- Timestamp:
- Jun 30, 2010, 4:19:09 AM (15 years ago)
- Location:
- BMXNET_RPMS_dotNET_UTILITIES-BMX/trunk/cs/bmx_0200scr/BMX2
- Files:
- 2 added
- 11 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r815 r816 1 Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.002 # Visual Studio 20051 Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00 2 # Visual C# Express 2008 3 3 Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "BMXNetTest", "BMXNetTest\BMXNetTest.csproj", "{A3A19C51-73D2-4EEE-A190-F1EFBF477BCB}" 4 ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject 5 {DE8E4CC9-4F3A-4E32-8DFE-EE5692E8FC45} = {DE8E4CC9-4F3A-4E32-8DFE-EE5692E8FC45} 6 EndProjectSection 4 7 EndProject 5 8 Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "BMXNet", "BMXNet\BMXNet.csproj", "{DE8E4CC9-4F3A-4E32-8DFE-EE5692E8FC45}" -
r815 r816 1 <Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="" >1 <Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="" ToolsVersion="3.5"> 2 2 <PropertyGroup> 3 3 <ProjectType>Local</ProjectType> 4 <ProductVersion> 8.0.50727</ProductVersion>4 <ProductVersion>9.0.30729</ProductVersion> 5 5 <SchemaVersion>2.0</SchemaVersion> 6 6 <ProjectGuid>{DE8E4CC9-4F3A-4E32-8DFE-EE5692E8FC45}</ProjectGuid> … … 12 12 </AssemblyKeyContainerName> 13 13 <AssemblyName>BMXNet20</AssemblyName> 14 <AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile> IHSPrivateKey.pfx</AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile>14 <AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile>wv.key.snk</AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile> 15 15 <DefaultClientScript>JScript</DefaultClientScript> 16 16 <DefaultHTMLPageLayout>Grid</DefaultHTMLPageLayout> … … 27 27 </UpgradeBackupLocation> 28 28 <SignAssembly>true</SignAssembly> 29 <OldToolsVersion>2.0</OldToolsVersion> 30 <TargetFrameworkVersion>v3.5</TargetFrameworkVersion> 31 <PublishUrl>publish\</PublishUrl> 32 <Install>true</Install> 33 <InstallFrom>Disk</InstallFrom> 34 <UpdateEnabled>false</UpdateEnabled> 35 <UpdateMode>Foreground</UpdateMode> 36 <UpdateInterval>7</UpdateInterval> 37 <UpdateIntervalUnits>Days</UpdateIntervalUnits> 38 <UpdatePeriodically>false</UpdatePeriodically> 39 <UpdateRequired>false</UpdateRequired> 40 <MapFileExtensions>true</MapFileExtensions> 41 <ApplicationRevision>0</ApplicationRevision> 42 <ApplicationVersion>1.0.0.%2a</ApplicationVersion> 43 <IsWebBootstrapper>false</IsWebBootstrapper> 44 <UseApplicationTrust>false</UseApplicationTrust> 45 <BootstrapperEnabled>true</BootstrapperEnabled> 29 46 </PropertyGroup> 30 47 <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' "> … … 56 73 <ConfigurationOverrideFile> 57 74 </ConfigurationOverrideFile> 58 <DefineConstants> TRACE</DefineConstants>75 <DefineConstants>DEBUG;TRACE</DefineConstants> 59 76 <DocumentationFile>bmxnet.xml</DocumentationFile> 60 <DebugSymbols> false</DebugSymbols>77 <DebugSymbols>true</DebugSymbols> 61 78 <FileAlignment>4096</FileAlignment> 62 79 <NoStdLib>false</NoStdLib> 63 80 <NoWarn>1591</NoWarn> 64 <Optimize> true</Optimize>81 <Optimize>false</Optimize> 65 82 <RegisterForComInterop>false</RegisterForComInterop> 66 83 <RemoveIntegerChecks>false</RemoveIntegerChecks> 67 84 <TreatWarningsAsErrors>false</TreatWarningsAsErrors> 68 85 <WarningLevel>4</WarningLevel> 69 <DebugType> none</DebugType>86 <DebugType>full</DebugType> 70 87 <ErrorReport>prompt</ErrorReport> 71 88 </PropertyGroup> … … 150 167 </ItemGroup> 151 168 <ItemGroup> 152 <None Include="IHSPrivateKey.pfx" /> 169 <BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.Net.Client.3.5"> 170 <Visible>False</Visible> 171 <ProductName>.NET Framework Client Profile</ProductName> 172 <Install>false</Install> 173 </BootstrapperPackage> 174 <BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.Net.Framework.2.0"> 175 <Visible>False</Visible> 176 <ProductName>.NET Framework 2.0 %28x86%29</ProductName> 177 <Install>false</Install> 178 </BootstrapperPackage> 179 <BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.Net.Framework.3.0"> 180 <Visible>False</Visible> 181 <ProductName>.NET Framework 3.0 %28x86%29</ProductName> 182 <Install>false</Install> 183 </BootstrapperPackage> 184 <BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.Net.Framework.3.5"> 185 <Visible>False</Visible> 186 <ProductName>.NET Framework 3.5</ProductName> 187 <Install>false</Install> 188 </BootstrapperPackage> 189 <BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.Net.Framework.3.5.SP1"> 190 <Visible>False</Visible> 191 <ProductName>.NET Framework 3.5 SP1</ProductName> 192 <Install>true</Install> 193 </BootstrapperPackage> 194 <BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.Windows.Installer.3.1"> 195 <Visible>False</Visible> 196 <ProductName>Windows Installer 3.1</ProductName> 197 <Install>true</Install> 198 </BootstrapperPackage> 199 </ItemGroup> 200 <ItemGroup> 201 <None Include="wv.key.snk" /> 153 202 </ItemGroup> 154 203 <Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" /> -
r815 r816 4 4 <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration> 5 5 <Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform> 6 <ReferencePath>c:\documents and settings\administrator\my documents\visual studio projects\clinicalscheduling\calendargrid\bin\release\</ReferencePath> 6 <ReferencePath> 7 </ReferencePath> 7 8 <CopyProjectDestinationFolder> 8 9 </CopyProjectDestinationFolder> … … 12 13 <ProjectView>ProjectFiles</ProjectView> 13 14 <ProjectTrust>0</ProjectTrust> 15 <PublishUrlHistory> 16 </PublishUrlHistory> 17 <InstallUrlHistory> 18 </InstallUrlHistory> 19 <SupportUrlHistory> 20 </SupportUrlHistory> 21 <UpdateUrlHistory> 22 </UpdateUrlHistory> 23 <BootstrapperUrlHistory> 24 </BootstrapperUrlHistory> 25 <ErrorReportUrlHistory> 26 </ErrorReportUrlHistory> 27 <FallbackCulture>en-US</FallbackCulture> 28 <VerifyUploadedFiles>false</VerifyUploadedFiles> 14 29 </PropertyGroup> 15 30 <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' "> -
r815 r816 5 5 </assembly> 6 6 <members> 7 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo"> 8 <summary> 9 Prompts for RPMS Server address and port 10 Obtains current values, if any, from isolated storage 11 and uses them as defaults. 12 If OK, then writes values to isolated storage and returns 13 Address and Port as properties. 14 15 </summary> 16 </member> 17 <member name="F:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.components"> 18 <summary> 19 Required designer variable. 20 </summary> 21 </member> 22 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.Dispose(System.Boolean)"> 23 <summary> 24 Clean up any resources being used. 25 </summary> 26 </member> 27 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.InitializeComponent"> 28 <summary> 29 Required method for Designer support - do not modify 30 the contents of this method with the code editor. 31 </summary> 32 </member> 33 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.UpdateDialogData(System.Boolean)"> 34 <summary> 35 If b is true, moves member vars into control data 36 otherwise, moves control data into member vars 37 </summary> 38 <param name="b"></param> 39 </member> 40 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.MServerAddress"> 41 <summary> 42 Gets/sets the internet address of the RPMS Server 43 </summary> 44 </member> 45 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.MServerNamespace"> 46 <summary> 47 Gets/sets the namespace of the RPMS Server 48 </summary> 49 </member> 50 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.MServerPort"> 51 <summary> 52 Gets/sets the TCP/IP Port of the RPMS Server 53 </summary> 54 </member> 55 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision"> 56 <summary> 57 Summary description for DSelectDivision. 58 </summary> 59 </member> 60 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision.InitializeComponent"> 61 <summary> 62 Required method for Designer support - do not modify 63 the contents of this method with the code editor. 64 </summary> 65 </member> 66 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision.UpdateDialogData(System.Boolean)"> 67 <summary> 68 If b is true, moves member vars into control data 69 otherwise, moves control data into member vars 70 </summary> 71 <param name="b"></param> 72 </member> 73 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision.Dispose(System.Boolean)"> 74 <summary> 75 Clean up any resources being used. 76 </summary> 77 </member> 78 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib"> 79 <summary> 80 BMXNetLib implements low-level socket connectivity to RPMS databases. 81 The VA RPC Broker must be running on the RPMS server in order for 82 BMXNetLib to connect. 83 </summary> 84 </member> 85 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.PieceLength(System.String,System.String)"> 86 <summary> 87 Corresponds to M's $L(STRING,DELIMITER) 88 </summary> 89 <param name="sInput"></param> 90 <param name="sDelim"></param> 91 <returns></returns> 92 </member> 93 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.Piece(System.String,System.String,System.Int32)"> 94 <summary> 95 Corresponds to M's $$Piece function 96 </summary> 97 <param name="sInput"></param> 98 <param name="sDelim"></param> 99 <param name="nNumber"></param> 100 <returns></returns> 101 </member> 102 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDPadString(System.String)"> 103 <summary> 104 Given strInput = "13" builds "013" if nLength = 3. Default for nLength is 3. 105 </summary> 106 <param name="strInput"></param> 107 <returns></returns> 108 </member> 109 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDPadString(System.String,System.Int32)"> 110 <summary> 111 Given strInput = "13" builds "013" if nLength = 3 Default for nLength is 3. 112 </summary> 113 <param name="strInput"></param> 114 <param name="nLength">Default = 3</param> 115 <returns></returns> 116 </member> 117 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDB(System.String)"> 118 <summary> 119 Concatenates zero-padded length of sInput to sInput 120 Given "Hello" returns "004Hello" 121 If nSize = 5, returns "00004Hello" 122 Default for nSize is 3. 123 </summary> 124 <param name="sInput"></param> 125 <returns></returns> 126 </member> 127 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDB(System.String,System.Int32)"> 128 <summary> 129 Concatenates zero-padded length of sInput to sInput 130 Given "Hello" returns "004Hello" 131 If nSize = 5, returns "00004Hello" 132 Default for nSize is 3. 133 </summary> 134 <param name="sInput"></param> 135 <param name="nSize"></param> 136 <returns></returns> 137 </member> 138 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBHDR(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)"> 139 <summary> 140 Build protocol header 141 </summary> 142 <param name="sWKID"></param> 143 <param name="sWINH"></param> 144 <param name="sPRCH"></param> 145 <param name="sWISH"></param> 146 <returns></returns> 147 </member> 148 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.FindSubString(System.String,System.String)"> 149 <summary> 150 Returns index of first instance of sSubString in sString. 151 If sSubString not found, returns -1. 152 </summary> 153 <param name="sString"></param> 154 <param name="sSubString"></param> 155 <returns></returns> 156 </member> 157 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.Lock(System.String,System.String,System.String)"> 158 <summary> 159 Lock a local or global M variable 160 Returns true if lock is obtained during TimeOut seconds 161 Use + to increment, - to decrement lock. 162 </summary> 163 <param name="Variable"></param> 164 <param name="Increment"></param> 165 <param name="TimeOut"></param> 166 <returns></returns> 167 </member> 168 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.BMXRWL"> 169 <summary> 170 Returns a reference to the internal ReaderWriterLock member. 171 </summary> 172 </member> 173 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.RWLTimeout"> 174 <summary> 175 Sets and returns the timeout in milliseconds for locking the transmit port. 176 If the transmit port is unavailable an ApplicationException will be thrown. 177 </summary> 178 </member> 179 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ReceiveTimeout"> 180 <summary> 181 Set and retrieve the timeout, in milliseconds, to receive a response from the RPMS server. 182 If the retrieve time exceeds the timeout, an exception will be thrown and the connection will be closed. 183 The default is 30 seconds. 184 </summary> 185 </member> 186 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.AppContext"> 187 <summary> 188 Gets/sets the Kernel Application context 189 Throws an exception if unable to set the context. 190 </summary> 191 </member> 192 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetException"> 193 <summary> 194 Custom exception class for BMXNet 195 </summary> 196 </member> 197 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.RPMSDb.ResultSets"> 198 <summary> 199 Returns the array of RMPSResultSets retrieved from RPMS 200 </summary> 201 </member> 202 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.RPMSDb.CurrentRecordSet"> 203 <summary> 204 Sets and Returns the current recordset 205 </summary> 206 </member> 7 207 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DLoginInfo"> 8 208 <summary> … … 215 415 </summary> 216 416 </member> 217 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib">218 <summary>219 BMXNetLib implements low-level socket connectivity to RPMS databases.220 The VA RPC Broker must be running on the RPMS server in order for221 BMXNetLib to connect.222 </summary>223 </member>224 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.PieceLength(System.String,System.String)">225 <summary>226 Corresponds to M's $L(STRING,DELIMITER)227 </summary>228 <param name="sInput"></param>229 <param name="sDelim"></param>230 <returns></returns>231 </member>232 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.Piece(System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">233 <summary>234 Corresponds to M's $$Piece function235 </summary>236 <param name="sInput"></param>237 <param name="sDelim"></param>238 <param name="nNumber"></param>239 <returns></returns>240 </member>241 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDPadString(System.String)">242 <summary>243 Given strInput = "13" builds "013" if nLength = 3. Default for nLength is 3.244 </summary>245 <param name="strInput"></param>246 <returns></returns>247 </member>248 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDPadString(System.String,System.Int32)">249 <summary>250 Given strInput = "13" builds "013" if nLength = 3 Default for nLength is 3.251 </summary>252 <param name="strInput"></param>253 <param name="nLength">Default = 3</param>254 <returns></returns>255 </member>256 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDB(System.String)">257 <summary>258 Concatenates zero-padded length of sInput to sInput259 Given "Hello" returns "004Hello"260 If nSize = 5, returns "00004Hello"261 Default for nSize is 3.262 </summary>263 <param name="sInput"></param>264 <returns></returns>265 </member>266 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDB(System.String,System.Int32)">267 <summary>268 Concatenates zero-padded length of sInput to sInput269 Given "Hello" returns "004Hello"270 If nSize = 5, returns "00004Hello"271 Default for nSize is 3.272 </summary>273 <param name="sInput"></param>274 <param name="nSize"></param>275 <returns></returns>276 </member>277 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBHDR(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">278 <summary>279 Build protocol header280 </summary>281 <param name="sWKID"></param>282 <param name="sWINH"></param>283 <param name="sPRCH"></param>284 <param name="sWISH"></param>285 <returns></returns>286 </member>287 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.FindSubString(System.String,System.String)">288 <summary>289 Returns index of first instance of sSubString in sString.290 If sSubString not found, returns -1.291 </summary>292 <param name="sString"></param>293 <param name="sSubString"></param>294 <returns></returns>295 </member>296 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.Lock(System.String,System.String,System.String)">297 <summary>298 Lock a local or global M variable299 Returns true if lock is obtained during TimeOut seconds300 Use + to increment, - to decrement lock.301 </summary>302 <param name="Variable"></param>303 <param name="Increment"></param>304 <param name="TimeOut"></param>305 <returns></returns>306 </member>307 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.BMXRWL">308 <summary>309 Returns a reference to the internal ReaderWriterLock member.310 </summary>311 </member>312 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.RWLTimeout">313 <summary>314 Sets and returns the timeout in milliseconds for locking the transmit port.315 If the transmit port is unavailable an ApplicationException will be thrown.316 </summary>317 </member>318 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ReceiveTimeout">319 <summary>320 Set and retrieve the timeout, in milliseconds, to receive a response from the RPMS server.321 If the retrieve time exceeds the timeout, an exception will be thrown and the connection will be closed.322 The default is 30 seconds.323 </summary>324 </member>325 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.AppContext">326 <summary>327 Gets/sets the Kernel Application context328 Throws an exception if unable to set the context.329 </summary>330 </member>331 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.RPMSDb.ResultSets">332 <summary>333 Returns the array of RMPSResultSets retrieved from RPMS334 </summary>335 </member>336 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.RPMSDb.CurrentRecordSet">337 <summary>338 Sets and Returns the current recordset339 </summary>340 </member>341 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision">342 <summary>343 Summary description for DSelectDivision.344 </summary>345 </member>346 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision.InitializeComponent">347 <summary>348 Required method for Designer support - do not modify349 the contents of this method with the code editor.350 </summary>351 </member>352 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision.UpdateDialogData(System.Boolean)">353 <summary>354 If b is true, moves member vars into control data355 otherwise, moves control data into member vars356 </summary>357 <param name="b"></param>358 </member>359 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision.Dispose(System.Boolean)">360 <summary>361 Clean up any resources being used.362 </summary>363 </member>364 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo">365 <summary>366 Prompts for RPMS Server address and port367 Obtains current values, if any, from isolated storage368 and uses them as defaults.369 If OK, then writes values to isolated storage and returns370 Address and Port as properties.371 372 </summary>373 </member>374 <member name="F:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.components">375 <summary>376 Required designer variable.377 </summary>378 </member>379 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.Dispose(System.Boolean)">380 <summary>381 Clean up any resources being used.382 </summary>383 </member>384 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.InitializeComponent">385 <summary>386 Required method for Designer support - do not modify387 the contents of this method with the code editor.388 </summary>389 </member>390 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.UpdateDialogData(System.Boolean)">391 <summary>392 If b is true, moves member vars into control data393 otherwise, moves control data into member vars394 </summary>395 <param name="b"></param>396 </member>397 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.MServerAddress">398 <summary>399 Gets/sets the internet address of the RPMS Server400 </summary>401 </member>402 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.MServerNamespace">403 <summary>404 Gets/sets the namespace of the RPMS Server405 </summary>406 </member>407 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.MServerPort">408 <summary>409 Gets/sets the TCP/IP Port of the RPMS Server410 </summary>411 </member>412 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetException">413 <summary>414 Custom exception class for BMXNet415 </summary>416 </member>417 417 </members> 418 418 </doc> -
r815 r816 5 5 </assembly> 6 6 <members> 7 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo"> 8 <summary> 9 Prompts for RPMS Server address and port 10 Obtains current values, if any, from isolated storage 11 and uses them as defaults. 12 If OK, then writes values to isolated storage and returns 13 Address and Port as properties. 14 15 </summary> 16 </member> 17 <member name="F:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.components"> 18 <summary> 19 Required designer variable. 20 </summary> 21 </member> 22 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.Dispose(System.Boolean)"> 23 <summary> 24 Clean up any resources being used. 25 </summary> 26 </member> 27 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.InitializeComponent"> 28 <summary> 29 Required method for Designer support - do not modify 30 the contents of this method with the code editor. 31 </summary> 32 </member> 33 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.UpdateDialogData(System.Boolean)"> 34 <summary> 35 If b is true, moves member vars into control data 36 otherwise, moves control data into member vars 37 </summary> 38 <param name="b"></param> 39 </member> 40 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.MServerAddress"> 41 <summary> 42 Gets/sets the internet address of the RPMS Server 43 </summary> 44 </member> 45 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.MServerNamespace"> 46 <summary> 47 Gets/sets the namespace of the RPMS Server 48 </summary> 49 </member> 50 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.MServerPort"> 51 <summary> 52 Gets/sets the TCP/IP Port of the RPMS Server 53 </summary> 54 </member> 55 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision"> 56 <summary> 57 Summary description for DSelectDivision. 58 </summary> 59 </member> 60 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision.InitializeComponent"> 61 <summary> 62 Required method for Designer support - do not modify 63 the contents of this method with the code editor. 64 </summary> 65 </member> 66 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision.UpdateDialogData(System.Boolean)"> 67 <summary> 68 If b is true, moves member vars into control data 69 otherwise, moves control data into member vars 70 </summary> 71 <param name="b"></param> 72 </member> 73 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision.Dispose(System.Boolean)"> 74 <summary> 75 Clean up any resources being used. 76 </summary> 77 </member> 78 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib"> 79 <summary> 80 BMXNetLib implements low-level socket connectivity to RPMS databases. 81 The VA RPC Broker must be running on the RPMS server in order for 82 BMXNetLib to connect. 83 </summary> 84 </member> 85 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.PieceLength(System.String,System.String)"> 86 <summary> 87 Corresponds to M's $L(STRING,DELIMITER) 88 </summary> 89 <param name="sInput"></param> 90 <param name="sDelim"></param> 91 <returns></returns> 92 </member> 93 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.Piece(System.String,System.String,System.Int32)"> 94 <summary> 95 Corresponds to M's $$Piece function 96 </summary> 97 <param name="sInput"></param> 98 <param name="sDelim"></param> 99 <param name="nNumber"></param> 100 <returns></returns> 101 </member> 102 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDPadString(System.String)"> 103 <summary> 104 Given strInput = "13" builds "013" if nLength = 3. Default for nLength is 3. 105 </summary> 106 <param name="strInput"></param> 107 <returns></returns> 108 </member> 109 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDPadString(System.String,System.Int32)"> 110 <summary> 111 Given strInput = "13" builds "013" if nLength = 3 Default for nLength is 3. 112 </summary> 113 <param name="strInput"></param> 114 <param name="nLength">Default = 3</param> 115 <returns></returns> 116 </member> 117 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDB(System.String)"> 118 <summary> 119 Concatenates zero-padded length of sInput to sInput 120 Given "Hello" returns "004Hello" 121 If nSize = 5, returns "00004Hello" 122 Default for nSize is 3. 123 </summary> 124 <param name="sInput"></param> 125 <returns></returns> 126 </member> 127 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDB(System.String,System.Int32)"> 128 <summary> 129 Concatenates zero-padded length of sInput to sInput 130 Given "Hello" returns "004Hello" 131 If nSize = 5, returns "00004Hello" 132 Default for nSize is 3. 133 </summary> 134 <param name="sInput"></param> 135 <param name="nSize"></param> 136 <returns></returns> 137 </member> 138 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBHDR(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)"> 139 <summary> 140 Build protocol header 141 </summary> 142 <param name="sWKID"></param> 143 <param name="sWINH"></param> 144 <param name="sPRCH"></param> 145 <param name="sWISH"></param> 146 <returns></returns> 147 </member> 148 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.FindSubString(System.String,System.String)"> 149 <summary> 150 Returns index of first instance of sSubString in sString. 151 If sSubString not found, returns -1. 152 </summary> 153 <param name="sString"></param> 154 <param name="sSubString"></param> 155 <returns></returns> 156 </member> 157 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.Lock(System.String,System.String,System.String)"> 158 <summary> 159 Lock a local or global M variable 160 Returns true if lock is obtained during TimeOut seconds 161 Use + to increment, - to decrement lock. 162 </summary> 163 <param name="Variable"></param> 164 <param name="Increment"></param> 165 <param name="TimeOut"></param> 166 <returns></returns> 167 </member> 168 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.BMXRWL"> 169 <summary> 170 Returns a reference to the internal ReaderWriterLock member. 171 </summary> 172 </member> 173 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.RWLTimeout"> 174 <summary> 175 Sets and returns the timeout in milliseconds for locking the transmit port. 176 If the transmit port is unavailable an ApplicationException will be thrown. 177 </summary> 178 </member> 179 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ReceiveTimeout"> 180 <summary> 181 Set and retrieve the timeout, in milliseconds, to receive a response from the RPMS server. 182 If the retrieve time exceeds the timeout, an exception will be thrown and the connection will be closed. 183 The default is 30 seconds. 184 </summary> 185 </member> 186 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.AppContext"> 187 <summary> 188 Gets/sets the Kernel Application context 189 Throws an exception if unable to set the context. 190 </summary> 191 </member> 192 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetException"> 193 <summary> 194 Custom exception class for BMXNet 195 </summary> 196 </member> 197 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.RPMSDb.ResultSets"> 198 <summary> 199 Returns the array of RMPSResultSets retrieved from RPMS 200 </summary> 201 </member> 202 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.RPMSDb.CurrentRecordSet"> 203 <summary> 204 Sets and Returns the current recordset 205 </summary> 206 </member> 7 207 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DLoginInfo"> 8 208 <summary> … … 215 415 </summary> 216 416 </member> 217 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib">218 <summary>219 BMXNetLib implements low-level socket connectivity to RPMS databases.220 The VA RPC Broker must be running on the RPMS server in order for221 BMXNetLib to connect.222 </summary>223 </member>224 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.PieceLength(System.String,System.String)">225 <summary>226 Corresponds to M's $L(STRING,DELIMITER)227 </summary>228 <param name="sInput"></param>229 <param name="sDelim"></param>230 <returns></returns>231 </member>232 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.Piece(System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">233 <summary>234 Corresponds to M's $$Piece function235 </summary>236 <param name="sInput"></param>237 <param name="sDelim"></param>238 <param name="nNumber"></param>239 <returns></returns>240 </member>241 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDPadString(System.String)">242 <summary>243 Given strInput = "13" builds "013" if nLength = 3. Default for nLength is 3.244 </summary>245 <param name="strInput"></param>246 <returns></returns>247 </member>248 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDPadString(System.String,System.Int32)">249 <summary>250 Given strInput = "13" builds "013" if nLength = 3 Default for nLength is 3.251 </summary>252 <param name="strInput"></param>253 <param name="nLength">Default = 3</param>254 <returns></returns>255 </member>256 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDB(System.String)">257 <summary>258 Concatenates zero-padded length of sInput to sInput259 Given "Hello" returns "004Hello"260 If nSize = 5, returns "00004Hello"261 Default for nSize is 3.262 </summary>263 <param name="sInput"></param>264 <returns></returns>265 </member>266 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBLDB(System.String,System.Int32)">267 <summary>268 Concatenates zero-padded length of sInput to sInput269 Given "Hello" returns "004Hello"270 If nSize = 5, returns "00004Hello"271 Default for nSize is 3.272 </summary>273 <param name="sInput"></param>274 <param name="nSize"></param>275 <returns></returns>276 </member>277 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ADEBHDR(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">278 <summary>279 Build protocol header280 </summary>281 <param name="sWKID"></param>282 <param name="sWINH"></param>283 <param name="sPRCH"></param>284 <param name="sWISH"></param>285 <returns></returns>286 </member>287 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.FindSubString(System.String,System.String)">288 <summary>289 Returns index of first instance of sSubString in sString.290 If sSubString not found, returns -1.291 </summary>292 <param name="sString"></param>293 <param name="sSubString"></param>294 <returns></returns>295 </member>296 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.Lock(System.String,System.String,System.String)">297 <summary>298 Lock a local or global M variable299 Returns true if lock is obtained during TimeOut seconds300 Use + to increment, - to decrement lock.301 </summary>302 <param name="Variable"></param>303 <param name="Increment"></param>304 <param name="TimeOut"></param>305 <returns></returns>306 </member>307 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.BMXRWL">308 <summary>309 Returns a reference to the internal ReaderWriterLock member.310 </summary>311 </member>312 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.RWLTimeout">313 <summary>314 Sets and returns the timeout in milliseconds for locking the transmit port.315 If the transmit port is unavailable an ApplicationException will be thrown.316 </summary>317 </member>318 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.ReceiveTimeout">319 <summary>320 Set and retrieve the timeout, in milliseconds, to receive a response from the RPMS server.321 If the retrieve time exceeds the timeout, an exception will be thrown and the connection will be closed.322 The default is 30 seconds.323 </summary>324 </member>325 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetLib.AppContext">326 <summary>327 Gets/sets the Kernel Application context328 Throws an exception if unable to set the context.329 </summary>330 </member>331 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.RPMSDb.ResultSets">332 <summary>333 Returns the array of RMPSResultSets retrieved from RPMS334 </summary>335 </member>336 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.RPMSDb.CurrentRecordSet">337 <summary>338 Sets and Returns the current recordset339 </summary>340 </member>341 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision">342 <summary>343 Summary description for DSelectDivision.344 </summary>345 </member>346 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision.InitializeComponent">347 <summary>348 Required method for Designer support - do not modify349 the contents of this method with the code editor.350 </summary>351 </member>352 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision.UpdateDialogData(System.Boolean)">353 <summary>354 If b is true, moves member vars into control data355 otherwise, moves control data into member vars356 </summary>357 <param name="b"></param>358 </member>359 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DSelectDivision.Dispose(System.Boolean)">360 <summary>361 Clean up any resources being used.362 </summary>363 </member>364 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo">365 <summary>366 Prompts for RPMS Server address and port367 Obtains current values, if any, from isolated storage368 and uses them as defaults.369 If OK, then writes values to isolated storage and returns370 Address and Port as properties.371 372 </summary>373 </member>374 <member name="F:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.components">375 <summary>376 Required designer variable.377 </summary>378 </member>379 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.Dispose(System.Boolean)">380 <summary>381 Clean up any resources being used.382 </summary>383 </member>384 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.InitializeComponent">385 <summary>386 Required method for Designer support - do not modify387 the contents of this method with the code editor.388 </summary>389 </member>390 <member name="M:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.UpdateDialogData(System.Boolean)">391 <summary>392 If b is true, moves member vars into control data393 otherwise, moves control data into member vars394 </summary>395 <param name="b"></param>396 </member>397 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.MServerAddress">398 <summary>399 Gets/sets the internet address of the RPMS Server400 </summary>401 </member>402 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.MServerNamespace">403 <summary>404 Gets/sets the namespace of the RPMS Server405 </summary>406 </member>407 <member name="P:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.DServerInfo.MServerPort">408 <summary>409 Gets/sets the TCP/IP Port of the RPMS Server410 </summary>411 </member>412 <member name="T:IndianHealthService.BMXNet.BMXNetException">413 <summary>414 Custom exception class for BMXNet415 </summary>416 </member>417 417 </members> 418 418 </doc> -
r815 r816 1 <Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="" >1 <Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="" ToolsVersion="3.5"> 2 2 <PropertyGroup> 3 3 <ProjectType>Local</ProjectType> 4 <ProductVersion> 8.0.50727</ProductVersion>4 <ProductVersion>9.0.30729</ProductVersion> 5 5 <SchemaVersion>2.0</SchemaVersion> 6 6 <ProjectGuid>{A3A19C51-73D2-4EEE-A190-F1EFBF477BCB}</ProjectGuid> … … 11 11 </AssemblyKeyContainerName> 12 12 <AssemblyName>BMXNetTest</AssemblyName> 13 <AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile>IHSPrivateKey.pfx</AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile> 13 <AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile> 14 </AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile> 14 15 <DefaultClientScript>JScript</DefaultClientScript> 15 16 <DefaultHTMLPageLayout>Grid</DefaultHTMLPageLayout> … … 26 27 </UpgradeBackupLocation> 27 28 <SignAssembly>false</SignAssembly> 29 <OldToolsVersion>2.0</OldToolsVersion> 30 <TargetFrameworkVersion>v3.5</TargetFrameworkVersion> 31 <PublishUrl>publish\</PublishUrl> 32 <Install>true</Install> 33 <InstallFrom>Disk</InstallFrom> 34 <UpdateEnabled>false</UpdateEnabled> 35 <UpdateMode>Foreground</UpdateMode> 36 <UpdateInterval>7</UpdateInterval> 37 <UpdateIntervalUnits>Days</UpdateIntervalUnits> 38 <UpdatePeriodically>false</UpdatePeriodically> 39 <UpdateRequired>false</UpdateRequired> 40 <MapFileExtensions>true</MapFileExtensions> 41 <ApplicationRevision>0</ApplicationRevision> 42 <ApplicationVersion>1.0.0.%2a</ApplicationVersion> 43 <IsWebBootstrapper>false</IsWebBootstrapper> 44 <UseApplicationTrust>false</UseApplicationTrust> 45 <BootstrapperEnabled>true</BootstrapperEnabled> 28 46 </PropertyGroup> 29 47 <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' "> … … 60 78 <DocumentationFile> 61 79 </DocumentationFile> 62 <DebugSymbols> false</DebugSymbols>80 <DebugSymbols>true</DebugSymbols> 63 81 <FileAlignment>4096</FileAlignment> 64 82 <NoStdLib>false</NoStdLib> … … 70 88 <TreatWarningsAsErrors>false</TreatWarningsAsErrors> 71 89 <WarningLevel>4</WarningLevel> 72 <DebugType> none</DebugType>90 <DebugType>full</DebugType> 73 91 <ErrorReport>prompt</ErrorReport> 74 92 </PropertyGroup> … … 115 133 </ItemGroup> 116 134 <ItemGroup> 117 <None Include="IHSPrivateKey.pfx" /> 135 <BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.Net.Client.3.5"> 136 <Visible>False</Visible> 137 <ProductName>.NET Framework Client Profile</ProductName> 138 <Install>false</Install> 139 </BootstrapperPackage> 140 <BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.Net.Framework.2.0"> 141 <Visible>False</Visible> 142 <ProductName>.NET Framework 2.0 %28x86%29</ProductName> 143 <Install>false</Install> 144 </BootstrapperPackage> 145 <BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.Net.Framework.3.0"> 146 <Visible>False</Visible> 147 <ProductName>.NET Framework 3.0 %28x86%29</ProductName> 148 <Install>false</Install> 149 </BootstrapperPackage> 150 <BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.Net.Framework.3.5"> 151 <Visible>False</Visible> 152 <ProductName>.NET Framework 3.5</ProductName> 153 <Install>false</Install> 154 </BootstrapperPackage> 155 <BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.Net.Framework.3.5.SP1"> 156 <Visible>False</Visible> 157 <ProductName>.NET Framework 3.5 SP1</ProductName> 158 <Install>true</Install> 159 </BootstrapperPackage> 160 <BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.Windows.Installer.3.1"> 161 <Visible>False</Visible> 162 <ProductName>Windows Installer 3.1</ProductName> 163 <Install>true</Install> 164 </BootstrapperPackage> 118 165 </ItemGroup> 119 166 <Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" /> -
r815 r816 12 12 <ProjectView>ProjectFiles</ProjectView> 13 13 <ProjectTrust>0</ProjectTrust> 14 <PublishUrlHistory> 15 </PublishUrlHistory> 16 <InstallUrlHistory> 17 </InstallUrlHistory> 18 <SupportUrlHistory> 19 </SupportUrlHistory> 20 <UpdateUrlHistory> 21 </UpdateUrlHistory> 22 <BootstrapperUrlHistory> 23 </BootstrapperUrlHistory> 24 <ErrorReportUrlHistory> 25 </ErrorReportUrlHistory> 26 <FallbackCulture>en-US</FallbackCulture> 27 <VerifyUploadedFiles>false</VerifyUploadedFiles> 14 28 </PropertyGroup> 15 29 <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' "> -
r815 r816 1105 1105 //Use this overload to connect to the last M server 1106 1106 //using Windows NT integrated security 1107 m_ci.LoadConnectInfo();1107 //m_ci.LoadConnectInfo(); 1108 1108 1109 1109 //Use the following overload to force prompt for AV codes. … … 1113 1113 // the values you collected to LoadConnectInfo(access,verify) 1114 1114 // 1115 //m_ci.LoadConnectInfo("","");1115 m_ci.LoadConnectInfo("",""); 1116 1116 1117 1117 m_ci.AppContext = "BMXRPC";
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