 Module10=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fNotes.pas 17 Module11=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fReports.pas 18 Module12=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\TMG_Extra\fWebTab.pas 19 Module13=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\ComCtrls.pas 20 Module14=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\Forms.pas 21 Module15=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\Graphics.pas 22 Module16=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fPtSel.pas 23 Module17=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\Controls.pas 24 Module18=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\Templates\uTemplateFields.pas 25 Module19=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\Templates\fTemplateDialog.pas 26 Module20=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\TMG_Extra\HTMLEdit\TMGHTML2.pas 27 Module21=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\CPRSChart.dpr 28 Count=22 14 Module0=C:\PROGRA~1\VISTA\BDK32\Source\wsockc.pas 15 Module1=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fNotePrt.pas 16 Module2=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\rHTMLTools.pas 17 Module3=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\rReports.pas 18 Module4=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\CPRSChart.dpr 19 Count=5 29 20 EditWindowCount=1 30 21 TypeLibWindowCount=1 31 22 32 [ P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fFrame.pas]23 [C:\PROGRA~1\VISTA\BDK32\Source\wsockc.pas] 33 24 ModuleType=SourceModule 34 FormState= 135 FormOnTop= 136 37 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\ Options\fOptionsOther.pas]25 FormState=0 26 FormOnTop=0 27 28 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fNotePrt.pas] 38 29 ModuleType=SourceModule 39 FormState= 140 FormOnTop=0 41 42 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\ Options\fOptionsNotes.pas]30 FormState=0 31 FormOnTop=0 32 33 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\rHTMLTools.pas] 43 34 ModuleType=SourceModule 44 35 FormState=0 45 36 FormOnTop=0 46 37 47 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\Encounter\fEncounterFrame.pas] 48 ModuleType=SourceModule 49 FormState=1 50 FormOnTop=0 51 52 [c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\rtl\Sys\sysutils.pas] 53 ModuleType=SourceModule 54 FormState=0 55 FormOnTop=0 56 57 [c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\Menus.pas] 58 ModuleType=SourceModule 59 FormState=0 60 FormOnTop=0 61 62 [c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\rtl\Sys\system.pas] 63 ModuleType=SourceModule 64 FormState=0 65 FormOnTop=0 66 67 [P:\Vista\tmg-cprs\dklang-package-3.01\DKLang.pas] 68 ModuleType=SourceModule 69 FormState=0 70 FormOnTop=0 71 72 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fDrawers.pas] 73 ModuleType=SourceModule 74 FormState=0 75 FormOnTop=0 76 77 [c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\rtl\common\classes.pas] 78 ModuleType=SourceModule 79 FormState=0 80 FormOnTop=0 81 82 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fNotes.pas] 83 ModuleType=SourceModule 84 FormState=0 85 FormOnTop=0 86 87 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fReports.pas] 88 ModuleType=SourceModule 89 FormState=0 90 FormOnTop=0 91 92 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\TMG_Extra\fWebTab.pas] 93 ModuleType=SourceModule 94 FormState=0 95 FormOnTop=0 96 97 [c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\ComCtrls.pas] 98 ModuleType=SourceModule 99 FormState=0 100 FormOnTop=0 101 102 [c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\Forms.pas] 103 ModuleType=SourceModule 104 FormState=0 105 FormOnTop=0 106 107 [c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\Graphics.pas] 108 ModuleType=SourceModule 109 FormState=0 110 FormOnTop=0 111 112 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fPtSel.pas] 113 ModuleType=SourceModule 114 FormState=0 115 FormOnTop=0 116 117 [c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\Controls.pas] 118 ModuleType=SourceModule 119 FormState=0 120 FormOnTop=0 121 122 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\Templates\uTemplateFields.pas] 123 ModuleType=SourceModule 124 FormState=0 125 FormOnTop=0 126 127 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\Templates\fTemplateDialog.pas] 128 ModuleType=SourceModule 129 FormState=0 130 FormOnTop=0 131 132 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\TMG_Extra\HTMLEdit\TMGHTML2.pas] 38 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\rReports.pas] 133 39 ModuleType=SourceModule 134 40 FormState=0 … … 148 54 FormOnTop=0 149 55 150 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\dShared.pas] 151 FormState=0 152 FormOnTop=0 153 154 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fHSplit.pas] 155 FormState=0 156 FormOnTop=0 157 158 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fPage.pas] 56 [P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fAutoSz.pas] 159 57 FormState=0 160 58 FormOnTop=0 161 59 162 60 [EditWindow0] 163 ViewCount= 22164 CurrentView= 861 ViewCount=5 62 CurrentView=3 165 63 View0=0 166 64 View1=1 … … 168 66 View3=3 169 67 View4=4 170 View5=5171 View6=6172 View7=7173 View8=8174 View9=9175 View10=10176 View11=11177 View12=12178 View13=13179 View14=14180 View15=15181 View16=16182 View17=17183 View18=18184 View19=19185 View20=20186 View21=21187 68 CodeExplorer=CodeExplorer@EditWindow0 188 69 MessageView=MessageView@EditWindow0 … … 200 81 ClientWidth=1024 201 82 ClientHeight=630 202 LeftPanelSize= 083 LeftPanelSize=140 203 84 LeftPanelClients=CodeExplorer@EditWindow0 204 LeftPanelData=000004000 10000000C000000436F64654578706C6F726572000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFF85 LeftPanelData=00000400000000008C00000000000000027E010000000000000100000000000000000000000001000000008C0000000C000000436F64654578706C6F726572FFFFFFFF 205 86 RightPanelSize=0 206 87 BottomPanelSize=245 207 BottomPanelClients= DockSite1,MessageView@EditWindow0208 BottomPanelData=00000400010000000B0000004D65737361676556696577F50000000000000001000400000000000001000000002A000000000000000100000002F50000000000000002000000000004000009000000446F636B53697465310200000000000400000B0000004D65737361676556696577 FFFFFFFF88 BottomPanelClients=MessageView@EditWindow0,DockSite1 89 BottomPanelData=00000400010000000B0000004D65737361676556696577F50000000000000001000400000000000001000000002A000000000000000100000002F50000000000000002000000000004000009000000446F636B53697465310200000000000400000B0000004D657373616765566965770200000000000400000000000002000000000004000000000000FFFFFFFF 209 90 210 91 [View0] 211 92 Module=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\CPRSChart.dpr 93 CursorX=64 94 CursorY=363 95 TopLine=352 96 LeftCol=1 97 98 [View1] 99 Module=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\rReports.pas 212 100 CursorX=1 213 CursorY= 366214 TopLine= 357101 CursorY=642 102 TopLine=630 215 103 LeftCol=1 216 104 217 [View 1]218 Module=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\ TMG_Extra\HTMLEdit\TMGHTML2.pas219 CursorX= 13220 CursorY= 894221 TopLine= 882105 [View2] 106 Module=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fNotePrt.pas 107 CursorX=9 108 CursorY=310 109 TopLine=301 222 110 LeftCol=1 223 111 224 [View 2]225 Module= P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\Templates\fTemplateDialog.pas226 CursorX= 47227 CursorY= 384228 TopLine= 376112 [View3] 113 Module=C:\PROGRA~1\VISTA\BDK32\Source\wsockc.pas 114 CursorX=1 115 CursorY=1479 116 TopLine=1470 229 117 LeftCol=1 230 118 231 [View3]232 Module=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\Templates\uTemplateFields.pas233 CursorX=1234 CursorY=627235 TopLine=619236 LeftCol=1237 238 119 [View4] 239 Module=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\Options\fOptionsNotes.pas 240 CursorX=1 241 CursorY=347 242 TopLine=324 243 LeftCol=1 244 245 [View5] 246 Module=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\Controls.pas 247 CursorX=1 248 CursorY=6245 249 TopLine=6231 250 LeftCol=1 251 252 [View6] 253 Module=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fPtSel.pas 254 CursorX=1 255 CursorY=1210 256 TopLine=1204 257 LeftCol=1 258 259 [View7] 260 Module=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\Encounter\fEncounterFrame.pas 261 CursorX=42 262 CursorY=369 263 TopLine=361 264 LeftCol=1 265 266 [View8] 267 Module=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fFrame.pas 268 CursorX=1 269 CursorY=1511 270 TopLine=1502 271 LeftCol=1 272 273 [View9] 274 Module=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\Options\fOptionsOther.pas 275 CursorX=60 276 CursorY=354 277 TopLine=347 278 LeftCol=1 279 280 [View10] 281 Module=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\Graphics.pas 282 CursorX=1 283 CursorY=2325 284 TopLine=2317 285 LeftCol=1 286 287 [View11] 288 Module=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\Forms.pas 289 CursorX=1 290 CursorY=2974 291 TopLine=2961 292 LeftCol=1 293 294 [View12] 295 Module=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\ComCtrls.pas 296 CursorX=1 297 CursorY=4197 298 TopLine=4188 299 LeftCol=1 300 301 [View13] 302 Module=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\TMG_Extra\fWebTab.pas 303 CursorX=10 304 CursorY=51 305 TopLine=58 306 LeftCol=1 307 308 [View14] 309 Module=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fReports.pas 310 CursorX=33 311 CursorY=845 312 TopLine=837 313 LeftCol=1 314 315 [View15] 316 Module=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fNotes.pas 120 Module=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\rHTMLTools.pas 317 121 CursorX=22 318 CursorY=1751 319 TopLine=1743 320 LeftCol=1 321 322 [View16] 323 Module=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\rtl\common\classes.pas 324 CursorX=1 325 CursorY=3986 326 TopLine=3974 327 LeftCol=1 328 329 [View17] 330 Module=P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\fDrawers.pas 331 CursorX=1 332 CursorY=993 333 TopLine=980 334 LeftCol=1 335 336 [View18] 337 Module=P:\Vista\tmg-cprs\dklang-package-3.01\DKLang.pas 338 CursorX=1 339 CursorY=840 340 TopLine=832 341 LeftCol=1 342 343 [View19] 344 Module=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\rtl\Sys\system.pas 345 CursorX=1 346 CursorY=11719 347 TopLine=11704 348 LeftCol=1 349 350 [View20] 351 Module=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\Menus.pas 352 CursorX=1 353 CursorY=1822 354 TopLine=1814 355 LeftCol=1 356 357 [View21] 358 Module=c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\rtl\Sys\sysutils.pas 359 CursorX=1 360 CursorY=4343 361 TopLine=4331 122 CursorY=135 123 TopLine=114 362 124 LeftCol=1 363 125 … … 508 270 SplitPos=114 509 271 ArrangeBy=Name 510 SelectedItem= Action272 SelectedItem= 511 273 ExpandedItems=CalColors,EdgeBorders,Options 512 274 HiddenCategories=Legacy … … 538 300 Visible=0 539 301 State=0 540 Left= 55541 Top= 390302 Left=456 303 Top=279 542 304 Width=443 543 305 Height=350 … … 696 458 [CodeExplorer@EditWindow0] 697 459 Create=1 698 Visible= 0460 Visible=1 699 461 State=0 700 462 Left=0 701 463 Top=12 702 464 Width=140 703 Height=3 83465 Height=370 704 466 MaxLeft=-1 705 467 MaxTop=-1 706 468 ClientWidth=140 707 ClientHeight=3 83708 TBDockHeight=3 05469 ClientHeight=370 470 TBDockHeight=370 709 471 LRDockWidth=140 710 472 Dockable=1 … … 714 476 Visible=0 715 477 State=0 716 Left= 376717 Top=0 718 Width= 648478 Left=524 479 Top=0 480 Width=500 719 481 Height=245 720 482 MaxLeft=-1 721 483 MaxTop=-1 722 ClientWidth= 648484 ClientWidth=500 723 485 ClientHeight=245 724 486 TBDockHeight=245 … … 734 496 Visible=1 735 497 State=0 736 Left= 2737 Top=1 21498 Left=82 499 Top=116 738 500 Width=278 739 501 Height=595 -
r541 r671 216 216 217 217 if cboDevice.ItemID = '' then 218 begin 219 InfoBox(TX_NODEVICE, TX_NODEVICE_CAP, MB_OK); 220 Exit; 221 end; 222 if radChartCopy.Checked then ChartCopy := True else ChartCopy := False; 223 if Piece(cboDevice.ItemID, ';', 1) = 'WIN' then 224 (* 225 //begin original block of code from before 5-24-05 226 //---------------------------------------------- 227 begin 228 if dlgWinPrinter.Execute then with FReportText do 229 begin 230 Lines.Assign(GetFormattedNote(FNote, ChartCopy)); 231 PrintWindowsReport(FReportText, PAGE_BREAK, Self.Caption, ErrMsg); 232 if Length(ErrMsg) > 0 then InfoBox(ErrMsg, TX_ERR_CAP, MB_OK); 233 end; 234 end 235 //end original unmodified block of code //kt 5-24-05 236 //-------------------------------------------------- 237 *) 238 //begin modified block of code //kt 5-31-05 239 //---------------------------------------------- 240 begin 241 TempLines := TStringList.Create; 242 TempLines.Assign(GetFormattedNote(FNote, ChartCopy)); 243 if rHTMLTools.IsHTML(TempLines) = false then begin 244 //NOTE: If HTML, then bypass this printer dialog, because it will be 245 // replaced by a printer dialog that internet explorer uses. 246 if dlgWinPrinter.Execute then begin 247 FReportText.Lines.Assign(TempLines); 248 PrintWindowsReport(FReportText, PAGE_BREAK, Self.Caption, ErrMsg,Application); 249 end; 250 end else begin 251 LoadDocumentText(TempLines, FNote); //Get document without headers/footers 252 PrintHTMLReport(TempLines, ErrMsg, Patient.Name, 253 FormatFMDateTime('mm/dd/yyyy', Patient.DOB), 254 rHTMLtools.ExtractDateOfNote(TempLines), // date for report. 255 Patient.WardService, Application); 256 end; 257 TempLines.Free; 258 if Length(ErrMsg) > 0 then InfoBox(ErrMsg, TX_ERR_CAP, MB_OK); 259 end 260 //end modified block of code //kt 5-31-05 261 //---------------------------------------------- 262 else 263 begin 264 ADevice := Piece(cboDevice.ItemID, ';', 2); 265 PrintNoteToDevice(FNote, ADevice, ChartCopy, ErrMsg); 266 if Length(ErrMsg) > 0 then InfoBox(ErrMsg, TX_ERR_CAP, MB_OK); 267 268 {* Original Block of Code //elh 1/19/10 218 269 begin 219 270 InfoBox(TX_NODEVICE, TX_NODEVICE_CAP, MB_OK); … … 245 296 LoadDocumentText(TempLines, FNote); //Get document without headers/footers //kt 8/09 246 297 PrintHTMLReport(TempLines, ErrMsg, Patient.Name, //kt 8/09 247 FormatFMDateTime('mm/dd/yyyy', Patient.DOB), 298 FormatFMDateTime('mm/dd/yyyy', Patient.DOB),' ', //kt 8/09 248 299 Patient.WardService, Application); //kt 8/09 249 300 end; //kt 8/09 … … 257 308 if Length(ErrMsg) > 0 then 258 309 InfoBox(ErrMsg, TX_ERR_CAP, MB_OK); 310 *} // End of original block of code //elh 1/19/10 259 311 end; 260 312 -
r541 r671 16 16 DesiredHTMLFontSize : byte; 17 17 18 procedure PrintHTMLReport(Lines: TStringList; var ErrMsg: string; PtName:string;19 DOB:string;Location:string; Application : TApplication); //kt added 5-2-0518 procedure PrintHTMLReport(Lines: TStringList; var ErrMsg: string; 19 PtName, DOB, VisitDate, Location:string; Application : TApplication); //kt added 5-2-05 20 20 function IsHTML(Lines : TStrings): boolean; overload; 21 21 function IsHTML(Line : String): boolean; overload; … … 34 34 procedure SetRegHTMLFontSize(Size: byte); 35 35 procedure RestoreRegHTMLFontSize; 36 procedure SetupHTMLPrinting(Name,DOB, Location,Institution : string);36 procedure SetupHTMLPrinting(Name,DOB,VisitDate,Location,Institution : string); 37 37 procedure RestoreIEPrinting; 38 38 function ExtractDateOfNote(Lines : TStringList) : string; 39 39 40 implementation 40 41 … … 44 45 Graphics, //For color constants 45 46 fTMGPrintingAnimation, 47 ExtCtrls, 46 48 StrUtils; 49 50 type 51 TPrinterEvents = class 52 public 53 SavedDefaultPrinter : string; 54 LastChosenPrinterName : string; 55 RestorePrinterTimer : TTimer; 56 PrintingNow : boolean; 57 procedure HandleRestorePrinting (Sender: TObject); 58 Constructor Create; 59 Destructor Destroy; override; 60 end; 61 62 var 63 PrinterEvents : TPrinterEvents; 47 64 48 65 const CRLF = #$0D#$0A; … … 100 117 until (GetTime-StartTime) > (OneSec*Sec); 101 118 end; 102 119 120 121 procedure PrintHTMLReport(Lines: TStringList; var ErrMsg: string; 122 PtName, DOB, VisitDate, Location:string; 123 Application : TApplication); 124 // Web browser printing options: 125 // OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT Use the default behavior, whether prompting the user for input or not. 126 // OLECMDEXECOPT_PROMPTUSER Execute the command after obtaining user input. 127 // OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER Execute the command without prompting the user. 128 129 {Notice: When IE is asked to print, it immediately returns from the function, 130 but the printing has not yet occured. If UI is requested, then the 131 printing will not start until after the user selects a printer and 132 presses [OK]. I could not find any reliable way to determine when the 133 print job had been created. I had to know this event because I need to 134 restore some IE settings AFTER the printing has finished. I even tried to 135 get the active windows and see if it was a print dialog. But IE print dlg 136 apparently is owned by another thread than CPRS, because GetActiveWindow would 137 not bring back a handle to the printer dialog window. I therefore told IE 138 to print WITHOUT asking which printer via UI. In that case it prints to the 139 system wide default printer. So I have to set the default printer to the 140 user's choice, and then change it back again. This is bit of a kludge, 141 but I couldn't figure out any other way after hours of trial and error. 142 NOTE: I tried to query IE to see if it was able to print, thinking that it 143 would return NO if in the process of currently printing. It didn't work, 144 and would return OK immediately. 145 146 ADDENDUM: I was getting errors and inconsistent behavior with this, so I 147 have decided to try to let the user click a button when the printer has 148 been selected. } 149 150 var 151 UseUI : OleVariant; 152 //NewPrinterName : string; 153 //dlgWinPrinter : TPrintDialog; 154 begin 155 //if PrinterEvents.RestorePrinterTimer.Enabled = false then begin 156 // PrinterEvents.SavedDefaultPrinter := GetCurrentPrinterName; 157 //end; 158 if PrinterEvents.PrintingNow then exit; // prevent double printing (it has happened) 159 160 try 161 frmNotes.SetDisplayToHTMLvsText([vmView,vmHTML],Lines); //ActivateHtmlViewer(Lines); 162 if frmNotes.HtmlViewer.WaitForDocComplete = false then begin 163 ErrMsg := 'The web browser timed out trying to set up document.'; 164 exit; 165 end; 166 PrinterEvents.PrintingNow := true; 167 SetupHTMLPrinting(PtName,DOB,VisitDate,Location,' '); {elh 6/19/09} //kt 168 frmNotes.HtmlViewer.PrintFinished := false; 169 UseUI := true; 170 frmNotes.HtmlViewer.PrintDocument(UseUI); //Returns immediately, not after printing done. 171 frmTMGPrinting.ShowModal; // Let user show when print job has been launched. 172 PrinterEvents.RestorePrinterTimer.Enabled := true; //launch a restore event in 30 seconds 173 //RestoreIEPrinting; //elh - This was omitted from below. Not sure why. 11/10/09 174 finally 175 PrinterEvents.PrintingNow := false; 176 end; 177 end; 178 179 (* 180 Safe copy of above. Delete later... 181 103 182 procedure PrintHTMLReport(Lines: TStringList; var ErrMsg: string; 104 183 PtName, DOB, Location:string; … … 126 205 and would return OK immediately. } 127 206 207 208 128 209 var 129 UseUI : OleVariant; 130 NewPrinterName,DefaultPrinter: string; 131 dlgWinPrinter: TPrintDialog; 132 begin 133 DefaultPrinter := GetCurrentPrinterName; 210 UseUI : OleVariant; 211 NewPrinterName : string; 212 dlgWinPrinter : TPrintDialog; 213 begin 214 if PrinterEvents.RestorePrinterTimer.Enabled = false then begin 215 PrinterEvents.SavedDefaultPrinter := GetCurrentPrinterName; 216 end; 134 217 dlgWinPrinter := TPrintDialog.Create(nil); 135 218 frmTMGPrinting.Show; 219 //FIX: get printer name for the one used last time somehow... 136 220 if dlgWinPrinter.Execute then begin //only sets a local printer 137 221 NewPrinterName := GetCurrentPrinterName; 138 222 SetDefaultPrinter(NewPrinterName); //Set global setting that IE will use. 223 PrinterEvents.LastChosenPrinterName := NewPrinterName; 139 224 try 140 //frmNotes.SetHTMLorTextViewer(True,Lines); //ActivateHtmlViewer(Lines);141 225 frmNotes.SetDisplayToHTMLvsText([vmView,vmHTML],Lines); //ActivateHtmlViewer(Lines); 142 226 if frmNotes.HtmlViewer.WaitForDocComplete = false then begin … … 148 232 UseUI := false; //UseUI := true; 149 233 frmNotes.HtmlViewer.PrintDocument(UseUI); //Returns immediately, not after printing done. 150 Wait(4,Application); //give IE x sec to complete print document. Is this always enough? 234 PrinterEvents.RestorePrinterTimer.Enabled := true; //launch a restore event in 30 seconds 235 Wait(4,Application); 151 236 //WaitForBrowserOK(10, Application); //wait up to 10 seconds //Note: this doesn't do what I want. Status is immediately OK. 152 RestoreIEPrinting; {elh 6/19/09} //kt237 //RestoreIEPrinting; {elh 6/19/09} //kt 153 238 finally //any needed final code goes here. 154 SetDefaultPrinter(DefaultPrinter);239 //SetDefaultPrinter(DefaultPrinter); 155 240 //beep; 156 241 end; … … 159 244 frmTMGPrinting.Hide; 160 245 end; 161 246 *) 162 247 (* 163 248 function WaitForBrowserOK(MaxSecDelay: integer; Application : TApplication) : boolean; … … 738 823 Reg : TRegistry; 739 824 740 procedure SetupHTMLPrinting(Name,DOB, Location,Institution : string);825 procedure SetupHTMLPrinting(Name,DOB,VisitDate,Location,Institution : string); 741 826 //Purpose: To open the IE header and footer registry keys, save the 742 827 //current value and then replace with passed patient data. elh 6/19/09 … … 748 833 end; 749 834 NewHeader := Location + ' &b ' + Institution + ' &b Printed: &d &t'; 750 NewFooter := Name + ' &b DOB: ' + DOB+ ' &b &p of &P';835 NewFooter := Name + ' (' + DOB + ') &b Note: ' + VisitDate + ' &b &p of &P'; 751 836 Reg := TRegistry.Create; //to be freed in RestoreIEPrinting 752 837 try … … 764 849 procedure RestoreIEPrinting; 765 850 //Purpose: To restore the IE header and footer registry with the initial value 851 //NOTE: The below function was used to restore the previous value to the registry 852 // but got commented above, so the registry retained the patient's data 853 // to resolve this, we are now setting this to a default value. 766 854 //elh 6/19/09 767 855 begin 768 856 if not assigned(Reg) then Reg := TRegistry.Create; 769 857 try 858 StoredIEFooters := '&u&b&d'; //Comment this line to restore previous value 859 StoredIEHeader := '&d&b&t&bPage &p of &P'; //Comment this line to restore previous value 770 860 Reg.WriteString('footer',StoredIEFooters); 771 861 Reg.WriteString('header',StoredIEHeader); … … 776 866 end; 777 867 778 begin 868 function ExtractDateOfNote(Lines : TStringList) : string; 869 //Scan note and return date found after 'DATE OF NOTE:', if present. 870 var i,p : integer; 871 s : string; 872 begin 873 Result := ''; 874 if Lines = nil then exit; 875 for i := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do begin 876 p := Pos('DATE OF NOTE:',Lines.Strings[i]); 877 if p<1 then continue; 878 s := Piece(Lines.Strings[i],'DATE OF NOTE:',2); 879 s := Piece(s,'@',1); 880 Result := Trim(s); 881 end; 882 end; 883 884 //=============================================================== 885 886 Constructor TPrinterEvents.Create; 887 begin 888 RestorePrinterTimer := TTimer.Create(frmNotes); 889 RestorePrinterTimer.Enabled := false; 890 RestorePrinterTimer.Interval := 30000; //30 seconds to complete print job. 891 RestorePrinterTimer.OnTimer := HandleRestorePrinting; 892 PrintingNow := false; 893 end; 894 895 Destructor TPrinterEvents.Destroy; 896 begin 897 RestorePrinterTimer.Free; 898 inherited Destroy; 899 end; 900 901 902 procedure TPrinterEvents.HandleRestorePrinting (Sender: TObject); 903 begin 904 if PrinterEvents.PrintingNow then begin 905 RestorePrinterTimer.Enabled := true; // reset timer for later. 906 exit; 907 end; 908 RestorePrinterTimer.Enabled := false; 909 RestoreIEPrinting; {elh 6/19/09} //kt 910 //kt SetDefaultPrinter(SavedDefaultPrinter); 911 //beep; 912 end; 913 914 //=============================================================== 915 916 917 initialization 779 918 DesiredHTMLFontSize := 2; //probably overwritten in fNotes initialization 919 PrinterEvents := TPrinterEvents.Create; 920 921 finalization 922 PrinterEvents.Free; 780 923 end. -
r541 r671 639 639 PrintHTMLReport(TempLines,ErrMsg, 640 640 Patient.Name, 641 FormatFMDateTime('mm/dd/yyyy', Patient.DOB), 642 Encounter.LocationName, 641 FormatFMDateTime('mm/dd/yyyy', Patient.DOB),' ', 642 Encounter.LocationName,Application); 643 643 TempLines.Free; 644 644 Header.Free;
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.