READ ME for TMG Library ;"Kevin Toppenberg MD ;" ;"GNU General Public License (GPL) applies ;"7-12-2005 This code is provided AS-IS. This is code that I use at my facility, but I make no guarantee as to its suitabilty to other situations, or to the soundness of the coding practices user herein. Note on Coding Style: 1. I use upper and lower case characters in my variable names. This is not according to VA standards (SAC), but it should not cause any problems or name-collisions because I typically do not make use of (with rare exceptions) global-scope variables. Also, I routinely NEW my variables before use, so they will go out of scope quickly. 2. I use variable names with length > 8 characters. But I always make sure the first 8 characters are unique. I feel this aids readability. 3. I spell out the full name of functions (e.g. $piece(), not $P() ). This may take some getting used to for those not used to this, but I think it is better. :-) 4. I try to document each function directly after the declaration of the function name. 5. My style is to be as modular as possible. I prefer to separate user interface with underlying code where possible (within reason). 6. At the beginning of each file, I list available public API calls. There are also private API calls, listed, but I doubt anyone would want to use them. PROGRAMS OF INTEREST 1. The GT.M debugger can be launched via: do ^TMGIDE 2. XML Exporter can be lauched via: do EXPORT^TMGXMLEX SUMMARY OF LIBRARY TMGCHR ;"CHRISTEN(INFO) This library will provide optional NON-INTERACTIVE versions of standard code. TMGDBAPI DATABASE API FUNCTIONS TMGDEBUG DEBUG UTILITIES TMGDPRSE DETAIL XML PARSE FUNCTIONS TMGDRUG FUNCTIONS FOR SETTING UP DRUGS/PHARMACY TMGEDIT EDITOR FUNCTIONS TMGFIX FUNCTIONS FOR FIXING SPECIFIC PROBLEMS TMGGDFN GET DFN (TMGGDFN) TMGIDE A Debug/Tracer for GT.M TMGIMPORT TMGINIT ;"DINIT(INFO) -- NON-INTERACTIVE versions of standard DINIT code. TMGIOUTL IO UTILITIES TMGMEDIC MEDIC INTERFACE FUNCTIONS TMGMGRST ;"ZTMGRSET(INFO) & ZOSFGUX -- NON-INTERACTIVE versions of standard code. TMGMISC MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS TMGMKU ;"ZTMKU code -- NON-INTERACTIVE versions of standard code. TMGPRNTR PRINTER API FUNCTIONS TMGPRPN PRINT NOTES FUNCTIONS TMGPUTN0 Document Upload look-up function TMGPUTN1 Document Upload look-up function TMGQIO ;"'QUIET IO To provide routines for quite (non-interactive) IO that programs can call. TMGSQL* Routines for import of demographic data from our billing system. TMGSTUTL STRING UTILITIES TMGTERM interface TMGTEST function for various programming tests TMGTIUOJ text objects TMGTPSTP GT.M STEP TRAP TMGTRAN1 ;" TRANSCRIPTION REPORT FUNCTIONS TMGTRNRP ;" TRANSCRIPTION REPRINT REPORT FUNCTIONS TMGUSRIF USER INTERFACE API FUNCTIONS TMGVPE x ^%ZVEMS TMGXDLG <--> Xdialog Interface TMGXINST XML Configuration Scripting System TMGXML1 is a test file for working with XML Documents TMGXMLE2 XML EXPORT FUNCTIONS (CORE FUNCTIONALITY) TMGXMLEX XML EXPORT FUNCTION TMGXMLUI XML EXPORT -- USER INTERFACE FUNCTIONS TMGXUP version of Vista XUP module TMGXUS2 ;SF/RWF - TO CHECK OR RETURN USER ATTRIBUTES ;07/15/2003 12:20 TMGmake file for TMG configuration script files. I would love to know if some of this code has been improved etc. Send me a copy back with your modifications. Thanks Kevin Toppenberg