Changeset 846 for Scheduling/trunk/cs

Jul 9, 2010, 5:30:43 PM (15 years ago)
Sam Habiel

Addition of new version of BMXNet21.dll
More Comments in CalendarGrid.cs

2 edited


  • TabularUnified Scheduling/trunk/cs/bsdx0200GUISourceCode/CalendarGrid.cs

    r824 r846  
    498498            g.TranslateTransform((float) base.AutoScrollPosition.X, (float) base.AutoScrollPosition.Y);
     500            // This for loop draws the time scale (although I haven't completely traced it out)
    500501            // For each row except the first one (i starts from 1 rather than zero)
    501502            for (int i = 1; i < num4; i++)
    545546                // At in this rectangle, write the minutes. Horizontal Ctr and Right Justified to Rectangle
    546547                g.DrawString(s, this.m_fCell, Brushes.Black, layoutRectangle, this.m_sfRight);
     548                // Draw Line from two points, just under the time we have just written
    547549                Point point2 = new Point(rect.X + ((rect.Width * 2) / 3), rectangle2.Bottom);
    548550                Point point3 = new Point(rect.Right, rectangle2.Bottom);
    549551                g.DrawLine(pen, point2, point3);
     552                // Increment the minutes with the time scale
    550553                num5 += this.m_nTimeScale;
     554                // If miniutes reaches 60, reset to zero
    551555                num5 = (num5 >= 60) ? 0 : num5;
     556                // When we reach the bottom (num4 - 1 is # of rows) and we are not scrolling
    552557                if ((i == (num4 - 1)) && !this.m_bScroll)
    553558                {
     559                    // Fill the last cell with Gray (?)
    554560                    g.TranslateTransform((float) -base.AutoScrollPosition.X, (float) -base.AutoScrollPosition.Y);
    555561                    rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.m_col0Width, this.m_cellHeight);
    559565                }
    560566            }
     568            //This for loop draws the cells
     569            //Start from the bottom (num4 is # of rows) and go down to the zeroth row (ie date row/resource row)
    561570            for (int j = num4; j > -1; j--)
    562571            {
     572                // For each column - 1 (we start at 1, not zero-->We drew the first column anyways in the 1st loop)
    563573                for (int k = 1; k < nColumns; k++)
    564574                {
    565                     int num12 = 0;
    566                     if (k == 1)
     575                    int num12 = 0;  // X-axis position
     576                    if (k == 1)     // If we are at the first column, start at 100px (default)
    567577                    {
    568578                        num12 = this.m_col0Width;
    569579                    }
    570                     if (k > 1)
     580                    if (k > 1)      //
    571581                    {
    572582                        num12 = this.m_col0Width + (this.m_cellWidth * (k - 1));
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